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Globalization has many positive effects on world’s economy but the negative
effects of it cannot be forgotten.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
People have different views about the connection between globalization and the
economy of every country of the world. While I accept that this trend of
worldwide integration can sometimes have a harmful impact on the international
economy, I believe that it is more likely to exert/create positive effects.
On the one hand, there are various reasons why people believe that the potential
risks entailed by globalization upon the economy should not be undervalued. First
of all, the widespread of global trade is not always beneficial to everyone,
especially to developed countries. Companies can move from these nations to
other areas where labor is considerably cheaper to exploit employees, and this
may create redundancies or job losses. Furthermore, in underdeveloped countries,
domestic businesses have to encounter a number of difficulties when they compete
with several multinational companies. The workforce will be attracted to
international firms/corporations because they may build new stores and office
buildings, thus providing employees with modern surroundings that national
businesses may not be able to offer.
On the other hand, I would argue that these drawbacks are outweighed by the
benefits. Firstly, under pressure from globalization, trade has become more
competitive which can lead to the production of higher quality products to capture
the attention of consumers. When the old methods are outdated, companies have to
upgrade so that they can enhance their own efficiency to compete with the
multinationals. In addition, globalization can also create the improving working
environment. For instance, many companies in the world market breeze through
the economic competition with some positive changes and new policies that favor
employees, such as providing daycare, holding company social events and
offering flexible scheduling.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the beneficial impacts of global trade are more
significant than their drawbacks.
296 words


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