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Livelink® ECM - Archive Server

Administration Guide

The guide describes the administration, monitoring and mainte-

nance of the Archive Server and introduces guidelines for trou-


Great Minds Working Together

Livelink® ECM - Archive Server
Administration Guide
Rev.: 20. Feb. 2006


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Table of Contents

Introduction 11
1 About this document .............................................................................. 11
2 Further information................................................................................. 12
3 Conventions ........................................................................................... 13

Part 1 Overview and concepts 17

1 System overview ..................................................................... 19

1.1 The Archive Server in the ECM environment ........................................ 19
1.2 Archive Server architecture.................................................................... 20
1.3 Storage systems and media .................................................................. 22

2 Concepts.................................................................................. 25
2.1 Archives and pools................................................................................. 25

Part 2 Configuration 29

3 Setting up the infrastructure .................................................. 31

3.1 Partitions ................................................................................................ 31
3.1.1 Creating a hard disk partition ................................................................. 32
3.2 Buffers.................................................................................................... 33
3.2.1 Creating a disk buffer ............................................................................. 34
3.2.2 Purge Buffer settings.............................................................................. 34
3.2.3 Attach HD Partition to Buffer.................................................................. 35
3.3 Local cache ............................................................................................ 36
3.3.1 Configuring a cache path ....................................................................... 38
3.3.2 Adding a default cache partition............................................................. 39
3.4 Storage devices ..................................................................................... 39
3.4.1 Automatic detection of physical jukeboxes ............................................ 40

4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs................................... 43

4.1 Logical archives ..................................................................................... 43
4.1.1 Data compression .................................................................................. 45
4.1.2 Single instance....................................................................................... 45
4.1.3 Retention................................................................................................ 46

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4.1.4 Creating a logical archive....................................................................... 47

4.1.5 Defining access to the archive ............................................................... 47
4.1.6 Editing the archive configuration............................................................ 49
4.1.7 Editing retention settings........................................................................ 52
4.1.8 Assigning a cache path.......................................................................... 54
4.2 Pools ...................................................................................................... 55
4.2.1 Creating a pool with buffer ..................................................................... 56
4.2.2 Creating an HDSK pool.......................................................................... 57
4.2.3 Create Pool settings............................................................................... 57
4.2.4 Write configuration for ISO pools ........................................................... 58
4.2.5 Write configuration for IXW pools .......................................................... 61
4.2.6 Write configuration for IFS pools............................................................ 63
4.2.7 Write configuration for Single File (VI) pools ......................................... 66
4.2.8 Write configuration for Single File (FS) pools ........................................ 67
4.2.9 Attach HD partition to buffer or pool ...................................................... 68
4.3 Jobs........................................................................................................ 69
4.3.1 Important jobs ........................................................................................ 69
4.3.2 Creating jobs .......................................................................................... 71
4.3.3 Changing job scheduling........................................................................ 71
4.3.4 Job command and scheduling ............................................................... 72
4.3.5 Modifying the configuration of Write jobs............................................... 75
4.3.6 Modifying the configuration of Purge Buffer jobs ................................... 75
4.4 Printing the configuration settings.......................................................... 76

5 Configuring security settings .................................................79

5.1 SecKeys / Signed URLs......................................................................... 79
5.1.1 Configuring SecKeys on the Archive Server.......................................... 81
5.1.2 SecKeys from SAP ................................................................................ 81
5.1.3 SecKeys from other leading applications and components ................... 82
5.1.4 Importing certificate for authentication ................................................... 83
5.2 SSL communication ............................................................................... 84
5.2.1 SSL connection to Document Service ................................................... 84
5.2.2 SSL connection using Tomcat Web server............................................ 85
5.3 Encrypted document storage ................................................................. 85
5.4 Timestamps............................................................................................ 87
5.4.1 Import certificate for timestamp verification ........................................... 89
5.4.2 Configuring ArchiSig timestamps........................................................... 90
5.4.3 Migrating existing document timestamps............................................... 91
5.4.4 Renewing timestamps of hash trees...................................................... 91
5.5 Checksums ............................................................................................ 92
5.6 Importing, verifying, exporting, and analizing ........................................ 92
5.6.1 Set Encryption Keys............................................................................... 92
5.6.2 View Certificate ...................................................................................... 93
5.6.3 Exporting and importing the key store ................................................... 94
5.6.4 Analyze Security Settings ...................................................................... 95

6 Connecting to SAP ..................................................................97

6.1 Gateway configuration ........................................................................... 97
6.2 SAP system configuration...................................................................... 98

4 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

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6.3 Archive configuration for SAP .............................................................. 100

7 Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan.......................... 103

7.1 Creating an archive mode.................................................................... 103
7.2 Archive mode settings.......................................................................... 104
7.3 Scenarios and archive modes.............................................................. 106
7.4 Assigning an archive mode to an Enterprise Scan workstation........... 109
7.5 Scan host assignments ........................................................................ 109
7.6 Removing Enterprise Scan assignments and archive modes ............. 110

8 User management for the Archive Server ........................... 111

8.1 Concept ................................................................................................ 111
8.2 Configuring users and their rights ........................................................ 112
8.2.1 Creating and checking policies ............................................................ 112
8.2.2 Policy overview .................................................................................... 113
8.2.3 Policy configuration .............................................................................. 114
8.2.4 Adding users ........................................................................................ 115
8.2.5 User settings ........................................................................................ 116
8.2.6 Setting up user groups ......................................................................... 117
8.2.7 Add Group settings .............................................................................. 118
8.2.8 Group's policies.................................................................................... 118
8.2.9 Group's members................................................................................. 119
8.3 Checking a user's rights....................................................................... 121

9 Storage Manager configuration............................................ 123

9.1 General configuration........................................................................... 123
9.2 IXW file system information ................................................................. 124
9.3 Activating and deactivating jukeboxes ................................................. 125
9.4 Configuration of STORM scheduler ..................................................... 125
9.4.1 Disable parallel import in one jukebox ................................................. 125
9.4.2 Limitation of jobs per jukebox .............................................................. 125

Part 3 Maintenance 127

10 Handling storage media........................................................ 129

10.1 Initializing storage media ..................................................................... 129
10.1.1 Automatic initialization and assignment ............................................... 129
10.1.2 Manual initialization and assignment ................................................... 130
10.1.3 Initialize Jukebox Partition settings ...................................................... 130
10.2 Finalizing storage media ...................................................................... 131
10.2.1 Automatic finalization ........................................................................... 132
10.2.2 Manually finalizing a partition............................................................... 132
10.2.3 Manually finalizing a pool ..................................................................... 132
10.2.4 Setting the finalization status ............................................................... 134
10.3 When the retention period has expired ................................................ 135
10.3.1 Deleting empty partitions manually ...................................................... 137

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10.3.2 Deleting empty partitions automatically ............................................... 138

10.4 Exporting partitions .............................................................................. 138
10.5 Importing partitions .............................................................................. 140
10.5.1 Importing ISO and IFS partitions.......................................................... 140
10.5.2 Importing finalized and non-finalized IXW partitions............................ 141
10.5.3 Lost&Found for IXW partitions ............................................................. 143
10.5.4 Importing hard disk partition................................................................. 143
10.5.5 Importing GS partition for Single File (VI) pool .................................... 144
10.6 Consistency checks for storage media and documents ...................... 145
10.6.1 Checking database against partition.................................................... 145
10.6.2 Checking partition against database.................................................... 147
10.6.3 Checking a document .......................................................................... 147
10.6.4 Counting documents and components in a partition............................ 148
10.6.5 Checking a partition ............................................................................. 149
10.6.6 Comparing backup and original IXW media ........................................ 149
10.7 Maintaining hard disk partitions ........................................................... 149
10.7.1 Attaching an additional partition to a disk buffer or pool ...................... 149
10.7.2 Disconnecting a partition from a disk buffer......................................... 150

11 Tasks for optical media .........................................................151

11.1 Providing empty optical media ............................................................. 152
11.1.1 Inserting a single medium .................................................................... 152
11.1.2 Inserting several media at once ........................................................... 153 Offline import........................................................................................ 153 Testing jukebox slots ........................................................................... 153
11.2 Managing written optical media ........................................................... 154
11.2.1 Newly written ISO media...................................................................... 154
11.2.2 Removing optical media from jukebox ................................................. 155
11.2.3 Administering removed media in vaults ............................................... 155 Creating and editing vaults .................................................................. 156 Assigning partitions to a vault .............................................................. 156
11.2.4 Re-establishing document access ....................................................... 157

12 Backups and recovery...........................................................159

12.1 Backup of the database ....................................................................... 160
12.1.1 Backing up an Oracle database........................................................... 161 Backing up and deleting the archived redo log files ............................ 162 Preconditions and procedure for backups ........................................... 162 Files to be backed up ........................................................................... 163 Offline backup of the database ............................................................ 165 Checking database files ....................................................................... 165 Online backup of the database ............................................................ 166
12.1.2 Backing up MS SQL Server databases ............................................... 168 Backing up the transaction logs of an MS SQL Server database........ 169 Backup principles ................................................................................. 170 Backing up the master database ......................................................... 170 Backing up the ECR and the msdb database...................................... 172 Sample backup strategy ...................................................................... 173 Recording the database structures ...................................................... 174 Statistics and notifications.................................................................... 174

6 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Table of Contents

12.2 Backup and recovery of optical media ................................................. 175

12.2.1 Optical ISO media ................................................................................ 175 Backup of ISO media ........................................................................... 176 Recovery of ISO media ........................................................................ 176
12.2.2 IXW media............................................................................................ 177 Backup of IXW media........................................................................... 177 Recovery of IXW media ....................................................................... 179
12.3 Backup for storage systems................................................................. 180
12.4 Backup of the Storage Manager configuration .................................... 180
12.4.1 Configuration of the backup directories ............................................... 180
12.4.2 Backup ................................................................................................. 182
12.4.3 Restoring the Storage Manager configuration ..................................... 183

13 Remote Standby .................................................................... 185

13.1 Installation ............................................................................................ 186
13.2 Configuration........................................................................................ 186
13.2.1 Configuration on the original server ..................................................... 186
13.2.2 Configuration on the Remote Standby Server ..................................... 186
13.3 Backups on a Remote Standby Server................................................ 188
13.3.1 ISO partitions ....................................................................................... 188
13.3.2 IXW media............................................................................................ 188
13.4 Recovery of Backups on a Remote Standby Server ........................... 189

14 Migration ................................................................................ 193

Part 4 Monitoring 195

15 Everyday monitoring of the archive system........................ 197

15.1 Monitoring system components and resources ................................... 197
15.2 Checking the execution of jobs ............................................................ 198
15.2.1 Job protocol.......................................................................................... 198
15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications ................................................... 199
15.3.1 Defining events .................................................................................... 199 Event Specification............................................................................... 200 Examples of event definitions .............................................................. 201
15.3.2 Configuring and assigning notifications ............................................... 203 Notification settings .............................................................................. 204 Using variables in notifications............................................................. 206 Assigning notifications to events.......................................................... 206

16 Using the Archive Web Monitor............................................ 209

16.1 First steps and overview ...................................................................... 209
16.1.1 Starting Archive Web Monitor .............................................................. 209
16.1.2 Archive Web Monitor window............................................................... 210
16.1.3 Refresh interval .................................................................................... 212
16.1.4 Add and remove hosts ......................................................................... 212
16.1.5 Customizing the Archive Web Monitor................................................. 213
16.2 Component status display.................................................................... 213

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 7

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16.2.1 DP space.............................................................................................. 214

16.2.2 Storage Manager ................................................................................. 214
16.2.3 DocService (Document Service).......................................................... 215
16.2.4 DS pools............................................................................................... 215
16.2.5 DBORA Server DB <SID> (Oracle only).............................................. 216
16.2.6 Server DB Tablespaces ....................................................................... 216
16.2.7 DS DP Tools, DS DP Queues, DS DP Error Queues.......................... 216
16.2.8 Log Diskspace...................................................................................... 217
16.2.9 DP Tools, DP Queues, DP Error Queues ............................................ 217
16.2.10 Timestamp Service .............................................................................. 220

17 Using the Document Pipeline Info ........................................221

17.1 First steps and overview ...................................................................... 221
17.1.1 Starting Document Pipeline Info .......................................................... 221
17.1.2 Document Pipeline Info window........................................................... 222
17.1.3 Preferences.......................................................................................... 225
17.1.4 Displaying Document Pipelines ........................................................... 227
17.1.5 Pipelines view ...................................................................................... 227
17.2 Statistics............................................................................................... 227
17.3 Print report ........................................................................................... 228
17.3.1 Print report settings .............................................................................. 228
17.3.2 Print preview ........................................................................................ 229
17.4 Documents in Document Pipelines ...................................................... 229
17.4.1 Data security and access rights ........................................................... 229
17.4.2 Logon ................................................................................................... 230
17.4.3 Options for queues............................................................................... 230
17.4.4 Options for documents......................................................................... 231
17.4.5 Protocol ................................................................................................ 232

18 Auditing, accounting and statistics......................................233

18.1 Auditing ................................................................................................ 233
18.1.1 Configuring auditing ............................................................................. 233
18.1.2 Accessing auditing information ............................................................ 234
18.2 Accounting ........................................................................................... 235
18.2.1 Settings for accounting ........................................................................ 235
18.2.2 Evaluating accounting data.................................................................. 236
18.3 Storage Manager statistics .................................................................. 238
18.3.1 Configuration........................................................................................ 238
18.3.2 Statistic file format................................................................................ 239
18.3.3 Compression of statistic files ............................................................... 241

Part 5 Troubleshooting 243

19 Basics .....................................................................................245
19.1 Avoiding Problems ............................................................................... 245
19.2 Monitoring and administration tools ..................................................... 245
19.3 Deleting log files................................................................................... 246

8 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Table of Contents

20 Starting and stopping the Archive Server ........................... 249

20.1 Start and stop by using Archive Administration ................................... 249
20.2 Direct start and stop under Windows ................................................... 250
20.3 Direct start and stop under UNIX ......................................................... 251
20.4 Starting and stopping single services with spawncmd......................... 252

21 Analizing problems ............................................................... 253

21.1 Spawner log file.................................................................................... 253
21.2 Analysing processes with spawncmd .................................................. 253
21.3 Working with log files ........................................................................... 255
21.3.1 About log files....................................................................................... 255
21.3.2 Setting log levels .................................................................................. 256
21.3.3 Log settings for the Archive Server components (except STORM)..... 257
21.3.4 Log levels and log files for the STORM ............................................... 258
21.3.5 Important log files................................................................................. 260

Part 6 Reference: Archive Administration 261

22 First steps .............................................................................. 263

22.1 Start window......................................................................................... 263
22.1.1 Adding and editing groups ................................................................... 265
22.1.2 Adding and editing servers .................................................................. 265
22.1.3 Connecting to a server ......................................................................... 266
22.2 Administration window ......................................................................... 266
22.2.1 Defining general settings ..................................................................... 269 Common tab......................................................................................... 270 Connection tab ..................................................................................... 271
22.2.2 Setting the runlevel .............................................................................. 272

23 Servers tab............................................................................. 275

23.1 Archives directory................................................................................. 276
23.1.1 Selected archive................................................................................... 279 Server Priorities dialog box .................................................................. 281 Connection to a cache server .............................................................. 282
23.1.2 Selected pool ....................................................................................... 283 Add application types to a pool ............................................................ 285 Attach partition to pool ......................................................................... 286 Changing the partition status ............................................................... 287
23.1.3 Selected buffer ..................................................................................... 288
23.2 Cache Paths directory.......................................................................... 289
23.3 Buffers directory ................................................................................... 290
23.4 Devices directory.................................................................................. 290
23.4.1 Hard disk partitions .............................................................................. 291
23.4.2 Jukeboxes ............................................................................................ 292
23.4.3 Defining the filter .................................................................................. 294
23.4.4 Rename HD Partition ........................................................................... 294
23.4.5 Select Replicated Partition dialog box ................................................. 295

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 9

Table of Contents

23.5 Vaults directory .................................................................................... 295

23.6 Known Servers directory...................................................................... 296
23.6.1 Edit Replicate Pool............................................................................... 297
23.6.2 Replicate buffer dialog box .................................................................. 298

24 Other tabs...............................................................................299
24.1 Jobs tab................................................................................................ 299
24.2 Notifications tab.................................................................................... 301
24.3 Archive Modes tab ............................................................................... 302
24.4 Users tab.............................................................................................. 302
24.5 Security tab .......................................................................................... 303

25 Utilities....................................................................................305
25.1 Base64 Encoding/Decoding................................................................. 306
25.2 View Installed Archive Server Patches ................................................ 307

GL Glossary 309

IX Index 317

10 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

The Livelink ECM - Archive Server (short Archive Server) is the reliable and secure
backbone that stores all business documents of your company from different
leading applications and delivers the documents back for further usage.

The Livelink ECM - Archive Server is not identical with the Livelink
Enterprise Server.

1 About this document

Structure This manual describes all activities that are relevant after the Archive Server was
installed and was integrated into the leading application:
“Overview and concepts” on page 17
Read this part to get an introduction of the Archive Server, its architecture,
storage systems and basic concepts like logical archives and pools.
“Configuration” on page 29
This part describes the preparation of the system and the configuration of the
Archive Server: logical archives, pools, jobs, security settings, connections to SAP
and Enterprise Scan, and the Storage Manager configuration.
“Maintenance” on page 127
Here you find all tasks to keep the system running: how to prepare and handle
storage media, backups, recovery, and migration.
“Monitoring” on page 195
Read here how to monitor the system, how to simplify the monitoring by
configuration of notifications, how to get auditing, accounting and statistic data
and how to use the monitoring utilities Archive Web Monitor and Document
Pipeline Info.
“Troubleshooting” on page 243
This part provides support if problems occur and hints how you can avoid
problems. It explains where to find the log files and how to find the cause of the
problem. If fatal problems occur, you have to contact Open Text Customer

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 11


“Reference: Archive Administration” on page 261

This part describes the handling and the GUI of the Archive Administration, the
basic settings and the tabs, as well as some special dialog boxes and utilities.
Audience and This document is written for administrators of the Archive Server, and for the
knowledge project managers responsible for the introduction of archiving. All readers share an
interest in administration tasks and have to ensure the trouble-free operation of the
Archive Server. These are the issues dealt with in this manual. The following
knowledge is required to take full advantage of this document.
• Familiarity with the relevant operation system Windows, LINUX or UNIX.
• A general understanding of TCP/IP networks, HTTP protocol, network and data
security, and the databases (ORACLE or MS SQL Server).
• Additional knowledge of NFS file systems would be helpful.
Besides these technical backgrounds, a general understanding of the following office
issues is important:
• the number and type of documents to be electronically archived each day
• how often archived documents will be retrieved
• for what period of time documents will be frequently accessed
• the length of time for which documents must be archived
• which archived documents are highly sensitive and might have to be updated
(personal files, for example).
On the basis of this information you can decide which media you are going to use
for archiving and how many logical archives you need to configure. You can
determine the size of disk buffers and caches in order to guarantee fast access to
archived data.

2 Further information
This manual The manual is delivered in PDF and HTML format on the software and
documentation CDs or can be downloaded from the ESC. You can print the PDF file
if you prefer to read longer text on paper. You can find information on usage and
printing documentation on the documentation CD.
Online help For all administration clients (Archive Administration, Document Pipeline Info,
Archive Web Monitor and Server Configuration) online help files are available. You
can open the online help via help menu, help button or F1.
Other manuals In addition to this Administration Guide, use the IXOS® ECR Server - Configuration
Parameters (AR-RCP-EN) guide for a reference of all configuration parameters which
can be modified in the Server Configuration.
To learn about Document Pipelines and their usage in document import scenarios,
refer to the guide Livelink ECM - Archive Server - Document Pipelines and Import
Interfaces (AR-CDP-EN).

12 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


There are several ways to contact Open Text/IXOS:

Expert Service The Expert Service Center (ESC) is a source of up-to-date information continually
Center maintained by Open Text/IXOS employees, including technical hints, frequently
asked questions, the latest Release Notes and much more. The Expert Service Center
will help you without doubt and if indeed there should be no direct answer in the
ESC, it provides a request system for direct technical support.
You need an account and a password to access the ESC. If you don't have an account
and password, ask your system administrator or colleagues, or ask for your own
account. To request an account, send an e-mail to stating your
full name, the name of your company, your phone and fax numbers, your e-mail
address and the installation number of your Open Text/IXOS product, if available.
You can access the ESC via the Internet at:
Open Text If you require additional help with technical problems, you can contact Open Text
Customer Customer Support. To find the contact information for your region, look at:
Feedback on the If you have any comments, questions or suggestions to improve the documentation,
documentation you can contact us by e-mail at

3 Conventions
Please read the following conventions before you use this documentation.
Typography In general, this product documentation uses the following typographical
• New terms
This format is used to introduce new terms, emphasize particular terms,
concepts, long product names, and to reference to other documentation.
• User interface
This format is used for elements of the graphical user interface (GUI), such as
buttons, names of icons, menu items, names of dialog boxes and fields.
• Filename, command, sample data
This format is used for filenames, paths, URLs and commands in the command
line. It is also used for example data, text to be entered in text boxes, and other
• Key names
Key names appear in ALL CAPS, for example:
Click CTRL+V.
• <Variable name>
The brackets < > are used to denote a variable or placeholder. Enter the correct
value for your situation, for example: Replace <server_name> with the name of
the relevant server, like serv01.
• Hyperlink and Weblink (
These formats are used for hyperlinks. In all document formats, these are active
references to other locations in the documentation (hyperlink) and on the

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 13


Internet (Weblink), providing further information on the same subject or a

related subject. Click the link to move to the respective target page. (Note: The
hyperlink above points to itself, and will therefore produce no result).
Tip: Tips offer extra information that may make your work more efficient, or
show alternative ways of performing a task.
Note: Notes provide additional useful information, help you avoid problems
and clear up misunderstandings.

Important information is identified in this way. If you ignore such
information, you may encounter major problems.

Cautions contain very important information that, if ignored, may cause
irreversible problems. Read this information carefully and follow all

Cross- The documentation uses different types of cross-references:


• Internal cross-references
Clicking on the colored part of a cross-reference takes, you directly to the target of
the reference. This applies to cross-references in the index and in the table of
contents as well.
• External cross-references in PDF documents
In PDF documents, external cross-references are references to other manuals. For
technical reasons, these external cross-references often do not refer to specific
chapters but to the manuals in general.
• External cross-references in HTML documents
External cross-references in HTML documents on the Documentation CD-ROM for
systems based on Livelink Enterprise Archive usually point to a specific chapter
within the referred manual and are active hyperlinks. Clicking a hyperlink takes
you to the particular chapter.
This also applies to HTML documents on other CD-ROMs or in the ESC, as long
as the manual that is referenced is on the same CD-ROM or in the same channel
of the ESC, respectively. In all other cases, external cross-references are similar to
those within PDF documents.
Tip: If a cross-reference in a PDF document does not lead to the required in-
formation, refer to the corresponding HTML version on the Documentation CD-
ROM for systems based on Livelink Enterprise Archive.

14 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


<IXOS_ROOT> <IXOS_ROOT> is used as an abbreviation of the Archive Server installation directory.

You should use the value that is set on your system:
Windows platforms
Value of the Registry entry

UNIX and LINUX platforms

Value of the system variable IXOS_ARCHIVE_ROOT
Tip: To display the variable, logon as root user and enter the set command or
the following command:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 15

Part 1
Overview and concepts
Chapter 1
System overview

1.1 The Archive Server in the ECM environment

The Archive Server represents the core component of the archiving system.
The typical basic configuration of the Systems based on Livelink Enterprise Archive
consists of the following modules:
Archive Server
Archive Server is the key archiving component. It iperforms the following tasks:
• Storing and retrieving of documents and data
• Configuring the archive system
• Monitoring executing processes
• Administering the data stored on the storage media
One or more jukeboxes or a storage system are connected to the Archive Server.
The individual functions of the Archive Server are described in detail in this
Leading application
A leading application is an application that generates the archived documents (e.g.
print lists in SAP) or with whose business objects the archived documents are
linked (e.g. inbound documents in SAP). SAP, Siebel, Livelink, Microsoft
Exchange, Lotus Notes and Microsoft Sharepoint can be linked as leading
For more information on these leading applications and their integration with
Livelink ECM - Archive Server, refer to the corresponding customizing or
administration manuals.
Livelink Imaging Clients
The main Livelink Imaging Clients are Livelink Archive Windows Viewer,
Livelink Archive Java Viewer and Livelink DesktopLink. They display archived
documents at the workstation or archive documents from the workstation.
Livelink Enterprise Scan is designed for mass scanning und archiving of paper
Detailed information on the Livelink Imaging Clients can be found in the
manuals for the individual components.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 19

Chapter 1 System overview

Retrieval clients of the leading application

In addition to the Livelink Imaging Clients, leading applications also provide
clients, which are used to search for and display archived documents, e.g. the
Detailed information on these retrieval clients can be found in the
documentation for the leading application.
Archive Server can be scaled to meet any requirements and can be extended
through the addition of additional Archive Servers (known servers), cache servers,
Remote Standby Servers (see “Remote Standby” on page 185) etc.

1.2 Archive Server architecture

The Archive Server also has a modular structure.

