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thermometers come from Latin, namely thermo which means heat and meters which means to
measure. The working principle of a thermometer varies, the most commonly used is a mercury
thermometer. In everyday life this one tool is indeed not too many people who use it.We often
encounter these medical devices in the medical field because of the duty of doctors to check their
patients' body temperature, considering that all doctors are to check the patient's body
temperature. But actually the thermometer is also very good for us to use to be able to find out
what the body temperature or the room we are currently occupying.

A thermometer is a device that functions as a tool for measuring temperature. Our function
measures these various temperatures. Our function is to measure temperature for the medical
field, which is to determine the temperature of the human body, whether we have a fever or not.
We also use a thermometer to find out the room temperature, to find out what the oven
temperature is for cooking and so on.

Types of Thermometers

1. Clinical Thermometer

2. Six-Bell Thermometer

3. Thermocouple Thermometers

4. Optical thermometer (pirometer)

5. Bimetal thermometer

Body thermometers are divided into several different types. Different types of thermometers, it
will also be different how to use it. Body thermometers are available in digital, analog, and there
are also those that use infrared light sensors. The following are the types of thermometers and
how to use them that must be known:

1. Digital thermometer
Digital body thermometers are the most commonly used type of thermometer and are considered
the most accurate. Thermometers are available in several forms, but the most common is the
elongated shape. There is a sensor at the end of the thermometer that becomes a temperature
gauge when touching body parts.

1. How to use a digital body thermometer

2. How to use a digital temometer is divided into 3 ways, which can be used by placing it in
the mouth, under the armpit, and can also be inserted into the rectum.
3. How to use a digital thermometer in the mouth

This one method can actually be done for all ages, but the use of children is more recommended
for children over 4 years. How to use it:

1. Make sure there is no food or drink that goes into your mouth in the last 15 minutes
2. open your mouth
3. Place the thermometer sensor under the mouth
4. Shut your mouth and let it sit until you hear a 'biip' sound that indicates the thermometer
has been smoothly measuring the temperature.
5. How to use a digital thermometer under the armpit
6. Just like use in the mouth, armpit use can also be done for all ages. How to use it is as
7. Take off the clothes
8. Hit the thermometer in the armpit and make sure the sensor parts come into contact with
the skin
9. Hold until the thermometer sounds and finish measuring the temperature.

How to use a digital thermometer on the anus

The use of a thermometer in the anus is usually done in infants under the age of 3 months. How
to use it is as follows:

1. Apply moisturizer to the anus.

2. Place the temometer gently about 1/2 inch into the anus.
3. Hold the temometer using the hand and wait until the sensor sounds.

The type of digital body thermometer used in the mouth, armpit, and anus is basically the same
type. Choose only one use. If it has been used on the anus, it should not be used in the mouth.
Don't forget to clean the thermometer with soap every time you use it.
2. Mercury Temometer

The second type of body thermometer is a mercury temometer or it can also be called a mercury
thermometer. This thermometer includes an analog thermometer. Thermometer in the form of a
glass glass tube in which there is mercury. After being applied to the body, mercury will move
into the empty space in the tube and go to the temperature marker point.

How to use a mercury thermometer

1. The use of mercury thermometers is the same as digital thermometers, which can be used
in the mouth or in the arm. Following are the steps to using it:
2. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue or in the armpit
3. Wait for 1-3 minutes
4. Look at the location of mercury which is a temperature indicator

Currently this one body thermometer is very rarely used because it is considered dangerous.
Apart from being able to break and injure glass, mercury or mercury in it will also be very
dangerous if exposed to the skin.

3. Ear thermometer

It was mentioned earlier that there are types of thermometers that use infrared light as sensors.
This type of body thermometer is certainly more practical because it does not require the sensor
to come into direct contact with the skin in order to measure temperature.

One type of body thermometer that uses infrared is an ear thermometer or tympanic membrane
thermometer. This Temometer is quite accurate but cannot be used in infants under the age of 6

How to use an ear thermometer or tympanic membrane

The use of an ear thermometer can be very fast, but how to use it must be very careful to get
accurate results. Following are the steps to use:

1. Make sure the ears are clean. Dirty ears can reduce the accuracy of the thermometer.
2. Point the sensor right at the ear hole
3. The results will immediately appear on the device screen
4. In addition to making sure the ears are cleaned, make sure that the ears are not infected,
because this condition can also reduce the accuracy of the thermometer.

4. Temporal arterial thermometer

Temporal arterial thermometer is a type of thermometer with infrared next. This thermometer
measures the temperature through the temporal artery on the forehead. Just like an ear
thermometer, you also have to find the right point to get accurate results.

How to use a temporal arterial thermometer

This thermometer is widely used in doctor's examinations because it is practical and can be used
by all ages. How to use a temporal arterial thermometer:

1. Aim the thermometer on the forehead

2. See results on the screen.
3. Repeat again and see if the result is the same as the previous one.
4. Repeat several times to get consistent results.

5. Pacifier thermometer

The thermometer pacifier is also known as a pacemometer because the shape is indeed like a
pacifier or baby pacifier. This thermometer is best used for babies who are still breastfeeding.
However, if the child moves a lot, maybe the thermometer will be difficult to use.

How to use a dot body thermometer

We recommend that you use this thermometer when the baby is calm. Do not use when the baby
is crying or fussy. How to use it is as follows:

1. Make sure the thermometer is clean

2. Put the thermoter in the baby's mouth
3. Let stand for 1-2 minutes
4. Clay the results on the thermometer screen

6. Wearable thermometer

Actually there are several types of wearable thermometers or thermometers that can be installed
on the body. One of the most sophisticated has a shape like a bracelet and can be attached to the
There is a screen that will show temperature and this device can also be connected to a smart
phone via Bluetooth. This thermometer can be used to monitor body temperature for up to 24
hours. This tool is also equipped with a high temperature alarm.

How to use this type of thermometer may be different for each product. Follow the instructions
for using the product provided.

Things to Look For When Using a Thermometer

The use of the wrong thermometer can cause the results obtained to be less accurate. Here are
some things to consider in using a thermometer:

1. Don't use a thermometer after exercise or take a shower with warm water. Wait 1-2 hours
for the body to return to a more accurate temperature.
2. Don't use a thermometer after eating and drinking. Wait at least 15 to 20 minutes
3. Do not use the temometer too long or too long. Follow the instructions for using the
product correctly.
4. Keep the thermometer clean. Make sure the body thermometer is cleaned before and after

Using a body temometer is useful for knowing body temperature. If the body is found to have a
fever, immediately do first aid to treat fever. If the fever is high, you should immediately ask for
a doctor's help.

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