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In navamsa first house represents the strength of your marriage, lagna of the navamsa

represents the strength of marriage. The ability for your marriage to sustain itself over time. It
naturally shows the over all quality of marriage. So you want to see if the ascendant lord is
strong, weak if there is malfic influence benefic influence upon the navamsha. Its not just from
Rashi or not just from planetary aspects, look at rashi aspects. So if someone have Saturn in
ascendant of the navamsa, tht gonna show that marriage is going to be hard is gonna
require you to be vey dicioplined, structure and organised, it is gonna requie duty , sacrifices and
commitment. But You might think well Jupiter is not looking, lets say you are leo ascendant in
navamsa. And saturn is sitting here and Jupiter is in the sixth house. You are like jupiter is not
looking, its gonna be hard. But guess what Jupiter is looking at your ascendant of the navamsa.
How ? Rashi aspects. Never forget Rashi aspects because of the fact right on the first chaspter of
brihat parashara, the rishi completely talks about the sign aspect before even planetary aspects.

So first house represents the over all health

The second represents the sustainance, the wealth the accumulation of wealth through the
marriage. It doesnt represent your family. it represents your accumulated wealth and it
represents your own family as in your new family. Meaning you your spouse and your children
that now becomes the second house.

Third house represents courage needed for the marriage to sustain, it shows the effort one will
have to put or how much effort how little effort you have to put in to deal with your marriage. If
lets say Saturn Mars Ketu Rahu are in third shows that there is gonna be like a sporting event a
marriage , its going to be competing. Its going to bring an effort to put in to those things.

Same things with the forth house . it represents mother, happiness, comforts and Navamsha
represents the comfort and happiness of the marriage. The amount of happiness you have
stored in your karma of marriage is seen through this. it doesnt matter if you have malefic or
benefics in forth house. Look at the lordship. this is why knowing the ascendant of the navamsha
is important. Most astrologer do not look at the house placment of the planets. They only look at
the sign of this. like this is debiliated ok weak and strong fine but what about the houses? How
are you gonna adjust the marriage without knowing the quality of the house. So if Saturn is in
the forth house in the sign of aquarius or capricorn, its gonna show very strong foundation
towards your happiness. Happiness may come with delay but its going to come and last for long
time. Jupiter Venus benefics obviously going to bring great enjoyment or aspect of these planets.

Fifth house doesn't represents the children in navamsha. It represents the romance of the
marriage. It represents the creative aspect of marriage. Is there anjoyment in marriage you may
have happiness but how much do you enjoy the marriage, how much fun do you have. it doesnt
have to do with sexual experiences. Oh I have sex with my wife like five times a week, No Fifth
house is not that. It represents fun activities like you guys go out play sports, you guys high travel
together, do guys paint play board games. so that's the fifth house

Sixth house represents the debts that you accumulate through the marriage, theability to either
have lot of arguments or not have arguments at all is seen through the sixth house. So look at
the condition of the success to see how much arguments you are gonna have and everybody will
have arguments in their marriage life but how quickly do you resolve them how much do they
impact your pscyche. does it bring any major problem thats all you have to worry about. So look
at the condition of the sixth lord

Then you see the 7 house. it represents Spouse in general. It represents who your spouse is,
their personality, their character and it represents your ability to compromise in the marriage.
Are you willing to compromise in a marriage or not, is it all about you, is it all about what I say
goes. That's being selfish but that is also not compromising that is seen though the seventh
house. So malefic impact or especially Jupiter in the seventh house may make you a little bit
selfish about your needs in life.

Eight house represents our longevity, how long we are here in this physical body. it represents
logenvity of our represents the joint assets you can accumulate through your spouse.
And the basic thing to look in navamsa malefic verses benefic. that's your number one thing.
what is the malefic impact benefic impact and second step you want to take is whathouses are
they ruling if the malefic is ruling a good house its gonna impact that house differently. Benefic
naturally will always do good regardless of the house they will also bring the qualitieis of those