The Archive Server consists of the following modules:

Document Service (DS)
The Document Service, which performs all document storing tasks, is the core
Archive Server component. Its functions include:
• Archiving documents
• Writing documents to optical media
• Providing documents

20 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

1.2 Archive Server architecture

Archive database
The Document Service stores all the "technical" document attributes and media
attributes in the archive database. The Administration Server saves the following
data here:
• Configuration data for logical archives and pools
• Job data: scheduling, parameters and execution log
• Relations to other Archive Servers and leading applications
• Other configuration settings
Monitor Server
The Monitor Server gathers information from other server components
regarding the status of relevant processes, the file system, the size of the
database and available resources. The collected information can be displayed in
Archive Web Monitor.
Notification Server
The Notification Server sends notifications when certain server events occur. You
can define these notifications in the Archive Administration, Notifications tab.
Administration Server
The Administration Server administers all the data that is of importance for the
Archive Server itself: configured structures, users, relations to other servers and
the execution of recurrent tasks. The Administration Server consists of a single
server process (admSrv under UNIX or admsrv.exe under Windows) and uses
the server database to perform data backups. The Administration Server is
controlled via Archive Administration Client.
HTTP Interface Server (Web Server)
The Web Server is the HTTP interface to the Administration Server, the Monitor
Server (via Archive Web Monitor) and the accounting data. During Archive
Server installation, initial customizing is performed via this interface. In
addition, customer-specific projects can be implemented via this interface. This
interface uses the ports 4060 (HTTP) and 4061 (HTTPS).
The Document Service uses a separate HTTP interface via ports 8080 and 8081.
Document Pipeline
In the Document Pipeline a preparation process is executed for certain
documents before they are forwarded to the Document Service. During this pre-
processing stage, these documents are stored in the Document Pipeline
directory. The Document Pipeline consists of the following services: DocTools
(each DocTool executes a single process task) and the DocumentPipeliner (which
coordinates the process operation). The Document Pipeline is described in detail
in the Livelink ECM - Archive Server - Document Pipelines and Import Interfaces (AR-
CDP-EN) manual.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 21

Chapter 1 System overview

Storage Manager
The Storage Manager controls the connections with the storage system or
• It controls the movement of media within the jukebox.
• It communicates via SCSI with drives in the jukeboxes.
• It performs Document Service write and read requests.
• It generates the proprietary WORM file system structure.
• It handles virtual jukeboxes in storage systems.
Livelink ECM - Archive Administration Utilities
To administrate, configure and monitor the components mentioned above, you
use the following tools (not shown in the picture)
• Livelink ECM - Archive Administration (short term: Archive Administration) is
used to configure the Archive Server and monitor jobs.
• Livelink ECM - Document Pipeline Info (short term: Document Pipeline Info
monitors the processes in the Document Pipeline.
• Livelink ECM - Archive Web Monitor (short term: Archive Web Monitor
monitors the Archive Server resources.
• Livelink ECM - Server Configuration (short term: Server Configuration is used
to adapt the parameters stored in the registry or in configuration files easily
and quickly within a graphical user interface.
The first three clients are described in this documentation. The Server
Configuration is decribed in IXOS® ECR Server - Configuration Parameters (AR-

1.3 Storage systems and media

The Archive Server supports a lot of different media types for different purposes
and scenarios. The focus lays on:
• Secure media
• Mass data archiving
• Performance
• Data life cycle management
• Compliance
• Offline media management
• Total cost of ownership
Data life cycle management and compliance require more flexible media (single
document manipulation) and are typically not usable for mass data archiving. The
Archive Server offers a solution for both flexibility and mass data:
• Flexibility: Single document manipulation (Single File on file system or via
vendor interface)

22 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

1.3 Storage systems and media

• Mass data archiving, total cost of ownership, offline media management:

STORM enabled media like optical media but storage systems (file systems,
vendor interface) as well. All storage systems are available for mass data
For detailed information on supported storage systems and media, see Hardware
Release Notes

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 23

Chapter 2

2.1 Archives and pools

Logical archive The Archive Server stores the data in an well-organized way. The main logical
organization unit is the Logical archive or shortly archive, that allows you to store
documents in a structured way. You can organize archived documents in different
logical archives according to the following criteria:
• most important: the leading application and its module they belong to,
• furthermore: the retention period,
• the archiving and cache strategy,
• storage system and media types,
• security requirements for documents,
• customer relations (for ASPs) or
The archive does not determine where and the way the data is archived. The archive
settings define the general aspects of data handling during archiving, retrieval, and
at the end of the document lifecycle. The most important settings are: compression,
single instance archiving, caching, restrictions to ensure document security
(signatures, certificates, SSL, encryption, timestamps), compliance mode and
retention settings.
Storage type Regarding the archiving of and access to indivual documents over its lifecycle, we
differenciate between single file storage and container file storage. Single file storage
means that documents are archived, accessed and deleted from the storage medium
individually. Container file storage indicates that the documents are bundled in
containers like ISO images, blobs, or on optical media. Documents cannot be deleted
individually from these containers, only the whole container can be purged or
Pool At least one pool belongs to each logical archive. A pool contains a certain type of
physical storage media that are written in the same way. It defines the storage type
of its documents.
Pool type The following pool types are currently available:
ISO pool, Write at once
In an ISO pool, an number of documents are written to storage media at once as
ISO images. Each ISO image builds one ISO partition. The storage media are
either optical media (DVD and WORM in jukeboxes) or hard disks of storage
systems providing the WORM feature (HD-WO). These systems are managed as

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 25

Chapter 2 Concepts

virtual jukeboxes in the Archive Administration. ISO pools belong to the

container file storage type. They require a disk buffer.
IXW pool, Write incremental
In an IXW pool, documents are written incrementally to storage media. The
storage media are optical media, WORMs and UDOs placed in jukeboxes. Each
side of a medium represents a partition. Instead of an ISO file system, the IXW
file system information manages thephysical location of the documents on the
media. When an IXW media is filled with documents, it is normally finalized,
that is conversion to an ISO file system. Then the archived documents are
managed by the ISO file system of STORM, and the index information is deleted
from the IXW file system information.
Although the documents are written as single files to the medium, they cannot
be deleted individually, neither from finalized partitions (which are ISO
partitions) nor from non-finalized partitions using the IXW file system
information. Thus IXW pools belong to the container file storage type. They
require a disk buffer.
FS pool, Single file
The FS pool (FS = File System interface) is mounted with hard disk partitions of
an HSM, NAS or SAN system over the network. FS pools belong to the single file
storage type. They require a disk buffer which is the main difference to HDSK
pools. You can also regard them as buffered HDSK pools. In this documentation,
they are always mentioned as FS pools.
VI pool, Single file
The VI pool (VI = Vendor interface) is connected with one hard disk partition of
the storage system via the interface of the storage system. VS pools belong to the
single file storage type. They require a disk buffer. This storage scenario is also
known as GS (Generelized Store) scenario.
HDSK pool, Write thru
In an HDSK pool, documents are stored directly in a local file system directory
or in a SAN system. HDSK pools belong to the single file storage type. It is the
only pool type that works without a buffer. No WORM functionality is available.
Note: HDSK pools are not intended for use in productive archive systems,
but for test purposes and special requirements.
IFS pool, Write incremental
The IFS pool is a combination of the ISO and IXW pool. It writes ISO images in-
crementally to big hard disk partitions of a storage system. Unlike ISO pools, a
partition of an IFS pool contains many ISO images. Use this pool type for storage
systems that have only big partitions where it does not make sense to fill the par-
tition with one ISO image. IFS pools belong to the container file storage type.
They require a disk buffer. Like IXW media, a partition can be finalized when it
is filled with images.

26 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

2.1 Archives and pools

At the release time of version 9.6.0, the IFS pool type is not supported by
any storage system. For detailed and up-to-date information on
supported storage systems, refer to the Hardware Release Notes

Figure 2-1: Dependencies between pool types, storage media and systems

Disk buffer All pool types except for HDSK (Write Thru) use a disk buffer. The disk buffer is a
special hard disk partition where the data is collected until the Write job writes it to
the final storage medium. In ISO and IFS pools, the documents are collected until
the amount of data is sufficient to write an ISO image. The Write job regularly
checks the amount of data and writes the image if there is sufficient data in the
buffer. In other pools, the Write job writes all data that has been arrived in the buffer

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 27

Chapter 2 Concepts

since the last run of the job. Sufficient free storage space must be available in the
disk buffer in order to accommodate new incoming documents. The documents
which have already been written to the storage media must therefore be deleted
from the disk buffer at regular intervals. This is usually done by the Purge Buffer
Components of Documents often consist of a number of components: the body (document itself),
documents notes and annotations. Normally all document components are stored together in
one pool, that is on the same type of medium. However, it is also possible to
separate the components and store them in different pools. For example, you can
assign an IXW pool to the logical archive FI for the documents, and a hard disk pool
for the notes. Components are assigned to the pool as application types. Another
application type is Migration that is used for document migration within the
Caching Caches are used to speed up the read access to documents. The Archive Server can
use two cache types: the local cache partitions and the Archive Cache Server. The
local cache resides on the Archive Server host and can be configured, while the
Archive Cache Server is intended to reduce and speed up the data transfer in a
WAN. It is installed on its own host in a separate subnet.

28 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Part 2
Chapter 3
Setting up the infrastructure
Before you can start configuring the archive system, in particular the logical
archives, their pools and jobs, you have to prepare the infrastucture on which the
system is based:
• Create partitions on the operating system level.
• Make these partitions available for various usage in the Archive Server, as
buffers, local caches, or local storage partitions:
1. Create hard disk partitions in the Archive Administration.
2. Create disk buffers.
3. Create cache partitions.
• Prepare the storage system and set up the connection to the Archive Server.

3.1 Partitions
Local hard disk partitions on the Archive Server are used for disk buffers, for local
caches and local storage partitions. At first you create these partitions on operating
system level. The number and size depends onmany factors and is usually defined
together with Open Text/IXOS experts or partners when the installation is
prepared. Important factors are:
• Leading application and scenario
• Number and size of documents to be archived and accessed, per time unit
• Frequency of read access
• If the partition will be used as buffer:
• Pool and media type, in particular if ISO images are written:
The buffer must be large enough to accommodate the entire storage capacity
of the ISO image, and additionally the amount of data that has to be stored in
the buffer between two Write jobs.
• Use as cache:
If documents are retrieved after archiving, e.g. in Early Archiving scenarios,
they should stay on the hard disk for a while. You can configure and
schedule the Purge Buffer job accordingly (see “Local cache” on page 36), or

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 31

Chapter 3 Setting up the infrastructure

you can copy the data to cache. In the latter case there is no effect on buffer

3.1.1 Creating a hard disk partition

Hard disks are first partitioned on the operating system level. A hard disk partition
must be made known to Archive Administration for it to be used by the Archive
Server. This process is known as creating. After creation, the hard disk partition can
be used as buffer or local storage partition of a logical archive.
Though you can also create a hard disk partition when you create a pool or buffer,
we recommend to create partitions and buffers separately to keep track of the
system configuration.
Note: The hard disk partition must be created in the way described here if it is
going to be used as a replicate partition on a Remote Standby Server.
1. Create the partitions on the operating system level.
2. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
3. Click the HardDisk device on the left.
If available, all hard disk partitions of the Archive Server are displayed on the
right together with their technical specifications.
4. Right-click in the list of partitions and choose Create.
5. Enter the settings:

Partition name
Unique name of the partition.
Create as replicated partition
Enable this option if the partition is to become a replicate partition.

32 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

3.2 Buffers

Select Partition
This button is only available if the option Create as replicated partition has
been enabled. Click here to select the name of the associated original
partition. The Select Replicated Partition dialog box opens (see “Select
Replicated Partition dialog box” on page 295).
Mount path
Mount path of the partition in the file system. The mount path is a drive
under Windows and a partition directory under UNIX/LINUX. Enter a
backslash in front of the root directory if you're using volume letters.
Disc device type
Select the storage medium or storage system to ensure correct handling of
documents and their retention.
Local hard disk partition, documents are only written from the buffer to
the partition.
Local hard disk partition read-only, documents are written from the
buffer to the partition and the read-only attribute is set.
netapp, samfs, trinity
Documents are written from the buffer to the corresponding storage
system with system-specific setting of the retention period.
6. Click OK.
Create as many hard disk partitions as you need. In the Devices directory under the
HardDisk device, you can see all hard disk partitions independently of their usage.

Further steps:
• “Creating a disk buffer” on page 34
• “Creating an HDSK pool” on page 57

3.2 Buffers
Disk buffers (short: buffers) are required for all pool types except for local HDSK
(Write Thru) pools. Documents are collected in the buffer before they are finally
written to the storage medium.
Preconditions The hard disks are partitioned on the operating system level and then created in the
Archive Administration, see “Creating a hard disk partition” on page 32.
Though you can also create a buffer when you create a pool, we recommend to
create partitions and buffers separately to keep track of the system configuration.

See also:
• “Pool type” on page 25
• “Disk buffer” on page 27

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 33

Chapter 3 Setting up the infrastructure

3.2.1 Creating a disk buffer

1. In the Servers tab, open the Buffers directory.
2. Right-click in the left-hand list and choose Create Buffer.
3. Give the buffer a unique name and specify the configuration parameters.
Details: “Purge Buffer settings” on page 34)
4. Attach a hard disk partition to the disk buffer.
Details: “Attach HD Partition to Buffer” on page 35
5. Schedule the Purge_Buffer job and give it a meaningful name. The command
and the arguments are entered automatically and cannot be modified later.
Details: “Job command and scheduling” on page 72
6. Click Finish.

3.2.2 Purge Buffer settings

The configuration for the Purge Buffer job is required when you create or edit a
buffer, and when you create a pool including the buffer creation.

Buffer name
Name of the disk buffer. The name cannot be modified later.
Required avail. space
Minimum available storage space. The Purge Buffer job deletes data from the
buffer until the required percentage of storage space is available. This applies to
every hard disk partition that is assigned to the buffer.
If it is not possible to delete sufficient documents from the disk buffer because
these have not yet been written to storage media, the Purge Buffer job is
terminated without a message and the required minimum amount of storage

34 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

3.2 Buffers

space is not available. You can check the free space in the disk buffers using the
Archive Web Monitor.
Cache before purging
The documents are written to the cache before being removed from the disk
buffer. This ensures fast access if documents still must be processed or retrieved
but have not yet been cached by the Write job.
See also: “Local cache” on page 36
Clear archived documents older than ... days
Specifies after which period of time - after beeing written to a storage medium -
documents are removed from the disk buffer.
Note: If both conditions Required avail. space and Clear archived documents
older than ... days are specified, the job runs in a way which satisfies both
conditions to the greatest possible extent. Documents which are older than n
days are also deleted even if the required storage space is available.
Conversely, documents which are more recent than n days are deleted until the
required percentage of storage space is free.

See also:
• “Creating a disk buffer” on page 34

3.2.3 Attach HD Partition to Buffer

The Attach HD Partition to Buffer dialog box is displayed when you create a buffer.
Here you assign a hard disk partition to the buffer.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 35

Chapter 3 Setting up the infrastructure

You can select one from the available HD partitions

Select an existing partition from the list. The partition must have been created
previously in the Devices directory, see “Creating a hard disk partition” on page
or create a new HD partition
If no partition is available, enter:
• Partition name: Unique name for the HD partition for administration in the
archive system.
• Mount path: Mount path in the file system. The mount path is a drive under
Windows and a partition directory under UNIX/LINUX.

See also:
• “Creating a disk buffer” on page 34

3.3 Local cache

The concept for local caches is very flexibel and similar to the buffers concept. It
allows you to assign different caches to the archives and to increase and decrease
the cache size at any time. The cache that is assigned to an archive is called cache
path. A cache path contains at least one cache partition. A cache partition is a hard
disk partition on the local system. Thus you can assign different caches to the
archives and separate cached documents.
Note: Do not mix up the local cache and the Archive Cache Server, see
“Caching” on page 28.
The local cache is filled on different ways:
• when a document is retrieved for reading,
• while documents are written to the final storage medium,
• when the buffer is purged.

36 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

3.3 Local cache

Figure 3-1: Filling the local cache

If no cache path is configured and assigned, the default cache partition is used. The
default cache partition is usually created during installation (initial configuration). If
neither a default cache partition nor a cache path is configured, no caching is
possible. You can modify the default cache partition: assign additional partitions, or
delete one.
Depending on the time when you want to cache documents, you select the
configuration setting:

Table 3-1: Cache configuration

Enable caching for the logical archive Caching option in the archive configuration, see
“Editing the archive configuration” on page 49
Caching when the document is writ- Copy to Cache flag in the Write job configuration,
ten see
“Write configuration for ISO pools” on page 58
“Write configuration for IXW pools” on page 61
“Write configuration for IFS pools” on page 63
“Write configuration for Single File (FS) pools” on
page 67
“Write configuration for Single File (VI) pools” on
page 66
Caching when the buffer is purged Cache before purging option in the Purge Buffer
job configuration, see “Purge Buffer settings” on
page 34

See also:
• “Adding a default cache partition” on page 39
• “Configuring a cache path” on page 38
• “Assigning a cache path” on page 54

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 37

Chapter 3 Setting up the infrastructure

3.3.1 Configuring a cache path

If you want to assign a local cache to a logical archive, you create a cache path and
assign one or more partitions to it.

1. Create the partitions for the cache on the operating system level.
2. In the Servers tab, right-click the Cache Pathes directory and choose Add Cache
To edit an existing cache path, right-click it and choose Edit Cache Path.
3. Define the cache path:

Name for the cache path that is used to assign it to the archive(s).
Click Add volume to select a partition that was created in step 1. You can
add several partitions and also remove them.

If you change the partition assignment to a cache path, the content of
the chache is lost.

Next step:
• “Assigning a cache path” on page 54

38 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

3.4 Storage devices

3.3.2 Adding a default cache partition

Servers tab > Cache Path > Cache Partitions table > Add cache partition
The default cache partitions are used by archives if caching is enabled and no cache
path is assigned. The default cache partition is usually created during installation
(initial configuration). You can add a new partition, and delete an existing one.

1. In the Servers tab, click the Cache Path directory.

2. Right-click in the Cache Partitions table and choose Add.
3. Enter:
Defines the cache partition directory.

See also:
• “Local cache” on page 36
• “Configuring a cache path” on page 38
• “Assigning a cache path” on page 54

3.4 Storage devices

The configuration of storage devices depends on the storage system in use and the
storage type. In the Archive Administration, the storage devices appear after
configuration in the Servers tab, in the Devices folder.

Table 3-2: Storage systems and their device types

Storage system Storage type Pool type Device type

Jukebox with optical media container file ISO, IXW jukebox device
(physical jukebox)
NAS, HSM, SAN, CAS systems container file ISO jukebox device
(virtual jukebox)
NAS, HSM, SAN systems single file FS HDSK device
Storage systems connected single file VI VI device (aka GS
with API device)

You can configure most storage systems for container file storage as well as
for single file storage. The configuration is completely different.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 39

Chapter 3 Setting up the infrastructure

See also:
• Supported media, jukeboxes and storage systems: Hardware Release Notes
• Configuring jukeboxes with optical media: “Automatic detection of physical
jukeboxes” on page 40
• Configuring storage devices:

3.4.1 Automatic detection of physical jukeboxes

To connect jukeboxes with optical media, the Storage Manager requires information
on the type of jukebox, as well as addressing the robot arm and the individual
jukebox drives. To avoid errors and problems during configuration as far as
possible, the Archive Administration provides automatic detection and
configuration of jukeboxes.
This tool can either be employed directly after installing the Archive Server or at a
later time, e.g. when an existing jukebox is extended or a new jukebox is connected.
Furthermore, this tool can be used to analyze the jukebox configuration.
You need a test medium to find out the correct bus connection for the drives. This
medium is consecutively inserted in each drive, in order to find the correct SCSI
addressing. After this process the medium is exported and must be removed from
the jukebox manually.
• In CD/DVD drives blank media is not accepted as test media, use a
medium that has already been written.
• If the jukebox is full, you must remove a medium first.

1. Click the Servers tab.

2. Right-click the Devices directory an choose according to your hardware setup:
Configure SCSI controlled jukeboxes
The Archive Server and the jukebox are connected with an SCSI cable. This
constellation is the most common and configuration is quickest.
Configure fibre channel connected jukeboxes
The Archive Server and the jukebox are connected with a long fibre channel.
The jukebox is behind a fireproof wall.
The further procedure is the same for all jukebox connections and is described
for SCSI controlled jukeboxes only.
A utility runs and collects a list of all jukeboxes connected to the server.
3. Click Close.
The utility window is closed and a list of all available jukeboxes is opened.

40 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

3.4 Storage devices

The jukeboxes are listed with their name, robot ID, SCSI connection and
manufacturer data. In the Configured column you find the jukebox's
configuration status:
This jukebox has already been configured and can be reconfigured, e.g.
when an additional drive has been inserted.
Not configured
This jukebox was newly connected and has not yet been configured.
The jukebox is listed in the Storage Manager's configuration but no
connection could be made to it. If this jukebox is no longer used, you can
remove it from the configuration using Delete jukebox
4. Select the newly connected or changed jukebox and click (Re)Configure
5. Click OK.
6. Enter the name and description of the jukebox and select the startup type:
The jukebox is automatically activated when the server starts.
After each server restart, the jukebox must be activated manually (see
“Activating and deactivating jukeboxes” on page 125).
7. Click OK and insert a test medium into the jukebox.
The status of the jukebox drive detection process is displayed in a message
window. As a result, a list of the drives and their SCSI IDs is displayed.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 41

Chapter 3 Setting up the infrastructure

8. Click OK.
The jukebox configuration is saved and the Storage Manager is started again.
You can display the stored configuration in the Server Configuration under
Storage Manager / Device Configuration / Devices. Here you can only change
the description and the startup type.

The following problems can lead to errors in detecting the jukeboxes:
• Poor SCSI connection
• Faulty drives
• Problems with SCSI drivers
• Control problems on the jukebox concerning the robot arm movement, export,
import etc.
• Two jukebox drives are connected to the same SCSI bus and have the same ID.

42 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 4
Configuring archives, pools, and jobs
Before you can work effectively with the Archive Server, you have to perform some
configuration steps:
• create and configure logical archives
• create and configure pools
• schedule and configure automatic jobs
• configure security settings
• configure the storage system, jukeboxes and Storage Manager
In order to get an overview of all configuration settings, you can print out a
summary of the settings (see “Printing the configuration settings” on page 76).
When you configure the archive system, you often have to name the configured
element. Make sure that all names follow the naming rule:

Naming rule for archive components

Archive component names must be unique throughout the entire archive
network. No umlauts or special characters may be used for the names of
archive components. This includes names of servers, archives, pools and
partitions. We recommend using only numerals, standard international
letters and underscores when assigning names to archive components.
Archive and pool names together may be a maximum of 31 characters in
length since the Document Service forms an internal pool name of the form
<Archive name>_<Pool name>, which may be a maximum of 32 characters
in length.

4.1 Logical archives

The logical archive is the logical unit for well organized long-term data storage. For
each archive, you give a name and configure a number of settings:
• Encryption, compression, blobs, and single instance affect the archiving of a
• Caching, cache paths and cache servers affect the retrieval of documents.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 43

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

• Signatures, SSL and restrictions for document deletion define the conditions for
document access.
• Timestamps and certificates for authentication ensure the security of documents.
• Compliance mode, retention and deletion define the end of the document
Some of these settings are pure archive settings. Other settings depend on the
storage method which is defined in the pool type. The decision criterion for their
definition is: Single file archiving or container archiving.

Table 4-1: Default values of pool-independent archive settings

Setting Default value

Caching On
Compression On
Encryption Off
Timestamps Off

Table 4-2: Archive settings dependent on storage method

Setting Default value Value for single file ar- Value for container
chiving archiving
pool types: HDSK, Single pool types: ISO, IXW,
file (FS), Single file (VI) IFS
Blobs Off Off On (possible)
Single instance Off Off On (possible)
Retention Off On (possible) Off (recommended)

Note on IXW pools:

Partitions of IXW pools are regarded as container files. Although the
documents are written as single files to the medium, they cannot be deleted
individually, neither from finalized partitions (which are ISO partitions) nor
from non-finalized partitions using the IXW file system information.
Of course, you can use retention also with container archiving. In this case, consider
the delete behavior that depends on the storage method and media (see “When the
retention period has expired” on page 135).

See also:
• “Archives and pools” on page 25

44 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.1 Logical archives

4.1.1 Data compression

In order to save storage space, data compression is activated by default for all new
archives. You can deactivate compression for individual archives, see “Editing the
archive configuration” on page 49.
Formats to All important formats including e-mail and office formats are compressed by
compress default. You can check the list and add additional formats in the Server
Configuration under Document Service (DS) / Component settings /
Compression / Component types to be compressed.
Pools with buffer For pools using a disk buffer, the write job compresses the data in the disk buffer
and then copies the compressed data to the medium. After compressing a file, the
job deletes the corresponding uncompressed file.
If ISO images are written, the write job checks whether sufficient compressed data is
available after compression as defined in Minimum amount of data to write. If so,
the ISO image is written. Otherwise the compressed data is kept in the disk buffer
and the job is finished. The next time the write job starts, the new data is
compressed and the amount of data is checked again.
HDSK pool When you create an HDSK pool, the Compress_<Archive name>_<Pool name> job is
created automatically for data compression. This job is activated by default.

