Project Closeout Report

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Project Closeout Report

Project Name GSD – FacilityMAX Date October 8, 2009

Executive Sponsor Arturo Jaramillo, Cabinet Secretary Lead Agency General Services
Project Manager Selby L. Lucero / Larry Miller Agency Code 350.0

The MAXIMUS - Asset Solutions’ FacilityMAX is an integrated facility management software system needed to replace the
current disparate end of life or non-supported systems, access databases and numerous excel spreadsheets that are no longer
meeting the needs of the Building Services Division (BSD) and Property Control Division (PCD).

The two divisions have combined efforts and talents to create a joint project that will provide a state of the art, secure, web
based, automated work flow and reporting system that will improve the management of facility assets that have been placed
in our hands by the people of the Land of Enchantment!

Problems to be Remedied. PCD has no comprehensive management information system to handle monitoring and
reporting on all aspects of construction projects, especially integrated project management and financial document tracking.
The lack of integrated project and portfolio management system leaves PCD management with little or no management
information on which to base critical decisions regarding funding, and assignment of internal resources.

BSD has a web-based work-order system, but has no supplies and equipment inventory tracking system and labor/materials
cost tracking system. This system will provide more proactive maintenance and a closer communication link to their clients.
The current work flow process to manage these facility assets involves a combination of Excel spreadsheets, various
databases and manual processes.

At present the divisions operate a Leasing Database written in SQL, a Java based Preventative Maintenance Work Order
System, a C++ based Customer Work Order System, numerous Excel spreadsheets and other now defunct systems such as
the BSD Utility Management System written in Access. Since the mid 1980’s PCD has been attempting to develop a Capital
Projects Tracking System, which has evolved to present day needs.

Schedule and Budget

Planned Start Date May 2006 Actual Start Date May 2006
Planned End Date June 2009 Actual End Date June 2009
Planned Cost: (Budget) $812,869.34 Actual Cost: (Total) $729,521.13
 Profess $277,600  Profes $266,662.84
ional Services sional Services
 Hardw $17,700  Hardw $17,700
are are
 Softwa $376,588.67  Softw $315,919.67
re are
 Networ $0  Netwo $0
k rk
 Other $140,980.67  Other $129,238.62

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Project Closeout Report
Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Amount Funding Source(s)

Fiscal Year
2006 $199,500.67 BSD Operating Budget / General Fund
$ 50,000.00 PCD Capital Project Administrative Fund
2007 $ 39,296.36 BSD Operating Budget / General Fund
$ 95,280.44 PCD Capital Project Administrative Fund
2008 $ 74,292.16 BSD Operating Budget / General Fund
$212,988.56 PCD Capital Project Administrative Fund
2009 $ 7,323.69 BSD Operating Budget / General Fund
$ 50,839.25 PCD Capital Project Administrative Fund
TOTAL $729,521.13

Scope Verification
Requirements Review Yes No Explanation/Notes
Were the project objectives (expected outcomes) accomplished? x
Were all Deliverables submitted and accepted? x
Did the IV&V vendor verify that all deliverables met the requirements? x
Have all contracts been closed? x
Have all final payments been made (i.e., invoices paid) x
Has adequate knowledge transfer been completed? x


 GSD Application Developer III will maintain and support this application and database in concert with MAXIMUS -
Asset Solutions Support Desk. GSD staff will apply upgrades/patches in adherence with the GSD Change Management
Policy and Maintenance Schedule. Software is at current release levels.
 GSD Windows Tech will provide system administration for hardware. All MS patches will be applied as required and in
accordance with GSD Change Management Policy and Maintenance Schedule. A Systems Maintenance plan and
Operations Framework is under construction.
 BSD/PCD staff will perform System Administration and assign accounts and User Roles and Permissions Levels.
 BSD/PCD staff will be responsible for data entry.
 BSD/PCD/TSSB will be responsible for constructing ad hoc and standard reports.
 DoIT Windows team will manage the MS ForeFront anti-virus.
 Data Center Network and firewalls will be maintained by DoIT.
Data Center Facilities and Security System will be maintained by DoIT.