Ninth house represents does your marriage lead you to your spiritual ashram. Navamsa
especially the ninth house represents the ashram. How much do you and your spouse or how
your spouse impacts your religious beliefs. Spiritual beliefs philosphical beleifs. Lets say you were
religious before marriage and suddenly your ninth house is damaged in the navamsa what is that
going to do? Well dealing with the spouse you are not somehow somewat your spouse is going
to influence you in such a way, we are not going to believe in religion and culture and customes,
you wont really care to go to the temple anymore. So that's what happens. It changes their
ability to believe in higher self but for the malefics that were impacting the ninth house if they
hold that a good house is like 9th lord in the ninth house Mars. Ninth lord in the ninth house
Saturn. That's actually good. you will become very disciplined and determined but if Mars rules
the sixth house of Navamsa and sits in the ninth house well you are going to start making
argument against religion against higher beliefs, authrorities, even your own father. This is why it
says marriage changes you. This is why Navamsa is so important so if your ninth house was
greatly placed in birth chart but then in the navamsha like I am telling you this alignment
somehow someway you are going to have arguments with your father. You may have arguments
with your brother and sister in law within the marriage.

Tenth house doesnt not represents the career. It represents the image of the marriage. So like if
my wife and I go somewhere what do people think of us, what is our reputation as a married
couple thats the tenth house. So again you got to use the malefic benefic and remember
somehow someway everybody will have some malefic somewhere some benefic somewhere.
And the most important house in navamsha to really see
Eleventh house represents the desires, the hopes wish and desire of your spouse. How much can
you gain, how much desires can be met through your marriage through the spouse. does your
spouse gives your desires a boost

And then 12 house obviously represents bed pleasures, foriegn lands, donations, spiritual life,
foriegn travels. So how good is that house. So obviously malefic impact on the 12th house will be
like the sexual life is not that great or if malefic impact is there through your marriage you have
spent a lot or your spouse spends a lot of money. So this is how you lookat it.

First house of the navamsha ascendant shows how powerful your ability to get married is. Like
how easy the marriage will come to you is the first house. And then you want to look at the forth
house and the sixth house . You want to see how much happiness you will gain through
marriage and will there be disputes. I ,4 and 6.

Now coming to the marriage timing when will you get married, whom I will get married?

The easiest way to see when marriage is going to come. According to kapil's knowledge that he
know of, two things you have to know specially the number one you have to know is:

padnadhamsa dasha rememer the video kapil made that new secret dasha that he implemented
in his software. Anywas padnadhamsa dasha shows marriage like that and then Chara dasha
shows marriage and both are always complementing. Vimshotri may not even compliment as
much but this Padnadhamsa and chara dasha compliment each other. How do you see marriage
by padnadhamsa, how to calculate. I dont know how to calculate you have to understand what's
the Arudha lagna in the birth chart then you take that sign and you minus something from it. I
am not good at that( kapil) I simply had my software administrator the owner parashara light,
Michael, Mikkel add the dasha for me. So now like whenever you get his report or reading from
his website its already included. Like the padnadhamsa dasha is already included and I have
already made a video on this called secret dasha.

now the way to see the marriage look at the dhara karaka. It is a planet with the lowest degree.
Dhara karaka Venus and the sign of Libra, three things look at it especially in the Padhnadhamsa
dasha. A marriage will occur either when Dhara karaka sign based Dasha is in the ascendant.

2): if Dhara karka is seventh from a padnadhamsa dasha sign lord.

3) If the sign of Libra or Venus is in the ascendant or the seventh house from the rashi sign of the
padnadhamsa dasha or the dhara karka itself. That's it.

You can look at two marriages, three marriages through Jaimini. CAreer can be determined with
Jaimini within ten seconds of looking at karakamsa lagna or swashamsha lagna.

To find out the timing of your marriage look at the dhara karka position in the navamsha and see
if the sign based dasha of padnadhamsa is going to start soon with that sign where the dhara
karaka is. And if its happening around the age of 25 you know its gonna happen there.
Number 2 if Venus isnt that same sign or the sign itself is libra you know marriage relationship
are going to happen especially marriage if you are running through sign based dasha where
Venus is in the seventh from itself or the dhara karka is seventh from that sign, you already know
that you are going to get married and that's it.

What about second marriage?

Look at the 3rd and 9th axix in Jaimini astrology. They reprsents the second marriage, especially
transiting jupiter or Saturn in the third or ninth house will trigger marriage. Lets say you get a
divorce that will trigger the second marriage but again look for the exact same scenario. First of
all you want to see if the person going to get divorced. How do you see ? remember In navamsha
first fourth and sixth house make sure those houses will tell you if divorce happens. If it happens
again go back to the same scenario when is either the sign based dasha comes in are actually
sign based dasha comes in when Venus Dhara karaka and the sign of Libra as 1st and seventh.

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