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150+ Supe food

✓ Meal Recipe!:=

v Supe .-c h(lrgo

Your i\.'\etaboJism

v Revol u1 ion ·zc

Your Die
You don't
get the ass
you want by
sitting on it.
The BodyBoss Mission

We believe you con be the boss of your own body. Our mission ,s
to help you toke charge with our Superfood Nutrition and Ultimate
Body F,tness Guides.

Think of us as the friend who's on your side, but dishes out the tough
love when it's needed. No t,me to prep meals? Healthy eat,ng too
hard? Sorry babe, we don't wont your lame excuses. Commit to our
healthy eating pion, and we'll give you the tools to transform your
body, ,nside and out. That's our promise to you.

Our Guides ore simple to follow, and our Superfood meals, snacks
and smoothies ore delicious and pocked with nutrients. They're also
the perfect fuel for our Ultimate Body workouts' Whether you wont
to lose weight, banish cravings or boost your energy, we challenge
you to start unlocking your dream body TODAY.

To keep you mot,voted, we're budding the BodyBoss Movement­

bringing together a community of kick-ass women from around
the world to shore, inspire and help us all och,eve our health and
body goals.


12-Week Meal Planning & Prep Guide

Simple healthy eating pion to crush cravings. lose weight and build
the body of your dreams!

Meal-by-meal Guide to the Superfood diet

../ Built for busy women

Formulated for maximum results

,/ Discover the power of Superfoods

Over 150+ satisfying, tasty and energizing recipes

Simple daily structure: l meals and 2 snacks to fire up

your metabolism

BONUS: Worksheet to track results, lifestyle tips,

weekly shopping lists, post-workout snacks and smoothies,
plus handy kitchen hacks


If you've struggled to lose weight, it's time to rethink nutrition. Forget

crosh diets-the BodyBoss Superfood Nutrition & Recipe Guide will
help you smosh your body goals and create lifelong healthy habits!

t om so busy. How con I stop myself from eating the wrong foods?
s,ructl.Ke ,s cruc-.ol to combot cravings' The Nu�n11on Guide II o s.tructured eot,r,g pion created around
Superfoods-the most nutrient-rich foods on the pione1, with major health booefifs. All meals in the
Guic:J. or• designed to .......-gize, so1isfy and Pf•wnt 1.1nheollhy snacking.

Why don't diets ever work for me?

Restric.tiv• diets don't WOft➔ Period. You con oriy kut so l0n9, and you typicoly gain weight in rhe long
run as your me-tobollsm slowt And let's face 11-smoll, Oovo,less meals suck! 01.#' struetuted.
pion lndudes thopp,n9 hts and OI\ eoty..10 ... follow menu 9uklt We ellmi"-Ot♦ proets,td foods ond
fOGus 0I'\ h.ol1ng the body with good nU!rition. Artd all ovr m.ols or• 1010Jy ct.liiclous•

Con I eat healthy and also be satisfied?

Yes! On our eoling pion. you con. Ovr meals combine Superloods, prot9'fls, bet1eficiaf «itbs and heort­
heolthy fats lo leave you full ond wtisfied. You con ol$0 choose from o ro� of ,notM oncf Supe,food
cheat meals lo control those crOV1ng.s ond ,toy on hod:. We promise you II never be hungry!

Will I still be able to snack?

The Nutnf1on Guide 1nc:ludH 1 "'ocb o day! Sefeci from 30• hedthy ,noclu, 20• Power•Up Smoothies
ond over 10 Pwl-Workout �oye,y Soocks. Plus, the Simple (But Super) food Swop Guide leoches you
how lo snack smart, while satisfying those sugar cravings.

It is possible to get permanent results?

Yes! The Superlood Nutrition Guide helps you ochieve yout body goals AND create lifelong healthy
eat ng habit! The Guide works alongside the Body80$$ Ultimate Body Fitness Guide The Fitness
Guide's hi,gh-inreMiry workouts ore designed to rev up vcur metoboli$.m, bu:ld lean musde ond rQpidfy
burn fol. 8y combining the Gu-des, you'll b4l tn the b4lst shape of your lif.t
What's in the BodyBoss Nutrition Guide
12-Week Nutrition Program
$1(vet\lr9d .oting pion fhot pub yov ,n oonlrol, Nourish your' body, btol crov ng, ond oeh�ve
reol r�ult,.

Meal-by-Meal Plan
Eoch day ,nclud•$ 3 l'l"l.ols ond 2 s"0cks 1h01 combin• nvtr,lk,,n-d!fnM Su�food,. I.on
prorein, h•ollhy fots ond wholesom• corba,

Nutritional Tips
Leom how foods con sotlsfy, fuel ond heol N body Estoblls.h sm0tt eot1ng hobtfs for o long
ond heofthy lif♦l

150+ satisfying and energizing recipes

Gtea1 tost,ng. with optima l levels of nutnents to satisfy your hunger and fuel your body
ond broin.

BONUS Post-workout re�overy meals/sna�ks guide

lndudes 20• Power-Op Smoothies, ond 30+ munch-time ,no(b.

Approved Cheat Meal Suggestions

Your green light for 'ch&ol meals' !hot ore he-aflhy and tasty, e.g. muffins, poncokK. peonol
butter and mofet

" Simple (But Super) Food Swap Guide

leom how to ,eploce low-nutrient foods with better opt on, to feel fukf fc,- longer. and nourish
the body

✓ Worksheet for easy goal setting

Ste w•ighl los.s ond body goofs oM trod:. .,.our w,th OYr 8ody8ou workshffl. Shore
your retulls wtlh the 8ody8oH commun,ty lo ,toy mohvo1�

BONUS tips, kitchen hacks, sh opping lists and progress reports

We.ght k>ss tips, krtchtn hocks. hondy shopping l1S1s oncl progress r�s ,o help you unaock
yotJr body pottn11QI.

Not for Resole
By"is;ihng ourweblif• ond/OJ by purehosing, ,newing or dow,.ioocting onr cigitof,. e8ook.s, POF
downloads. r-sourc• moteriols, video., ph�al p,oduds, and othffconte"t ("'8ody8o$1 Con1•n.t/yoY 09fM kl
lh$$8 Terrm� Our content Is for educor1onol ond lnformcrtionol purpo&M onty.
We r•� 1M righl IO upd<»'•. change, or repbce o,wy port of IMS• T,wnw 01 onv lime We ore not r•,po,.Jb!e

If tnformohOn mode ovoiloble • not occc.role, complefle or current BocfySon COfirent should not be retted upon
0, us41d Cit ,.... bosl• f« making Otl'( '-ohh Of di.t de>c:1,,ons wllhCk.11 Artt COMUlling O ptlmoryc0t• dodOf".
Nothing on our ai. or ,n ony 8oc:ty8oM Content ll m.c:kol odvtce ondyour UM ol 8ody9ou Con1en1 i$ ot )'O'lr own
o,k. Our 11to1�,. hove nol bfftl WO�U•d bo/ ..... FOA,. ond f\O 8octy8os., Conr.nt •• lnt•nded 1C>dlognoM, lf.OI.
or c:ure o ny d MO.e

Not for Re-Sole

8ocfy1k>H ,, important port of our identily. It mck• � the bfond thot � ond W9 hove &p,tnl con,ideto._
I me, money, and en•9yon bu11dtng the 8ody9oss b1ortd ond Boct(Bon Conlent You not use our nel•duol
p� in or;ywoyfhot tf not Ol.lltw:wized b)'..;s

Sody&sa Con!ent it owMCI by 14, l,(4rnl,ec:l lo o tingle UMr, ond unc,,,ithc:,rii:«t 1.1s• • prohlbifed.. Cwtom.,. ,o� not
ollow.d 10 copy, d,h'rb\Ale, ahore ond/or tronsf.,- the ptoduc:Vs (o!'ld/or 01socloted us.ernOMe/possW'Ol'dl)
1tt.y hov• purct10..d to onyone.
tfyoo Mnd le&timonio1'. idcK>&, &tJ99"tiOM. or mot«ioll. we moy(OOI ore not reqtA,-ci) 1Aeledi1/p.1bll&h Jhem
w<thoul ony obl-got,on lo con,pe,MO!e you W• moy, but hove no obl igation to. mon,tor, •dil Of remcw. conNnt thot
w,e de!ef'IT'llne In our &de d&c·reJ!on II urlowful offen5lve, tl'lr80lentng, lbeloo•. d,efomorory, pomogroph,c, o!Mcetie
o, oth-i� objec1ionob.. or violot• any porty's tnNllocluol properly Of t� T•1ms
Body&ss II pro1ec-1ed undH all applicobtoe in1ernofionol, fedefOl •kl1e or.d locol bwt, with ALL rights 1e!erwd,

Heolt·h Discloimer
Bbdy8<ns prow:lei •x"Cise OM nulfih6n piogrami ond ser\rlCes Wtiile - � wcded wi� pt69ei� in
devek,p ,ng oor prog-om& ond Mll'VtC85-. you &hoo1d cons tiltwah opp,op,lote he<J!lh profeu-onoh befor• beginning
our p-ogt"om, W• ere not medical docto11 ond do not p«, m,edkol od-,.Ce
Body6oss Con1ent is l'llended b u1e by thot• .n good heollh end IS r,ot o •vbltlfute fc< o medroal)y prescnbed
diet pt'OQl'OM. Plea• •peok Wtlh o �col p,of..lOf\101 10 .,..,_.. II will Ml ccnfllct whh ony dietary res1rk1M)f'I,,
tT.:llootlont, supplotmen11. or food otlergi1$J, U1• of Body8011 u done at your own ma..
W• do 1'101 promise or wonon, 1h01 you v.ill octli• .,,. ony god, Of clcitn or impl'f lhor you will ocf'lkt¥o any
rewhs wtth me 1.1H of Body8o$$, 8ody8oM dOft notCOtWtfY onyworronty. •llh., @Xpreued 0t 1,,..,11e<t, °' to
ou1comos, promilos or bonefi!,. Use k ct your own� and is p,o<Aded IO you on on •os is" and •as availablo"
ba.,. W• ditclcitn Ct'f Cr'ld ol domOgtl 10 !he MO.lllmum polsiblit, @XC,tpt In ,...,\l where ..... ore unobl• ,o
In those juriKliclk>ni our liobilityk lim:1.d IIO lh. lullesl ••tt1n.l p0f&ible. Vou ogreo to inclel"l'nfyond hold IA hormleu
for ony ll'lfU'ies or domoges '° third pof"h.H due 10 or o,-lng out of yo� use o, b'e«h of these TtW"Ml
The-M T&tt'l"ll. disdoimer, ond lh• use of 13odv8ou « 8ody8os"l Conr•M ls govemed by ond core,rued in
ocoordono wirh tho tow, of s.:,g:1=c •· Any oction must bo br°'9't in Sif"'9(1poro Wt o\dd c<X,irl Tho prcr,.t0ili�
pea'ry !ti onyd.spule sl\o!I be �i!led 10 1he1t reosonobkl 011<1mey1 fe.s o.nd eos,s.
' 10

Meet The BodyBoss Superfood Guide 12

6 Fou ndolions Of The Superfood Guide 1,

Super Charge With Superfoods 16

A-Z Of The Body Boss Superfoads 19

Simple (But Super) Food Swop Guides 26

9 Tips For Weightloss 20

Gelling The Most From This Guide 32

12 Rules Of The Superfood Diet 3A

Body Goo Is Worksheet 35

The 12 Week Journey 37

Equipment You'll Need 38

Kitchen Hocks 39

The Cheot Club AO

Join The Movement A2


6 Foundations of the Superfood Guide

0- Sfructured Meal Plan

A gJ,-uc:tur♦d mtol pion 9'TIPQW♦N yov
lo control your aoV1ng5, fiNI solist..d
ond lose weight Built around nutnhou1
Superfood$.. lhe meol pion eilmir-atos
I" ,r all processed and refined foods.


Th♦ Svp-,rfood Guid♦ was creoltd 10

h♦!p you ochiev♦ .,.our uniq,u9 body
90011. You'I teom to moll.• permon♦n'I
posit,ve <hongo$ lo your del ond «1joy
Qr80ter tiflergy.
A Nourishing Superfood.s

Th♦ 8odv8o4,t SYp♦rlood Nutrifw>n

Guide incorporole, Sup&riooc:b in every
meal to h&ol and energ�e your body.
The true mogic of Superloods l,e& in
Ta: ·y & E, rgizing M, a'e 1he�r nutrient densily, molting them the

Our meals conlo n the ideal botonce of

-0 perfect weight loss fuel.

klon prO'te.n. h9011hy fots, Super-foods

and complex carbohydrates You'll feel
full, sotis.fied and energetic. You won't
g&I bore-cl or feel deprived., os all Goodbye Cravings
ond snocb ore ful1 of flavor•
Wilh 3 full, ptus 2 ,no-ch doily,
you won't feel depnved. By rl>moving

foods with zero or low nvtrit,onal value,
our meal pion helps you e$COpe the
Fired-Up Metabolism cra,.;ing cycl4t
Oromoticolly reducing your food intake
causes 'fOlK metobohsm to sk>w os your
system enters o ·state of emergency·.
Pleasure hos lh• opposite •ff.ct. When
you eot numenr-dense food in the rig ht
woy, yovr body retoxe• ond burn, fol
OS fool.

Super Charge with Superfoods

Superfoods provide more than just the energy; they're foods with
real-deal benefits! Pocked with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and
phytonutrients, many Superfoods hove been prized throughout the
ages. However, the idea of balancing our bodies wilih food is newly
popular, as research reveals we con heal our bodies from within.

The power of Superfoods lies in nutrient density, or the ratio of

nutrients to calories. Foods high in calories with relatively few
nutrients, like French fries, hove o low nutrient density score. Spinach,
on the other hand, hos o near perfect score!

When considering what makes o food •super·. we look ot the

following ospecis in terms of health and weight loss benefits:

Reduce the do,noge of free rodico1s lmprow OWtOII heollh
Support rh• ,mmU('I• fVSlttn Improve heart heo'lh
Prote<11he body fr-om harmful condihons

Fiber Minerals

tmp,ovei 69.srlvt h•otth Essential for the body lo grow and

Lowers cholos.!erol function eff&etive1y
Helps l'r'IOintoin h•ort h.o!th Enobl• th♦ body to prOOtH vitom1ns
Supports weight lou Assist nerve and musde function. bone
fom,otion. collagen productioo...ond
StobdiHS blood wg0t level$
• Keeps rhe bowel healthy


The building block, of life! Suppon cor<hovosculo1 heotth
1--Wps bu'.ld ond r•poir tiuues Crueiot for h•olthy btOtn fun«ion
Aids growth ond developmanl Lowe-r inftommolion
Contains amino ocids needed to create Boost the tmmune syste,m
titf"'IZymes ond hormon,es Leave you feeling full ond sot�ned
Helps you feel full, solisfied and in
control of cravings


E...-ntiol fet th• body 10 grow ond 'Th• mog ,c wand that •nobl• th• body
fu.nchOtl •tt.cfiwly to p,,c,duet ♦niym,.s, hormo�s. and
Help prevent vonoug d .seoses Ofher wb$fone41s that or♦ e$Hnl1ol for
proper growth and developme,nl'"
Support ,mmun• functl(ln
lnsu'ffic ent microoutri•nts r♦sults in
Promore healthy s.kjn, eyes a n d bones
Aid wound heoling
rnor• d,s.os-e, p,emolvr• oging and
high dtgrodo1'°" oflht body

Phytonutrients Probiotics

F04,,,in<I in fruits & v♦gg�s Help 10 boott lmmul\4' sy11em

Loss cruciol lhon vilomins a mine,ols. Vilol for heoffhy digestive function
bu1 wwy benehciol Pro1e-c1 ogo ,nst bowel condihon,
Promor•-v•, bon• ol\d htort htolth Fight food-bofne illness
Help to prevent d..seoses

A-Z of the BodyBoss Superfoods

Acai Avocado
Thes.e purple-blod berries rank. o� nature's mos, With moreporossium lhon o bonono. avocado
concentrated source of ontioxidonts. boosting i:sfull of heort-heolrhy folly ocids ood helps D
1en times mo,e fhon gropes ond rwi� that of lo 'wer cholesterol. A nof\lro1 onli-inflommo10fy,
blueberries. A heal ng. immune-srimulotlng, odd ovocodo 10 yourdler f0t svpple joints ond E
•nttgy�boosting frvit lhof moktt o dtlicious �
$1'10ek o t any,,,,.,. of doy F
✓ Antio,1,kton,a Mln♦ral1! c:aklum, c:op.,.r, phosphorus., G
MW'l•rols: cokium, CopfMr, poloHium. potassium, mag.nesium
mognesiurn. zinc Vltomins.: A. C, E H
,.. Vitomint.: A. C. E Flbff
Fi.b•r Anti-innammotory

Almonds Beans
As lhe m0$f nutrit,onotly dense nut, j ust o handful
Simple, c.heop and nurririous. beans mok.e o
o f almonds will hll vou up. They're high in protein g<•ot oddifon to Of'IP/ diet. fvll of prot-n ond L
and heort-fnendlyfot, plus esaenttal v1tomns fib«, 1h.-,·I'♦ digested slowly, k.Nplng hung♦r or
and minerals to suppor1 cordiovosculor health boy. Beons also h♦lp &ow.I' chol♦s,•r'OI. M
and make your skin glow.
.., Minerak; iron, potoHlum, mognNh1m
Y1tomlns.:: most of 8-group N
Mt,'l•rals: caklum, phosph,oru.s, potassium,
mongon.ese, moresium 0
Vitamin..: 82., E
Anti-inflammatory p

Atc:h in free radical-tighting ontioxidont,, these R
We've al heord the ·on apple o day
lrrtte bemes hove big benehts for the bro1n and
kMPS the dOCIOf away,• and il't good advice.
Rich in ont,o�donh and d etory hbetr, opplH g•t blood SOQOI' Jewls.cho$♦$ttl'OI and mot•. s
on A• Antioxi<font,
Antioxidant• Mln♦l'ah: cakium, copper, iron,
mongon♦M, potassium, zinc
Minerals; coklum, phosphon.1•, potouiwm, u
mognesiwm .., Vitamins 8-group, C
Vitamins.: B•group, C Fiber V
Fib•r "" Anti-inflammatory

A-Z of the BodyBoss Superfoods

Broccoli Carrots
Low 1n c:olon•s ond high in viton-icu, minerols Corrots get 1h♦1t c<>lot' from their bt>to-co,01e-ne
ond phyt()(;h•micol, 11"1Cluding b•lo-coroteM, thll content. &to-carotene converts lo vrtom,n A in
member of the cabbage fom1ty .so nutrrtional rhe body, wh ich benefits our eye and skin heo"th,
C heavy weight. A cup of cooked broccol boons o as well as keeping oU< immune system running
high fiber content, and as much vitamin C os on ,moothly. Pocked wilh fiber and on1ioxidon1t.,
r ora�! they're mos1 nutr1ttous &aten row.
Antio.11.idonts Antio.11.idonta
Mineral!: iron. MOgne-siurn, phosphorus, Minerals: copper, monganese, phosphorua,
H potouium, zinc potaulum
Vitamin,: 89 (folote). C, E, K Vitamint:A. B (1,2,3,6}, C, K
F- Fiber
Anti-inOommotory Anti-inf'lommatory

Cabbage Cherries
A natural bro n booster with a super-low colone Chernes ore valued for the-.r ontl-inflommotOty

count. cabbage pocks a mighty ont,OJUdont­ ond omioxidonr benefits. They ore olto norure's
phVfonument punch. The high level ofviromln K only �ree of �ron,n-lhe hOf'mone tho·1
h•lps suppo<t strong, MOl!hy bones � yw drift off to tleep, The ,.ct fru,t ,s olso
Antio,ddont, 1<Md lo help prev•n• eo�er, reduce btilly fa1 and
Min•ralt.: caldum, mogne-tlum, phosphorus, lowor lhe risk of slroke!
potoS:Sium, sodium Antioxidants
Vitamin,; C. K Minerolt: calcium, <:opp•r, magnetium,
Anti-Inflammatory (esp•eialty r•d cabbage) photphon.,t, potouium
Vitamin1: A.. C, E


- 8

Chia Seeds Cacao (raw powder, unsw•etened)

Chio seeds ore nutril+Onol powerhouses with Good news for chocolate lovers: row cocao
voluoble micronutrienlS. They ore tnown as powder" one of lhe mosJ ontioxidont-rich foods
1he best plant source of omego-3s ond dso on the planet Pocked w1h flovonoicts.. :ocoo
boosr ont'"1ntlommorory onhoxidonts ond hos benefits for blood pressure, choles·ero l and
mt1obolism-boos1i� Ofgon<: oCtds A chio sMd mood 11 0!10 https to notvrolly supprt-ss th♦
con abS<Hb 9 h"""" its �ghl ,n woltl'. h♦lpong op�,., rnok.,n,g If o u,•fvl W4'�t los.,o,d F
)'04.I feel full. Antioxidonts
Antloddonr• Min•rols: calciun'\, copp•r, iron,
Mine,als: cakium, iron, mongones•, mogn•s.ium, mogonH•, potassium. zinc H
mognef.h.UT\ phosphort.H, poto$sium. Yitomins: B-group, C, E
VitoMin..: e. D, E
Coconut: flesh, water & oil J
We've gone nuts for coconuts, s.Zpping on the
•lectrofyte-rich watw. blending lhe meal in •
our smoothies ond us ing rhe oH ,n our coolt ng
Coconut hos o hosr of benefits: It's ontl>oct♦rlol L
and onflfungol, ond M4ps to stobihz.t blood
Cinnamon wgor 1.-wb ond bo0$1 thv mc,,lobohm M
The ptrfeet o<fdition to yogun, oott and Minerals: eoldum, iron. mogneshm.
t,moolh,es, onn<u-non Is o Sf>C. with H
phosphorus, sel•nlum, sodium
ne, r.cfibl9 M<J<th MNflt,. As wft l os r9ducl-f'lg
Vitamin.; C, E. 8-group 0
n, ftommo-ion, it he lp• regulo'• b'ood sugor
kwel$. Anl \bocteriol ond on11fungol, it o1so FilMr
improves :irculofton and low1:us le\l&ls ol bod Anti-inflommotory p
Minerals; cakium. magoneM
A greol source of high-quoity proloin, &ggs
boos! oU 8 essential amino o6ds. They conroin o
w-=te range of minerals and vhom.ns. including
wlenlUl"r\ ond bone-streng1hen1ng vo1o�·M O.
With o combinotion of pror•n and fot (found in T
th• yolk), •99• or• hlln
, g ond �,fy..,g ,
Min•rola: '°lciurn, iron, ••l•nium. zinc
YitomiM: A, 812, 0, E y

A-Z of the BodyBoss Superfoods

C Flax Seeds Grapefruit

High in heo,1..heotfhy ome,go-3s ond with ple(ity long consumed os o d•e'I food. this tori c,trus
of fib•r. tlox ,ee<h ore onlio,vdonl o ll-slOrJ thot fru,t nol onty boo11, th• immun• ,V$te,m with
help boosr your meiobo,sm They're rich rn plant vitamin C, ,t supercharge your metobolism With

lignons, on important source of phytoestrogens ben.eti1s for blood pressure ond cardiovoscuk>r
with benefits for breosl, heart and p,O1101• heohh. ii olso hetps keep skin supple end
heollh, blood glucose. body �ht and more smooth. !Jarious stud,es suppon lhe 1nc:IUS4on of
An1ioxidonta grapefruit 1.n o weight loss diet.•·

Minerals: caklurn. man9ane1.._ Iron, Antio.addonh

II poto11ium. mogntalum. aelenlum, zinc Mineroll: calcium, mognulum

Yitomin,: 8-group, E Vitamin,: A. C

Omoga-3 Fiber
Anti-inOommotory Anti--inflommotory

Garlic Greek Yogurt

W-rth il5 delicious scent, garlic is onl1bocteriol Gfffl yogur1 refer, to yogurt that hos been
and ontMrot Often 1ok.en as o aoppfemenl 10 ,trained of whey unti It hos o creamy texture
word off cokfs. 11 also helps p<event <.hronk ond tart roste. W'tth fewer wrbs and IHs

intlommotion. tugor, it also hos around doubl• th• prot•in of
AntioJddont, r-.gulo r yogut1 It's pocic..d wll'h 1ummy0 frltndly
problo11ca ond .- h,gJ'i il'I br<i1n-b00$f1ng
Min•rals.: coklum, cop�r. lrM, mogon••••
vilomin 612
0 phosphorus, potassium, sel♦l\fum
Vitamin,; Bil, C
p Minerals: c:olc:ium, �on•M
Vitomina; 86,812
Anti .,inf'lommotory
Popu!Ot tn l'Mdic,nt for d 9"ttOn and po1n
� r&lief. ginger ol&o noturolfy relieves r'IOU$90, On&
study fo...,d 11 as effectrw os ibup,ofen., CK1s1ng
period po,n•. Ginger o!so promotes heollhy
brain function. due lo ds onti-inflommo1ory
u properties.


,..._, ..........
·O.rpG Ciol,M ""'-r"C--,ol•.-_llol,;t,yllt
V Minerota; c:olcium. mongonea.e, ,� .. ,.... ........
., mog.neMum. phoap.tlorua, potoHium.
Vitomina:8:J,, a 15,. C
d�•'-.'JNIM'IC�t M--d lo<»� §(1')1�))

0'""'-4GO(.�(l .....,.,J-Y--,Y .... e•fe(1t,ol�

X Anti-i.nOommotory O'IWfo9N� ""-'"_._. ,...,...,......

• .,,.,. m••otu:111<


Green Tea Parsley C

One of the heotfhie6t dnnb on the plonel, green 1his dork green, leofy herb is surprisirigty h,gh m
lea i• pocked with onhoJtidonts end nutrient,. nu1ritionol volue with ompl• ontiOJtidant p,0'1,Wrs. D
As wel os hnng rhe me 1obolism. green teo Addo sprink:le of parsley to vaur meols to
promotes ti.ohhy broin tv�lon ond yoor p<omo1e heort and bone health, protef;f ogoinst E

iklnglow. dt1eose ond slfe-ng1hen the in•vyu,1ne SYfl.«YI

Antioxkklnts AntioJlidont,
M,r'lerals: c:aklum, mogn..Jum, potoulum, Mln•rol s: colc:lum, fotote, Iron
phosphorus Vitomina: A., e. c. E. K
Vitamins.: 8
This fruit's jewel•like seeds ore rich in vilomin
C ond antio,;:idonh tt's been shown to reduce
inflommotion ir. tht di<,-ufivti troct, r�
Nature'$ Q<)lden heoler, honey hos o swee1 arthritis and ;oinl paW'I and help lower blocd
repvtotion 1h01', boek.C vp by SOt'flot ,tnout
p,e:ssure It olso boosts VoUr sk,n's gk>w
onhbocttnol ond onhfun,gol f)(0pe11 .,,,
Lood.d with onfio.-.idont.1 to help prevent
ce•utor domoge, I wos once fovored by Mineral.,: colciurn. iron, potouium,
onctent Otymptcn athletes to enhonG1:1 thew •el•nium, zinc
performance. Vitamin.: B, c. K.
Antaollidonlt: Fiber
Mineral,; copp9r, iron.. mongonen, Anti-imt'lommoi'ory
potoHium, ••'-niurn, zinc:
VHomlns.: 8, C:
This oncienl super grain is pocl:ed with protein,
Onions high in fiber ond boosts alt 9 essentlOI amino
With ph)'1ochemcol, ond vitamin C, onions hotp aods. 11 oonr·ains rhousands of trace nu1ri•nts,
,mprOWt immunity and regulate blood ,ugor. "°""'8 of whic:h or• •xtr.,-nt!y htdthy. It's �f•c:t
High m flovono.ds. onion, ore o ,tondout source fo, pe,oplt with glut� into,ler()(lc:• ond ho$ a low
of ontio)l(idonl-rich quercefin, wtlich hos onti­ gtyeem1e indlel\, improving blood sugor c:o,.ntrol
inflommoto,y benetils Eohng onions hos 8'ien

and aiding weight toss.
been shown 10 lower our nst of several concers 1 Antioxidants u
Antiioiddont, Minerals: iron, mognesium, potassium, zinc
Minerola: coklum. iron Vi1amin.: B, E y
Vitamin..: 86, C Fiber
Fiber Protein
Antii•innommotory Anti-inf'lommotory X

A-Z of the BodyBoss Superfoods

Salman Spinach
TM heol lh ben-efits. c4 eoting ,olm-on ore This IUPf"'• gre&n is pod:ed with vitomins,
numerous. Not only is ,1 on excellent source ontloxidonts. ond mine<ols 1h01 incre-ost mvsdt
of 'litornf n 812. viromin O and sefe<1ium, tfflc,ency, combo1 many conetrs, boo$t •v•
C it's olso poclc.ed w·th omego-3 folly ocids, htohh and fight og1ng, Eo11ng spinach l\.os be•n
prote-if\ phosph<>tus and poto"-!um, Scfmon linkltd w,lh o reduchon in th• rl$k. of itJn conc..r
r d OHOCtOled with dtcrtottd rlP: of joint and protect-.on ogo.nM bone problems.
<1flomm,otion, o heolrhy ,mmunt ,y,tem ond AMlaxJdal'ltt
high-function,ng thyl'Old Plus 1t, o $9Cr•t
Mlnerola: iron. mognealum. niodn, zinc
weapon for smooth. aupple
Vitomina: A. C, E, K
Min•rol,; coklum, potoui1,1m,,
�enium Protein

\litomlns: A, 8, 0 An-ri-inflommotory

• Protein Sweet Potato
Anti-inOommotory This high achieving roe! vegetable is on
outstanding source of v.tom,n C. which helps
moin1o·n skin's you1hful elost,ciry, and viromrn 0,
Sesame Seeds which hatps mo,M0in heolthy bon1&. AJthough
Theg.e delicate seeds ore greo1 as o garnish or they'<• no'h.JroNy •�•t•, s�at .. pototOff
ground inlo toh:ni. Full of mogne�um-o or• low-GI Otld do not OOU$9 blood s.u90t sp•••·
nvtrieol k.nown lo hetp lower blood pres.sut&­ AntioJCidonta
th-r od &gesr,on ond collagen p,oduction,
Mlnoral,: coppar, iron, potauium,
Wlfh on11o)udonr and Mfl•il"lf\ommOfOl'y
prof)$-l'lifl for o heotthy heart. they also
support o h9olihy hwr Vitamin.: A. e. c. E
• Antioxidant,
Min•rals: cokium, cop.,.,, iron, Protein

mongon•M. iinc Anti•i, nflommotory
Vito min,: A, 8

T Fa-
u An'li •innammotory


. . .
. . . ••

. . . ..
•" ... . . •.•·

•• •
.. c-
, .. ..