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Project Closeout Report
Yes No Explanation/Notes
$52,000/Annual SW
Are there recurring maintenance/operational costs for the product/service? x
The Building Services Division
plans on purchasing a key
module in the future when
Are there any recommended enhancements or updates? x
funding is available to track
and monitor all building and
office keys issued.
Funding source for maintenance/operational costs? Maintenance and Operating costs will be from two sources for each of
the two participating divisions as follows: Building Services Division: General Fund / Operating Budget; Property Control
Division: Capital Project Assessment / Capitol Projects Administrative Fund




Purchase FacilityMAX
June 2006 software/hardware. Install hardware $333.6 Completed
Define schedule, budget, resource
requirements, staffing to support
April 2007 system, develop as-is and to-be work $ 129.2 Completed
process flows, define data elements
Planning: and fields, install software
Complete software installation, set
up database and input data, train end
May 2008 $266.7 Completed
users and sys admin, test, user
Implementation: acceptance conduct IV&V
IV & V Final Report, Transition to
October 2009 Operations, Maintenance, implement $ -0- Completed
Closeout: Redundant Database Server


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Project Closeout Report
The IV & V reports documented several recommendations. These recommendations will serve as the basis to insure
that FacilityMAX remains useful for years to come.

The Building Services Division will likely require another “Workflow Specialist” in order to keep up with Time Card
Entry, Work Order Creation and Equipment Inventory. Currently BSD has two FTE dedicated to this issue with one
vacant position.

Additional expertise will be required to develop BIRT reports in order to fully utilize data in FacilityMAX.
Upfront training and identifying and documenting custom report requirements for quicker implementation is required

Higher levels of attention must be paid to developing training documentation and requirements

User Satisfaction Survey activities should become a separate section in project schedules

Train System Administration and end users on Security Policy and Procedures

IT System Analysis
On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes, to
the following IT infrastructure topics relating to this project:

 Describe or estimate this project’s impact on the Enterprise/DoIT infrastructure.

o Hardware – This project has minimal to no impact on the Enterprise/DoIT
FacilityMAX Front End Server Database Server
Intel XEON 3.0 GHz or better Intel XEON 3.0 GHz or better
2 x 73GB SCSI HDD 4 x 73GB 15k SCSI HDD
RAID 1 or preferred (upgraded to
RAID 5) RAID 5 or preferred
10/100/1000NIC 10/100/1000NIC
KVM Equipment

 Application was being hosted by DoIT on a Win 2000 server that was not being
backed up and was unstable. DoIT asked GSD to move the application to a new
environment. DoIT server to be decommissioned. The database will be migrated to a
Dell 2950 server running SQL 2005 which will be partitioned for a test/development
region which GSD does not currently have. The application requires SQL2005 by
9/08. MAXIMUS – Asset Solutions will no longer certify the software on SQL2000
after that date. The database is currently hosted on a DoIT SQL2000 server.
 Environmental Requirements
Watts Amps Voltage Cooling
800 3.84 208(120v) 0.2 Tons

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Project Closeout Report
o Network (Include Diagram) There is little to no increase in bandwidth demand. The new system
and current database replace other systems that are in use. No more than 10-20 concurrent
users will be accessing the system at the same time. Users are currently accessing Customer
Work Order, Preventative Maintenance, Leasing Database systems which all have web-front
ends. Users are also accessing shared folders on network drives that contain diagrams, excel
spreadsheets, CAD and architectural plans. Users will be accessing the system via the Internet.
(See Attached Diagram)
o Software / Applications – Software allows the decommissioning and consolidation of 3 end of
life or non-supported systems (Preventative Maintenance, Work Order, Leasing Database,
Customer Work Order into an open-source software product. Application is written in JAVA.
System Architecture utilizes Apache Tomcat Software is certified on Windows
2003/2005/SQL2005 (See Attached Diagram)
 If not hosted at DoIT Data Center what is your strategy to host at DoIT Data Center:
(When, Why?) System is hosted at DoIT Data Center
 DoIT Migration Collaboration
 Summarize your collaboration with DoIT on moving this project from initialization through close (full
production). Identify points of contact, dates of discussions, and results
o March 2006 - Strategic Planning Session – identified concept and potential software. Michelle
Schneider- GSD Account Manager
o May 2006 - Contract for Software, Consultant, Expenses signed
o June, 2006 - Project Initiation review and documentation was begun by Michelle Schneider, GSD
Acct Manager.
o June 2006 – September 2006, on-going meetings with GSD Technical Team and Account
Manager to review systems specifications, network, back-up requirements, environmental
requirements, implementation timeline, and resources required, etc. GSD Project Team
included; Michelle Schneider, Mike Owens (system was spec for Unix at the time), Rob
Levin/Customer Installation, Chris Rodriquez/Hitachi Storage, Steve Weston/Abba Contractor
managing back-up systems, Mary Jane Archuleta/DBA, Rick Byrne/Applications Manager,
Steve Williams/Network, Vin Kelly/Security
o August 2006 – Meetings w/Rob Levin, Michelle Schneider, David Dikitolia/GSD Project
Manager assigned. Reviewed software installation requirements, identified hardware to host
on, identified network requirements, began Project Management Plan
o September, 2006 – December, 2007 – Service Requests for support. Participated in some design
meetings. Software implementation, Database configuration and installation of instance on test
environment/Win 2000/SQL 2000. Rob Levin, Mary Jane Archuleta, Michelle Schneider.
Network design flaws and position of server within the Data Center network prevented BSD
remote staff access to application. Karen Baltzley, Michelle Schneider
o July 2007 – April 2008 – Attended Implementation meetings. – Karen Baltzley Service Request
to install app server in data center. Mary Jo Vigil/Account Manager, Rick Byrne, Greg
Rockstroh, Rob Levin, Mary Jane Archuleta, Reyna Munoz-Ortiz, Chad Hanna
 Provide Application Architecture Schematic (See Attached Diagram)