4.1.2 Single instance

You can configure a logical archive in a way that requests to archive the same
component do not result in a copy of the component on the Archive Server. The
component is archived only once and then referenced. This method is called Single
Instance Archiving (SIA) and it saves disk space. It is mainly used if a large number
of e-mails with identical attachments has to be archived.
By default, Single Instance Archiving is disabled. You can enable it, for example, for
e-mail archives, see “Editing the archive configuration” on page 49.


• The method is not available for archives containing pools for single file
archiving (HDSK, FS, VI).
• If you want to use SIA together with retention periods, consider
“Retention” on page 46.

If necessary, you can exclude application types and components from Single
Instance Archiving in the Server Configuration under Document Service (DS) /
Component settings / Single Instance Archiving / Component or Application
types that prohibit(!) single instance archiving. MS Exchange e-mails are excluded
by default because they are unique, but the attachments are archived with SIA.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 45

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

4.1.3 Retention
Various regulations require the storage of documents for a defined retention period.
During this time, documents must not be modified nor deleted. When the retention
period is expired, documents can be deleted mainly for two reasons:
• to free storages space and thus to save costs,
• to get rid of documents that might cause liability of the company.
To facilitate compliance with regulations and meet the demand of companies, the
Archive Server can handle retention of documents in cooperation with the leading
application and the storage subsystem. The leading application manages the
retention of documents, and the Archive Server executes the requests or passes them
to the storage system. Thus, retention is handled top down and assures that a
document cannot be deleted or modified during its retention period. Notes and
annotations can be added, they are add-ons and do not change the document itself.1

The retention period - more precisely the expiration date of the retention period - is
a property of a document and is stored in the database and additionally – if possible
– together with the document on the storage medium. The document gets the
retention period in one of these ways:
• The client of the leading application sends the retention period explicitly.
• The retention period is set for the logical archive on Archive Server side.
• If both are given, the leading application has priority.
If supported by the storage subsystem, the retention period is propagated to it.
Changes of the retention period in the archive settings do not influence the archived
When the retention period has expired, the Archive Server allows the client to delete
the document. The leading application must send the deletion request. Two
retention independent settings can prevent deletion: document deletion settings for
the logical archive (see “Document deletion” on page 49) and the maintenance level
of the Archive Server (see “Setting the runlevel” on page 272). The deletion process
has two aspects:
• Delete the document logically, that means: Delete the information on the
document from the archive database so that retrieval is not possible any longer.
Only the information that the document was deleted is kept. This step is
executed as soon as the delete request arrives.
• Delete the document physically from the storage media. The time of this action
depends on the storage method:
• Documents that are stored as single files can be deleted immediately.
• Documents that are stored in containers (ISO images, blobs, finalized and
non-finalized IXW partitions) can be deleted physically only when the

1 All components that are defined as add-ons and that can be modified during the retention period are listed in the Server
Configuration under Document Service (DS) > HTTP settings > Configuration of IXOS addon components.

46 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.1 Logical archives

retention period of all documents in the container has expired and all
documents are deleted logically. The Delete_Empty_Partitions job checks
for such partitions and removes them, if the underlying storage system does
not prevent it.
• If you use retention for archives with Single Instance Archiving (SIA), make
sure that documents with identical attachments are archived within a short
timeframe and the documents in one archive have similar retention periods.
See also: “Single instance” on page 45.
• You cannot export partitions containing at least one document with non
expired retention, or import partitions that are logically empty.
• As regulations may change in the course of time, you can adapt the
retention period of documents by means of a complete document
migration, see “Migration” on page 193.

See also:
• “Editing retention settings” on page 52
• “When the retention period has expired” on page 135

4.1.4 Creating a logical archive

1. Click the Servers tab.
2. Right-click the Archives directory and choose Create Archive.
3. Enter:
Unique name of the new logical archive. Consider the “Naming rule for
archive components” on page 43.
In the case of SAP applications, the archive name consists of two
alphanumeric characters (only uppercase letters and digits).
Brief, self-explanatory description of the new archive.

Next steps:
• Create at least one pool
• Configure the archive

4.1.5 Defining access to the archive

In the Archive Access dialog box, you specify the settings for SecKeys, SSL and
deletion of documents for the selected archive.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 47

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

1. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.

2. Click the archive.
3. In the Security area, click Edit.
4. Select or clear the options:

Signature required to
This setting is required if the archive system is configured to support signed
URLs (SecKeys) and the archive is used by a leading application using URLs
with SecKeys.
The settings determine the access rights to documents in the selected archive
which were archived without a document protection level, or if document
protection is ignored. The document protection level is defined by the
leading application and archived with the document. It defines for which
operations on the document a valid SecKey is required.
See also: “Protection levels” on page 80 and “SecKeys / Signed URLs” on
page 79
Select the operations that you want to protect. Only users with a valid
SecKey can perform the selected operations. If an operation is not selected,
everybody can perform it.

48 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.1 Logical archives

Specifies whether SSL is used in the selected archive for authorized,
encrypted HTTP communication between the Imaging Clients and Archive
Server (including cache servers).
• use: SSL must be used.
• don't use: SSL is not used.
• may use:
The use of SSL for the archive is allowed. The behavior depends on the
clients configuration parameter HTTP UseSSL (see Livelink® Archive
Windows Viewer and Livelink® DesktopLink - Configuration Parameters (CL-
RCP) manual).
The Java Viewer does not support SSL.
See also: “SSL communication” on page 84
Document deletion
Here you decide whether deletion requests from the leading application are
performed for documents in the selected archive, and what information is
given. You can also prohibit deletion of documents for all archives of the
Archive Server. This central setting has priority over the archive setting.
See also: “Setting the runlevel” on page 272
Documents are deleted on request, if no maintenance mode is set and the
retention period is expired.
causes error
Documents are not deleted on request even if the retention period is
expired. A message informs the administrator about deletion requests.
Documents are not deleted on request even if the retention period is
expired. No information is given.

4.1.6 Editing the archive configuration

In the Edit Configuration dialog box you specify how documents are handled in the

1. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.

2. Click the archive.
3. In the Configuration area, click Edit.
4. Select or clear the options:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 49

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Activates the caching of documents to the DS cache at read access.
Activates data compression for the selected archive.
See also: “Data compression” on page 45
Activates the processing of blobs (binary large objects).
Very small documents are gathered in a meta document (the blob) in the disk
buffer and are written to the storage medium together. The method
improves performance. If a document is stored in a blob, it can be destroyed
only when all documents of this blob are deleted. Thus, blobs are not
supported in single file storage scenarios and should not be used together
with retention periods.
Single instance
Enables single instance archiving.
See also: “Single instance” on page 45.

50 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.1 Logical archives

Activates the data encryption to prevent that unauthorized persons can
access archived documents.
See also: “Encrypted document storage” on page 85.
ArchiSig timestamps
Activates the assignment of one timestamp to a number of documents that
are represented by a hash tree. Using timestamps, the system can verify that
documents have not been altered in the archive.
See also: “Timestamps” on page 87

To ensure consistent usage of timestamps, you can only enable this
setting but not disable it later.

Timestamps (old)
The option is only available, if timestamps have been used for this archive
with former Archive Server version. It activates the assignment of time-
stamps to document components when they are archived in the selected ar-
chive. You can clear this option after migration to ArchiSig timestamps.
See also: “Timestamps” on page 87

To ensure consistent usage of timestamps, you can only disable this
setting but not enable it later again.

Timestamp verification
Defines the verification of timestamps at document access for document
timestamps and ArchiSig timestamps.
The timestamps are verified. If the timestamp is not valid or does not
exist, the administrator is informed and the document is not delivered to
the client.
The timestamps are verified. If the timestamp is not valid, the
administrator is informed and the document is delivered in spite of this.
No timestamp verification
Deferred archiving
Select this option, if the documents should remain in the disk buffer until the
leading application allows the Archive Server to store them on final storage

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 51

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Example: The document arrives in the disk buffer without a retention period
and the leading application will provide the retention period shortly after.
The document must not be written to the storage media before it gets the
retention period. To ensure this processing, enable the Event based
retention option in the Edit Retention dialog box, see “Editing retention
settings” on page 52.

4.1.7 Editing retention settings

In the Edit Retention dialog box you specify the compliance behavior and
document lifecycle requirements. When the retention period of a document is
expired and deletion is not otherwise prohibited, the Archive Server accepts and
executes deletion requests from the leading application.

1. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.

2. Click the archive.
3. In the Configuration area, click Edit.
4. Select or clear the options:

52 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.1 Logical archives

No retention
Use this option if the leading application does not support retention, or if
retention is not relevant for documents in the selected archive. Documents
can be deleted at any time if no other settings prevent it.
Event based retention
This methos is used if a retention period is required but at the time of
archiving, it is unknown when the retetion period will start. The leading
application must send the retention information after the archiving request.
When the retention information arrives, the retention period is calculated by
adding the given period to the event date. Until the document gets it
calculated retention period it is secured with maximum (infinite) retention.
You can use the option in two ways:
Together with the Deferred archiving option
The leading application sends the retention period separately from and
shortly after the archiving request (for example, in upcoming
Livelink® DocuLink for SAP® Solutions versions). The documents
should remain in the disk buffer until they get their retention period.
They are written to final storage media together with the calculated
retention period when the leading application requests it. To ensure this
scenario, enable the Deferred archiving option in the Edit Configuration
dialog box, see “Editing the archive configuration” on page 49. Regarding
storage media and deletion of documents, the scenario does not differ
from that with a given Retention period of x days.
Without Deferred archiving
The retention period is set a longer time after the archiving request, and
the document should be stored on final storage media during this time.
For example, in Germany, personnel files of employees must be stored
for 5 years after the employee left the company. The files are immediately
archived on storage media, and the retention period is set at the leaving
date. This scenario is only supported for archives with HDSK pool or
Single File (VI) pool (if supported by the storage system). In all other
pools, the documents would be archived with infinite retention, and the
retention period cannot be changed after archiving (only with migration).
For the same reason, do not use blobs in this scenario.
Retention period of x days
Enter the retention period in days. The retention period of the document is
calculated by adding this number of days to the archiving date of the
document. It is stored with the document.
Infinite retention
Documents in the archive never can be deleted. Use this setting for
documents that must be stored for a very long time.
Use compliance mode
If this mode is enabled, documents cannot be deleted even by the DS admin-
istrator before the retention period has expired. Documents with unknown

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 53

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

retention period (event based retention before event) cannot be deleted ei-
ther. The auditing of the document lifecycle is activated (see “Configuring
auditing” on page 233).
If this mode is disabled, an administrator can delete documents with internal
commands even if the retention period has not expired.

To ensure consistent usage of the compliance mode, you can only
enable this setting but not disable it later.

Destroy unrecoverable
This additional option is only relevant for archives with HDSK pools with
local hard disks. Storage systems do not support this method. If enabled, the
system at first overwrites the file content several times and then deletes the

Documents with expired retention period are only deleted, if:
• Document deletion is allowed, see “Defining access to the archive” on
page 47, and
• No maintenance mode is set, see “Setting the runlevel” on page 272.

See also:
• “Retention” on page 46
• “When the retention period has expired” on page 135

4.1.8 Assigning a cache path

You can use one or more cache partitions for several archives, or assign specific
cache pathes to logical archives. Before you can assign a cache path, you must create
it, see “Configuring a cache path” on page 38

1. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.

2. Click the archive that you want to assign a cache path.
3. Scroll to the Assigned cache path table on the right.
4. Right-click in the table and choose Select.
5. Select the chache path from the list-

54 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

See also:
• “Local cache” on page 36

4.2 Pools
At least one pool belongs to each logical archive. A pool contains physical storage
media that are written in the same way. The physical storage media are either
assigned to the pool automatically or manually.
The procedure for creating and configuring a pool depends on the pool type. The
main differences in the configuration are:
• Usage of a disk buffer. All pool types except for HDSK (Write Thru) pools
require a buffer.
• Settings of the Write job. The Write job writes the data from the buffer to the final
storage media.
For more information on pools and pool types, see “Pool” on page 25.

Table 4-3: Overview: Creating a pool

Steps Pools with buffer (ISO, Pools without

IXW, IFS, FS, VI) buffer (HDSK)
Select pool type and application type (com- X X
Configure and schedule the Write job X
Create a disk buffer X
Attach a hard disk partition to the disk buffer X
Configure and schedule the Purge Buffer job X
Attach a hard disk partition as final storage (FS pool only, as con- X
medium figuration of the Write

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 55

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

4.2.1 Creating a pool with buffer

All pool types that use a disk buffer are created in the same way. The only difference
are the settings of the Write job.
Before you start creating a pool:
• Create the logical archive, see “Creating a logical archive” on page 47.
• To determine the pool type that suits the scenario and the storage system in use,
read the Hardware Release Notes
For more information on pools, see: “Pool type” on page 25.
1. In the Servers tab, right-click the archive and select Create Pool .
2. Enter a unique pool name, select the pool type according to your storage system
and archiving scenario and component type (usually Default).
Details: “Create Pool settings” on page 57
3. Configure the Write job.
Details: “Write configuration for ISO pools” on page 58
“Write configuration for IXW pools” on page 61
“Write configuration for IFS pools” on page 63
“Write configuration for Single File (FS) pools” on page 67
“Write configuration for Single File (VI) pools” on page 66
4. Schedule the start of the Write job and enter a name for the job. The command
and arguments are entered automatically and cannot be edited here.
Details: “Job command and scheduling” on page 72
5. In the Select or create a buffer dialog box, specify the disk buffer, which is used
to collect the data for this pool.
• Select an existing buffer.
In this case, the pool configuration is completed, click Finish.
• Create a new buffer.
Click Next and proceed with the following steps.
6. Enter a name for the buffer and configure the Purge_Buffer job.
Details: “Purge Buffer settings” on page 34
7. Attach a hard disk partition to the buffer. You can either select an existing
partition or create a new one.
Details: “Attach HD Partition to Buffer” on page 35
8. Schedule the Purge_Buffer job. Give the job a meaningful name and specify
when it has to run. The command and the arguments are entered automatically
and cannot be modified here.
Details: “Job command and scheduling” on page 72
9. Click Finish.

56 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

10. If you want to attach further pools to this archive, repeat steps 1 to 8. In step 2,
choose the application type, that this pool should receive (see “Application
type” on page 58).

4.2.2 Creating an HDSK pool

The Write Thru (HDSK) pool is the only pool that works without buffer. Each
document is directly written to the storage media, in this case a local hard disk
partition or SAN system. Before you can create a pool, create the logical archive, see
“Creating a logical archive” on page 47.
Note: HDSK pools are intended for use in productive archive systems, but for
test purposes and special requirements.
1. In the Servers tab, right-click the archive and select Create Pool.
2. Enter a unique pool name, select the pool type Write Thru (HDSK) and
component type (usually Default).
Details: “Create Pool settings” on page 57
3. Attach the hard disk partition where the documents will be stored. You can
either select an existing partition or create a new one.
Details: “Attach HD Partition to Buffer” on page 35
Click Finish.
4. If you want to attach further pools to this archive, repeat steps 1 to 3. In step 2,
choose the application type that this pool should receive (see “Application type”
on page 58).

4.2.3 Create Pool settings

The Create Pool dialog box is the first dialog box displayed by the wizard that helps
you set up and configure pools. Here you specify the basic settings for the pool.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 57

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Pool name
Unique, descriptive name for the pool. Consider the naming conventions, see
“Naming rule for archive components” on page 43.
Pool type
The pool type depends on the storage system and media in use, see “Pool type”
on page 25 and the Hardware Release Notes
Application type
Refers to the document component that is to be archived in this pool:
• default: generally used for all document components

• ASCII_ANNO: for annotations (only if the document components are

• Migration: for migration of documents within one archive (see “Migration”
on page 193)
• OLE_ANNO: for annotations (only if the document components are separated)

• notice: for notices (only if the document components are separated)

4.2.4 Write configuration for ISO pools

The Write Configuration of Write At-Once (ISO) Pool dialog box is displayed by
the wizard that helps you set up and configure pools, and when you modify the ISO
pool configuration with Edit Pool.
Here you configure the parameters for writing ISO images on storage media, for
example on DVD, WORM and HD-WO media in storage systems.

58 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

Copy to Cache
If this option is enabled, the documents are copied to the local cache before the
data is deleted from the disk buffer and after they are written to storage media.
Enable this option if you require fast access to the data.
See also: “Local cache” on page 36
Enable this option if the partitions of a pool are to be backed up locally in a
second jukebox of this Archive Server. During the backup operation, the
Local_Backup jobs only considers the pools for which backup has been enabled.
See also: “Backup of ISO media” on page 176
• For a local backup of optical ISO media, the Write job is already
configured in such a way that multiple ISO media are written in the
same jukebox. The Backup option is not required.
Backup Job / Number of Drives
Number of write drives that are available on the backup jukebox. The setting is
only relevant or physical jukeboxes.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 59

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Media Handling
In this section, you specify the media type and its configuration.
Allowed Media Type
Here you specify the permitted media type. ISO pools support:
DVD-R Which DVD-R types are supported you find in the Hardware Release

WORM Which WORM types are supported you find in the Hardware Release

HD-WO HD-WO is the media type supported with many storage systems. An HD-WO
medium combines the characteristics of a hard disk and WORM: fast ac-
cess to documents and secure document storage. Enter also the maximum
size of an ISO image in MB, separated by a colon:

For some storage systems, the maximum size is not required, refer to the
documentation of your storage system (

Partition Name Pattern

Defines the pattern for creating partition names.
$(PREF)_$(ARCHIVE)_$(POOL)_$(SEQ) is set by default. $(ARCHIVE) is the
placeholder for the archive name, $(POOL for the pool name and $(SEQ) for an
automatic serial number. The prefix $(PREF) is defined in the Server
Configuration in the folder Administration Server (ADMS) > Jobs and Alerts >
Automatic initialization of media. You can define any pattern, only the
placeholder $(SEQ) is mandatory. You can also insert a fixed text. The
initialization of the medium is started by the Write job.
Click Test Pattern to view the name planned for the next partition on the basis of
this pattern.
Number of Partitions
Number of ISO partitions to be written in the original jukebox. This number
consists of the original and the backup copies in the same jukebox. For virtual
jukeboxes (HD-WO media), the number of partitions is always 1, as backups
must not be written to the same medium in the same storage system.
Number of Backups
Number of backup media that is written in the backup jukebox. For virtual
jukeboxes (HD-WO media), the number of backups is restricted to 1.
Minimum Amount of Data
Minimum amount of data to be written in MB. At least this amount must have
been accumulated in the disk buffer before any data is written to storage media.
The quantity of data that you select here depends on the media in use. For HD-WO
media type, the value must be less than the maximum size of the ISO image that
you entered in the Allowed Media Type field.

60 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

Original Jukebox
Select the original jukebox.
Backup Jukebox
Select the backup jukebox. For virtual jukeboxes with HD-WO media, we
strongly recommend to configure the original and backup jukeboxes on
physically different storage systems.

See also:
• “Creating a pool with buffer” on page 56
• “Pool type” on page 25

4.2.5 Write configuration for IXW pools

The Write Configuration of Write Incremental (IXW) Pool dialog box is displayed
by the wizard that helps you set up and configure pools, and when you modify the
IXW pool configuration with Edit Pool.
Here you configure the parameters to write data to WORM and UDO incrementally.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 61

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Copy to Cache
If this option is enabled, the documents are copied to cache before the data is
deleted from the disk buffer and after they are written to storage media. Enable
this option if you require fast access to the data.
This option must be enabled if the partitions of a pool are to be backed up locally
in a second jukebox of this Archive Server. During the backup operation, the
Local_Backup job only considers the pools for which backup has been enabled.
Write Job / Number of Drives
Number of write drives that are available on the original jukebox.
Backup Job / Number of Drives
Number of write drives that are available on the backup jukebox.

Media Handling
In this section, you specify the media type and its configuration.
Auto Initialization
Select this option if you want to initialize the IXW media in this pool
automatically, see also “Initializing storage media” on page 129.
Allowed Media Type
The media type is always WORM, for both WORM and UDO media.
Partition Name Pattern
Defines the pattern for creating partition names.
$(PREF)_$(ARCHIVE)_$(POOL)_$(SEQ) is set by default. $(ARCHIVE) is the
placeholder for the archive name, $(POOL) for the pool name and $(SEQ) for an
automatic serial number. The prefix $(PREF) is defined in the Server
Configuration in the folder Administration Server (ADMS) > Jobs and Alerts >
Automatic initialization of media. You can define any pattern, only the
placeholder $(SEQ) is mandatory. You can also insert a fixed text. The
initialization of the medium is started by the Write job.
Click Test Pattern to view the name planned for the next partition on the basis of
this pattern.
Number of Backups
Here you specify the number of backup media.
Original Jukebox
Select the original jukebox.
Backup Jukebox
Select the backup jukebox.
Auto Finalization
Select this option if you want to finalize the IXW media in this pool
automatically, see also “Finalizing storage media” on page 131.
Last Write Access
Defines the number of days since the last write access.

62 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

Filling Level of partition

Defines the filling level in percent at which the partition should be finalized.
The Storage Manager automatically calculates and reserves the storage space
required for the ISO file system. The filling level therefore refers to the space
remaining on the partition.

See also:
• “Creating a pool with buffer” on page 56
• “Pool type” on page 25

4.2.6 Write configuration for IFS pools

The Write Configuration of Write Incremental (IFS) Pool dialog box is displayed
by the wizard that helps you set up and configure pools, and when you modify the
IFS pool configuration with Edit Pool.
Here you configure the parameters for writing ISO images incrementally to a large
storage partition. Unlike ISO pools, a partition of an IFS pool contains many ISO
images. Thus you define the parameters for the ISO images as well as for the
Note: At the release time of version 9.6.0, the IFS pool type is not supported by
any storage system. For detailed and up-to-date information on supported
storage systems, see the Hardware Release Notes

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 63

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Copy to Cache
If this option is enabled, the documents are copied to cache before the data is
deleted from the disk buffer and after they are written to storage media. Enable
this option if you require fast access to the data.
Enable this option if the partitions of a pool are to be backed up locally in a
second jukebox of this Archive Server. During the backup operation, the
Local_Backup job only considers the pools for which backup has been enabled.
Image Handling
Configure the name schema and size of the ISO images.

64 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

Name Pattern
Defines the pattern for creating image names.
$(IMAGEPREF)_$(ARCHIVE)_$(POOL)_$(IMAGESEQ) is set by default.
$(ARCHIVE) is the placeholder for the archive name, $(POOL) for the pool
name and $(IMAGESEQ) for an automatic serial number of the image. The
prefix $(IMAGEPREF) is defined in the Server Configuration in the folder
Administration Server (ADMS) > Jobs and Alerts > Automatic
initialization of media. You can define any pattern, only the placeholder
$(IMAGESEQ) is mandatory. You can also insert a fixed text. The image is
named by the Write job.
Click Test Pattern to view the name planned for the next image on the basis
of this pattern.
Minimum Amount of Data
Minimum amount of data to be written in MB. At least this amount must
have been accumulated in the disk buffer before any data is written to storage
Maximum Amount of Data
If you want to limit the size of the ISO images, enter their maximum size in
MB. Data in the disk buffer that exceeds this limit will be written to the next
Write Job / Number of Drives
Number of write drives that are available on the original virtual jukebox.
Backup Job / Number of Drives
Number of write drives that are available on the backup virtual jukebox.

Media Handling
In this section, you specify the media type and the configuration of the partitions
which are filled with ISO images.
Allowed Media Type
The media type is HD-WO.
Partition Name Pattern
Defines the pattern for creating partition names.
$(PREF)_$(ARCHIVE)_$(POOL)_$(SEQ) is set by default. $(ARCHIVE) is the
placeholder for the archive name, $(POOL) for the pool name and $(SEQ) for an
automatic serial number. The prefix $(PREF) is defined in the Server
Configuration in the folder Administration Server (ADMS) > Jobs and Alerts >
Automatic initialization of media. You can define any pattern, only the
placeholder $(SEQ) is mandatory. You can also insert a fixed text. The
initialization of the medium is started by the Write job.
Click Test Pattern to view the name planned for the next partition on the basis of
this pattern.
Number of Backups
Number of backup media that is written in the backup jukebox. For virtual
jukeboxes (HD-WO media), the number of backups is restricted to 1.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 65

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Original Jukebox
Select the original jukebox.
Backup Jukebox
Select the backup jukebox. For storage systems (virtual jukeboxes with HD-WO
media), the original and backup jukeboxes must be configured on physically
different storage systems.
Auto Finalization
Select this option if you want to finalize the partitions in this pool automatically,
see also “Finalizing storage media” on page 131.
Last Write Access
Defines the number of days since the last write access.
Filling Level of partition
Defines the filling level in percent at which the partition should be finalized.
The Storage Manager automatically calculates and reserves the storage space
required for the ISO file system. The filling level therefore refers to the space
remaining on the partition.
Note: The partitions list of an IFS pool lists only the partitions but not the ISO
images. To list the images, use the List Images on an IFS Partition utility.

See also:
• “Creating a pool with buffer” on page 56
• “Pool type” on page 25

4.2.7 Write configuration for Single File (VI) pools

The Write Configuration of Single File (VI) Pool dialog box is displayed by the
wizard that helps you set up and configure pools, and when you modify the VI pool
configuration with Edit Pool.
Here you configure the parameters to write data as single files to a storage system
that is connected via its API.

