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Peace Studies Plan – Yr.

12 RE

Name: include partner’s name (if in a pair):

Brianna Higgins

Organisation or person you have chosen, working for Peace:

Search for common ground

Chosen Conflict and/or region:

Give a very brief overview of the conflict/the region/history leading to the violence/conflict:

 The history:
Search was founded in 1982 by John Marks, a former State Department diplomat. He knew that conflict turns into
violence when people focus on their differences rather than on their commonalities and wanted a new way of
connecting people across these differences. When Search was founded, it focused on facilitating cooperation between
the United States and the Soviet Union.
- introduced a new concept: we all ‘win’ when the focus is on what we want to achieve—not what divides us.

 Catalyst of The Search for Common Ground:

- Began at the height of the Cold War
- With only a handful of employees, a minuscule budget, and a huge mission: to transform the way the world deals
with conflict.
- Search was founded in 1982 by John Marks, a former State Department diplomat
- The Cold War ended, but we kept going. In 1994, Susan Collin Marks joined John as his wife and Search’s Vice
President. Under their leadership we grew and diversified, spreading across four continents and more than 30
- John and Susan raised up a new generation of leaders across the world, leaders who saw firsthand how practical
and possible peace is. With Shamil Idriss at the helm, we embarked on a new era of conflict transformation in
2014. Using everything from traditional diplomacy and mediation to video games and virtual exchange, we work
one step at a time to change the nature of conflict – from a destructive force to a constructive one.

Main activities/initiatives of the organisation or person that supports peace theory and
long lasting conflict resolution:
Identify relevant peace theory relating to your conflict and explain how they are or have been implemented by your
peace making organisation/person? Evaluate success, challenges and failures experienced?

1. Whether at the local or national level, they bring people together across dividing lines to discover and achieve shared goals . They work
with those traditionally in power and those without a platform, often women and youth.

2. While a dialogue affects dozens, media impacts millions. They use media to stir up thoughts and discussions across a whole so ciety about
the root causes of violence and how to overcome differences

3. They provide a safe space for people to work out their conflicts at the local level. With some creative thinking, we bring divided
communities, neighbours, and families together to discover their common humanity.

- SUCCESS: The Cold War ended, but we kept going. In 1994, Susan Collin Marks joined John as his wife and Search’s Vice President. Under
their leadership we grew and diversified, spreading across four continents and more than 30 countries.

- CHALLENGES/FAILURES: began at the height of the Cold War with only a handful of employees, a minuscule budget, and a huge mission: to
transform the way the world deals with conflict.
Catholic Social Justice Teachings (at least two) associated with your issue/conflict? click

Include a reference from Christian scriptures which promotes striving for true Peace.

Subsidiarity and participation

 All people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.
Subsidiarity requires that decisions are made by the people closest and most
affected by the issues and concerns of the community.

Promotion of peace

 All Peace requires respect for and the development of human life, which in turn
involves the safeguarding of the goods, dignity and freedom of people. Peace is the
fruit of justice and is dependent upon right order among human beings.

Christian scripture

 Colossians 3:15 - Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of
one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

UN Principles for Culture of Peace and Nonviolence click here

Select any relevant peace principles relating to your topics and explain how they are reflected by your organisation-
to what extent to these apply to your group?

Threats to peace
Colossians 3:15
 The 2004 High Level Panel of the United Nations Secretary General identified six threats to peace. They are:
 Economic and social threats including poverty, infectious disease, and environmental degradation.
 Inter-country conflict
 Internal conflict including civil war, genocide, and other large-scale atrocities
 Nuclear, radiological, chemical, and biological weapons
 Terrorism
 Organised transnational crime.

Multi- Modal Structure/ideas for your presentation:

1. Power point
Catholic Social Justice Teachings to be used:
2. YouTube clip

3. Speaking

4. Optional

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