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17.27.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide adequate, not excessive parking for all land uses and structures.
Benefits to providing the appropriate amount of parking are to reduce impervious surfaces such as
parking areas which contribute to the amount of stormwater runoff that flows into area streams, and to
utilize land in an efficient manner. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.27.020 Off-street parking and requirements.

A. Applicability. Off-street parking as required by this title shall be provided when any of the following
circumstances exist:

1. A new principal building is constructed.

2. A principal building is relocated.

3. The use or building is changed or expanded to the extent that the number of required parking
spaces is increased by 15 percent.

B. Maintenance of Spaces. All required parking spaces shall remain open and accessible for parking
during the hours the use is open to the public or residents.

C. Residential Requirements.

1. Single-family dwellings shall have two spaces per dwelling unit.

2. Multiple Residential Dwelling.

a. Duplexes shall have two spaces per dwelling unit.

b. Townhouses, Apartments, and Condominiums.

i. One-bedroom dwelling units shall have one and one-half spaces per dwelling unit.

ii. Two or more bedroom dwelling units shall have two and one-half spaces per dwelling

iii. Approximately 25 percent of the required parking is intended to provide for guest
parking, shall be provided outside of individual parking garages, shall not be reserved for
any individual unit, and may be covered or uncovered. The guest parking shall only be
for the use of tenants and their invited guests.

iv. The applicant shall prepare and submit a parking management plan to the city for
review and approval. Said parking management plan shall be in place prior to the
occupancy of the first residential unit and shall:

(A) Prohibit the storage of recreational vehicles and general storage within
designated open, carport and garage parking spaces.

(B) Include a mechanism to clearly inform residents of the parking restrictions and

(C) Provide contingency measures such as permit parking for addressing parking
problems should they arise.

3. Boarding houses shall have one space per bed.

4. Rest homes, nursing homes and similar uses shall have one space per three beds or one space
per three dwelling units, whichever is less.

5. Retirement centers or communities shall have one-half space per dwelling unit and one space
per employee based on the maximum potential number of employees during a single shift.

D. Nonresidential Uses.

1. Retail stores except as specified below, convenience stores, department stores, drug stores, and
grocery stores shall have one space per 250 square feet.

2. Furniture, appliance and hardware stores shall have one space per 600 square feet.

3. Personal services facilities shall have one space per 300 square feet.

4. Health care, veterinarian clinics and banks shall have one space per 200 square feet.

5. Offices providing on-site customer services shall have one space per 400 square feet.

6. Offices not providing on-site customer service shall have one space per 800 square feet.

7. Bowling alleys shall have four spaces per lane.

8. Commercial recreation facilities shall have one space per 500 square feet or one space for each
customer allowed by the maximum permitted occupant load, whichever is greater.

9. Car repair and commercial garages shall have a minimum of three spaces plus two additional
spaces for each bay or stall, and adequate off-street parking for additional vehicle storage as
determined by the director.

10. Service stations shall have three spaces plus one additional space per 300 square feet of
associated retail sales area.

11. Automobile, recreational vehicle, and boat sales and services shall have one space per 250
square feet of office area, plus one additional space per 300 square feet of service area, and one
space per 1,000 square feet of showroom area.

12. Restaurants, taverns, cocktail lounges: (a) if less than 4,000 square feet in gross floor area, one
space per 200 square feet of gross floor area; (b) if over 4,000 square feet in gross floor area, 20
spaces plus one additional space per 100 square feet in excess of 4,000 square feet.

13. Commercial nurseries shall have one space per 300 square feet of interior sales area plus one
additional space per 500 square feet of outdoor retail area.

14. Motels and hotels shall have one space per room or unit plus one-half of the spaces required
for accessory uses such as restaurants.

15. Retail and wholesale warehouses and building material yards shall have one space per 1,000
square feet of storage area plus one additional space per three employees.

16. Manufacturing and laboratories, contract printing, research, and kennels shall have one space
per 1,000 square feet of building or storage area plus one additional space per employee on the
largest shift.

17. Mortuaries shall have one space per four fixed seats or eight feet of bench or one space per 40
square feet of assembly area, whichever is greater.

18. Storage warehouses that do not include self storage shall have one space per employee.

19. Self storage warehouses shall have one space for each 50 storage units plus one space for
each 300 square feet of office space.

E. Community Facilities.
1. Outdoor places of public assembly: one space per eight fixed seats or one space per 100 square
feet of assembly area, whichever is greater.