••• • •
_ _..c_ •,•
• . -:· .. ••••.
•-•• •• ••

Tomatoes Walnuts C
Tomo1oos ore low in cobnM but h•gh in nu•f'ition. Wolnu1s contain protein, a vori•ty of es..ntiol
Cooked or raw, tomoto.s ore a top source of minerals and o good doH of o!pho-h�ic D
minerals,¥tomins and phytonutrients. The,.r red cod-on omego-3 fatty odd found ,n p1ont,.
hve comet fr<:r'n lycopeM-o (OIOlenold ktlown While they ore not lhe lowesl calorie food, lhev E
IO b♦�ht "'-ort h.atth-ond 1"-Y h� onti­ mote o nvltient-dense ond &flock. The nut
,nflon,t'l'l(,to,y pow.,-,s, thats shaped kke o brain 1$ also sod to improve F

Antioxkklnt• memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

Min•rols:copp•r, magn.sium, phosphorus, AntioJC.idont,

potossiurn, mongon••• Min•ro1,: copper, mongan..� mogn
..1urn, H
Vitomint:A. 8-group, C, l phosphorut

Fib•r Vitamin-= 86, E

Anti-inflcmmotory Fiber
Protein J

Rich in ont,o�donh, thr$ 5uper-,pice hos long L
been port of ,byurvedic proct,ce, but it's onlv
recentty rhe Western work:I hos jumped on Poc:l:ed w th prote-in, gut-heoling p•obiotla o.nd M
boord. Th• incredibl• onti-inOommotory pow« min.-ols including c:oleium, yo9ur1 is o n-.i1rihous
of rurm♦rlc •� in It$ c:or�um,n content. Thd dory food with o bud:•tful of htollh t.ft•hts, N
polyphenol ol<b in dtr0Juftco11on, notvrolly ThtM ll"ICluc:t. 0 flon•r SfOIYl<ICh. t>tu.,- .m.muMy,
oll•viotes po r. boloneM �ood sugor Ol"ld boosts llronger boMs and low•r blood �r• 0
the 1mmun9 S)'Slem Min•rol•: coleium, mogn..ium,
Antioxidant• phosphorus, potouium, zinc p

MW'lerols: iron, mangone.s• Vitomint: A., B-group, E


Vitamins.: 86 Probiotic•
Protein R


,►\. .\.
1 ........
.. , t
• •

Simple (But Super) Food Swap Guide

It's so easy to start living o healthier life, simply by swapping

low-nutrient or zero-nutrient foods for delicious, nutrient-dense
Superfoads. You'll feel satisfied and full of energy, and love seeing
the benefit SlJCh eosy swops will hove on yolJr body! Superfoods
provide more than just energy; they're foods with real-deal benefits.
Nutrient-dense and delicious, our Superfoods will leave you satisfied,
energised, and feeling pretty darn amazing!

No! Yes!

White bread r't\Jlt, rain

processed • high fiber
high sugar • • . •> high protein
• locks nutrients keeps you fuller

Margarine C'oc � t Oil

• processed natural
• high trans fat onti-inOommotory
ortificiol • • . .> high in antioxidant::.

___,( ..____)_
high saturated fol high omego-3
high cholesterol • • •> immunily boosting
good in moderation good for the heart

Vegetable Oil M Jam· O'I

• processed high omega-3
• high saturated fat • • . •> high vitamin E
full of GMOs lowers cholesterol

Refined Sugar
• linked to obesity antibacterial
• causes headaches, high in anlioxidonts
stress, fatigue and
belly fol
• . ·> natural

Simple (But Super) Food Swap Guide

Mocha G en "
high in calories high omego-3
• high in sugar ·> immunity boosting
caffeine crash leods to poor good for the heart
snacking choices

White Rice Quinoa

• nigh-GI • high protein
• nigh in carbohydrates
• •> high fiber
low in starch

White Pasta Q "
• highly processed gluten-free
• flour is stripped of all
nufrients . • • •> high protein
high iron

Cakes & Pastries T,. a ts

high in trans fot natural ingredients
• high in calories • • • •> less sugar content
high in sugar controlled portions

Milk \lmond �ilk

nigh in saturated fot low corories
• nigh in calories
nigh cholesterol
• •> high in vitamins A ond D
no saturated fot

_______ ...____
Iceberg Lettuce �in r h
low in essential nutrients high in essential nutrients
• short shelf life
•• > high in antioxidonts
mointoins good vision

9 Tips for Weightloss

Ditch •zero Nutrition" Foods

CUI out foods with ze<o ot low nutritional 1o1ol.e, such as processed foods, refined sugar,
alcohol. morgonne ond v�·oble otls. These oddtcflve foods promote nflommotion ond con
moke you feel groggy, fired, cro.nlcy ond swolen. Reploce them wifh our healthy Superloods!

8 Banish Toxic Drinks

N\ony �as cont-01n refined 1u9or, h,gh-fructose corn $yrup and arhflool Oavora-oll of
wh;ch ore stored as beUy fat. A bener choke is mineral waler with some lemon, green lea,
or kombucho. Or. for o natural ene<gy and mind boost, mote a qi.Ack ond easy Superfood
Smoolh1e (page 10 of Book four)

Go For Whole Wheat Carbs

When eating carbohydrates, choose whole wheal or groin. os it means 0 tighe,- protein and
tiber content. This ,s great for your digesnon, ond keeps vcu feeling ful f.or longer.

0 Prepare Snacks in Advance

AHernoons con b9 tough, so hove your $J"IOCl prepared. Keep din yoor bog or ot work to k.ffp
you from reaching for htgh-colone convenience foods.

C, Stay Hydrated
Adeqvote hydration is vital for your organs. If yoY're not getting enough woter you con &Jtp&CI
break.outs, fatigue, bro1n fog, bloo-ing or midday exhousflOfl. 1 lrter o doy 1& the m1n1mum; 2 �
ideal if you're worting out as you'll fose o k>I of woter weight.
• •- • • • • •• • • • • •• • •
•• • •• •• • • • • • • ••
• • • • • •
' • • • • • • • • • • •• • •
• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •
• •• • • • •• • •• • •• •
•• •• • •• •• •
• •• • •• •• • • • • • • •
• • • • • -•- •

• • • • -• • •
• •• • -

0 Get Moving
Too l,red, loo b�v.- Ifs easy to make excuses nol lo exercise. II helps to build o dOllv routine
tho1 iocludff exerc,se time, ideofly 1n the morning. We recommend the 8ody8o!.s Ultimate Body
Fitness Guide-our complementary 12-week fitness program, with o high inrensiry formu)o that
unbck.s your bocfy pote-n!Hll. FAST. Use bolh Guide, at once fo, the best results.

Stress Less
Slress couse11M body lo relreol into �fight or flighl' mode. The '"uhin9 surge of cortisol
con uP54H rhe hormonal bolon,c.e of 1he body. Heolth issues from unmor'IOged Wtil include
occ-vmulo1,on of belfy fot, i�mnio. high blood preuur•, body ochtt and po1ns. o�ry ot1d o
w.c,k,., 1mmvne system! To tnhone.yo.Jr wellbeing. focus. on ,-dvclng '''"' and try relO)(Ol.On
procite91 lk.. yogo. o long both or medrtot1on,

0 Prioritize Sleep
Slucli" show the quolity and quantity of your sleep influences weight. W'hen you haven't slept
�ough. there it mo<• (O(t1so,I fbw,hQ oround you< bodyond � body t<i•s to conMt"Vt tntrgy
Sting t1<td dso mok.ts .,.ou l•n lik.tly to work out ond n'l()<• lik.tly to mok.t poor food cho.<:H So

0 Detox Baths
An Epsom so11 both is known to r♦li•\Ht lnflommotlon, $00th• oching po-ns ond rreot
htodochff. Tht mogn•sium in lh• Epsom JOits h-tfps th• body lo prod1.1¢t ••rotonin,•.which
meon5 you11 feel omozlf'lg.

Getting The Most From This Guide

So now you hove o pion for the next 12 weeks ond you're on your
woy to unlocking your body potential. Well done, you! We know
we've given you all the tools you need for o healthier, happier life...
but we're not saying it will be easy. The best things rarely ore!

Before you stort your journey, moke sure you read our 6 quick tips
for success. They'll help keep you motivated and occountable. And
omplify your results.

Set Your Gools

Ifs so impor1onl lo set goals before embarking on o body changing
experience And you dehnrtety need to your mo11votions. Why are
✓- you embarking on 1h1s 12�week journey? Is 1110 lo$e weight? Hove more
✓ tf'er9Y? Kick bod CKJting hobils?Wt'vt- <;r.ot.c! o hondyW()rtsh ..1 os
✓ port or,� Gvidt,10 hetp y04J �t gods ol'K:t ♦s1ob1 1sh o foundohc>n for
chonge Oum1g the neix1 12 �•kt. we recomm-end you refer boc:� to thia
works.heel10 stay focused on your goals, especiotlv wh&n the going gets
tough. R9fflember why you ore h9re ond what you wont to och,ew!

Take A Before Pic:ture

Whether you wont to lose we-ight, odd muscle, lone up or become
heohh1er, before pic1ures ore on tool As women, we hte to SEE
the change. We need to know if somelhing rho1 we're trying so hard to
do is working. Sure, th• scale will lell us the number of pound• we ve losl,
but whot ,f we go1n muscle? How (01\ we 1elt? How con w e 1ell if we've
go ned too• in our ob$. built beout ful strong orms. sh,nl'Md down our
thighs« ga ned o ,milt along 1he woy" 'V/e'w $Mn so many b.tort or.d
of1•r photos ond W9 love that w• con 1t1I how- yov FEEU Yov·r• cormdeol,
your body languoge is omoting ond you·r• gloww,g wilh hoppine-.n1

Share Your Journey
Once you've committed, tall oll of your friends and family. Tel them what
you plan to do and who1 you woni to ochr..eve-thot way there's no going
bock.! Start by raking o before picture and tilling out the worbheet. then
s hor• 1h.- on your soetOI medio pog•s.. Along 1h• ;ourne,y, you con shot•
your picrur.s and rtsults Trvst vs, rhts w,11 pt0pel big changes

Keep a Journal
(ffplng o dol?y diary kHps you hoMst obou1 your, ond 1ft o
r.ol molivotor 10 slay on track. ft')(:lvd• nofes on how yovr food
progrom went-,f you stuck. to ti--. program, what worked, wtio1 didn't•
.&.110 record your work.out hme and general ene,gy leveb

Get A Superfood Nutrition Buddy

Buddying up helps to keep you motivoled, plus shoring the journey
it more fun. Keep each olher inspired and accountable loy arranging
meob toge�her, doing your shopping together and awoppmg no1es on
your progress, each step of the way.

Get Fit
When yov begin to mote posit,..,. chong•s 1n yovr lift, th•s• �
o mvlf1pf 1tr tff•c1 oncl 01htr po1,111v• ehong.s now Or\. Wh•n you're
•otlf'lg right you'r♦ rtfvtUn9 your body ond mind With n<ew entf9)' ond
V1QOr Chonn•I ths enet"gy inlo reidis<OY9nng tho! lost tit�s If yo,.J eon
i,chedule 30 m1nu1es eoch doy to move yovr body, lhol's olreody o step 1n
tho righ1 direction.
12 Rules Of The Superfood Diet

Fill ou1 the worksheet ond set your goofs.

Follow the guide meol-by-meol for 12 weeks.

Drink 2 cups of woter in the first 10 minutes of waking up each day.

Eot breakfast within the first 30 minu1es of waking up.

• Try to be finished with dinner by 6pm.

If you fall off the wagon, start again with breakfast the next day as per
the menu plan.

• Be active-work out, stretch, walk to work and plan active meet-ups

wilh friends, like tennis or yoga.

Get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Go for the cheat meals when you hove cravings but not more than
once a week.

• When you foll off the wagon, hove o cheat meal or feel bloated or Oat,
reboot with a detox smoothie.

Avoid processed white food, white sugar and empty corbs-they don't
belong in any diet.

Don't waste food. leftovers con be used as o snack or main meal the
following day.

• • •

Starting my BodyBou Journoy:

........./.. . /20.........

Body Metrics


.... ,.,., ..,........ IO'ft

.................... I IQ
.................... le""


Body Gools
'Whal-� 3 body 900!1 few fhec.omlng 11-b?
(•9, lo+•�tii. ,iii,'"( 1lmrr,;-,._ � foodi.i m,biliini)

1 ........................................................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................................................... ..

3 ........................................................................................................................

Take Your 'Before' Picture

K..,. fo, YQl,I' own��• 01 ..._ w,lh tomily ond
�1 IIO 110)' fl'IOtM:ltrld. S.. pog• l'6 fcl, IMtNt·llons.


Great Work! You've d•fined your dream - now let'• make it reol,
Body Goals Worksheet

This it lhe doy I become a c•rtified 8ody8ou:

......... /........ I 20.........

Body Metrics

.................... /c:m

, ..
.................... 141
.................... /cm
.................... /c:m

How much I've lost

�,. �.a 11'1♦ t!O•I (1,4 lht �•OQIOll'I


"' ln<h
............................... I� ................................ /an ...................... ......... /c:m

Feeling awesome?
Don't stop tMre-thi■ iaju■1 th■ start of your BodyBon
jo1.1m■)I, Unlock yo-ur dream body_.for life!

We would love to h,a,ol' your story. Shor• your Journey

with ua on s.oclal media using #bodybou #bosutt■ct

(!l)bodybou'"ethod or email us at hello<f) and
get a Bodylost cop Vl'Mn we f♦CJtur■ Y(KI.
The 12 Week Journey

Book 1: Intro To Sup erfoods





Book 2: Meal Plans For Weeks 1-6

Wffl; -t
' 3
,,u,NS, SlrU ,C.t:S

Book 3: Meal Plans For Weeks 7-12

WHl 1.12


II � �

I Book4: Bonus Recipes


SMOOT IOU ouu,,, D*Ull•GS


Equipment You'll Need

Frying Pon
or Skillet

Porchment Poper

6' Measuring
Spotulo V Spoons
0 ?
Wooden Spoon

Meosuring ()

Food Processor
Kitchen Hacks

Eating well CAN be easy, especially if you use our kitchen hocks!

✓ Set aside Sunday to make a few days' meals. Then, during the week,
you con just grab and go!

✓ If you're super busy or don·r like o meal option, whip up o quick

Superfood Smoothie instead.

Instead of reaching for o sugary snack, freeze some berries for when
you need a sweet treat!

Store smoothie ingredients in ziplock bogs to save time.

Puree and freeze veggies ond odd to soups and sauces to boost lhe
fiber and nutrient content.

Add tofu to your smoothies for a creamy texture, and protein and fiber
hit that will fill you up.

Up your smoothie's calcium and protein by using almond milk ice cubes
instead of regular ice.

Moke your own low-col ice cream with frozen fruit and o blender. You
con make o delish cherry chocolate chip ice cream with frozen cherries
and banana, and it's only 126 calories o serve!

For extra smooth and moist baked goods, replace the butter with
mashed avocado.

So for so good, bu, now It's time to get a llnle naughty.
Grob a spoon, l•t your hair down and ind11l9• o lltlle.
Just on• P•' w••k though. ft'Jt b• our Wtl• ucr•t.


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Join the

• • @)bodybossmethod •

@)BodyBossMethodCommunity •

L•arn + Shar• + lnaplr•

the goal.
the effort.

Eosy Peosy Food Storage 5

How To Uie Our Meal Pion$ 6
Must-Hove Ingredients 7

Week 1 8
Shopping li$t & Sunday To-0o List 9
Weekly Meal Plans 10

Week 2 14
Shopping Lisi 6. Sunday To-Oo List 15
Weekly Meal Plans 16

Week 3 20
Shopping List & Sunday To-Do list 21
Weekly Meal Plans 22

Week4 26
Shopping list & Sunday To•0o List 27
Weekly Meal Plans 28

Week 5 32
Shopping Li,t 6. Sunday To-Oo Li,t 33
Weekly Meol Pion$ 34

Week 6 38
Shopping list a Sunday To-Do List 39
Weekly Meal Plans 40

Recipes 44
Breakfast 45
Mains 61
Snoc-ks 91
·,• .. .,._,
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... .

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Easy Peasy Food Storage

Storing your food properly is os important os moking it!

Prepping It Freezing It

ol d Brr. ,, ,J(,
When p-eparing your &alods m odvonce, don't Keep r, the freezer for up to J monihs. Whoa'
toss them with dressings until reody to serve! This
�--� your i;;olod, fr1Hh and cr,,p (� lot'lgw.

Cool ro room temperature and use Use ice cube
troy, to fr..z• tmol poc1i0ns of pesto and soup .
Poek. the .,g,ed1en1, ffPOrOle,Y vnhl reody to Trons.fttr the CtJbes 10 o Z,plock bog or 01Mr
wve! Tt• pre,•nts soggv wrop1,] fr99zer-proof contoiNK and d w,11 be easy to pull
out exoctty what you need for your nex.1 meal
Save hoH on o,rocodo by leov,ng the seed m lhe � .a al d
fruit and p11tt1r9 ,1 face down in a bo'M of water Cool to room temperature and use 11ghtty sealed
to pre-vent if from oxidizing. con1o·ner, to s10re for up 10 3 monlhs.

Sook cut apples in a soltwot« solution(�

teaspoon soh �r wp of wot er) for 10 minufes
Pot dry ofter ond us. in sobds or s!Ote for lot♦r Chilling Out

Avotd ,todung bem" on top of one other O!

they bruise and spoil eosil','.
.,,� J ,., <lG
Keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Coo to room tempe,oturs ond UH l1ghtty seoled
conloiners to slore for uo lo S days.

N""Oh ,.,,tr-n,rl
Cool ro room re-mperoture and use 1ightty sealed
conloiners to slore fo1 up 10 3 doys.

How To Use Our Meal Plans

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Must Have Ingredients

Before you begin cooking, check if you hove oll these ingredients in
your kitchen!

Eggs Gorlic Powder Vinegar

Greek Yogurt Onion Powder White Wine Vinegar

Milk Of Choico Chilli Floke> Pecans

Whole Wheat Bread Dned Basil Almonds

Nut Oil Of Choice Dried Oregano Walnuts

Oats Ground Cumin Peanut&

Ouinoo Ground Coriander Mocodomio Nuts

Whole Wheat Fusilli Ground Turmeric Cashews

Whole Wheal Flour Gorom Mosolo (or Pistachios

Curry Powder)
Coconut Flour Pine Nuts
Allspice Powder
Baking Soda Chio Seeds
Fish Sauce
Baking Powder Se$0me Seeds
Vanilla Extract Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Oil
Ground Cinnamon Sunflower Seeds
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ground Nutmeg linseeds
Dijon Mustard
Soll Flo, Seeds
Italian Dressing
Block Pepper Dried Cranberries
Honey (or Raisins)
All�Noturol P1Jonul
Chili Powder Butter

Week 1 Shopping List

1 Apple 4 Bulbs Gorlic Y,lb (1609) Skinless

Chicken Br&o,t
2 Avocodoi Y,lb (65g) Kole
Y,lb (75g) Hom
'I Bananas I Lorge Corro1
l'>lb (226g) Cheddar
6oz (1709) Borries 1 Bunch Parsley
8oz (226g) Tub
2 Limes 2 Red Bell Poppers Cottage Cheese

2 Lemons I Red Onion 4oz (113g) Tub Feto

Y,lb (250g) Boby I Onion 8oz (226g) Hummus

16oz (453g)Jor Salso 6oz (170g) Con
Y,lb (50g) Bean Tomato Paste
Sprouts Y2 Summer Squash
15az (425g) Con
I Beet 1 Lorge Tomato Tomato Pure•

2 Celery Sticks (I50g) 3.5oz (1009) Jor Pesto

10.5oz (2979) Cherry 12oz (340g) Jor
Tomatoes I.lib (5059) Beef Roost♦d Bell P•pp•rs
I Bunch Cilantro 15oz (425g) Con Rod (115g) Cooked Kidney Beans
I E99plon1 Turkey Breast
4 Whole Wheat

Sunday To-Do List


Nutty ·Nono Bowl I p,47 Groins 'N' Greens Nutty Salad I p.68

Corb-Free Eggy Muffons I p 49 BuH-Kickmg Toco 8owls p.79

Keep On-Track Ouinoo p.69 Chili Boss Bowls I p.60

Baby Bonano Burgers I p 97 Rainbow Chick.en Quesodillos p.61

Monday Tuesday

Corb-Free Eg9y Muffins p.49 I
Nulty 'Nono Bowl p.4 7


� Cup Nurs Y2 Cup Nuts

Butt-Kicking Toco Bowls p.79 Bult-Kicking Toco Bowts p.79


Baby Bonano Burgers I p.98 Baby Bonano Burgers I p.97

Keep-On-Track Ouinoo p.69 Rainbow Chicken Ouesadillos ! p.81

Nofh,n,g10stes better than homemode solso!

TO$$ up 1 c1.,ps ofchoppe<11omotoes. � cup cf
chopptd whit♦ onion. 2 toblt,poon• of ehoppt4
c1lon1,o , 2 tobl.spoons of,.,..,. ju ic•, 1 JOIOpt-'io
ol\d V. t.o,poon of solt. Vo1lo.l


Corb-Free Eggy Muffins p.49

Apple Slices

Groins 'N' Greens Nully Salad I p.te


Baby Bonano Burgers p.97

Keep-On-Track Quinoo I p.69
Thursday Friday

Monke,y 8reod I p. 53 Corb-Free Eggy Muffin$ I p.A9


� Cup Nuts Cup Nuts

Keep�Qn..Trock. Ouinoo p.69 Turkey 8 Pes1o Leon Ponini p.72


Yogurt & Berries Nutly 'Nono 8owl I p.47

Chili 8oss 8owh I p.80 Rainbow Chicken Quesodillos p.81

Chili Boss Sows
Turk.ev a Pa-$IO l&an Ponini

Saturday Sunday

Boss Bu,mto I p. 56 Berry Me In Pancake$! I p.54


Yogurl .a
Berries Vi Cup Nuts

Keop-On-Trock Quinoo I p.69 Turkey & Pesto l♦on Ponini I p.72


Boby Bonano Burgers I p.97 Yogurt 6. Berriet

Ch,h Bo•• Bowl, I p 60 Groins 'N' Greens Nutty Soled I p.6&

Hove- a s.u9or crovi�? Make our 'Oort Choe

a Cherry Smoothie• Instead' of reaching for o
svgory 1�1 Find 1, in Book Fo1.1r, ?09' n.


I -

' --- -
Week 2 Shopping List

I 8onono 1 Small Zucchini 2 Chick.on Breosts

6oz (170g) 2 Cucumber$ 4oz (113g) Tub feta

Blueb•rries Cheese
0.6tb {27Sg)
1 809 Gropes Romaine lettuce 1 Pack Whole Wheat
Bread Crumbs
2 Lemons 2 Rod Boll Poppers
J2fLoz Vegetable
t6oz (453g) 1 Pock Thymo Slock
1 Bunch Cilantro 8oz (225g) Con
10.5oz (2979) Cherry White Kidney Bean$
Tomatoes 4 Scallions
I Pock Motcho
7 Ears Corn 1 Red Onions Powder

I 8unch Mint leaves 1 Onion 1 Pock Popcorn

1 Bunch Parsley 1'/41b (560g) Leon
Turkey M,nce t6oz (453g) Pock
1 Medium Tomato Gronolo

Sunday To-Do List

COO a S'IV er fl M"'�Eht LA ER

Super-Power Chowder I p.6S Berry Bli.u Polffoil p.SO

Foney Pants Chicken Salad p.74

Belly Bustin' Turkey Burger p.82

Mogle Motcho Pudding I p.98

Monday Tuesday

NuUy 'Nono Bowl p. .47 Berry Bliss Po rfo1I I p.50

Mo9ic Motcho Pudding I p.96 Magic: Mole:ho Pudding I p.98

Super-Power Chowder p.65 Foney Panis Chicken Salad I p.74

Sowl of Fruil Y, Cup Nut•

Belly Bushn' Turkey Burgers I p.82 Belly Busltn' Turkey Burgers p.82

Remembe, to complete your 8ody8oss

Challenge fod'oy! See poge &2 of your
8ody8oH Vl1lmo1• 80-dy Filn•u guld♦ for
lh• h.111 chall•ng♦,

Berry Yummy Chio Oats I p 46

Y, Cup Nuls

Super-Power Chowder p.65

Mog,c Motcho Pudding p.98

-'� "
fancy Pa nh Chicken Sa I Od I P 74
Thursday Friday

d�r. tf � E �A.� A.�

Berry Bliss Parfait p.50 Fire-Up Tomato Too$f I p.53

Bowl of fruit Yogur1 & Frutl

IN'--H LI t-il.
fancy Pants Chicken Salad p.74 Super-Power Chowder I p.65

Magic Matcho Pvdding I p.9S Y2 Cup Nuts

Nil� L mei
Belly Bushn' Turkey Burgers I p.82 Belly Bustin' Turkey Burgers p.82

Moke bfeodcrumbs. out of fresh bread by

drying II ou1 in the own al JOO" f / 150 • C for 1
minutM. Attow breod 1o cool, then drop ,nto
food processor unril crurnbty.

Yogo-8eay Poncok."'

Saturday Sunday

Yogo-Berry Pancakes I p_ss Yogo-Berry Pancakes I p.55

Bowl of fruit Yogutl & Frutl

Belly Bustin' Turkey Burgers p.82 Foney Ponts Chicken Salad p.74

Netflix 6 Popcorn I p.97 Netflix 6 Popcorn p.97

Fire-Up Frifler5 I p.88 fire-Up Fritters p.88

Week 3 Shopping List

L' 2 Apples 7 1 Bunch Cilantro ¼lb (2509) Leon

Minced Beef
I Granny Smith Apple .l 2 Lorge Heodi Green
lettuce 4 Slices Smoked
3 Avocados Salmon
J 1 Bunch M,nt leave$
2 Bononos lib (4509) XL Shrimp
1 Bunch Pofsley
6oz (170g) Blockborries 6oz (1709) Tub Feto
2 Rod Chilis
L 6oz (170g) Bluoborrios
1 Red Onion
5.3oz (150g) Tub
Co1toge Cheese

2 lemons
LJ 2 Red Bell Peppers r 6oz (170g) Pormuon

4 LimH
9 Scallions L 12oz (3409) Jor

2 Mangoes Roosted Bell Peppers
6 Sweet Potatoes
'-' 1 Pineapple L Orange Juice
.J 1'/slb (5449} Tomatoes
[ 3 Pomegranate$ Apple Juice

-, 16oz (4S39)
.J 1 White/Red Cabbage
Coconut Flakes
, ) lib ( 4S09) Chicken
1 Bottle Poppy Seeds
&r9g,1 (
1 Bunch Basil Leaves
.J 'hlb (3609) Cooked
Turkey Breast
f 4 Poclts Kole Chips
1 Small Carrol
8 Whole Wheat
Sunday To-Do List


L Spiced Tomato Super Soup I p.66 Jom-..Pocked Power Bircher p.48

[ Low-GI Se•dy Muffins I p. 95 I Coco Yumbo Chick.en Solod p.71

l Spicy Shrimp 'N' Slow p.75

C- Boss Kebabs & Pomegrenote

Slaw p.77


Nutty 'Nano Sowl I p.47

Low-GI Seedy Muff on> I p.95

Spiced Tomato Super Soup I p_66

Bowl of Fruit --

Tuesday Wednesday

Apple Pie Parfait I p.50 Awesome OMeGo Toast I p.S3

...., '� ., s V R J(, � V

low-GI Seedy Muffins I p.95 low-GI Seedy Muffins I p.95

Coco Yumbo Chicken Salad I p.71 Protein-Punch Turkey Pizzo p.73

�,. I T fN N T N
Yi Cup Nuli Kolo Chip•

Protein-Punch Turkey Pizzo p 73 Coco Yumbo Chicken Salad p.71 I

Moking eACuses bvrns ZERO fot, Stick. lo this

liffftyle ond see the mo,t r9'Sl.lts of
your Mel

Ch-ck.en Solod
Thursday Friday

Honey, You're Parfait p.50 Boss Burrito I p.56

N ,
Sowl of ffu1I V, Cup Nuts

Spic:ed Tomato Super Soup I p.66 Dijon Turkey Wrap p.64

low-GI Seedy Muffins p.95 Kole Chips

Coco Yumbo Chicken Soled p.71 Bou Kebabs & Pomegranate Slaw p.77
Saturday Sunday

Honey, You're Porfoit Ip.SO Jom•Pock.ed Power Bircher I p 46

Bowl of Fruit Yogurt & Fru,t

Dijon Turkey Wrop I p.64 Spicy Shrimp 'N' Slow I p.75

Kole Chips Kole Chips

Bos$ Kebobs & Pomegronote $low Ip.77 Stowsome Cobboge Soled I p.70

Kole chips ore auper eoty to mok.e ol home!

Preheol your oven ro 350 • F / 17S• C. Tos.s bite
sized p;•ces of kale in toll. pepper and oliw oil.
and Then ptoce on o bakmg sheet Bake l.W'lfll
crl,p (oboUl 20 m nutes), fuming holfwoy.

-- ;4

Week 4 Shopping List

2 Avocados I Hondful frosh Mint 8oz (227g) Tub

4 Lorge Bononas I FrHh Red Chili
15,5oz (439g) Con
60:z: (1709) Blueberries I Red Onion Chickpeas

I lemon l Scallion 16oz (4539) Bottle

7 Limes I R•d Cabbage
12oz (340g) Jar
16oz (170g) I Romaine Lettuce Roosted Bell Peppers
3 Medium Zucchinis 4 Whole Wheat
1 Pock Baby Spinach Tortillas
3 Chicken Breasts
I Handful Fresh Basil 4 Packs Rice Crackers
1711.oz (500ml)
2 Carrots Coconut Water

10 5oz (2979) Cherry 4oz (1139) Tub

Tomatoes Cottage Cheese

Sunday To-Do List


Go Foster Veggie Posto I p.89 Berry Yummy Chio Ooh I p.46

Bononoromo Muffins p.94 Bircher Bui Beller I p.46

Spicy Shrimp 'N' Slow p . 75

Skinny Sesame Chick-n-slow I p.76

Green Machine Frilters p.87

'/ Monday
Nutty 'Nono Bowl p_47

Bonoromo Muffins p.94

Slowsome Cobbo9e Salad I p.70

�owl of Fruit

Spicy Shrimp 'N' Slow I p.75
Tuesday Wednesday

Berry Yummy Chio Oats p 46 Bircher But Better I p.46

Bona(omo Muffins I p.9,4 Bowl of Fruil

Skinny Sesame Chick-n-slow I p.76 Slowsome Cabbage Salad I p.70

Creamy Avo Hummus &. Bonoromo Muffins I p.94

Rice Crackers I p.92
DINNER Spicy Shrimp 'N' Slow I p.75
Spicy Shrimp 'N' Slow I p.75

When co�.m9 r'MOls., odvonc•. otow

heat to diuipote befor• ,toring 1n on o.-hght
cootoinor. Heol COU$0$ mo,shM$ whteh creole&
ic9 crysto1, tho-I 'burn" the food/moke •I
deteriorate foster'

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Thursday Friday

URlAKfAS dRl• .fA5

Monkey 8reod I p.53 8ircher But Setter p.46

Bowl of ffu1I Bonoromo Muffins I p.94

Skinny Sesame Chick-n-slow I p.76 Slowsome Cabbage Soled I p.70

Sonoromo MuHms I p.94 VJ Cup Nuts

Green Machine Fntters I p.87 Green Mochme Fritters I p.87
Saturday Sunday

8 ,F • FA eRlAIF S
Troff,c Light Scromble p.59 Berry Me In Pancake$! I p.54

½ Cup Nuts Vi Cup Nuts

Tosty Chick•n Power Pockets I p.63 Tasty Chicken Pow•r Pockets p.63

Creamy Avo Hummus & Creamy Avo Hummus &

Rice Crockers p.92 Rice Crackers p.92

[ l�N R NNO
Go Foster Veggie Poito I p.89 Go Fo,ter Vegg,e Posto I p.89

Wt k,now d,,ng yovr toting hobif?S 1$ not

•<ny, $0 g,ob orid fritnd ond thl'Ow <> wHlt.•nd
brunch 01 your �c•I Our S.rry N\e In Pancok.esl
0<e IOfoily meont for shoring!