66 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.2 Pools

Copy to Cache
If this option is enabled, the documents are copied to cache before the data is
deleted from the disk buffer and after they are written to storage media. Enable
this option if you require fast access to the data.
Write Job / Documents written in parallel
Number of documents that can be written at once.

See also:
• “Creating a pool with buffer” on page 56
• “Pool type” on page 25

4.2.8 Write configuration for Single File (FS) pools

The Write Configuration of Single File (FS) Pool dialog box is displayed by the
wizard that helps you set up and configure pools, and when you modify the FS pool
configuration with Edit Pool.
Here you assign the partition of a storage system to which the data will be written
from the disk buffer as single files.

You can select one from the available HD partitions

Select an existing partition from the list. The partition must have been created
previously in the Devices directory, see “Creating a hard disk partition” on page
or create a new HD partition
Partition name
Unique name for the HD partition for administration in the archive system.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 67

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Mount path
Mount path in the file system. The mount path is a drive under Windows and
a partition directory under UNIX/LINUX.
Disc device type
Select the storage medium or storage system to ensure correct handling of
documents and their retention.
Local hard disk partition, documents are only written from the buffer to
the partition.
Local hard disk partition read-only, documents are written from the
buffer to the partition and the read-only attribute is set.
netapp, samfs, trinity
Documents are written from the buffer to the corresponding storage
system with system-specific setting of the retention period.

See also:
• “Creating a pool with buffer” on page 56
• “Pool type” on page 25

4.2.9 Attach HD partition to buffer or pool

The Attach HD Partition to Buffer / Pool dialog box is displayed by the wizard that
helps you set up and configure pools. Here you assign a hard disk partition to the
buffer or HDSK pool.

68 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.3 Jobs

You can select one from the available HD partitions

Select an existing partition from the list. The partition must have been created
previously in the Devices directory, see “Creating a hard disk partition” on page
or create a new HD partition
• Partition name: Unique name for the HD partition for administration in the
archive system.
• Mount path: Mount path in the file system. The mount path is a drive under
Windows and a partition directory under UNIX/LINUX.
Note: If you specify a non-existent mount path, no pool is created.

4.3 Jobs
A job is a recurrent task, which is automatically started according to a time
schedule, or when certain conditions are met. Jobs related to the Archive Server are
set up during installation. Pool-related jobs (Write jobs, Purge_Buffer jobs) are
configured when the pool is created.

4.3.1 Important jobs

The tables list all preconfigured jobs and job commands for user-defined jobs. To see
all configured jobs for an Archive Server, select the Jobs tab in the Archive

Table 4-4: Preconfigured jobs

Command Name Description

Alert_Cleanup SYS_EXPIRE_ALERTS Deletes notifications of type
alert that are older than a
given number of hours. The
default is 48 hours and can
be changed in Server Con-
figuration, under Admini-
stration Server > Jobs and
Audit_Sweeper SYS_CLEANUP_ADMAUDI Deletes administrative audit
T information that are older
than a given number of days,
see “Auditing or
T job” on page 235. Do not
activate this job if you use
the auditing feature.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 69

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Command Name Description

backup Local_Backup Writes the backup of a parti-
tion to a local backup juke-
box, for all pools where the
Backup option is enabled.
compress_storm_statis Compress_Storm_Statistics Compresses the statistc files
tics written by STORM, see
“Storage Manager statistics”
on page 238
organizeAccData Organize_Accounting_Data Archives or deletes old ac-
counting data, see
“Accounting” on page 235
Protocol_Sweeper SYS_CLEANUP_PROTOCOL Delete old job protocol en-
tries, see also “Job protocol”
on page 198.
delete_empty_partitio Delete_Empty_Partitions Deletes partitions that con-
ns tain only deleted documents
whose retention period has
expired in Document Service
and STORM.
Refresh_Archive_Info SYS_REFRESH_ARCHIVE Synchronize the configura-
tion information of the
known Archive Servers
save_storm_files Save_Storm_Files Performs a backup of
STORM configuration files
and the IXW file system in-
formation, see .
synchronize Synchronize_Replicates Replicates the data in a re-
mote standby scenario

Table 4-5: Pool related jobs

Command Description
Write_CD Writes data from disk buffer to storage media as ISO images, belongs
to ISO pools
Write_WORM Writes data incrementally from disk buffer to WORM and UDO, be-
longs to IXW pools
Write_IFS Writes ISO images incrementally from disk buffer to certain storage
systems, belongs to IFS pools
Write_GS Writes single files from disk buffer to a storage system through the
interface of the storage system (vendor interface), belongs to Single
File (VI) pools
Write_HDSK Writes single files from disk buffer to the file system of an external
storage system, belongs to Single File (FS) pools

70 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.3 Jobs

Command Description
Purge_Buffer Deletes the contents of the disk buffer according to conditions, see
“Purge Buffer settings” on page 34
backup_pool Performs the backup of all partitions of a pool
Compress_HDSK Compresses the data in a HDSK pool

Table 4-6: Other jobs

Command Description
Migrate_Volumes Controls the operation of the Migration service that performs media
migration, see “Migration” on page 193.
compare_backup_ Checks one or more backup IXW partitions. Enter the partition
worms name(s) as argument. You can use the * wildcard. If no argument is
set, all backup IXW partitions in all jukeboxes are compared.
dmsremotecmd Required only on the primary Archive Server for the Context Server
in PDMS and BPM scenarios:
The job starts scripts on the Context Server.
Some arguments: reorgjob updateStat
See also: Section 2.6.3 "Define the scheduling PDMS Context jobs" in
Livelink® PDMS Context Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACX).
hashtree Builds the hash trees for ArchiSig timestamps, see “ArchiSig time-
stamps” on page 87.
pagelist Creates the index information for SAP print lists (pagelist)
start<DPname> Start the Document Pipelines for the import scenarios:
• import content (documents / data) with extraction of attributes
from content (CO*),
• import content (documents / data) and attributes (EX*),
• import forms (FORM).
See Livelink ECM - Archive Server - Document Pipelines and Import In-
terfaces (AR-CDP) for more information.

4.3.2 Creating jobs

1. Click the Jobs tab.
2. Right-click in the Jobs table and choose Add.
3. Enter a name for the new job, select the command, enter the arguments
depending on the job, and schedule the job.
Details: “Job command and scheduling” on page 72

4.3.3 Changing job scheduling

The scheduling and the starting conditions of a job can be modified at any time.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 71

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

1. Click the Jobs tab.

2. Right-click the job and choose Edit.
3. Modify the scheduling and/or the start conditions and click OK.
Details: “Job command and scheduling” on page 72

4.3.4 Job command and scheduling

This dialog box appears at various places and with different names. You see it when
you add or edit a job, when you configure or edit pools (Write job) and when you
create or edit buffers (Purge Buffer job). You enter the name and command for new
jobs, and define the conditions and/or schedule to start the job. A job can be started:
• at a certain time,
• when another job is finished,
• when another job is finished with a certain return value,
• at a certain time when a job has finished.
Example: The Purge_Buffer job that deletes the documents in the disk buffer
should be configured to start after the successful execution of the Local_Backup job
that writes the backup media. Thus it is guaranteed that the documents are always
stored in two places.

72 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.3 Jobs

Unique name of the job that describes its function so that you can distinguish
between jobs having the same command. Do not use blanks and special
characters. You cannot modify the name later.
Command / Argument
Job command to be executed together with the necessary arguments. The entries
in the Arguments field are limited to 250 characters. Only arguments can be
modified later.
To use the schedule settings, select the use Scheduling option. Define the start
time of the job, specified by month, day, hour and minute. Thus you can define
daily, weekly and monthly jobs.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 73

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

Additionally, you can define the stop time for the job, the Time Limit. Thus you
can prevent collision of jobs which use the same resources. If you set the time
limit to 01:00, the job will be stopped at 01:00 o'clock in the night.
Some commands are specified as uninterruptable, for example, the Write_CD
command. You receive an error message when you try to set a time limit for
these commands.
Start condition
To specify start conditions for a job, select the Use Conditions option.
Previous Action
Here you specify the type of action that is to be performed before the job is
started. You can choose between starting the Administration Server and
another job.
The return value indicates the result of a job run. If a job finishes successfully,
it usually returns the value 0. To start a job only when the previous job
finished successfully, enter 0 into the Check Return Value field.
Time frame
Here you can specify a start and stop time for the execution of the write job.
All job dependencies are listed in the table Job dependencies in the Jobs tab.

General recommendations for job scheduling

• Distribute the jobs over the 24-hour-day.
• Jobs accessing the database on the same server must not collide, for example the
Write jobs, Local_Backup job and Purge_Buffer jobs.
• Monitor the job messages and check the period the jobs consume. Adapt the job
scheduling accordingly.

Scheduling for jobs using jukeboxes

• Jobs accessing jukebox drives must not collide: different Write jobs,
Local_Backup, Synchronize_Replicates (Remote Standby Server), and
• Only one drive is used for Write jobs on WORM/UDO. So only one
WORM/UDO can be written at a time. That means, only one logical archive can
be served at a time.
• Backup jobs need two drives, one for the original, one for the backup media.

74 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.3 Jobs

4.3.5 Modifying the configuration of Write jobs

From all pools except HDSK, the data is regularly written from the disk buffer to the
storage media. The corresponding Write jobs are set up when the archive is created.
Alongside the scheduling options, you have configured a number of parameters that
define the way these jobs run. You can modify these parameters:
1. Open the Archives directory in the Servers tab.
2. Right-click the pool whose Write job you want to modify and choose Edit Pool.
3. Modify the settings in the General tab.
Details: “Write configuration for ISO pools” on page 58
“Write configuration for IXW pools” on page 61
“Write configuration for IFS pools” on page 63
“Write configuration for Single File (FS) pools” on page 67
“Write configuration for Single File (VI) pools” on page 66

You can assign another buffer to the pool. If you do, make sure that
• all data from the old buffer is written to the storage media,
• the backups are completed,
• no new data can be written to the old buffer.
Data that remains in the buffer will be lost after the buffer change.

You can also modify the scheduling of the write job in the Edit Job tab (see “Job
command and scheduling” on page 72).

4.3.6 Modifying the configuration of Purge Buffer jobs

If documents are not immediately deleted from the disk buffer after being written to
a storage medium, they must be removed from the buffer at regular intervals. For
example, in IXW pools the documents always remain in the buffer for security
reasons, or the disk buffer is used as a type of cache. Documents are removed from
the disk buffer using the Purge_Buffer job. This job is configured when a pool or
disk buffer is created. To modify the configuration:
1. In the Servers tab, open the Buffers directory.
2. Right-click the disk buffer and choose Edit Buffer.
3. Modify the settings in the General tab.
Details: “Purge Buffer settings” on page 34.
You can also modify the scheduling of the Write job in the Edit Job tab (see “Job
command and scheduling” on page 72).

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 75

Chapter 4 Configuring archives, pools, and jobs

4.4 Printing the configuration settings

You can print the current settings in the Archive Administration tabs or save them
in an HTML file. The output is particularly helpful for troubleshooting.

1. From the File menu, choose Print report..

2. Choose the configuration elements for the report.

Select... to print...
Archives the complete archive and pool configuration with the associ-
ated partitions, write jobs and Purge_Buffer jobs with their
settings and schedule.
See also: “Archives directory” on page 276
Cache partitions all defined cache partitions.
See also: “Cache Paths directory” on page 289
Servers all settings in the Servers tab: archives and known servers
with their cache server settings and SAP configurations, the
server's hard disk buffers and the connected SAP systems and
SAP gateways.
See also: “Servers tab” on page 275
Devices all settings in the Servers tab, Devices directory: devices with
their device information and the available partitions.
See also: “Devices directory” on page 290

76 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

4.4 Printing the configuration settings

Select... to print...
Buffers all settings in the Servers tab, Buffers directory: hard disk
buffers with the attached partitions and the Purge_Buffer job
See also: “Buffers directory” on page 290
Vaults all defined vaults with their name, type, server and last access
See also: “Vaults directory” on page 295
Jobs all configured jobs with their names, commands, schedule and
activation status.
See also: “Jobs tab” on page 299
Job protocol log messages for all jobs, with or without messages for each
log entry.
See also: “Job protocol” on page 198
Notifications all settings in the Notifications tab: events together with their
associated notifications and an overview of all the available
See also: “Notifications tab” on page 301
Alerts notifications of type Admin Client Alert.
See also: “Buttons” on page 268 and “Configuring and assign-
ing notifications” on page 203
Archive modes all settings in the Archive Modes tabs: configuration of the
archive modes with the scan workstations and the associated
archive modes.
See also: “Archive Modes tab” on page 302
Users Groups Poli- users with their group membership and the assigned policies.
cies user groups with their users and the assigned policies:
existing policies with the associated rights, all or user defined
See also: “Users tab” on page 302
Security all settings in the Security tab.
See also: “Security tab” on page 303

3. Click:
• Print to print the configuration settings, or
• Preview to view the file on the screen.
You can print the file or save it in HTML format.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 77

Chapter 5
Configuring security settings
The Archive Server provides several methods to increase security for data
transmission and data integrity:
• SecKeys (signed URLs) for verification of URL requests
• SSL for secure HTTP communication
• document encryption
• timestamps to ensure that documents were not modified unnoticed in the
You can find more information on security topics in the ESC:
Configuration settings concerning security topics are described in more detail in the
IXOS® ECR Server - Configuration Parameters (AR-RCP-EN) manual under
“Document Service”, “Key Store backup/restore tool” and “Timestamp Server”.

Changing security settings

Security settings are usually configured during installation and initial
configuration. If you would like to change this configuration later, we
strongly recommend to contact Open Text Customer Support before.

Protecting from computer viruses

To archive “clean” documents, you must protect the documents from
viruses before archiving. The Archive Server does not perform any checks
for viruses. To ensure error-free work of the Archive Server, locations where
documents are stored temporarily, like disk buffer partitions, cache
partitions and Document Pipeline directories, must not be scanned by any
anti-virus software while the Archive Server is using them.

5.1 SecKeys / Signed URLs

SecKeys The Archive Server supports verification of SecKeys for HTTP communication. A
SecKey is an additional parameter in the URL of the archive access. It contains a
digital signature and a signature time and date. The requesting system creates a

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 79

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

signature for the relevant parameters in the URL and the expiration time and signs it
with a private key. The Archive Server verifies the signature with the public key and
only accepts requests with a valid signature and if the SecKey's expiration time is
not expired.
Certificates The certificates with public keys are related to the logical archives. You can use
different keys for different archives if you have more than one leading application
or document types with different security requirements. You can also use one
certificate for several or all archives.
Remote Standby In Remote Standby environment, the Synchronize_Replicates job replicates the
certificates for authentication. Only enabled certificates are copied. The certificate on
the Remote Server is disabled after synchronization, enable it as described in the
procedure “To enable a certificate” on page 81.
Protection levels Whether SecKeys are verified or not is defined on several levels.
For the Archive Server, i.e. all archives on the server:
In the Server Configuration under Document Service (DS) / Security Settings /
Global security settings for HTTP: Security Behaviour
If No Security is set, the Archive Server does not verify the SecKeys, other
settings are not relevant.
See also: “To activate SecKeys” on page 81.
For the archive:
Settings Signature required to in the Archive Access dialog box.
See also: “To set security settings for the archive” on page 81.
For the document:
The leading application can archive the document together with the document
protection level. It defines for which actions on the document (create, read,
update, delete) a valid SecKey is required.
By default, the document protection has higher priority than the archive protection.
The administrator can reverse the priority by enabling Ignore Document Protection
in the Server Configuration under Document Service (DS) / Security Settings /
Global security settings for HTTP.

Do not use the Ignore Document Protection setting on a working server!
Take care to enable the Signature required to settings for the archives.
Otherwise, protected documents can be used without a valid SecKey.

Tasks The administrator must send or import the certificate with the public key to the
Archive Server. This procedure depends on the requesting leading application or
component. On the Archive Server, the adminstrator must configure the usage of
• “Configuring SecKeys on the Archive Server” on page 81

80 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.1 SecKeys / Signed URLs

• “SecKeys from SAP ” on page 81

• “SecKeys from other leading applications and components ” on page 82
• “Importing certificate for authentication” on page 83

5.1.1 Configuring SecKeys on the Archive Server

To use SecKeys on the Archive Server, the adminstrator:
• activates the SecKeys,
• enables the certificate,
• defines the security settings for the archives.

To activate SecKeys
1. Choose File > Server Configuration.
2. Navigate to Document Service (DS) / Security Settings / Global security
settings for HTTP.
3. Set Security Behaviour to PKCS7 signatures (SEC_R3L2).
See also: “Protection levels” on page 80.

To enable a certificate
1. Click the Servers tab.
2. Select the archive for which the certificate that was sent or imported before.
See also: “SecKeys from SAP ” on page 81
“SecKeys from other leading applications and components ” on page 82
3. In the Assigned certificates for authentication table, check the fingerprint and
view the certificate.
Details: “View Certificate” on page 93
4. Right-click the certificate and choose Enable.

To set security settings for the archive

1. Click the Servers tab.
2. Select the logical archive.
3. In the Security area, click the Edit button.
4. Select the operations for which a SegKey is required.
Details: “Defining access to the archive” on page 47

5.1.2 SecKeys from SAP

SecKeys can be used if the SAP Content Server HTTP Interface 4.5 (ArchiveLink 4.5) is
used for communication between the SAP system and the Archive Server.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 81

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

Before verification is possible, the SAP system must send the public key to the
Archive Server as a certificate with the transaction OAHT. There, you enter the target
Archive Server and the archives for which the certificate is valid.
To verify the authenticity of the transmitted certificate, the system administrators of
the SAP system and the Archive Server compare the fingerprints of the sent and the
received certificates. If the fingerprints match, the archive administrator Enables the

5.1.3 SecKeys from other leading applications and

SecKeys can also be used to secure communication between Livelink ECM -
Production Document Management, Livelink for Siebel, Livelink Enterprise Scan and the
Archive Server. Some client programs of the Archive Server, for example, the
Document Pipeline, also support SecKeys.
The certificate is sent to the Archive Server with the putCert command or imported
with the Import Certificate for Authentication utility. You can create a certificate
with the OpenSSL script generate_certificate, or you can generate a request
with this script to get a trusted certificate.
If you have to manage a large number of certificates, make sure that the AuthIDs
and the Distinguished Names of the certificates are unique. The AuthID is used
when sending the certificate to the Archive Server and is displayed in the ID
column of the Assigned certificates for authentication table. The Distinguished
Name is built from the data that you enter when you create the certificate. It is used
to find the correct certificate for decryption of the SecKey.

1. Create a certificate with the generate_certificate script, or create the request

and send it to a trust center.
You can download the script for your operating system from the ESC:
The key.pem file contains the private key and is used to sign the the URL.
cert.pem contains the public key that the Archive Server uses to verify the
2. Store the certificate and the private key on the server of your leading
application, see the corresponding Administration Guide for details.
For Enterprise Scan and client programs of the Archive Server, store the
certificates in the directories defined in the Server Configuration: under General
eCONserver settings (COMMON) / Client Certificate Settings / Client Private
Key File for key.pem and Client Certificate File for cert.pem. The directory
<IXOS_ROOT>\config\seckey\ is entered by default. Correct the path, if
necessary, and add the file names.
By storing the certificates in the file system, they are recognized by Enterprise
Scan and the client programs.

82 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.1 SecKeys / Signed URLs

For security reasons, limit the read permission for these directories to
the system user (Windows) or the archive user (UNIX).

3. To import the certificate with the utility, do one of the following:

• On the Utilities menu, click Import > Certificate For Authentication.

• In the Servers tab, select the archive, right-click in the Assigned certificates
for authentication and choose Import > Certificate For Authentication.
Details: “Importing certificate for authentication” on page 83
Repeat this step, if you want to use the certificate for several archives.
4. To send the certificate with the putcert command, do the following:
a. Open a command line, enter the following command and press ENTER:
C:\>dsh -h <host>
<host> is the name of your Archive Server. The following prompt is
displayed:command: _
b. Enter the following command and press ENTER:
setAuthId -I <myserver>
<myserver> is the name of your leading application server.
c. Enter the following command and press ENTER:
putCert -a <archive> -f <file>

For the <archive> variable, enter the logical archive on the Archive Server for
which the certificate is relevant. Replace the <file> variable with the name of
the certificate, i.e. cert.pem.
If you need the certificate for several archives, call the command again for
each archive.
d. Quit the program with exit.
The Archive Server now recognizes the certificate and the certificate is
shown in the Assigned certificates for authentication table of the archive in
the Servers tab.
5. In the Servers tab, select the archive. Enable the certificate.

5.1.4 Importing certificate for authentication

With the Importing Certificate For Authentication utility, you import system
certificates for SecKey verification.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 83

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

Type the name of the archive for which the certificate is relevant. Leave the field
empty if you want to use it for all archives. Start the utility again, if you need it
for several but not all archives.
Path to the certificate file
Enter the path including the complete file name.
Enable certificate
If you are sure that the certificate is correct, select this option. You can also
enable it later, after checking the fingerprint.
The IDs of the existing certificates are shown in the Security tab.

5.2 SSL communication

By using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for HTTP communication, authorized and
encrypted access to the archive is possible through the network. In the Archive
Server, SSL is used for:
• HTTP connection to the Document Service
• connection between the Administration Server and the Archive Administration
Client using the Tomcat Web server.

5.2.1 SSL connection to Document Service

SSL can be used to secure communication between Imaging Clients and Document
Service, including cache servers. This method can be set up individually for each
Note: You can use the test certificate ixoscert.pem that is delivered with the
installation. For security reasons, you should create your own certificate, or
apply for a certificate at a trust center.

1. Create a certificate or request for certificate with the generate_certificate

You can download the script for your operating system from the ESC:
2. Copy the generated file (SSLkeycert.pem) to <IXOS_ROOT>/config/setup/.

Do not overwrite the file ixoscert.pem or the server will not be able to
decrypt encrypted documents anymore!

3. Set the path to your PEM file in <IXOS_ROOT>\config\Http.Setup.

84 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.3 Encrypted document storage

If certificate and key are in the pem file:

# SSL configuration
SSLCertificateFile "$(IXOS_SRV_CONFIG)/setup/<PemFileWithKeyAndCertificate.pem>"

If certificate and key are in different pem files:

# SSL configuration
SSLCertificateFile "$(IXOS_SRV_CONFIG)/setup/<PemFileWithCertificate.pem>"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "$(IXOS_SRV_CONFIG)/setup/<PemFileWithKey.pem>"

4. Activate SSL communication for the logical archives in the Servers tab, Security
area, Edit.
Details: “Defining access to the archive” on page 47.

5.2.2 SSL connection using Tomcat Web server

Administration Server and the Archive Administration client communicate through
the Tomcat Web server. This connection is secured with SSL. The certificate is
delivered with the keystore. If you want to use your own certificate, create it as

1. In a command line, change directory:

cd <IXOS_ROOT>/opt/java/bin

2. Create a new keystore with an interactive tool:

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -validity 1000 -keystore
Enter the requested input. The password should be changeit.
3. Copy the keystore file from the current directory to

4. Restart Tomcat with spawncmd restart tomcat

For more information, see


5.3 Encrypted document storage

Document data, in particular critical data, can be stored in an encrypted manner.
Thus the documents cannot be read without an archive system and a key for
decryption. Document encryption is performed by the job that compresses the hard
disk partition, or by the Write Job.

In the period of time between archival and running the relevant job, there is
unencrypted data on the hard disk partition!

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 85

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

For document encryption a symmetric key (system key) is used. You create this key
initially. The system key is encrypted on the archive server with the archive server's
public key and can then only be read with the help of the archive server's private
key. RSA is used to exchange the system key between the archive server and the
backup server.
Encryption can be set for each archive. By default, it is disabled.

To set up encryption for the archive

1. Click the Servers tab.
2. Select the logical archive.
3. In the Configuration area, click the Edit button.
4. Enable Encryption.
Details: “Editing the archive configuration” on page 49

To create a system key for document encryption

1. Click the Security tab.
2. Right-click in the System keys for document encryption table and choose
Generate new key.
A new system key is created.
3. Export the new system key with the command line tool recIO and store it at a
safe place.
Details: “Exporting and importing the key store” on page 94
4. Right-click the created system key in the table and choose Set as current key.
New documents are encrypted with the current key, while decryption always
uses the appropriate key.

Be sure to store this key securely, so that you can reimport it if necessary. If
the key gets lost, the documents that were encrypted with it can no longer
be read!
Do not delete any key, if you set a newer one as current. It is still used for

The Synchronize_Replicates job updates the keys and certificates first, before it
synchronizes the documents. The system keys are transmitted encrypted.
If you do not want to transmit the system keys through the network, you can also
export them from the original server to an external data medium and reimport them
on the backup server (see “Exporting and importing the key store” on page 94).

