Flood Estimation Report From CWC 3c

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3227 Thon 370s 4 [NO vw Biot» Shade. Bice pan ein - +DESICNOFFICE REPORT} — > Gxdtes(Myore-G/apoor, 7 NO, UNT-SeNR st6r20N2* ada aa arm ‘CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION art afer ua anit (wa daa - 3 &) i BE STG sitar Peer (afeeifea) ' FLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT- FOR, - \ UPPER NARMADA AND TAPI ' SUBZONE - 3(c) \\ i (REVISED ) aie aot 7 88 sare Ales Pra fee CO. ar Rane orezer ere 7 _—sippiar aftorr Gas dor E NS =f Ret - 110066 eee a are i ee gan ore . Z DIRECIORATEOF IYDROLOGY (RECIONAL STUDS) AL STUDIES ORGANSIATION itpROLOGie 7 i NEWDEIN TiO PSHARC DESIG! AND: MINISERY OF NORUACE TH UNSPOR ‘saga 2002 a ‘Gctoher,2002 scons wonky ¢ \ Revised Flood Estimation Report for Upper Narmada and Tapi subzone ~ 3(c) was discussed and approved by the following members of Flood Estimation Planning and Co-ordination Committee in its 56" Meeting held on 25,9.2001 at Ceritral Water Comunission, New Delhi CSS oS (T.K-Sauthu) (Bay Director, Hydrclogy(RS) Deputy Dizector General(HM) Central Water Commission “India Meteorological Departinent New Delhi. New Delhi. d Jee (MLB.Vijay) Director (B&:S) _ Research Design and Standards Organisation Lucknow — 226011 DESIGN OFFICE REPGK NO, UNE IeyIe-GIs6120°2 CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION FLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT FOR UPPER NARMADA AND TAP} SUBZONE - 3(c) (REVISED ) HYDROLOGY (REGIONAL STUDIES) DIRECTORATE, HYDROLOGY STUDY ORGANISATION NEW DELU! FOREWORD In the pasi, the estimation of design flood for design of waterways and foundations of railway and road bridges, culvaris, crOS diainage works, spillways of minor tanks having small and medium catchments has generally been based on empirical formulae. These formulae were evolved with a small data base for a particular region as available at those points of time. Such estimation is totally unrealistic being based on very simplified assumptions, Therefore, a need for evolving a suitable rational method for estimating the design floods of smal! and medium ungauged catchments was felt. For the purpose of evolving a method of estimation of design flood of desired frequency ‘on regional basis by hydrometeorolosical approach, the country has been divided into 7_ zones and further into 26 hydrometeorologically homogenous subzones. So far. 21 flood 4.n/bh Direct surface runoff is the end product of storm rainfall after infiltration into surface soils, sub-surface and ground besides abstractions like evaporation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and filling up of surface depressions, It is difficult, rather impossible, to record/assess these various parameters at various representative locations in the catchment except by the analysis of observed storm rainfall and flood events, Conversion of gross storm rainfall units into effective rainfall units for application to unitgraph is normally done by subtraction of constant loss rate (@ index) for the catchment, even though the loss rate in the catchments, is complex phenomena, varying due to soil conditions, soil cover and topography along with temporal and spatial variations of storm rainfall In the annexure 3.6, the variation of the loss rate can be seen. There is a wide variation in the loss rate ranging from 0.1 mm/hr to a high of 18 mrhr. This is so because the estimation of catchment rainfall depends on many hydrological factors such as antecedent moisture condition, sizo of the catchment, soil type ete, but also the estimation of catchment rainfall depends upon the location of the raingauge stations, which also affects the estimation of the areal rainfall depth with respect to runoff observed at the outlet of the catchment. As the flood potential of a catchment will depend on the loss rate, we can see from the table that as many as 36 flood events fall under the category of 0.1-2 mmvhr. An average of this range i.e. 1 mm/hr can, therefore, be recommended as the loss rate for any ungauged catchment in this subzone. However, the user can assess any loss rate value based on the information available to him. Clim, dn 3.7 DESIGN BASE FLOW ~> ): 05 |x Base flow values for 172 flood events inclusive of additional flood events of 3 catchments tabulated in different ranges are shown in Annexure 3.7. Out of 172 flood events, 107 flood events fall under the range of 0.01 - 0.09 cumec/Sq.km. The average base flow rate of 0.05 cumec/Sq.km. is recommended for estimating base flow for a catchment in the Subzone, The designer may, however, adopt any other suitable value as per site condition. 1s PART IV’ STORM STUDIES 4.1 INTRODUCTION The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has conducted detailed rainfall studies for Upper Narmada & Tapi Basin Subzone 3 (c) which is presented in this chapter. The study covers Depth-Duration-Frequency analysis of available daily/short duration rainfall data in and around the subzone. ‘The design storm components have been derived in the form of (i) 25, 50 and 100-year 24-hour isopluvial maps, (ii) 24 hours to short duration (1 to 23 hours) rainfall ratios, (iii) Time distribution curves for storm of different durations (2 to 24 hours), and (iv) point to areal rainfall ratios for specified durations (1,3,6,12 and 24 hours). The methodology for analysis of cach component and the procedure for design storm estimation is discussed in Section-4.3 & 4.5. ‘The results of the study serve as basic input for design flood estimation for small and meslium catchments. 42 DATA USED The rainfall data for a large number of stations in and around the subzone for as long a period as possible have been used. Ordinary raingauge (ORG) data of 170 stations (69 inside the subzone and 101 around the subzone) and self recording rainguage (SRG) data of 23 stations have been utilised, 4.3 DEPTH DURATION FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 4.3.1 ISOPLUVIAL MAPS For each of the 170 ORG stations in and around the subzone, a series of annual maximum one-day rainfall was generated. The 170 stations series, thus formed, were subjected to frequency analysis using Gumbel's extreme value distribution for computing one day rainfall estimates for 25, 50 and 100-year return periods. These daily rainfall estimates (170 x 3) were converted into 24 - hour rainfall estimates by using the conversion factor of 1.15. For each return period, the 24-hour estimates for 170 stations were plotied on the base map and isopluvial were drawn. The isopluvials maps of 25, 50 and 100 - year 24 - hour rainfall are shown in Plates 8, 9 and 10 respectively, which can be used to derive 24-hour rainfall estimates for specific return periods at any desired location in the subzone, 43.2. SHORT DURATION RATIOS There are 23 SRRG stations in the subzone and most of the stations are having data of more than 8 years. The hourly rainfall data were subjected to frequency analysis using Partial duration series for computing T - year t- hour rainfall estimates for T= 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 years and 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 hours. These estimates (23 x 8 x 5) were converted into ratio with respect to the corresponding 24 - hour estimates Average ratios ( 8 x 5) for the zone as a whole (mean of 23 station ratio) were then computed for each T - year t- hour pair. It was noticed that for a specified duration t, the 16 average ratios beyond T = 5 years were comparable in magnitude. As such the average fatios (8) corresponding to 10-year t-hour rainfall have been recommended to be adopted tniformly for converting 24 ~ hour rainfall into t - hour rainfall. These 8 conversion tatios for t= 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 hours given below were plotied on graph and a smooth curve was drawn as shown in graph at Fig.10, which can be used to derive conversion ratios for any duration (t) in general, including the intermediate durations. Conversion _10- Year t- Hour Rainfall Hours Ratio 10 — Year 24 Hour Rainfall 0.34 0.50 063) 072 079 0.86 O91 1.00 Any 25, 50 or 100-- year 24 - hour point rainfall in the subzone, as read from isopluvial maps in Plates 8, 9 and 10, can be converted into corresponding 25, 50 or 100 - year t - hour rainfall by multiplying with t-hour ratio as read from the curve in Fig.10, or, by making use of table alongside the graph. 