2. Theaters: one space per three seats.

3. Indoor places of public assembly, including churches, auditoriums: one space per four seats or
eight feet of bench or one space per 40 feet of assembly area, whichever is greater.

4. Schools: six spaces per classroom and one space per employee.

5. Museums and libraries: one space per 250 square feet.

6. Day care centers: one space per 300 square feet.

7. Hospitals: three spaces per bed.

8. Maintenance yard (municipal or utility): one space per two employees.

F. Uses Not Specified. Any use not listed above shall meet the requirements of the most similar use as
determined by the director.

G. Mixed-Use Parking Requirements. For developments on lots or in buildings with combined uses, the
required number of parking spaces shall be the sum of the spaces required for each use and shall not be
reduced by more than 10 percent for each use. Examples of combined uses are: a furniture store with a
retail display area and an attached storage warehouse, a storage warehouse with attached office, or a
church with a parochial school. However, if the hours of use do not overlap, the requirements for the
development shall be those of the use or combination of uses which overlap, requiring the greater amount
of parking. Examples of mixed uses with hours of use that do not overlap are: an office building with an
attached movie theater, a commercial use on the first floor with residential on the upper floors.

H. Shared Parking Facilities. In cases where there are uses in close proximity of each other that operate
or are used at entirely different times of the day or week, the director may approve shared parking
facilities to satisfy the parking requirements of such uses if the parking facilities are within 300 feet of all
uses being served and if the owners of the uses involved present a written agreement clearly setting forth
the respective rights under this title, together with proof that the operating times are not in conflict.
Examples of potential shared parking uses are stated above in mixed-use parking requirements. The
director shall issue a written shared parking approval in accordance with MCMC 14.09.010 if he
determines the requirements have been satisfactorily demonstrated.
The director shall periodically confirm the involved uses and may terminate the shared use approval if the
required conditions are no longer followed or applicable.

I. Calculations.

1. Area – Square Feet. Unless otherwise specified, square feet refers to the gross building square
footage, including outdoor areas used for the same or accessory use, e.g., outdoor eating area of a

2. Fractions. When the total number of all required spaces results in a fractional number of parking
spaces, one space shall be provided for a fraction of one-half or more, and no space shall be
required for a fraction less than one-half.

3. Handicapped Spaces. All retail commercial, offices, personal services, health care, community
facilities, multi-family buildings with dwelling units for rent, and other places of public
accommodation shall provide handicapped spaces as required by the International Building Code.

J. Credit for On-Street Parking. Based upon a parking study demonstrating adequate on-street parking
availability, the director may grant a maximum 30 percent credit for required off-street parking for on-
street parking adjacent to a specific use. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.27.030 Bicycle standards and requirements.

Bicycle parking shall be encouraged in all developments. Where provided, bicycle parking shall be a bike
rack or locker-type parking facilities unless otherwise specified.

A. The planning director may require bicycle facilities when it is determined that the use or its location will
generate a high volume of bicycle activity. Such a determination will include but not be limited to the
following uses:

1. Park/playfield;

2. Public facilities;

3. Library/museum/arboretum;

4. Elementary/secondary school;

5. Sports club; or
6. Retail business (especially when located along a developed or projected bicycle trail or
designated bicycle route).

B. Bicycle facilities for patrons, when required, shall be located within 100 feet of the building entrance
and shall be designed to allow either a bicycle frame or wheels to be locked to a structure attached to the

C. All bicycle parking and storage shall be located in safe, visible areas that do not impede pedestrian or
vehicle traffic flow, and shall be well lit for nighttime use. (Ord. 2009-702 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)

17.27.040 Parking design and construction requirements.

A. Location. Parking spaces required for residential uses shall be provided on the same lot as the
principal building. Driveways shall extend a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of improvements in the
right-of-way or easement. Off-site parking for nonresidential uses shall be within 100 feet of the principal
building or use being served. Minimum distance requirements may be increased up to 300 feet upon a
showing of development difficulty or commitment to a shared parking use satisfactory to the director.

B. Handicapped Spaces. All handicapped parking spaces shall be provided and designed in accordance
with the 2003 American National Standard, as now or hereafter amended.

C. Dimensional Requirements. All parking spaces shall comply with the dimensional standards of Tables
17-1 through 17-4. Up to 25 percent of all required spaces may be designated and clearly marked for
compact cars.

D. Access. All commercial and institutional parking facilities shall have direct access to a street without
backing onto the right-of-way.