86 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.4 Timestamps

5.4 Timestamps
Timestamps Using timestamps, you can verify that documents have not been altered since
archiving time. An additional timestamp server is required for this. Creating a
timestamp means: The computer calculates a unique number - a cryptographic
checksum or hash value - from the content of the document. The timestamp server
adds the time and signs the checksum with the private key. The signature is stored
together with the document component. When a document is requested, the
Archive Server verifies whether the component was modified after storage by
looking at the signature. It needs the public key of the timestamp server certificate
for verification. The Windows Viewer and Java Viewer can display the verification
result. The Archive Server can use timestamps in two ways:
• Document timestamps (old)
• ArchiSig timestamps
Document Each document component gets a timestamp when it arrives in the archive - more
timestamps precisly, when it arrives in the diskbuffer and is known to the DS. This (old) method
requires a huge amount of timestamps and can be very expensive, depending on the
number of documents. Thus it is available only for archives that used timestamps in
former Archive Server versions. You can migrate these timestamps to ArchiSig
ArchiSig With ArchiSig timestamps, the timestamps are not added per document, but for
timestamps containers of documents represented by hash trees:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 87

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

A job builds the hash tree that consists of hash values of as many documents as
configured, and signs with the timestamp. Thus you can collect, for example, all
documents of a day in one hash tree. Only one timestamp per hash tree is required.
The verification process needs only the document and the hash chain leading from
the document to the timestamp but not the whole hash tree:

ArchiSig timestamps are less expensive and can be easily renewed. Open Text/IXOS
recommends to use this method.
Renewal of Electronically signed documents can loose their validity in the course of time,
timestamps because the availability and verifiability of certificates is limited (dependent on the
regional laws) and the key lengths, certificates as well as cryptographic and hash
algorithms may become unsafe. Therefore you can renew the timestamps for long-
term stored documents. You should renew the timestamps, before:
• the certificate is invalid,
• the key length is unsafe,
• the cryptographic algorithm is unsafe,

88 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.4 Timestamps

• the public key method is unsafe.

You need only one new timestamp per hash tree. No access to the documents is
necessary. At the current standard of knowledge, the timestamp should be updated
every 5 years.
Renewal of hash If documents must be retained a very long time (more than 20 years), the hash
tree algorithm that is used to calculate the hash values may become unsafe. In this rare
case, the hash tree must be renewed: The system reads the documents and calculates
new hash values and a new hash tree with a new hash algorithm, and signs the new
tree with a time stamp. This procedure is very time-consuming and not described in
this manual.
Configuration You can set up signing documents with timestamps and the verification of
timestamps including the response behavior for each archive (see “Editing the
archive configuration” on page 49). Consider the recommendations given above.

Once you have decided to use ArchiSig timestamps, you cannot go back to
document timestamps.

If you use both methods in parallel, the document timestamp secures the document
until the hash tree is built and signed. As this time period is short, an inexpensive
timestamp is sufficient for the documents, while the hash tree gets a timestamp
created with a certificate of an accredited provider. This trusted certificate is used
for verification.
Certificates The Archive Server gets the certificates required for verification on different ways:
Timeproof timestamp server and IXOS timestamps
The certificate is automatically stored on the Administration Server during the
first signing process. Thus, the certificates are only shown in the Security tab
after several documents have been signed. If you want the certificates to be
shown before the signing starts, enter in the command line:
dsSign -t.

Other timestamp servers like AuthentiDate

You import the certificate with the Import Certificate for Timestamp Verifica-
tion utility.
Details: “Import certificate for timestamp verification” on page 89
After import, check the fingerprint and enable the certificate.
Remote Standby In Remote Standby environment, the Synchronize_Replicates job replicates the
timestamp certificates. Only enabled certificates are copied. The certificate on the
Remote Server is automatically enabled after synchronization.

5.4.1 Import certificate for timestamp verification

With the Import Certificate For Timestamp Verification utility, you import
certificates for timestamp servers like AuthentiDate.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 89

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

1. Do one of the following:

• On the Utilities menu, click Import > Certificate For Timestamp
• In the Security tab, right-click in the Timestamp Server Certificates table
and choose Utilities > Certificate For Timestamp Verification.
2. Enter:
Path to the certificate file
Enter the path including the complete file name.
The IDs of the existing certificates are shown in the Security tab.
3. If you are sure that the certificate is correct, select Enable certificate and click
You can also enable it later, after checking the fingerprint.

5.4.2 Configuring ArchiSig timestamps

1. In the Server Configuration, under Document Service > Component Settings >
ArchiSig Timestamps, configure:
Minimum number of components per hash tree
The number of document components that are required to build a new hash
tree. In other words, this is the minimum number of document components
signed with one timestamp. For a rough rule of thumb, you can enter 2/3 of
your daily average number of document components to get one hash tree
per day.
Port / Hostname of the timestamp server
Enter the name and the port of your timestamp server.
Check the other values. Usually, you can use the default values.
2. Make sure that the certificate for your timestamp server is enabled in the
Security tab.
Details: “Timestamps” on page 87.
3. In the Servers tab, create a new archive with the name ATS and a pool to define
where the hash trees are stored.
4. For each archive that uses timestamps:
a. In the Servers tab, select the archive.
b. In the Configuration area, click Edit.
c. Select ArchiSig timestamps.

90 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.4 Timestamps

5. In the Jobs tab, create jobs to build the hash trees. You need one job for each
archive that uses timstamps.
See also: “Jobs” on page 69.

archive name
If you use ArchiSig timestamps, schedule a nightly job. If the hash trees are
written to a storage system, make sure that the job is finished before the
Write job starts.

5.4.3 Migrating existing document timestamps

You can migrate existing document timestamps into hash trees and sign the tree
with a timestamp. Thus, you can significantly reduce the number of timestamps
required for timestamp renewal.

You can migrate document timestamps only once! Never disable ArchiSig
timestamps after starting migration.

1. Configure as described in “Configuring ArchiSig timestamps” on page 90.

2. In a command line, call the timestamp migration tool for each pool to be
dsReSign —p <pool name>

3. Call the hash tree creation tool for each archive with migrated timestamps:
dsHashTree <archive name>

The tools calculate hash values from the existing timestamps, build hash trees and
get a timestamp for each tree.

5.4.4 Renewing timestamps of hash trees

If the timestamp of a hash tree is going to be no longer valid, you can resign the tree
with a new timestamp.

1. Configure a new certificate on your timestamp server, make is available for the
Archive Server and enable it in the Security tab.
Details: “Timestamps” on page 87.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 91

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

2. In a command line, enter:

dsHashTree show names

3. In the resulting list, find the distinguished subject name(s) of your timestamp
service (subject of the service’s certificate).
4. In a command line, enter:
dsHashTree -s <DistinguishedNameOfOldCertificate>

The process finds all timestamps that were created with the certificate indicated in
the command. It calculates hash values for the timestamps and builds new hash
trees. Each hash tree is signed with a new timestamp.

5.5 Checksums
Checksums are used to recognize and reveal unwanted modifications to the
documents on their way through the archive. The checksums are not signed, as the
methods used to reveal modifications are directed towards technical failures and not
malicious attacks.
The Enterprise Scan generates checksums for all scanned documents and passes
them on to the Document Service. The Document Service verifies the checksums and
reports errors that occur (see “Simplify monitoring with notifications” on page 199).
On the way from the Document Service to the STORM the documents are provided
with checksums as well, in order to recognize errors when writing to the media.
The leading application, or some client, can also send a timestamp instead of the
checksum. The verification can check timestamps as well as checksums. The
certificates for those timestamps must be known to the Archive Server and enabled
in the Security tab before the timestamp checksums can be verified.
You can activate the use of checksums for Document Pipelines on the local server in
the Server Configuration under General eCONserver Settings / Client Certificate
Settings / Use checksum in DS communication.

5.6 Importing, verifying, exporting, and analizing

Depending on the usage of a certificate, you use the appropriate utility for import:
• For verification of SecKeys: “Importing certificate for authentication” on page 83
• For verification of timestamps: “Import certificate for timestamp verification” on
page 89
• To encrypt the key store and the data transfer between known servers: “Set
Encryption Keys” on page 92

5.6.1 Set Encryption Keys

With the Set Encryption Keys utility, you replace the server key and certificate that
is used to encrypt the key store. With a new certificate, you can re-encrypt the key

92 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.6 Importing, verifying, exporting, and analizing

store. For security reasons, Open Text/IXOS recommends to obtain and import your
own certificate instead of using the delivered one.

1. On the Utilities menu, choose Import > Encryption Keys.

2. Enter the path and the complete file name and click OK.
This certificate is shown in the Security tab.
3. If you will use this certificate also for the encrypted data transfer to the Archive
Backup Server, enable it. Enabling is not necessary if you use it only for key
store encryption.

5.6.2 View Certificate

Before you enable a certificate check it carefully.

1. In the Security or Servers tab, right-click the certificate and choose View.
2. Check the certificate:

General tab
This tab provides detailed information to unambigously identify the
certificate: the certificate's issuer, the duration of validity, and the
Certification Path tab
Here you can follow the certificate's path from the root to the current
certificate. A certificate can be created from another certificate. The path
shows the complete derivation chain. You can also view the parent certificate
information from here.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 93

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

5.6.3 Exporting and importing the key store

The contents of the key store (all keys) of an Archive Server can be exported and
imported with the recIO command line program. The program must be executed
directly on the Archive Server.
recIO <command> [<options>]

The following commands are available:

Lists the contents of the key store (without the keys themselves) in a table.
The user must log on.
sunny:~> /usr/ixos-archive/bin/recIO L
recIO 5.0 (C) 2001 IXOS Software AG built May 14 2001
Please authenticate!
User :dsadmin
Password :
idx ID c x created imported origin
1 EA03BDAF9ABB85A1 1 1 2001/01/18 17:26:01 ----/--/-- --:--:-- sunny
2 1EE312C064A27F73 0 1 2000/11/03 14:28:08 2001/05/14 15:14:52 hausse
3 3C5DE677C3707700 0 0 2001/01/05 17:52:57 2001/05/14 15:14:52 emma

Exports the contents of the key store. Use the export in particular to store the
system keys for document encryption.
The user must log on and specify a path for the export files. The option -t NN:MM
splits the contents of the key store into several different files (MM; maximum 8).
At least NN files must be reimported in order to restore the complete key store.
sunny:~> /usr/ixos-archive/bin/recIO E -t 3:5
recIO 5.0 (C) 2001 IXOS Software AG built May 14 2001
Please authenticate!
User :dsadmin
Password :
Writing keystore with 3 system-keys to 5 token-files (3 required to restore)
Token[1/5] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem )
File (CR to accept above) : p1.pem
Token[2/5] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem )
File (CR to accept above) : p2.pem
Token[3/5] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem )
File (CR to accept above) : p3.pem
Token[4/5] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem )
File (CR to accept above) : p4.pem
Token[5/5] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem )
File (CR to accept above) : p5.pem

Verifies the contents of the key store against the exported files.
The user must log on and specify the path for the exported data. Then the
exported data is compared with the key store on the Archive Server.
sunny:~> /usr/ixos-archive/bin/recIO V
recIO 5.0 (C) 2001 IXOS Software AG built May 14 2001
Please authenticate!
User :dsadmin
Password :
Token[1/?] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p1.pem
Token[2/3] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p2.pem

94 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

5.6 Importing, verifying, exporting, and analizing

Token[3/3] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)

File (CR to accept above) : p3.pem
key 1 : 1EE312C064A27F73 : OK
key 2 : BEEB5213EF5FFABF : OK
key 3 : 10C8D409E585E43B : OK

Displays the information on the exported files. The information is shown in a
sunny:~> /usr/ixos-archive/bin/recIO D
recIO 5.0 (C) 2001 IXOS Software AG built May 14 2001
Token[1/?] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p1.pem
Token[2/3] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p2.pem
Token[3/3] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p3.pem
idx ID created origin
1 EA03BDAF9ABB85A1 2001/01/18 17:26:01 sunny
2 1EE312C064A27F73 2000/11/03 14:28:08 hausse
3 BEEB5213EF5FFABF 2000/11/08 09:26:36 emma

Imports the saved key store.
The user must log on and specify the path for the exported data. The data in the
key store is restored, encrypted with the Archive Server's public key and sent to
the administration server. The results are displayed. Keys already contained in
the Archive Server's store are not overwritten.
sunny:~> /usr/ixos-archive/bin/recIO V
recIO 5.0 (C) 2001 IXOS Software AG built May 14 2001
Please authenticate!
User :dsadmin
Password :
Token[1/?] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p1.pem
Token[2/3] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p2.pem
Token[3/3] (default = /floppy/ixoskey.pem)
File (CR to accept above) : p3.pem
ID:BEEB5213EF5FFABF created:2000/11/08 09:26:36 origin:emma
Key already exists
ID:276CBED602BDFC25 created:2001/01/18 12:09:32 origin:arthomasa
Key successfully imported

5.6.4 Analyze Security Settings

To get an overview of the security settings for a particular logical archive, use the
Analyze Security Settings utility.

1. In the Servers tab, right-click the archive and choose Utilities > Analyze
Security Settings.
2. The selected archive is already entered in the Archive to analyze field. Click
3. A dialog with all security settings opens. Click Refresh to see the complete

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 95

Chapter 5 Configuring security settings

For security reasons, you can deactivate this function: In the Server
Configuration, under Document Service (DS) / Security Settings / Global
security settings for HTTP, deactivate the Allow the server to print reports
about security settings variable.

You can also print all settings that are shown in the Security tab, see “Printing the
configuration settings” on page 76.

96 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 6
Connecting to SAP
If you use SAP as leading application, you configure the connection not only in the
SAP system but also in the Archive Administration. The Document Pipelines for
DocuLink and Document Pipelines for SAP - in particular the DocTools R3Insert,
R3Formid, R3AidSel and cfbx - require some connection information. Thus, these
Document Pipelines can send some data back to the SAP server, for example, the
document ID in bar code scenarios. For theses scenarios, the Document Pipelines for
SAP must be installed. The basis and scenario customizing for SAP is described in
Livelink® for SAP® Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS). The configuration in the
Archive Administration includes:
• Configuring the gateway to the SAP system
• Configuring the SAP system
• Configuring the archives for use with SAP

6.1 Gateway configuration

SAP gateways link the SAP systems to the outside world. At least one gateway must
be defined for each SAP system. One gateway can also be used for multiple SAP
systems. All configured gateways and their settings are displayed in the details area
of the R/3 Gateways directory.
Access to a specific SAP gateway depends on the subnet in which a Document
Pipeline or Enterprise Scan workstation is located. The Internet address is evaluated
for identification purposes.

1. In the Servers tab, click R/3 Gateways.

2. Right-click in the detail area and choose Add or Edit.
3. Enter the gateway configuration:

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 97

Chapter 6 Connecting to SAP

Subnet mask
Specifies the sections of the IP address that are evaluated. You can restrict
the evaluation to individual bits of the subnet address.
Subnet addr.
Specifies the address for the subnet in which an Archive Server or Enterprise
Scan is located. At least the first part of the address (NNN.0.0.0) must be
specified. A gateway must be established for each subnet.
R/3 system ID
Three-character system ID of the SAP system (SAP_SID) for which the
gateway is configured. If this is not specified, then the gateway is used for all
SAP systems for which no gateway entry has been made. If subnets overlap,
the smaller network takes priority over the larger one. If the networks are of
the same size, the gateway to which a concrete SAP system is assigned has
priority over the default gateway that is valid for all the SAP systems.
R/3 Gateway
Name of the server on which the SAP gateway runs. This is usually the SAP
database server.
Gateway number
Two-digit instance number for the SAP system. The value 00 is usually used
here. It is required for the sapgwxx service on the gateway server in order to
determine the number of the TCP/IP port (xx = instance number; e.g.
instance number = 00, sapgw00, port 3300).

6.2 SAP system configuration

The Document Pipeline connects the SAP server in some scenarios. You configure
which SAP systems will be accessed. All configured SAP systems and their settings
are displayed in the details area of the R/3 Systems directory.

98 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

6.2 SAP system configuration

1. In the Servers tab, right-click R/3 Systems and choose Add R/3 System or Edit
R/3 system.
2. Enter the configuration:

Three-character system ID of the SAP (SAP_SID) system with which the
administered server communicates.
Server name
Name of the SAP database server on which the logical archives are set up in
the SAP system.
R/3 client
Three-digit number of the SAP client in which archiving occurs.
R/3 feedback user
Feedback user in the SAP system. The cfbx process sends a notification
message back to this SAP user after a document has been archived using
asynchronous archiving. A separate feedback user (type CPIC) should be set
up in the SAP system for this purpose.
Password of R/3 feedback user
Password for the R/3 feedback user. This is entered, but not displayed,
when the SAP system is configured. The password for the feedback user
must be identical in the SAP system and in Archive Administration.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 99

Chapter 6 Connecting to SAP

R/3 instance number

Two-digit instance number for the SAP system. The value 00 is usually used
here. It is required for the sapdpxx service on the gateway server in order to
determine the number of the TCP/IP port (xx = instance number) being
Relevant only for languages which require a 16-bit character set for display
purposes or when different character set standards are employed in different
computer environments. A four-digit number specifies the type of character
set which is used by the RFCs. The default is 1100 for the 8-bit character set.
To determine the codepage of the SAP system, log into the SAPGUI and
select System > Status. If the SAP system uses another codepage, two
conversion files must be generated in SAP transaction sm59, one from the
SAP codepage to 1100 and the other in the opposite direction. Copy these
files to the archive server directory <IXOS_ROOT>/config/r3config and
declare the codepage number here in Archive Administration. The cfbx
DocTool reads these files.
Language of the SAP system; default is English. If the SAP system is
installed exclusively in another language, enter the SAP language code here.
Here you can enter an optional description. This is restricted to 255
Tests the connection to the SAP system. The Test R/3 System Connection
dialog box opens and shows the test result.

6.3 Archive configuration for SAP

For archives used with SAP as leading application, specific information is required
for most archive scenarios. Enterprise Scan reads this information from the
Administration Server and stores it in the COMMANDS file. The cfbx DocTool needs
these settings to connect to the SAP system.
• The gateway to the SAP system, see “Gateway configuration” on page 97.
• The SAP system is configured, see “SAP system configuration” on page 98.
• The archive is configured in SAP with the same name. For more details on the
SAP customizing, see Livelink® for SAP® Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).
The current SAP system configuration for the archive is displayed in the details area
of the selected archive, in the R/3 system config. table.

1. In the Servers tab, select the archive.

100 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

6.3 Archive configuration for SAP

2. Right-click in the R/3 system config. table at the bottom of the details area and
choose Add or Edit.
3. Enter the configuration:

R/3 system ID
Three-character system ID of the SAP system with which the logical archive
communicates (SAP_SID).
ArchiveLink Version
The ArchiveLink version 4.5 for SAP R/3 version 4.5 and higher is currently
Communication protocol between the SAP application and Archive Server.
Fully configured protocols which can be transported in the SAP system are
supplied with the SAP products of Open Text/IXOS.
Default destination
Selects the SAP system to which the return message with the barcode and
document ID is sent in the Late Storing with Barcode scenario. This setting is
only relevant if the archive is configured on multiple SAP applications, e.g.
on a test and a production system.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 101

Chapter 7
Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan
There are archiving scenarios in which the Enterprise Scan workstation submits the
archive job. For these scenarios, the Enterprise Scan needs information about the
archiving operation. It needs to know which logical archives the documents are sent
to, and how the documents are to be indexed when archived. The archive mode
contains this information.
Archive modes are assigned to every Enterprise Scan client. When Enterprise Scan
starts, it queries the archive modes that are defined for it at the specified
administration server (in Livelink Imaging Configuration, Common Client Settings
> ADMS settings, variable ADMServerName).
The employee at the scan workstation assigns the appropriate archive mode to the
scanned documents in the course of archiving.
The following details must be configured correctly to archive from Enterprise Scan:
• Archive in which the documents are stored, scenario and conditions, workflow:
see “Creating an archive mode” on page 103.
• Enterprise Scan workstations to which an archive mode applies: see “Assigning
an archive mode to an Enterprise Scan workstation” on page 109.
• If SAP is the leading application:
the SAP system to which the barcode and the document ID are sent, the
communication protocol and version of the ArchiveLink interface: see “Archive
configuration for SAP” on page 100.
For more information on archiving scenarios, see “Scenarios and archive modes” on
page 106.

7.1 Creating an archive mode

With the archive mode you define the archiving scenario and the archive in which
the documents are to be stored.
1. Click the Archive Modes tab.
2. Right-click in the Archive Modes list and choose Add.
3. Enter the settings for the archive mode.
Details: “Archive mode settings” on page 104
4. Click OK.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 103

Chapter 7 Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan

Thus you can create several archive modes, e.g. if you want to assign document
types to different archives.

7.2 Archive mode settings

In the Add/Edit Archive Mode dialog boxes, you define the archive mode: where
the documents are stored, how they are processed, and further actions that are
triggered in the leading application. You can find a list of archiving scenarios and
their archive mode settings in “Scenarios and archive modes” on page 106.

104 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

7.2 Archive mode settings

Name of the archive mode. Do not use spaces. You cannot change the name of
the archive mode after creation.
Name of the archiving scenario (also known by the technical name Opcode).
Scenarios apply to leading applications.
Name of the logical archive to which the document is sent.
Pipeline host
In project solutions only, the Document Pipelines together with the Remote
Pipeline Interface can be installed on a separate computer. The pipeline is
accessed via an http interface (libdph). For those solutions, click Connect to
Pipeline, select the protocol, and enter the name and port of the computer where
the Document Pipeline is installed.
These archiving conditions are available:
If this option is activated, the document can only be archived if a barcode was
recognized. For Late Archiving, this is mandatory. For Early Archiving, the
behavior depends on your business process:
• If a barcode or index is required on every document, select the
BARCODE condition. Enterprise Scan makes sure that an index value is
present before archiving. The barcode is transferred to the leading
• If no barcode is needed, or it is not present on all documents, do not select
the BARCODE condition. In this case, no barcode is transferred to the
leading application.
Special setting for certain scanners. Only documents with a stamp are stored.
Early archiving with SAP.
Sorts the archived documents into piles for indexing according to certain
criteria. For example, the pile can be assigned to a document group in
Enterprise Scan, and the access to a document pile in a leading application
like PDMS can be restricted to a certain user group.
Name of the workflow that will be started in Livelink ECM - BPM Server when
the document is archived. For details concerning the creation of workflows, see
the Livelink ECM - BPM Server documentation.
Note: For internal purposes, the Archive Server converts the workflow
name to Base64 (a simple ASCII format). Use the Base64

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 105

Chapter 7 Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan

Encoding/Decoding utility to decode or encode the workflow name for

troubleshooting (see “Base64 Encoding/Decoding” on page 306).
Extended Conditions
This table is used to hand over archiving conditions to the COMMANDS file, for
example, to provide the user name so that the information is sent to the correct
task inbox. The extended conditions are key-value pairs. Click Add to enter a
new condition.

7.3 Scenarios and archive modes

Below you find some example settings for various archiving scenarios, sorted
according to the leading applications.

Livelink® for SAP® Solutions

You need the Document Pipelines for SAP (R3SC) for all archiving scenarios. For
scenarios in which archiving is started from the SAP GUI, you do not need an
archive mode.

Scenario (Opcode) Conditions Workflow Extended Conditions

Late storing with barcodes
See also Section 8.2.4 "Archiving with bar code technology" in Livelink® for SAP® Solutions
- Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).
Late_Archiving BARCODE n.a. n.a.
Specific scenarios
Early_Archiving n.a.
Late_R3_Indexing n.a.
Early_R3_Indexing n.a.
DirectDS_R3 n.a.

Livelink ECM - Production Document Management

You need the Document Pipelines for PDMS (SCDMS) for all archiving scenarios.

Scenario (Opcode) Conditions Workflow Extended Conditions

Documents are indexed in Enterprise Scan first. The archiving process archives the docu-
ment and adds documents to the Production Document Management.
DMS_Indexing n.a. n.a. n.a.
Pre-indexing to Tasks inbox
Documents are indexed in Enterprise Scan first. The archiving process archives the docu-
ment and creates a task in the Production Document Management inbox for a particular
user, or for any user in a particular group.

106 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

7.3 Scenarios and archive modes

Scenario (Opcode) Conditions Workflow Extended Conditions

DMS_Indexing n.a. n.a. BIZ_ENCODING_BASE64_UTF8N
value = <domain>\<name>
User group:
value = <domain>\<name>
Late indexing to Indexing inbox
Archives the document and creates an indexing item in the Indexing inbox. Documents are
indexed in PDMS.
Leave the values empty
Late indexing to Tasks inbox
Archives the document and creates a task in the Production Document Management inbox
for a particular user, or for any user in a particular group. Documents are indexed in
value = <domain>\<name>
User group:
value = <domain>\<group>
Late indexing for plug-in event
Archives the document and calls a plug-in event in the Production Document Manage-
ment. Documents are indexed in PDMS.

Livelink ECM - BPM Server

Scenario (Opcode) Conditions Workflow Extended Conditions

Start a workflow
Archives the document and starts the specified workflow for the document. You need the
Document Pipelines for BPM (SCPMS)
ProcessArchiving n.a. <name of workflow> n.a.
Start a workflow and store to PDMS
Archives the document, stores the index information in the Context Server and starts the
specified workflow for the document. You need the Document Pipelines for BPM and
DMSProcessArchiving n.a. <name of workflow> n.a.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 107

Chapter 7 Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan

Livelink for Siebel

You need the Document Pipelines for Siebel (SCSBL) for all archiving scenarios. See
also Section 2.4 "Creating Siebel-specific Archive Modes" in Livelink for Siebel -
Installation Guide (SI-IGD).

