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Chapter I


1.1 Background

Writing is one the communication forms that people use in daily

life as equally important as speaking. It is essential skills for an intellectual

and a communicative person who shows one’s thinking development. It

means that writing is important skill that the students must have;

understand the incoming information in order to improve their knowledge

in improving their writing. That is why writing is a productive experience.

It is interesting to know that writing is probably challenging

activity because it is about take or find an idea and process then transform

them into a written language which is understandable. Writing has its own

set of rules, Hairston (1986).

Writing is a tool discovery, we stimulate out thought process by

the act of writing and top into information and image we have in
our unconscious mind. Writing helps us to “harvest” what we
know. Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make
connection and see relationships. Writing helps us to recognize
our ideas and clarify concepts. By writing ideas, we can arrange
them into coherent form. Writing on a subject make actives
learners rather than passive receivers of information
The goal of teaching learning in English 2013 curriculum is the

students are expected to be able to identify the elements of language and it

includes spelling, capitalization and punctuation for Junior High School.

The researcher has considered an anomaly among the students in

eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Model Palu which is not reach the aim of

the target that had been set by the government in 2013 Curriculum. They

have known how to express an idea but rather confuse when they try to

connect many ideas into a good paragraph using suitable punctuation, they

almost do not know when using capital letters, and another thing is they

still focus on the sound of the word when they want to write it that causes

miss spelling.

Moreover, in the preliminary research on 10th November 2018 the

researcher has interviewed the teacher once at the teacher room of the

school 10 o’clock in the morning after doing sampling. The teacher argued

that the students find difficult in appraising their writing performance

accurately so that they could not understand what more they needed to

learn with their writing skill. That is why, the researcher choose eighth

grade of SMP Negeri 5 Model Palu as the object of the research.

In order to cure the problems, the researcher is interested in

choosing error analysis technique, because it process may be harmony

with the way of how the students learn the language. Error analysis

technique could be divine as students judging their own work based on

their own mistake which is led by the teacher indirectly in order to give

correct or incorrect related to the mechanics of their writing. If it’s

incorrect, then they will remember and trying to not repeated the same

mistake in the next exercise. In other words, the researcher indirectly lead
the students to something that students need to improve in their writing


The expectation after experiencing the mechanics writing with

error analysis are the students’ writing skill would be improved

significantly and have positive impact in the teaching technique.

Based on the background, the researcher conducts this research

focus on “Improving Students’ Mechanics Writing of Eight Grade

Students through Error Analysis at SMP.N 5 Model Palu.

1.2 Problem Statement

Relation to the background above, the problems that the students in

SMP 5 Model Palu face are they rather confuse to make many ideas into a

paragraph with appropriate punctuation, their writing sometimes not using

a correct spelling, addition from the teacher is the students could not

identify their lack in their writing. These are anomalies which appear in

SMP Negeri 5 Model Palu. Then the researcher concluded that this

research has a purpose to find out:

1. Does the use of Error Analysis Technique improve writing skill of

eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Model Palu?

1.3 Objective of The Research

Based on the students’ problems on the background above, the

curriculum had been set the indicators for teaching and learning progress
but, the students cannot reach it. The objective of the study is to find out

whether or not the error analysis technique can help students to improve

their Writing Skill.

1.4 Significance of Research

This research is expected to give a positive contribution for

students, teachers, and other researchers. First, the students can improve

their writing skills. Second, the teacher can implement this way in

teaching writing. Last, it will help the other researchers to find references

or resources for those who are interested in conducting similar study and

the next in doing a better research.

1.5 Scope of The Research

The scope of the research is restricted the effect of using Error

Analysis Technique on students’ work in order to improve students’

mechanics writing and as an action to cure the problems that the students

face in the school. The technique will be implemented on descriptive text.

1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

In order to avoid any other misunderstandings and to give clear the

concept about this research, the research should define the following key

1. Writing

Writing is a skill that has its own rules, includes spelling,

capitalization, punctuation, and so on which are made our writing well-

formed and understandable easily by the reader.

2. Mechanics Writing

It includes spelling, punctuation, and citation of references,

neatness and appearance. This element of writing counts only when

it’s wrong. Fair or not, your reader will notice your spelling, grammar,

or punctuation only when you make a mistake.

3. Teaching

Teaching is an activity that share information about specific field

or skill and guiding the people to be able to do something.

4. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a kind of text that usually uses to describe

something, someone, and some places.

5. Error Analysis

Error Analysis is analysis of errors made by second language

learner and aims at investigating aspects of second language


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