Lesson Plan Theory: S.No. Time Slot Unit No. Description S.No. Time Slot Unit No. Description

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Lesson Plan Theory

Class: B.A. II Subject: HINDI
Subject:- Hindi Litt. Subject:- Hindi Litt.
Class:- B.A - II Class:- B.A - II
Paper Name:- I ( jhfrdky ½ Paper Name:- I ( ukVd ,oa ,dkadh ½
S.No. Unit No. Description S.No. Unit No. Description
Time Slot Time Slot

1 1 july to 15 july ds'konkl - ररामचननन्द्रिकरा 1 1 july to 15 july va/kk ;qx ¼ukVd½ (पहलरा अअंक ( ककौरव नगररी ) धमर्मवरीर भरारतरी
16 july to 31 july fcgkjh - नबिहराररी सतसई ससे कक छ ददोहसे 16 july to 31 july va/kk ;qx ¼ukVd½ ददसररा अअंक (पशक करा उदय )तरीसररा अअंक
2 2
1 Aug. to 14 Aug. fcgkjh - नबिहराररी सतसई ससे कक छ ददोहसे 1 Aug. to 14 Aug. va/kk ;qx ¼ukVd½ चकौथरा अअंक (गराअंधराररी करा शराप)
16 Aug. to 31 Aug. nso - कक छ छअंद 16 Aug. to 31 Aug. va/kk ;qx ¼ukVd½, पराअंचवरावाँ अअंक, समरापन
3 1 Sept. to 15 Sept. Hkw"k.k - नशवराबिरावनरी ससे कक छ पद 3 1 Sept. to 15 Sept. nhinku , rkacs ds dhMs+ ¼,dkadh½
16 Sept. to 30 Sept. Hkw"k.k -नशवराबिरावनरी ससे कक छ पद 16 Sept. to 30 Sept. pjokgsa, eerk dk fo"k
4 1 Oct. to 15 Oct. ?kukuan - मकक्तक 4 1 Oct. to 15 Oct. rktegy ds vk¡lw - लक्ष्मरीनराररायण लराल
16 Oct. to 31 Oct. ?kukuan - मकक्तक 16 Oct. to 31 Oct. vkokt dk uhyke - धमर्मवरीर भरारतरी
5 1 Nov. to 15 Nov. vkye - कक छ छअंद 5 1 Nov. to 15 Nov. gjh ?kkl ij ?kaVs Hkj - सकरसेनन्द्रि वमरार्म
16 Nov.to 30 Nov in~ekdj -ऋतक वणर्मन, रस ननरुपण 16 Nov.to 30 Nov dfyax fot; - जगदरीश चनन्द्रि मराथकर
6 1 Dec. to 15 Dec. lsukifr - कनवत्त ,शशअंगरार-वणर्मन,ऋतक 6 1 Dec. to 15 Dec. ukVd ,ao ,dkadh dk mn~Hko
16 Dec. to 31 Dec. jhfrdkfyu dkO; izo`fr;ka ,oa jhfr fu:i.k 16 Dec. to 31 Dec. ukVd ,oa ,dkadh dk fodkl