E. Control Devices. All parking spaces shall be clearly designated with paint, raised rails or other devices.
A wheel stop shall be provided for each space which abuts a pedestrian walkway less than 10 feet wide
or any structure. All structures shall be guarded with suitable control devices visible to the driver.

F. Surfacing. All parking facilities shall be constructed with a surface appropriate for the use and amount
of associated traffic, as approved by the city. Paved surfaces are preferred, and the use of permeable
surfacing materials is required when site and soil conditions make it feasible. In addition, the use of LID
best management practices such as integrating LID stormwater management facilities into the required
landscaping in parking lots is required whenever feasible.

G. Grades. The maximum slope of a parking facility shall be six percent. The minimum slope shall be one
and one-half percent.
H. Landscaping. All parking facilities shall be landscaped by a fence, wall, hedge or other suitable
vegetation where bordering a public right-of-way or residential zone district. Additional landscaping may
be required. Landscaping shall comply with the design review objectives contained in
MCMC 17.34.040(C).

I. Maintenance. All parking facilities shall be maintained in a clean and litter-free condition. Landscaped
areas shall be free of weeds and dead plant material. Plantings shall be pruned if appropriate.

J. Commercial Vehicles. No commercial vehicle or combination of vehicle and trailer over 6,000 pounds
total gross weight shall be parked on any lot in a residential zone.

K. Tandem parking spaces where provided shall not be counted toward the minimum requirements.

Minimum Standards for Off-Street Parking

Table 17-1
Conventional Car Stall and Aisle Specifications
Dimensions One Way Two Way
Layout Parking
Angle Stall Curb Stall Aisle Parking Aisle Parking
Width Length Depth Width Section Width Section
Width Width
See Diagram A B C D E F E F

One Side 0° 8 feet 21 feet 8 feet 12 feet 20 feet 22 feet 30 feet
Two Sides 0° 8 feet 21 feet 8 feet 22 feet 38 feet 24 feet 40 feet

Angular 20 8.5 24.9 14.5 11 40 20 49

30 8.5 17 16.9 11 44.8 20 53.8
40 8.5 13.2 18.7 12 49.4 20 57.4
45 8.5 12 19.4 13.5 52.3 20 58.8
50 8.5 11.1 20 15.5 55.5 20 60
60 8.5 9.8 20.7 18.5 59.9 22 63.4
70 8.5 9 20.8 19.5 61.1 22 63.6
80 8.5 8.6 20.2 24 64.4 24 64.4

Perpendicular 90 8.5 8.5 19 25 63 25 63

Table 17-2
Compact Car Stall and Aisle Specifications
Dimensions One Way Two Way
Layout Parking
Angle Stall Curb Stall Aisle Parking Aisle Parking
Width Length Depth Width Section Width Section
Width Width

Parallel 0° 8 feet 20 feet 8 feet 12 feet 28 feet 20 feet 36 feet

Angular 45 8 11.3 15 12.5 42.5 20 50

60 8 9.2 16.5 17 50 22 55

Perpendicular 90 8 8 16 22 54 25 57

Table 17-3
Interlocking – Conventional Cars
Dimensions One Way Two Way
Layout Parking
Angle Stall Curb Stall Aisle Parking Aisle Parking
Width Length Depth Width Section Width Section
Width Width
See Diagram A B C D E F E F

Parallel 0° 8 feet 21 feet 8 feet 12/22 28/38 22/24 38/40

feet feet feet feet

Angular 20 8.5 24.9 10.5 11 32 20 41

30 8.5 17 13.2 11 37.4 20 46.4
40 8.5 13.2 15.5 12 43 20 51
45 8.5 12 16.4 13.5 46.3 20 52.8
50 8.5 11.1 17.3 15.5 50.1 20 54.6
60 8.5 9.8 18.6 18.5 55.7 22 59.2
70 8.5 9 19.3 19.5 58.1 22 60.6
80 8.5 8.6 19.5 24 63 24 63

Perpendicular 90 8.5 8.5 19 25 63 25 63

Table 17-4
Interlocking – Compact Cars
Dimensions One Way Two Way
Layout Parking
Angle Stall Curb Stall Aisle Parking Aisle Parking
Width Length Depth Width Section Width Section
Width Width

Parallel 0° 8 feet 20 feet 8 feet 12 feet 28 feet 20 feet 36 feet

Angular 45 8 11.3 14.1 12.5 40.7 20 48.2

60 8 9.2 15.9 17 48.8 22 53.8

Perpendicular 90 8 8 16 22 54 25 57

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