Week 5 Shopping List

n 1 Apple 'l 1 Chines.a Cobboge (' Apple Juice

r I Granny Smith Apple n 1 Bunch Cilantro [' 2 Whole Wheo1 Tortilloi

L l Avocados c.J 1 fresh Chili

r 2 Whole Wheat Burger

n 6oz (1709) Blueberries cJ


I Red Onion
15oz (4259) Con Block
1 lemon D 2 R•d Boll Poppers B•ons

LJ 6 Limes [] 4 Scallions lJ 2 15oz (425g) Cono

L I Pomegranate

Y, Head Lertut'e
r 8oz (2269) Hummus

C I Pock Baby Spinach llb (450g) Snap Peos

r 6 Medjool Oates
[l 21b (907g) Broccolo 'l 1 large Tomato
r 1 Pock Puffed Rice
C 1 Carrot rl 4 Chicken Breasts
3 Bogs Sweet Poloto

L 111b (225g) Pumpkin _J 1 Pock Chicken


10 5oz (2979) Cherry

Tomatoes =i 4oz {113g) Tub
Cottage Cheese

Sunday To-Do Li st


[ lleggie Bake 'N' Eggs I p. 60 J Jam-Pocked Power Bircher p.,s

n Coco.Cranberry Bliss Bon p.96 Finger Uckin' Chicken & Slow p.63

LJ Kickin' Sesame Chicken Bowls I p.64

No-Beef Chickpeo Burgers I p.86

Cr&omy Avo Hummus I p.92

Monday Tuesday

Nutty 'None Sowl p.47 I
Bondi r99s p.S7


Coc:o-Cronberry Bliss Bors I p.96 Co(:o-Cronberry Bliu BcJfs I p.96

That's o {Veggie) \t/rop! p.62 Kick,n' Sesame Chicken Bowls I p.8-4


Sweel Pototo Chip$ Sweet Potato Chips

kickin' Sesame Chicken Bowls I p.8-4 Healthy Chicken Pasto Soled p.90

Eating chick.en breast ofter on intense HIIT

WQf'tout hetps m.ox1m1se resutts-os your body
tecO\lers po$1•workout, protein from the chicken
is obsorb•d 10 h•lp wilh muscle r•poir ond
musei. bvild,ng1

'J .a '

Jorn-Pocked Power Bircher p.48

.,,t • "4

Coco-Cronbetry Bliss Bors I p.96 • A

That's o (Veggie) Wrap! p.62


Yi: Cup Nuts

Finger llckln' Chicken a si.. -..-•! '" '.' �


Thursday Friday

Apple P,e Porioit p.50 Jorn-Pocked Power Bircher I p 48


Coco-Cranberry Bliss Bors I p.96 Sowl of Fruit

Finger Lickin' Chicken & Slow p.83 Kickin' S•some Chicle.en Bowls I p.84


Sowl of Fruit a
Creamy Avo Hummus Corrott p.92

Kickin' Sesome Chicken Bowls I p.&4 Heolthy Chitken Posto Solod I p.90

K1clc.,n' �ome Chld:en 8owk

Saturday Sunday

Veggie 8oke 'N' Egg• I p 60 Veggie Bake 'N' Eggs p.60


½ Cup Nuts Creomy Avo Hummus & Corl'ots p.92

Hoollhy Chicken Po•lo Solo d I p.90 Healthy Chicken Poslo Salad p.90

Mir> A, T F<NOON <'NACk ',1(-6 Tf:1N )0t N

Creomy Avo Hummut & Carrot, p.92 Sweet Potato Chips

No-Beef Chid,peo Burgers p.86 No-Beef Chickpea 8ur9ers p.86

Microwaving o lemon fe< IS seconds before

sqoe1ning will double the juice you get! U a
rec,pe calls for half a lemon, JUoce the other hotf
and keep ·nonoirright box-u' I keep for weeb.
Week 6 Shopping List

1 Apple 3 Slicks Celery 5 Scollions

I Avocodo 10.5oz (2979) Cherry 1 Medium Tomato

l60, (453g) 1Y,lb (680g) Beef
Strawberries 1 fresh Chili Sirloin Steak

½lb (3009) Mixed 4 Bunches Cilantro 1l-llb (800g) Veol

Berri•s Minute S1eok
4 Eor$ Corn
2 Lemons 4oz (113g) Tub
1 Shollot Cottage Cheese
1 lime
1 Bulb Garlic 4oz (1139) Felo
1 Pock Arugulo
1 Small Ginger 8.Sfl.oz (250ml)
3 Cucumber$ Coconut Water
I leek
8 Bunches Baby Kole 32fl.oz (946ml}
2 Handfuls Fresh Vegetable Sloclk
2 Big Kole leaves Mint

I Pock Baby Spinach 1 Red Bell Pepper

7 Carrots 2 Red Onions

Sunday To-Do List

C ) N ' ' El SI' .� R P, " ,EME LA

Hearty Co,rot Soup Ip.67 Btrcher But Betrer I p.46

Y-090-Borry Muffins Ip, 93 Groins '1'1' Greens Nulty Solod I p.68

Tender Thai Beef Salad I p.85

fire-Up Frillers p.88

Monday Tuesday

Nutty 'Nono Sowl p.47 Bircher But Setter p.46

Yogo-Befry Muffins p.93 Yogo-B&rty Muffins p.93

Fire-Up Frttters p.88 Hearty Corro1 Soup I p.67

Sowl of Fruit Yi Cup Nuts

Tender Thai Beef Solod I p 85 Tender Thai Beef Salad I p_85




Berry 81iss Porfai1 p.50

Yogo-Berry Muff ms p.93

Fire-Up Fritters I p.88

Bowl of fruit

Tender Thai Beef Salad I p.85

Completed your orm,, ob, & c:or•

work.ou I yet? Ju,1 2 more cycles loo go a
you'll be in the best shape of your I fel


Thursday Friday

fire-Up Tomato Toast p.53 Berry 8hss Porfoit p.50

Yogo-Betty Muffins p.93 Yogo-Serry Muffins p.93

Tender Tho1 Beef Salad p.85 Hearty Carrot Soup p.67

Yogurt a Rice Crackers Yogurt & Rice Crackers

.)INi E.�
Really Good Veal I p.78 Reolly Good Veol p.78

How wos your i:'ndoy power up'> Reword

yourself with o Choe 8onono Smooth.e (pogo 18
., Sook Four) lo boost those endorphinesl

r Tho Mt Solod
Saturday Sunday

Super Hero Breokfost Bowl I p.5e Super Hero Breakfast Bowl I p.Se

Yogurl 8 Rice Crackers Yoga-Berry Muffins I p.93

Groins 'N' Green.s Nulty Salad I p.68 Groins 'N' Gre•ns Nulty Solod I p.68

Netflix a Popcorn p,97 Netflix & Popcorn p.97

Reolly Good Veol I p. 76

Reolly Good Veol p.76



Berry Yumm y Chia Oats Bircher But Better

rfllp IT'PS min, Pr"'p irrf"Smm Ch I 'T'le Ovemight

Toto T 1 doy to 1doy S., ,g I

ln<if en Ing &cl en!,

2 tbtp oar, � cup (40g) 001$
1 tbsp chic seeds ltbspchia sffds
V4 cup (SOg) otmoncb, fine-Iv diopP4d � cup (30g) shr.cfded c:oco"ut
1 c..., (250ml) milk 1 lbsp matcha gre.n 1.a powd•r
3 frcnh strowbemes, chopped I cup (250ml) coconut water

frw, fro,r fo, !QPping, optJoool frt•h fr"'t fo< toppiog, opho!1ol

P<>vr your oo,.., chto ...c:ts, otmondi. mlk. ond/or Pour your 001,. dw ,eed5-, cocooul. motcha
water into a ,or or bo......t and mtX thoroughly. Add powde< and coconut wa•er into a ,ar or bow1
chopped wawberries and give it ooother stir. SeaJ and m.ix thoroughly. Seol fghtlywith a lid o r
tightly witho id or cling wrap, the.n pop in !he cling wrap, lhen pop i n the fridge OYernighl.
fridge ov.ern,ght. H19h-f1ve yoorseU for be1"g so 0<gani.zed
Woke up .. strelch, and grab your yummy oat, from Wok.e up, grab your breok.fosl from the fridge
the fndge Add o s.prinlde of your fovonte fr1.11t. oOO gr,,e , t another Mir. Add o handful of your
favorite fru·1. Enjoy!
Nutt y 'Hana Bowl

Coo• '1& 30 mins

Se< og 8-10


2 borety-ripe bananas 1 cup (1009) walnuts, hotved

Y1 cup (75g) nut oil of cho« � Clop (125g) Greek yogurt
Y, <•P (115g) honey pneh of $011
2 t,p cInnomon powder fresh fru,t for toppng
3-4 cvps (240g-320g) "'w oo"

Preheol yooroven lo 400.f 12oo·c.Put bonanosi:n the oven.� on.and roost untilthe outs,de
is brown. Remow from O\IWI. lei the 'nones cOO shg�ly, then ,emove peel and put the fruil in your
electric mrxer bowl. Add the coconut al. honey, c,nnomon and salt, then muc on med,um-h,gh until
lightly bSended. Add ¾ of your oars, mixing on medium-tow until 001s ore coated. Add walnuts. and
continu& mixing. Add in !he remaining oats untl the gronolo clumps.
Spread mix onlo 2 baking troys covered with boking paper ond return 10 oven for 10 minu186. Brook up
granola and flip lo cook. evenly. Cook for 10-1S minutes more, until granola is golden. Turn off the o"en
and leave troys nslde for is.. minutes until 9tonolo Remove from oven ond cool. (tf gronolo u
still $Oh oher it cools, put it bock in the oven o n Joo· / 1so•c ro remove moisture.)
Bowl up your gronok, wtth Greek yogurt and chopped fresh fruit. Yum!

Jam-Packed Power Bircher

Prep Tim 10 mins Chi ....IT.. 0Yemigh1

Total mfa> 1 day Sf.Ni-']c 1-2

1 cup (8-0g) raw oats
1 cup (250ml) fresh apple juice
1 lblp mitk of ehoic•
1 tbsp chio seeds
1 gromy $m11h oppt.,

!< cup (190g) CrHk Yog<Jrl

l',lb,p ho""lf
11bsp oxorivt m.o,. shrtdd�
1 tbsp olmondi, sliced
1tbap pumptin seeds
» cup (SOg) blueberr;es
� C\JP (8Sg) pomegronole seed,
cinnamon powder. to toste

Pour your oot,. apple juk•. milk o.nd chio seeds

into a bowt ond milt thoroughly. Seol tightly
wilh o lid or din,g w..-op, then pop in the fridg•
Woke . up, ,tret<:h, and grab voor bircher from lhe
fridge Divide in half the coconut meal, almonds.,
pumpkin seeds. blueberries and pomegrono·e
1e-.d1. Add half of IMH ingredients, along with
all of the apple, yogurt, hon-V and cinnomon
powder. 10 your bolo.1. Mil( end refrlgero1e for
onoth•r hovr.
Smash our Y'( BodyBoss workout, hove o
shower, then grcb your birch« from the fridge.
Top with rhe Ingredients you Mt osde �fore
ond dig ,n. Y<>u &Ofn•d ill

• 48

Carb-Free Eggy Muffins

Prep , e 8 miM Cook T m 25 mins

"01,-1 ,m 33 mint Serv�._ 3

nut oil of cho1t•

6 •ggs
Y, ted bel peppe,, diced
lo,g♦ handful ffMh boby spinoch,.
fln•ly chopP4d
v, <up(7Sg) hom, di<od
v. tsp seasoned soft
Y• lg,p gorhc powder

Pr•heat your OV1iKl lo 350• F / 160'C. lhing

you, nut otl. grease o 6-cup muffin hn Whi sk
together the eggs, peppers and remo:ining
ingred1.ents in o lo,ge bowl. N\oke the
moc: I$ well bltrdtd bt,tore spooning w.n(1sh)
omountt S'l10 muffin cup,.
Pop m the oven and coot for oppro11 2S
m·nutes. until set in the mkfdle. The challenge?
Ttyin9 not 10 eot them all o, enc♦!

Yogurt Porfoit 3 Ways

Pr.,_""" S min. C:>Ok Ti , o..10mins

Tola, -"""' S-IS mins serv;ng'. 1

Appl e Pie Parfait Berry Bliss Porfoit

Ytoppre Vt cup (75g) fresh mixtd befr-es
Vt cup (12SgJ Cree\ yogun Y.i cup (75g) frozen :strowberne1
V, eup ( 309) g rooolo Vt cup (125g) GrNl. y<>gufl
o spbsh of milk of choice ¼ cup (30g) gronolo
o splash of milk of choice
Th.6 is is so easy, even a guy could do ill All you
hove to do is slKe up vour opple, thinlv. then add Combine oil bernff. In o loll gtou, loyer o spoon
to o bowt olong with the granola. Pour in the of yogurt into the bol1om. Alternate betw&en
mil: ond &Mt yogutt, ond vo1 .tr• good to 90. toyer. of bernes. gronolo ond yogurt until the
glos.s is filled to the top. Add milk.

Honey, You're Parfait

ic , u,
� cup (125g) Greet '(ogul1 V. cup {409) blockbeme1
v, cup (30g) granola 1 bol'KlnO, $I�
o $J) Qt roilk of choic.e 2 tbsp fresh orong,e juice
V. cup (SOg) strawberries. sliced 1-2 'i>sp i,Qnoy
V. cup (25g) btuebtrriff

�n '- POI&
Add all the berries, orange ,uke ond honey to your soucepon and bring too boil. Reduce heal ond
:s,mmer on low tor K) mmu•e:s
bll' 11
$1,ce bonono into bite-1ized piec:et and 1hde into �Itel. Heat on medium/high ond add nut od. Stir,
cooling bonono in oil. Add honey and continue to cook., unlil bonona is caramelised. Orool,
tlwn rem.0'11"8 bonono from heal
U$1ng o glo» or 1or, creo•e o po<foil by b'(errlg th9 yogurt, 001, ond b9rry compot9, Top wilh your
golden bonono shcn ood mlk


Toast 3 Ways

Pr"f ..,.., l-S mini eoo« r,.,... l m.,,

Joto! ,"' , 6--8 mins Sfilfv,og I

Monk.•y Breod Fire.up Tomato Toast

ngred11£>r • •
2 al1cM whot. wheot br•od 2 slices whole wheel bteod

Vt cup (t10g) couoge ch..,. I gorhc dove, peelGd

I medium bonono I rbtp nv1 Oil of choic.

I medoum 51.zed tomoto, sftced th.n
2 tb,p Ila., >Md,

Th .s one prodicolty mokes ,ta.elf• Slice the sotl and pepper, to loste
banana as you toosl your bread. Once lhe roost
pops. spoon on lhe cottage cheese, then top with
Puf rhe brt>Od ,n your IOO$Ter as you �el the
banana sbces. Finish off with o drizzle of honey.
gorhc dove Enjoy the yummy smell os you rub
the gorllc over yot.K worm toosl does. before
oddW'lg a drizz$e of ol Add the tomato alic;ft and
Awesome OMeGo Toast flOJt seeds. Season with sol! ond pepper, ond
finish with remaining oil Enjov your tarted-up
tomato on toost!
2 &licEtS whole wheat bread
4 1hct1 s.l'l"IOt.ed solmon
1 avocado
squHze of II�
pepper, 10 IOS18

Congratulate yourself on 011 the Omego-3 you're

about to en,oy. Too$1 your bfead, spread with
avocado (ll1ced or smashed, it's your coll) ood top
w·1h the smoked salmon. Finish with o squeeze of
l,me juice and o p,nch or two of pepper.


Berry Me in Pancakes!

Pr•� T '!'le S min coo� Tim 15 mln,

20 Mc'II Se,v ogs 1•2

,gr -1 ooh
t WP (130g) whol• Wt\.ol flour
11 tsp baking aodo
1 lbsp v<Jn llo e1<.troct
1 cup (250ml) mn of choice
11 cup {150g) moshed lipe bonono
{approx. 1 lorge bonooo)
drizzle of l' oil of chotce
drizzle of honey
hoodful of bemes

Grob 2 bowls. Bowl t MIJl together flour ond

baking &Odo Bowl 2: M,x together the von Ho
•xrroca. milk ond bonono. Carefully odd th• we1
;ngredients to the dty ingredients. ond hghtty mi•
1og41,�. Gtt rid of ff our strtoks, bvt� lvmps
ore okl Ov•r modng will r.,;vlt ,n rubbery
Ptep o non-sud sllllet with oil ond heat over
medium. Spoon 1he pon(ollt- rotJt in, fl,ppng whtn
you Sff bubbi.t Cook on both s,dos, unl!I golden.
Top v-ith O driz.:de of IWHl honey end�
bemes. Trynol to drool bobe.

Yogo-Berry Pancakes

Smin C � ,-.., 15 Mir'\$

ToTo �rnE> 20 mins Se< og., 2-3

1cup (130g) whol♦ wh♦o1 novr 3 tbsp milk. of choice

1t$p bok ing powder I cup (I00g) blvel)o,r;.s
¼ tsp baling soda I cup (250ml) honey
I cup (25,0g) G<ee1< rogun 1 cup (200g) strowb•m9', cor$d ond dicltd

2eggs ¼ lsp YOni11o extroc:t

1tbsp hooey handful of blueberries
1tsp VOttilo tX1rOC1

Whisk flour, bo�ng powdor ond sodo 1ogo1hor in o Iorgo bowl fn onolhor modium bowl bool 1ogolhor
yogurt. e,ggs. I tobleJpoon hOMV, 1t•ospoon vorwlo on<:f 3 totile:spoON m-!k, S.01 thorovghly until
,mooth. Mix ,ogethier wel and dry ln,grediel'lts to creole o thick batter. If,,•, pos:re�lik.e, odd o few
IQO$poonl of milt until if, .rnooth9r. Us,ng o wooden ,poon, genlty fotd 1n bluebfif'r,es,
Gt'.oM k:ug•. nof\.,tlck skilt.t with somt nvt oil, Pvt on rntd,vm h.ol. Add l/4 evp bott.,. onto P.tll♦t,
Spr.od out sl,ghtly with spoon so lh♦y cook thl'Ough, Cook eoch poncok♦ unHI you,.. bubb$ts and
lh• � or♦ firm. Fli'p ond cook. for 2 minutes on fh4t other .aide. Re�I with remo1ning boner. w1png
ond re•g.reoling slullet ofter &Och poncoke.
FOf syrup. heor 1 cup hontv, ttrowbtrrits ond ¼ reospoon vori,Uo In sovcepon ovtr mt-dium heo,. Stir
oo:osion.olly ond bn"Q t'r"iA 10 rM boH. After opprok 5 mirivt..._ remo� from heot, Povr ove< por-coles,
ond odd bh.1•t>.,0H on loP,


Boss Burrito

Pre!: - rre S min Cool T 15 mins

oto T ..,,. 20 mins Sf,,rv,ng, 1

2 eggs, wh,i&bd 1-2 tbsp parsley

1 whelo whoot 10,fllo v. rod onion. 1hcod
1 lbsp solso or chopped fomoloes I lime
!novocodo dozzle of nut oil of cho1Ce-
1 lb,p Greel< yogun

Oil ','OU( skill•. 1h♦n h♦ot Q,;♦( m♦d umAow h♦¢1, Add ♦ggs ond t-hvffle fNt"l'I o<ovnd unl,I flvffy ol"ld
$Crombl•d R•mov• ♦ggs and p1oc• in o bowl
Heat vour torfl!o in the skill&!, th•n top with th• .ggs. Add all r•moining ingred.nts, other thon the
lime. Cut vour lime, ond ;Ive the t0f'1lllo filling o generous sqvHte,
Creole a burrito by (oldjr.g up your tortilla. Cook on both sides until golden brown and de-freotin­
lictous. Dig in, babe!

Bondi Eggs

P,ep T 10 mins C0<.,t, Tir 5 mint

Totol - lSmlns Sef\'ng I

}', lbsp COIJO,g41 Che..•
1 handful boby spinoc-h
1 $.lice whole wh&at bread
small handful pumpkin seeds

Gr� non�s11ck. fry,ng f)OI'\ with�, o.l.

Whl$k •99'. pour into httottd pon ond wh•n top
surfooe of th• eggs hos thickened and no \I\.Sibi.
Jiquid egg remo,n,, odd the coltoge cheew and
spinoch to half the egg and fold your omelette
Pop your bread il'I the toaster, and use o fork to
mash 'fOIX avocado.
Spreod !he <No on your toosl, toppi"O whh
c,unchy pumpkin H&ds.. F>tote up your l�t. odd
your omelette, and enJOY yout Aussie-.inspw-ed,
green and gold breokfosl of champions!

Superhero Breakfast Bowl

,. 10 mins
I hr
50 mins
>O T 2

Yl cup {I OOg) of quinoo 2 big kole �ves

� tbsp nut OIi of chose. \11$p v1negor

� scoll,on, chopped 1099
S cherry tomatoes, quartered 1 ovocodo. sfced
Y, cup (40g) of f•to chMH .alt ond pepper, to lo&le
hond1ut cilantro .d cups (IL) low-sodium
vegetable stock
� chil, chopped

first cook rhe quinoo us no 2 cups of vegetable stock. Cook. fClf approx 6..7 moores fhen, • for 2
minutes. In o skillet, heat oil, lhen lightly sou1• scolfons end tomatoes. Add feta and lei ,1 melt o '"'•
Add ch il• and c,lon1ro. and qoid:ty tou eve<ylhing tOQether
With lhe 2nd half of stock, blanch lhe kale for opp,o:.. 60 second�. Heot waler and o dash of vinegar in
o s.mal pot un1• simmering Cr�te o S'W1rl and !.Idem egg. Pooch f0< approx 4 m+nutl'>S.
Rln•• off qvinoo in cold wol9r', pour ,nto a bow Mol:.• o 'n•••• w,th lh• k.o'• ,n th• qu,noo, pour"'
tomo10, onion ond ch•�• mtX, ond odd $l«s of tomato. Pvt the •99 nghl in 1he m«dd!•, ••oson os
required. E01 up!
Traffic light Scramble

Prep 11:1 S miM

TOlo 1me 10 m ns Cook TIIY\I 5 mns
S.,-.. gs 1

2 "99'
pinch of soft
� tbsp nut oil of choic.
pinch of chili flakes
� cup 0Sg) baby •p,nach. packed
hondful (.h-,.ry romotos, hol\,ed
¼ roo,led be'I pepper, f1t1ely chopped
1 tbsp grot♦d P<ll'l"nflOI'\ d\ffM •
pepper. ro tosre
chopped parsley, optional
whole wheot roost, optionol

Ploee eggs on.d $OIi In o bowt ond whisk until
. .. •
frothy. Add nul oi lo �'91 ond h9ot for 60
sK:ond:s on mechum/high Toss in ch1h flokel
and spinach ond cook. stirring occosiono11y, oohl
spinach is ofmost wilted. Add in the chopped
tomato ond befl pepper ond cook for ooother
30 second,. Add rhe eggs ond cook for 30·60
s.conds, slirting continually, until egg ii otmo11
soft-cooked. Toke off rhe-htot, odd cheese ond
1hr together Plate up and gornr&h with por1Jey
(opt�of) and $0me popper. Serve on toast if
you need a complex corb fix.

Veggie Bake 'N' Eggs

10mins 20mins
30 mins

4 toro• ♦gg$ 2 tbsp cottog• ch9fle

V, cup (65ml) mTlk of choice 1-2 f$f) fresh m,� Mt'bs (bos,I. rosemary
thym• 01 porslty). op11onol
V, t$p aoll
VJ cup {8Sg) cooted qwnoo, ophonol
v. rsp block peppet
1 cup (125g) diced 1,1egetob!es
(osporogu!., baby sptnoch. tomatoes, peppers.
broccoli, gorl c. on.ens.·ni)

Prthtot own to 315'Fli'90'C, Ihen pyt 21(8 OYnet (240ml) ,omok.,ns on o bob'lg troy w,lh Ip. Pour
9991. m lk.. 1011 ond pepper into o bowl ond whis.k lhorovghly O,ce your vegg1es ,nto smol. (<Y,
ineh) P'&CGS and measure Yi cup o( m,x.odwg into each� n. (If oddingveg 1,k.eswoo1 po1010
or buttemut gquosh, pre-roost these ohead of lime lo eriwre theycook lhrough,) Add some che-&se,
herbs (opnonol) and groins {opt1onol) on rop Pour in the eggs., leav�g o Y11nch ot top for the eggs ro
rise in the ov&n.
Place troy ,n oven ond cook. for 18 -11 m nut.s When done, eggs should be nice end puffed up, golden
on top, o nd not jiggly.
Tolt.• ou1 of ov.n ond d•g n whil• wofm1







That's a (Veggie) Wrap!

Prf!>p ,mt- lS mins

Tofu T • 1S mins

1 eon (22Sg) ljoek bt<>n,. droi,,.d 11 OY-OCOdO

V. cup (15g) bbd: beoN, drained 4 ai1Ces cheddar cheese

� col\to1net" hiJmmU$ l011 ond pepp«, to 1osle
4 lbsp 4•tly llut;c., drwnirl9
1 lorge red beI peppe< fresh lime juice, optional
V, cup (4Sg) corn cilonrro, oprlonol
hondul of cherry tomatoes, halved

To mok• b&oel bton hummus. odd 1 «1n of nnMd Of"ld drolntd �n, to food p,oct.nor, bl-Md• w,rh
bo�ht (Ot ho1"1e mode) hummu, or'\d bt.nd/p.,i� until sr"l'IOOth. $pr$0d lh1Ckly on .och wrap•
5Nd1 ond -.te'n1 from peppw$., ond 1lic:e ,nto thin 1lr1p1. Add peppe,110 tCK1ilkn, then top wilh the i-\
cup of block. beo!ls ond � cup of corn. Slice ond odd half the lomolo, ovocodo, cheese ond dressing
to each wrap. Then Hoson Wllh salt and pepper. Add CJlontro ond lime juice (optional). Qoll up your
wrap ond CMg in!
Tasty Chicken Power Pockets

Prep � 10 m,n, C ne 10 miM

Toto -rn 20 m,ns S., r 2

1g �!
2 p ecesskinless chickefl breasts 4 whol e wheat tort•lo w rops
1 I ,.,.., USI or.d j1,,1 ee ¾ cup (200g) guocomoi.
1 tsp block pepper I handful romaine lelt u ce, shredded
1 tbsp nut oil of choice i,; c up (125g) G<eel< rogur1
sdr, 101os1•

Shce each chick.en br90lt .nto 6 � strip$. Add too k,rg. bowl w1lh lime :te,t ond JUIC8, peppe,, r..,t
oil ondo pinch of 1011, To.a w.ll then coot c:h,cken. tu-ming, for 6-8 m1nule1 on o frying pon Of' gndde
Chick.en should b e cooled t h rough and golden brown.
Mcrowove torrilkls 01 dire,ctt<f on pock. then Sf)r'.od w,1h 9'.IOcomolt Add lM d'lick.t,n. shtitddotd
lenuee ando dolloP of yogurt. Roll vp your � and •nJOYI
Dijon Turkey Wrap

Priti .,,. 5 min, Cook rn•Omns

oto! T11""1@> S mins


1 pitc4; wholt wh•ot 1°'1'110

I cup (l209) cooked turkey, sliced
1 handful lettuce
� o tomato, siced

2 tbsp nu1 oil ofehoi-ot
V. cup {65ml) honey
ll cup (6Sg) G,ffk yogu�
M tbsp Dijonmustard
� t.sp gorlic powder
v. t$p salt
block peppe<, ,o to!>te

This o"-'• so .asv. ony tlK�Y could mokt ill

Combln♦ oil sovc• �1♦n1s ,no bowt ond
mu. thoroughly. Pl.ii fil6ng, in you, wrap Spoon
oo lhe Dijon muslord souee, Wrop ff up nic♦ ond
hght end dig ,n Yum.
Super-Power Chowder

Prep T e 5 mins co� - 1e 30 mim

Total ""'"16 35 mins Serv .gs 3

� C1.1p (85g) quinoo I ti;p $Of!