433 TIME DISTRIBUTION CURVES Based on hourly rainfall data of all the 23 SRRG stations, a total of 4447 rainstormis of durations ranging from 2 to 24 hours were analyzed and grouped station wise into the following 5 categories. a) rainstorms of 2 to 3. - hour duration (986 rainstorms) b) rainstorms of 4 to 6 - hour duration (1217 rainstorms) ©) rainstorms of 7 to 12 - hour duration (| 182 rainstorms) 4) rainstorms of 13 to 18 -hour duration (498 rainstorms) ©) rainstorms of 19 to 24 -hour duration (564 rainstorms) For each station, $ different graphs corresponding to each group of rainstorms were prepared by plotting the cumulative percentage of the total storm duration and the average time distribution curves (23 x 5) were drawn, Average time distribution curves (5) for the subzone, 2s a whole, were then drawn by plotting 23 station curves on the same graph and average curves are drawn, which are given in Fig.]. These curves can be used to derive the time distribistion co-efficient of storm rainfall in the sub zone for the rainstorms of any duration (Annexure 4.3), ” 4.3.4 POINT TO AREAL RAINFALL RATIOS In the present study, the availability of a fairly dense network of SRRGs in the subzone made it possible to adopt the best scientific procedure for deriving point to areal relationship based on SRRG data and concurrent ORG data in preference to bridge data ‘The data of 23 SRRG stations in and around the catchment were used. SRRG data of 23 stations were scrutinized to collect the rainstorms of various durations (1 = 1,3,6,12 & 24 hrs) and about 50 rainstorms were selected. The hourly rainfall records of SRRG's and daily rainfall data of surrounding ORG's were carefully examined for various storm durations (5) to select t - hour representative rainstorms based on the following considerations : () A maximum central value of t-hour rainfall being nearest to the corresponding 24-hour rainfall ending 0830 hours, (i) The availability of adequate concurrent data of surrounding ORG stations; Gil) Bach duration t being entirely contained in the 24-hour period ending 0830 hours. About 50 representative rainstorms were selected for analysis. For each representative rainstorm, the ratio of rainstorm rainfall to corresponding 24-hour rainfall was computed and the daily rainfall values of surrounding ORG stations were reduced in the same proportion, —Isohyetal maps of SO representative rainstorms were then prepared using concurrent rainfall values of SRRG stations and surrounding ORG stations (reduced values) corresponding to the date and time of each representative rainstorm. By planimetering each isohyetel map around the rainstorm centre and plotting the ratios of areal rainfall depth to point rainfall against the areas, the best fit curves (5) were drawn as, shown in the graph at Figs. 12(a) and 12(b), which can be used to derive the percentage areal reduction factors for converting point rainfall of any duration in the subzone into corresponding areal rainfall for any particular small catchment in the subzone (Annexure 44) 4.4. HEAVIEST RAINFALL RECORDS 4.4.1 ORG Data ‘The highest ever recorded one day station rainfall (24 hours rainfall ending 0830 hrs. of date) alongwith date of occurrence in each of the 15 districts covering subzone 3(c) have been compiled from the ORG data and presented in Annexure 4.1. Normal annual rainfall for each station is also given in the Annexure. 4.4.2 SRRG Data ‘The heaviest storm rainfall in duration of 24, 12.6, 3 and | hour along with date and time of occurrence at the 17 SRRG stations have been compiled and presented in Annexure 42 8 45. PROCEDURE FOR DESIGN STORM RAINFALL ESTIMATION For a specified design sform duration Tp-hour (time of concentration), for a particular bridge catchment in the subzone, the design storm rainfall and its temporal distribution in the catchment can be computed by adopting the following procedure. Step-I : Locate bridge catchment under study on the 50-year, 24-hour isopluvial map in plate 9, and obiain the 50-year, 24-hour point rainfall value in cm, For a catchment ‘covering. more than one isopluvial, compute the average point rainfall ‘Step-2: Read the conversion ratio for storm duration Tp from fig.10 and multiply the ‘50-year 24-hour point rainfall in step-1 to obtain 50-year Tp -hour point rainfall. ‘Step-3: Read the areal reduction factor corresponding to storm duration Tp and the given area of catchment from fig. 12(a) and 12(b) or Annexure - 4.4 and multiply the $0- year Tp -hour point rainfall in step-2 by this factor to obtain the SO-year Tp -hour areal Tainfall over the catchment, Step-4: Read the time distribution co-efficients for 1,2 sp), hours corresponding to storm duration Tp from relevant graph in fig.11 or Annexure 43 and multiply the $0 yr. Tp -hour areal rainfall in Step-3 by these co-efficients to obtain the cumulative depths of 1,2. .. CIo-1) hour catchment rainfall. Step 5: Obtain the depths of storm rainfall occuring every hour in the bridge catchment by subtraction of successive cumulative depths of 1,2........- (Ep-l) and To hours Step-4 PART-V DESIGN FLOOD ESTIMATION 5.1 CRITERIA AND STANDARDS IN REGARD TO DESIGN FLOOD OF STRUCTURES OF SMALL AND MEDIUM CATCHMENTS The Committee of Engineers headed by Dr. A.NN.Khosla, had recommended a design flood of 50-year return period for fixing the waterway of the bridges. ‘The committee had also recommended to design the foundation and protection work for larger discharge by increasing the design flood for waterways by'30% for small catchments upto 500 Sq.km., 25 to 20% for medium catchments upto 500 to 5000 Sq.km,, 20 to 10% for large catchments upto 5000 to 25000 Sq.km. and less than 10% for very large catchments above 25000 Sq.km+ Criteria and standards followed for design flood for bridges, cross-drainage structures and small dams are given below : a) Indian Railway Standard Bridges Substructures and Foundation Code revised in 1985 stipulates that all Railway bridges shall be designed with adequate waterway for design discharge. This shall normally be the computed flood with probable recurrence interval of 50 years. However, at the discretion of Chief Engineer/Chief Bridge Engineer, if bridge is likely to have severe consequences, it may be designed for floods with a probable recurrence interval of more than 50 years, while bridges on less important lines or sidings may be designed for floods with a probable recurrence interval of less than 50 years, b) Indian Road Congress - IRC $-1985, clause 103 of Section-I “General Features of Design” specifies that the waterway of a road bridge is to be designed for a maximum flood of 50-yr return period. To provide for adequate margin of safety, the foundation and protection works should be designed for larger discharge as computed under clause 103, The recommended percentage increase over the design discharge specified in clause 103 is given under clause 110.12 of IRC-S-1985. These recommendations are the same as given in the report of the Committee of Engineers and are reproduced as under. ‘SLNo. | Catchment Area | Increase In Design Discharge 1 Upto 500 Km? 30% to 25% decreasing with increase in area. 2 500 to S000 Km 25% to 20% decreasing with increase in area. 3 5000 to 25000 Km” [20% to 10% decreasing with increase in area 4 ‘Above 25000 Kn” 10 10% ©) Indian Standard Code of “Practice for design of cross drainage works - IS; 7784 Part-I, 1975” recommends that the waterway for cross drainage works should be designed for a 25 yr. return period flood. To provide adequate margin of safety, the foundation and protections works should be designed for larger discharges, ‘The 20 sszepercemtage increase over the design discharge recommended in the code is sme as -48'F suggested by the Committee of Engineers and reproduced in para (b) above. yan "Central Water Commission’s criteria of 1968 specify that the diversion dams and weirs should be designed for floods of frequency of 50-100 yr. ‘g), Indian Standards Guidelines for “fixing spillway capacity of dams under clauses > 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of IS : 11223-1985” recommends 100 yr. retum period flood as ‘inflow design flood for small dams having either gross storage of the dam between 0.5 and 10 Mm’ or hydraulic head between 7.5 m and 12 m 5.2 Estimation of Design Flood ‘To obtain dasign flood of required retum period, the effective rainfall for design storm duration is to be applied to the unit hydrograph of a catchment. Procedure for computing design flood peak and design flood hydrograph for T-year retum petiod by SUG approach is as under; ~ Step-t: Synthetic unit hydrograph Derive the synthetic unit hydrograph as per section 3.4 4 and tabulate in I-hour U.G. ordinates. Step-2: Design storm duration The duration of storin, which causes maximum flow in a river ata specified location, is called “Design Storm Duration”. The SUG of 18 catchments have been derived using the parameters computed from recommended equations given in Table-3.3. Annexure 5.1 shows the computed UG parameters. I has been studied that the critical storm duration, which causes severe floods in small and medium catchments as used in this subzone, is equal to 1.1*tp. ‘The flood peaks of 25 yrs, 50 yrs and 100 yrs retum period is computed for this storm duration. tis, therefore, recommended to adopt the value of Design storm duration (Tp) as 1.1*tp ‘The design engineer may, however, adopt a different value of Tp as per site conditions Step-3: Design storm rainfall §) Adopt suitable design storm duration (Tp) as explained in Step-2. i) Obtain design storm rainfall and hourly areal rainfall units vide section 4.6, iii) Adopt design loss rate as recommended in section 3.7 %¥) Obtain hourly effective rainfall increments by subtracting the design loss rete. Step ~4: (a) Design flood peak u i) Arrange | hour effective areal-raintall values ayainst the 1 hour U.G. ordinates such that the maximum value of effective rainfall falls against the maximum ordinate of U.G.. the next iower value of effective rainfall against the next lower UG. ordinate and so on upto Ti hour duration, ii) Obtain the base flow for the catchment area under study vide section 3.8, iii) Obtain total surface runoff by summing the product of unit hydrograph ordinates and effective rainfall consecutively. iv) Obtain the toral flow by adding the base flow to the computed total surface runoff in step (iii) above. This will give the peak value of the flood. b) Design flood hydrograph. For the computation of design flood hydrograph, carry out the steps from | 10 3 and in addition, carry out the following steps Step-S: Reverse the sequence of effective rainfall units obtained in Step-4(i) to get the critical sequence of the effective rainfall units, Step-6: Multiply the first I-hr effective rainfall with the ordinaies of UG. to get the corresponding direct runoff ordinates. Likewise, repeat the procedure with all the hourly effective rainfall values giving a lag of I-hr each time to successive direct runoff ordinate Step —7: Add the direct runoff ordinates at I-hr interval horizontally to get total direct runoff hydrograph, Step -8: : ‘Add the base flow as given in Step-4 (ii) 0 each direct runofT ordinates at |-hr interval in ‘Step-7 to get the 50-year flood hydrograph. 5.2.1. Illustrative exampl 1. Bridge No.930. on itarsi-Jabalpur section, Central Railway has been marked out as ungauged catchment for illustrating the procedure to compute 50-year design Flood, The catchment plan is enclosed at figure A-| The particulars of the catchment under study are as follows: (i) Name of Subzone Upper Narmada & Tapi Gi). Name of Tributary Umar iii) Name of Railway Section harsi-Jabalpur (iv) Shape of catchment Leaf () Location Lar 23" 08°36" Long 79" 25° 48" (vi) Topography Moderate slope procedure is explained below: Step-1: _ Physiographie Parameters physiographic parameters obtained are given below: 1) Area (A)-Refer fig. A-1 = 223.77 Sq.km 2) Length of the longest stream (L) =33.60 km 3) Length ofthe longest stream from a point opposite to C.G.(Lc) = 19.32 km 4) Equivalent stream slope (Sex) 269 m/km “The computation of equivalent Slope is shown at Annexure 5.2. Step2: br Syinthetic raph Unitgraph parameters of the synthetic unit hydroyraph were computed using equation in para 3.4.3. The results are given in the following table, Table 5.1 (Synthetic UG Parameters) Si.No SUG Parameters 1 | t= 0.995(LLe Sy = 45 bes 2 [qn = 16650, = 057 cumecs/sq.km 3 | Wa= 19145 (qo 88 hrs 4 | We=1.1102(q) 19 hrs, 5 | WRa= 0.7064) "4 hrs 6 | WRis= 045314q,) 0.99 hrs 7 |ty= 5.04537, 15 hrs & [Ta = tpt ur = 5.00 hrs where tr=1.0 he T [Q=qxA = 127,55 cumecs Estimated parameters of unitgraph in Step 2 were plotted on a graph paper as shown in Fig A-2. The plotted points were joined to draw synthetic unitgraph. The discharge ordinates (Qi) of the unitgraph at ti~ tI hr interval were summed up and multiplied by trl ie. Qux i= 621.58 cumecs and compared with the theoretical volume of 1.00 om. direct run off depth over the catchment, computed from the formula Q = (A x d) (t; x 0.36) Where A = Catchment area in Sq.km. d = 100m. depth, u = 1 hr. (the unit duration of UG) B Q-Axd ~ 22377x1 621.58 cumec. 036xtr 036x1 Note: In case, Qi*ti for the unitgraph drawn is higher or lower than the volume of 1 ‘em, the falling timb of hydrograph may be suitably modified without altering the points of synthetic parameters such that the sum of all the ordinates under the UG is equal to theoretical value as computed above. Step 3: Estimation of design storm 1) Design storm duration ‘The design storm duration (Tp) has been adopted as 1.) x t, ‘The value of 1.1 x ty abl e4s = 475 Rounded off to nearest full hour = $,00 brs. “Design Storm Duration (Tp) = 5,00 hrs. b) Estimation of point rainfall and areal rainfall for storm duration “The site under study was located on plate 9 showing 50 year, 24 hr point rainfall, The point rainfall was found to be 28.0 cm, Theconversion factor of 0.59 was read from Fig. 10 to convert the 50 year-24 hour point rainfall to 50 year, Tp (5.00) hrs point rainfall, 50 yrs, 5 hr point rainfall, thus worked out to be 0.59 x 28.0.em = 16,52 cm. Areal reduction factor of 0.8754. corresponding to the catchment area of 223.77 Sq.km for Tp = 5.00 hour was interpolated fiom Annexure 4.4 or fig. 12(a) for conversion of point rainfall to areal rainfall. 