Class: B.A. II Lesson Plan Theory Subject: ENGLSIH

Class- B.A II Paper Name :- I Poetry And Drama Class- B.A II Paper Name :- II Prose and Ficton
S.No. Times slot Unit Description S.N Time slot Unit Description
1st July To 15th July Elegy Written In Country Churchyard 1st July -15th July The Gandhian Out Look
1 I 1 I
16th July To 31 July London, Ode To Autumn, 16th July -31st July A Bookish Topic
1st Aug. To 15th Aug. The World Is Two Much With Us ,Servants 1st Aug-14th Aug Making Writing Simple
2 I 2 I
16th Aug. To 31 Aug. The Solitary Reaper, Ancient Mariner 16th AuG- 31st AuG How Should One Reed a Book
1st Sept. To 15th Sept. There Is A Pleasure In Pathless Wood, Ode To West Wind 1st Sep-15th Sep Threee Questions
3 I 3 I
16th Sept. To 30 Sept. My Grandmother's House, The Looking Glass 16th Sep-30th Sep The Refugess
1st Octo. To 15th Octo. An Old Women, The Bus, Chaitanya 1st OcT-15th Oct Under The Banyan Tree
4 II 4 I
16th Octo. To 31 Octo. Enterprize, Night of The Scorpion 16th Oct-31st OcT Am I Blue
1st Nove. To 15th Nove. Of mother Among Other Things 1st Nov-15th Nov The Old Man at tha Sea.
5 II 5 II
16th Nove. To 30 Nove. Obituary, A River,On killing a tree 16th NoV- 30th Nov The Old Man at tha Sea.
1st Dece. To 15th Dece. Doll's House 1st DeC-15th Dec Azadi
16th Dece. To 31 Dece. Doll's House 16th Dec-31st DEC Note Making , Summarizing, Dialogue
Lesson Plan Theory & Practical
Class: B.A. II Subject: ECONOMICS
Class:-B.A II Paper Name:-II- Macro economics Class:B.A II Paper Name:-II-HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT
S. NO. Duration Unit Topic to be covered S. NO. Duration Unit Topic to be covered
1st July to 15th July Intro.of Macro economics 1st July to 15th July Mercantilism, Physiocrates
1 I 1 I
16th July to 31st July Macroeconomic variables 16th July to 31st July theory of taxation ,Adam smith
1st Aug to 14th Aug National Income 1st Aug to 14th Aug Profits and wages. Malthus's theory of population
2 I 2 I
16th Aug to 31st Aug Money,Quantity Theory of Money 16th Aug to 31st Aug Ricardo Distribution theory-different rents
1st Sep to 15th Sep I Inflation ,Theories of Inflation 1st Sep to 15th Sep classical school-Sismondi, Socialist
3 3 II
16th Sep to 30th Sep II Income and Employment Deter. 16th Sep to 30th Sep Senior, J.S. Mill
1st Oct 15th Oct Consumption Function : 1st Oct 15th Oct Rehabilitation by Cairsness, Stationery
4 II 4 II
16th Oct to 31st Oct Investment Function & MEC 16th Oct to 31st Oct Evaluation of Socialist thought
1st Nov to 15th Nov II MEI & Multiplier and Accelerator. 1st Nov to 15th Nov Karl Mark-Efforts at scientific socialism
5 5 III
16th Nov to 30th Nov III Central Bank Organizational. 16th Nov to 30th Nov Break Twentieth century economic thought
1st Dec to 15th Dec Commercial Bank&M1M2, M3, and M4, 1st Dec to 15th Dec Revival of Mark in Economics.
16th Dec to 31st Dec Monetary Policy ,Fiscal Policy: 16th Dec to 31st Dec The neo-classical school. Kautialya and Gandhi.
Lesson Plan Theory
Class: B.A. II Subject: GEOGRAPHY
Class:- CLASS-B.A.II Paper Name:- Resource Geography Class:- B.A. II Paper Name:-Human geography
S. NO . Time slot Unit Description S. NO. Time slot Unit Description
1st July -15th July Unit I Nature, scope and significance of resources geography, definition 1 1st July -15th July Definition, aims and scope of human geogrephy,
1 classification of resources: renewables I relatlon of human geography with other sciences Principles of human geogniphy
16th July -31st July Unit I 16th July -31st July
essential efacts
classification of Zimmerman, Natural resources: Distribution, exploitation, uses 2
1st Aug-14th Aug Unit I and 1st Aug-14th Aug human geography Brunhces and Huntington, of man-enviro relations:
2 I
16th AuG- 31st AuG Unit I conservation of forest, water, soils, fisheries, mineral resources 16th AuG- 31st AuG determinisra possibitism and neo determinism
1st Sep-15th Sep Unit II Human resources: Population growth, distribution and density, 3 1st Sep-15th Sep Human races: evolution and migraion, zone-strate theory
3 causes of inequalities population-resources relationship and problems, II
16th Sep-30th Sep Unit II 16th Sep-30th Sep tribe pigmy Jarnmu and Kashmir and toda. Population growth and policies

1st OcT-15th Oct Unit II Agricultural resources: fisheries and cereal crops 4 1st OcT-15th Oct distribation and density population. f raecs: types es of the world:
4 commercial crops cotton, rubber, jute, sugarcane II
16th Oct-31st OcT Unit II 16th Oct-31st OcT eskinos, bushman, masai, badduien khirgiz.bails, nagas, santhal, gond, guijar .

1st Nov-15th Nov Unit III Concepts of Resources utilization, their conservation 1st Nov-15th Nov hunan races . migration , causes
constraints in resource utilization, water conservation and rainwater
16th NoV- 30th Nov Unit III harvesting, soil 16th NoV- 30th Nov population policies factors affecting

forest resources conservation, land capability classes, resources regions of 6

1st DeC-15th Dec 1st DeC-15th Dec Rural scttlements: pattems building materiels and house
6 Unit III the world, III
16th Dec-31st DEC resources regions of the India, economic regions of the India 16th Dec-31st DEC urban settlement process

Class:-B.A.II Paper Name:- Practicals

S. NO. Time slot Section Description
1st July -15th July Definition of geography,
16th July -31st July Typesof cartographic sysmbols and their uses

1st Aug-14th Aug Classification and representation of data with help of squares,
2 A
16th AuG- 31st AuG rectangles circles,spheres, Ring,

1st Sep-15th Sep Pyramids , wheel diagrams,

16th Sep-30th Sep traffic flow diagram, Isochronic chart.