Scenario (Opcode) Conditions Workflow Extended Condi-

Archive mode SiebelActivity
Archives the document and creates Siebel activities.
Early_Archiving_Activity_Sbl n.a. n.a. n.a.
Archive mode SiebelLateArchiving
Late archiving scenario for Siebel
Late_Archiving_Sbl BARCODE n.a. n.a.
Archive mode SiebelServiceRequest
Archives the document and creates Siebel service requests.
Early_Archiving_SR_Sbl n.a n.a. n.a.

Universal Archive (IXOS-eCONtext for Applications Client )

You need the Document Pipelines for UA (SCDB) for the archiving scenarios.

Scenario (Opcode) Conditions Workflow Extended Conditions

Late indexing
Archive documents with a rudimentary index, index documents later
Late_Indexing PILE_INDEX, n.a. n.a.
Forms overlay for late indexing
Archives a form (see IXOS-eCONtext for Applications APIs - Forms Management (UA-CFM))
Form n.a. n.a. n.a.
Specific scenario
Obsolete scenarios
Early_Indexing Archive scanned and indexed documents or forms
Early_Indexing_Cut Cut signatures for early indexing
Late_Indexing_Cut Cut signatures for late indexing

108 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

7.4 Assigning an archive mode to an Enterprise Scan workstation

7.4 Assigning an archive mode to an Enterprise

Scan workstation
This assignment specifies which Enterprise Scan workstation can use which archive
modes. Multiple assignments are possible, i.e. you can operate with several scanners
and store documents in the same or different archives using different scenarios.
Enterprise Scan reads the archive modes from the Administration Server when it is
starting. So you have to restart Enterprise Scan after assigning archive modes.
1. Click the Archive Modes tab.
2. Right-click in the Scan Host Entries list and choose Add.
3. Enter the name of the Enterprise Scan workstation and select an archive mode.
Details: “Scan host assignments” on page 109
4. Click OK.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 in order to assign other archive modes to the Enterprise Scan
workstation. An entry in the Scan Host Entries list corresponds to each
6. Restart the Enterprise Scan workstation.

7.5 Scan host assignments

In the Add New Scan Host Entry dialog box, you enter a new scan workstation in
the Scan Host Entries list and assign one of the defined archive modes. To assign
multiple archive modes to a single scan workstation, you define multiple entries in
the Scan Host Entries list.

Scan Host
Name of the Enterprise Scan workstation that is used to reference it in the
network. Spaces are not permitted. You can check the validity of the name by
sending a ping to the scan workstation. The name must be entered in exactly the
same way as it has been defined at operating system level.
Archive Mode
Archive mode assigned to that scan host.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 109

Chapter 7 Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan

If this option is enabled, the archive mode is preset as the default at the
corresponding Enterprise Scan workstation. Only one archive mode can be set as

7.6 Removing Enterprise Scan assignments and

archive modes
If an archive mode is no longer needed at an Enterprise Scan workstation, then the
assignment can be deleted.
1. Click the Archive Modes tab.
2. In the Scan Host Entries list on the left, right-click the entry that you want to
remove and choose Delete.
3. Confirm the safety check question.
The new setting does not take effect until you restart Enterprise Scan.
4. If an archive mode is not assigned to any scan host, you can delete it in the Ar-
chive Modes list on the right.

110 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 8
User management for the Archive Server
The Archive Server needs a few specific administrative users for proper work. They
are managed in the Users tab in the Archive Administration. The required settings
are preset during installation. Use the user management, if:
• you need a user with specific rights,
• you want to change the password of the Archive Server administrator dsadmin.
The productive users of the leading application are managed in other user
management systems.

8.1 Concept
Modules To keep administrative effort as low as possible, the rights are combined in policies
and users are combined in user groups. The concept consists of three modules:
A policy is a set of rights, i.e. actions that a user with this policy is allowed to
carry out. You can define your own policies in addition to using predefined and
unmodifiable policies.
User groups
An user group is a set of users who have been granted the same rights. Users are
assigned to a user group as members. Policies are also assigned to a user group.
The rights defined in the policy apply to every member of the user group.
An user is assigned to one or more user groups, and he is allowed to perform the
functions that are defined in the policies of these groups. It is not possible to
assign individual rights to individual users.
• Users, user groups and policies can only be defined on the original archive
server. They cannot be created or modified if you are working on a remote
standby server.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 111

Chapter 8 User management for the Archive Server

Standard users During the installation of the Archive Server, standard users and user groups are
dsadmin in aradmins group
This is the administrator of the archive system. The group has the policy
ALL_ADMS and can perform all administration tasks, view accounting
information, and start/stop the Spawner. After installation, the password is
empty, change it as soon as possible with Edit User, see “User settings” on page
dpuser in dpusers group
This user controls the DocTools of the Document Pipelines. The group has the
policy DPinfoDocToolAdministration. The password is set by the user dsadmin
with Edit User, see “User settings” on page 116.
dpadmin in dpadmins group
This user controls the DocTools of the Document Pipelines and the documents in
the queues. The group has the policy ALL_DPINFO. The password is set by the
user dsadmin with Edit User, see “User settings” on page 116.
For more information on tasks of the users dpuser and dpadmin, see
“Documents in Document Pipelines” on page 229.
Note for users of previous versions:
Due to the improvement of internal processes, the number of internal users and
groups is now reduced. All scan related users, groups and rights are no longer
needed. If you need the old users for some specific reason, you can recreate
them as described in “Configuring users and their rights” on page 112:
User aradmin: policy ALL_ADMS, group aradmins.
User aroperator: policies Backups and MediaHandling, group aroperators.
User scan: policy ALL_SCAN, group scanusers.
User scanadmin: policy ALL_SCAN, group scanadmins.

8.2 Configuring users and their rights

If you need an additional user with specific rights - for example, if the administrator
of Livelink Imaging: Viewers and DesktopLink is not allowed to use the dsadmin user to
upload the client's configuration profiles - carry out the following steps:
1. Create the policy, see “Creating and checking policies” on page 112.
2. Create the user, see “Adding users” on page 115.
3. Create and configure the user group, see “Setting up user groups” on page 117.
This step includes the assignment of users and policies to the group.

8.2.1 Creating and checking policies

In a policy, you define which functions are allowed to be carried out. When creating
or modifying a policy, consider that the configuration applies to all members of user
groups to which the policy is assigned (group concept).

112 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

8.2 Configuring users and their rights

You use the Available Policies function to check, create, modify and delete policies.
1. Choose the Users tab.
2. Right-click on the Groups list and choose Available Policies.
3. To check a policy, select it in the left-hand list. The assigned rights are shown in
a hierarchical structure in the right-hand list.
Details: “Policy overview” on page 113
4. To create a new policy, click Add Policy.
5. Enter a name and description for the new policy, and assign the rights.
Details: “Policy configuration” on page 114
Tip: If the new policy is going to resemble an existing one, copy the existing
policy with Copy Policy, specify a new name and description, and then modify
this policy with Edit Policy.
A self-defined policy can be modified with Edit Policy. You can add and remove
rights, and change the description. You proceed in exactly the same way as when
creating a policy. The name of the policy cannot be changed.
To delete a self-defined policy, select it and click Delete Policy. The rights
themselves are not lost, only the set of them that makes up the policy.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Adding users” on page 115
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117

8.2.2 Policy overview

In the Policies dialog box, you see an overview of the available policies and the
rights assigned to them. You can create your own policies and associate them with a
combination of rights of your choice.
The standard policies are write-protected and cannot be edited and deleted.
However, you can copy such policies and then adapt the copy.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 113

Chapter 8 User management for the Archive Server

All available policies are listed here. A number of standard policies are supplied
on installation. These cover the vast majority of your working requirements. If
you select a policy, you see the rights assigned to this policy in the Assigned
rights table.
Assigned rights
The rights assigned to the selected policy are listed here. The rights are
organized into a hierarchy based on Archive Server components, tasks and

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Creating and checking policies” on page 112
• “Policy configuration” on page 114

8.2.3 Policy configuration

In the Add / Edit Policy dialog boxes, you can assign specific rights to a policy.

114 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

8.2 Configuring users and their rights

Name of the policy. Spaces are not allowed. The name cannot be modified.
Short description of the role the user can assume by means of this policy.
Assigned Rights
The rights that are currently associated with the policy. Click the Remove >>
button to remove the selected right or category of rights from this box.
Non-assigned Rights
All available rights that are not assigned to this policy. Click <<Add to assign the
selected right to the policy.
Rights are sorted on a hierarchical basis into categories. To select all rights in a
category, simply select the name of the category.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Creating and checking policies” on page 112
• “Policy overview” on page 113

8.2.4 Adding users

A user can belong to several groups. He or she has all rights that are defined in the
policies for these groups.
1. Choose the Users tab.
2. Right-click in the Users list and choose Add User.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 115

Chapter 8 User management for the Archive Server

3. Enter the user name and Document Service rights.

Details: “User settings” on page 116
4. Click OK.
You can change a user's settings with Edit User.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Creating and checking policies” on page 112
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117

8.2.5 User settings

In the Add New User / Edit User dialog boxes, you define internal users of the
Archive Server.

User name for Archive Server. The name may be a maximum of 14 characters in
length. Spaces are not permitted. This name cannot subsequently be changed.

116 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

8.2 Configuring users and their rights

User password for the specified user.
Confirm password
Enter exactly the same input as you have already entered under Password.
Global user
Obsolete setting
Document Service Rights to
Here you define the user's rights in the Document Service.
Member of
List of the groups of which the user is a member. To remove a user from one or
more groups, select the groups and click Remove >>.
Non-member of
List of the groups of which the user is not a member. To include a user in one or
more groups, select the groups and click <<Add.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Adding users” on page 115
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117

8.2.6 Setting up user groups

A user group is set up in three stages:
• Create group
• Assign policies
• Assign users
You have two options here:
• You can create the users first and then use Members to assign them to the
user group.
• You have already defined the groups, and assign new users during creation.
Step by step:
1. Choose the Users tab.
2. Right-click in the Groups list and choose Add group.
3. Enter the user group name and settings and click OK.
Details: “Add Group settings” on page 118.
4. Right-click the new group and choose Policies.
5. Assign the policies and click OK.
Details: “Group's policies” on page 118

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 117

Chapter 8 User management for the Archive Server

6. Right-click the new group and choose Members. Users are assigned in the same
way as policies.
Details: “Group's members” on page 119
To modify the assignments of a group, repeat steps 4 and 6.
To delete a user group, right-click it and select Delete Group. Neither users nor
policies are lost, only the assignments are deleted.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Creating and checking policies” on page 112
• “Adding users” on page 115

8.2.7 Add Group settings

In the Add Group dialog box, you create a user group for the Archive Server.
A name that clearly identifies each user group. The name may be a maximum of
14 characters in length. Spaces are not permitted.
Global group
Obsolete setting
Implicit group
Implicit groups are used the central administration of clients. In an implicit
group, all users are automatically members. If users who have not been explicitly
assigned to a user group log on to a client, they are considered to be members of
the implicit group and the client configuration corresponding to the implicit
group is used. If several implicit groups are defined then the user at the client
can choose which profile is to be used.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117
• “Group's policies” on page 118
• “Group's members” on page 119

8.2.8 Group's policies

In the Group`s Policies dialog box, you define the policies (and therefore also the
rights) for the group.

118 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

8.2 Configuring users and their rights

Name of the selected user group. You cannot edit the specification entered here.
Global group
Obsolete setting.
Implicit group
In an implicit group, all users are automatically members. You cannot change
this setting.
Assigned policies
The policies that are currently assigned to the group. Click the Remove >>
button to remove the selected policy from this box.
Other available policies
All available policies that are not assigned to the group. Click the <<Add button
to assign the selected policy selected to the user group.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117
• “Add Group settings” on page 118
• “Group's members” on page 119

8.2.9 Group's members

In the Group`s Members dialog box, you define the users belonging to the selected
user group.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 119

Chapter 8 User management for the Archive Server

Name of the selected user group. You cannot edit the specification entered here.
Global group
Obsolete setting.
Implicit group
In an implicit group, all users are automatically members. You cannot change
this setting.
The users who are currently assigned to the group. Click the Remove >> button
to remove the selected users from this box.
All available users who are not assigned to the group. Click the <<Add button to
add the selected user to the group.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117
• “Add Group settings” on page 118
• “Group's policies” on page 118

120 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

8.3 Checking a user's rights

8.3 Checking a user's rights

You cannot see the rights of an individual user directly because they are assigned
indirectly via policies to user groups and not to individual users. Do the following
to ascertain a user's rights:
1. Choose the Users tab.
2. Right-click the user in the list on the right-hand side and choose Edit User.
3. Note the user groups listed under Member of, and click Cancel.
4. You find the user groups in the Groups list. Right-click one of the groups that
you noted and choose Policies.
5. Note the policies listed under Assigned Policies, and click Cancel.
6. Right-click in the Groups list and choose Available Policies.
7. Mark one of the policies that you noted. The associated groups of rights and
individual rights appear in the right-hand list. Make a note of these.
8. Repeat step 7 for all policies that you noted for the user group.
9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for the other user groups to which the user belongs.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 121

Chapter 9
Storage Manager configuration

9.1 General configuration

The Storage Manager configuration is stored in a number of configuration files, and,
if IXW media are used as storage media, the file system information is also stored.
Note: You can also perform the configuration of the Storage Manager in the
Server Configuration (in the Archive Administration, click File > Server
Configuration). You can find details on working with the Server Configuration
and the meaning of the variables in the IXOS® ECR Server - Configuration
Parameters (AR-RCP-EN) manual.
Configuration files
The most important file is the configuration file, server.cfg. It is located in the
directory <IXOS_ROOT>\config\storm.
The configuration of the employed jukeboxes is defined in the *.dev files under

vol_jbd, vol_dirty
The file vol_jbd contains a list of all the media, which are known to the
jukebox daemon, i.e. including also media, which have been taken from the
jukebox but not exported. The file vol_dirty contains details of the media,
which have to be examined before they are used in the archive system. The
files are located in the directory

JournalFile1, JournalFile2
Contains the records for all the actions started by the jukebox daemon but not
completed. The files are located in the directory

IXW file system information

The ISO 9660 file system is used for ISO media as far as possible. There is no
general standard for IXW media and a special file system is therefore used for
such media. In a standard installation, the information on the directories and
files of all the known partitions is stored in four files: an inode file which
contains the information itself and three hash files which form the index:
hashname, hashfile and hashdir.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 123

Chapter 9 Storage Manager configuration

The configuration must be regularly backed up with the Save_Storm_Files job.

This job also checks the consistency of the IXW file system information. For more
information, see “Backup of the Storage Manager configuration” on page 180.

9.2 IXW file system information

The Storage Manager does not store its information about the IXW file system in a
database but in special hash and inode files. The configuration of these files is
defined in the file <IXOS_ROOT>\config\storm\server.cfg. In the ixworm section
of this file you can see the number and size of the hash and inode files, together with
the directories in which they are located. There must be sufficient storage space
available for the directories configured under path.
The following example shows the settings for a medium-sized archive to which
approximately 1000 documents are archived daily, and where the documents must
be stored for five years. Each of the hash files is 70 MB in size, and the inode file is
1300 MB. Additional storage space is reserved for a working directory, which is
needed when writing to the IXW medium. This directory DataFilePath must be at
least as big as the largest file to be written. Normally 500 MB is sufficient. In this
example a partition of 2.5 GB is recommended.
ixworm {
maxOpenDatafiles { 20 }
numInodes { 8800000 }
HWerrorLog { c:\IXOS-ARCHIVE\var\log\hw_errors.txt }
DataFilePath { e:\jmdata\tmp }
rehashWarning { 40 }
ixwhashdir {
nodesize { 4 }
files { file1 }
file1 {
path { e:\jmdata\hashdir }
size { 70 }
mode { mapped }
ixwhashname {
nodesize { 4 }
files { file1 }
file1 {
path { e:\jmdata\hashname }
size { 70 }
mode { mapped }
ixwhashfile {
nodesize { 4 }
files { file1 }
file1 {
path { e:\jmdata\hashfile }
size { 70 }
mode { mapped }
ixwinodes {
nodesize { 64 }
files { file1 }
file1 {
path { e:\jmdata\inodes }

124 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

9.3 Activating and deactivating jukeboxes

size { 1300 }
mode { file }

Note: Please note that the required directories must be created separately.
Directories are not automatically created.

9.3 Activating and deactivating jukeboxes

In the event of maintenance and repair work, jukeboxes have to be deactivated
beforehand, i.e. logged off from the archive. Only then can they be turned off.
Carry out the following steps to deactivate a device:
1. Click the Servers tab and open the Devices directory.
2. Right-click the required device and choose Detach. This device can no longer be
accessed and can be turned off.
Deactivated and new jukeboxes are made available to the archive by means of
activation. The prerequisite for this is that the STORM server must have been
installed on the archive server. Deactivated jukeboxes appear in gray in the Devices
Do the following to activate a device:
1. Click the Servers tab and open the Devices directory
2. To activate a new or deactivated jukebox, right-click in the list on the left-hand
side and choose Attach.
3. Click OK. It is now possible to access the device again.

9.4 Configuration of STORM scheduler

9.4.1 Disable parallel import in one jukebox
As parallel import of IXW media is very time-consuming and the entire jukebox is
not accessible for read requests during this time, parallel import into a single
jukebox is disabled by default.
To enable parallel import again, set the parameter noParTst=0 in the parameters
section of the server.cfg file.

9.4.2 Limitation of jobs per jukebox

If the hardware of a jukebox has a failure, the jobs couldn't be processed in time.
More and more jobs accumulate in the jukebox. This can lead to a server overload.
In this case no additional jobs could be executed, even in other still running

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 125

Chapter 9 Storage Manager configuration

To avoid this problem the amount of jobs per jukebox can be limited: Configure the
jobnum parameter in the parameters section of the server.cfg file.

Calculation of job limits

The job limit per jukebox is calculated mainly from the number of configured jobs
and the amount of configured jukeboxes:

The variables have the following meaning:

K= Calculated job limit per jukebox

N= All configured JBD jobs
R= Reserve (= 20)
M= Maximal amount of open files in the temporary directory of the IXW file system
(maxOpenDatafiles parameter in ixworm section in the file server.cfg)
F= Configured NFS receiver (parameter nfsRec)
J= Number of configured jukeboxes

What happens then?

If the job limit per jukebox is exceeded the following will happen:
• Standard (not write requests) presentation requests will be rejected if there is no
other jukebox for this volume with jobs below limit.
• Write requests are not processed!
• Administration requests are rejected if there are more than 4 pending
administration requests on overflow.
• Server shutdown or jukebox detach commands are always accepted but no
duplicate detach requests.

126 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Part 3
Chapter 10
Handling storage media
This chapter describes tasks that are relevant for optical storage media as well as for
storage systems: Initialization and finalization, export and import, consistency
checks. If you archive documents with retention periods, you also have to check for
correct deletion of the documents and clear partitions whose documents are deleted

10.1 Initializing storage media

Every partition requires a name, and it must be assigned to a pool and known to the
Document Service database. Partitions that are written in ISO pools automatically
get a name and assigned to a pool when the partition is written. The original and
backup partitions are assigned the same name. Identically named ISO partitions are
automatically assigned to the correct pool. In contrast, storage media that is used in
IXW and IFS pools have to be initialized and assigned to a pool. You can perform
the initialization automatically or manually.

Under Windows, writing signatures to media with the Windows Disk
Manager is not allowed. These signatures make the medium unreadable for
the archive.

10.1.1 Automatic initialization and assignment

When you set up and configure an IXW or IFS pool, you can define that the
associated media will be initialized automatically. In the Write job configuration,
you specify a name pattern for the media names. The initialized media are
automatically assigned to the corresponding pool.

• “Write configuration for IXW pools” on page 61
• “Write configuration for IFS pools” on page 63
• “Pool type” on page 25

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 129

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

10.1.2 Manual initialization and assignment

Partitions with the entry -blank- in the Name column in the partitons list have not
yet been initialized. If you do not use automatic initialization, you must initialize
each partition manually and then assign it to a pool.

1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.

2. Select the jukebox. The partitions are displayed in the right-hand list.
3. Right-click a -blank- partition, and choose Init.
4. Specify the partition.
Details: “Initialize Jukebox Partition settings” on page 130.
5. Click OK.
The partition is initialized and known to the Document Service database.
6. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.
7. Select the pool. On the right you see the partitions which have already been
assigned to the pool.
8. Right-click in the list of partitions, and choose Attach Partition.
9. Select one or more partitions that you want to assign to the pool. Make sure to
assign the two partitions of a double-sided IXW medium to the same pool.
Details: “Attach partition to pool” on page 286

10.1.3 Initialize Jukebox Partition settings

In the Initialize Jukebox Partition dialog box, you manually initialize a partition.
After initialization, you assign the partition to a pool.

Partition name
Name of the partition. The maximum length is 32 characters. You can only use
letters (no umlauts), digits and underscores. Give a unique name to every
partition in the entire network. This is a necessary precondition for the

130 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.2 Finalizing storage media

replication strategy in which the replicates of archives and partitions must have
the same name as the corresponding originals. The following name structure is
recommended: <archive-name>_<pool-name>_<serial-number>_<side>.
If the partition is intended to be a replicate or backup of another partition, do not
enter anything here. In these cases, the name is derived from the name of the
original partition.
Create as replicated partition
Click this check box if the partition will be a replicate partition on a remote
standby server. Click Select Partition to select the name of the associated
original partition. The Select Replicated Partition dialog box opens (see “Select
Replicated Partition dialog box” on page 295).
Click this check box if the partition will be a backup partition. Click Select
Partition to select the name of the associated original partition. The Partitions to
Backup dialog box opens where you can select the original partition.
Note: You can also automate initialization for a pool, see “Automatic
initialization and assignment” on page 129.

• “Manual initialization and assignment” on page 130

10.2 Finalizing storage media

Finalization is relevant for partitions in IXW and IFS pools. The basic idea of IXW
media finalization is to distill a file system according to ISO 9660 from the IXW file
system information and to write this structure permanently onto the medium. Thus
it will act as an ISO 9660 medium like CD and DVD and can be accessed using
standard software. Finalization of IFS partitions closes the partition.
Inode and hash After the IXW partition is successfully converted to an ISO 9660 partition the
files corresponding inodes are deleted from inode and hash files. So the size of the inode
and hash files can be kept small while providing fast access to the partition. If you
plan to use finalization consequently from the beginning, you may configure smaller
inode and hash files at installation time. It is not possible to reduce the size of inode
and hash files at a later time except by reimporting all partitions.
Export and Regarding export and import, finalized partitions are handled like other ISO 9960
import partitions. No export from and time-consuming import to the IXW file system
information is required.
Flags Finalization is implemented as utilities that can be started either automatically or
manually. Once a partition was finalized successfully, it is marked as finalized in
Archive Administration, in the Servers tab:
• In the list of assigned partitions of a pool the status I is displayed.
• In the list of partitions of a WORM/UDO jukebox the file system iso and the
status fin is displayed.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 131

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

• In the list of partitions of a virtual IFS jukebox the file system ifs and the status
fin is displayed.

Backups Backup partitions should be finalized when the corresponding original partition is
finalized and the backup is completed. Therefore finalization is included into the
backup jobs. If a backup job recognises that the original partition is finalized, it
performs the backup as usual. When done, it calls the finalization program for the
backup medium. The High Sierra name of the partition is not changed. It is not
possible to finalize backup partitions manually.

10.2.1 Automatic finalization

IXW and IFS partitions are automatically finalized if you activate the Auto
Finalization option in the pool configuration. The Finalize Partition utility is
started when the Write job has finished. It looks for partitions meeting the given
conditions and, if found, finalizes them.
You can enable automatic finalization and set the conditions either when creating
the pool or at a later time.
Configuration details: “Write configuration for IXW pools” on page 61

See also:
• “Manually finalizing a partition” on page 132
• “Automatic finalization” on page 132

10.2.2 Manually finalizing a partition

You can manually finalize an individual partition with the Finalize Partition utility.

1. Use one of these ways:

• In the Servers tab, select the archive and the pool. Right-click the partition in
the Partitions list and choose Utilities > Finalize Partition.
• On the Utilities menu, click Finalize > Partition.
2. Check or type the partition name.
3. Click OK.

See also:
• “Manually finalizing a pool” on page 132
• “Automatic finalization” on page 132

10.2.3 Manually finalizing a pool

You can finalize several or all partitions of a pool at the same time. In particular, this
is required if you did not use finalization so far.

132 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.2 Finalizing storage media

1. Use one of these ways:

• In the Servers tab, select the archive. Right-click the pool and choose
Utilities > Finalize Pool.
• On the Utilities menu, click Finalize > Pool.
2. Check the settings and enter missing information.

Name of the pool that is to be finalized.
Name of the logical archive to which the pool belongs.
Last write access
Defines the number of days since the last write access.
Filling level of partition
Defines the filling level in percent at which an IXW or IFS partition should be
finalized. For IXW partitions, the Storage Manager automatically calculates
and reserves the storage space required for the ISO file system. The filling
level therefore refers to the space remaining on the IXW partition.
The finalization conditions are independent from the pool parameters and do
not overwrite the specified pool parameters.
3. Click OK.
All partitions of the pool meeting these conditions are finalized.

