Comment Given by Examiners (Yonas Gosa)

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ABSTRACT ‘Concrete is amalgamation of diferent ingredients these are cement, fine and coarse aggregate ‘which have different chemical and physical properties. It ‘construction material in the world due to its versatility, strength, toughness and ease to place into shapes and forms. Nowadays saving such limited resources of concrete ingedientsis one concer. Aggregate takes place from 63-75% by volume ofthe concrete works. In future, there is « huge demand of eggregates along with an increasing rate ofthe construction industry. Consequently the industry is challenged by an increase in cot of aggregate and shortages. Now the construction industry isin need of finding effective aggregate material for increasing the strength of concrete structures with low cost, and with minimizing environmental damage. Today large quantities of ‘waste are generated from empty cans and botle caps of beer, soft drinks and packec products. This is an enviroamental isue as waste is difficult to biodegrade and involves processes ether to royce or reuse. Therefore, this research investigated the effects of partial replacement of coer aggregate with waste tel ote caps (WSBC) in concrete and assessed the compressive strength of concrete and flexural strength of conerete for diferent sample cubes and rectngular sample ‘beam in experimental laboratory to atin «specified compressive strength of 25 MPa conerete strength respectively. Diffeemygéoncrete cubes and beams are casted with varying, mixing proportions of WSBC: 10%, 20% 15% 30%: 03 cured in @ laboratory seting and strengths are measured at P and 28 days recerds. The study ‘examines the conventional conerete strength with paral replacement of WSBC as aggregate in concrete strength. As result of this study shows that paral replacement of WSBC with an accustomed aggregate in concrete give an impressive result in compressive stength than the control mixes; but the strength decreased with an increase in percentage replacement of WSBC. However, no that much change in flexural stength. It is almost equivalent wih control mix. ‘Overall, the outcome of the study will bea bridge for sustaining the Aloutishing construction industry and reducing waste, saving cost and conserving natural aggregates. Therefore, this research ilustates the use of WSBC asa potential replacement of aggregate mate, the most widely used human made ‘The concrete samples are Key words: ~ Aggregate, Compressive strength, Conerete, Flexural strength, WSBC & ora as i ss i ss ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION, & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, ABSTRACT. z : ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS = = LIST OF ABBREVATIONS. z LIST OF SYMBOLS... . 7 LIST OF FIGURES.. 7 LIST OF TABLES... ano 2 CHAPTER ONE . — 1. INTRODUCTION, z 1 Backgound ofthe ern 12 Probiom Statement. = 7 1. Signifence ofthe Sty ~ 1.4 Objectives of the Stay 7 141 Generales 1.42 Specie Objective be Study. 7 1.8 Soop and Limitation of he Rese nn CHAPTER TWO..... 2. LITERATURE REVIEW. - - vo 21 Background of C2ne8 nn z : 22 Related Work Cod ou a Parl Replacement of Aggregate by Various WasteMateias ia Ey Cae Cow) caneren in... : 3. weTiopoLocy : 21 Gee Poca - 32M Seon on Tt Tein (aD cn 33 Casting ot Specie Sage 331 ecu: a : 532.Beam Cont = 34 Curing Procedure : 3. Matos of Analysis Stage tl 51 Copel gh coe : p92 tent engi Conn : : a8 a8 a9 20 2 26 24 ee ee ee ee) ae a aw w eras Ss a Neel sh xe (CHAPTER FOUR, _ EXPERIMENTAL WORK, E = “4.1 Tess foe Conse AREER nn E 4.1 Spesfc Gravity and Water Absonsin Tess for Course Agree. 4.12 Maisuee Content Tests for Cos Agere... 4.13 Unit Weight or Bath Density of Conse Agategate . 4.14 Sieve Analysis for Cone Aaareaate 42 Tes for Fie Aspens - 7 4.2.1 Graton and Fineness Modula of Pine Agregue. : 4228ht Cone . 