Describe Images Types (1) For Pte

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Speaking Module

Describe Images types

 Graphs
o Bar graph and line graph

1. Give introduction of your graph e.g.The given bar graph depicts information
regarding a question which is “What kind of pet do you own?”
2. Define your X-axis and Y-axis e.g. The X-axis displays the types of different
pets such as Rabbit, Dog, Cat, Goldfish, and Hamster. The Y-axis provides the
measurement of data in number of people from 0 to 11.
3. Give the maximum and the minimum data e.g. The maximum data is for the
number of people who prefer cats which at 11 people, whereas the minimum data
is for Rabbit owners at 4 people.
4. Conclusion e.g. From the bar graph we can conclude that the most preferred
pets are Cats and Dogs.

 Pie charts

1. Introduction e.g. The given pie chart gives us information about distribution of car
sales between six companies.
2. Give the maximum and minimum data e.g. The major section of the pie chart is
covered by GM with 35% and the minimum section of the pie chart belongs to Ford
at 4%.

Pawera Singh
Speaking Module

3. Other sections of pie chart e.g. The other major section covered is by Maruti with
24% and the other three companies Tata, Hyundai, and Fiat are quite close in their
data at 10%, 15%, and 12% respectively.
4. Conclusion e.g. According to the pie chart, GM and Maruti are the major players in
distribution of car sales.

 Maps

1. Introduction e.g. The map displayed is a world map which provides information
about the Population density around the world in the year 2005.
2. Give the units e.g. The data is given in people per square kilometre, and also in
people per square mile.
3. Maximum and Minimum data e.g. The maximum people per square kiolmeter can
be found on the continent of Asia, especially in India and China. The minimum
people per density can be found in the northern hemisphere of the globe.
4. Conclusion e.g. It can be concluded that most of the population is in the eastern
part of the world.

 Time table / Schedule

1. Introduction e.g. The given Schedule is a typical daily schedule for the Intensive
English Program.
2. Give range of Days, date, and time e.g. The schedule is from Monday to Friday
with each day scheduled from 8-30am to 4-50pm.

Pawera Singh
Speaking Module

3. Pick either horizontal or vertical description e.g. Each day from Monday to Friday
the day begins with the Listening/Speaking class at 8-30am to 10-10am…
4. Conclusion e.g. Each day post lunch the schedule differs from day to day.

 Process or Life cycle

1. Introduction e.g. “The given image is of Plastic Recycling process that is

explained in 5 different steps.”
2. Describe your steps briefly e.g. “The process begins with when customers or
shoppers discard their plastic products into the recycling bin.”
3. Describe each step with linking vocabulary e.g. “The collections from these
bins are then sent for shipping to the recycling centre for processing.”
4. Remember to mention that the process or life cycle will continue to repeat once

 Flowchart

1. Introduction e.g. “The given flowchart provides us the steps required to be

taken in order to file an income tax return.”
2. Begin the flowchart with given information.
3. Choose a flow. Describe it with vocabulary.

Pawera Singh
Speaking Module

 Layout

1. Introduction e.g. “The given image is a layout design of a Test Room.”

2. Describe the rooms as you enter it and then use directions e.g. “As we enter the
test room, there is a workstation in the middle of the room. There is a chair for the
work station next to it….”

 Random Image

1. Give a macro view of the image. And then go further into details.

Pawera Singh

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