See also:
• “Manually finalizing a partition” on page 132
• “Automatic finalization” on page 132

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 133

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

10.2.4 Setting the finalization status

If finalization is interrupted for whatever reason you can restart it again as often as
you want. If finalization has failed, an error message is displayed. If finalization has
failed several times and you no longer want to repeat it, you can set the error status
for that partition to fin_err to indicate that the partition cannot be finalized. This
error status cannot be removed later.

1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory and select the jukebox.
2. Right-click the IXW partition to which you want to assign the error status, and
choose Utilities > Set Finalization Status.
3. Check the settings.

Name of the partition.
Server name
Name of the STORM server.
Device name
Name of the jukebox.
Slot number in the jukebox.

134 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.3 When the retention period has expired

Number of the medium side.
4. Click OK.
The error status fin_err is inserted in the Final status column of the partiton

Note: The failure of the finalization does not affect the security of the data on
the medium!

10.3 When the retention period has expired

If documents have been archived with retention periods, the leading application can
delete these documents when the retention period has expired. The deletion of
documents and resulting empty partitions depends on the pool type and storage
medium. For general information on retention, see “Retention” on page 46. In this
section, you find the details of deletion behavior and the tasks to keep your archive
system well organized.
Document When the leading application sends the delete request for a document, the archive
deletion system works as follows:
Single files (from HDSK, FS, VI pools)
1. The Archive Server deletes the index information of the document from the
archive database. The document cannot be retrieved any longer, the
document is logically deleted.2
2. The Archive Server propagates the delete request to the storage system.
3. The storage system deletes the document physically and the client gets a
success message. Not all storage systems release the free space after deletion
for new documents (see documentation for your storage system). If deletion
is not possible for technical reasons, the information with the storage
location of the document is written into the TO_BE_DELETED.log file. The
administrator can configure a notifcation.
Container files (from ISO, IFS, IXW pools, blobs)
1. The Archive Server deletes the index information of the document from the
archive database. The document cannot be retrieved any longer.
2. The delete request is not propagated to the storage system and the content
remains in the storage. Only logically empty partitions can be removed in a
separate step.
Note on IXW pools:
Partitions of IXW pools are regarded as container files. Although the docu-
ments are written as single files to the medium, they cannot be deleted indi-

2 Deletion of components works differently: If the storage system cannot delete a component physically, the component
remains, it is not deleted logically.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 135

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

vidually, neither from finalized partitions (which are ISO partitions) nor from
non-finalized partitions using the IXW file system information.
Delete empty If documents with retention periods are stored in container files, the container
partitions partition gets the retention period of the document with the longest retention. The
retention period of the partition is propagated to the storage subsystem if possible.
The partition – and the content of all its documents – can be deleted only if all
documents are deleted from the archive database. The partition is purged by the
Delete_Empty_Partitions job. It checks for logically empty partitions meeting the
conditions defined in the Server Configuration under Administration Server > Jobs
and Alerts > Delete Empty Partitions and automatically deletes these partitions.
IXW partitions are only considered if they are physically full at the given level and
logically empty. In IFS pools, empty images are deleted. You can schedule the job
and run it automatically, or use the List Empty Partitions/Images utility to display
the empty partitions first and then start the deletion job manually.

To ensure correct deletion, you must synchronize the clocks of the Archive
Server and the storage subsystem, including the devices for replication.

Summary The following table provides an overview of the deletion behaviour:

Storage Pool type Delete from Delete content physically Destroy con-
mode archive DB tent
Single file HDSK x x x (Destroy un-
storage recoverable)
FS and VI x x —
Container ISO, IXW x Delete partition, when the x (destroy me-
file stor- on optical last document is deleted: dia)
age media Delete_Empty_Partitions
ISO on x Delete partition, when the —
storage last document is deleted:
system Delete_Empty_Partitions

136 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.3 When the retention period has expired

Storage Pool type Delete from Delete content physically Destroy con-
mode archive DB tent
IFS x Delete ISO image, when the —
last document is deleted:
job. The IFS partition must
be read-only.
Delete IFS partition when all
images are deleted, and the
partitions is closed or suffi-
ciently full:
job. The administrator de-
letes it physically by means
of the storage system tools.

• Not all storage systems release the space of the deleted partitions (see
documentation for your storage system).
• Blobs are handled like container file archiving.

10.3.1 Deleting empty partitions manually

If you want to check for empty partitions before you delete them, you use the List
Empty Partitions/Images utility. It displays a list of partitions that are logically
empty. For IFS pools, both empty images and partitions are shown.

1. In the Utilities menu, click List > Empty Partitions/Images.

2. Change the parameters, if needed. They are preconfigured in the Server
Configuration under Administration Server > Jobs and Alerts > Delete Empty
Partitions and avoid that new, empty partitions can be deleted.
Not modified since 'days'
Number of days since the last modification. The parameter prevents that the
partition or image can be deleted very soon after the last document is
More than 'percent' full
Only relevant for non-finalized IXW partitions and non-closed IFS partitions.
The parameter ensures that the partition is filled with data at the given
percentage (but logically, it is empty).
3. Click OK and check the resulting list.
4. To delete the listed partitions, start the Delete_Empty_Partitions job
manually: In the Jobs tab, right-click the job and click Now.
5. If you work with optical media, proceed as described in step 2 in “Deleting
empty partitions automatically” on page 138.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 137

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

10.3.2 Deleting empty partitions automatically

If you want to delete empty partitions automatically, proceed as follows:

1. In the Jobs tab, schedule and enable the Delete_Empty_Partitions job.

Details: “Changing job scheduling” on page 71
2. If you work with optical media:
a. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory and check the jukeboxes for
partitions with the name XXXX. These are the deleted partitions.

On double-sided media, check that both partitions are deleted.

b. Right-click the XXXX partition and choose Eject.

c. Destroy the medium physically.

10.4 Exporting partitions

A medium can be exported when the stored documents are no longer accessed. Use
export, if:
• The partition is defective.
• The partition contains test data that is no longer needed.
• You do not use the retention feature, but track the retention and expiration date
by other means. Thus you can state that the retention period of all documents on
the partition has expired.
During export, the entries about documents and their components on the partition
are deleted from the archive database. The partition gets the internal status
exported and is treated as nonexistent. After that, you remove the optical medium
from the jukebox. The database entries can be restored by importing the partition.
For IXW media (WORM or UDO), consider the finalization status. When non-
finalized IXW partitions are exported, the document information is deleted from the
database but the file system information (inode and hashfiles) are not updated.
Therefore we recommend finalizing IXW partitions before export.

138 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.4 Exporting partitions


• Each side of a double-sided optical medium (WORM, UDO or DVD-R)

constitutes a partition. Export both partitions before you remove the
medium from the jukebox.
• Do not use the Export utility for partitions belonging to archives that are
configured for single instance archiving (SIA). A SIA reference to a
document may be created long after the document itself has been stored;
the reference is stored on a newer medium than the document. SIA
documents can be exported only when all references are outdated but the
Export utility does not analyze references to the documents.
• Partitions containing at least one document with non expired retention
are not exported.

1. If the optical medium is not in the jukebox, insert it.

2. Do one of the following:
• In the Utilities menu, choose Export Partition(s).
• In the Servers tab, right-click the partition in the pool or in the jukebox
device and choose Utilities > Export Partition(s).
3. Enter the export parameters:

Partition name(s)
Name of the partition(s) to be exported. You can use wildcards to export
multiple partitions at the same time.
Export from database
Enable this option when you export a defective partition. It causes the
database to be searched for entries for this partition, and the entries relating

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 139

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

to the contents of the partition are deleted. The partition itself is not
If this option is disabled, the command searches the partition directly and
deletes the associated entries from the database. Intact partitions which are
no longer needed are exported in this way. The partition must be in the
4. Click OK.
The export process may take some time. To update the progress display, click
5. If the medium is a double-sided optical one, export the second partition in the
same way.
6. Remove the optical medium from the jukebox with Eject.
Details: “Removing optical media from jukebox” on page 155
Partitions on storage systems can be deleted by means of the storage system
administration if provided.

10.5 Importing partitions

When a partition is imported, the entries in the archive database are restored from
the information that is stored on the partition. The file system information that is
needed for non-finalized IXW media is updated automatically when the IXW
medium is inserted. For each pool type, an import utility is provided. Import a
partition, if:
• it was exported by mistake,
• it is moved to another Archive Server.

10.5.1 Importing ISO and IFS partitions

The import of ISO and IFS partitions requires the same information.

1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.

2. If you want to import an offline optical ISO medium, insert it, right-click the ISO
jukebox and choose Insert.
3. Select the jukebox, right-click in the partition table and choose Utilities >
Import ISO Partition(s) or Import IFS Partition(s).
4. Enter the import parameters. They are identical for both pool types.

140 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.5 Importing partitions

STORM server
Name of the STORM server by which the imported partition is managed.
Partition name(s)
Enter the name of the partition(s) to be imported. Use the existing name.
Additional command-line arguments for 'dsTools'
Not required for normal import, only for special tasks like moving
documents to another logical archive. Contact Open Text Customer Support.
Set backup flag after import
The partition is imported as a backup partition and entered in the list of
partitions as a Backup type.
5. Click OK.
The import process may take some time. A message box shows the progress of
the import. To update the display, click Refresh.

10.5.2 Importing finalized and non-finalized IXW partitions

1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
2. Insert the IXW medium, right-click the IXW jukebox, and choose Insert.
3. Right-click in the partition table and choose Utilities > Import IXW Or
Finalized Partition(s)
4. Enter the import parameters:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 141

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

STORM server
Name of the STORM server by which the imported IXW medium is
Partition name(s)
Name of the partition(s) to be imported.
Additional commands ...
Not required for normal import, only for special tasks like moving
documents to another logical archive. Contact Open Text Customer Support.
Import original partitions
The partitions are imported as original partitions.
Import backup partitions (for use in replicate archives only!)
The partitions are imported as backup partitions and entered in the list of
partitions as backup type.
Note: Do not select both Import... options for the same import process.
Set read-only flag after import
The partition is imported as a write-protected partition.
5. Click OK.
The import process may take some time. A message box shows the progress of
the import. To update the display, click Refresh.

142 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.5 Importing partitions

10.5.3 Lost&Found for IXW partitions

During import it is possible to display the parts of a corrupt IXW medium that still
are readable in a separate subfolder. The medium is write protected and a backup of
the medium is not possible. Execute the migration of the data to a new medium (see
“Migration” on page 193) and destroy the damaged medium or send it to IXOS for
analyzing. Do not finalize these media.

10.5.4 Importing hard disk partition

The utility imports hard disk partitions for use in HDSK and FS pools. After import,
you attach the partition to the correct pool manually.

1. On the Utilities menu, choose Import > HD Partition.

2. Enter the import parameters.

Base directory
Mount path of the partition.
Name of the hard disk partition to be imported.
The partition is imported as a backup partition and entered in the list of
partitions as a backup type.
The partition is imported as a write-protected partition.
3. Click OK.
The import process may take some time. A message box shows the progress of
the import. To update the display, click Refresh.
4. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 143

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

5. Select the archive and the FS or HDSK pool.

6. Right-click in the list of partitions, and choose Attach Partition to attach the
imported partition to the pool.

10.5.5 Importing GS partition for Single File (VI) pool

1. On the Utilities menu, choose Import > GS Partition.
2. Enter the import parameters.

Base directory
Mount path of the partition.
Name of the hard disk partition to be imported.
The partition is imported as a write-protected partition.
3. Click OK.
The import process may take some time. A message box shows the progress of
the import. To update the display, click Refresh.
4. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.
5. Select the archive and the pool.
6. Right-click in the list of partitions, and choose Attach Partition to attach the
imported partition to the VI pool.

144 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.6 Consistency checks for storage media and documents

10.6 Consistency checks for storage media and

The Archive Administration provides utilities for various checks and comparisons:
• Consistency checks of partitions and database
• Checking and counting documents and components
• Checking partitions
• Comparison of backup and original IXW media
You can call the utilities on the Utilities menu or by using the context menu of the
partition that will be checked. When the utility is started, a message window opens
where you can refresh the information. You can also open the message window later
by clicking Utilities > Started Utilities. Some utilities provide repair options.

10.6.1 Checking database against partition

This utility determines whether the documents and components that are known to
the database are actually stored on the partition. It detects missing documents on
the storage partition. Use the utility:
• after restoring an original partition from the backup, in particular, after restoring
IXW partitions,
• if you suspect the damage of a storage medium or partition.
The partition to be checked must be online. You can only check the partition, or try
to repair inconsistencies.
1. On the Utilities menu, choose Check > Database Against Partition.
2. Type the partition name and specify how inconsistencies are to be handled.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 145

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

Name of the partition that is to be checked.
try to copy document/component from other partition
The utility attempts to find the missing component on another partition. If
the component is found, it is copied to the checked partition. If not, the
component entry is deleted from the database, i.e. the component is
export component
The database entry for the missing component on the checked partition is de-

Use this repair option only if you are sure that you do not need the
missing documents any longer! You may lose references to
document components that are still stored somewhere in the archive.
If in doubt, contact Open Text Customer Support.

Repair, if needed
Check this box if you really want to repair the inconsistencies.
If the option is deactivated, the test is performed and the result is displayed.
Nothing is copied and no changes are made to the database.
3. Click OK. The utility starts and a protocol window opens.
4. Click Refresh to view the current messages. Once the test has been completed,
click Close.

146 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.6 Consistency checks for storage media and documents

10.6.2 Checking partition against database

This utility checks whether all the documents and components on the partition are
entered in the database. It detects lost document references in database. Use the
• for database recovery,
• if you suspect problems with the database contents.
The partition to be checked must be online. You can only check the partition, or try
to repair inconsistencies.
1. In the Utilities menu, choose Check > Partition Against Database.
2. Type the partition name and specify how documents missing in the database are
to be handled.

Name of the partition that is to be checked.
Import documents if they are not in the database
Missing document or component entries are imported into the database.
3. Click OK. The utility starts and a protocol window opens.
4. Click Refresh to view the current messages. Once the test has been completed,
click Close.

10.6.3 Checking a document

This utility checks if a document is correctly on the medium as known by the
database. Use it to analyze trouble with document access. You can run just the test
or have the document repaired at the same time. The medium containing the
document must be online.
1. In the Utilities menu, choose Check > Document.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 147

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

2. Type the document ID and enter the settings:

Type the document ID accordingly to the Type setting.
You can determine the string form of the document ID by searching for the
document in the application (e.g. on document type and object type) and
displaying the document information in Windows Viewer or in Java Viewer.
Select the type of document ID. The ID can be entered in numerical (Number)
or string (String) form.
Repair document, if needed
Check this box if you want to repair defective documents. The utility at-
tempts to copy the document from another partition. If this option is deacti-
vated, the utility simply performs the test and displays the result.

Use this repair option only if you are sure that you do not need the
missing documents any longer! You may lose references to
document components that are still stored somewhere in the archive.
If in doubt, contact Open Text Customer Support.

3. Click OK. The utility starts and a protocol window opens.

4. Click Refresh to view the current messages. Once the test has been completed,
click Close.

10.6.4 Counting documents and components in a partition

This utility determines the number of components and the number of documents on
the partition.
1. In the Utilities menu, choose Count Documents/Components.
2. Type the name of the partition.

148 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

10.7 Maintaining hard disk partitions

3. Click OK. The utility starts and a protocol window opens.

4. Click Refresh to view the current messages. Once the test has been completed,
click Close.

10.6.5 Checking a partition

The Check Partition utility checks a partition without accessing the information in
the database. It checks whether all documents have a consistent structure, whether
there are any damaged documents on the partition - whether every document has at
least one component and whether the file ATTRIB.ATR is in order. Use it when you
suspect any problem with a storage medium. The medium must be online and is
only tested, no repair option is available.
1. In the Utilities menu, choose Check > Partition.
2. Type the name of the partition.
3. Click OK. The utility starts and a protocol window opens.
4. Click Refresh to view the current messages. Once the test has been completed,
click Close.

10.6.6 Comparing backup and original IXW media

The utility Compare Backup WORMs compares one or more backup IXW media
with the corresponding originals and detects corrupt IXW backups. The original and
backup media must be online. The media are only tested, no repair option is
1. In the Utilities menu, choose Compare Backup WORMs.
2. Enter the Backup partitions to be compared. You can specify multiple partitions
separated by spaces. You can also use the * character as a wildcard.
3. Click OK. The utility starts and a protocol window opens.
4. Click Refresh to view the current messages. Once the test has been completed,
click Close.

10.7 Maintaining hard disk partitions

By the time the archive system grows, and the initial configuration of of buffers and
pools using hard disk partitions might become insufficient. To adjust the
configuration, you can attach additional partitions to disk buffers and pools. If a
reconfiguration of disk buffers is required, you can also disconnect a partition.

10.7.1 Attaching an additional partition to a disk buffer or pool

If a hard disk partition turns out to be too small for a buffer or hard disk archive,
then another partition can simply be attached to the buffer or pool of the archive.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 149

Chapter 10 Handling storage media

Replicate partitions are attached to a replicate buffer or replicate hard disk pool on
the remote standby server in the same way.

1. Create a partition, see “Creating a hard disk partition” on page 32.

2. In the Servers tab, Archives directory, select the pool or buffer.
3. Right-click in the partition table and choose Attach Partition.
4. Select one of the unassigend partitions and click OK.
Details for Attach Partition to Pool: “Attach partition to pool” on page 286

10.7.2 Disconnecting a partition from a disk buffer

Sometimes it is necessary to detach a partition from a disk buffer. This is the case
when you want to reduce the size of the disk buffer or move resources to another
disk buffer because the amount of data to be archived has increased considerably.
When the partition has been detached, it can be attached to another buffer. A
partition does not receive any more data when it is not attached to a buffer.

Take care not to detach the partition until all the documents are stored on
the storage media.

1. Click the Servers tab and open the Buffers directory

2. In the left-hand list, select the disk buffer from which you want to detach a
partition. The hard disk partitions that have been assigned to it are shown on
the right.
3. Right-click on the partition you want to detach and choose Detach Partition.
Confirm your choices. The partition is removed from the list of partitions.

150 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 11
Tasks for optical media
The administrator's tasks in connection with optical storage media differ from tasks
related to external storage systems. The administrator inserts empty optical media
into the jukebox and manages written media that is not longer accessed. Empty
WORM and UDO (IXW) media require also initialization, full IXW media can be
finalized. The following overview shows all tasks relevant for optical media.

Figure 11-1: Administration tasks for optical media

Task Description See

A Write ISO media
B Initialize original IXW media “Automatic initialization and assignment” on
page 129
C Initialize backup IXW media
“Manual initialization and assignment” on page

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 151

Chapter 11 Tasks for optical media

Task Description See

D Finalize IXW media “Finalizing storage media” on page 131
E Remove backup media from “Removing optical media from jukebox” on page
jukebox 155
F Remove original media from “Removing optical media from jukebox” on page
jukebox 155
G Insert requested media “Re-establishing document access” on page 157
H Export partition (not only for “Exporting partitions” on page 138
optical media)

11.1 Providing empty optical media

To ensure the proper work of the Write and backup jobs, the following checks are
1. On the Jobs tab, check that the jobs have been correctly scheduled and enabled.
2. Check for free storage space in the Archive Administration, in the Servers tab,
Devices directory or in the Archive Web Monitor under Storage Manager. If
necessary, insert blank media and prepare blank IXW media.
Tip: Label blank IXW media before inserting them in the jukebox. Label the
front and back as well as the backup IXW media.

11.1.1 Inserting a single medium

IXW and ISO media are individually inserted into the jukebox in the same way.

1. Insert the medium into the jukebox.

2. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
3. Right-click the jukebox and choose Insert.
4. If vaults have been set up, you are asked whether the medium is to be taken
from a vault. Click OK.
The archive system is informed of the new media, tests it and lists it in the
partition table of the jukebox. If the test was successfull. the medium is ready for
writing (ISO) or for initialization (IXW). Otherwise it is maked as -bad-. The
information concerning the medium is removed from the corresponding vault

152 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

11.1 Providing empty optical media

11.1.2 Inserting several media at once

Inserting a single optical medium with Insert may take some time because of the
test of the medium. To insert several media at once, you use one of these methods:
• offline import commands,
• test slots of the jukebox. Offline import

Offline import means: you insert several media with Insert without import and test
them later with Import not tested media.

1. Insert the media into the jukebox.

2. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
3. Right-click the jukebox where you inserted the media, and choose Insert
without import.
The names of the new media appear in the partition list on the right side. The
status is -notst- (not tested). The media are known to the Storage Manager, but
they are not accessible for data.
4. Right-click the jukebox, choose Utilities, and then choose Import Not Tested
5. Check the entries, or enter the information if you have called the utility from the
Utilities menu.
STORM server
Name of the STORM server that manages the jukebox.
Device name
Name of the jukebox that contains the media.
6. Click OK.
The utitily tests and imports all partitions with the status -notst-. After that the
media are accessible for data. Testing jukebox slots

If you have inserted or removed any media without using the commands Insert or
Eject, you must perform a slot test. This entails checking which media are in the
specified slots, and testing of new media.
1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
2. Right-click the jukebox, choose Utilities, and then choose Test Slots In Jukebox.
3. Check the entries, or enter the information if you have called the utility from the
Utilities menu.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 153

Chapter 11 Tasks for optical media

STORM server
Name of the STORM server.
Device name
Name of the device, entered in the Devices directory.
Slot list
Numbers of the slots to be tested. The following entry syntax applies:
7 Specifies slot 7
3,6,40 Specifies slots 3, 6, and 40.
3–7 Specifies slots 3 to 7 inclusive
2,20-45 Specifies slot 2 and slots 20 to 45 inclusive

4. Click OK.

11.2 Managing written optical media

11.2.1 Newly written ISO media
Check regularly to see whether any new optical ISO media have been written. You
can configure a message in the Notifications tab and assign the event ISO has been
written to it (see “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203). Newly
written ISO media must be labeled and the backups stored in a safe place. The
frequency of this operation will depend on the amount of data that needs to be
1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
2. Select the DVD jukebox, and check the right-hand list whether new ISO media
have been added. You can click the column title Name to sort by names. The
ISO media in each pool are numbered sequentially.
3. Right-click on a new ISO medium, and choose Eject.

154 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

11.2 Managing written optical media

4. Label the ISO medium.

Do not use solvent-based pens or stickers. Never use a ballpoint pen or any
other sharp object to label your discs. The safest area for a label is within the
center stacking ring. If you use adhesive labels, make sure that they are attached
accurately and smoothly.
5. Remove and label all the new ISO media in this way.
6. Re-insert one of each set of identically named ISO media. To do this, right-click
the ISO jukebox, and choose Insert.
7. Remove all defective ISO media with the name -bad-. Label these as defective.
They must not be re-used.
8. Store the backup ISO media in a safe place.
Note: Perform these tasks also for the jukeboxes of the remote standby server.

11.2.2 Removing optical media from jukebox

An optical medium is removed when the capacity of the jukebox is insufficient but
the documents are still expected to be accessed. The medium is removed from the
jukebox but the entries in the database are retained. In this way, the medium can be
made available on demand very quickly.
You can recognize removed partitions by the offline status.
Note: Note that each side of a medium (WORM, UDO or DVD-R) constitutes a
partition, and that neither partition is available when the medium has been
removed from the jukebox.
1. In the Servers tab, open the Devices directory.
2. Select the jukebox from which you want to remove a medium.
3. Right-click the partition, and choose Eject.
4. If Use vaults on eject is enabled in Preferences, enter the vault name where the
medium is stored.
5. Remove backup media in the same way.

11.2.3 Administering removed media in vaults

To simplify the administration of offline media, you can administer them in vaults.
A vault represents the physical storage location of the medium that has been
removed from the jukebox.
If you want to work with vaults, enable Use vaults on eject in Preferences, and
create one or more vaults. When you insert or eject a medium, the system asks you
for vault information and no separate maintenance of the vault assignments is

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 155

Chapter 11 Tasks for optical media Creating and editing vaults

You should create a vault for each physical storage location that you use for offline
media. The vault name and information can be modified at any time.

1. In the Servers tab, right-click the Servers directory and choose Add Vault.
To edit an existing vault, right-click it and choose Edit Vault.
2. Enter the vault information:

Name of the vault. The maximum length is 32 characters. Spaces, umlauts
and special characters are not allowed.
Description of the vault. Preferably use its location, for example, “safe in
room 317”. The maximum length is 255 characters. Umlauts are not allowed.
Enable this option if you want to share the vault with other known Archive
Servers. The vault data is exchanged by means of the job

3. Click OK. Assigning partitions to a vault

Whenever you remove a medium, you are usually asked whether you want to
assign the medium to a vault (if Use vaults on eject is enabled in Preferences).
However, you can assign the media manually:

1. In the Servers tab, open the Vaults directory.

2. Right-click the vault and choose Add Partition.
3. Enter the partition information:

156 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

11.2 Managing written optical media

Exact name of the partition which is to be assigned to the vault.
Define whether the partition is an original or a backup partition.
Barcodes are currently not supported.
4. Click OK.