42.3 pcg avi and meyers ee ape. 42.4 Moir comeng ts Of Be set 42. Bulk Ui Wig nic weigh) ne ENE carrer rive. ae : RESULT AND DISCUSSION i 5.1 Dest of esis $2 Campssve tent test esha compaion. {5.21 Results and comprion oferta of WSBC fr dy, 5.2.2 Rel nd compar of Undefored Shape of WSBC fo 29 52.3 Rests an compart of farmed Shap f WSC for 28 dye a. 5.3 Summary ofconpesive stegh ess 5.4 Plex sengh ere of 28 dys. . cusrren six... 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ‘1 coNeLUSION . {62 RECOMMENDATIONS... - REFERENCES. z APPENDIX, - ACLMIX DESIGN (ACL2 1191) PROCEDURE... : APPENDIX 26 26 26 a” ” a a 35 36 a” ” 38 4s s2 52 sa se [ACI MIX DESIGN (ACT 211.151) FOR AVERAGE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CF CONCRETE [28h ns = APPENDIX.€. = z PROPORTIONING PERCENTAGE OF WSHC TO REPLACE COARSE AGGREGATE FOR ‘CONCRETE MIX. 2 a ry aoe ee rn 1% Metae1s 2), Bedele (OR. 2), Dashen (HM 1.2, Jano OFF), Habesha (FM, Harar (hee A), Walia (908 029, Rayale 2), St. George Been 4a whCU 2), ‘George Amber, Heineken, Castel, Hakim Stout 1 ‘Soft drink tke~ mirnds spit ocacolafesta..and oer packed products. “These all ber brand listed above are see a steel caps cover the beer bate to preserve igus in the bores very well. After he use of bet, the cap may throw tothe environment nd this may led to the environmental hazard and difficult human being snd animal. So taking this problem ‘under consideration is one part of this study in addition tothe concrete strength The problem of Aisposing and managing solid waste material in Ethiopia and other industrial countries has ‘become one ofthe major environments, economical, and social issues For instance, secoding to Addis Ababe City government solid waste managementsytem, Addis Ababa generates a solid waste more than 200,000on ste collected annually. Sources of waste generates 76% households, 18% instntions, commercial fictores, hotels, 6% is sret sweeping, “This shows agret attention must be require to void orto minimize the accumulation ofthis solid waste, Waste tel botle apis one typeof solid waste so this study focuses to ease this waste smatra as partial replacement of aggregate in concrete to minimize tis waste acsmulation. ‘There is a great demand of constructing more structures to flit the needs of te community. ‘An economical viable solution to these problems shuld inlude: + Uilization of waste materials for new products which in turn mininize the heavy burden onthe nation’s anil + Recyeling of waste constrston materils saves natural resources saves enerey, reduces old wast, reduces ar and water pollutants and reduces grenhouse gas ‘This study wil hep inthe eld of construction industry aswell sth environment by exploring ‘he use of stel bot eps as «partial replacement in terms of vlumetie substntion of coarse ‘aggregnte in concrete and analyzing the performance ofits effectiveness, and also oder offer a soliton to the secumulatig of solid waste Several studies have prove the health hazard caused by improper disposal of wate. The health hazard includes eproductive problems in human and animal, genital sbormaliteste. Quantiis of wastes has increased rapidly throughout thie decade due to its beneficial preperties of low density, Hight weight and strength @ y,/ 1.3 Significance of the Study “+ To protet our environment from pollaton and o enhance healthy envionment fr easy lite of crear. + To investigne« new material to replace aggregate by equivalent or more stent than sccustomed sggrenate. 