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Management Information System

Lecture 1-2
Learning Objectives
❑To understand the basic concept data and information , Framework /
structure and role of Information and Information Systems for business
❑Determining Information Needs for an individual & Organization for decision
making process.
❑To understand the requirement & analysis of MIS across the functions of the
Management and Sectors of the industry and business.
❑To emphasis the Information System Development Process and Security
and Privacy of MIS.
❑Need & understanding of Management Information System
Connections with Subjects
❑Will connect conceptual framework to Determining Information Needs for an
Organization/Individual managers for decision making process
Basic Information concepts and definitions
Unit I
Information Systems
❑Modern organizations are open systems.
❑They exchange information continuously to adapt the changes imposed by
rapidly changing technology and market.
❑They need right information at right time.
❑Information need to be gathered, organized, processed, evaluated,
presented in proper form and transmitted.
Information Systems
Information system have
• Increased data processing.
• Complex decision making.
• Phenomenal rise in knowledge workers.
Information system comprise of
• Computer hardware & software.
• Manual procedures.
• Models of analysis.
• Planning, control and Decision making.
Changing Business Environment
❑Management and control in a global marketplace.
❑Competition in world market.
❑Global group.
❑Global delivery system.
Changing Business Environment
Transaction of Global Economics
❑Knowledge and Information based productivity.
❑New products and services.
❑Time based competition.
❑Shorter product life.
❑Turbulent Environment.
❑Limited employee knowledge base.
Changing Business Environment
Transformation of Enterprise
❑Location Independence.
❑Low transaction & coordination cost.
❑Collaborative work and team work.
Information Systems
Interrelated components working together to collect, process, store and
disseminate; information to support decision-making, coordination, control,
analysis and visualization in an organization.
Design and Use of Information System
❑Environment of Organization
❑Organization structure.
❑Functions of organization.
❑Policies of Organization.
❑Role of management.
❑Management of decision making.
❑Capabilities and opportunities in IT.
Design and Use of Information System
❑Computer Hardware
❑Computer Software.
❑Storage Technology.
❑Communication Technology.
Structure of Information System
Based on Operating elements.
Physical Components
❑Operating Person.
Structure of Information System
Based on Operating elements.
Processing Functions
❑Process Transactions.
❑Maintain master files.
❑Produce reports.
❑Process Enquiries.
❑Interactive Supports
Structure of Information System
Based on Operating elements.
Outputs to users
❑Transaction documents.
❑Preplanned reports.
❑Preplanned enquiry responses.
❑Ad-hoc reports.
❑Ad-hoc enquiries.
Structure of Information System
Based on Management Hierarchy.
❑Top Senior Management
❑ Long Range decisions
❑ Strategic Planning
❑Middle Level Management
❑ Carrying out plans and goals specified by top management.
❑ Management control and Tactical planning.
❑Knowledge Management
❑ Knowledge & data work
❑Operational Management
❑ Monitoring day to day activities
❑ Operational planning.
❑ Transaction processing.
Structure of Information System
Based on Organizational Functions.
❑Sales and marketing.
❑Human Resource.
❑Information Processing.
Structure of Information System
•Role of Information system in various organization
•Sector wise application of Information System

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