Appeal To Hon Prime Minister

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June 18, 2018


Honourable Prime Minister of India

Shri. Narendra Modiji,
Prime Minister’s Office
New Delhi

Sub: Generous appeal to allocate precious ten minutes to present on event

United First Festival embarks on sustainable goals for better world.

Ref: Incredible initiatives towards 2030 agenda assembling around 80 K citizens

addressed by 200 National Celebrities and Artists, 50 International
Celebrities, 40 preeminent Business leaders, 35 Spiritual Leaders and
esteemed political personalities as well UN, UNESCO, INICEF, WHO and WFP
functionaries’ at MMRDA Ground, Mumbai in December 2018.

Hon. Prime Minster Sh. Narndra Modiji,

We are happy to have you as PM of India at this opportune time. With great
honour and responsibility, our splendid national and civilisation well-being of all is
secured ethically in your safe hands.

Heartiest congratulations to take forward our country into the league of really big
powers. The economic transformation under you has taken the country to the next
stage of development. Today India is truly recognised as the next great
opportunity globally. We have moved on to a higher plane of economic growth.

India has the world’s largest youth population with versatile capabilities and zeal
for excellence. Harnessing of this national powerhouse in the right direction can
take our country to untold heights. Your devotion towards strengthening nation
has embarked our youth in constructive channels leading to development and
progress. The creative potentials of younger generation coupled with their zeal,
enthusiasm, energy and versatility can works wonders for the country. We aspire
to constructively using power of the youth in transforming your vision to position
our nation as the beacon of sustainable development for the world.

The idea of anxious citizens of United States, instigated Global Citizen Festival in
year 2011 to work on the Millennium Goals identified by United Nations and
subsequently, till 2015 118 countries simultaneously reciprocally acknowledged this
inventiveness to achieve indispensable 17 sustainable goals for better world.

Undertaking this mission as objective by our team to fortify humanity stance as

conscientious proud Indian citizens, determined to kickoff movement called
“United First Festival” event under your directions and take forward globally.
Longing of this event sensibly to attain goal to be recognised as Indian initiatives
lead, attaining fundamental sustainable goals attainment.
United First Festival is unique colossal pioneer marquee model in particular, wholly
covering sub-continent organised at MMRDA Ground, BKC, Mumbai in the month
of December about 6 (six) hours.

This historical event is aimed in inspiring millions of lives across all boundaries in the
presence and in partnership with affluent entities on a single platform promising a
better future for our nation.

Our generous appeal to your good selves to allocate ten precious 10 (ten) minutes
for us to present on event United First Festival embarks on sustainable goals for
better world. We solicit your valuable guidelines to make this programme shrewdly

Trailing comprehensive synopsis describes complete track of event.

1. Action steps of United First and Hon. Prime Minister’s Initiatives towards
SDGs2030 in last 4 years.
2. Visual Representations of United First Initiatives and Hon. Prime Minister’s
Initiative towards SDGs2030 in last 4 years.
3. United First Festival Concept Brochure
4. Prospective Show flow of the Festival
5. Prospective Guest List of the Festival
6. List of association of International, National Organizations

We aspire your imaginative guidance, kindly allow.

Jai Hind

Jay Bharat

Proud Citizen of India,

Sajan Shah

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