1+ To reduce the space ried for he landfil of waste bot ap. + To.minimize the pressure on exploit the natural resources. + To nroduce the potential of waste bot caps as coarse agerexate. Generally this eserch believe that the outcome ofthis study would be beneficial oe following: “+ Environment + Community 4+ Givilenginoers and construction contactors 4 Future researches “The findings ofthis research will indicate ways 10 use WSBC more efficiently by wsing an ‘optimizing method showing that WSBC can be used as aconeete ingredient. These findings will have an impact onthe concrete industry because using of WSBC in conerete will mt only reduce costs but also may lea 1 tnoe sustainable methods of concrete constuction, 1.4 Objectives ofthe Study 14. Gener objetv Y ‘Te iavesigate an eiermative material which replace the aggregate tht is wed to prepare 1.42 specific Objective the Study ‘+ To manage industrial waste by using as pail replacement of aggregate, + To compare the mechanical propeies of waste steel botle caps in conerete with convention concrete Tobie 2:t-tn por of Crowa Cork (Tens) ino aaa ood 3505 006 2007 Tone S005 aa sate zoi0 017 SL Raaatiiioasy 796 2786 Bisa IIS 016 DoT Ie 2a 68 2830 3337 BEGG (Crown cork Demand in Ethiopia 3 e 1 i 6 i 10 y a 4 oon 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 200 Yer F Fine 2 Com cork Dena in Epa , [Year referer Projected Demand Demand om a ce eee 4 |] Beot wm |40s | J aa 48 |] Espn . maw || Em fl ma law A || bine m3 | 4304 0 4 eile vot ano mts , ‘ vet 22S | 5,615 | roar Doman fo p f | rejected Tasted Craw Cork (Fon) Figure 2-4 Pojecied Demand of sowncork @ VEL Fon 235 Method of Analysis (Stage: 111) Go bo amared ‘The objective of the tet iso determine the comprstive stent of concrete and the Mex strength of th oneee. fe uring, he poimens wil be tested for compressive strength and Aexura strength using Universal esting machine. 35.1 Compressive Strength of Conerete ‘The maximum load on compressive sen h wl be noted andthe strength is calulted e Cube compresive strength (i in MPa, 6 = = ‘Where, P~cube compressive lod in Newton's), ‘Aa ofthe side of cube (AL). 5 Nam a a Figure 3-4 Loading positon of cube c 3.5.2 Flenural Stength of Concrete ‘Case 1) centerpoint loading fone point loading) Te Flxuestnght ct wing te imino =" sie ba? 1=Say= 2 Where M-Maximum moment thoughout beam length -PLI¢ ‘Section modus ofthe eros seston I-Second moment of inertia 1 the location which the maximum stress occured 3 "at = FAS ole 20 : i : 5 : SOKWSBC =10%WSHC =20%WSBC = KWSEC =4ORWSBC = :ORWSBC Figure 5-1: Mean compressive strength of un-deformed shape of WSBC fr ays — tatt gienshiys Based on the 7 days un-deorned shape of WSBC experimental test cutoome for sompressive strength in Table 5.3 and pute $-1 replacement of ears aggregate by 20% of wast set bate caps in concrete yok optinjum result when compare tothe percentage of replacement regarding to compressive strength That meas the average strength of concrete increased fom 22.853 Mpa 10 26.853 Mpe when coarse aggregate is substituted by 20% of waste ste bt casi conree. Eventhough th remaining replacement result also shows a gradual erement in stength when compared with the conto sample strength excluding 100% replacement In general, fom 7 days age eube with un-dstred shape of waste ste bottle cap experimental result understood that the outcome was very impressive value at 20% replacement of coarse aggregate by waste steel bt cape in concrete mix, This imposing value mayreducethe question raised under the availability of waste tel bot caps For the reason that ata minimum percentage of replacement concrete achieves maximum stent. Dus to this glorious result the investigator should select the optimum replacement of waste stel bole caps with the costumed coarse 1sggregate and maximum capacity with minima cost for future constriction echnolngy ‘Table $4: Comparison of undeformed shape of WSBC for 7days compressive strength ‘Mean Compressive Strength [Ninn] ] Increase Tn compresive srangih a? ‘concrete by addition WSBC (22) 30% 4% 100% Sy oe eo [Tere BAS Hoo 26853 217 OT 1799] 40) TT) ea EB ae Ey Figure 3.2: Increase in compressive stength