2 1bsp nut oi of choice 2 tb1p whot. wheal flour

1-\ medtum onion. diced I� eups (375ni) low-sod,um Y999!oble s.lock.
Yi r•d b-41 �pet, die.d 1 cup (2SOml) m,lt of<-
!n in,ced' garlic 2 C'-4)$ {360g) frozen corn (or fresh)
!A lsp pcr1t.y � con whtte k.idn9y beans, drained ond rimed
1,4, 1s.p thyme shredded ct--eese, optional

Pour q._.noo Into o large goucepon ond loost lightly on medium heat for approx 2-3 m.nules. Add in
nut oil on on
i ond pepper. Sout4 on medium/hgh for 3-5 m,nules, until onion $0ltilfl&. Throw in the
gcrk, ponley, thyme and sott ond cook for o further min1.1•e
Add tn flour g,roduolly, s1 rring until w,el) (Ombned Poor 1n lhe broth, cup by eup, wh, until
chowde,r lhid<.e"' o bit before odd1ng the next cup. Re�I w•lh 1h• mlk 8,ing chowder to o 1,1mmer, often. Turn the hoot down lo modium Of medium/low, coot for 15-20 minutes, uncovered ond
stirnng often. Add corn ond beoM f<W cock. for 2-3 tNnul8'$. O,h op and dig inl


·• '

Spiced Tomato Super Soup

rep ,rre 10 m1n1 \..O"" T ,,., 35mini

TOI<! I 45mins s.,.., .I l

¥, lbsp nul oil ofchoice dosh of chili Ook9$

I onion, chopped � cul)< (SOOml) of low-sodlvm wge1obl• Sloe\

I dove garhc, !heed ½tspcumm
1,lb (500g) rl� t()mOI...
,choppod s.oll and ptpp..-, to IOSII
1 cup (2009) ,oasled red bell peppen, chopped

Ploc• o l0rg• .souc:.pon cvtr mtdil.#'n ht<il ond odd nut oil, Add onions, onc:l 90rl1e to ,ovc::.pon. $1ir
w.O, then cook for opp-ox 10 minutes. The orvon 1houk:t be o l,ltle 90-lden. Add lomOfOK and pepp.n
to 50\IC�n. Add 5Pk,1n ond cook. for 5 minuhK. Pour 1n the slodt,, stir thoroughly and bnng $04.lp to o
boll. f«.doce heoi and &1mmer fa< lS-20 mrnutM Toke soup off heol and blend until smooth, using o
hand blender. Dis.h up, season with soft ond pepper. and enJoy.
Hearty Carrot Soup

Pr-.., ,...,. 1s mins Co· •m• 3S m•n$

Total r,, SOm,ns Se-fv,r ,2

J wps (750ml) low•sodium vegetable stock. I •hollot, foMly d ,c.d

� IHI<, W<illlod ond f.n6Iy 1I,cod "'' osd p♦ppor, to t<>1tt

½ &tick cefefy, finely chopped 2 slsces whole wheat b<eod
2l'I cups (300g) COf'l"QI, th,r.ty� with tht skin � tbsp <OlfO� ChHM
½ lbsp fresh 9rat� ging9f porsl•y. to garnish
¼ lsp turmeric powde<

Pour veggte rock, leek., celery, carrot, ginger, turmeric and shallot into c large saucepan 8nng to
o boll then lower heat and simmer f0t 10 minute,. Remove pon fron'l heot and mix with o blender.
$to$on wirh sott ond �P�, S1ir, rhtn dish up. Gorncs.h with somt poriloy ond o dollop or co1to9•
chff1♦ 1f you tik•, ond Mf'v♦ WJth bf.od, OMk up th♦ s.ovpy goodr..-u!
Groins 'N' Greens Nutty Salad

Pr•p -rr lS Mi,_ 1S mll"d

Toto T ""'oft 30 nins Se, ngs 2

000 DrfK "'9

Y◄ cup (4Sg) qu,noo 2 tbsp ktmon ,ui<:e
Y◄ cup (259) pteons 2 lsbp nut o,il of choke
3 cups (90g) boby spinoch llbsphoooy
� lorge o�.fhu•1ly slc.d I t$p O,,on musfOl'd
� c;up (309) dm:d c;runl.>t:rm:s
Y◄ cup (60g) cottog• che,H•

Rinse ond dran quinoo, os you bring 1cup ofwote<toftte bo lino small saucepan.Add quinooto
boiling water, teduce heat ond simmer, cove<ed, for 12-15 minUles or unfit water is absorbed. Remove
quinoo., ploce in o bowl and let cool.
Al !he 5ame hine, 100$1 pecans in o small Klllet OVQr medium/low heal. Keepwatching and stirring to
o..,oid burning your nuts! Remove once nice and fragrant and set os1de.
Wh,sl. togelhe( alt fhe dreu•n,g W'lgf&d,enls lhoroogh�. ond set oside
Pop a.pinach ir a large bawt, pour in qLinoo and pecans (once both ho1,1e cooled), odd apple slices,
cronbernes ord conoge cheese Toss the dressing Through the solod and bowf up. Yum'
Keep-On-Track Quinoa

Pr9p ... ro"ICI 15 mint C ... � 2Smins

Total T n' 40 mins

1 eggptonl, cubed 2 clovcu garlic
3 tbsp nut oil of choice I tbsp lemon ;uice
1)'\ cups (280g) cooked q:u,noo � cup (40g) feto cheese
1 eup (30g) boby ,p,noch ,o,. ond p♦pp•r. 10 t()IStt

Urw, o bo�n,g trov with ltghlly greos«I toil and preheat your oven to 420'Fn1s·c. Ton eggplon1 w,lh
2 lob&espoon, of nut 011 in o bowl end odd .alt and pepper. Place eggplonl cubes on your bok1ng troy
ond cook for 20-25 minutes or until eggplant hos softened. �or 8\181\ roosling.,. mmove from the oven
holfway and fli.p eggplant over.
Mtonwh1lt, nns• ond dl'Clln !ht qu,n.oo and odd IO $r"nOII toVOtp(ln with½ o;p of WOf.,, Bring 10 boot
then reduce ti.of and ,rnmer. co�ed. for approx. 15 mini.Ate,. Remo\'9 from heat ond k,t Mt wrlh lid on
for 5 minutes, then fluff quinoo with o fork..
For the grMN. htOI 1 tablesi:co,., of nvt ol ,n o lor� ski.. , Ot'ld odd rht sp1nod"I and I mi� gorlic
clo-,,• Cool<. ,11,,,ng, fo, o f•w r'l'll:rn.,l•s. vntI spmo-ch is $1ighrly witr•d Tok• skill•• off h.or, ond odd il"I
1he cOOMd eggplonl A.d,d In cooktd qvlnoo. 1 ckwe of gof1 1c ofld lhe lemon r,Jke ond m!JI. well.
adding o pmch of t0lt bul rem-embenng lhe feta will bCi 501ty. C,umble on th& feta ond Mirve,

• •

Slawsome Cabbage Salad

oto T 20 mins s.. ,, .


nc;; on
1 $moll lemon. zesr and ;u, oe hondful of flol•S.of PotSley or c•ontro, (hc:,�d
1 pomegranate.. deseeded o splash of vvhite ,.,me viMgor
1 lorg• opp!•. grot•d 2 bbp nut oil of chot-ee
V. head of red cabbage, shredcktd f(JII QO� P9f>P9', IQ IQJlf
2 scollions, fillnly &lkod

Place � zMt, jlJ'ce, pomegrono•e seects and grated op� ,no kJrge bowl. tou,ng 1mmed101ely
to ovoid apple browning. Add in cob!boge, scallions and chopped pors.Jey/cilontro. Add vinegar, o
generous drizzle of nul O.I. and season with salt and pepper. Toss through. tasle, and odd eJttro oi�
l•mon <;,< M0$0nings. 10 e:r.ot• ld.ol bolonc•. Eat upl

Coeo Yumbo Chicken Solod

Pr•c:i ,.r"rl• 20 mlns <. 2Smins
Total Tm 45 mins

Tr � I 1Jd
¾ cu:p (105g) olmondl 2 heads of green leof Jeituce, diced
½ cup (259) un1,weeten&d coconut flakes 1 MOOQO
Y, cup (40g) whole wheal flour I cup (225g) diced pineopole
1099 I ovocodo, 1-liced
1 egg white 2 red peppers, ,weed
l tip I,,,,_ t9'1 3 scallions. s.ltced
1 lb (4S0g) chid::.n br•osts, CUI in strips 2 tb&p freih cilantro, lo gornish

or >1D nt "-"'"9
4 lb$p honey
4 lb$p Dip, mustard

Preheo1 oven ro ,oo•F120s•c ond l,ne o boking trop w•rh porchmen; paper.
S.1 up o ,totion of rhr•• ,moll bowk. In o food procfflef, blend almonds ond coconut unhl the
cons1s1ency of rice and pour into one bovA. Pour flour into lhe seoond bowl In bowl 3, whisk together 1
&gg, 1 egg white and lime zesl.
O,p •och ch1<\ t♦ndt< ,n the flour. then dvnk. ,n t99 ('(\I� th♦n coo1 in th♦ olmQnd ond cocori..11.
prt-is1ng firmly with fing•n. Ploc♦ ct11c�n on troy ond J>O P 1n lh• 0\'«-1 fc:,f' Of)proximototy 25
mtnu1es, unh1 c:h,ck•n jr.,1c.s n.,n cl.or
For the dressing, whisk together hon-v ond d JOn 1n o smol bow"I Wh,d: until smooth Put together the
solod, dNld• omon9 bowts. rhtn top wlh go5cktn tendttt ond $pflnklt on ci1onrro Odzz!♦ on drt$$lr\Q
ond tt,J¢vl
1011 lltiADS

Turkey & Pesto Leon Ponini

..,..ep rr• Smin$ � l?m.ns

Total n. 17 mim SeV Q!>2

' ..
2 slices whote wheo1 breod
2-4 tbsp bosil pesto
dnul• of nut o,I of eholc.
0.251b (115g) coobd turkey, sliced

¼ cup (45g) roog!ed red peppers

Yt o tomo10, sfieed
.4 slices cheddor cheese

Make o sondwich with halt I"- ingredients,

$preod1ng pe$fO on b<eod then filling wrth
toppings. Crtote o grill PO" w fh nu1 oil ond
heot on mtdivm, PloC-4 tor'\dwleh in pon. or'\d
eon,p,-u by ploa� o klrg,t heovy fXW'I on top
of bread Cook f0< o few m,nutes, flip and cook
other side. Eotwhile hot ond deidolJ!.!

Protein-Punch Turkey Pizza

Co ne2Smlns
TotclT 30 mint

ngrt:od enis
1 smol twMI po1ofo. P••led ond thinly ,lic:tod I cup (I20g) coated turkey breast, shced
drizzle of nut oiJ of cho1ir::e Y, cup (100g) roosted pepper$, cut 11,10 strips
2 whole wMOI tor1illo, ½ cup (75g) feta cheese, crumbled
2 tbsp 1omo10 postt 1-\ cup (15g) bo�I leaves
1 gorhc clove, crushed

Who SOV!I pizza hos to be off limits?! IJghtly coot your sweet potato with nut oil ond ploce under 9(lll
for approx 3 mlnUl'es, or until render. line o bok>ng 1roy 'with o...en paper ond p,eheor own to 3so·F I
160 •C. A.dd p to to lray, spreoding wilh !he lomolo poste mbc.edWllh gorilc. Spread wth sweet poloto,
turt.&y ,Ike,, bell pepper, and feta cheese on the b0$4, driz.:de wtfh nul oil and codt for 15-20 minut&1,
Remove from oven, top with basil and plate up.

Fancy Pants Chicken Salad

ep mf" 2 tvs Coe rr-e 30 mins

Toto rw 2 hrs 30 min, Serv gr; 4


2 chick.en bt.osts
I Up io11
1 ts.p of��
1 tbsp not oil of choice
I cup (250g} Greek. vogurt
¼ cup (&59) honey
I tsp lemon JUtCe
I cup �7Sg) g,o,,_., hol""d
½ cup (3Sg) almonds,
8 al ces wholo wh&ol bread
1 handful ,omoi� ltnuc•

Preheat voorown 10 ,oo·f /205'C, Season the

chden bfeost5 with sott and pepper and pop ,n
on oven pan. Drizzle with nut oil, rheo bake until
cooked through, for 25-30 minutes. Cvt up cooked
chide.en into smotL blte-�zed p.eces. Place.n o
bowl. cover and refrigerote for 2• hours.
Add yogurt, honey ond lemon JUice 10 o !-molt
bowl ond mill togerher to make dresWlg. In
another larger bowl. combine the chid.en, gropes
ond otmonds. Add dress,ng ond toss evenly Serve
berween 2 slices of whole wheot bceod with some
spring l•tt� Enjoy!


Spiey Shrimp 'N' Slow

t �15miM
IOI 30 m,n,

1 tbsp • 1 1sp nut od of choice 2 tbap c,lor'ltro. chopped
2 l!m•,., JUIC. only I¾ (450g) C\lf)$ of e.11.lro lorg• shnmp,
1 tsp soft pNled and d�ned

y. lsp block pepper-PEIPPOI ¥. tsp turmeric

i-; smoll heod ted 00bbo91. shredded Y, l'I) cumlfl

1 mango. JIJhenned V. tsp ehih floket.,.

V. smoll red onlOI\ $1� il"IIQ lh1n tlt,p$ 2 garlic doves, crushed

Pour 1 tablespoon of nul oil juice trom 1 lime,� teospoon o( the salt, plus alt the pepper into a large
bowl. Add lhe cabbage, mango, onion ond 1 tablespoon o( the cilonlro. TOls logether well.
In onolher � loss your shtlmp w,lh !he leflo�er sob, plus turmeric, C\lmin ond erushed ted peppet
nom. Hect� tea&poon of nut oil n o lo,ge frying pan on medium/h,gh, then cook.� the ,hnmp, Cook
for I� lo 2 n·1u,u•ea per aide. until opo�• end cooked through. RemOIM from pon Add remo1n1ng �
teaspoon oil and cook remaining shrimp, using method. Throw in garlic 01 the end, lhen odd in
lhe resting shrimp. Stir througl, then remo\/e from heot. Add Juice from I lime ond'Wng cilantro,
and mix together Plate up ond en,oyl
Skinny Sesame Chiek-n-slow

P1 • .. "'u 15 minis T 35 mlns

...oto T 50mins s. g· 2

O.S lb (22Sg) chicken breast 2 cups (200Q) red cobboge JIAleoned
� tbsp ti me ,u, ce 1\.\ carroH,, ,u•enned
1 lbsp fish save• V. cup (25g) rt<f on,on, thinly s.lic.d
1 lbsp honey V. cup {Sg) min1 leaves, iulie-nned
� go,lic dove, minced 2 whole mini leaves, to gorl'llsh
� rtd cML 1 fbsp fCOSt♦d .esom♦ M♦ds
1 tbsp oo, 011 of ch01ce 2 tbsp r�ted peanuts, crushed

Pop ehichn bfeos,s in a soucepon, cover with wotat and s,mmer for 10minu1.s. Turn heot off and
oll,ow tht cNc� to f)OO(h 1n the wo•er f0t lO m,rw.,t♦s R♦mov. ch,d:.•n and I.av♦ 1, to cool to room
ttmpt,l'Otur♦ Once cooled. ahtt<f yovr ch1cl:et1
To make your dressing, whisk lime Juice, fish sauce. 4 tablespoons of 'NOfet and honey f09t!lher Add m
gorl-c, chili and nur oil, whisting. Toss 1he shr�ded chi(ken, vegerobles. julienned mint and dreu n
, g
together in a large bowl. Sprin.ld• on m,nl leovM, s.some seeds. ond roo.srtd p,eonu1s. rhen s«w. Yum!

r: ... -

Boss Kebobs & Pomegranate Slaw

15 m,n, 2Sm1ns
40 mi.ns 2

O.SSlb (2509) loon mioeod bfff �«irr'OI
I egg I pomeg,onote, deseeded
¼ cup (15g) dned cronbem•t �wp (15g) freah mint
Yt cup (25g) sheled p1sroch<)$ 2 whole wheat tortiHo,
I 1sp gorom mosob or currv powder Y, cup (409) feta cheese
�r.Oon�n - 2 1bsp Gf'ffk. yogurt
I lemon, juice onty nu, oil of choice
2�cups (250g) wtwte and/or red cabbage soft and pepper, to taste

Preheal your gri ll to high, ond sook wooden sl.8'Ners in cold water to ovoid burning. Place mince, egg,
cronbernes, pistoch10s. gorom mosaic and o pinch of salt and block pepper m your food proc�aor. Blitz
until mixture is well comb'ned, then spoon into a bowl. Using vour honds, divide in•o 2 equol port ans ond
sho� k�b orouod .och skt�. �s• sltew♦rt on-o �I olltd troy, thtn cook undtt your grifl f0t
oppro" S mmutCi>f each s<M. ynh l coo� throvgh ond gol,d.,. Yum!
Peel and slice the onion, cobboge and carrot into mo·lchslicks and comb ine with the lemon jui ce ond o
p,nch of soh into o b19 platter. Half the pomegranates ond holding seed side dow-n, bosh the the bock of
II' WJth o spoon to reltos. oll sHds 1n10 solod mi)(turt Roughly teone, mint leo�t ond 10$$ 10 combine
Ughtly toost tor11llos ond serve with soled ond kebobs with o s,de o f feto cheese ond a dol op of yogur1

Really Good Veal

(od<. f 10 mins
1$ mini

O.&lb (4009) wol minu•• ateok

solf and pepper, to taste,
2 tbsp nul oil of choic:e
�lemon.juice only

rbSol d
hcrtdful chopped minr o nd cilantro
Y• cup rod•I
It. cup cucumber, diced
Y♦ cup celery, slfced
Y, cup red on,on, d'lopped

Using iott and pepper, oot 0tl and o &queeze of

lemon, -S80SOO your veal steaks. Cook in o pan/
skiiJel 10 your liking-4 minutes on eoch $.lde fo,
medium. lhrow together yo...- herb salod ond
dress with o generOt..1$ squeeze of lemon. Once
veot hos rested, 11ic. up and serve with your
$olOd. Too 90$yl


Butt-Kicking Taco Bowls

Prep T 10 mins: Cook Tm 10 mins

Toto ....... 20 m1fll ,erv,rio 2

I cupc (2259) m,nced beef
VJ tbsp apple cider vinegar
,. tsp 90,hc powdt<
V.. tsp cumin
¼ l5p popnk.o
doth of soft

I OJP (l&Sg) cooked q1.11noo
¼ cup (65g) hummt.A
I OJP (65g) kolo
VJ cu-p (SOg) beon s.prouts
II> cup (100g) tomoto-.s. du.�•d
I< cup (65g) soi,o

Ht<tt sk.,..t <:!Wit mtd11.1m/high, ond eoot

beef mince, stirring oonslontty, until li ghtly
browned Pour ,n the apple cider vinegor ond
rema ning 'beef mbt' ingredients. Cook through.
Divide beef Into 2 S«w$, ploctng itl bowls. Dish
up the quinoo, hummus, kole, sprouts, lomoloos
and &also W'llo lhe bowls, divk11ng into equal
serves Chow down end ptepore 10 lock some
serious bun.

Chili Boss Bowls

�ep re7mins Cook T 1w 3& m,n,

Totol T 45 mlns $e,-v,rH'! 2

1 or-.on, finety diced I cup (125g) cherry tomatoes, halved

110,g• <:Ol'ror. g,ot•d I bunch <:llontto. chopptd
? she-ks of celery, slice� �•It c;up (l00g} boby spin.och leoves
116P ground cumin 2 ct1ps (500ml) water
l 1sp smoked popr,k.o ,olf and peppe,-. to to:st&
1¼ cup (250g) leon beef mince chopped red chili, ro tos1e
2 tbsp tomato paste l oYOCodo.chopped
1K cup ("'OOg) 1omo10 pure♦ 1 Hm♦, ju1c:. onty
1 red bell pepper,chopped 1 lbsp nut oil of choice
1 con (400g) r.::t kidn-r M,ons. dro nitd

Heot o to�espoon of nut 0tl in your aklllet ond &OUtit the onion, carrot and celety unhl softened Approx
3 minutes. Toss in cu-mil\. popnKO and mince and c-ook unfl mince hos browned, approx Sm·nut es.
Add bel pepper, beol'l6,. tomato paste ond p4.1ree, then pour in 2 cups ot walec- and simmer on f,ow/
med!Um fot half on hour, unt• thick. Season with solf and pepper and odd in the cherry tomatoes. Just
before serving, gently fold in the cilantro ond $pin0<:h. Divide into bowts. spnnkle on some chopped
ch.Ii ond ovoc:odo ond o big squMt• of Ii� juic.. This losty ehili't g<•ot olone or on top of brown rie•.
qu1noo or sttomtd v�g 1•s Dig ,n!
Roinbow Chicken Quesodillos

1-'tep ""If!> 15 mms Co

T'otol 11e 1 hr Set-.,,n ,2

r di
¼ C\JP (40g) beet$. peeled ond diced I rbsp pe$lo
1 cup (125g) .surrwner .squost\ shced m holf moons Y, cup (25g) cheddar cheese, shredded
2 cups (150g) mu,hroom� sliced I rsp nu1 oil your choice. plus extro to drizzle
0.351b (l60g) skinless chicken breast sotl and pepper, l o losle
2 whot• wheol tort,los

Heat 1 leospoon of nut Ot1 "' o lorge 1kilet. over medium heat. Add beeta and 1011 and pepper, then
cook for opproll 30 mirure5. until nicety tender. Grob a second skille1 and heat remaining 041 on
medium. Toss in the squash and mushrooms. s.eoson, ond cook for 5 minutes {kMping them ope.rt will
stop the,m 9<)1f'g beet color). Put squash and 'shrooms on poper rowel.
l.1$,ng the some frying par\ cool; your c:h1d:.en to n.ce and golden, ltwn cut into smoll SQUOr8$. Wipe
down pan with paper towel, dnzzte with nut 041. then cook o tort1lb over medl\Jm heat. Once Wl frying
pon, 1op � of rhe rortilfo: spread with½ of the pesto, then odd � eoch of cheese. beets, mushroomi,
squosh and chick•n. One• the bollom of your lortino slorrs to crisp, fold in half. cov•ring the filling.
Rerrww. your quesod Ila. sGu up, one:! repeol' fo, eoc-h tort1Uo. Then dig int


Belly Bustin' Turkey Burgers

Prep tl'li- 1 hr 15 mns Coe«. T _, 10 m ns

Tot; T t h( 25 m ns $e,rV11'�S 5

9 9 111,,t<Jil#'�OS n <Juu

¼ cup (115g) zucchini, grated 211 cvp, (375g) cvcvrobffs, choppt<I

2� Cup$ (S60g) !ton lul'l<ty mine• t� cups (300g) cherry 1omo1oes, quart8C'ed
� cup (SOg) finely chopped red on,on }', cvp (S09) r.d on10n. chopped

2 garlic cloves, rrinced 21sp m,n1, finefy chop�d

V, cup (15g) whol• �I br.od cn..

mbs 2� tbsp lemon juice
¼ cup (Sg) parsley, chopped 1 tb.sp nvt 011 of cho�
1 lbgp minl, finely chopped v. tsp salt
1 !Sp grovnd Cl,H"t'wn S cups (250g) romo ne leffuoe, chopped
� tsp ground codander ¼ tbsp feta chH$•, crumbled
� tgp ¢ll$pjC. powd•r pepper, lo 10,te
v, rspsoll
pepper, to taste
l\ od of <tiaic.

T°" oil sok>d 1ngredenI$ ond seasonings together in a large bow1. MIA thorooghly, cove,,- with ding
film and pop in the fndge for on hol.Kot longet". Now l'l'li burger-mo lung limel. Sqveeze any exces5
liqu,d from your zucchini, then place 1n a large bowl, odd1ng the turkey mince, onion. garlic, breod
crumbs, parsley, min1. t,pices, salt and pepper. Mix together, then make S potties of equol Sze, approx
1 inch thick. Pop any unused pathes in the freezer.

Heol sl.illot over medium heal and odd a splosh of nut Otl. Cook eoc:h potty ...,hi nice ond gotden..
approx 3 minvt&s eoch side. F'lote up with salod. Oe!ii,h!
To 1how p0t11M fo, nexl vse, ploot In the fridge in 1M mom,ng. If s.1,11 frat� or coo\.ing time,
pl� cling wrapped pc,tl •• 1n o dish fu I of cokl water for oppro.11. � on hc:M.,r, or until fulv thow«t

Finger Lickin' Chicken & Slaw

Prep r e 10 mini Cook. ,rr 8 mins

Toto1 -,me 18 m.ns Senings 2

h I n
2 pieces skinless chicken breosts
drizzle of nut oil of ctloice
$oft ond P•PP•r. to tc:zstt
2 tsp sesame seeds. optional


� (150g) chineu cob-boo•

2 C'4)$ (lOOg) wgo, snop peos
Y; fresh chili

I lime, ;.,i� only

I tbsp tomoti
I tbsp hummus, opfionol

Cui each ch,cken bre-ost m hol(. sideways, 10

creo·e 2 flat pieces. Rub chicken with nut oil and
season with sol! and pepper. Coo., in a frying
p o n O\l•t h,gh �' fQf' approx 4 mlnvtes .oeh
&Id•. OI' until cooked 1hrovgh ond gokl..-i.
Meanwhile, cut the scallions, cabbage, auger
snop peos and c.hii finely. In o bowl, mix
togtlhtr jvic. from 1 lime ond tornori. Ton
tlvovgh tM s.low t()Ql"ed1ent$ One• vour chk:k:tn
•• cooktd, ,emov. from pon ond cul into
rne<tum stnps. Qu,dlv IOOS'l the Mtsome si&eds,
wilhou1 burning(!� lhon ,pnnllo on lho chick"'1.
Fltate up with alow and a side of hummus. Yum•

Kiekin' Sesame Chicken Bowls

Pr� "r,m• 10 mins Cc T 20mins

Toto T 30 mins Se ng .t

-wl ��'"'ey <;�-:,....,!!' o rt=>

¾ cup (130g) uncooked quinoo ¼ cup {65ml) dwck.en slock. o, woter

1 lbsp nut oil ot choice ¼ cup {65ml) tomari
3 cups (525g) broccoU, cut into gmoll pieces ¼ cup {65ml) honey
3 cups (450g) sugar snop p•a•. cut if"'lro smoll p•t<:•• I tt»p •�o� oi
2 large chden breom,, cut into smoN pteees � tsp red pepper flakes
solt and ptpper, to taste 3 lsp wtioi. wheat flour
SMOmt SMdt

TO$$ touce ,ngr.dienlt in o bowl and mu,. Cook quinoo by b,ingng ft lo o boil ,n o pot and letting
it simmer for about 15 mmutes (or un1,I ii is tender). then spoon evonty into 4 bowls/1upperwore
conto.ners. In o large siillet, heat nut al, then cook. broccoli ond sugar snops peas for approx 5
minutes oohl tender but nc» l,mp Divide greens into yout bowls/ cont01ners. Add nut Ofl 1f the ski let
is dry, then throw in the chick.en. salt and pepper, and red pepper tlokes (optiooor). Cook chicken
tlvough, opprOA 7 minutes. Pour in the sauce ond ,tir. Allow to s;mmer for 2 minutes unta sauce
thickens Spoon chicken and sauce on top of rice and greens, then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Seo,
and sror• 3 meols. rhen d9 Into I bowl 1 L•ft<Wer rneols will keep for vp ro • days,

-. ..
Tender Thai Beef Salad

2hrt tS m,nis '

T ,I 2h•s 25 mins 2

1 tbs.p l1m& JUte8 0.251b (100g) cherry tomatoes, quo1ered

½gor1ic clOYe, crushed � red onion. halved, cut i.nlo tt-.n wedges
½ lbsp fish I long fresh red ch Ii, halved, doseeded. thi�y
I lb$p ttiomt Oil
sliced lengthwoys

Y.bp tomori smo1 handful mini leov9'. loroe Je,o,,.. torn

l 1$f> of freth g,,gor, f,noly groled smo1 handful cilontro, feoves only

1 cvcumbe-r, holved ltngthways, thinly smol hondul Tho, basil leaves., Qrge leovM lorn
s.l,cttd on diogonol Y, cup (6Sg) toosl� peonuts, 000rs.tfy chop�d

½ts.phoney 4 hondluls bobykole, tom into smal pieces

0.7Slb (opPfo�. 3'0g) beef s1rbn steo\.t

Place bme JUic� garbc, fish sauce, sesame 011. tomon. ginger ood polm sugar in o pournii JU9 Ol"ld
whist. Put beef in o large bowt ond top w th½ the dreG-sing. Seel with ding wrapond lea,e in fridge
for 2 hours lo marinate. Turn meat occosiono!ly.
Preheol your chorgnll pon or barbecue on high, rhen cook sleok to your li.lulg: 2·3 minut.s eoch side
for medi um. R�move meat and lel resI on o plate covered with fol for 10 minute$.

MeonwhtMt. to;s romo,o. ct.1cvmb«, onion, chit,, mnt. cdonlfO. basil. chop�d peonvts ond lc.o1• 1n10 o
lorg,e bowl Th nly she• ll4•f ogo,nsl the,> groin and odd to bowl Pour on r•mo,n•ng dr.ui"Q and to»
gently, Serve ,n bowl$ ond en,oy 1he znty Tho, flovon!

No-Beef Chickpeo Burgers

Prep rr-e 3S m.11\f

Ofl!l: l 45mins

1y. cup, (200g) chockpoo, plnd'I of ,oh

¼ <.up, {170g) sweet corn v, lemon, Z9$t orly
hcrldful fre$h cdantro nut cl of choice
V. tsp popl"iko v, ,mo 11 rovnd lettuce
Y, tsp ground coriander 1 lorge ripe lomotoes
Y, tsp ground cvmin 2 whole wheal burger bun&
2 tbsp whole whe<H f\ovr, exrro f0t dusting k♦t<.hup

Add dr01neid chickpt<is ond com .nto y<>YI' food pt'OC.-S$0r Add 1'l the clonlro 1-ov♦s ond oll of th♦
cilantro sro••· Add pop-nkc, grO\lnd cor1ondtr and eumil\ nour, no so1t ond fine t♦sl of I lemon Pulw
unlil m1.11.lu1e <:omb.'les but &Iii hos $oClffi9 chunkines.s.
Ovs1 your b♦�h or boo rd with flou-. rhen shope th♦ ve,ggl♦ rr.x into 4 ♦v♦11 pan 0f)f:)f'OX ¾ ,n-:h I
2cm th-ck eoeh. Pop Or\ o plol• in the fr,dge f0t 20 m1 nvtti. Oritz- som• nut oll 1n o lorge frying pan
on me<lium One. hot, odd ond cook. "nhl l'WCe and g<>fd9r\ opp,ox S m1nut•s each $.id♦•
As !hey siute, wash 4 l♦lluc♦ l♦oYH and slic• up your 1omoto♦1. Addo squirt of k.tchup lo your bun
base ( or fresh). then construct 'f(Klr burger, adding so,n.e cilon1ro 1eoYH. En)oyyour s....p,e, 1osty
svperlood bvrge�

Green Machine Fritters

P1ep r 20 mint
etc ,� 4S mins

·" .
I medium z:u«hinl l lb$.p groled Por!T'le$OA chHW, ophonol
� ttp solr. divided 2 lb$f) nvt o,I ¢f choice

I scoll,on, very thinly $heed groood block pepper, to losle

1 egg, lightly beaten Gr"k yogvrt. opt1onol topping

V.. cup (35g) whole wheat floor extro scolhon, optt0nol

� l.sp bot.Ing powder

Preheat oven to 2oo·i:-11oo·c, with o rock. on the mddle shelf. Grote zucch1n1. or use the shredding
blade of your food processor. Yoo wont the gratings to be fairly thid. Pop zucchini in o large colander,
odd 1 teaspoon of soil, end lel til for 10 minutes. Using your hands. squNt• liquid from zucchini. You
CQn otso use o dishtowel but USlr\Q honds gets out more m01st1,1 re. And ,t's fvn!
Ton zucchin1 1n o kwg,e bowl, odd n scallions, your beaten egg and o decent pc,ch of block. pepper.
M 1.1<. together. In on�r bowl, combme the flour, boQ'lg powder and Parmesan (ophonol) Add to lhe
v.ie1 ingred:enrs ond $tir well.
Heot oil in a larg• frymgt ponhkilel on m•d1um/ Or.c. hot, drop in chunky $p00nfula of th• bolter
withou1 overcrowding. Ulse o ,potulo lo Rotton lhe bk,bs ond cook for about 3 minutes eoch skfe, until
go<g,eous and goldl?fl.
P1oc• on pof)« 1owtf 1O dtoin �, S•M worm w11h 0 l1ttlt Gr..k. yoghu,t on top, ond o spt,nlt.ling of
5«Jlhon$ tf your M<w1 dG1$1rN. o.l1$hl

• •

Fire-Up Fritters

Pre,p T l""'e lO min, ((I(' 1"!'1e35m111s

Tota l .. 45 rruN $.arv Ii 2

2¾ cup (500g) of row corn kernel ._,

1 red bel pepper. finety chopped 2 tb$p whole wheat flour
1 bunc-h ci4ontro, chopped 2 tbt,p nvt oiI of choic•
4 scalions, finely sltCed dash of soil & peppe,

Pour t', ,of the corn. plus the .1; eggs ond o pinch of soft and pepper Into your food proces.sor or bf ender.
PvlM/ blend f0t 1 rn.nvt• until o pur4♦ fo,ms. Spoon into o bowl, lhtn fo$d in r�ining (()(ft. pl U$
citoniro., btfl P•PP•r. ,coIlion ond Ao,,,,,,r to mok♦ your boiler, Seosor. os r.ciuiJ'9d.
Heat 2 toble1poon1 of nut oil in o frying pan on low heal. Drop in 2 tablespoon dollo� of bolter and
cook o few fl'fners ot o time. Cook foropp,ox .. minutes, flip, and cook other side. Fnners should be:
go4den and firm.
Serve w,th o mte solod, and odd &ome avocado ond ,otso if you're feeling adventurous.

Go Faster Ve ggie Posto

Pr•p ...n• IS mn.s C

To10 T ir'l"le AS mins Serv ngs Z

IY• cup (t25g) whole wheat rusilli

I tsp nut oW of choke Ya cup (75g) cherry I0mol0H

� cup (60g) grore<f Pormeton ch4••• 1 zucchinis or yellow •quosh.. quor,.,.ed ver1icolly
I 1bspchoppedbo!.il ond then slked into Y. Inch wide w-.dg•s

IYt l$p lemon Jvic• solt ond pepper, lo taste

Preheol your oven to ,oo·Fnos·c. Toss tomatoes end zucch:ili/squosh with hotf 1he nut oil ond 5011
ond pepper on o parchment lined baking troy. Sp,int.le hot( the Pormei<ln and basil on top. Cook. for
approx 20 m-nutes, rosYng halfway, unhl 1he cherry tomatoes hove bUDt and orher vegg e ,s tel'\der

As the wggun roo,t, bring o tar� pot of solted water to the boil. Add p0$IO ond cook. for 10-12
minutes. or unhl a1 dente, Re&erve � ,cup posta cooking woter before droinll'lg pasta 1nio o larg,e bowl.
Wh•I• J>O$IO ,, 11 II hot, odd lemon jvicc:♦, r.-no1ntng nut o,l Porm.-s,on and basil. Add obovl l tobfffpoon
of rh♦ po.sto wot..- and 91'M ii o gentle ton to comb1n.. Add mot• pa,10 wol•r if po1to H-tm1 dry
When the veggies ore done, odd them to lhe po�to, ,uices and cit. to combine every1hing and
seoson wlrh solt ond p♦pp♦r. Eor up!
Healthy Chicken Pasta Salad

PfepT 1 hr 10 mi,._ t,;oo T � 1$ m,n$

Total T,..... 1 hr 25 mini Serv· ,.. 4

2 Y. c� (225g) whol• whoo, Po'10 1 red bell pe,pper, d,ced

1 cup {150,g) cherry ;omo·oes. sliced in half 3 chick.en sausages (cooked), thinlv
Yi a,p (SOg) red on.on, diced ¾ cup (165ml) lloion dr♦uing

2 cup$ (350g) bf'occoll, ,lk«td into ,mall pi.c•s

Cook poslo os per insln.icilOflS. Drain ond pop in fndge for 2 or more hours. Cook chtek.en
&0USC>ge$ ood cool. Store i.n fndge. Once you·re ready to eat, &lice up ol your vegg1e5 ond chil&d
aousoge To» m1o o large bowl add your o:nd dressing and muc together well. En,oy your to.sty
so1od nice and co!d.



