Research Questions On Space Mining

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Designing An Interview: RP

1. Decide the information you want to get:

I want find out what the most popular forms of technology (that impact our entire civilisation), and
If they’ll help prevent the human race from failing in the time of resource depletion. I may also
want to understand the psychology of how and what people will come up with to ^.
2. Define the target:
Preferably scientists under the category of planetary resource management and other ecological
specialties, and possibly an astronomer. If not then those who are interested in the theory of our
planets resources in the future.
3. Choose the method of reaching the target:
Most accessible targets would have to fall under staff or students at a local university that I can get
in contact with through email or interview.
4. Decide question content and wording:

closed questions (Choice: Yes, No):

• Do you believe that the Earth will have its resources depleted during our species survival?
• Do you think space mining is one of the core solution to this future issue?
• Will technology play a very influential role in resolving the issue?
• Will history repeat itself once more and have the next stage of humanity fight for resources
in space?
open questions (Cannot be answered with: Yes, No):
• Do you know of any other technologies that might have a positive influence on our resource
depletion, if so what are they?
• What will Earth look like in regard to how its governed today?
• Will the consumption rate of the planet increase indefinitely, or will there be a stopping
prompting questions (To elicit anecdotal experiences from participants (little more psychological)):
• What technologies are currently in affect that could still help us in the future regarding
resource depletion?
• What are you hoping to achieve through the use of this current technology?
• What challenges or limitations do you find when working alongside such technology?
Supporting Question: Government funding and worldwide influence
• Resources
• How effective is the technology, and why?
• Will the Earth look as bad as portrayed through many dystopian stories and films present?

Planetary Resources Questions:
• Do you think space mining is the only solution to the Earths depletion of resources?
• Will technology play a very influential role in resolving the issue?
• Do you know of any other technologies that might have a positive influence on our resource
depletion, if so what are they?
• What are you hoping to achieve through the use of this current technology?
• What challenges or limitations do you find when working alongside such technology?
Supporting Question: Government funding and worldwide influence
• How effective is the technology, and why?

Neil deGrasse Tyson Questions:

• Do you believe that the Earth will have its resources depleted during our species survival?
• Do you think space mining is one of the core solution to this future issue?
• Will technology play a very influential role in resolving the issue?
• Do you know of any other technologies that might have a positive influence on our resource
depletion, if so what are they?
• What will Earth look like in regard to how its governed today?
• What technologies are currently in affect that could still help us in the future regarding
resource depletion?
• Will the consumption rate of the planet increase indefinitely, or will there be a stopping
• Will the Earth look as bad as portrayed through many dystopian stories and films present?
• Will history repeat itself once more and have the next stage of humanity fight for resources
in space?

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