of concrete hy addition WSBC (%) 7 day age As the above Table 54 and Figure 5.2 experiment result shows for 7 days euving of undeformed IWSBC cubes thee sa decent result in compressive suength when 20% of wast stl btlecap 's added to concrete mix by replacing coarse agregate Figure 6.2 indicates Whea 20% couse seergue is replaced by WSBC should ave « significant increment in compression sweagth around 17.8% Even the ote: pecenagel0%.30% 840% of rplcement of coarse aggregate indicates plummy than tht of consol mix(R6WSBC) excep 100%. However, scoring 10 figure 6.2 displays increasing the replacement beyond half percentage may fll under contol mix compressive strength. Generally, this investigation decide on 20% replacement isan optimum value to eahance the ‘sompressve strength within 7 days and un-bent waste bot caps in concrete ee @ S—— = c 52.2 Results and comparison of Un-deformed Shape of WSBC for 28days “Table 5.5: Results of Un-deformed Shape of WSBC for 28 days age cube compressive strength “Wot Sample Weight of Average Fallare Comprenive Mean Compresive Tr oe oa eee [em] gm) KN} (N/mm?) (N/mm?) —[ os Bes SD — onsen “Bed = oh eee oe ae — (os Bsr — sy HEE — a ae —— Te a as DEES — oss a — saa te ee oa te ae ae am BE OND — nes Re — a tee ae ae i oo as 0, USE SEES — oman FE — is Sos ae oe ED 3 8 ae som “WSs on — ne ES ; YK © saz ak 35 31423. 33.17 BSB 51513 7 z a A 7 c : i rs < & * i 4G Cg Figure 5-3: Compressive strength of undeformed shape of WSBC for 28 days age cube Yet again the above result on Table 5.5 and Figure 5.3 indicates the Compressive suength significantly increased when percentage of undeformed shape of WSBC increased ior 28 days wis SBC replacement with coarse agarcete yells an optim ‘value when related to other percentage of replacement a shown in figure 5.3 Even though the over perentage 10%, 30% and 40% replacement also yields best result when compared to contol specimens result, However 100% replacement declines the capacity of compressive force snd dificult for workability. Segregation is one problem during 100% replacement of coasc grepte by WSEC able 5.6, Comparison of undeformed shape of WISBC fur 28days compressive suength Tian CompresiveSireagih [Nim] Tatras Ta sompreive anno Figure $-1: Increase in compresive strength of concrete by addition WSBC (96) for 28 days In above experiment result shows for 28 age of undeformed WSBC cubes (Table 5.6 &Figure 5:4) thee isan excellent result in compressive strength when 20% of waste sz! ote cap aed to concrete mix y septsing Coase aggregate. Figure 644 indicates When 20% couse nagropate is repiaed by WSBC should bave a significant increment in compression stength round 12.4% Ever like 7 days aged cube the oer percentage 0% AD% 40% of replacement of conse agercente indicates plummy than that of contol mix(O%4WSEC) except 100% @ cognition the shove result the cepa apacity in compressive srength and. it reduces the amassing of waste tht is danger fo £5.23 Rests and comparisen of deformed Shape of WSBC for 28 days age Tole 5: Results of deformed Shape of WSBC for 28 days cube compresive stent, rol Senge Waaitof ives FallareCompresive Mean WSBC Name Sample Weight o€ Load strength Compressive tem] Sample [KN] [Nm strength Dea SaaTS m% DC io oassa03 wor Thos =m 31 Besed on the 28 days aged cube and deformed shape of waste stce botle aps compressive strength result (Table 8.7 and Figure S-5) he capacity of meaningfully increased when 10% coarse ‘geregate i replaced by waste ste! botle caps in concrete mix. That means concrete sitengh is improved from 3142Mpa tc 44.74Mpa when 10% of coarse aggregate is replaced by WSBC Table 5.8: Comparison of deformed Shape of WSBC for 28days cube compressive strength ‘aw Compressive Strength [Nm] | Taevease Te compre argh oP GSC 7 by adalion WSBC (0), POR Be 30m ART | TOR FoR To — ao TO a a2 oa cso 32 BA WT 