-¥ ..

Creamy Ava Hummus

Pr� ,,,...,.. 10 mins Cock T Omin

Total T me 10 mini s.V"lql l

ngred rl
1 o,n (41Og) ,ehi,et well droint-d sah and pepper, lo taste

2 ripe a....ocodos. cored and peeled pinch of cumin

3 rbtp nu, o-L plut mor• HMtlg 1-2 rbsp hnely chopped e,lontro
l.ovts, ophonol
1½ tbsp tohini
red pepper optional
J tbsp l ime ;u.ce

1 tlo,. oo�it. PMltd

In your food procenor. pulse chu:kpeo.s, nut 01� tohr1i. l1m• JUice and gorhc: f01 oppr0.1t 2 minul'N, until
nice ond &mooth. Add solt and pepper, cum n ond avocados and pulse fcx a few more minutes until
s.lky 1-mooth.
Spoon into o dish oOO 90rnbh w,lh o cilonrro ond rtd pew,., flok9S, or\d o dosh mOf• oU. En1oy with
crunchy V9gg1e 1h<;b. Yum!
Yogo-Berry Muffins

pl 10 mins l!'nf!' 20ffliin$

Se 11rx. 6

1 c:vp (150g) whol• wtlitat flour I rbsp nu1 oil of Cho�

¼tsp salt YJ-K cup honey
I lsp b<,k-,g f,)()wd•r I cup (180g) m.wd b•mfl (bluebffl'i•,.
V. tsp bok.1ng soda blackbemes)

1 "99 I rbsp flovr (for b•rrlt-S)

,; cup (65g) G<Hk yogu"

Preheat your oven to J7S"F'/190"C. You w,11 need a 6--hole muffin t,n, lined wilh lightfy greased oven
po.per/muffin cups. In o medium bowl mix together flour, &alt. bate.. ng powdor and bokrlgsodo.
Crock. egg into onolh« bowl, ond whiik together wilh yogurt, nut oil and honey. Add drv mix into lhe
bowl with the wet mgrechents. Stir wel, without over-m,x,ng In the bowl used for the dry mil(. comb1ne
berries with 1 robl-espoon of flour' to p<evenr berries from clumping ands nking In the m.iffln,
Gently fold in lh• bermtl, then 1poon batter into the muffin fin.
8ot.• f0t obout '20 m••s, untJ gold♦n and frogront, Remove frOl"'I' rM ov•n P,oc• muffiM CC'I o
wrt♦ rock One. cool, d ,g in 1
Bananarama Muffins

Prep Tm• 40 mins Coo T s. 28 mins

Toto! r- 1 hr & min.s Servi �s 12

nvt oi, for gr.a51ng troyi

1 Y:I! cup (1'20g) quld:--cook.ang oots
I cup (250ml) mik of choice

n cup (110g) honoy

I c.up (300g) mo$hed ripe bononos
2 egg wh 1•e$
1 tbsp nut 0tl of chot<e
1 ts.p pure vanilla exlrocl
l1 cup (75g) whole wheor flour
I tsp boking powdtl'
¾ tsp soda
Y:1! tip sott
¾ cup (95g) choppe>d wo lnut1
3 tbsp chio seeds

Preheat your 0',l'en to 37S•FJ90•C. Place lners in

your muffin fin and g,reas.e lightly. Tip oars and
mi:tk inlo o large bowl and mix lhoroughly. let
soak for 30 m1nU1es Next. throw 1n the bonono,
egg.s whllas, honey, nU1 oil and von1Uo ond
In onocher medium bowf, whisk together the
flour, powder, baking &Odo, tolt and chic
.-.ds.. To'-vour t1m• to odd tM drv mix nlo ,,..
wet ing�dients, muc.1ng Wflh o spotulo unhl ,usl
comb4ned. �old ., your chopped walnuts. and
•peon botter into your muffin tin.
Bok• for 24�2$ minule$, You'lt know hy'r• done
wh•n o toothpick. Comt$ out cleon. Allow lo cool.
Low-GI Seedy Muffins

1-'re-p T • IS mns Coo rte .CS mins

Toto 1 hr S., "II 12

nvt oil for grit0$lng uoyt

d cups (600g) of aweel pototoe5 K lsp so1t
4 $COIi.on 1¼ Up baking powder
1·2 fresh r� chilies Yi cup (SOg} Porme$0n cheese
6eggs 1 lbs.p s.unflower $MdS
3 1btp comoge cheese 1 lbsp ?OPPV Sffdl
I cup (130g) whole wheo1 flour &0lt ond peppor, to tos1e

Pft.hto1 your ()V9r'I to 3S0•F/1�C. lln• o 12•ho'9 muffin tin with li ghtly gr.O$td ov.n pop•r ,q..,ortt 0t
muffin (OS.ff,
Peel end coo,sely grot• your sweet potatoes into o lorge bowl. Trim and firwtfy slice your scallions and
odd. fo'lely sl,ee your c.Jwll, holi to the bow\ and k.eep,ng the rest oslde Crock tn your 699'· odd
couoge chffM and floU", boking powder, ond sorr s.oton with soh and pepper. gro1e 1n mos• o f vovr
Porm9$0t"I, ond mix.,_...,,
Spoon boner into your muffin rin, topping with seeds: and remo·ning chili slices. Sp("nt.le rhe remaining
Pormesan on top, th«! place lroy on bw•r oven shelf. Sok• for 45.50 minules unlil cooked lhrough
ond goklen
Let cool fo, o few minutes, then eot yummy ond worfl'\ or cool Gomplelefy ond store in rhe fridge.
Coco-Cranberry Bliss Bars

rep ,r,elSmin II ..,fl >3 hrs

oto I 3 hrs 15 m1ns Set'. ng 14

1 CLP (e()g) �lod oots 6 dot••• p,n.o ond $00Ud ,n hot wo1•r

� c:up (I Sg) rice bubbles or putled rice for 15 m1r',

3 tbsp of chopped nu1s V. cup {65g) peonut buner

1 ,bsp chlo seeds 3 lbsp honey

3 tbsp coconur, dea,ccoted or &.hredded 2 tb$p cooonv1 ot1

1 tsp vonilo e,1trocf
V• cup (30g) dned cronb«r1es

Place oven pop8f on o baking tin (6x8in/20x20cm bok ng lin i$ idool). Throw the ools, rice OObbfW
puffed rKt, nut&, thiQ M9<:I$ ond wwnut mto g bowt Qnd mK tog'i'lhif,
In yovr bMt,dtr, blitz lh• cronb«ri.s ol\d dot• ur\f1I wtU combintd and s1ieky, Pour 1n thlt 001 mtX ond
blitz ogoin 1.mlil ingrtd,c,w,ts ore wvll c ombt�.
Tip th• pea.nut butt•r, honey, mtlte-d coconut oil ond vonilfo into o lorg• bo,....,t and mil well. Add lht
mixtutt •from,.,_. bi.nd.,. ond c,ombirae. One• well llncorporoltd, prus 1ht bliss bor mi:x ,nto your
bo\il"IQ tin Or'ld ploe. In tht fl'ldgt/frt•z.r.
Remove once set and slice into 14 serves with o sharp knife. Oig in! Keep leftov!f bors 1n o seoted
contoner in the fridge/freeler for you< next $OOC.k ortock.
IOU Billi
Baby Banana Burgers Netflix & Popcorn

1-'rep T 10 min ">-ii T ,,. >1 h< P,."�' -rr• Sm n ,..@ -111• 10 min
Toto ... 1 hr 10 min Ser 4 ....o·ol ...,me 15 min Serv ,gs 2•l

9 , •'
w. lb$.p ptOnul bult♦r l ,b
..p mocodomlO nut°''
¼ c,,ip (l90g) (j.,-eet yogurt Yi c� (60g) popcorn kernels
3 bononos lOII, ro lo5t•

In o bowl, mix fogelher lhe peonu1 butter and Over high heal, worm your nut oil in on 8qt/7.5L
yogurt. Stic. your bononos into thkk. pennies, ,toctpot tor 1 minute. Pop o couple of kernels in the
and spread half of lhe s!ices w,th the nutty mi•. pot and replace bd. Once you heor popp ing, the oil
Place rhe 'fld' on yovr bananas unril you hove o IS hor and rtody to pop ','()Ur com! Tip in the resr of
bunch of min, bonono burg<>r1 frMzt ond d,g your corn kerntls ond covor.
,n any•� .,.ou � o swN1, er.omy tr.ct• Ag·to·e kernels by shaking your pol bock and
fo,th owr the he,ot. When popping has slowed
down to o neor s-1op, remove the pot - 'fOU don't
wont burned popcorn! Tip Into o big bowl, sec.son
w lh $(lb ond t(ISS throvgh. Orin.I• with flovoritd
m(ICOdQm10 oil or nut 011 (If choic• o,g in.I

the goal.
the effort.
the goal.
the effort.
Halfway High Five!

Congrols on making 11 halfway'

We re guessing by now you're feel,ng prelly darn great. You ve

probably got loads more energy, and feel a bil smarter and more
alert. You m,ght hove even wiggled ,nto your old skinny Jeans If we
hod a tenner, wed even bet that you've barely been hungry and
your cravings hove disappeared'

If you·ve been loving your Superfood journey, then today s your

lucky day. 'Nelcome to another 6 weeks worth of super tasty, super
nutr'tious recipes. 'Nho s excited?1

A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT: If you hove been struggling at

oil or fallen off the wagon. hong ,n there' It tokes a while to create
healthy hob,ts, but the benefits ore so worlh it You've only got one
body, so remember it's a lifelong ,nvestment Get bock in lhe kitchen
and bock ,n the game'

Must-Hove lngredienls 5

Week 7 6
Shopping list a Sundoy To•Oo List 7
Weekly Meal Pion. 8

Week 8 ... 12
Shopping li,t a Sunday To-Do li,t 13 Meo! Plons 14

Week 9 .. . . . .. 18
Shopping list a Sundoy To-Do List 19
Weekly Meal Plans 20

Week 10 24
Shopping list & Sunday To-Do List 25
Weakly Meal Plans 26

Week 11 30
Shopping Lisi & Sunday To•Oo List 31
Weekly Meo! Pion$ 32

Week 12 36
Shopping li,t a Sunday To-Do li,t 37 Meal Plans 38

Recipes .. . . . . . 42
Breakfast 43
Mains 59
Snods 91

Must Have Ingredients

You're holfwoy there! Moke sure your kitchen is olwoys stocked with
these ingredients!

Eggs Garlic Powder Vinegar

Gr••k Yogurt Onion Powder Whit♦ Win♦ Vinegar

Milk Of Choice Chilli Floke• Pecan$

Whole Wheat Bread Drted Basil Almonds

Nut Oil Of Choice Dried Oregano Walnuts

Oats Ground Cumin Peanuts

Ouinoo Ground Coriander Mocodomio Nuh

Whole Wheat Fusilli Ground Turmeric Cashews

Whole Wheat Flour Gorom Mosolo (or' P11tochios

Curry Powder)
Coconut Flour Pine Nuts
Allspice Powder
Baking Soda Chia Seeds
Fish Sauce
Baking Powder $e$0me Seeds
Vanilla Extract Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Oil
Ground Cinnamon Sunflower Seeds
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ground Nu1meg linseeds
Dijon Mustard
Soll Flo• Seeds
Italian Dressing
Block Pepper Dried Cranberries
Honey (or Raisins)
All�Noturol Peanut
Chili Powder Butter
Week 7 Shopping List

2 Apples 1 Bunch Cilontro 2 Pocks Smoked Salmon

2 Avocodoi I Cucumber �lb (200g) Salmon

16oz (4S3g) I Carrot (300g) Lomb $leak

1 Piece Ginger ¼lb (340g) Sirloin Sleok
6oz (170g)
Blockb•rdes I Smoll leth.1ce 16 oz (453g) Tub Conoge
10oz (284g) Curronls 4 Mint LeovH
I Small Bottle
3 lemons 10 Olives Balsamic Vinegar

1 lime I Bunch Parsley 1 Small Bottle Mirin

I Orange 3 Medium Red Onie ns 15.5oz (439g) Chick Poos

2 Pomegranates S Scallions 16oz (453g) Con Lonlils

16oz (453g) 5 Sweet Potatoes 3 Bogs Kole Chips

I Handful Thai Bo.sil 4 Whole Wheat Tortillas
I Pock Arugulo
3 Tomatoes 4 Whole Wheat
I Pock Baby Spinach Burger Buns
3 Bunche$ Wotercnus

Sunday To-Do List


Spiced Apple Pie Cookie I p.95 Berry Cheesecake Toasts p.S2

Power-Up Pomegranate Solod I p.63

Tomori Stir-Fried Beef I p.78

Very Veggie Burgers p.87

Monday Tuesday

Super Solm:,n Breokfosl p.55 Guilt-Free Chio Pudding p.-44


Co1to9e Cheese&. Fru1I Spiced Applo Pio Cookies p.95

Power-Up F'omegronote Salad I p.63 Avo & Solmo!'I Suoel' Wrap p.60


Spiced Apple Pie Cookie p.9S Colloge Cheese & Fruit

Sweel Pololo & Lomb Skewen I p.7.4 Sweet Potato & Lomb Skewe<s I p.74

Reheat your muffins in o rooster oven/

miaowov• jusl before Hrving so rhey·r• warm

Super Solmon Breokfotf I p.S5

Spiced Apple P,e Cooki• I p.95

Power-Up Pomegronote Solod I p.63


Yi Cup Nu1,

Tomori Srir-Fried Beef I p.78

Humps Ooys ore 1he best for o

m•tobohsm boosting fvll body worlc.ovt!

Thursday Friday

Guill-Fr'ee Chio Puddir\g I p.A4 Berry Cheesecake Toosts I p.52


Spiced Apple Pie Cookie I p.95 Bowl of Fruil

Avo li Selmon Super Wrap p.60 Power-Up Pomegranate Sotod I p.63


Kole Chips Kole Chips

Tomori Stir-Fried 8eef p-78 Very Veggie Burgers I p.87

8f'oin Boosht'!g Solmon Sood

Saturday Sunday

Seay Cheesecoke Toosr.s I p.S2 Foney AF French Toosl p.50


� Cup Nuts Bowl or Fruit

Brain Boosting Salmon Soled p.66 Egg 'N' Avo Sandwich I p.70


OMG Pancakes I p.99 CMG Pancakes p.99

Very Veggie Burgers I p.87 Brain Boosting Salmon Salad I p.66

Tok• your W()(kOVI OVl$1de or. tht wMkendsl

Your &:xtyBou wor'k.out, con � done onywh..-el
Week 8 Shopping List

SAvocodos 1 Smoll Piece Ginger 12oz (3409) Jor

Roosted Red Peppers
S Bananas I.Sib (7009) Kole
1 Bottle Oyster Sauce
16oz (4539) 1 Leek
Blueberries 1 Bottle Red Wme
1 Slice Ginger Vinegar
2 Lemon.s
1 Hondlul Porsley 3.5oz (1009) Tub Miso
2 Limes Paste
1 Handful Cilantro
16oz (4539) 1 Pock Mini Chocolate
Strawberries 2 Red Onions Chips

1 Pack Baby Spinach 9 Scallions 1 Small Pock Yeast

lY,lb (700g) Broccoli 1 Tomato 1 Small Pock. Hemp

Seeds (700g) Bulternut lib (4509) Sirloin
Squash Sleak 4 Whole Whool
10.5oz (2979) Cherry 4oz (I13g) Tub Feta
Tomatoes 4 Pocks Rice Crod.ers
2 Mozzarella Slices (115g) Cried Tofu
8oz (2259) Can
1 Pock Fresh Rosemary Block Beans

Sunday To-Do List

<.OOK <1 ,Av EP a�• �Ht - A ER

Honey-Ginger Beef & Broe I p.77 Super-Berry Breakfast Ools I p.A7

Super Hero Oip p.93 Hunger-Bustin' Berry Oats I p.47

Choe-Bonano Power Muffins I p.94 lean Green Ouinoo Machine I p.65

Mexi Bean & Eggs I p.8A

Sesame Superfood Bowl I p.86

Monday Tuesday

Hunger-Bustin' Be-rry Oors I p. .t7 Super-Berry 8reokfost Oats I p.47

Choe-Bonano Powe-r Muffins I p.94 Super Hero Dip & Rice Crod:.ers p.93

E99 'N' Avo Sondw;ch p.70 Protein-Plus Gorden Salad I p.67

Super Hero Dip & Rice Crackers I p.93 Choe-Bono no Power Muffins I p.94

Mex; Beong & E99• I p.84 Sesame Superfood Bowl Ip 86

Smashed thol legs & booty workout

today? Treot yourself with o Choe-Bonano
Power Muffin! Bonano, ore on e)(cellent
source energy post-work.cul and help your
muscles recover fosll

• •



Squat N 1 Squash Pr61ein Toast p.SI

Choe-Bonano Powtr MuHin, I p.94

Lton Green 0,,inoo Machin• I p.65

RI l
Super Hero Oip & Rice Crocker, p.93

Mexi Bean a Egg, p.64

Thursday Friday

Super-Beffy Breokfott Oots I p.-47 Squat 'N' Squash Protein Toast I p.51

Super Hero Dip & Rice Crockers I p.93 Choe-Bonano Power Muffins I p.94

Protein-Plus Gorden Solod p.67 lean Green Oumoo Machine p.65

Choc-Bor"lono Powar Muffins I p.94 Bowl of Fruit

.)INN(� CJNNl�
Se.some Superfood Bowl p.86 Honey-Ginger Beef 6 Broe I p.77

S.scme Superfood Bowl

Saturday Sunday

&,EA.F S BRl ,� A�
Kick-Aas Breokfost Tortillas I p.S6 Bod-Au Bonano Poncoke.s I p.S4

Bowl of Fruit Yi Cup Nuts

�(.H UNl..H
Tooshe With The Mostie I p.70 Egg 'N' Avo Sandwich I p.70

Choe-Bonano Power Muffins p.94 Bowl of Fruil

DI Nlk L �NE�
Sesame Superfood Bowl p.86 Honey-Ginger Beef & Broe I p.77

Remember lhot dress you've olwo)"'

wonted to ht into? Keep gorng end $toy on trock.
you·re gonna rod: itl.

Squol N Squosh Protein Too�!

"' " "­
... ...... ,

•""' '
, � ....

.. ..' ... .
� � '\ � ...
.. ... � ,

I -' ✓'

'� -
Week 9 Shopping List

7 1 Apple � 11 Medium Corro1s r 3 Chicken Broosrs

2 Avocados � S Celery Sticks 4oz (1139) Tub Feto

LJ 6 Bonodos L...,
S Bunches Cilantro '--' t Bottle
Unsweeteened Apple
d Kiwis 1 Small Piece Ginger S.ouce

7 I lemon " I Boy leaf r 15.5oz (439g) Con

Red Kidney Beons
9 limes � 2 Jolopenos
2 32oz (946ml)
2 Oranges I Red Chili Codons low.. Sodium
Vegetoble Stock
2 Pom♦gronotes I Bunch Parsley
1 Bot11e Tabasco
-, 1 Pock Arugulo " 9 Scallions

L 2 Whole Wheat
f7 1 Pack Boby Spinach V. Red Cabbage (2009) Brussel

6 White Fish Fillets & Whole Wheot Soft
Sprouts Sh•II Toco,

2 Bell Peppers (Red

L, I.lib (500g) Medium
or Yellow)

Sunday To-Do List


Cookies For Breakfo&I p. .&9 Sweet-Au Oott p.46

No-Noodle Chicken Soup Ip 69 Bugs Bunny Breakfast I p.S2

Sexy Mexy Toasties I p.6\

Zingy Fish & Kiwi Tacos I p.83

Cherry Burst Chio Pudding I p t 00


Cookies For Breokfosl! I p 49

Cherry Burst Chio Pudding p.100

Sex y Max y Toasties p.61

Bowl of Fruit

Zingy Fish a Kiwi Tacos I p.83

For a healthier ver5ion of opple5ouce used

in Coolues for Breakfast, place Jibs of q:,ples, Yi
a.1p ot water ond Y: tsp o1 ground cinnamon in
o pol and coot for 20 mi,ns, until tendet. Ploce
mixture 1nro a food processor or blender until
con$btency is nice and snnooth.
Tuesday Wednesday

Sweet-Ass Oats p. 46 Cooktes For 8reokfost! p 49

Sowl of Fruit Cherry Bul'sl Chio Pudding I p.100

Sexy Mexy Toasties I p.61 No-Noodle Chicken Soup p.69

Rice Crackers a Greek. Yog1,,.1rl ½ Cup Nuts

Zingy Fish & Kiwi Tacos p.83 Zingy Fish & Kiwi Toco5 p.83

Thursday Friday

Sweel•Ass Oots p.46 Cookies For BreokfosH I p.49

Rice Crackers & Greek Yogurt Chefry Butsl Chio Pudding I p.100

Zingy Fish & Kiwi locos p.83 No-Noodle Chicken Soup I p.69

Sowl of Fruit Y2 Cup Nuts

Skinny Fi$h in Spice& I p.76 Skinny Fish in Spices I p.76

Feelin,g positive ond energeuc today? lei's

rvsh some c,ov.ngs ondl goats fodoy'


Saturday Sunday

Bugs 8ur"lny Br•okfos1 p.52 Eggs 'N' Sprouts p.55

Rice Crocke,s a Greek Yogurt Sowl of Fruit

No-Noodle Chicken Soup p.69 No-Noodle Chicken Soup p.69

Bowl of Fruir Vi Cup Nuts

Garlic Chili Shrimps ! p.75 Gorlic Chili Shrimp$ I p.75

Cheny 8uri-1 Vlto PL..Kfd,ng

Week 10 Shopping List

2 Applos I Rod Popoyo 1 Onion

3 Avoc.odoi 4 A$porogui Spears t Lorge Zucchini

½lb (2009) Coconut 2 Pocks 8oby Spinach I Small Piece Ginger

3 Corrou 3 Skinleu Salmon
2 Bononos Fillets
2 c.,., y s, ic.k.:i
16oz (453g) 12oz (340g) Tub
StrowberriH I 0.5oz (297g) Cherry Ricotta Cheese
4 lemons 1 Smotl Jar Unsalted
Y,lb (909) Mushrooms Marinaro Sauce
3 Lim�s
I Bunch Parsley 32fl.oz (946ml) Low•
I Pomegranate Sodium \legetoble
I Smoll Red Bell Stock
1 Orange Pepper
3.Sfl.oz (250ml)
1 lorgQ Mango v, Rod Cobbogo Coconut 'Noter

6 Modjool Dotes I Red Onion 4 Bogs Sweel Po1010


Sunday To-Do List


Salmen & Spinach Po$tO p.&9 Smooth Operator I p.44

Sweet-Ass lemon Bors p. 98 Guilt-Free Chio Pudding p.44

Gone Troppo Porridge I p.45

Rainbow Super Salad p.64

Lean Machine Lasagne (6 Eggs) I p.88


Gone Troppo Porridge I p.4S

Sweet-Ass lemon Bors I p.98

Protein-Plus Gorden Soled p.67

Sweel Potato Chips

Salmon a Spinach Posto L
Tuesday Wednesday

Smooth Operotor I p.44 Egg 'N' Muotord Sondwieh I p.57

Sweet-Ass Lemon Bors p.98 Sweet-Ass Lemon Bors I p.98

Rainbow Super Salad I p.67 Protein-Plus Gorden Salad I p.67

Sweet Potolo Chip$ Sweet Potato Chips

Salmon & Spinach Posto p.89 Gone Troppo Salmon 8 Salsa p-72

Con'1 stop stonng 01 your own refl&ction?

Ne,ither (On we--u mvst � rhose te,gs and booty
workovts yov·� ti.en doing!

••• •


•• . .
,.• .•••
\ • t

•• •• •• • •

:·: ...
� :..
.. .
,,. .
.. ...
. .

••• • •
-· ..
: .: ....

.: ..... ......... .. .. .·- ••••• .. . .... ... :· . .... :....

• • ••••• •
• ••

. . ..:

Thursday Friday

Smooth Operator I p 44 Gone Troppo Porridge I p.45

Sweel-Ass lemon Bors I p.98 Sweet-Ass Lemon Bors p.98

Rainbow Super Salad I p.64 Rainbow Super Soled p.67

Sowl of Fruil Sweet Potato Chips

Gone Troppo Salmon 6 Salsa I p.72 Leon Machine lasagne (8 Esgs) p.88

Spice up your weekly cord10 workoutw,th o

spin dost or hp hop dance doss. The loud music
wil bt wr• to� yovr ♦()ff'gv lcw♦I$ woy uo.

�-�,h' ,,• L 90gnP (& Eggs)

Saturday Sunday


Egg 1N' Mus1ord Sandwich I p.57 F'oncy AF F'rench Toos1 p.50

Sowl of Ftui1 Vi Cup Nuts

8ody8ou Veggie Scromblel p BodyBoH Veggie Scromblel p,85

½ Cup Nul5 Bowl of Fruit

Leon Machine Lasagne (& Eggs) p.88 Leon Mochine Losogne (& Egg,) I p.88

fol'lcy AF Fre,nc'h Toosl


Week 11 Shopping List

n 2 Avocados C 1 Bunch Parsley L' 12oz (340g) Frozen

l 6oz (170g)
I Lorge Piece Ginger
¼lb (340g) Sirloin
Thai Basil (To Serve) Steok

16oz (453g)
Blackberries � Y,lb {120g) Chicken or
3 Bunches Kole '-'

7 2 Lemons 2 Red Onions

u r � 6oz (1709) Tub Feto

2 Limes Y,lb (I00g) Savoy
Cabbage 10 Slices Mozzarella
2Ib (9089) Pumpkin
G 6 Scallions G 1 Smotl Bollle Rice
'J 2 Small Heads Vinegar
Broccoli G I Pock Baby Spinach
LJ 18 Wanton Wrappers
J ½lb (200g) Brussel (J 2 Sweet Potatoes
Sprouts 4 809, Kolo Chips

u 4 Carrots
I Bunch Wolercreu

D 2 Bunches Cilantro
l. V,lb (115g) Dried Tofu

Sunday To-Do List


7 Pumpin' Iron Pumpkin Bread p. �8 Blast-Off Berry Ools p.46

u Thai Super Greens Soup I p.68 c...J Bug• Bunny Breakfast I p.52

CJ Tomori Stir-Fried Beef I p.78 ''-' Super Green Dumplings I p.79

n fruily Pumpkin Scones p.97 D Sesame Superfood Bowl I p.86

Monday Tuesday

Pumpin' Iron Pumpkin Bread I p.48 Blast-Off Berry Oats p.46


Bowl of Fruit Fruity Pumpkin Sc:one$ I p.97

Egg 'N" Avo Sandwich p-70 Sesame Superfood Sowl I p.86


Fruity Pumpkin Scones p.97 Y: Cup Nuts

Thai Super Greens Soup p.68 Thai Supel'!' Greens Soup p.68

Freeze Pum.p1n' Iron Purnplun bread to keep

up to 6 months. Simply thaw I out rhe n1gt.1
Wednesday Thursday

Pumpin' Iron Pumpkm Bread p.48 Blast-Off Berry Ools p.46


Kale Chips Fru,ly Pumpkin Seo"es p.97

Egg 'N' Avo Sandwich I p.70 Sesame Superfood Bowl p.86

MID-A 1 rN 1QN SNAi JI.. Iv, C -A TERh)ON SNA<

fruity Pumpkin Scone5 p.97 Kole Chips

Super Green Dumplings I p.79 Super Green Dumplings I p.79

Fru ty mipk n S.conoflS

Friday Saturday

Pumpin' Iron Pumpkin Bread I p.48 E99• 'N' Sproets I p.SS


Bowl of fi'uil Kole Chops

Sesame Superfood Bowl p.86 Toos1te W,th The Mostie p. 70


Fruity Pumpkin Scon'les I p.97 ½ Cup Nuts

Toman Shr-Fued Beef p.78 Super Green Dumplings p.79

Oon'1 build o summer body. Build the

ULTIMATE body! Heohh-y llfesryle hoblti moke o
pttmo!'lt-nl ol\d f)O$iltve 1mpoc1 Of'I th• WO'/ w•
took. ond fHt!

Bug$ Bunny$t p s,.___ _ _ _

Kole Chip, i:, 102

Too,tie With The MO$li& I p.70 ••
A 1 R"' )NC:t-4
Yt Cup Nuli

Tomon Stir Fried-Beef I p.78

Week 12 Shopping List

3 Avocados 1 Pock Boby Spinach 1.7Ib (800g) Smoked

2 Bononai 3 Tomatoes
I& oz (453g) Tub
6oz (1709) Blueberries 1 Medium Zucchini Cottage Cheese

16 Fresh Dotes 2 Small Chilies 6oz (170g) Tub Felo

4 lemons 1 Piece Ginger 6oz (I70g) Hummus

I Lime 1 Handful Parsley l Small Bottle

Oried Oill
I Pock Arugulo 4 Scallions
6oz (170g) Con
I Pock Basil l•oves 1 Sprig Mini U11sweetened
Tomato Paste
VJ Head Broccoli ¼lb (1739) Chicken
8reo$1 Cocoo Powder or
2 COfrOts
Cocoa Powder
lilb (250g} Cookod
I Ear Corn Turkey Breast 8 Whole Wheat
2 Lorge Red Bell 0.88Ib (4 OOg) Lomb
Peppers Fillets

2 Onions V,lb (1709) Lomb


Sunday To-Do List

,. r
No-Bake Choe Cupcakes I p.96 Super-Berry Breakfast Oats p.47

Oh-So-Creamy Felo Dip I p. 93 Hunger-Bustin' Berry Oats I p.47

Berry Che•s•coke Too5t I p.52

Avo & Salmon Super Wrap p.60

Monday Tuesday

Hu"ger-Bustin' Berry Oots I p.47 Super-Berry Breakfast Oats I p.47

No-Bake Choe Cupcokos I p.96 Yogurs & Fruit

Avo 6 Salmon Super Wrap I p.60 Avo & Salmon Super Wrap p.60

Oh-So-Creamy Feto Dip I p.93 No-Bake Choe Cupcakes I p.96

Tender Lovin' Lamb I p.73 Spiced Lomb Pizzo p.71

Hunger-Suttin' Berry Oats p.•7

No-Bake Choe Cupcakes p.96

Med1terroneon Turkey Wrap$ I p.62

Oh-So-Creamy Fela Dip I p.93

Tender Lovin' Lomb I p.73

Everyone loves a fnend who bakes-shore

your No-Boke Choe Cupcakes with friends and
Thursday Friday

Berry Chee,ecoke Too,!, I p 52 Berry Cheese-coke 'foosis p.S2

No-Bake Choe Cupcakes p_96 Yogur1 & Fruil

Mediterranean Turkey Wraps I p.62 Avo & Salmon Super Wrap p.60

Bowl of Fruit No-8oke Choe Cupcoke, I p.96

[, �
Sp,ced Lomb Pizzo I p.71 Spiced Lomb Pizzo p.71

You'r• one last Power Up wotkouf

away from (omple11ng the 12•w••k fitness
progrom! YOU GOT THI$!!