1st OcT-15th Oct Classification and uses of maps

16th Oct-31st OcT B Drawing of isopleth, chorovhromatic,

1st Nov-15th Nov Choroschematic and dot maps , measures of central tendency
16th NoV- 30th Nov Elements of map reading.History of topographical maps in india.

Scheme of topographical mapping in india as per National Map Police
1st DeC-15th Dec C 2005.
16th Dec-31st DEC Conventional symbol and interpretation of physical and cultural on
topographical maps.
Lesson Plan Theory
Class: B.A. II Subject: HISTORY
Class- B.A II Paper Name :- 1200-1761 Indian Culture System Class- B.A II Paper Name :- 1200-1761 Indian Culture System
S.No. Times slot Unit Description S.No. Times slot Unit Description
1st July To 15th July I Basic Information -Attack of Turkish Upon India, 1st July To 15th July I Indian, Culture
1 1
16th July To 31 July I The Reaslon Of The Defeat of Rajputi 16th July To 31 July I Vedic Period
1st Aug. To 15th Aug. I Saltanat Yug Estiblishment 1st Aug. To 15th Aug. I Family System of India,
2 2
16th Aug. To 31 Aug. I Slavery System 16th Aug. To 31 Aug. I Upnishad Darshan
1st Sept. To 15th Sept. I Time of Khil ji 1st Sept. To 15th Sept. I Puran
3 3
16th Sept. To 30 Sept. II Tughlaq 16th Sept. To 30 Sept. II Science In India Culture-
1st Octo. To 15th Octo. II End of The Saltanat Periocl 1st Octo. To 15th Octo. II Aryabhatt
4 4
16th Octo. To 31 Octo. II Mughal Empire 16th Octo. To 31 Octo. II Varah Mihir
1st Nove. To 15th Nove. II Mughal Empire 1st Nove. To 15th Nove. II Charak
5 5
16th Nove. To 30 Nove. III Mughal Empire (Babar to Aurangjeb) 16th Nove. To 30 Nove. III Kalidash,
1st Dece. To 15th Dece. III Destruction Of Mughal Empire 1st Dece. To 15th Dece. III Tulsi Das ,
6 6
16th Dece. To 31 Dece. Architecture of Mughal- Painting,Education, Literature and Source 16th Dece. To 31 Dece.
Lesson Plan Theory
Class: B.A. II Subject: SOCIOLOGY
Class :- B.A. -II Paper- I :- Social Research Methods Class :- B.A. -II Paper- II :- Rural Sociology
S.No. Time Slot Unit No. Description S.No. Time Slot Unit No. Description
1 1st July to 15th July Unit I The scientific method 1 1st July to 15th July Unit I Nature, Scope and Subject matter of Rural Sociology
Steps in Social Research Peasent society & Agrarian Society
2 16th July to 31st July Unit I 2 16th July to 31st July Unit I

Objectivity and subjectivity in social science Parochilization, Universalization

3 1st Aug to 14th Aug Unit I 3 1st Aug to 14th Aug Unit I

Hypothesis: Sources & Types Little and Great Tradition

4 16th Aug to 31st Aug Unit I 4 16th Aug to 31st Aug Unit I

5 1st Sep to 15th Sep Unit II Quantitative and Qualitative methods 5 1st Sep to 15th Sep Unit II Family and Caste
Observation, Case Study Kinship and Religion
6 16th Sep to 30th Sep Unit II 6 16th Sep to 30th Sep Unit II

7 1st Oct to 15th Oct Unit II Content Analysis, Survey 7 1st Oct to 15th Oct Unit II Power relation and Rural Polity
Questionnaire, Schedule and Interview Guide Caste Panchayats
8 16th Oct to 31st Oct Unit II 8 16th Oct to 31st Oct Unit II

Sources of Data: Primary Panchayati Raj 73rd Ammendment

9 1st Nov. to 15th Nov Unit III 9 1st Nov. to 15th Nov Unit III

Sources of Data: Secondary Community Development Programme

10 16th Nov to 30th Nov Unit III 10 16th Nov to 30th Nov Unit III

11 1st Dec to 15th Dec Unit III Tables, Graphs, Histograms 11 1st Dec to 15th Dec Unit III Green Revolution and its impact
Measures of central tendency Globalization & its impact on Agriculture
12 16th Dec to 31st Dec Unit III 12 16th Dec to 31st Dec Unit III

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