50 yr, 4.00 hr. areal rainfall thus works out to be 0.8754 x 16.52 cm= 14.46 cm. The 50 yr, 5,00 hour areal rainfall has been split into 1 hour rainfall increments using time distribution coefficients given in Annexure 4.3 or figure 11. The hourly ordinates are given in Table 5.2. A design loss rate of 0.10 em/hr, recommended in para 3.7 wes applied to get effective rainfall hyetograph. Table 5.2 (Hourly effective rainfall increments) Duration | Distribution [Storm | Rainfall — | Loss Effective co-efficient | rainfall | increments | rate/hour | Hourly Rainfall br) (cm) (om) (cm) (cm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0.61 3.82 8.82 0.10 8.72 2 0.81 W171 2.89 0.10 2.79 3 0.91 13.16 145 0.10 135 4 0.97 14.05 0.87 0.10 0.77 5 100 | 14.46 0.43 0.10 EH ‘Step 4: Estimation of base flow ‘Adopting a design base flow of 0.05.cumec per sq.km. recommended for this zone (Para ‘the base flow for the catchment under study was estimated to be 0.05 x 223.77 = JL19 cumecs. ‘Step S: Estimation of $0 year flood peak (2) Computation of Flood Peak. For estimation of the peak discharge, the effective rainfall increments were rearranged against ordinates such that the maximum rainfall is placed against the maximum U.Gordinate, next lower value of effective rainfall against next lower value of SUG ordinate and so on, as shown in col. 2 & 3 in Table $.3, Sum of the product of SUG ordinates and effective hourly rainfall gives total direct surface run off 10 which base flow is added to get total peak discharge. Table 5.3 (50 year Flood Peak) Time in | SUG. Ordinates | 1-Hour Effective | Direct Runoff Hours, (cumec) Rainfall (cm) (cumec) 2 3 a I [4 100.00 135 135.00 5 127.55 8.72 1112.24 6 101.00 279 281.79 7 73.00 0.77, 56.21 8 47.00) 033 15.51 Total: 1600.75 Kod Base Flow 1119 Peak discharge (Q50)| 1611.94 camec (&) Computation of design flood hydrograph Effective hourly rainfall shown in col(3 ) of Table 5.3 in Step S(a) were reversed to obtain critical sequence as shown in Table 5.4, Table 5.4 (Critical Sequence of Rainfall) Time Critical I-hr. Effective rainfall (Hrs) sequence in cm. 1 2 1 033 z O77 3 279 4 a7 5 135 25 For computation of design flood hydrograph, the SUG ordinates were tabulated in col 2 of Annexure 5.3. The entical sequence of effective rainfall increments were entered in ‘sol.3 to col.7 horizontally, Direct run off resulting from each of the effective rainfall depths with the U.G. ordinates in Col (2) were entered in columns against ezch unit with a successive lag of 1 hour since the unit duration of SUG is 1 hr. Direct runoff values ‘were added horizontally and total direct runoff is shown in col. 8. Total hydrograph ordinates were obtained by adding base flow of 11.19 m3/s in col, 9 and are given in col, 10. Design Flood Hydrograph was ploited against time as shown in Fig. A-3. The peak of the flood hydrograph obtained was 1611.94 m3/sec which tallies with the Peak shown in table 5.3. 5.3, COMPUTATION OF FLOOD PEAK USING FLOOD FORMULA. For estimation of 25 year, 50 year, and 100 year, the same bridge catchment No.930 is considered for selection of the problem by flood formula. The physiographic and meteorologic parameters for the catchment under study are : Catchment area (A) = 223.77 Sqkm, Length of the longest stream (L) = 33.60km Length of the longest stream from a point ‘opposite to C.G. of catchment to point of study (Le) = 19.32 km. Equivalent slope (Sq) = 2.69 mv/km. 25 yr., 24 hr point rainfall (Rs) = 24.00 om 50 yr., 24 hr point rainfall (Rss) 28.00 em 100 yr., 24 hr point rainfall (Rico) 32,00 cm as = 0.6671 (APP LIAO Lg} (G)9OH (Rag 0.6671 (223.77)°"? 33.60)" (19.32y°* (2.69) (24.0)! 1313.66 cumecs Qo = 0.7166 (Ay! yt (Leyte (ayPOHl2 (Rg 0.7166 (223.7) (33.60) ** (19.32) — (2.699? (28.0)'997 1539.65 cumecs ino 0.6494 (A) (LAH CLeytO™H (SABE (Rig! r= 0.999 0.6494 (223.77) (33.60)°'4"" (19.32)9° (2.69) (32.0)'8! 1785.23 cumees The percentage variations in the values of Qus, Qsy and Qiop as estimated by the detailed approach and as estimnated by the flood formulae for the catchment under study are shown in Table no.5.5. 26 Table No. 5.5 (Comparison of Results) Variation With , ie t ee By SUG By Flood Formula Respect to SUG. io. | Area, (oy No’ ") | Km | as Qso | Qro | Qs Qs | Qi | Qs | Qe | Qiao 223.77 | 1373.23 | 1611.94 | 1847.12 | 1513.66 | 1939.63 | 1785.23 | 4.53 |-464 | 3.47 The variation is within acceptable limit. Therefore, the flood values for 25 yr, $0 yr. and 100 yr. retum periods estimated by the respective flood formulae are reasonable for adoption in preliminary designs. 5.4 COMPUTATION OF DESIGN H.F.L The Design Engineer has to determine the design High Flood Level corresponding to ‘adopted design flood for the bridges and cross drainage structures under matural and constricted conditions. This elevation is very important in the analysis for foundations, scour, free board, formation levels, hydraulic forces etc. ‘Stage discharge relationship is represented by stage vs. discharge rating curve of a river at the point of study. ‘The most acceptable method for establishing stage discharge rating ‘curve is based on observed gauges and discharges covering satisfactorily the lower 10 upper elevation ranges. Stage discharge relation defines the complex interaction of channel characteristics including cross sectional areas, shape, slope and roughness of bed and banks. The permanent stage discharge relation is a straight line or a combination of straight line on a logarithmic plotting depending on the channe! configuration: a single straight well defined channel and a combination of two straight lines for the main channel with its firm portions. The stage discharge relation may be considered more accurate depending on the reliable and adequate observed gauge and discharge data of the river at the point of study. The gauge discharge rating curve, so determined may be used for fixing the design HFL corresponding to design flood by extrapolation if necessary. In the absence of observed gauge and discharge data at the point of study (bridge or cross- drainage structures location), synthetic gauge discharge rating curve has to be constructed by Area-Velocity Method, using the river cross section, slope data and nature of the cross-section. The velocity is computed by the Manning's formula. Computation of HFL is generally done with the help of Manning’s formula, in which roughness coefficient (‘n') is an important factor affecting the discharge of a river or Nala. The value of *n’ is highly variable and depends on a number of factors viz, surface Toughness, vegetation, channel irregularity, channel alignments, silting and scouring, obstruction, size and shape of channel, stage and discharge,’ seasonal change and suspended material and bed load. The various values of the roughness co-efficient for different types of channel can be obiained from any standard text book on channel hydraulic. The above procedure pertains to determination of design HFL corresponding to design flood of a river under natural conditions. With the type of structures in position there will generally be a constriction in the waterway. The effect of the constriction by way of raising the design HFL under 27 natural conditions has to be added to the water elevation to amtive at the revised HEL under constricted conditions. The difference between upstream and downstream water levels corresponding to design flood due to constriction in the waterway may be termed as afflux. There are hydraulic methods for working out the final design HFL due to constriction by the structure. The weir formula or orifice formula of hydraulics is generally used depending on the upstream and downstream depths to estimate the revised design HFL under constricted conditions. Sometimes it happens that the cross section of river or nalla on the downstream side of a cross drainage structure may be narrow than the cross section at the location of a crossing site. The flood levels at the proposed structure may also be affected by the high flood levels in the main river joining downstream in proximity of the stream. In such cases, there will be backwater effect due to the narrow gorge of the river as the design flood for the crossing site will not be able to pass through the narrow gorge in the downstream, There will, therefore, be heading up of water in its upstream side which ultimately affects HFL of the river at the crossing site, In the latter case, the tributary/stream on which the bridge is located, will be under the influence of the backwater effect of the main stream joining downstream, In such cases, backwater Study may be carried out. In the absence of any observed levels of water profiles for computing hydraulic gradient, bed gradient of nalla may be considered, after verifying that local depressions are not accounted for and bed gradient is computed on a reasonable length of atleast 300 m. upstream and downstream of the crossing site. If the crossing site is located across the river/drainage in the unfavorable reach ie, not complying with the usual requirements of gauge site, the design flood elevation may be computed in a straight reach downstream of the crossing and design flood elevation may be worked out by undertaking backwater studies PART VI ASSUMPTIONS, LIMITATIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 6.4 ASSUMPTIONS Following assumptions have been made in the present study:~ 1. It is assumed that $0-yr return period storm rainfall produces 50-yr. flood, Similar is the case for 25 yr. and 100-yr. flood 2. A generalised conclusion regarding the base flow and loss rate is assumed to hold good during the design flood event 3. The catchments used in the analysis are treated as homogeneous. 