Suoer Speedy Stir-Fry

Saturday Sunday

E 1:.f
Egg 'N' Mustard Sandwich p.57 Sod�Au Bonono Poncokes p.54

OMG Pancakes I p.99 OMG Poncokes p.99

Spiced Lomb Pino p.71 Avo & Salmon Sup•r Wrop p.60

14 Cup Nuls Vi Cup Nuts

t, NER
Super Speedy Stir-Fry I p_80 Super Speedy Stir-Fry p.80

Avo & Salmon Super Wrap






Smooth Operotor Guilt-Free Chia Pudding

Prll!>p llf"l'le Sm,ns 'ri;.p ,me 5 m1M l.OOk T,n-.. Ovem19ht

Totwl T F>• I doy .:,tul T, f1., J day SeN �1

lngr�l"""t'"- lngrt!>ch••f'lh
1 cup (250ml) milk of choice Y, cup (40g) chio H9ds
� o frottn bonono 2 t,p ho-.y
2 handfuls baby spinach ¾ cup (190ml) milk ot choice
4 lb$.p flo,c IMdS c1Momon powdtr, 10 taut
1 tbsp cNo seeds fruits of chotoe
I tbsp purnpl<An ff9ds
1 tt4p &hr•dd•d OOGOf'IVI Pout'"yovr ,;h,o ••ed&-. hon,ey. mH� Ol"ld �lnnomon
¼ cup(40g) mango into o 10r or bow1 ondm1.11. thoroughly. Seal Hghlly
with o bd or cling wrap, then pop in the frid99
V4 cup(40g) 1lrowb•m•
Wokt up, str•t<::h. ond gfobyou, puddt"Q from lht
Put the almond milJ:, banana and spinach in your fodge. Add a hondfut of youf favorite frvit. Yvml
blender. Blend until r.oe ond smooth. Pour the
b onono-sp:noch smoothe Into o bowt. and top
with th• fruir and sNds. Ho1 1 p: Arra� your
toppings 1n o pr•tty pon•m ond if will 1os••
tv•n b.,,_.

Gone Troppo Porridge

10m,n ,- 0,V,.rn,gh1
1 day n,i 2

M: cup$ (160g) nok.ed olmol\di 2 tbsp young coconut meal, JulJenned

v. aip (65ml) coconut woter 2 tbsp red popayo, diced

1 cup (150g) coconul m•ot i,; bonano. sli,ce,d

�lb$p hon•y 4 strowbernes. quartered

½ l1>p voniJlo ex1rocf pinch of c,nnomon powd•r

pinch of so,,

'/4 C\IP (65ml) c«:Onul WOl9f'
pinch of cinnamon powder
,_., lb.sp honey

Sook almonds ,n o bow4 of water for 12 hours Drain rhem, rinse, and put in blender with coconu1
water. Pul$e unt I coarsely chopp,ed Add 1n coconut meo1, honey, vonmo and so1r. PulH ogou\ until
ingredientt or• 0001uly mix•d.
In o jot or bowl, combine coconut waler, onnomon and honev and mi)l well.Cove-rand store in fridge.

Mix together your fruit and coconut meol. Pour in the spiced coconul water and lo'5 lghlly.
Place porndge ,n bowt (preferably chilled). spoon on rhe trop,col gomish, and spnnk'8 with cinnamon.
Now p<efend you're somewhere for more ex.otk.
Blast-Off Berry Oats Sweet-Ass Oats

Pt•� T"" S mW'I, P,•r T r1e S min, Cool -mci Ovtmigh1

Toto T 1 doy ...oral T 1 day SeN 1

ng 11tn "
1 c...,-:> (80g) oots l1 cup {40g) oats
Y, cup (50g) otmonds:, dc.d l1 cup {l25ml) milk. of cho,ce
1 C LP (2 50ml) milk of choi(t I 11,p ch;o seeds
Y1 tsp vonillo eJ1tlrocl 1 ts.phon&y
2 1$p of ho rw, V. tsp cinnon"M)n powd♦r

l Clop (ISOg) ml.led b8'fies: bluet>e<r!es, 11 banana and nurs of choice

bl octberries, ras pberries
additional mlk., os desirad
fresh fruit of choice. optional

Potlr your oats, olmond mrlk, chic seeds, honey

Poor your oats., almonds, m lk. vonillo extract and cinnamon ·nto o jot or bowl and mix
and honey nto o jor or boNI and mix thotoughty. lhoroughty. Seal tig'ltlywith o lid or cing wrap,
Add the mixed bemes and srir og0tn �al tightly 1hen pop in the fndge a,ernight.
wirh o I1d or clog wrap, thtn po p In the fridge Wote up, ,treld\.ond g•ob your Sweet-Ass Oots
ov.fnighl. from the tndge Add exra almond milk to create
Woke up. 9rob your breo1tfos1 from rhe fridge your des·red consis1ency. Addohandful of your
and give rt another big slit. Add your favorite fovorite fruit end nuts. Enjoy!
fresh fruit ond kicbtort ..,o..- doyt

Super-Berry Breakfast Oats Hunger-Bustin' Berry Oats

Pr pT Smin COOi Tir,- Overnight Pup- Smin \.OQlo rnti 15 mins

Toi ..., 1 doy MVr>.., I "' ln ,,,,.. 20 m1ns Serv gs 1

d •
v, a,p (SSg) "'" Vt C\IP (40g) row OOIS
I C\JP (250ml) woter I rbsp chio seeds
V. cup (60ml) milk of choic• I t.sp vornllo e.x.troc::I
I 1bsp<:ht0 seeds pinch of sotf
I ripe banana Y, cup (25g) blueberries
Vt cup (50g) bfuebem-es Vt tbsp hooey
I 1bsp honey I cup {250ml) milk of choice
V. tbsp lemon JUice
Ploc• OOlt ond wo1•r ,n o bowl Ol"ld lOOk hot'ldful wolnvts and blvtt.rrl•s
cwern,.ghl. G.1 o good tnghl'• ""P Wakei
up, dro n e,11,oeu woter from oots ond put in
Add every,h,ng, oport from walnut, ond e.11.lro
your blend�. Add 1n atmond milk,. chio seed,,
b'"'1'1-es, l o o m�,um pol and bring to thfi
banana. blueberries (leave a hoodful aside) and
honey. Blend i1 oU togelher. ootil oats ore nice boil over a medium/high heal lower heat
ond creomy: Pour into a bowl and top wilh e1tlra ro medium and simmer. stirring regularly,
berries E�oy! for opproJC 10 minules. should how
thickened, and most iquid disappeared. Bowl
up. and 1op wlth wotnutt Otld juoe.y b♦ So
lo�. hvng♦r pol'lg:$.1



Pumpin' Iron Pumpkin Breod

1-'tep me 10 m1ns Co... T e 60 miM

Toto T 70 l'rins S.v 1'"1 &•10

1ngrOOen s
"cup (60g) 001' )'I cup (6Sg) of walnu-1$. cruih«I
1 cup (130g) whof.e wheo1 flour 1 cup (450g) of pUffll)l<,n purff
1 ls.p baking sodo ¾ cup (t90ml) oi honey
� tgp toll 1h cup (&Sml) nut oil of choic.

1 lsp cinnomon powder 2e99s

� tsp nulmeg powder oats ond nuts to top
� r,p gtr>ge< powder

Prthto1 your �n 10 3S0'f/1.$0'C os yov oil up on &,n (20-em) loof pon. Oon'I $klmp on <>l! P\IIM yov,
OOt$ in o food p,ocesso, uM1I flovr-•hk... with o ftw lit11• lump$ fOf" lextu,. Along with lht flour. p,ovr
bol:ing ,odo. &al,, spices ond wofnuts into o targe bowl. Grob another bovA oOO whisk up the pumplt:n
pw6e, honey, nut oil ond eggs. Add in the dry ingred·enh, stirring lightty until everything isj�I combined.
Povr 1he mk 1n10 y<Aif pon, fhen rop wifh th• e)(lro oots ond nurs. PSoce in oven ond boke for 50·60
m!nut$$. It's just righ1 wh.,.. '"'- rop is sr.ghtly springy. or yoVf toothJ)lek. com.s ovt cleon. Ltovt 10 cool.
then ,tice her up!
Cookies for Breakfast!

15 mins 15 m1r1,
30m,ns <x r 18

g adi
2Y, cups (180g) row oort I cup (2S5g) un1weeten.d opple5ouce
I <up (llOg)whol• wh0<>t flout l♦gg
½ wp (75g) flQll wed,, ground 2 hp van Uo e,droct
2 1$p C•Momon powdtt' ¼ cvp (60ml) coconu1 oil. metted ond C()
½ l$p nutmeg powder slightly
2 med ,um carrots. grot«t
!A l•p baking ,odo
½ lsp soll I medium op�e with skin, grated

½ cup (170g) honey

Preheat your oven to Jso•F / l&O"C. Line baking troys with paper. In a forge bowl. combine
the oars,. flour, Roll. seeds, spices, bok.tng soda and sall. In onolh8' medium bowl, whisk up rhe honey,
opplesovte. egg and vontllo. Add rhe coconut o,I and mo: together Pour rh1s into rh,e dry muc.. -and st r
1,ghrly unt I combln•d. Ughrty fokf 1n rhe carrot ond opP't,
Scoop y,. cup portions of cooking dough onto bating troys (u!>e o measuring cup or large scoop).
Ao··en dough $lightly before baking. Pop in oven and cook for 14-15 minUTes until firm and golden.
(Rotot• l'roys holfwoy through if baking multipl• troys ot one•.)
Remove from oven and cod on boking troy for o few mnu1es, lhen Irons.fer to wire rock lo finish
cooling. Pop leftover cookies in on oirtighl conloiner in freezer. Thev re good fo'1,Jp lo 2 months.
Fancy AF French Toast

rep r-r S min$ T 1Smim

l()miM 1·2

Orr'lp tfl'
2099> 1 c1.1p (ISOg) strowbernes, quonered
2 tbsp m11k. of choice ¼ cup C•Sg) pomegranate seeds or seasonal
� tsp vanilla e.drocl berries

11,p of c:,n.nomon pov,der 2 lb•P orange JUtC-&

3 sices whole wheol bread l1b4pho�

drizzle of nut oil of choic•

Add strowbemes, pomegrono•e (or other bernes}, orange "ice ond honey to saucepan. Heat on h,gh
until m;xture comes to o boil. Reduce to tow. ond s1nvner f0< 10 minutes. Pour in;o o container, seol and
p!oc. i,._ frdg•. Compot• will klst for u,p to 7 days.

Whisk: yoor eggs in o bowl. fhen odd milk, vonil!o and cinnamon powder. Stir it oll up. tight!-, oi your
skillet and place on medium heat Ots:> each bread shce m the eggy bowl ond le1 ,1 soak for at le-osl o
minute ex two, then place in sklier. Cook bread, flipp·ng so borh 1ides ore perfe,ctlyOCJlden. Plo1e up,
odd the berry compot• and dig in!

Squat 'N' Squash Protein Toast

r T m4Smins \,.OOk ,.,.. Smins

OIOI v '1

¾ cup (340g) butternul squash puree
.,. ,sp ,011
Y, tsp pepper

11-'1 tbsp of mocodom o nu1 011 or nut 011 of chOfce

¼ cup {25g) ted onions, sliced
2 fr$$h soge leaves or rosemary�
1 slice who!e wht()t br.od

To mo._♦ th• pur♦t, pr9h.ot o� 01 375•Frno•c. C1.1t tht sqvosh

1n half, remove the a.eecb, and place both halves foca down on o
roosting pon tilled with 3mm of water. Roost for 30- 40 minutes.
Once done, drop Iha quash into o bowl and mash with a fed:.
Mi.1 up s.qu(ISh p..,rff, $011, pt-ppt,r ol'ld II? tobl espoon of ¢ti
thoroughly in o bowl. l.1$e worm (or reheated) puree. Heat
remo1n1ng c,; 1n o large skillet and soute on1on& for 2-J mmvtes
Push onioos aside and crock in your egg. Cook unlil your egg is
how you like it, and onions ore soft TOO$I your breod.
In another spol oo the skitlet, odd o tittle more oil and fry the sage
t-eoves for o few seconds. �emove ktoves, ond drain on poper
towel Spreod squash mx on toast, ond top wtth on,oN-, egg ond
soge. Seo.son lo taste.
Berry Cheesecake Toasts Bugs Bunny Breakfast

F'rep mi. 10 mins C.vv "ime 20 mins F-rep m6- 10 mins Coo� T- e 20 mins
To10 I 30miM Ser.,in.,. 2 Tolol T, _ 30 min.s �.,.,,
2 cups (320g) blockbttrries or Wri♦s of c:hoic• 3 lo 4 me<fum corrals
�tspk> 2 tbsp honsso
4 sli� who._ wti•ot breed " evp (1Sg) sh,eddod boby sp;ooeh
Y?-'I• cup (115-1409) 3 tbsp reto, crumbled
oottoge chMW 2 tbsp cilantro, minced
Stsp honey 1 lbsp lemon juice
salt ond peppw. to loste 2 tsp mocodomio nut oil or nut oil of choke
4 mini lea\Jes $011, lo loll•
1 stice of wholt wht,ot tooit
Prehtot your �n 10 42S•F/2'20'"C. Mi.111ogeth4-r 1 egg, pooched
tM bemH. lemon ZKI ond 1 te,ospoon of hon�
(you'll use tM oth.,. A later) Ploc. btrri9' 1n
on ov9"-proof dish and cook for IS-l8 m.nul••· Preheat your cwen to 400"F/20S ·c line o
or un.lil nH:e arid tender. Tok.a ou, of 01101\, ond bolting troy with bolting paper. Cut 0,f the ends
squish berries o l,ttle. Toast b<eod. of rht carrot ond p&el tht carrot before cvmng
11'110 ¼ ,nc:h thick.tllc•s NJd corrot to ttoy, t0$$1ng
M lhe b♦rft9S cool, milt together lh• conoge
through the horisgo. Roost in� to, 15•20
chffse, 2 fto$p00n$ of honey ond solt ond
nllnut•H until cOf'fOls or• browning and just
pepper 1n o bowt Sp1'90d the m1.11. on top of tM
t•nder. Meonwh.ite, po<Kh your egg and 10011
too&1. odd the berries, ond gom,sh with o mini
l&af. En,oyl l.111:1u,J. Tu VUU'--''- 1.u,,..11. ut1 tigy illlu u �1,ull 1.u.,.
In o pol, odd o teaspoon of 'w'inegar t o simmering
woter. Cteate o whirlpool by gen#) st♦rnng with
o fork then s.lowtydrop rhe egg into th• vortex.
Cook feit about 3 minut• lh•f"I droi, Of\ o Ii.itch.,-.
t�I Removt carrots fl'On'I tht O'Jtin or\d 10$$
1hrough the spcnoeh. ftto. c1lon1ro, .men Ju1<:e,
and nv1 all. S.oson wi1h soh Spoon rntX onto
10051 ond $Cilrv& with your pood'I� egg.
I I'

Bad-Ass Banana Pancakes

Smns 10m ns
T 1S mms

V.. cup (35g) ol whole wheat flour 5 lbl.p m, k. of cholc.

V, cup (3Sg) of oot flour (m od• w,th roll•d YJtbsp honey
oo•s In food piocessor or blendGr)
Y:tbsp van, llo extract
� tbep flox ...d,. 9roul"\CI
Y>tosp nu1 oil or o• of choic:•. ophonol
YI tsp bokmg powder
1 medium bonono, sl 1eed
v. t't) bok.,ng todo �tsp cinnamon powder
½ hp soh
3tbsp Greek. yogurt

Heat o lorge s<,llet on mecbum for a fe-H m nutes os you make batter For batter, wh sk flour$, flax seed',
bo<lng powder, bok ng soda andsolt 1og•1he,-, Add in yogua, a l'004'd ml k., honey, vonillo (ol"'d 0ol­
opt1onoll Mil(lunr.l nic:• and smooth, and th cit. Don't o....rm••I Add 1�21ob1•poon, of m�k fat thn�
pat,cok.ts Fold boMno ond c,nn0mon powdor ,nto bott•r
Add a few drops of oil lo your s.Ki11et, sw,t oroundto cool, oAdheo• for GO seconds. Addo few
10b espoons 01 batter and hear 1hot sizzle Cook pancakes for opproa 2 m.nutes on each ,idf- Ent oy
whil• wo,m, (fnuled w,th hon•v
Eggs 'N' Sprouts Super Salmon Breakfast

20 mins Pep....- Cook ,-;m,e 5 mins

:ier'II 1� 1-2

� tbsp nul o,I of e.hoice 2eggs

2 cups (2'00g) brussels sprouts, quartered I slice o1 whole wtleot bfeod
2 eggs 2.sltee. of &m0ked aolmo1"11
2-3 tbip bt•odcrumbs � o romoto, sticitd
1oft ond pepper, to lost• soil and pepper, to losle

Add Oil to your sldftet, ond heo:t on medi-um-high. Toosr rhe bread o, you pooch yoor eggs. Top the
Povr in th• btvuels .sprov11 ond cook, stirring roosl with solmOf\ romotc> ond pooc:;h·ts.. S.OSQfl
from h,,... totm•, for 6·8 mirn,rtts. Sprouts with sol! ot'ld p♦p�. t� el"IJoy 1
should be slightly lender ond $10r1ing to brown,
leovin9 the sprouts ,n the pan. moke some room
and crook In your eggs. Cover the tk,ller. rum the
htol down tow. ond cook. �gs 10 'fO\lt h•ort's
desire, Hlnt 10-12 m,nutts will gi._.. you on owr­
eosy con1Q:tency; 1S mms.• gives you w.1-done
Top with breodcrumb$, s..oson with toll and
pt,pi:,9r, ond dig ,n.
' •.
. ..

• • •

• '
• •
,t,1, ' l
'. •

Kick-Ass Breakfast Tortillas

Prep -n 10 mins Cc n 20m1.ns

Toto! TMe 30 mins

lng r •n

1 ripe tomato M cups (120g) block beons

Y, roosted red peppera d whofe wheat to,Tlllm
1 scotl-ons 2ogg,
½1,me sal tond pepper, o
l tasle

Chop up ,omoroes, peppers and soolhonsono chopp,ng boord 10 make an easy so1!>o Squeeze on
some rme juice, drizzte wirh oil andodd o pinch of soil and pepper, as desired. Useo knife to mix it up
ond chopo bit more. Add more lime if required.
Dro,n block beo.ns and odd to small ooucepon, seosoo with &011 and pepper and dnule with oi1. Gerlty
heal beans through. AJ the same hme, heal up o aiflet and roost y our tortillas until charredon eoch
s ,de Toke off heo1 but keep worm under foil or towel
Addo Mlleoil and try your�$, $Uf9 your yoUu s tay runny. Pk,te up 2 tor'llllos � pen,on, t o p
w,th your bbck be an&, egg and zesty wlso Oig tnl
Egg 'N' Mustard Sandwich

Pt� 5 fflUl$
Toto .,.m• 3S mint

1 tbsp nut oil of choice
I c:bve 90rlic, m1nctd
!A C\.11)$ (15g) kole c, spinach, loosely pocked
1 rsg Qf Of9n m1,ct5tgrd
2 shces of whole wheal toost

Add od to o ktrge sk.i[let. heohng on medium/htgh. Tou in gotlic and cook. for 60 seconds.. Add your
ko!e/spinoch and ton o few times, cover. and remove slolle1 Sit the greens f0< 5 minutes., until s!ightty
wifed. Re-mO\fe greens ond put to the side.
Replace skillet lo coolttop on medium/high ond add ell Fry eg91 lo your preference os you loost
bread. Loyer 100,1, egg. greens and spicy mu!.tord to create each mouth-wolenng sondwich.







Avo & Salmon Super Wrap

Prep rri11 7 m1ns

Tola T 7 mins

ng en

1 whole wheot tortilo ti, o oorro1, groted

1 lbsp ovocodo Y, o tomato, she.eel

l-1 cup (100g) solmon 1 handful oruguto t.aves

Spr•od ovocodo on W(Op, then odd s<ilmOI'\ grottd COffOf. IOM(IIO ond o,ugulo Roll \IP nit• ond 1igh,.
ond •nJOY Tie your w� wrop up w,th WW'lg if vou·r• mok.1ng ,n odvone•

Sexy Mexy Toasties

Prop 10m,ns
Total ,ne 20 m ns

2 whole wheo1 lortillos 2ovocodos

1 con (AJOg) red kidn.y beans 2 tbsp Greell yogun
Solt ond peppe,r, ,o IOSt• 1 amon handful 5eol1om,, $1ic9d
2 t&p go,lte powder, and mo,e to taste

Line baking rroywith oven paper, and pteheo; oven to 325.F/160·c. Worm rortiTlos in oven f0< opp,ox
10 minufet.. M•onwhil•. heoI b.ans in o amo1I frying pon, s.asoning wirh 1he soft and pep?41r and
� 1.ospoon 90rhc poW<Mr They shovld ta do,.,. in 5•6 minute,s Mosh OYOCOdos, seos.on and mix
through Y.i te<tipoon gork powder.
Spread some mashed avo onto y01.1 worm, lop with <1ppro:x t'J of the beans ond o tablespoon of
G<eek yogun. Add o s.prinkling of soollions, ond s&0$00 os needed. Ento'fl

Mediterranean Turkey Wraps

Prep l ne 5 mins Coo,,; me O l°njn

otot T·n,e 5 m,n.s :>f'lr•,·ir.gc. 1

t whole wheal tortilk>

2 tbsp of tomato paste, unsweotentd
2 slices cooked turtey breost
1 tbsp feta cheKe
1 c:1.1p (30g) bobv $p noc:h, not pacud

4 bo:Sil leov••

Ploce 1ortHlo flo1 on plote, spre-odirgi with th♦

1omo10 p-osre. Add lurk.�. cti•tM. ipinoch ond
basil, Roll u:p yoor wrap, CYI in hotf, lh9n d,g 1n!


Power-Up Pomegranate Salad

15 m,ns T\l IS m1n1

l0 m1ns 2-3

1 cup (170g) quinoo I pomegtonot•. deseeded

2 cups (500ml)woler ½ cup (2Sg) dlontro leaves, roughly chopped
1 $1"1'1011 red ont0n. f,l\tty chopp•d � cup (15g) poraley leoves
I con of �entils, drained 2 lbsp r"MJt 0,1 of choi<•
Ya cup (•Og) curronti; I lemon. juiced
½ cup (40g} dried cronb4rri•s iol1 or'ld peppe-r. 10 1oste
� cup (115g) mxed sunflower seeds, Greek yogurt, a, def red
pumpkin seeds ood pini' nuts

¾ cup (95g) roos.lod mo<Odomio nuls.

,oughly chopped

Rinse and dtoin quinoo. Add 10 o saucepan with 2 Cl.JP$ of water. Bring ,o o bo I. then reduce heo·
and simmer tor 10•lS minutes. until woler is obsocbed Remove from stove. As th• quinoo cooks,
mix rem(Mn-n9 1ngred1en t,s t¢9ethtt in o bowl, s♦osonin,g w ,th soh and pepper Once qu,noo i.$ cool,
comb,ne with rhe orh4r 1ngredienlt Osh up, <>dc:Hng o doll-op of Gt♦ek. r<>9urr1

Rainbow Super Salad

P, ep ,ne 25 mins Co..- T Mo O min

oto T 25min, Se v,ngsJ-"4

lngred en�
J)') cup$ (lSOg) red cobbog•. &hr.dded 2 tsp gu�. grottd
3 corror, coorwfy 1 tsp honev
¾ cup (20g) parsley, roughly chopped 2 lb6p lemon juice
2 op""" quorttr..:t_ eor♦d oM sli* 4 tbsp nut oil of choice
hondful of radishes or 2 celery 5ficks. 51ic.e<f sdt end pepper. to toate
J tbap toasted pine nuts
1 ib&p pumpkin $Nd$
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
2 tbsp ltnSGeds

Grob o large bowl. and toss 1n all the pre-prepped sobd ingredients Greb o smol boYA, and toss 1n
all rhe dressing ingredients. Season of"Kj whi$k until dressing thickens a l,nte. Toss the dressing through
the sok>d ev.nfy. Now tolle the rainbow.


Lean Green Quinoa Machine

-4 Smin.s Coo 11e2Smi ns

Toto me- 30 m1ns S8f ngs2

!A C\IP (85g) quinoa ¼ cup (5 g) ponloy. chop,,.d
1 cvp (250tnl) tYO'•r 3 scallions. sliced
I leek,. sliced lo\ lemon, Jvice only
2 lbtp nvt oll of ,;hok• \1 \.Up (100g) r.11,1 c.h•WM
1 hondful koie.,chopped salt olld pepper, to taste
2 hondfi.A, baby ap.noch

Rinse and dro h quinoa. Add lo a sovcepon with 1 cup of water and cover. Bnng loo boil, then reduce
heat and simmer for about 10 mnutes, 1.nti water" absorbed Remove from stO'\le and st for 10
m nutes (the qJino-a, notyoo!). Meanwhile, soore rhe Seek with nu, oil'° o large fryir19 pon unr'I it
softet1s Add tti• ko1e, ,11r Olld cook vr\111 sof1�td. Pour in rhe quinoo, s,quffzt ,n Jt.i<;t; fro-n � o i.rnon.
and fold throUQh gientlv. Add tt. sp,noct\. parsley, .eoliol"I$ ond 1,eoson. O,Jh up. ond sprnkt. with f9to
cheese o.g nl
Brain-Boosting Salmon Salad

Pt� mt 5 mii, Cook. T OIT'on

Toto T ..,, S mlns S.-vnul

r,�e en
� cup (.tOg) lenuce
y; cup (SOg) cuc,,,mb4ir. chopped
Vt o tomato. c;:ubed or o handful of cherry
romoroet. hot,
3 sices 6l'nOlced salmon
1 lb&p cottage che9'$e

1 -slice whole wheat breod

1 l$p bol,omic v,negor
1 le- on wedg,t, to serve

Plott up Y<>IK $Olod in,gr.cfionll, $01mon, couog♦

chNi ♦ <tnd OliVfl Add o de. of who,1♦ wh.ot
b,-od (wt in 2 halves) ond o l•mon wed9•
for exlro zing, Top wlh o dritzle o( bokom,c
vinegar. and enjoy your fishy feosl.
Protein-Plus Gor-den Salad

eS mins Loo� T e 10 min

To10 -r-ne IS mins Servngs I

handful cherry 1omo10H
1 avocado
1 cvp ()Og) bol>( spinoeh
pooched egg
drizrle of v1no19rette
mozzoreUo, to!pnnl::le

Add 1omo1oes, ov o and $p,MCh too bowt.

Pooch OIi egg by croebig it into o MT'IOII cup In
o pol, odd o teaspoon oi V1n�r to &1mm41nng
waler. Creole a wh'rlpool by gently shrring with
a (ork. then slowly drop the egg intothe vot1ex.
Coot for about 3 minute$ then drain on o btchen
rowel. Add rhe egg toyour salad, drinlewifh
vinoigrttt•. sp<W'lkl• on l'W'IOZZOr..lo, and dl91n.
Super .simple and delishl
Thai Super Greens Sou, p

Prep ,me 10 mins C001 T "6 20 mins

Toto T ,...,,.30 mins Serv 1'19\ 1

�-.11 Grtt1 OJ Q

2 cups (500ml) low-5odium 1 handful of porsl-v. chopped

w,gett1ble siodt or wot•r
Y, lemon, zes1 only
1Y> cups (2SOg) ossorted green vegetables
1 l&p g nger, grot•d
(broc:coll, 1plnoch, zvechint)
1 hondful of c,lontro, chopped
� rb$p 91nger. gro1ed
1 scallion, finely shced
1 cop (120g) pooched chid:,'ilf'I or ftSh
¥2 clo� of godic, ,
drizzlt of coeonvt oil or nut oil of cho+ct
dosh of peppe<
salt and pepper, lo losle

Combtne oll the Tho1 Gremoloto ingredients in o smoH bow1 ond mix together. Pooc;:h prote,,n in the
mlcrowove on high: 3-4 minutes for chick.ti\ ,.5 minutes for flth. Make s1Xe ,rhos cooked through.

ond bong to boil. R.duc♦ (t(ld 51mm,r '°'

M•oMYhi,. com�• stoek/wol«>r, �gg," CW'ld gingtr in o soucepon, ,.oson with so1t (H"ld J>OPJ>9'1'.
3-S m11\Ut•s. toking core nol to ov.rcook. �10�••·
Blend .oup on high in vour btenc:kw, OCJh up soup .n lorge 1erv,ng boW'I,. odd the chicken or f\$h. ond 1tir
lt'wough. Top with Thai gr«nololo, ond o drizzle o( nut olf ,t <kts1red.
No-Noodle Chicken Soup

e 15 mins Coe, -,,e, 3 hrs 30 mins

ofo mA J m 45 m,m ,l/>flflr'l9\ 3-4

l cup (170g) qu,noo. un-cooktd 2 lsp minced gorlic
3 brge skinl•• chicken breasts 3 tsp so"!
7 cups (17S0rrl) chkken stock I '1.p dn.d basil
$ b(f/9 '-O'l'VI•. .t,...o 1���
S celery sticks, sl iced I bay leaf
1 t'J)ponkly Sllct<I S()()II'°"'• to gom1th

This ooe is souper eosv {sorry). Throw all ingred,enrs (orher thon rhe green onion) i n o brge slow
cooker and cook on After 3 hours, scoop out lhe chicken and lhred ii up wilh o fork Return
chickeft lo 1hecrod: pot and let soup cook fo, another half on hour Bowl up. 90rnlsh with scolions.
and ft"JOV whil•worm, Yum•
1011 llt U.01

Toastie With The Mostie Egg 'N' Avo Sandwich

re ,.,, Sml"'!, oo• 10 min Pm� T Smin• coo, • K)m n

0 1S mins �" otol l 1S mins

"" '"
2 of whote wheat breod 2 hordbo·led eggs
2 slices of mozzarella Yi a¥ocado
�ovocodo �lemon.Juice only
llbsp nu1 o,I of choice V. tsp chill flakes
Yii scolion, fine-Iv chopped
Heot nu, oi l over medium h.01 ii\ a l0tge skillet. 2 slic.s of whole wt.901 bread
To f)l'8f)Ol"e ,ondWleh, ploc:• 2 �ices of eh..,. salr ond pepper. to taste
ol'd v, ovocodo on o ,11c:e of breed. Add ono1h•t
sl,oe of br.od on top (you know, lhe usuo1 woy
.,.ou make a ,andwichl). Ploce eoch sandwich in Bo11 and peel your t!99S, then pop them ,n o
skillet and compress by placing o large heavy large bowt. Add ovocodo, lemon juice, ch Ii,
pan on to,p of bread (eg. a Oulch oven). Cook tcollton ond soft and peppe.-. SHc./mosh vp tM
for a f.w minutes, flip and cook olher side unlil egg, aid avocado with o ltn,ff.t, molung 1-urfi you
golden on the ov1skte ond cheese 1s yummy Qnd \:.eep the ml)(. nice and chunky. Spread half the
mtlty.Orool. rTl6X on your b<eod t o make o s.ondwich.
.. •

Spiced lamb Pizza

lOm,nt ( "I'! 15 Mlf'lt

oto m� 2S m1ns

0.371b (1709) lomb mince ¼ tsp groood cinnamon
1 tsp nut oil of choice � c:up (1009) d ced lomot°"
Iv, cup. (2'25,g) on.on. chopped II-\ rbsp lemon Juice
1 rbsp gorltc. minced 2 whole wheat lottillos
ll1! tsp ground C:111'1 n ½ cup (1259) 901'1<: hurnrnu,
!,i ls.p dried 0<it90no handful chopped parsley
½tsp salt I rbsp pine nut,, toosied

Heot your frying pan Oil medium/high Once hor. odd lamb and cook for approx 3 minutes. b(eok1ng
up rhe lamb with o wooden $f)OO(l. Remove on,c.e browned. Add nut oil to pon and $0ute on.on for
2�3 m,nuf9$, Toss in garlic, soll and gpic.s, ,rlr. then odd in th• woler ond dic.d 1omo10... 6nn,g t o o
Mmmet lh9n rli'lurn kJmb, cover, lower heal and ge-.nrly cook. for S minutes. Stir through !he ICHnOn juice.
Place torti11o ro-..wlds on o baking sheet ond broil 1 minute on each side, or unlil crisp. tv\ok.e sute you
watch ,r corefu11y! Spoon v. of the hummus onto each tontflo. lhen top Wt1h lamb ond sprinkle with pine
l'),U1$ ond p¢rslty Entoy your n�•10,.nough1y p«z.to1


Gone Troppo Salmon & Salsa

?rftP rne 15 mins Coe. .-, 15 mill5

To10 T 30 mlr\S S. r,;Jt 2

So o >OlrT" .,

½ lorg• n,oogo. PHltd end diced 2 sbnle.s.1 salmon f1lets

½ cup (90g) red bell-. chopped 1 tbsp time juice
'2 ibsp r$<:l on10n, chopped 2 dovtis of giort-c. <:Nshed
l1 lorge <Noc:cdo, J)fflltd o.nd dic:-.:1 solt ond pepper, to roste
½ tbsp lime juice
11 1b1p nut oil of chou::e
½ rb.sp coconut water
lOII ond pepp;tr, lo 10$1&

Preheat your oven to 360•F11&o•c. $eo$on salmon f:llers wim salt and pepper, and wropin o�minium
foil ond crushtd gorlic. Put in lhe ov.n ond cook fot JS minutes. Remove fish, unwrop, ard lop wilh
lime Jv1c.i
Prepare your iolsa os the fish cooks. Tos-s mongo, bell pepper, onion, ovocodo, lime juice, nul oil and
coconut waler together ,n a medium bowt, seasoning With solt and peppet'. Plate up salmon and top
with solso. Oeish!