9 210] BAST TTT an pS s 200 1000, a0 ooo ° 0 o « 10 10 ‘Streth 20.00 ais 4000 "Figure 5-6 Increase in compressive strength of conerete by ation deformed shape of WSBC (C6 for 28 days cube ‘When declare Table $8 and Figure 5-6 increment in compressive sueagth by percentage 10% of ‘coarse aggregnte replacment by waste steel botle caps around 42.37% is recorded. Again this rominatierementinstength plas ret rin future consrstion tc hology by enhancing the stenath of concrete and handing the waste management. Nevertheless increasing the ment percentage of wast te! bot caps more than half event may drops the srength Average Loud vs Displacement curve for 10%WSBC Sao 10 placement (mm) Figure 5-10: Average Load verses Displacement Curve for 10%WSBC. Average Lad vs Displacement eve for 208WSBC Load (KN) 5.90) 5 10 1s 20 Diplacement (mi) Figure -11; Average Load verses Displacement Curve for 20%4WSBC. Average Load ys Displacement curve for 30%WSBC 0 0 0 io-0 10 Dipiacemeat (mm) Figure 5-12: Average Load verses Displacement Curve for 30%WSBC 2 orgy Ly bee ba ee Bi . ae e 4m 30 ae ig i £1800 Jee Ls 1st 888 4 isco & a 14.00 é LO%WSBC _20%WSBC_ 30% WSBC Percentage of Waste Stee Botle Caps ROA Figure 5-13: Flexural strength of undeformed shape of WSBC ‘As discussed earir Figure $-13 also demonsrates how much the flexural strength reduces with increasing the percentage of WSBC replacement of « conventional Coase aggregate. Thi ‘eduction s happen de othe specimens fom crack pattems by following the shape of bot caps uring test. The result show insight for future investigation to take another method to substitute bottle caps. It meant mean by changing the orignal shape to another shape to conto crak formation 1b 511: Comino dal eg ts es ea Da Teal . Sima sulin WBC Cu 5 Da f ati Maco a Ca) Ce fear Hear fess Ta Perenag of Waste Steel Bote Cape Figure 5-15: Derement in flexural strength when undeformed shape of WSBC is added @ CHAPTER SIX 6, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 CONCLUSION “The intent ofthis section i to engle-eye the experimental result tht is recorded and discussed in chapter Sto set concn inference and recommendation to intimate for upcoming investigation. In this research, Waste Stel Bole Caps ar utilized in conerete as a partial substiion of coarse agarcgate ingredient. Waste Sto! Bote Cap are the subsite for corse aggregate and ade to enhance the compressive strength and flexural strength of conerete. I meant to serch out the effective ways in which to reuilize the caps that's a waste hat reused asa helpfl couse aggregate forthe preparation of the concrete, Waste Ste! Bote Caps reuse in different percentages 0% onto), 1%, 20%, 3094, 40% 100% and 0% control), 10%, 20%, 30% forcompresive strength nd flexural strength est of coneret respectively Based onthe expeimenal study conducted and the rests presented Here, fllowing conclusion can be rebearse 1) ‘The partial substuton of Waste Steel Bote Cops increases compressive strength to & prominent capacity, while replacement for Nlexural strength is nt noticeable change in increasing in strong 12) The compressivestrength increased with the crease in Waste steel Botle caps volume up to 20% ofcourse aggregate. This denotes the concrete strength increases fom 22.85Mpa 0 26:85Mpa for 7 days curing and from 31 42Mpa to 3832p for 28 dayscuring. When this result is converted in to percentage around 17.5% and 12.4% atonal capacity is recorded for 7 days and 28 days curing respectively. This concludes thatthe increase amount of WSBC in concrete makes the concrete effective in withstanding te greater compressive loads Alao the compressive strngth with deformed shape of WSBC specimens tested are increased in convincing manner than that of unformed shape of waste stl botle aps specimens. w — ss et ae

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