62 LIMITATIONS 1. The method would be applicable for reasonably free catchments with interception, if any, limited to 20% of the total catchment, For calculating the discharge, the total area of the catchment has to be considered 2. The generalised values of base flow and loss rate has been assumed to hold good for the whole Subzone. The designer may adopt other suitable values of base flow and loss rate as per site conditions. . 3. The data of only 18 catchments have been considered for déveloping a generalised approach, However, for more reliable results, the data of more catchments uniformly distributed would be desirable 63 CONCLUSIONS The methodology for estimating the design flood of 50-yr. return period incorporated in the body of the report is recommended for adoption. This also holds good for 25-yr. flood and 100 yr. flood The report also recommends the adoption of design flood of 25 yr. 50 yrand 100-yr return periods taking into account the type and relative importance of the structures. The report 1s applicable for the catchment areas ranging from 25 Sq. km, to 2500 Sq. km. Further, the report may be used for large catchments upto 5000 Sq. km. based on sound judgement and considering the data of neighbouring catchments also. However, idual site conditions may necessitate special study, Engincer-in-charge at site is advised to take a pragmatic view while deciding the design discharge of a bridge. 6.4 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Incase the physiographic parameters of the ungauged catchment matches with any the gauged catchment, the unit hydrograph parameters of the gauged catchments can be proportionately transposed to the ungeuged catchment and UG, so derived, be adjusted » When the parameters of ungauged catchment do not match with any of the gauged catchment, preference can be giveri to gauged catchment close to location of ungauged catchment. ‘When none of the above two conditions are fulfilled one‘should go in for the use of recommended relations. 30 PM ye ae pen REFERENCES Engineering Hydrology : Wilson E.M, Estimation of Design Flood “Recommended Procedures” (September 1972) : Central ‘Water Commission, New Dell Guide to Hydrological Practices (Third Edition): World Meteorological Organisation No.168, 1994. IRC: 5 - 1985 - Standard specifications and code of practice for Road Bridges, Section - 1, General Features of Design (6"Revision) 1985, Indian Roads Congress. IRC: SP: 13 - 1973 - Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts. Indian Railway Standard code of Practice for Structures and Foundation of Bri (Revised - 1985 Edition), Insigation Atlas of India (Revised 1989). Report of Irrigation Commission (1972). Report of the Khosla Committee of Engineers (October, 1959), Government of India, Ministry of Railways, 31 ANNEXURES Annexure 1,1 LIST OF HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL SUB ZONES Name Of | River Basins Included Name Of Subzone (Wesignated Earlier) eine ox) In The Subzone Tani river and Thar (Loni Lani basin and Thar (Luni & other rivers of and other rivers of Rajasthan | Luni Rajasthan and Kutch and and Kutch). Banas rivers) Chambal Basin Chambal ‘Chambal river, Sind, Betwa and Ken Betwa Basin & other) ao, rivers and other South ‘Tributaries, tributaries of Yamuna. Sone & Tons rivers and Sone Basin and Right Bank| 0, other South Bank tributaries, tributaries of Ganga. Lower portion of Indus, Punjab Plains including parts 5 Ghaggar, Schibi Yamuna, of Indus, Yama, Ganga and eet Indo Ganga Gane and Upper portion Ramganga Basins. of Sirsa, Ram, Gomi and Sat rivers” Middle portion of Ganga, Ganga plains including | Lower portion of Gomi, Gomti, Ghagra, Gandak, Kosi Mes Ganga and others. : Ghagra, Gandak, Kosi Lower Ganga Plains , including Subararekha and| Lower Ganga | Lower portion of Ganga, nae : Hoogli river system and other east-flowing _ rivers | Plains, Poet, between Ganga and Baitaran North Brahmaputra Basin | North ae ee e Brahmeputra Re ee aet jalason river. South South Bank titutaries oF] South Brahmaputra Basin | Ft autre _| Brahmanmna i Barak, Kalden and Barak and others Barak Meckr ven Malijincluding the Dhadher, a ; +) Mai and. Sabarmati and Rivers of | aM Saurashtra. at River Basins included in Sub- | Name of Subzone Name of Subzone Zone | (Designated earlier) (Designated now) | ‘H* Subzone ; : Lower portion of 3) [Lower Nermada’ and Tapi] Lower | Namuds | omiga, "'Tapl and r Dhadhar rivers. Fee | Uppe Neriade and Topi| Upper Narmada &] Upper portion oF Basin Tepi Narmada and Tapi rivers. Mahanadi Basin includi he . 3 = 5 Mahanadi, Baitarani and 3(@) | Brahmeni and Baitarani| Mahanadi Bot rivers. ina 5 Ui ion of 3(@) | Upper Godavari Basin, Upper Godavari | GPRS pam Lower Godavari Basin except _ [Lower portion oF 3© | coastal region. Lower Godavari | Godavari Basin 3(@)_[Indravati Basin Tadravati Tndravati river. Krishna Subzone including 5 od 3h) i Basin except coastal | Krishna & Pennar fone Sotoe ‘ a Raver, Palar and aq) | Kaveri & Bast Flowing rivets) Kaveri Ponnsiyar rivers except secest conte” 18% coastal region : ads East flowing coastal Leff ioe ieee, ast) Upper Eastem| rivers between Deltas of ees cangueee | Oe Mahanadi and -Godavaci anadi a _ East flowing coastal ivers, Manimukta, South Coromandal Coast including eer . Gt) [cok Roving cron [Lower Basem| Peas, Cheyar’ Pala. Godavari and Kaveri. saat jth: Fennat, banners, Palleru, Cundalakama and Krishna Delta East flowing coastal Sandy Coromandal Belt (east | south Bastern | ri Manimuthar, 4(@ |fowing rivers between | Out! ee Cauvery and Kanyakumari) any Konkan Coast (vest flowing West flowing _ coastal S(a) |river between Tapi and | Konkan Coast, | rivers between Tapi and Panaji) Mandavi rivers. Malabar Coast (west flowing West flowing coastal 5(b) | rivers between Kanyakumari] Malabar Coast. | rivers between Mandavi (b) iyi and Panaji) and Kanyakumari 6 | Andaman & Nicobar fodemen land Nicobar. 5 Thelum, Upper ponion of J.