Tender Lovin' Lomb

Pf&p T 55 mins Ii) \S minl

Toto - 70 ,,.,. 2

.,, ed ts
0.8&1b (400g) 1,mb fille1t 1 cup (150g) :u«h1ni. chopped
2 90rtic cloves. crushed 1 cup (180g) bell peppen
1 tbsp tomon (red and/or yellow}, chopped

4 rbsp lemon jli� sott ond J:Mtl)pt,f", IO t0$1.

2 tb$p nut oil ot choice

Make a morinode by miJOng gort,c. tomon. lemon JUice ond a tablespoon of nut 01.I in a bowl Add
tomb to bowl cover ond place in fridge for Of leosr .&S minutes.
As lon'lb mor,no1es, coolt your vegetables. Heo1 o frying pon on rnednKn/high Wflh a tablespoon oi nut
0·1. Cook peppers ond zucchini for S-7 minutes, season to taste, then rEK'llOV8. Add rour tomb fillets to
the some pan and cook until tender, approx 5 minutes on each side, depending on tl-.c.kness, and how
pmk you IQ It. Stice up lamb, and place on top of your zucchm, and peppers. Entoy!

Sweet Potato & Lamb Skewers

ool 25 mins
TOIOT 45 mlr"I$ Sorv,l'l9l 1

ngr -dent
0.661b (300g) tomb log Sltoks dna'e of nut OIi of choice
�lemon. ze,sted and juiced I¾ cups (35g) o,ug\Ao
�tbsp honey sot ond pepl)$t, to losle
1 garlic ctov.. crushed lemon wedges, 10 serve
2 tbsp nu1 oil of choice
2� cup1 (3SOgJ orong. •wMJ potato,
peeled and CYI into lcm•fh1ck. slices

Usulg osharp knife, cut lamb into cubes of approx 2cm Thread cubes onto wooden skewers that hove
been presook.ed in wa·er (or rhey'II burn!). In o 5moll bowl, whisk together '8mon zest, honey, garlic, 1
rob,.,poon t1ut o ·1 and 1 tablespoon lemon ju�. Pour miA over your lamb sk.wers, them cov..- Ihem
ond a.1 res, Steom vour sweet potato sli�s until shghtty tendef, 1hen pop on a plo1e and dnz.:de with 1
roblt:Sp(KH"'I of nut oil and M0$0t"I with salt and P4PPf'
Usu'\9 o•ghfly greased $.lollet o, griddle pan, gril SWfN!I potato unt,t golden. approx 2 minutes on each
$Ide. Toke off heo1. Coale lamb skewers to your I k.in9 (opprox 2 mins eoch side f0< me<fum). Plote up
skew♦rs ond ,....,.., potato wi1h side ot oruguto, and lemon w♦dg•s for ♦lltrO zing.
Garlic Chili Shrimp

9 20 Mll'K C ne 2Smins
Toto T,,., 4$ trun,

lngredi ,..
1 llb (500g) medium shfomp nut o• of cho1c:e
1 smo11 red chill, finely chopped 2 lbsp lime juice
1 gork clove, cruihed lo\ cup (25g) c-lontro
soft ond pepper, 10 10,1♦ 1 hondful orvguto
½ a.J P ($Sg ) ql.inoo l.Jme we-dge, to serve

Ploceyour sht1T1p, chi.Ii ond gorltc in o bowl, seoson, Then leove to rest fo, 10 mlnvtes As !hnmp
mofino1♦, pour finted quinoo In o $0UC-,:,,On, cx:ldlng I <up of wot♦r. Bong ro o bo,il, tow-.r�t ond
simmtf until m:ilsh,.-♦ ls o�.
Lighrtf oil o skiler/frying pan ond preheo1. Pour 1 tablespoon of lime ju ke CNet $hrimp and cook them
through. opp<cx 2·3 minul♦s on ♦och sid♦. Top shrimp with lef'love< lim. juic♦.

Plate up quinooond slvimp, theo sprinkle W\th clontro and orugulo. Addo lime wedge for extra zing.
Dig in!

Skinny Fish In Spices

�rvp me 10 m1ns C.X>l.T �1om,ns

Tot,J T 20 mil"IS s.,,..,,...1,1

lngr -dents
o.,slb (200g) whit• fith mi.ts 2 rbsp nut on of choice
1 lbsp ginger. grated I lime. juice only
l lbsp turmeric, groled 1 hondful cik,nlro, leaves and ,1011.. finefy
2 c:lov..s 90rlic, ,mo$h4'd chopped

1 lbsp tamori p,,n,eh of block Pt'Pf)Ot'

M x ti-.. g ng•r. ,urmctnc, gorlc-. romor.. nut oi ond ,.uce of 1 lim• "" o l0tg• bowl. Mix "t or us. o
mortar ond Pfflle fOf' o suP4,.. Sr'l'\OOth posit. Fold .n cUonuo. then coo, fish filtts In rht mo,1nodt
Wrap ♦och fill.. in fotl (or you eon u.. ov.... popot. or o bonono I.of). mot,,ng o 1igh1 pock.ti
Steom fish for 10 minu1es °'
until cooked 1hrough (whi1e ond eosy to floke). then toke off heo1. Yoo con
also steam in your miaowov• (but nor in foil!). Place frsh on o plate with a 6d ond cook for 4.5 minutes
on htgh po,.v,e, Plot♦ up. s.eo,,o,n with peppe< ond enjoy w,lh o yummy salod or som• A$lan greens.
Honey-Ginger Beef & Broe

T 4Sm11'S

llb (4SOg) tlrktn tltok. uimmtd of fot, 4 cups (700g) broccoh florets
1ht1ly $ftced o-go11"1Sf lht groin 4 medium scollions, cvt inlo I inch pieces; wh.te
6 t$p whole wheo; novr ond greens seporoted
3 tmp • 2 hp lamor, I tbsp gar lie, m nc'9<1
2 ts.p n<:• w,n,e � 1,p gingt-r, mi�
4 tsp sesame oil 2 tbsp honey
¼ lsp soh 1 tbsp oyiltr $0UC.

Wh �k up flour 2 reo!pOOnS of tomori, rice w,ne ond l reo!pOO(I of sesame 011 .-i o sholk>w d VI/bowl.
Seoson sliced s rloin with soh and odd to morinode, coating eoc.h piece. Le1 sit for ho'f on hour 01 room
In o forge saucepan, bring woter lo the boil. Toss in broccoli and blanch for I minute, or until vibrant in
colof and just lender. lmmecbalely remove and nm under cotd woter lo keep ersp.
Ploct o lorg., non.,11ck fryi"Q pon or wok on high htol Ot'1u'e,w11h 1 ttO$poon of i.,on-• oil. ,i-.....
cook� of the :,e,ef, undisturbed, lo, 30 second$, before flipping ond cookJng for 30 more wconds,
movmg with o apotu1o to ensure ifs evenly browned i:temove cooked auton and repeat wifh another
teaspoon of sesame oil and the remaining bee(. Remove second bo1ch of meal.
H-t01 remo,.n1ng oi1 .,. frying pan ond ross 1n tcolllon whitti. n-.netd gt1gtr o"d gorhc, �ng fOf
oppro:, 30 soconds, until frogronl. Add broccoli, honev, oyst« sauce and 3 tablespoons cf tomori, ond
cook, $l1rring.. 'or 30 ncond&. Return the b�f to lhe pon ond cook fo, another 30 wconct, &limng
constanrty To�.e off heat. stir in the acatl1on greens, and dish up D�ishl
Tamari Stir-Fried Beef

PrepT 15mins Co 20mins

Total ,,,. lS mins 2

2 sweet potatoes, ,lioced into 4 KOllions, sli-ced

y. inch thick. hoff-moons dash of m·nn sauce
2 tbsp nut oi of choice
3 tbsp of tomori
&alt ond pepper, to 1oste
doth ,oUC$
1 inch (2.5cm) piece g ·nger, finely minced 3 handfuls of wolercress
¥.lb (3,40g)$1flo,n SltOI:, C1J1 into 1 Inch (\l�S
thoi bos,I, 10 ,erve
1 small red onion, thinly $1eced
I llmt.jt.1i�d
2 gorhc clOYe-s, finely chopP4d

Using your f1ngeri. coot the 1weet polo1oes with I tablespoon of nu1 oil and o pinch of wit, Spreod
evenly on o baking troy ond �ce in on oven prehoatod lo .COO"F/ 20s·c. 8oke for oppro,11, 20 m,nutos.
Remove and toss with ginger.
Meonwhite. gene, season your steak cubes with soil and pepper. Worm 1 roblespoon of oil in o
1\Jllet owr high heat 0.1 ,hould b4 hot, not ,mok.1ng, S9or stvolr. for S.-6 m,nu,,n. en,unng 11 browned
but ,!,ghttyp-nk. inside Ptace $flared $leok on plate Worm odd1honal 0, ,f your $�1llet 1s dry Tos.s 1n
onions. o pinch of so I, and cook for opproJ( 41 mJtlufes until translucent Add garlic ond scollions ond
cook fo, another couple of minutes until scallions soften. Add the steak, then pour in them nn. lomorl
end f ish sauce. MIX together ond cook for m nute.
Put wolercre» on ploles, th,m ,peon on ,t.ak ond ,weet potot09S, top wl1h basil l��o,, W0$00 w,th
$Oh ond pepper, and g-ve a gener04.a gqueeze of lime 019 ,n•

Super Green Dumplings

I& dumplings (3 se,rvings)

1 cup (100g) so<10y cobboge, shredded 2 tbsp tomori

2 •sp g,nger, l'T)cOCGd 2 tbsp rice v,negor
1 cow garlic. m1ncitd 1 lsp s•som• o,I
I cvp (150g) goro� peos I tsp sesame $E19ds
2 tb� c,!onlro, minced 11 rgp Q'liti no�..
1& wonton wropp•rs
2 ·sp nut o of cho,ce

Addo teo�n of nut oil to a large fry,ng pon and hea, on medium low Toss 1n cobboge and soften
for 2 m notes Add in,er, 90r1ic and peos ond stir. Cook, srirnng from time ro r,me. un11I peos soffen
Tok• off h,fo1 ond itir through tM mi�•d ci loniro.
Now for the fun port the dumpl ng making station! You'I need the flling. wanton wrappers and o
stroll bowl of 'WOter. Pop about 1 toblesooon of fill·ng ,n lhe center of eoc.h wroppef. O,p o finger in
yourv1<11e, bowl and run 11 around the edge of rhe wrapper Fold up both ends (comers f0< square
wfoppers) and pinch gently Working w11h one 11de, pleo1 ond pinch 1oge1h-er-en,vre tho1 once
pltOltd It.♦ dumpling is seoo!♦d Ro�t 17 mor♦ I rn♦tl
Cleon your pan, ploce over med um/low t-eo1 and lightly cover with o thin 1oyer of nut oil. Ploce a few
dvmpl ngs into frying po"I ot o ,ame, flat side down. Cook for approx 2 minules each aide end remove.
Whisk up your d ,pping sauce and sel'\le with your dympl 09$

Super Speedy Stir-Fry

Cc:� 2S mins

In g1
2 tbsp of cashew nuts 4 scallions. &-liced
3 tbsp of sosome seeds ).c, o head of broc«il
1 ei.ekon b<eo,1 ½ ,ed bell peppe,
3 tsp whtole wheo1 flour 2 smoll chilies, minced
1 lbip nul o,I of choice � (90g) swe•tcorn
2 lip horiey 1 lime, juiced
2 cloYes garlic s.plo1h of tomon
2 1ncM1 (5cm) pee. of ginger soll ond �- to tos1e

HIMII &kllel «wok on high, TO$$ in cOlhewJ.. heat for 30 wconds, lh&o odd SilHome sMds ond heol for
another JO Heonds Once Mteds are nice and golden, aet them o&de. Sice your chtck.en into th,n stnps
ond to&-s: in a bowl with the flour and season with salt ond pepper.
Add 11oblespoon of nut o,I lothttstillet/frying ponorwot: and lhrow in 1M chicken, Sfir.fryOI\
medium/high heo1 untl cooked through and gotden, Remowt chic,k&n and place on o plole topped
with paper towel. Orizzl-e f'.llf'«the honey, and top with cashews oOO s9'0me seeds while chkl..en is
Fin.av ,tic• y<,vr Pffl.-d 90rtic and g,ng,r, tnm and &-h<• yovr s«tJl,,001 Of\ on on,gle. $lie• your p•pi::,.r
into stnps. ond cut aw1•1 oo,n 1n half, lengthwa'Y', Cut broccoli into fl0'et, SIN:, ch1I "(optionoa)
Stir-fry gorHc:, gir"9", scolions. ond ctulies for 30 second$,. until 90r1ic go�s cokw. Tos.s H'I veg ond
1r1r.fry tc,r 4 minu1e1. Add o splo,h of romorl ond Juice from i,; o ll'l'l'e. Bowl up, odd chld..n, ond serw
with lim• wedg••·

, ..�-,
Zingy Fish & Kiwi Tacos

,.,.er, ......-15 mms Coo 1"'1'18 20 n-.ns

To1o rn... 35 mins � ,n 2

2 ripe kiwi fruit, peeled ond hotved I Tbsp of rtd wff'lt vln.egor
4 KOllions, $liced I o,on9e. JUiced
1 fresh jotopeilo or green chtli, deseeded 1 red or yetlow l>el �- diced
hondfiJ cilontro 2: fiUtls (opprQJI.. 2-40g) f.rm whir♦ fi$h.
2 limes,, juiced $kin on, t«>!.d ond pin-�

dash of Tobosc<> 1 rbsp nut oil of choic:.

$Oh o.nd P•PP*'· rottt 2 lbsp of GrNI:. yogurt

V. of a small red cobboge, finety s.ficed ., wt-de wheor soft shell rocos

In o lotge, dry non-slid: frying POI'\. toss kiwi, scolions {grHn pert onli,,), end chili on high. Turn
1ngredlen1s occos10nally and ollow ro bum a I nle. Remove and pu11n blender w,th Yt rhe cilantro, ju,ce
from I Wm• and o do•h of Tobo$eo. 8flrz <,way unrll smoofh. 1htt1 stoton with tolt ond ��r.
Mix cabbage w11h rema,nmg c1lontro, red wm,evInegor and orange Jt..tee Add some soh and pepper
Cul fish ,nto lhi n strip,, OPP,O"- 2cm, ond mix in o bowl with the nut oil, lhe tenlOin,ng whites from your
scallions and diced pepper.
Too,1 your t0rllU01 ,n your pan on m•d•um fOf 60 M<.onds .«h �. Plot• u-p, o� C;OY•r with o
I.a towel Turn you-r akillet/pon up to high ond cook filh ond vegetob!• mut lhro'-9'-f11h ,hould be
opaque ond Aghllygolden on the
Mok• up toe;os w ith lhe flth ond v� rop with the z.ngyk.,w, tolto,. r� e;obboge tlow ond o dolk)p of
Gr"' yogurt, wHh I,� wtdQff o.n lh♦ sld•. Holy motyl
Mexi Beans & Egg

Pr•� ,. 10 mins C .,.., 20 m,ns

'"'010 T

.. J Is
2 tsp nut oil of choice pinch of onion powder
¼ c u p m.nced red ont0n y,. ltp$OII
l cvp �70g) cool<td q,.,;noo 2 cups (60g) boby spinoeh,. 1hr-tdded
YI cup {20g) coo ked block beens. ¼ cup( tSg) cilantro, minced
drained & rinsed (d conned)
2 lbtp fero chHM
½ lime. juiced
2 eggs
l'l tsp cumin powd•r
O'IOCodo, for lopptng
pinch of garlic powder

I-I.cit nut od lrt o m-tdu,,1m, h.ovy�bo,-td still-1 on tn,.cfium/low. Throw In ont0n ond cook unhl
uonsk.lcitnt, oppl' W 5•6 minut•t. Add q1.J1noo, block. Mor"lt, ime ,u�. water. cumin, eibntro. <:hipoll•
Powder o.nd salt. Cook. stirring oOen, u!'lf1I quinoo ond b.ons ore wormed through Acfd spinoch ond
c,lontro o.nd stir uni I$pmoch starts to wih ond m0$.I of the WOler is ob50fbed. Make o r;poce in the
m,ddle of ponhkillet end crock in the eggs Crumble on feta cheese, cover and reduce heot to low.
Cook until egg wh·tes ore set and yolk is how you like ii (appox 8-12 minvlos). Plate up ond top with o
itlle eJdro cilontro ond some ovocodo. Dig in!



BodyBoss Veggie Scramble

Smlns CC>O• - 1 mint

'fota me 12 mrns

2 eggs

--.. �,/I<*>.
salt and pepper, to taste
nu1 oil of chooce
½ o 90(11c clOYe, crushed
I,', (\If) l4(),g) muthroorm, dc.d
2 asparagus spears. hah1•d
t· .,.' ...-.....-

I tbsp po«ley, chopped
1 Ilic• wl,,ol• wheol too1J•d
½ cup (40g) mushrooms, slced

Crock. •ggs in bowl, stoson w,th so1t and �PJ>t<,

ond b.ol u$11"1g o fork. H.ot a llttl• nut od 1n
skil!•t, and 000k the gorlte. mU$htoom, and
osporog1JS. Pour in the eggs ond cook.. st1rri'lg,
until egg• ore set, Serve on a shcofil ol whole
wheat too5t, and top with chopped pan.fey.
Sesame Su perfood Bowl

Prep 'TI8 15 min, C ri.- 20 mu·"

Toto! T 35 min$ Sew 3

lngr�d ents
I WP (170g) qu,•oo
1 tbsp coconut oi I« sesame o I

.---�- l"i a red onion

1 � of gorl,c,. tntrw:ed
3 aJps kale. ,temleu a tom
2OJP• broccoli flor•t• (about I amo11 heod)

0,2Slb (11Sg) dr>O<I rofu, cube<I

2 tbsp tomori
jlice trom ½-1 lime, depending on p<efe<et1ce
Yi tbsp DJon mu•lord
1 ls.p fr•sh ging•.-, mir.ct<f (or powdtted)
l"i tsp btock. pepper
dash of ch1I flo'.es. Opllonol
2tbsp sesame seeds (bl<tC:k. or white)

In o medium pol', odd 1 cup or qu noo (r,ns•d)

·) ond 2cup, of woftr ond bf',ng to� bo.l

Reduce heat and simmer for oppro.11. 15 minutes.
unli1 water is absorbed. As quinoo coots. mett
coconut oil mo ,moll saucepan on medl\.lm/
high. Sout& fhe red onion for 2-3 minutes. then
odd garlic, greens ond tofu and sou1e for approx
3 mu'M,mtS
MiJt together the, lamari, 2lbsp wot9f, lime juice,
lllUS'Or<I. gingo<. block popper, cMi Hat.. ond
sesame seeds in o bowt. Tip into rhe $01.JCepon
and mix w•II with v.ggi•a. coo\:ing for o further
2minur•s. 8owt up rhe quinoo ond ..,.-,ob!es.
Splosh on o llttlt ex1ro rom0tl if rtqu,r•d Dig ,n!

Very Veggie Burgers

rf"r e 15 Mil"ll 20mons

ro,a 'T'•lS m1na

½ cup (100g) chlCkpeos, droined ' 1sp paprika
Y. cup (40g) ,ed orw:,n. diced � hplolt
t cup (309) boby ,p,noch, pocked leggwhlto
2 tb$p sunflower seeds Kc cup whole wheat bread a\#'l"lbs
1 tl»p rMJt o.l of choice •·2 tb,p nvt oil for frying
1 tbsp romorl 4 whofe wheo1 btKger buns
1 tsp dred or990no

Toss drained chicl:peos and diced onion 1n your food proces,or, pulse ...-.hi chu:tpeos b<eo\ up o bl1
Add tptnoch, sunflower sefds. nut 011, tomon, sp,cM and soil ond puke oround 3-S times. Tip in�
whlf• and whol• whtot br.od crumbs and pl.lM ...-it I wg m,x com.a; k>Q•ll'ltr Spoon mi.- into o bowl
then t-ph miidure inlo 2 bolt,. Run hands und., woter fnt to oVOtd 1l1<:k1ng, Flatten boll, into� inch
polliff. Heo1 o frying pon on medfum/low. Add nv1 Oil men potties. Coo._ uni� ni<:• and browning and
crisp on ftte outside, approx 5 7- minutes on eoch r.ide Serve wilh burger buns. E:01 up!
Lean Machine Lasagne (& Eggs)

20m1ns 40 mins
T 60 mins 3-4

1 ibsp 001 0·1 of choice 50 I end pepper. 10 101te

� tbs.p gort1 c, minc•d l tsp dti-td bo$11
v, cop (75g) onions, diced ¼ cup (170g) ricotta cheese
1Jar uNolted marinara 5ouce ¾ cu-p (130g) qu,noo, uncooltd
1 lorg♦ tv«h1r.i, rh,r-ly slic.d 2 cup$ (500ml) bw-sodlum vegetable bro:h or
S Iorgo og,gs WOl♦r

Hect 11obaespoon of nut o•I ina k>t� oven-safe $0UCepon. and soute 9or�c ond diced onions until the
onions ore softened and rron1lucen1. Remove from hear, Polll 1n rhe mo.nnoro souc♦, thenropwith rhe
11'\tnly tlictd zucchini. C•nttv etod:, e,oeh �g on top of th♦ zvc.:hir'W. Hos.onwifh sol1 and pepp,tr ond
odd the bo5tl. Spoon on th9 ricotta ond ptoce saucepan ,non oven preheated to 350•r117s•c. Bok.e
for 35-40 minutH or until eggs ore cooked to your I k.1ng.
Meanwhile. coot your q1.1n,oo. Pul 1 cup of qu.noo and 2 cups vegetoble broth orwo1er ,n o med,um
souc•pon. Sr ng 10 o boil. cover ond reduce he,ot ro low, Simmer for 15 mlnures. 0< unr1I woter obsofbs
Plo1e up quinoa ond ropw1th your cheesy zucchll'll and eggy bake. Eat up!

f.Utll PASTA
Salmon & Spinach Pasta

it 10 n,n, c. o 'l'l& 20 mins

...cto mt 30 mlns �•/lr'V' 1-2

I½ cups ('200g)wholt- wh.eot posto

I salmon steak
1-2 tbgp nut oil of choice
!A le-mion. r,,<•�
adt ond pepper, to tos!e
YI r•d c>ntOt1
2 cups (609) boby spinach

In o $0VCtpOI'\ cook. Yo'-" po,10. Mt'Onw�I•, cur \/Our salmon irito pitct't ond pon ftywitt't nur 0il some
lemon juiet, ond o p,neh of $Off cmd p♦p,:,.I'. Cook f0< approx 10-tS minur..., odd1ng th♦ er.ions 01'd o
$plash� nut o I ot tM hotfwav point. When onions\ to eorcm'lelit♦, odd spi:noch. One♦ •olmon
,s cooked and spmoch hos wilted, lodle your poito mto your pan.. mi• through, t.queeze o'\ the rest of
rhe �mon j.Jice, and season with solt and pepper m needed. Boon apperito, babes!

., . \ ••
,. •

,, - '

•� .
Oh-So-Creamy Feta Dip

Prep ,rne 5 mins �ook T � Om,n

folal- Smhu S• :-i 2

1 cup {250g) Groek yogurt 11,p dt�d dill

¾ cu-p (115g) etumbltd f•10 so'lf ond pepper, 10 toste

Ploce an dip ingredNMlt& in a bowt oMI mix together well Serve wtth crispyvegg e s.hck.5. Oh so 80$Y
and oh so tasty!

Super Hero Dip

�DI= 15 mine
olc. m1 lS m,,n.f

½ ct1p (75g) row cashews 6 cup, (400g) k.o._ 1.av.s. finely chopped
1 tb$p v-,llow mito pail• soft, 10 roste
½ cup (125ml) wo1er 2 tbsp fr�h 1-emon ,u,ce
1 tb$p nvl oil of choice 1 lb$p nu1ntio�, �OSI
1 cup (lSOg) scolions, rin•ly d\op�d Y, cup (35g) hemp $eecb. plu, extra
V:t 1sp ground aimin forgomish

pinch of popnk.o

Blend coshews, mi$0 poste ood wale, in your blender or food proceSSOf" untiJ nice and &m00-lh.
In o IO<g♦ sk. llet/frying p(ln. h•of your nut oil on t"ned1um/hlgh. ToJS In onion and 101.11♦ untlt
tronstucent, opprOJt 3--d minu tes Add spices, kale and o g,enerous pineh of salt � ,t.rring
continuousty, for approx 1 minute !Cole •houkt wilt down lfgrvficontty ond beoome v1bront green Turn
heal to low/medium ond odd in cashew btend. Keep s.f,rring continoousfy ond cook for 3-'1 minutes. 8e
coteful nol lo burn. Add kale and coihew m ix to blender, odd lemon juice, yeast and hemp seeds ond
blend unril ingredients have broken down but it'6 still o hn'8 chunky
Spoon into o MWV1ng d $h and $e<Json with o lrttle $OIi D,g in with heolthy whole, wheat crocklilf't or
veggre •ticb. Yum1

Choe-Banana Power Muffins

ttep TIO 10 mins Cook T JO mins

Tota m• .40 mi"-t S.,v ;J 12

3 cup, (240g) rolS.d oat, 2 bononos, mo.shed

)i tsp grovnd cinnornon 2 tsp ygniUo extroct
Y, tsp ground nu1meg 1 cup (2SOmQ mitk of choice
1 l&p bokm,g powder V. cup (65ml) coconul oil
¼ fsp soh I cup (175g) min1 chocolot, dupa
2eggs nu-1 oil. for greos,ng
Y. cup (65ml) honey

At. you preheol voor oven 10 Jso•F' la< C, combine 001,. c1t1nomon, nutmeg, boling powder o.nd solt
in a med,um-Slz&d bow'I. In another med um bowl, crock. vour 2 eg,g:5, lhwt odd the honey, mashed
bonono and vanilla extract and whisk. well unhl mce and !.mooth. Pour m the milk. and melted coconU1
oi slowly, whisking to combine. Tip the egg mix into the fif5t bowl and srir thoroughty. Your oots 5hould
� cooled and moist. Slowly odd Iha choc chipc whil• stiirring.
Ughtty grease your mvff n tin ond d.!$1ribute miJl.h.1re, pres.sing down wilh o spoon ,o th&re is liquid
obove the 001s.
Sok.9 f0t 30 minv11s. untJ 9old9c'I ol"ld frogron1 Allow to cool, m.n •l'lfOY )'01.11' htolthy mvffir\ �kl
Spiced Apple Pie Cookie
Prep - ie 15 mins Cook r-ne 3S mins
total mP SO min.s s�n,,nn\ 12
½ cup (lSOg) 1mosh•d ripe banono ¼ cup (SO�) ol'fl'o, chopped
or oppi.t puree
2 tbaphonev
!A 1$,J> ground onnomon
2 lspvon1llo Qll.troci
2 cvps {160g) rola.d ooti, plus t}.tto for dtcoro1ing
v. cup (6�) nut oil of ehotc•
½ C\JP (SOg) pecons. grounded
¼ cup (50g) rosins or dned cronberl"1e1

As you preheat oven lo J2o•FJ160•C, mi,c logether the bonono/opple pure&, cinnOO"iOO, vonilb, nut oil
and honey in o bowl En.sure yolK chopped apples ore dry, then rhrow them into the m.xtlKe o1on,g with
rhe oars, nuts and raisins. Gel your (dean!} hands in there and mix it all up. Squeeze the mixture until it
SIOrtl clump:ng logethef.
Use yOU1r honds, spoon or small ice creom scoop to form 12 cooties. R°'I them in extra oats so they bok
oU pretty, then Hotten o little with o spoon.
Pop lh•m on on oven troy on porchmenl pop&( and boke uni I gor<,eous: and golden, approx 3 0•35
min1&. Allow to cool, then dig tnl

No-Bake Choe: Cupcakes

cook •� 30 m,n,
S.r�m9s 12

Choe IO ►ro· g.
5 cup, (S00g) walnut, ¼ cup (65ml) honey
2 h.aped lbsp cocoo or cocoo powdet 2 "� ovocodos
I tsp cirv,omon powder I lip vanilla eAJrod
1/4 l$p 5011 ¼ cup (2Sg) row cocoo powd..-
16 pitted Sorge fresh dotes
I ISp von�l o extract or po!le

Blend togelher walnuts, cocoo powder, cinnamon and soll 111til ground bul not oYetly fsne. Toss i n
dates and vanilla extract ond blMd untl mixture comes 109ether when pres�ct Add in exrro dares
and o 1eospoon of water :md blend more if needed.
Use o spoon o, m n, ice creom KOOp to arrange 20 I ttle iruffle •ke cupcok.e1 on a troy/P,otter. Pop in
the fridge to set, for 2 • ho.JI'$.
To make rhe frosting. odd honey. then avocado. vonilo e.xtrocl and c:ocoo powder lo o �h $f)Hd
blen�r. Bhlz until thick. and creomy, odd,ng 1·2 tabtespoonsof wotOJ 1f ingre:j oots ore not mwng
together well,
Pip♦ 0< sprtod fros.ling onto ywr cupcokei and reh.1rn th..-n to 1M fnd� untl yov·r• r♦o<Jy for your
ch«ol<ious lr•ot
�, �
�.� ....... _.'
Fruity Pumpkin Scones

20mna Cook -1r,o 20 m.n,

Toto T"m ,o mins SerJ n 10

I cup (250g) imosh•d l'OO$t•d pt,,mplun
2 cups (260g) whof.e wheat flour v. cup (65ml) coconu1 oil or nut oil 04
Y2 c,.,p (75g) raisins or dned cron�n-es Cho,,_

!h ls.p cinnomon powder I tbsp hone-)'

pinch of solt I cup (60g) oo,i

2 ,.., bolung powde,

Preheol oven to 360•F/180'C. In o large bowl, mix Rour, lOII, cinnamon and powder. MU(
through your dried fr1.11t. In another bowt, m1.1c together the smashed pumpkin, honey and mefied
coconut oil. Add wet ingredients to the flour mix and g,enlly incorporate ond form dough using your
Sprinkle ools over your chopping boord. Place dough on boord then flonen with a rolhng pin to
2 inch/Scm lhick.nen. SprinJtie more ools on lop. Use o cutler lo cul dough into ro111ds-you11 get
approx 10 scones If your curter .sticks, with flour.
Pop scone, on o boking troy lined with porchmc;w,t pop•r ond bok� for oppro.x. 20 m.-iutes until
frog,ont ond golden En,oy worm or room htmperoture (fhey1II01t 2-3 doys at room temp, ond ore
suitable for freez·ng). A liHle Ip? They're extra delcious with o I ttle o!mond bulter!

cl ,, r,

Coot peeled pumpkin piec•t in tome nut oil ground dnnomol"\ ond tol1 ond roott for •S rnlns ot
360•F/ 1a<rc ut1ti1 go,g.ous ond corom.,iz�. Onct cooltd, smosh with o forti..

