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Submitted by:

Alekzynne Nonog
Submitted to:

Sir Lucky P. Roaquin

1. What is your perspective about health?

1. From a social scientific perspective, the field of health and well-being is differentiated with
contributions of a wide range of topics, methodological approaches, and interdisciplinary

2. This may challenge the understanding of health and well-being but can also make an important
contribution to the development of the field.

3. This thematic cluster presents new qualitative research on the importance of supportive
structures addressing the societal and the organizational level in order to promote health and
well-being in the individual.

4. This definition emphasize the importance of being more than disease free and recognizes that
a healthy body depends upon a healthy environment and stable mind.

5. In addition, turf wars can exist among mental- health professionals and over the use of drugs
to control problematic behaviors.
2. How do you describe a person who is healthy.

1. A healthy individual is a person who is physically, mentally and socially well balanced.

2. Someone who is regular with his diet, exercise, and follows a regular routine is a healthy

3. The person who is emotionally intellectual and can keep a good balance with his emotions will
always stay healthy.

4. A person who is healthy commit his/herself to an exercise routine and stock a fresh fruits,
vegetables and other whole foods and to take a daily multivitamin supplement.

5. A healthy person also lay off the soda, drink more water and get more sleep.
3. What do you do to become healthy?

1. Eat fruits and vegetables (caps)

I will eat more fruits and vegetables.

2. Exercise daily

I will have an exercise daily so that includes my improving of eye sight, normalizing
blood pressure, improving lean muscle, lowering cholesterol, and improving bone density.

3. Set a 5-meal ideal

A “5 meal ideal” will help you manage your weight, keep you cool, maintain your focus,
and avoid cravings.

4. Get a good night sleep

Eat a small bed time snack of foods shown to help shift the body and mind into sleep

5. Think positive and focus on gratitude

Research shows a healthy positive attitude helps build a healthier immune system and
boosts overall health. Your body believes what you think, so focus on the positive.
4. How do you understand. All for health towards health for all?

1. The best way to build a strong community is to ensure that everyone who lives here including
immigrant individuals and families has the food, medical care, shelter, and other basics they need
to thrive.

2. Health for all means that health is to be brought within reach of everyone in a given country.
And by health is meant a personal state of well being, not just the availability of health services-
a state of health that enables a person to lead a socially and economically productive life.

3. Access to life- changing and life-saving prescription drugs must be a right for all who need
them. Not a privilege reserved for those who can afford them.

4. Health for all demands, ultimately, literacy for all. Until this becomes reality it demands at
least the beginning of an understanding of what health means for every individual.

5. Health for all means that health should be regarded as an objective of economic development
and not merely as one of the means of attaining.

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