& K, Kumaon Hills (Indus | Western nay page, Indus, Ravi and Beas rivers), A2 z e = t z RUrtiBL sz P SF8e-LL 1st SLLI6T £ SIe-9L 18S +1-8961 £ O-GrLe out Tele weiweies6r | BESTEL 06 > SCHOLL BL t s St L0-6L ise 6 2 ZIRE z = t T iL ore a + L SOF 9L sz7o_ | s 9 6 SSREOL ws, + eH wees] —s TOSELL ‘i q] 2 L s £L-6961 z SE6l-tL +9 = 2 eset | 6 Or-er8c 198 i SISATVRY NOWSSSWOSY WO CIUTISNOT SAOGTUG_V un on ‘ 2 z|_ 9 s + © z 1 ag | aS a suoneag | (any) |_~tiat-Boq ~ 3g oy ans suKox sing | Bary | 9 aa pa rang | ox stanuay | eg | ayy | 22esue7 | sper | NPE | uonsag peourieater | yy e'sansy | oN JOON | PHD] uoneso7 as afpug | MCmNEY : VLVG TIVANIVY GNY JOUVHISIG ‘ANNVD AO ALITIAVTIVAY NV (1dV.L ® VOVIANYN UaddN) (2)¢ - ANOZANS NI ANIA CVOWAVMTIVY AO LIT Ve-ainxouny Annexure: 3.2 PHYSIOGRAPHIC PARAMETRS OF SELECTED CATCHMENTS Length from . Love! wena [canes | teem | cto | Tso (A) (km) ‘Outlet (Seq) qm) cL) wk (Ken) z 3 z 3 z 863 2110.85 160:48 90.16 253 644 989.80 87.00 54.70 3.23 802 945,23 113.50 44.27 3.42 578_| 676.00 | 99.82 40.25 3.66 625 535.40 64.40 28.18 492 249 | 518.67 | 5651 28.89 3.00) 3o4iz | 348.92 | 46.53 20.61 238 SST 343.17 47.17 11.59 2.45 787 321.16 35.61 19.72 3.42 930 | 223.77 | 33.60 19,32 269 776 | 179.90 | 22.94 8.86 406 s84_| 139.08 | 26.97 14.49) 2.70 454 | iis49 | 3437 18.76 261 253 114.22 35.42 15.29 4.14 505 | 70.18 | 23.10 12.88 4.03 sim | 55.15 | 16.10 8.05 4aAT 710 | 41.47 | 20.93 9.66 2.94 sa9_| 30.10 | 12.08 4a | 17 | Aa 20 Sbr 59 iss 8 v0 ss ss | thee Zz 60 el so ore 9 ayo $50 59 S29 5 i) 998, ss Big ¥ a st 208, £ 60 ee ot z a) 026 56 T 5 ¥ E T Coy 5 @2mND) | Grog) wie |r| ae | RB] HH) OL | seats NISV@ IdV.L ONY VQVIUVN ddddl- YOU SLNWAHILVO GaLOa Tas dO SUDLAWVAVd HAVYDOMGAB-LINN TAILVLNASAUCTA YAOH JNO €¢- sanxduny AS Annexure 3.4 RELATION BETWEEN PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS STUDIED SI.No. x Y A B R 1 LLNS te 0.995 | 0.265 | 0.89 2 ty a | 1665 | 0717 | 084 3 % Wo [1914 | -1.258 | 094 4 % Was [1.110 | -1.208 | 0.88 3 % WRso_| 0.706 | -1386 | 082 6 % WRos_| 0.453 | -1.392 | 088 7 ts Te | 5.045 | 0.716 | 098 NOTE: Equation is of the form of Y =A * X® AS srs) isser | 159) | Iee9e | arbor | vrsG) | couze | vesve | 688 avecie) srdos [osuet)| sevie | evecr [ecuzt | sete | ieose | ole 8£926 i o9'sse izes | pret | WLIS wel OR E89 e169 | a9s09 | Sos ozazor'| score 9728 oyees | some | esz zrostt | 9vo8e z18i aetes | 66189 | sb actstt | Regt z9StOr owons | zorzsa | bas teaver | 68'Z007 9B Z8LI fozert | ovasst | SUL zrepst | 166181 LSLR6I scecet | teeser | 066 sorste | esezoe | oc'aets)| cxovat | seease [earl [zweest | weriz | eae | 6 sti | argziz | esse) | zoroosz | ores | ex'se) | esoorz | eozrer | uss | 8 azovet | esxoor | ssa) | ovoesi | izpori | esac) [orvser | oeerer | wer] c volLes | Soci | 90 vel+) | L6stoe | 9oIEre | Berzt-) | HT99ST | BeECOT 6 9 Lo) | uvcece | crazee | avo | orvece | ivesze | ix | szeosz | terse | seo | 5 or) | ozesee | zev6er | 90'1z+)| oz-rere | og oor | Erizi+) | Lo'906z | Zo PROE gus b ae‘ol+) | ssioszo | at'aceo | zeol+) | to'zoas | ovtsos | a5 0(+) | Igpesr | 77696 208 t ose) | zooeee | zorezoe | ose) | Isize | th e96z | Lea) | zsztoc | 06 PORT boo t Lvect+) | serevar | er'o6.el | so6e+) | scoeze | ezcotel | Isezt+) | 9e'9z6e | zezootr | C98 U ma% | ons | ony | a% | ons | sau | wa% | ons ‘ona ‘on sa] ONS ra 0012) a) omniseey SONS Pue SONA NO daSVa AVAd GOOTA AO NOSTAVdWOD s'eaunxauny: AT ti a ee € i [_oror_| 68 z L iv lh Old ato i ae T_[stss_ | Wis 1 cit n sos 1 z[e L £57 psy L & z BOSE | PBS @ 1 5621 | SLL fa a a 1_| eee | ote 6 1 fi ore | £8e s i T | dreve [iss [8 8 zoere | woe] e “ 1 1 | ois | oe [9 5 + | ovses | seo | s iW 1 1 [ovo | ais [+ [a afte s_| ecsve [cos |e 6 L 1_| ose | pro | z 8 z os [1 a _[ra a a ¥ z r was | san | on ar er = ON Toy sueury | 160L, me [rrmver | erat Les | ae od ee org aunxauny SINTAI GOOTd AO WAIN - SIDNVY TLV SSOT AS Annexure ~3.7 AVERAGE BASE FLOW RANGES FOR STUDIED FLOOD EVENTS TRas Re ENN GRDNERDAET sno | PHO | gt | eet | eairo | oie | at oe | ob | am | ie | ase, I z 3 4 Ss 6 7 a ace reece 3 802. 2 6 20 = - 4 578 = s 6 = - ses pas as 6 (249 > t 5 - 7 Popes Sao 8 557 2 = 5 - - s 2 [om ee oe ra | a 12 S84 - 4 2 = 1 7 A 4 253 7 . 4 4 4 ir 1s | _ $05 = 2 s 2 * 9 em pp ee 7 710 = = 2 + = 2 a win {8 eee eae 190 70 zo | sv9or | wee | reece | sotoy | Ieee | couee 1s We ere | psec | sree | zeae | evese | erie | sxi9e iL sve [are [ os [ usute | cweor | eveso | soute | corsse | eecoo | vets 80 87s aio | crore | soose | pszeo | ‘ubeces | corse | 65 169 sos 601 oso sso | Lsecot | sro96 | borers | ozszor | Tos96 | trseR 4 LOI we | covert | rzoss | euzee | crosii | ootzor| 86168 bsb 80'f seo tzz_ | pregit | seos01 | se‘906 | acisti | zresot | 08998 pas ot SOE sore | sovezer [sete | orzert | za'eper | ivopsr | covert | 9LL we | wr | esr | exseut | soeest | ooeret | zipgi | remtot | ececer | 066 oe | sre | avr | door | eversi | cresti | sonst | crorst | zest | 28h set | ie | eee | crorse’| everve | crosoz| gs'tzoz | Looose | esooiz | uss 680" 1 | s00- | eozoct | 16091 | ce'eset | sz'ovei | oorosst | eset | /H6E ses | oe exo | cetese | svvvze | coger | vo'tcet | ce'stoc | pe9ose | ore eet 8s eorscse | tegeze | corocer | eyeece. | orrrze | se80ez | S79 vo | oso | eo- | orstse | soesve | seesec | ovcece | ovtere | Lo90se | Sls [oso | vec | cit | exsveo | vivirs| trecay | ssvoses | 1009s | r9re6h | 208 ore | 09 | ove | eeapse | oogcre | vecver | e'9eot | Isetze | estvoe | Pro 4 801 set | ceccol | ox tees | sortse6 | su'seror | asoezs | seszoe | £98 “oO “0 ad “OD “0 * * “> Oo ‘omsarsd am unmury | mma tins Ka oasia ways eee dd AVINWYNOS GOOTA GNV HdVUd LIND DLLAHLNAS Ad SANTYA GOOTA se aunxouny AO Anmexure 3.9 NUMBER OF FLOOD EVENTS STUDIED S.No. Bridge No. No. of Flood Events 1 863 8 2 644 9 3 802 28 4 578 i s 625 3 6 249 7 7 5394/2 8 8 557 3 9 787 9 10 930 2B n 716. 8 12 384 7 13 454 3 14 253, 2 15 505 9 16 S17. 13 7 110 2 18 889 5 Total 172 Att Annesure 41 Statistics of Heaviest Daily Rainfall & Annual Normal Rainfall in Subzone 3 (c). IN| saieoinia | sui |) Het | Daw Or | erm (Cm) (Em) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' Balaghat Balihar 285 14.7, 1875, 154.1 Jamunia 239 12,.7,1942 136.3 2 | Betul Betul(obsy) 361 30.7.1991 112.9 — Snes me 3 ‘Chhindwara Chhindwara 249 02.8.1913 107.7 Tamia 39.5. 12.7,1942, 178.7 Dewas: Kannod 273, 20.8,1939 106.8 East Nimar Punasa 20.8 10.8.1979 397 ‘Hoshangabad Hoshangabad(obsy) | 321 208.1983, 126.7 Pachmarhi 459 02.8,1913, 207.5 7 Jabalpur Jabalpur(ovsy) 34.3 307.1915, 138.0 Pariat 39.4 25.8.1952 146.2 8 Mandla Mandla 2b 19.7.1869 149.9 Dindori 317 25.6.1946 1425 9 ‘Narsinghpur: ‘Narsingbpur_ 422 07,9.1891 121.3 Mohpani 46.0 3181976 138.0 "10 Raisen Salvani(Silwani) 30.6 14.9.1977, 130.1 uM Sehore ‘Nasrullaganj 25.3 26.8.1987 124.0 2 Seoni Seoni 28.2 02.8.1913 139.0 ‘Lakhnadon 25.3 05.7, 1898 121.0 MAHARASHTRA 1 Akola Akola 36.5 15.9. 1959 715 Patur 26.2 22.7,.1988. 87.6 2 Amraoti Chikalda 43d 19.8.1886, 17s Dharni aut 25.8.1965 HITS 3 Buldhana Jalgaon 22.9 22.9.1945 49 Annexure 4.2 Heaviest 24-Hours & Shorter Durations Rainfall Recorded in Subzone 3 (c) Highest Observed StateDistict | SRRGStadon | “Storm | Punter |" ** op Rainfall Occurrence (nm) 1 z 3 a 5 é MADHYA PRADESH 1 Bewl [1 Betul 265 34 [1a 8 1975 | Cissy 237 121 13-14.8.1975 | @2-10) 167 6 148.1975 119 3 147.1971 65 1 187.1988 2 Samidam 350 24 [393071951 260 12 [29:307.199 213 6 139.1977, 183 3 13.9.1977 4 i 15.9.1977 2 Chhindwara | 1 Hara 195 28-258 1980 | (20D) 168 298.1990 _[ (14-20) 150 188.1990 | (02-09) 7 106.1991 | (8-19) 24 170 12 | 29-30.8. 1990 (14-02) 6 3 i TDewas 1 Ranod 185; 24 | 306-17.1978 | S13) 179 12 17.1978 _[ (1-13) 6 i 1 12 BBIIT.19TY | (20-02) 105 27.1977 | (20.23) 31 22.1197 | (20-21) East Niner | 1 Punase 200 24 [17-18 81972 | (03.03) 137 2 308.1973 | Ol-13) 1s 6] 14-157, 1975 | (23-05) 85 3 98.1973 | (02-05) 8 1 381973 | (04-05) | ‘SHoshangabad | 1 Bagratava 2S 2 23.7.1570_[ (01-01) 257 2 278.1987 _| (05-17) 222 6 278.1987 | (08-14) 175 3 27.8.1987_| (11-14) 31 i 27.1973 — | (08-10) 2 Pachmarit 48 24 | 18-198.1974 | (03-03) 269, 2 18.8 1974 | (06-18) 169 6 138.1974 | (12-18 A 3 188.1974 | (417) t 158.1975 | (07-08) 6781985, 12 67.8198) 6 | 306-1.7.1978 | (21-03) 3 278.1987 | (1-14) 1 217.1989 | (09-10) Giabalpar i Jabalper 268 24 | 26.308.1972 | (04.04) 221 12 | 14-15.8.1972 | (21-09) 197 6 | 1415.8.1972 | (22-04) 146 3 158.1072 | (00-03) 90 i 176.1980 [415) Zamora 275 24 __| 3.248.191 | OrOa 209 12 | 23-24.8.1991 | (14-02) 158 6 2381991 | (17-23) 107 3 23.8.1991 | (19-22) Ww 1 178.1984 | (17-18) 7 Mandl T Mandl 193, 24 E7819 | G33) 178, 12 78.1974 | (07-19) 173, 6 78.1974 | (11-17) 151 3 78.1974 | (14-17) 90 1 78.1974 | (15-16) ‘SNarsinghpor_| 1. Barmanghat 253 24__| 28-298.1980 | (I-11) 190 12 25.6.1980__| (02-14) 157 6 25.6.1980 | (02-08) 133 3 25.6.1980__| (02-05) 80 1 471975 | (18-19) ZNarsinghpur 26 2 __| 26-27.6.1977 | (8-08) 189 12 $.6.8.1980 | (22-10) 132 6 11.7.197%5 | (02-08) 3 117.1975 | (02-05) 60 i 187.1981 | (10-11) MAHARASHTRA 9. Akola Akola 329 ma [irae [OTM 283 12__| 17.187.1986 | (20-08) 207 6 18.7.1986 —_|-(00-06), 128 3 18.7.1986 _ | (03-06) & 1 25.9.1970 | (03-04) TOAmraat T.Chikalda 257 24 [28-208 1978 | (10-10) 179 12 | 28-29.8 1978 | (17-05) 107 6 26,6.1979 | (01-07) 2 3 26.6.1970 | (04-07) L 2 i 99.1976 _| (15-16) aaa 2Daryapur 174 24 4-58.1981_|-(20-20) 107 12 58.1081 | (06-18) 74 6 97.1983 __| (11-17) B 3 9.7.1983 | (11-14) 61 1 111.1982 | (21-22) 3.Dharni 321 24 | 28-29.8.1978 | (17-17) 256 12__| 28-29.8.1978 | (22-10) 174 6 298.1978 | (03-09) 105 3 29.8.1978 | (03-06) 4B 1 23.6.1979 | (02-03) ‘TIVANIVY ATUNOH TALLY TOWN JO (AOVINIONTE) SINTIATT ep ainrauuy 666 | — a a a = = == S| ee [oor Sa = = 3 SS | 96 | 6, [= = = == fre este a5, = == = =f re se | 6, = = [= == Spo 16 [<6 | 56 wa a == == l= ais pe. 16 == == == == ess [6 36 ae T= sp = [= te ss 7 oar [= = == p= [ee [6 f6 sor =T= sa[ == ae |e, ie 95 | us [mT = == = eae a we [se = == = eae | os w_| ce |e or a es ic Le. i os t6 | 35_| O01 == === 3s |. i, 36 os 36 86 == a pes 30 a % 36] 96 orl = isis te oa oo io [ee 5 | oor == [ee | ts oy a a a is Tre iy #. z a 6 = ser “3 & cd 3 3 T= [se sr os 5 of i or ot us Ce 35 35 ma ey ut We ig 3 Fr oy on wpe a tr TT ¢ £ T ‘Gaeoq) wopeang mio wed OD NOLLARALSIG TALL A wen | tose [ows wa lou lou ve [ose ferme [esa [asec | ese wee] oie wa [ares [see tose | cova | ovr orn [eo [ome om [cues facie ores | so9e | cove ose_| ore [atts | tape | wos [oie [we | ore ot_| were | tees | core | wore | ecve | sore | cree ose | ovee | cxce| vss | wes | woe [sate | oie ‘oac_| ore |exve | ove | aes | enve | eee | cove ost_| vee | o556 | ose | ots | nse | tare | rw ‘neue [5096 | 196 | 9696 | ewoe | wx3e | avs wove | teas | ar | sza6 | ores | aves [cree | sors | cove |orse| cove | crca| com [exer | orm | ost tote | ever | eee | ooze | core | aves | ovo | eves | cvs [oom | exsa | ove | orve [sees | wee | coe vere | aves | ree [ones | woe | ones ore [coe | toes | ooas | ova | sesa | ost ‘xcs | s256 | onee | exve | uxve | orve fetve | sexe] eee [ovce | eree| are] sete [eroe | orea | coi orne [tate | eres | sexs | esta | ort | ors eis | ures [ares [once |e [e796 ioe | ress | ors [orve| onve | 06 ov [_oor| cor oor | wor J on | oot | oo oot [ oot | cor | wr of or] | wo ww | % e] | ee] of fe fufafalnfea thafefefefefef elefele [wn a (sinoy) uopeang wa0jg uaisaq TIVANIVE TVIAY OL LNIOd YO (%) SHOLOVA NOLLONGAY Tvaav rp unxeuuy air sz |. ovo | onee | O10e ovee_| lpr Ey Lb SUSs wey | 81 OL orso | 2 bir esi9 | Ov BIT scoe_| 806ET ozzat_| 06641 sscci_| LU 0% 908 igser_| 2reve [iss 8 wou | zeere | eer L ieee | Zoeis | ove 9 sezse_| orses | $29 voesz | 00929 | 81S v score | eesv6 | 208 € ceose | 08686 | bbd z T sizio_[ssorcc | 698 ¥ £ uy) vo eu usa | Onis SNOILVNOG WOU GANIVIEO SUALAWVUV DAS AO LSIT Ts aanrouuy A18 Annexure 5.2 COMPUTATION OF EQUIVALENT SLOPE OF BRIDGE CATCHMENT NO. 930 Date Mees | tags | pe a | ean | gM, | oereor | uae +o No) mp | mo | om | mw | Ment | “py | Oo (ma) ceties, | kim | cre | ates | 2, | tm tp 2 af>s[>el7t[e 3 1 9 1160 | 353.55 0 0 0 o | 2 9.19| 1480 | 1250 | 38098 | 14.80 | 27.43 | 27.43 405.96 3 10,44 | 16.81 | 1300 | 396.22] 2.01 42.67 | 70.10 140.90 4 | 12.00] 19.32 | 1322 | 4oas3] 251 [493s | 9205 [231.04 s 16.34} 26.31 | 1350 | 41146] 699 | 57.91 | 107.29 749.96 6 | 1984) 3194 | 1500 | 45718] 563 | 10363 | 16154 909.47 7 | 20.87; 3360 | 2000 | 609.57} 1.56 | 256.02 | 359.65 597.02 Sum 3034.35, Datum (ie. R.L. of river bed at point of study) = 353.85 m EL DutD) Sq= — 33.62)" = 2.69 wvkm Ate Annexure 53 COMPUTATION OF DESIGN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH OF BRIDGE CATCHMENT NO. 930 sun Taiefall Bream nem) Toa | one ours | OSes DSLR] [RET TIS] sno | Pow | Tost (os) Dict Rano PA cn | coin | oso eee w 0 [ono _| 0.00 00 face | as 1 ]700 [231 | 00m 231 | 110 | 1350 2 | 2000 | 650 | 539 | 000 1.9 | ni | 23.08 3 [#200 [13086] 1540 | 1953 | 000 43.9 | 11.19 | 3098 [100.00 [33.00 3234 | 3580 | G1or | ooo [amie | nw | 19337 3 [tars [4209 | 77200 [17] 17440 | 945 | 420.2 | 19 | 23131 @ [101.00 [3333 | 9621 [27.G0) sos.24 | 27.00 | aoa 7e | N19 | _s1ag7 7] ta00 f2aon | 7.77 [35586] @72.00 | 56.70 | 138642 | v.19 | 139761 ac EE S621 | 8.79 | 111224 | 135.00] 160075 | 11.19 | 61.94 9 | a0 [ross | 35.19 | 2067] se072 [172.19| 190366 | 19 | 3148s 70 | 2500 | #25 | 2541 [13113] 63656 [13635] 937.70 | 1119 | 998.09, ti] 19.00 | 627 | 1925 | 92.07 | aoasa | 98.55 | ose | iio | e717 12 | 1400 | 462 | 1463 | O75 | 28776 | 63.45 | acon [i119 [45140 13[850| 281 | 10.78 [53.01 | 21800 | 4455 | 329.15 | uo | 34034 ta [ass | 149 | 655 | 3905 | 16568 | 35.75 | 24653 | 1119 [257.72 Ts [000 [ooo | 349 | 2072 | 12208 | 2565 | 17493 | unio [86.12 16 ooo [1264 | 112 [roo | tos66 [rv | 168s 7 005 | 3950 | 4s | 3098 | a9 | 27 18 oo [one | 6 | io] 1731 9 00 | ooo | ie] 19 PLATES ARAGIAN SEA 7 zl 7 = z iW PLATE = 3, lest } REFERENCES sus|zone-the. ALTITUDE METRES 180-300 a \ BHOPAL ae yor* \ AN ve | 5- sco jes’ [sv® 1a eo =| 306- 60) LBP infor j Yiige 800~ 900 900 Bove [cHninoWARA MULTAL sus ZONE- 31) _ NAGPUR re ey | scare WERE d 0 080 . Hon. oe he 108 ei g feewrnat witen eouMiSsion i oT a PROLOGYIREGIONAL STUDIES) OTE, LEGEND NOTE, UPPER NARMADA B TAPI BASIN THIS MAP RAS BEEN DRAWN FROM IRRIDATION ATLAS SUB ZONE- 3 tel. RIVERS cscs ee OF INDIA (TEAR WIROR.T PLATE=HO. 18, PHYSIOGRA PHY SUB ZONE BOUNDARY, « SHANA BY. CHEGKED BY. TOWNS. eee ee ° Lk PaNT | cu t.pavas PLATES 4 ‘oawon | oe Seurana (REFERENCES stata emus MUS ReD ObLMEN ARS reuust ens, EES, Paitinenta, (Beep ter Sous) peiwusrenrs. eiaouust Ents, (HESUM ELAERSOLS) ZILA eres TBeALL OF LACK SoU) HIND WARA FRE EEE gomaauutrs, 2 (WD YeLLOW'SOn) roi 3 sale SCALE re ae to 9 1 a 80 00 PE | oveOTWAL £, ‘SHYT. OF BOM, Centra, “WATER. COMMISSION YONOLOGYIA.SIOTE ais ci alt | NOTE: THIS MAP HAS BEEN OnAWN FRO MnicaTION | UPPER NARMAD.AA TAP! BASIN {ALAS OF NOWA (YEAR 1972), PLATE N2.8, SUB ZONE- 3 ted. SOIL CLASSIFICATION Loeston oF anoe + eT ia | 4 REFERENCES PLATE-5. ronest.... GY jax SUB ZONE: libl yd, sus] ZONE - | BHOPAL wa = eet, effalus ZONEH scaus.....[ wHeaT_ neces [i MILLETS_pULSES| MILLETS.COTTO! | noon, WHEAT.COTTON Le BoVa aa | Je] nice miccers snow BEER yal zone - firs } 7 - aice-wnest 3885] Z 7 3 /|e a ils ae J |e a = + naceuR / ; wants 8 seem baz @ ' tp 49 6 00 AINE. el i [arena centmac waren COMMISION ie ate lr “ae iF Ble | nvonoLoc (neclonausTuoiesiore| LEGEND: NOTE! fwia waP Aaa BEEN ORANH FROM innCeGriON [UPPER NARMADA BTAPI BASIN Tta8 OF INDIA YEAR.909), PLATE WO.-23. RIVERS =< srasors sue ZONE- 3 1el. SUBZONE BOUNDARY ¢777% LANDUSE Towns . [waren ar —erearen or Lr wautivas) et. BAsade sap suRLED mY me Tome wpasy ‘Show 01 TC 94a fests WIN rUbUSH ~ 2 Toms . 2 RR FON SAY OF WO Ha WI PASS OF 2 wom (ct 2 ‘he Since sock GF mon vers = |e TemeoAL NaER OF KOKA CHIEN, 09 tA 70 & 5 tnnae sre oer Space Se Thee Butioe Mls Mens "Fase THE APPROPAATE. ACE LIKE 5 97 Leeate=8 pet ate + t v THORLVALS:SmRIEO Ar Ho a+ eS ~« eae “EnEeeseser lo VeAR 24 HOUR RAINFALL tam FIGURES 408 Jeune crt. ereghttee, 20. sfroso| FIG.- A.2. ts SYNIWETIC U.6. PARAMETERS _LMOUR SYNTHETIC U9 OROWATES. tat ea 00s rowers FT em. nainnacs excess te _| ats ° ° io ste 1 7.00 120 ath 6430 nouns 2 20.00 110 aor . HOURS: s 42.00 | 100 waz + 0.89 NoURS, 4 100.00 2M nouns 5 127.93 ie tone lee nas tases = re M50 nouns 7 73.00 S20 10.78 + 13.00 nouns e 47.00 5 8 soar commu > 33.00 2 ad +00 cm 10 28.00 " 19,00 ae 5 SS WOVERAWENT OF INDIA to tex 0s 12 14:00 CENTRAL WATER. COMMISSION . £0), 2232774 100 ‘3 2.20 wronovosy tnesionaLsvores) ore : Nae x 939 aoa UPPER NARMADA & TAPI oat eB mis |= * Car-Secvmecs 5 Sus zoNe- 3 tC) hours. — SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH = ea). se cunces| (OF BRIDGE NO..930 CHECKED BY — KK. Ate EFFECTIVE Iw cuMEcs DISCHARGE FIG. A. 3. TIME IN HOURS ozs 8 RAIN Can. 1700 Qp + 1011.94 CUMECS 1600 1800 1400 [DESIGN FLOOD PEAK) 1300 1200 Hoo CATCHMENT AREA # 223.77 1000 900 800 700 500 300 400 300 200 100 ° ao 012345 6 7 8 9 10 i213 ts 6 17 8 ID) GOVERNMENT OF 1MOIA Centmar wATER COMMISSION UPPER NARMADA ANO TAPL sue ZONE - 31CF DESIGN FLOOD HYOROGRAPH OF BRIDGE NO.