Sweet-Ass Lemon Bars

PrPp 1rrP 25 m1ns ook T "'!"le 25 m,ns

lo 1 50mins Seo r ,16

lngrtN en•
1 � tbap chio seeds 2 tbsp fr"h klrnon zesl
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
1 cup (lOOQ) oot flour (bleod cup 2 tbsp oppl&souce
of oo1s to mokt tt-. flour)
V. cup (65ml) hOMy
,, ,.., bokit>9 ,,._,.
6 dotes. p111ed
pinch of so"
¼ cup (4Sg) thrtd-d'td cocon"'·
plus onoth•r 2 tbsp

Preheat your oven 10 JOO"f" 15o•c. Toss ch,o &eeds ond lemon JUice 1n a smo:I bowl ond mx together
Let reS1 for 20mils, stirring occasionally.
8lllt 0011 tn o high ,peed bl.nd•r to mo1<.e yoYr 001 nour. Tip 001 floor, bok.wig powd•r• .all and¼ C\IP
shreddod coconut into o medium bow1 ond mix together. Add in klmon zeS-1 and mix woll.
Combine melted coconut oil. applesauce and honev in another bowt, then mix throu,gfl the chio seeds.
Add"' finely chopped dotes ond m x. Tip Ihis mix lnlo rM dry ingred.ent1 and m it w•ll
Poor ond ftonen mixture (to approx 1.Scm/� inch) into o ightly greased 8x& inch (20x20cm) baking tin.
Spnnkle and gently press lhe extra coconut i.nlo the mixture.
Pop in lhe oven for 25-2& m,nulos until the edges become golden blown ond your kitchen smells
amazing. Cut, while warm, unto 16 5quare&. Enjoy!

.. - •- • - . ...
• Jk
, .... 98.

• Jk
OMG Pancakes

Smin.l 10min
IS m<nS: 2

½ C\lp (115g) coltoge cheese

½ cup (40,g) rolled 001$
J eggs
dfizzle ot nut o.l of choice

Whisk or bJtt,d 011 th♦ u,gtedients tog,eth•r in o

bow or bltt1d•r. �nhl poncol.t bolter' is smooth,
Lighttf oil your frying pon/sk lier ond cook
pancakes OYer medium heat. Scoop oboul Y, cup
spoonfuls of bon•r onto pon ond cook for 2-3
minvtts Or\ eoch s,dt. or until n,c. ond gol<ltfl
EnJOY pancakes dnu-led with honey, wtule nice
and ho1. Yum!
Cherry Burst Chia Pudding

Prep mt S mins Ch, ...,me- Owrnight

to T ""• 3Smms Se-rv fW1! I

lngr ,d en1
1 cup (250ml) milk of choict
Vi cup (100g) pomegranate seeds ond chetnff o.nd more to top 1f you want

3 tbsp chio seeds


Top ned• from o OJI pomegronO'le PkJce 1he � cup of 1Nds in o blend• with lh• chernes Ot'ld
otmond milk. Blood for approx 2 minuf96.

Stto.n lht mb:rure, U$ing o t110 ne, or c:hMMdorh. the,n pour Into o Add ,n �lo sHdt. ond stir
well l� i1 $11 f0t 30 m!ns. lht-n stir ogo,n Pop pudd,ng:s In fridge, ,d.olly O\t$t'nlght (o, ot -.OSI S
hours), Spnnkt. en som• ♦.:lro dlerr'" and pomegroJ'M)I• H.cls (optional) EnJOy your swMt ond
healthy tr•ott

- •

� ,,
.- 4• ;'\ ,,
. . .,�

10 0 ./
.. .. .

Smoothies 8
Purple Power Smoothie, Cherry Pie Smoothie 9
Oots-So-Delicious Smoorhte, Dork Choe a Chel'ry Smoothie,
Bonano Berry Breokfosl Smoothie 10
Zingy Orange Super' Smoothie, Blueberry Powel' Smoothie,
Creamy Dreamy Green Smoolhte 12
Creamy Pineapple Smoothie, Chocolot• Chio Smoothie,
Nuu About Chocolate Smoothie 14
Pine Lime Smoothie, Summer Holiday Smoothie,
Bonano Split Smoothie 16
Choe Bonano Smoothie, Pomegranate Power Smoothie 18
Ultra-Green Smoothie, Yogo-Berry Smoothie 19
Gut loving Green Smoothie, Green Machine Smoothie 20
Cleon Green Smoothie, Spiced Pear Smoothie 21
The Thirst Quencer, Immunity Boost Teo.
Raspberry Kombucho Spider 22

Desserts 24
Dream Choe-Hazelnuts Cokes 2S
Dote 6. Cacao Power Bolls, Awe$ome Almond Bliss Salls 26
Creamy Berry Pops 27
Just Peochy Ice Creom, Zingy Berry Sorbet 28
Ch♦rry Tosty Choe lc.e Creom 30

Dressings 31
Berry 8ur5t Vinaigrette, Oreomy Coesor Orening 32
Amo?ing Asion Dressing, Zingy Corrol Dressing 33
Avo-licious Dressing, Yummy Chimichurri 3A

Purple Power Smoothie

Prop T 10 min$ Coo -,.,,11 O min

Toto T-n- 10 mins 5e....., 9 1

1 ripe banana, peeled ond frozen

¥, cup (50g) froz.en bh,>tb•rr'ies

2 fS.p 9ln,gif'", pttled and flnel',' grated

'2 CUp$ (135g) kale leovn, loos.ety pod«f

I cvp (250ml) m 1k of ch<>ic♦

1 lbsp chtO seeds
¼ tsp cinnamon powder
1·2 tbsp row honey

Add all tng.r•d••n.h to o blender and blend

until completely .smooth.

Cherry Pie Smoothie

Prti,yl e10mins Cool\ Tifl1o8 0 rrin

Total e 10 m ns Serv ws 1

� cup (125ml) mil'k of cho.ce

YJ bonono
� '-"P (115g) p,nod ch•,_.
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 rsphonev
l tbsp flo• ,H<:h
¼ C\JP (359) almonds
K tbsp row cocoa powder

... rou al the 1ngredienb in1o your blender 8�

until nice and smoorh-o!DP(ox 30-45 seconds on
high. Pour into o gloss and drink up!

- •

..• -�·



.o •

Oats-So-Delicious Smoothie Dork Choe & Cherry Smoothie

10 mil"!$ Prep T, 10 mil'l4 �Ti O min

Totol TNie 10 mins Total....-me 10 mins Serving� 1

1 bonona, frozen Y.I aJP (7Sg) mixed berries, frozen

2 do!", pllted � e,,p (115g) chenloo, pined
YI cup (125mr} cold-brew coffee V. C\.IP (65ml) milk of d'lolce
¼ cup (•Og) row coshewJ., sook.ed overn-ght 1 cup (130g) boby $p1noch
3 tbsp 001� sookl<I ov•nlgllt 11 QJp (35g) p,.,mpi(,n 1N<k
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder grated dark chocolo1e, fo, topping
pinch of ground cin namon
l/4, cup (6 cubes) ice Ton ol 1he ingredients Into your blender. 8�
unlil nic. and smooth. Pour inlo a gloss and
dtink. up,� chocolo1..,, goodnt-ss!
Tou di thrt ingr9doent, uito your bkH'ld♦r. Use
your ice cr!Ah or ,moolhie sen,ng ond blend until
nice ond smoolh. Pour into o glas.s ond enjoy!

Bonano Berry Breakfast Smoothie

Prep T .. 10 mins Cool n&O min

Total - _ 10 m,ns Servin�I

I bonono. froztn ond sltC4d ltbspchioUIOds

1 cop (ISOg) mixed berries, frozen 1 cup (2501'N) mik of choice . or 0$ needed
V.. cup (20g) roled oats 1 rsp onnomon powder (:Oprionol)

Place lhe banana, berri es. oats.. chia se-eds ond cinnamon i n your blender. Add l-<i of the mit. of dloice
and blend on low powe-r Add more m1t. of chotce and , speed until 'fOLlf smoothie is the
conmtencyyoo like. Pour into o gloss ond drink up!

Zingy Orange Blueberry Power Creamy Dreamy
Super Smoothie Smoothie Green Smoothie

F•� r ,., 10 min$ Prep ., 10 m.n, Pr� T i�f. 10 miM

c:001 Tim• O min Coo rr O min Cook-,� o min
Toro l 1' .,.. 10 Mlns To101 T '!'le 10 mins Totol ,,.. me 10 mins
Servi�, 1 !:i-erv 19 1 Se-rving 1

"'9rt1d l"lh 1ngreo1-t!'nh

l eo,rot, ch,oppt<I � cup (250ml) unswettel"\itd 1 ovocodo
not pt-•i.d coconut woi•r 1 cup (659) kale leove-s
1 oroniJ(t, peeled I cup (130g) bluebetries, frozen
� cup (SOg) blueberries
½apple I cup (30g) baby spinach leo'w'es
I', rup (IO<l9) pineopple. d;ced
� temon. pe•l.ct 1 rbsp chio seeds 1 cup (JOg) baby apnoc.h
small slice of gnger
� sliced cueumber
l�cups (37Srrl)woter Ton oll the ingredient• into your 1 .;up (250ml) unsv,...lenltd
¼ tsp rutm•rlc blendt'lf. Slend until nice and coconvt W01.,
smooth. Enjoy your berrylicious
Tou ol 1h• in,or�•nt.s Into TOH nll l.h. ingr.-dlo-,ts tnlO your
your bl9nder. 81.nd uni• n,c• blender. Blend unt,J nice ond
ond smooth, P:>ur ,nto o gtoS& tmoorh. Pour ,nfoo glonond
ond dri n k. up 100 Vito min C tosle the Superfood goodnes.s!

.... ..-

., ' .,


Creamy Pineapple Smoothie Chocolote Chio Smoothie

Prep T -n,t 10 mlnsc Cooli: -rneOmin 10 mint (.:Qo� T Omin

Toto! """'� 10 m,ns �'""1'19� 1 Total�me 10 mins Ser'l"OS 1

"'\Qred-..,.s •
I� cup, (J00g) pineopple,, dJCed 2 b<Jnonoi, frozen ond peeled
1 bonono 1 cup (65g) kcle
½ cup (1259) Grffk yogurt K ¢.ip (50g) row cocoo powd•r
1 lbsp gnger 2 tbsp ch10 g.eeds
½ cup (125ml p.neopple juice or wotff P,.l'l(h of c,Momon powder

I tsp chta seeds I½ Cup$ (375ml) milk of choice

)I, cup (6- cube,) ice tee, os needed

To,s all the ingredents into your blender. Blood Tos, ol lhe ingredients into your blendEW'. B&end
until nice ood smooth. Pour into o glo1&s, top with un11I nice and smooth Add ,ce o s needed 10
chio seeds and drint< up1 aeore 1he consistency you (ke. Pour into o 910$$
ond enjoy yo,ur h.althy choeolot• m.ilk!

Nuts About Chocolote Smoothie

Pr�p T _ 10 mins Cook TmeOmtn

To tal 1e 10 min$ SeNings 1

l bonot10, fro:♦n and p"'-d 1 cup (?50m,) m•k of choice

V. cup (40g) frozen slrowbe«ies l l'l)hOIWY

2 tbsp cocoo powder ¼ a.,p (3 cub•) ice

1 tbsp Uf'ISohed o1mond butter or peanut buner hondful of boby &p1 noch (oplioool)

Y, tbsp ffoxseed meal (opoooof)

Tou ofl the ingrecrents into your blender. Slettd until ond ,mooth. (Add m0te milk 0t IMs ie. fOf o
1h.n,..- smooth e.) Pour ,n10 o glo» ond en,oy your dt<ocW11 e:hoc:Qlotey 1reon

Pine lime Summer Holiday Banana Split
Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie

tl•e,p T ..,.� 10 m1ns �rl!>� 1!T"P 10 mins t-'rC!f> ,m� 10 mm,s

Cook Tif•u;. 0 min Cool r,e O min Coo� rn& 0 min
Total _ 10 mlns To101 -ne 10 mins '''oloJ m(lo 10 mms
s�r nq,2 Serv 10 I Stfvng-1 1

·)rt•d r,,a :ngrecii-ent�.

Y, green apple, I cup (200g) pineopple, chunks 2 tb$p ground floxseeds
diced w�h skin 1cup(250ml) wol&, or 1lblf) Groffk. yogu.r1
Y, cup (100g) pineopp!e unaweelened coconut woter 2 tbsp walnuts
chunks Y, 1,p rurmerK powder
� bonono. frozen
1 cup{30g)bobysplnoc:h I smol slice g,ng&r l tbsp pumpt;n tffdt
V, ct1p{IOOg) cucumber I r,p GrHlc YOG'"' 1tsphon�y
� cup (50g) eoio,y, eho,ppod 1tsp chio or flall.$Ged$ 11,p Cllf'lr.omon fX)wdtr
1ime, Pffl•d I banono Y, rsp nutmeg
1small spng m,nl Y, cup (6 cu�s) 1Ce
1 tspvonillo extract
1smoll tp<•g por-sley
1qt1MH of lemon
Y, inch (km) g,nger Toss oll lhe ingredients into your 1cup (12 aibes) ic.e
IY, cups (375ml) wot9f blender. 81-end until nice ond
smooth. Pour mto o gloss and
1 cup (250ml) milk of cl\olco
Y,cup(6 cubn)ke
enjoy o t,opicol fru(f smoochie!
Toss al the ingredients into
Ton ol th• ingr� •nt.s Into your blender. Blend until nice
your blend«. Blend urd nice ond smooth. Pout in.too gloss.
ond smooth. Pour into 2 lorge sprlnkl• wrh some e11.1ro seeds
glosse5 and shore with a ond c:rust.•d ru,11, ond drink up!
Bo<fy8oss buddy.


'• .J:ii'·


Choe Banana Smoothie

Prep Til"" 10 min.s Coo< Tm-e O mins

Totol Mf' 10 m1n1 $1"...., ngs 1

1 bonono, frozen ond eho�

2 lbtps unsotl'.cf ofmond bvt1er or coc::onu1 butt•
1 cup (2S0ml) unsweetened coconut water
1 tbsp p,o·e,in powder
1 lbsp umwe-e,..,,•d cocoo powdw
¼ tsp molcho green leo powder
handful ioe
hon,ey, 10 1ost•

Ton oll lh♦ il'l9"�.n1, into your bltndtr 81-end

un1,1 nu:♦ ond $mooth Pour .nto o QOls. odc:li�
o dash of honey if needed. Drink Uj:•!

Pomegranate Power Smoothie

Prep Tim11 10 mim cool I r,e O rnins

Total "T'.f'l"-9 10 mins s... �

ngreo s
1 cvp (1500g) stl'c:rwti.roti, froz.,._
"c::14> (9 cubes) ice
� ct1p (115g) grapefruit chopped ond Heded
"cups {190mij pom♦gronot♦ j.,ice
Vt tsp ground ginger
honey, lo lost♦

T05s oH lhe i"9'&di&nt, inlo your blender. Blend

untrl nice and smooth Pour into o g<ns, s""'8eten
wifh o li1tle honey if needed.
Ultra-Green Smoothie

"-T 10 mins COOfi T n-, 0 mins

ToTo ,.,me 10 mins Serv,.,.. 1

,. red
1 smoll handful baby sp,nach
1 smol1 handful kot.
� lemon, peeled
111'1<:h (2,5cm) of 9r01ed gingGf', frozen
Y• CUCU'Y\b.,-
1 small handful parsley°' cilantro
I cvp (250ml) unswMt•n-td coconvt wottl'
1 green apple apple, chopped
2 broccoli stalks. frozen

To" all the1ngred.ents into your blender Blend

until nice and smooth. Pour into o gloss and feel
th♦ g,-tn goodntU flow through yovl

Yogo-Berry Smoothie

e"" 10 mins Cooti 1 n eOmins

To 0 10 m.n, >erv .,g I

' ' <I

1 cup (250g) mixed berries, frozen
1 CYp (250g) Greelt yogurt
J tee cube1.

""til ,mooth� 1hick ond c,.omy (n.• ict Ctt0m)

To$$ ofl lht it)Qlrtdients into your bltnd«. 81tnd

StM in bowls or Qk,s•••· w11h o spoon. Yum!

Gut-Loving Green Smoothie

Prep Tir"' 10 Min$ ook, Tim. O mi,­

Totol ... mil 10 mins Servlf'lgs 1

¼ <up(100g) G,Hk yogurt

II rup (125ml) milt of choice

• ·· . .:\. ·
·•:.• :.-...
... 1lsphoney

•• •' ,,•
•• •t •
1 handful bobv spinach

'• 11,p ground fku.lffd or ch,o 5"ds
I\ cvp (6 <ubt<) ;c,

Blend oll u,g ritelttnts 1r1 o bl•l'ld•r Vt'llil tuc. ond

$mooth, E.nJC>Y yoor wmmy.fdendlv ,moot h..t

Green Machine Smoothie

rep r , • 10 m.M OQk; I rr,,e, 0 miM

Toial � Me 10 mint S•f\i t1

i-1 <up (8SmO opplo )vlco
hon-dful mint leaves
1 cup(100g) ,gre,en 9f'Op,es. fro:en
� tsp malcho g reen leo powder
� 1bsp of chi o seeds

't;t)f ,,, '

Blend lhe spinach, apple JUiee and m,n.t l&ovea
together. Add in the ovocodo, gropes and

moteho and continue blending LW'llil nice and

. smooth, Throw In the ch10 seeds ond s,ir ,nrough.

1 '
' (

Cleon Green Smoothie

Prop T 10 mint
Toto "T"""T'IA 10mins

I cup (175g) broccoli florets
1 celery stolk
1 grMn oppt.t
Y, lemon, Juiced

1 froan bot1ono
¾ cup (t90ml) uMweetened coconut' wo·er
1 tsp honey (ophonol)

Blend oll ingredient, in o btender uniii nice and

smooth. Add honey if need@d and entoy!

• •
Spiced Pear Smoothie

Prep T .,,. 10 m.1M

foloJ 10 m ns

1 cup (225,g) p.or. de.<:! and froi.n

¼ aJP (20g) ools:

� 1,p grott<:f g,nger
ti, 1$p cinoomon powder
Y, cup (1259) Greek. yogurt

\I'. cvp (190ml) ml._ of choke

1 lbsp honey

Ton ol 1h• 1n91•d.,.nl; il"ltO your bl11'Clt( Btend

unhl !'lie. ond smooth. Pour in10 o gloss ond
eryoy .,.our fiber-flllod ,mooth,el

The Thirst Quencher Immunity Boost Tea

PrAp,. • 20 mn4 C< C: -,,....11 O mins P••p T, rn11 2 mint "AOk T 10 rr11ns
Tofol ,.,rne 20 mi.ns Servi.,Q"" 2 Toiol nm4 12 mins Serving'l. 1

In tedi

2 cups (500ml) uns'Neefened coconut water 2 C'-4)$ w<rt..-

'2 lsp ch ic seeds 1,S tsp cimomon
I� tbsp l!ll'M ;.,le• I tip 1 umitrie
Vt o,onge, juiced
Stir up the C0¢0nVI w¢tel', duo lffdS ond limit honey, to tosle
ju1c. ,n o toll glou. Pop g:lon m tM ft1ogt' for 10
minut•s ao ch10 seeds •.itpand ond �r dnnll 11
nicefy chilled. Remove, stir, ond refrigefole for Who'.sk tumeric and cinnamon into o small por
another 10 minotes. Then drink up. with 2 cup, of water. A.her boihng, reduce heat
and le1 11 sunmer fOf 10 m1nu1es let the teo cool.
give it o.nothet whi.sli;. and pout over Ice. Add
or<:a'lg• 1uic• ond hon.-;. Yum!

Raspberry Kambucha Spider

r��P r,.,.,41 20 n··ims Coo 1'TK'I O mins

Toto! 20 mint S.,vu g 1

""!Qrt;td ,15
1 cvp {250ml) vnflovor� ltombuc:ho
YI tsp w:u,iilo exiro-ct

� cup (40g) frozen rospberries

Yj low oolorie 10& creom
honey, to taste

Add tht kornbuehQ, <JOnillo ♦xtrocr on<I honty too mt0sunng cup (on,e wl,h o spout is Ws.1 form.
ntx1 Po'1) S1ir l<>vtr o s.poonful of b•nts, th•n o spoonful of ice ettom. In o l&-ounc:. moson,or or
glo$$. R�11his 3 lime,s, Genriy pour in your kombvcho fo ovo,d ii foomn9 over, Enjoy .,.our fol')Cy
Superfood 1Plderl


Dreamy Choe-Hazelnut Cokes

2S mint Cook T 2S mins

2 cups (300g) hozelnutt
I cup {175g) pttt&d dates
v. cup (7Sg) cocoa powdCH", d1vtded
� c,,,p (125ml) honey, divided
I ovocodo

np hoz.$1nuts into your food proeitnor and puts. until o flour forms. A.dd dotcK, >\ cup cocc)() p,owd•r
ond V. c1.p of honty ond p<0c:en unti o 1h1ck, $lick.ydough forms
Spoon dough onro 2 ihe•ts o,f porchmont paper. o rollng pin. rol dough vntU ¥. Inch
Cul dough into 8 or 10 rec10n,g!es of the some size.
To make the froshng, blond ramoin1ng cocoo powder ond honey wilh the avocado (1.k1n ond seed
remoYed) unl,I on even texture ond color, Tmte, ond odd e.dro honey if nHded.
Frati holf of th• cok.t r.c1onglfl, using about 2 toblitspo,ot1s of frosting, Top wilti lht other co�•
r«longlts., then frost II'-.. lop of your double-dt<ler cokff, Sp,-iflldt, on some crut.� hoHl.nuls, tMf'I
dig tnl
Date & Caeaa Power Balls Awesome Almond Bliss Balls

.(!rep Tr, e 20 mint Prep T,r JS mlns Co 1me Om n.s

10101 20 m1ns Tclol • 1S m1ns $erw 12' botls

5 dot1n, plffed 1 cup (&Og) r-ol!&d ooh

6 pru- p11ttd 6 lb•P unsolrtd olmond b<ltttr

� cup (125ml) coconut oil A tbsp ground flo.ueeds
2 cups (180g) dNICCOled coeonut 4 l.ip honey
� cup (SSg) ch10 s&eds
� cup (SOg) cocoo powder Combine al ingred,ents ond rol inlo smoU bals.
3� tbq) coc:oo nibl
1 tbsphon.ev
2 tb6p protein powder (whey or vegan)

Pbce chio seeds, cacao powder, cacao nibs and

protem powder in a high speed blender0<food
pcoetstor ond bl rz. Throw l'I the date,,
coconut od ond honty ond bltnd Into o dough.
Scoop 00.,I lh♦ $hC::ky dough ond, us,ng el-ton
hands, �I into httfe bolls Wet hands if dough
sflck.s. Roll each boll in coconut. En,oy!
Creamy Berry Pops

Prep T 15mll'ls Chi 11Y1e ◊Yernight

Totol I d¢y $erv 10•12

2'V. c::vp$ (340,g) strowbt-f"hff. twHed

2 aips (SOOg) Greek yogun
1>1 lb,p honey

Mash sirowbernes wrth a fork until portty

smooth, portly chunky (y,ou wont a handful of
bigger bds left). Or pulSEt a few times in your
food p<ocessor
Pour the yogt.rl into o large bowl mix in honey,
then odd m srrowbernes ond fold through gen.tty
Spoon mix inro your po�ic.le mold and freeze
until set.
Enjoy your creomy, frosty treof!

Zingy Berry Sorbet

5 mlns Chi T<1'¥1• .,e hrs

Total"""'\ 4 hr 5 mins Serv g 4

3 C\lf» (JOOg) blueberries, frozen ovam,ght

2 tbsp hoMy. mor• for sM•lr'\o9$$

3 lbsp lemon juice
1 1$.p lemon zM.t
1/3cvp (85ml) woie,

Ptoct1-s b.,-rt,ts, honey, l•mon juiot ond t♦sl ond woltr until
cr.omy in your food ptoetisor or high s�td bl.,_d•r Pf•u miWr•
down with spoon as needed. Toste the sorbel, ond odd o little
honey if required.
FrHz• fl()( 4 ho1Jt$ in on O<rtight contoin.,., or strv♦ s:1roigh1 owoy.
Enjoy Ihle zingy cilrU$ floVOtt

Just Peachy Ice Cream

Prep T ~• S mins Chi Time .& hrs

Total ,..... 4hr 15 m1m 5er ,,,.., 4

3 peaches, frOZeft
3tbsp honey
1 tbsp lemon Juice, fresh
� <up (llS9) Crffk yogurt

In o bltncl.r or food prockfor, ,:,<OCHS the ,:i.oehts., honty, vc,guni

and l•mon j\11(♦ unlil me. ond c::,.amy, Spoon info o seoted, airtight
contoine, and pop in th9 frNzer for 5-6 hours. Bowl up ond top
wrlh o Utle extra honey 1f you I k.e. Yum!

Cherry Tasty Choe lee Cream

1-'r Ir- 15mins

Ch II me lhrs
Teto! T:me 3 hrs IS mins

2 cups (300g) c.herries

YI cup (125ml) milk of choice

3 tbsp dork chocolole chips

Rinse your che<rie$. then pop in a gbs.s

conloiner ot freezer bog ofter temoving the pits.
(Alttmo1,..-.ty, us• froztn ch♦rtte$.) P.. t ond cvt
your bonono m half, Pour¼ cup of milk into 1c•
cube troys. Place everythng in lhe hezer for o
m.-.imum of 3 houn. Remove from fre,ezer and
toss in your food processor, odd,ng ·he other Y•
cup of mi'k of choice. Blifz for several minutes
until mixture is nice and smooth. Add in choc
chips, stir through. then eat it while il's cokl.

Berry Burst Vinaigrette Dreamy Caesar Dressing

l'r@op 1 l"l"P S mins oto 1 ...,,..5 min -ep ,..,"' Smtns Totol -i.eSmn
Coo, 1l"'ltl Omin S4ioh'I � 8 :ook T ,rr., 0 min Serv 1 2

Y• cup (6Smt) nut o I of choice VJ cup (125g) Greek. yogur1
Y• cup (325g) &ugor-free rospberry jam � Ct.Ip (SOg) Porrneaon che�•. frHhly grated
2� fb$p opp!♦ odtrr VintgOt 3 lbs,>mlk
1 cup (125g) fresh r�pberries 1 lbsp nut oil of choice
2 "P anchovy po$1• (opHonol)
Pour all ingredie-na: into your b!eo,de,. Blend on 1 clove of garlic. p,essed o r minced
low for 15 seconds oppro.-:, until w.11 combiNd. 1 lap 01on musrord
0-lule ovt< V()ur solod and en,oy I Oreulng WIii
10$1 O w♦et ,n 1h• fndg♦ sott ond P9PP«, 10 toste
2-4 tbsp lemon ;utee

Ploot 011 1ng�1♦nts in o bowl and wh,sk. until

smooth ond w•II eomb1nt-d. odd,ng th♦ lost 2
sp<>ons of i.rnon juu:e one by one. Tosi• b.fore
oddng f,nol toblflpoon lo mol:e aure you've got
the bolonce just nghl. Add o lillle exlro milk. f you
wont 1o Ihm out "our dressing. Season with ex1ro
,ott and pepper ,f required.
Ol'iU!e on your $Cllod and •n,ov. or pop dr"'ing
in lhe fndge ,no MOl•d conloiner lo u,e �le.r.
Tho dre&Sing Wlll lost 3 days.

•• -••
•• ••• ••
••• ••• •• •• •
•... ..
•• •• •
. -·
••• ••• • •• •
• •• • •• • -•
Amazing Asian Dressing Zingy Carrot Dressing

Pre,p T .,.,e 5 mins Tc,tnl mP 5 m11n p .,., 10 m1ns tn T - 10 min

ool Tlm4i, 0 min ., n 4 .:>Ok. T,m� ' 3

'h cup (85ml) nut oil of choice 1 cup (SOg) corral, peeled and shredded
3 tb&p apple cider v,negor � cup (125ml) l'\IJI od of choice
2 tsp tornorl 3 tbsp wh ft v1ntg,e,r
2 lsp honey 2 lbsp honey
Yl 1.sp g.t'lg•r. fr•shly 9,0,td 2 lip m,o posit
I½ tsp ginger, fre$hly grated
Pour your,ngrechenta ,nto a a.moll pr, dose the ¼ tsp sett
lid lightly, and shake sho\:e shake. Don't stop ¼ t$p i:>9pP9r
until you (eel the burn! (You con also \OAii.z II up in
the blender 1f you're feeli09 k»zy.)
Toss oh ingred eots ,n your blend« and process
Serve immediotefry, or refrigerate for up lo o
on high for oppro,: 30 seconds, un111 the dreu,ng
,s nf.Ce and smooth
Enjoy ,mmtdiOt.tyl AAv unused drctn ng will lost
1n the fridge for up lo o wNk

Avo-licious Dressing Yummy Chimichurri

Pr@-9 T ...,,� 10 m1ns To-. 1.,.,. Om1n Pr�p M11>Smms Tei•:,= Tl@o 5 min
c;;,ol Tirn Omtn Sw· ng1 2 X>I!. 11>ti-Omin s.' 3

1 k>rge ovocodo, peeled end pitted 2 cups (100g) citonlro, roughly chopped
l'\ cup (125g) Greek. yogurt 1 cup(25g) poraley, rough ly chopped
2 gort,c clo...e.s. m,nct-d 2 1b$p Oft90no l•ov•s
¼ cup (Sg) ponley, roughly chopped 1 gorli.c dove, minced
2 tbsp wottr 1 lorgt ltr"l'\On, z♦SI ol'ld ju, C.
1 tbsp nut oil of choice 1 cup(150g) cashews
1 tbsp lemon JUICe �-Y. cup (125ml-190m1) milk of cho<ee
Y.hphoMy Y• hp of rt<I pepper llok.-,. (cpttonol)
¼ hep soll ,ott and pepper, 10 taste
¼ tsp ho4 ,ouce(optlonol)
Ploot the herbs. 9or1i,c and lemon ZHJ m your
Throw ell ingred1en1S into yoi.w blender or food bttnc:19t ol"'d blend until SMOOlh, Us• 0 spoon 10
processor and process on high unil creomy and 1cro?41 ,(bits� stuck to I he su:fH,

,me,oth. Fore rhirir,.•r dl•ning,, add n littl• Hire Add 1n your �h1w-i, l•MOfl juie• cfld y; - ¥. eup
¥t01er. of milk, On maximum speed. blend•�i•n1s
Dig in immediately, or s.tore in the fridge in o for opprox 60 se,conds.. un.til vovr ch,michurri
sealedcontainer for up to 3 days. it ni-c. ond$1"()00th. Scro,:,,t down the $Ides os
� Addo MIi• •xtro m,lk for o thiM•r
,ouce, $eo$on with sail and peppe<. ond some
exlro red pepper Rok.e:s if you wont on exlro kid:..

You are what
you eat so
don't be
cheap, easy,
or fake.

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