Business Continuity Strategy

On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes, of
your business Continuity Strategy.
 Emergency and Disaster Management – GSD’s Emergency & Disaster Management Plan is under
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Project Closeout Report
 Business Resumption – If production systems were lost, the redundant server would take over. If both
production and redundant systems fail, BSD/PCD would revert to paper processing. GSD Business
Continuity Plan is under construction
 Operational Recovery Planning –Redundant database servers for system recovery have been
implemented. Servers are configured w/Raid 5 for system failover. FY10 budget expansion request to
provide alternate site Disaster Recovery for GSD critical systems such as FacilityMAX. Systems and
data are included in DoIT Back-up schedule and off-site archiving and rotation. Incremental backups
throughout the week with full back-ups on weekends. Adherence to GSD Change Management Policy is
enforced. Only authorized system administrators have access to the systems. User roles and permission
levels are administered in the WorkDesk application.

Security Strategy (Application and Data Security Process, Plan, or Standard)

 Application –Secure user log-in on Web front-end, Security rules are administered for multiple layers of user
roles/permissions to the various regions of the system.
 Data - housed on GSD SQL2005 server w/ network connection to the Application server. Data is backed up to the
Hitachi SAN. DoIT is responsible to secure data storage. TSSB Database Administrators have system admin security
 Data Center Network - Server is on the One Public facing network to allow for remote access in a secured
environment. DoIT is responsible to provide necessary network monitoring, firewalls and network protection
 Servers - Housed in a 7x24 secured facility and resides in a dedicated GSD locked rack. Systems are password
protected. MS Forefront anti-virus is managed by DoIT. GSD will apply Microsoft patches and upgrades as required.
Maintenance Windows are being defined. Requesting that DoIT conduct scheduled security scans of environment.
 Test/Development environment has been deployed. This environment is critical due to the numerous patches that are
released throughout the year for this software.
 Authentication –FacilityMAX supports MicrosoftR Active Directory to consolidate and manage user authentication
data. Only authorized system administrators have access to the systems. User roles and permission levels are
administered in the WorkDesk application. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) technology elevates FacilityMAX above
solutions that merely run on an Internet browser feeds. Internal Private RSS feeds - User specific/FacilityMAX-
conformant content such as user filters and approvals. Access to this content is governed by FacilityMAX’s user/role
based security protocols.

Project Sign Off

The signatures below certify that this project has been completed in accordance to the specified budget, schedule,
scope, and achieved the intended outcome.

Executive Sponsor
(or Designee)
Arturo Jaramillo, Cabinet Secretary
Lead Agency Head
(or Designee)

David Simpson, Director – Building Services Division

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Project Closeout Report

Bill Taylor, Director – Property Control Division

Karen Baltzley, GSD CIO

Selby L. Lucero, Deputy Director – Building Services Division

Project Manager

Larry Miller, Deputy Director – Property Control Division

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