-930. CHECKED BY KX AICH TIME IN HOURS a 3 FIG.1 dst Wiere:S = equi salent Siream slope im/kem) L=Lencth of longest stream course (km) Tie liste: I 1» = Segment lengths (km) &n —contour elévation im) GOVERNMENT OF INOIA cee 2; AsCetaiaient anaatior? CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION HYDROLOGY {REGIONAL STUDIESIOTE. Le = Length of longest ‘stream course froma point opposit the centre of gravity of the catchment to the point of study Km.) Ht pel FIG.-2. tcm. Y Te cto ( cumecs ) Q 5 : | I a” Pw z z [ U.G = Unit Graph tr = Uni Rainfoll Duration adopted in o specific study (hn) Tim + Time fromthe stort of rise to the peak of the UG thr) Qp s Pese vischarge of Unit Hydrograph (Cumecs.) Tima from the Centre of Effective Roinfall duration fo the U.G Peak (hr) Width of the UG measured at the 50% bf peak discharge ordivate (hr) Wich of the U.G measured at 75% of peak discharge ordinate (hr) 7 <= a ° = w a F Wrso = Wid h of the rising limb of.U.G measured at 50% of peak discharge ordinate (hr) WR75 = Width of therising limb of U.G metsured at 75% of peak discharge ordinate (hr.) ’ T8 = Bose width of Unit Hydrograph (hr. A = Catihment Area (Sq.km.) Sp * Qp,/ A= Cumec per sq.km. GOVERNMENT OF INCIA CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION HYDROLOGY (R. S-1 DIRECTORATE UNIT GRAPH PARAMETERS pT SCALE - LOG. X LOG. Fea, 51.Jentose, Temounsh Ino} wo. tiers} vpees rleea s| toa slore tp v0.90 tue yrs) s ri eesor ° 7 as eae 3002 Meer a) rer 10] 930 i2| 904 isjasa ts] 299 tp tnours) 1s| 208 18) 31771 i] 10 Venn new 7 Enna WATER COMMIOSION nvomoLoGY (nealonat STUDIES) OTE. 0 30 100 500 1000 5000 10000 30000 UOER ARMADA A AGT SUB ZONE-3ter RELATION BETWEEN bic rvs —____ Llesya AND tp | DRanw ar— | onkexeo Like PANT OK AIH SCALE = LOG X LOG 10 s ' £ os 8 & i 3 2 a Fon aos GovennusnT oF inore GEMTRAL. WATER COMMIBEIOH 0.01 San rroncucer( Resvonas srvoies) ore. , = 8, #0. N00: 200 1000 YprER WARMADA & TAPI ‘ SUB ZONE- 3 tC) eo (Hours RELATION BETWEEN tp AND & TRaWh By LAUr Ruan pant. (nouns? W50 SCALE = LOG K LOG CENTRAL WATER COMMIBSION nYoROLOaYIREMIONIL STUDIES) OT E. UPPER NARMADA &TAPI SUB ZONE- 3c! RELATION BETWEEN ap AND Wso 0.01 008 O10 080.00. so 30 190 Gp (cumecs / Katy F.8 SCALE-.LOG X LOG Wat 08 (9p) iF toerze tours) Wr [_Seviamestor imo‘ CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION nVOROLOY(REDIONAL STUDIES) OTE 5 10 20 «100 [WaPEm NARMADA.E Past SUB ZONE-3 RELATION BETWEEN %, reumecs 4 wm 2) tp Ano Mra oo! 003 O10 050 1 Foo 100; 50 imours Wrso ry a0! 2.08 on SCALE- LOG. X LOG. ost 3 ®, teumees 7 xm) — 19 TOVERTRENT BF TWoTA CENTRAL WATER COMMISBION |M¥oROLOGYIREGIONAL STUDIES] OTE. 100 [UPPER WARMAOA & TAPL sus ZoNE-3 10) RELATION BETWEEN ‘tp AND WREO DRAWN 8Y——_[eHECKED BY — Lop. nauTivall C.t. aga Fro, Wars (HOURS! too, ot 001 SCALE - LOG.x LOG 10 (CUMECS 7 Km? [wars-oasaiaisyy > 100 s1Janoae| ¢— | Wars ovens ho, “wo. y | ees | eae 3) coe lave | eee | 269 7 | sonra a] ser | 707 10] 930 ul az 12] 684 is | aos a) 253 13| 08 Ns |si771 ses CENTRAL WATER UPPER NARM: RELATION dp Al nypnoLbov iReoloNALoTUCiEs) OTE. SUB ZONE-3 (6) COMMISSION ADA & TAPE BETWEEN D WR7s dH ouRS) Te SCALE- Loo x Loe 2 10 te (HouRs) —— Fale. 50 = 8.04857 ( re o98o9 fea! 21.37 2137 9.29 ia29 ma i929 wae, 928 9.73 rey BOVERNNENT OF TNOIA CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION nvonoweoy 1RtOVONAL 9TU91E3 1 OTE UPPER MARMADA RTA sus ZONE - 31CI RELATION SETWEEN fp AND re enEeRED oY — et navay 19 RATIOS OF 24 HOURS POINT RAINFALL JO SHORT OURATION RAINFALL OB DURATION RATI ‘DUaS) ‘ 03% oe 2 080 ‘ oes 3 3 072 alg” : ore gig 5 ous 3 ” ‘08! z\e08 pr 1.00 3/2 81205 a|8 Sle oe NOTE- CURVE SUPPLIED BY 1M.0 € 03 3 é Zo 8 aovennneny or _1woia s CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION 8 ppeest incpinesc renter foes 2 8 UPPER NARMADA AND TAPI é i SUB ZONE -~3IC oO 6 10 i 6 18 20 22 2% | DURATION va CONVERSION RATIO| DURATION HOURS () — = ORAWN BY_ [CHECKED eY— LB MAUTIPAL | wg enaxanaonty Fig-10 F13 [CUMAATIVE STORDA RAREALL (4) ——— [MULATIVE STORM RAIIFALL (Ih) —— Fig-1 oN ; teeny a ) ” » © % « ® * ia * " » * eee ee eee from deanotiy rom Same roms a ea nore OF. for CURVES SUPPLIED BY LM.0. ‘ a 20 » STUDI UPPER NARMADA AND TAPI 3 Za a a "om ences roe Sin a ean avenage Fe ors io sromns $F YetioUs ounarions Suunirar= | CmeCRED BY vey Ariens | echesnan Fa AREALIPOINT RAINFALL RATIO (*%) 120 110 8 8 8 8 3s 8 100 200 300 400 500 600 «700 800 AREA (Sq, Kms) ——— 900 NOTE~ CURVE SUPPLIED BY IMD v000 Fig -12r0) CaveanwEnT OFT CENTRAL, WATER lmromo.oar UPPER NARMADA AND TAP! SUB ZONE-3SIC) JAREAL To PONT RAIWFALL RATIO. FOR IeMr, SNAG MI. (Yd Ea She [etait Fig -12iw) NOTE ~CURVE SUPPLIED BY IMO. 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 600 1800 2000 rant OF TE ceReTHAn WatEn commanion IRLETORATE UPPER KARMADA ANO TA\ sue ZONE-3(C) JAMEAL TO POINT RAINFALL RATIO AREA (sqhms,) ——= F-16. NAMES OF THE OFFICIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREPARATION OF A) B) ©) FLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT OF SUBZONE (C) Research Designs & Standards Organisation (Guidance and Supervision of Data Collection) 1. ShriR.S. Khurana Director (B & S) 2. ShriR.C. Sharma ADE/ (B&F) 3, Shri AKD. Chowdhury Chief Design Assistant 4. Shri AK. Roy Chief Design Assistant 5. Shri Samay Singh Section Engineer (Works) India Meteorological Department (Storm Studies) ‘Smt (Dr.) Surinder Kaur Director 1. 2. Shri P-K. Sharma Assistant. Meteorologist 3. ShriGreesh Kumar Scientific Assistant Gr-Il 4. Shri P.K. Panchal Senior Observer 5. Smt, Neclam Senior Observer 6. Smt. Indu Senior Observer 7, Shri Raju Bhargav Diman Central Water Commission (Hydrological Studies and Preparation of Report) 1. Shri D.P. Singh Director 2. ShriM.R. Chakraborty Deputy Director 3, Shri P.N. Singh Assistant Director 4. Shri B. Syaman. Assistant Director a Shri K-K. Aich Extra Assistant Director 6. Shri P-K. Guin Extra Assistant Director(HM) * Shri S.C. Meena Professional Assistant (HM) 8. Shri L.P. Nautiyal D'man, Gr - IL 9. Shri L.K, Pant D'man, Gr - II 10. Shri V. Suresh Sr. Computor Tl. Smt. Raj Kumari ‘Sr. Computor 12, Smt. Sudesh Sharma Jr. Computor 13. Shri V.K, Banga B.A. 14 Smt. Shashi Gupta —_-Stenographer 15. Shri. P.K.Das LDC A. UNDER SHORT TERM PLAN 1 Estimation of D ign Flood Peak- (1973) B, UNDER LONG TERM PLAN 1. Lower Ganga Plains Subzone | (g) — (1978) 2. Lower Godavari Subzones 3 (f) 27 (1981) 3. Lower Narmada and Tapi Subzone 30), £1982) 4, Mahanadi Subzone 3(¢d)_~ (1982) 5. Upper Narmada & Tapi Subzore.3(c)_ —* (1983) 6. Krishna & Pennar Subzone 3(h)_—* (1983) 1. ‘South Brahmaputra Subzone 2(b)-—~_——-(1984) 8. ‘Upper.Indo-Ganga Plains Subzone Ie) (1984) 9, Middle Ganga Plains Subzone (9), ' (1985) 10. Kaveri Basin Subzone 3(i) U5, “7 (1986) 11 Upper Godavari Subzone 3(€) -* (1986) 12 Mahi & Sabarmati Subzone 3(a) (1987) 13, East Coast subzones 4(3), (b) & (c)_ (1987) 14. ‘Sone Subzone I(d) — (1988), 1S. Chambal Subzone 1(b) —— (1989) 16. Betwa Subzone I(c) —~ (1989) 17. North Brahmaputra Subzone 2a (1991) 18. West Coast Region Sutzone S(a)é&(b) (1992) 19. Luni Subzone I(a) (1993) 20. —_Indravati Subzone 3(g) (1993) 24. Western Himalayas zone 7 (1994) Revised Flood Estimation Reports 1 Lower Ganga Plains Subzone 1(g) (1994) 2. Lower Godavari Subzone 3(f) (1995) 3 Mahanadi Subzone 3(4) (1997) 4 South Brahmautra Subzone 2(b) (2000) 5. Krishna & Pennar Subzone 3(h) (2000) | Tones coumeree = Gnoee aevisea sys = « Designed & Printed at Publication Division CWC R.K. Puram, New Delhi.

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