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There was a hidden agenda on why Rizal wanted to be a volunteer doctor in

Cuba. Rizal wanted to learn from the revolution in Cuba of techniques and
strategies on how to win a war.
General Eulogio Despujol, informed Rizal that he would be shipped back to the Philippines.
Regidor and Lopez dispatched telegrams to an English lawyer in Singapore to rescue Rizal from the
Spanish steamer by means of a writ of habeas corpus.
The writ, however, was denied and Rizal remained prisoner in the ship.

Spanish authorities gather evidence against Rizal while some Filipinos who
had been recognized at his side were brutally tortured to implicate Rizal.

 Deodato Arellano
 Dr, Pio Valenzuela
 Moises Salvador
 Jose Dizon
 Domingo Franco
 Temoteo Paez
 Pedro Serrano Laktaw

Rizal’s brother was also arrested and tortured but never said anything against
his younger brother.
The trial of Rizal commenced on December 26, 1896 at the Cuartel de España.
Rizal was tried before a court-martial for rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy, was convicted on all three
charges, and sentenced to death. The decision of the court martial ordered Rizal to be shot at 7:00 in the
morning of December 30, 1896 at Bagumbayan Field.
Rizal, ready and calm, took his position opposite his executioners.

His last words were those of Jesus Christ: "consummatum est",--it is finished.
Jose Rizal died at exactly 7:03 in the morning of December 30.
The ashes of Rizal were transferred to the Rizal Mausoleum

After almost a week, on August 6, 1896, España arrived in Manila.

Rizal was supposedly to board the Isla de Luzón for Spain

George Taufer

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