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foresight FORERUNNER l AUG. 2019

Shame, Guilt and Condemnation sound and look like

triplets born to the same mother but only moments apart
The Exchange O ffer
and all in the Garden of Eden! All came out with one act of GUILT TO GRACE: The most widely known writer in
disobedience though assisted by doubt and rebellion. English Literature, William Shakespeare, says, “They
whose guilt within their bosom lies, imagine every eye
According to WHO, about one million people commit beholds their blame.” Guilt can paralyze life but it is not
suicide each year worldwide, that is about one death every God who makes people feel guilty; it is the devil and the
40 seconds or 3,000 per day. Out of these many do it out of ‘self’. For God, there is no such shameful secret. In fact
Guilt, Shame and Condemnation. Let’s take a look at what there is no thought, idea, or attitude that we can hide from
these very crucial terms mean in our world today: God. Psalm 139:15-16 says that God even sees the unborn
Shame: ‘A concealed, contagious, dangerous and child inside the mother. In fact with God’s grace guilt can
painful emotion caused by a guilty conscience. A feeling become a loving instrument for God to convict, correct
of being looked upon or being ridiculed by people and conform our character into His character.
around.’ Shame is therefore an emotion that is dependent “I DON’T CONDEMN YOU”: John 8:1-11 has an
on an external cause. extraordinary story of a woman brought in with guilt, shame
Guilt: ‘An emotion associated with having committed a and condemnation. She was caught red-handed in the act
breach of conduct, especially violating a law and involving of adultery and had nothing left to hide. A condemned
a penalty.’ Guilt, unlike shame, is an emotion held within. It woman brought in before the most powerful person in the
may or may not be dependent on an external cause. universe, the Creator. Her life and death depended on what
He would say. She was well aware of what could happen to
Condemnation: ‘This is an act of saying that something
or someone is very bad and unacceptable.’ (Collins her and could have said, “I don’t deserve to live” a hundred
times from the time she was caught till
dictionary.) Guilt is a verdict, an she reached Jesus. Her accusers kept
awareness of failure against a
standard. Shame is a feeling, a sense demanding an answer, so Jesus stood
up and said, “All right, but let the one
of exposed failure before someone who has never sinned throw the first
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME: This statement is one of the most
Psychologists tell us that guilt is powerful ways in which Jesus levels
about wrong doing while shame is sins and exposes the hypocrisy of the
about wrong being. Shame is a very ones who brought her to be stoned.
inward-focused emotion whereas They had no choice but to walk away.
guilt is outwardly-focused. We feel The only thing she could imagine was the pelting of
guilty when we see our actions harmed others and we stones, and she being under that pile. Then the gentle
feel ashamed when how others view our actions, reactions voice she could hear was, “Where are your accusers?
or even inactions. Didn’t even one of them condemn you? Jesus said
Joyce Meyer, one of America’s most prominent Christian “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”
speakers and authors, overcame sexual abuse by her These words washed away her shame, guilt and
father. Today, she voices it publicly without any condemnation. These were the best words she could
hesitation. “My father raped me at least 200 times,” she ever hear in all her life and that changed her life forever!
boldly confesses. She’s living proof of recovery from She did not come to Jesus on her own, the accusers
shame, guilt and condemnation. “I used to have a massive brought her to Him. He is the best person anyone who
problem with guilt. It was so horrible how I suffered with is condemned should go to. He gives life instead of
it! I would get up in the morning and wish it was time to death and he exchanges bondage for freedom.
go back to bed because it was always there…hanging
over me ... it was horrible. But I can honestly say that No doubt every one of us have failed and sinned but we
today, I am completely free from guilt and the were never designed to live in guilt, shame and
condemnation it brings,” says Joyce Meyer. condemnation. The price or the ransom for our sins has
been paid by Jesus for everyone - even for the worst,
ADAM’S GUILT AND EVE’S SHAME: Adam and Eve condemned either by others or even by our own selves.
were never created with shame, guilt or condemnation. Pick up yourself, wherever you are, even if you’ve squand-
Shame is an emotion that will keep you shackled forever ered your money on a sinful lifestyle. Come to the Lord,
to the past. The original sin made Adam and Eve feel just as you are. God desires to exchange your sins and faults
unworthy and embarrassed. Even the fig leaves with grace, redemption and justification. His unconditional
couldn’t conceal their shame. Shame produced misery, love and forgiveness will turn your life around.
discouragement, and emotional pain. They ran away to
fend for themselves... but forgot that they could neither The Exchange Offer is valid indefinitely. The stores of
outrun the shameful accusations nor could they outrun forgiveness in Heaven work round the clock. Walk in
God. They tried to hide themselves but how can anyone and claim your free but priceless offer today!
hide from God? - Jose,

“ If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” - Jesus (John 8:36, NIV)

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