Context and Goal Scientific Questions

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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Lighting Systems : Environmental, Economics

and Human Impacts Analysis
Encadrants : Georges Zissis (LAPLACE – LM) – Marc Méquignon (LERASS)

Context and Goal Scientific Questions

During the past years, smart lighting technologies allowed  How to extend LCA methodology in order to determine
significant improvements regarding lamp efficiency during use which lighting system is most performant regarding
phase (from 19% to 15% of global electricity consumption), environmental, economic and social aspect?
nevertheless, there are direct or indirect impacts on our  How using phase could impact on lamp overall performance
environment, health, well-being or productivity not taken into (Light Loss Factor, Mean Time Before Failure and
account into Life cycle Assessment (LCA) studies, and we can’t no Maintenance Factor)?
longer neglected them.
 Which criteria should be used to reflect lighting impact on
human health or ecosystems during use phase?

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) : Impacts of lighting system (UF = 263,376 Mlm.h - AU)
LCA is a “cradle to grave” methodology to evaluate 0,25
Monte Carlo

environmental impacts of a system from Raw


material extraction to End of Life (EoL). 600,

% 0,15



LCA of CFL (UF) LCA of LCA of LED2012 LCA of LED2017 LCA of T5 (UF)
Incandescent (UF) (UF) 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Comparaison de stades du produit, méthode: ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint (H)
V1.03 / World (2010) H/A / Score unique LCA of LED2017 (UF) LCA of CFL (UF)
Human health Ecosystems Resources LCA of LED2012 (UF) LCA of T5 (UF)

ACRONYME It’s difficult to conclude for the best system (depending on LED Quality)
Credits :

Quality of light and Human Centric Lighting: Electricity production mix (Australia VS France)
12, 2,
 Light is the most important timer for our internal clock and have effect 10,

on our vision, body and emotions.

8, 1,4
6, 1,

4, 0,8
2, 0,4
Production Use Transport Waste
-2, -0,2 Production Use Transport Waste
Analysis of 1 p 'LCA of LED2017', method: ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint (H) V1.03 / Analysis of 1 p 'LCA of LED2017', method: ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint (H) V1.03 /
World (2010) H/A / Unique Score World (2010) H/A / Unique Score
Human health Ecosystems Resources Human health Ecosystems Resources
Australie France
Unit Total Production Use Transport Waste Unit Total Production Use Transport Waste
Total % 100 15,3594182 84,6199845 0,02422373 -0,00362635 Total % 100 65,6969106 34,2149882 0,10361226 -0,01551101
Human health % 93,1088248 14,6666795 78,4230769 0,02225952 -0,00319111 Human health % 94,8991778 62,7338561 32,0837602 0,09521077 -0,01364935
Ecosystems % 6,41669142 0,62015815 5,79540834 0,00151396 -0,00038903 Ecosystems % 4,53240912 2,65260535 1,87499213 0,00647566 -0,00166402
Resources % 0,47448375 0,07258054 0,40149917 0,00045025 -4,6207E-05 Resources % 0,5684131 0,3104491 0,2562358 0,00192584 -0,00019764

 The higher the proportion of fossil energy in the electricity mix, the
 Natural and artificial lights doesn’t have the same dynamic, colour or higher the impact of use stage. Electricity production mix is a key
intensity. parameter in lighting systems LCA,
LCA : UF = 178 (mean)Mlm.h - AU
Next steps :
GW, Human health
Light Loss Factor (LLF): WC, Aquatic ecosystems 100
WC, Terrestrial ecosystem 90
GW, Terrestrial ecosystems
GW, Freshwater ecosystems
(Mean) Lumen output = Lumen output * LLF  Life cycle cost assessment
LCA of CFL 2700K (UF)
WC, Human health 70 Stratospheric ozone…
60 LCA of CFL 6500K (UF)

LLF = RSDD * LDD * BF * LLD * LOR Fossil resource scarcity

40 Ionizing radiation LCA of LED2012 3450K  Maintenance Factor
30 (UF)
RSDD : Room Surface Dirt Depreciation Mineral resource scarcity
OF, Human health
LCA of
LED2012 5750K
 Mean Time before Failure
LCA of LED2017 2700K

LDD : Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Land use Fine particulate matter…

LCA of LED2017 6500K  Circadian Stimulus Factor (CS

BF : Ballast factor Human non-carcinogenic… OF, Terrestrial ecosystems

LCA of T5 3000K (UF)
value and % melatonin
LLD : Lamp Lumen Depreciation Human carcinogenic toxicity Terrestrial acidification
suppression index)
LOR : Lighting output ratio Marine ecotoxicity Freshwater eutrophication  Multi criteria analysis
Freshwater ecotoxicity Marine eutrophication
Terrestrial ecotoxicity

 Process and Raw Material inventories came from US Department of Energy (DOE) : Scholand, Michael, and Heather Dillon. Life-Cycle Assessment of
Energy and Environmental Impacts of LED Lighting Products Part 2: LED Manufacturing and Performance, 2012.
 Ecoinvent Version 3 : Wernet, G., Bauer, C., Steubing, B., Reinhard, J., Moreno-Ruiz, E., and Weidema, B., 2016. The ecoinvent database version 3
(part I): overview and methodology. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, [online] 21(9), pp.1218–1230. Available at:
<> [Accessed 10 06 2019].
 Impacts assessment done with : Simapro Phd with collect and share release Contact:

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