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We analyzed 90,380

outbound, connected
cold calls with AI and
uncovered the
following patterns
and trends.

1. “How have you been?”

Success Rate (Booked a Meeting) Cold calls that opened with this question
0 4 8 12

boasted a 10.01% success rate compared

Using the Phrase
to the 1.5% baseline.

2. “The reason for my call is...”

Success Rate (Booked a Meeting)
Beginning with a proactive reason for your
0 2 4 6
call increases your success rate by 2.1X.
Using the Phrase
Marketing 2.1x Humans crave reasons, so give them one!


3. Sell the Meeting

Salesperson Monologue Monologue Monologue Monologue

Don't be afraid to go on a longer monologue than normal. Sell the meeting, don't do discovery.

4. Educate, Don't Interrogate

Successful Cold Calls Because you need to educate and inform
Talk 55% 45% Listen the buyer straight out of the gate, top
Unsuccessful Cold Calls reps “own” more of the conversation.
Talk 42% 58% Listen

5. The Longer the Call, the Better

Every sentence you utter on a cold call
Duration of Cold Call (Minutes)
0 2 4 6 should serve one purpose: To get the
Cold Calls
With Followup Marketing 5:50
listener to listen to your next sentence.
Choose your words carefully.
Cold Calls
With No Followup

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