11.2.4 Re-establishing document access

When a document is requested which is stored on an offline medium, the requestor
gets a corresponding message.
In the Archive Web Monitor, a warning message appears for the DocService group
and the Unavail component. The number of unavailable partitions that have been
subject to access attempts is displayed under Details. To solve the problem, set the
requested partitions online:

1. In Archive Administration, click the Servers tab and open the Devices
2. Right-click in the list of devices, and choose Unavailable.
In the Unavailable Partitions dialog box, you see the names of the partitions
which have been unsuccessfully accessed and the number of access attempts.
3. Note the names of the required partitions, and click Close.
Use Clear to delete selected partitons from this list. This also clears the display
of these unavailable partitions in the Archive Web Monitor
4. Insert the medium (or the media) that holds the required partition into the
jukebox, right-click the jukebox in the Devices directory, and choose Insert.
The partition gets the online status and the documents are available again.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 157

Chapter 12
Backups and recovery
The backup concept used in Archive Server ensures that documents are protected
against data loss throughout their entire path to, through, and in the Archive Server.

Figure 12-1: Backups relevant areas

There are several parts that have to be protected against data loss:
All hard disk partitions that may hold the only instance of a document must be
protected against data loss by RAID. Which partitions have to be protected you
find in the Installation overview chapter of the installation guides for the Archive
Document Pipelines
The Document Pipeline on the Enterprise Scan has to be protected against data
loss. For details please refer to Section 19 "Backing up" in Livelink® Enterprise
Scan - User and Administration Guide (CL-UES).
Archive database
The archive database with the configuration for logical archives, pools, jobs and
relations to other Archive Servers and leading applications has to be protected
against data loss. The process depends on the type of database you are using (see
“Backup of the database” on page 160).

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Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

Optical media
Optical storage media have to be protected against data loss. The process differs
if you use ISO or IXW media (see “Backup and recovery of optical media” on
page 175).
Storage Manager configuration
The IXW file system information and the configuration of the Storage Manager
must be saved, see “Backup of the Storage Manager configuration” on page 180.
Data in storage systems
Data that is archived on storage systems like HSM, NAS, CAS needs also a
backup, either by means of the storage system or with Archive Server tools, see
“Backup for storage systems” on page 180.

12.1 Backup of the database

All archived documents are administered in the Archive Server database. This
contains information about the documents themselves as well as about the storage
locations of the documents and their components. This database must be backed up
in a similar way as the archived documents.
To avoid data loss and extended down times you, as system administrator, should
back up the database regularly and in full, and complement this full backup with a
daily backup of the log files. In general: the more backups are performed, the safer
the system is. Backups should be performed at times of low system activity. It is
advisable to back up the archive database at the same time as the database of the
leading application if possible.

If you have installed BPM and/or PDMS, database backups are required for
all databases of the system: the Archive Server, the Context Server and the
User Management Server. Note that storage media does neither contain any
data of the Context Server database and the User Management Server
database, i.e. you cannot restore these databases by importing from media.
The database backup procedures are very similar.

The database can be set up as an Oracle database, or as an MS SQL Server database.

The procedure adopted for backups depends on which of these database systems is
The database is backed up at regular intervals. However, because its data contents
are constantly changing, all database operations are written to special files (online
and archived redo logs under Oracle, transaction logs for Microsoft SQL). As a
result, the database can always be restored in full on the basis of the backup and
these files.

160 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database

During the configuration phase of installation, you can either select default
values for the database configuration or configure all relevant values. To
make sure that this user guide remains easy to follow, the default values are
used below. If you configured the database with non-default values, replace
these defaults with your values.

Changing the password of the database user

The login DBLOGIN and password DBPASSWORD of the database user is stored
encrypted in the registry under HKLM/Software/IXOS/IXOS-ARCHIVE/DBS. If you
change the password of the database user, you must change it in the corresponding
registry key, too.

1. Encrypt the new password with the command line tool enc:
enc -s <decrypted password>

The encrypted password is displayed, for example:


2. Copy the content of the first line without the surrounding brackets - in this
example G7F187E050632E85D - and paste it in the registry key.

12.1.1 Backing up an Oracle database

The most frequently used variables for an Oracle database and their default values

Table 12-1: Variables for an Oracle database

Variable Default value

Oracle_SID ECR
Password (for sys) <hostname>
Service ecr_<hostname>
Default login ecr
Default password ecr
Data tablespace DS DATA
Index tablespace DS INDEX
Default tablespace (if n.a.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 161

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery Backing up and deleting the archived redo log files

IXOS databases with Oracle operate by default in ARCHIVELOG mode so that
backup copies of the online redo log files can be written continuously (see
“Preconditions and procedure for backups” on page 162). The backup copies
(archived redo log files) are archived to the directory, which is defined in the
log_archive_dest parameter in the initECR.ora file. Usually it is

Make sure that there is always enough free storage space for the archived
redo log files as otherwise the Oracle database will come to an halt and will
not be able to continue functioning! No error message is displayed if this
occurs. Set the directory so that it is large enough (min. 1 GB) and monitor
the amount of storage space available at regular intervals in the Archive
Web Monitor (see “Using the Archive Web Monitor” on page 209).

The archived redo logs must be backed up to tape every day. If large volumes of
data have to be archived every day then more frequent backups are recommended.
To do this, it is not necessary to shut down the database.
1. Back up the archived redo logs from the archive directory (confirm its location
using the Parameter log_archive_dest in the initECR.ora file) to tape at least
once a day.
2. Check that the tape backup can be read.
3. Delete the archived redo logs at regular intervals from the archive directory
(confirm its location using the Parameter log_archive_dest in the initECR.-
ora file). To increase security, the archived redo logs should not be deleted until
after the next or next to last complete backup has been completed. Preconditions and procedure for backups

An Oracle database is always installed in ARCHIVELOG mode. This mode results
in the following principle of operation: during database operation, all operations are
recorded in two or more online redo log files which are used cyclically. If the
database has been provided by IXOS configuration, there are 4 log files, which are
mirrored for safety reasons. The online redo logs are usually located in the directory
oradata\ECR\log and have a predefined maximum size. As soon as an online redo
log file is filled, a backup copy is archived to the directory specified by parameter
log_archive_dest in the initECR.ora file (usually this is oradata\ECR\arc). A
new online redo log file is then written. This ensures continuous, complete logging
of operations.
The archived redo logs must be backed up to tape regularly (see “Backing up and
deleting the archived redo log files” on page 162). A database can be fully restored
on the basis of the last full backup, the archived redo logs and the online redo logs.
Only currently open transactions are lost.

162 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database

The NOARCHIVELOG mode should not be used! In this mode, the online
redo log files are cyclically overwritten and not archived to a separate
directory. This means that complete logging of all operations is not possible.

There are three procedures for backing up an Oracle database:

The server and the database are shut down before the backup. The precise state
of the database can be backed up.
The backup is performed during normal operation. The files in all the
tablespaces are backed up separately. Since the contents of the database are
constantly changing, the backup cannot be identical to the database. It is
therefore necessary to back up the redo logs generated during the backup
process as well. Please note that the tablespace System cannot be backed up and
restored online.
Logical backup
For a logical backup, use the auxiliary program Export. A logical backup takes a
very long time and requires a very large amount of space. This procedure is
mostly used to copy data from one database to another and is therefore not
described here. An offline backup is sufficient to back up your data. If the
database is in use during a logical backup, the backup might not be consistent.
The frequency with which you perform an offline backup depends in part on the
amount of data that is saved every day. At the same time, the amount of time at
your disposal to restore a database must also be considered. The longer the interval
between the offline backups is, the greater the number of archived redo logs is
which you have to apply and, consequently, the longer the period required for
restoration is. It is also possible to combine offline and online backups. However,
online backups are useless if the System tablespace is affected by a loss of data. Files to be backed up

During a standard Oracle database installation directories are created which must
be regularly backed up offline (at least weekly). Multiple copies of these directories
may exist on different disks (Oracle mirroring). When an offline backup is
performed after shutdown of the database, the following directories should be
backed up:

<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\ctl\ Control files

<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\dat\ Data files
<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\idx\ Index files
<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\log\ Redo log files
<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\log\ Mirrored redo log files (with another mountpoint)

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 163

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\tmp\ Temporary files

<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\undo\ Rollback files
<IXOS_ROOT>\CONFIG\ORACLE Configuration files containing the network con-
figuration (back up offline):

Windows only: Static part of the database configuration and pass-

<ORACLE_HOME>\database\ word file (backup using an off-line backup):

UNIX only: <ORACLE_HOME>\dbs\ Static part of the database configuration and pass-
word file (backup using an off-line backup):

<mountpoint>\oradata\ECR\arc\ Directory for archived redo log files (should be

backed up at least once a day)
<TNS_ADMIN> Location for the Oracle Net configuration files
listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora
The default after a standard database configuration
is <IXOS_ROOT>/config/oracle.
<pfile> Parameter file for the Oracle database
The default after a standard database configuration
is <IXOS_ROOT>/config/oracle/initECR.ora

In this chapter, <ORACLE_HOME> is written instead of the variables %ORACLE_HOME%

(Windows) and $ORACLE_HOME (UNIX). The variable %ORACLE_HOME% is defined in
the Registry:

<IXOS_ROOT> refers to the IXOS software installation directory.

If you have a different configuration, you can find out the directories after logon by
using SQL commands (see “Offline backup of the database” on page 165, steps 2 to
The archived redo log files must be backed up in full in order to be able to restore a
database completely. The online and archived redo logs together record all database
operations. They therefore bridge the period between a possible crash and the last
weekly offline backup. The archived redo logs must be backed up to tape at least
once a day and then deleted from the hard disk (see “Backing up and deleting the
archived redo log files” on page 162). To do this, it is not necessary to shut down the
The <ORACLE_HOME> directory must be backed up after installation. This directory
contains the Oracle software, i.e. the binary files, the password file pwdECR.ora or
orapwECR, information on oracle users with sysdba or syoper rights.

164 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database Offline backup of the database

To back up the data in the database in full, you must shut down the database in a
mode, which does not force a recovery (shutdown normal or immediate, never
abort!). All the files listed in section “Files to be backed up” on page 163 are backed
up. To increase data security, you should also back up the online redo log files. To
do this, proceed as follows:
1. Stop the archive system by stopping the spawner. Under Windows, you can also
use the commands listed in the note below.
2. Call the Oracle SQL Interpreter from the command line:
sqlplus 'sys/<passwd>@<service> as sysdba'

You can find the default settings for the password and service in Table 12-1 on
page 161.
3. If you do not know where the files which are to be backed up are located, find
out the corresponding directories:
for the data files: select name from v$datafile;
for the control files: select name from v$controlfile;
for the redo log files: select member from v$logfile;
4. Shut down the database:
shutdown normal

5. Exit the SQL Interpreter with exit.

6. Back up all the above-mentioned files and directories to tape.
7. When the backup is finished, restart the database.
Automated backup under Windows:
If you want to automate the backup operation under Windows, include the
batch commands for starting and stopping the archive system and the database
in the script. To stop, use the following commands:
net stop spawner
net stop OracleServiceECR

OracleService is the name of the oracle service if you used standard

configuration to create the IXOS database.
To start, use the corresponding net start commands in the reverse order. See
also: “Direct start and stop under Windows” on page 250. Checking database files

Under Oracle, it is possible to check the validity of individual files using the
command dbv. This causes a consistency check of the physical block structure to be
carried out. This check can be carried out online prior to execution of a backup. In
the same way, backed up files can be verified prior to being restored.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 165

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

dbv file=t_db1.f feedback=100

Checks the file t_db1.f and displays a progress indicator on the terminal.
Information on the possible parameters and their significance is contained in dbv
help. Online backup of the database

Sometimes it is not possible to shut down the database. In this case, you can perform
an online backup with the database open. For this to be possible, the database must
be operating in ARCHIVELOG mode. Each tablespace is backed up separately.
Please note that the tablespace System cannot be backed up and restored online. To
restore the data, an offline backup must be imported.
Operating system routines, which are not integrated in the database, are used to
perform the backup. For this reason, the command alter tablespace
<tablespace_name> begin backup is used to define a synchronization point. This
defines a starting point, which is the same for all the involved files prior to
commencement of the backup. It freezes the status of the files for the duration of the
backup. The files are then released again. It is essential that the redo logs that were
written between begin backup and end backup are also backed up. The archived
redo log files have the same function as in an offline backup.
1. To obtain the names of the data files that belong to the tablespaces, enter the
following commands:
connect sys/<password> as sysdba
select tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name;

2. Make a note of the most recent redo log file.

3. Mark the corresponding tablespace as being in backup mode. Back up the data
files for the individual tablespaces together with the control files. In each case,
the backup mode is activated, the data is backed up and the backup mode is
then deactivated again. You can use scripts to do this.
4. Back up the online redo log files that were written while the backup was being

Example 12-1: UNIX script

It may be necessary to adapt the paths. The script must contain a line with a
copy command for each data file and each index file. <mp> is the mount point.
The default values for <Oracle_SID> and the tablespaces are listed in Table 12-1
on page 161.
spool online_backup.log
connect sys/<password>@<service> as sysdba
select sequence# from v$log where status='CURRENT';
-- please remember this number as <start_log#>

alter tablespace <data tablespace> begin backup;

!ls /<mp>/oradata/<Oracle_SID>/dat/<datfile>.dbf |cpio -ovcB > /dev/rmt

166 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database

alter tablespace <data tablespace> end backup;

alter tablespace <index tablespace> begin backup;

!ls /<mp>/oradata/<Oracle_SID>/idx/<idxfile>.dbf |cpio -ovcB > /dev/rmt
alter tablespace <index tablespace> end backup;

alter tablespace <default tablespace> begin backup; -- if applicable

!ls /<mp>/oradata/<Oracle_SID>/dat/<defaultfile>.dbf |cpio -ovcB > /dev/rmt
alter tablespace <default tablespace> end backup;

alter database backup controlfile to

!ls /<path>/oradata/<Oracle_SID>/ctl/cntrl.dbf |cpio -ovcB > /dev/rmt
select sequence# from v$log where status='CURRENT';
-- please remember this number as <end_log#>
alter system switch logfile;
-- backup all archived log files with number from <start_log#> to <end_log#>
to complete the online backup of the tablespaces
spool off

Example 12-2: Windows script

The paths and file names must be adapted!
spool online_backup.log
connect sys/<password>@<service> as sysdba
select sequence# from v$log where status='CURRENT';
-- please remember this number as <start_log#>
alter tablespace <data tablespace> begin backup;
!ocopy %DSDATA%\oradata\<Oracle_SID>\dat\dat1.dbf %BKDIR%
alter tablespace <data tablespace> end backup;
alter tablespace <index tablespace> begin backup;
!ocopy %DSINDEX%\oradata\<Oracle_SID>\idx\idx1.dbf %BKDIR%
alter tablespace <index tablespace> end backup;
alter tablespace <default tablespace> begin backup;
!ocopy %DSINDEX%\oradata\<Oracle_SID>\dat\default_dat1.dbf %BKDIR%
alter tablespace <default tablespace> end backup;

!del /f e:\backup\ctl_bak.dbf
alter database backup controlfile to 'e:\backup\ctl_bak.dbf';
select sequence# from v$log where status='CURRENT';
-- please remember this number as <end_log#>
alter system switch logfile;
-- backup all archived log files with number from <start_log#> to <end_log#>
to complete the online backup of the tablespaces
spool off

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 167

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

12.1.2 Backing up MS SQL Server databases

The most frequently used variables for an MS SQL database and their default values

Table 12-2: Variables for an MS SQLdatabase

Variable Default value

Database name ECR
Default login ecr
Default password ecr
Data filegroup DS DATA
Index filegroup DS INDEX

An SQL Server database is generally backed up online, i.e. the backup is performed
while the database is running. The backup should be performed during periods of
low system activity since it reduces the performance of the database.
To make sure that an SQL Server database can be fully restored whenever necessary,
the data described here must be backed up separately. The exact procedure is
described below.
Configuring the database: master database
The master database contains all the information about the structure of the SQL
Server database, i.e. about all the employed databases and users. The master
database must be backed up:
• after initial installation,
• whenever a database has been created, modified or deleted,
• whenever logins or users have been added or deleted,
• whenever backup devices have been added or deleted,
• after reconfiguration of the SQL server,
• and whenever the physical (files) and logical (file groups) structure has been

The transaction log for the master database is then also backed up automatically.
Scheduling database actions: msdb database
The msdb database contains all the scheduling information, e.g. concerning
regular backup processes. It must be backed up regularly, and preferably every
week. An additional backup is required after every scheduling modification.
Data: ECR database
This database contains all data of the server. It must be backed up regularly,
every week to every day depending on the amount of activity. To increase data

168 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database

security, the data and index devices should also be backed up with RAID1 or
Transaction logs
Transaction logs record all database activities. Each database has its own
transaction log. A transaction log bridges the period between the last backup of
its database and a possible crash. Transaction logs must be backed up at least
once a day. Following the backup, the number of entries in the transaction log is
automatically reduced and space is created for further records (transaction log
dump). The space reserved for the transaction logs must never be filled since
otherwise the database will cease operating! Transaction logs should be backed
up by RAID1.
Recording the database structures
The procedure sp_helpdb [database] displays the structures of all the databases
running on the SQL server. You should record the output in a list that should
also be backed up regularly. Backing up the transaction logs of an MS SQL Server database

The transaction logs of an MS SQL Server database must be backed up at least once
a day. The frequency of daily backups depends on the number of transactions that
are performed per hour, how long restoration of the database is allowed to take and
how many phases of low database load there are. The transaction log dump should
be performed during periods of low activity since this operation impairs the
performance of the database.

Perform these backups at regular intervals. A backup job does not simply
back up the data but also deletes all the entries in the transaction log
(transaction log dump) relating to transactions that have been completed
(inactive part). Without this, the log directory would fill up and the database
would no longer be able to function. Check the amount of free storage space
in the Archive Web Monitor at regular intervals (see “Using the Archive
Web Monitor” on page 209).

To back up the transaction logs, set up a job in Enterprise Manager that is

automatically performed at regular intervals.
1. Start Enterprise Manager and make a choice using the structure SQL Server
Group > <name of computer> > Management > Backup.

2. Right-click and choose New Backup Device.

3. Enter the name for the backup: ECRLOG, and specify the archive medium (disk
or tape) and target directory for the backup:

4. Select Databases and ECR in the Enterprise Manager structure.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 169

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

5. In the context-sensitive menu, click All Tasks > Backup Database and then
select the Backup tab.
6. In the dialog box, enable the following options:
Transaction Log
Append to media/Overwrite existing media
Enter the settings required for your backup strategy (see “Sample backup
strategy” on page 173).
In the Destination section, select the created backup device ECRLOG.
7. Click Schedule and enter the job parameters. Backup principles

Please observe the following principles and settings in order to ensure that backups
can be performed successfully and in full:
• For online backups never use the Backup tool provided by Microsoft Windows
since this tool backs up only closed files. You should always use the SQL
Enterprise Manager!
• Never back up the data of a database and its transaction logs on the same tape!
• Make sure that the recovery model of the ECR database is always set to Full. To
set this option, start Enterprise Manager and navigate to SQL Server Group >
<name of computer> > Databases > <database_name>. Right-click and choose
Properties. You find the setting for the recovery model in the Options tab.
• The option Truncate log on checkpoint must not be enabled. If this option is
enabled then the inactive part of the transaction log is deleted at a checkpoint
even though no backup of it exists.
• You should never use the backup devices DISKDUMP or NULL that are
automatically created during SQL Server installation. It is pointless to back up to
these devices.
• The replication procedures offered by SQL Server are not used since IXOS server
possess their own strategies such as remote standby server or hot standby. Backing up the master database

You must back up the master database following installation and after any
modification to the physical or logical structure.
1. Start Enterprise Manager and make a choice using the structure SQL Server
Group > <name of computer> > Management > Backup.
2. Right-click and choose New Backup Device.
3. Enter the name for the backup together with the storage medium and the target
directory for the backup:

170 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database

4. Select the following in the Enterprise Manager structure: SQL Server Group >
<computer name> > Management > Backup.
5. Right-click and choose Backup a Database.
6. Enter the options shown in the dialog box:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 171

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

7. To start the backup, click on OK. Backing up the ECR and the msdb database

These databases must be backed up regularly, and at least once a week. In case of
high activity, you are advised to back up the ECR database daily. Perform the
backups at times of low activity since the performance of the database is impaired
by this operation.
1. Start Enterprise Manager and make a selection using the structure SQL Server
Group > >computer_name> > Management > Backup .
2. Right-click and choose New Backup Device.
3. Enter the name for the backup together with the storage medium and the target
directory for the backup:
• ECR database: ECRDAT

172 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.1 Backup of the database

• msdb database: MSDB

4. Right-click again and choose Backup a Database.
5. Select the Database - complete option. Click the Options tab and select Backup
set will expire and Verify Backup upon completion.

6. The backup can be started manually or automatically at regular, scheduled

• To start the backup manually, click on OK.
• To create a job to perform a regular, automatic backup, click Schedule in the
General tab and enter the job parameters.
Note that multiple tapes are required to back up larger IXOS databases. You will
therefore need to change the tapes manually or use an automatic tape changer.
7. Back up the transaction logs to a separate medium (transaction log dump,
“Backing up the transaction logs of an MS SQL Server database” on page 169).
Expiration date:
In the event of a backup, Microsoft SQL Server always performs a few checks
to make sure that backup media are not accidentally overwritten. A medium is
not overwritten if the expiry period (Backup set will expire after <xx> days) or
the expiry date Backup set will expire on <date> of the data on the medium
has not expired. The expiry period is specified when the backup is generated. Sample backup strategy

For performing regular backups of the databases, you should develop a strategy
that meets your specific requirements. The following sample strategy is intended to
help you in this task.
The backup cycle covers 28 days, i.e. a tape can be overwritten at the earliest after 28
days. A full backup is performed every night (possibly not at weekends). The
transaction logs are backed up between the full backups and, in the case of high data
throughput, this may be done several times a day.
The tapes must be labeled systematically. This is the only way to locate the correct
tape when it is required. The volume name of the tape is specified when the backup
is started and is also recorded on the outside of the tape and might have the
following appearance:
• The first characters describe the database: ECR for the ECR database, S for the
master database and M for the msdb database.
• The next character is a letter: L for the backup of the transaction logs and D for
the database backups.
• The next character is a digit from 0 to 3 which specifies the week of the 28-day

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 173

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

• The next character is a digit from 1 to 7 which specifies the day of the week.
• The next character is a letter from A to Z which specifies the order of the tapes in
the backup sequence. Recording the database structures

Record the output from the sp_helpdb [database] procedure in a file and back this
up regularly. These procedures display the structures of all the databases running
on the SQL server.
osql /Usa /P /e > c:/mssql/backup/DB_structure.txt 2>&1
sp_helpdb ECR
sp_helpdb master
sp_helpdb msdb
exit Statistics and notifications

If the MS SQL Server database is to perform at its optimum then the MS SQL Server
Optimizer requires statistics. These statistics can be automatically updated on a
regular basis. In order to support this feature, the relevant option must be enabled:
1. Start Enterprise Manager.
2. In the Server Manager window, choose SQL Server Group >
<computer_name> > Databases.
3. Right-click ECR and choose Properties.
4. Maake sure that the options Auto create statistics and Auto update statistics
are enabled in the Options tab.
Microsoft SQL Server can be configured so that messages are sent when certain
events occur (e.g. during execution of the backup or updating of the statistics). The
detailed procedure required to configure such messages will be found in the
documentation for Microsoft SQL Server. Please note also the following:
If you use e-mail make sure that the entries for domain and user name are identical
• Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > MSSQL Server, click
Properties and choose Startup > Log on As > This Account
• Enterprise Manager > SQL Server group > <computer_name>, click Properties
and choose SQL Mail in the Server Settings tab.

174 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.2 Backup and recovery of optical media

12.2 Backup and recovery of optical media

ISO and IXW media provide a high level of data security. Nevertheless, physical
faults may occur on optical media so that the risk of data loss cannot be excluded
completely. Data is normally backed up on Archive Server on a regular basis by the
corresponding jobs automatically. As administrator you only need to back up a
single partition, explicitly in exceptional circumstances and in case of errors.
The jobs are set up on installation. You can modify them if necessary whenever
modifications are made to the backup strategy. To ensure data security, you have to
check that the backup jobs are performed every day successfully (see “Checking the
execution of jobs” on page 198).
You define your backup strategy during installation in cooperation with Open Text
Global Services. Nevertheless, there are some basic principles that apply to all
backup strategies:
• Data must always be stored simultaneously on two media at least. This means
also the mirroring of the disk buffer.
• The original and backup optical media must possess identical capacities and
sector sizes.
• Regarding optical media, backup media must have the same name as the origi-
nal. Make sure that the identification of backups is clear on volume labels.

You can also use a Remote Standby Server for backing up data. For details
refer to “Remote Standby” on page 185.

12.2.1 Optical ISO media

Immediately after recording, the ISO medium is automatically checked to see
whether the data was written completely and whether it is readable. If this is not the
case, a new ISO medium is recorded - also automatically. This ensures that the
required number of correct ISO media for the corresponding archive is available
after successful completion of the ISO write job. As a rule, two or three identical ISO
media are produced, both on the original server and on the Remote Standby Server.
• Remove the backup media from the jukebox and store them in a safe place
(see “Handling storage media” on page 129).
• For supported optical ISO media, see the Hardware Release Notes
• The backup of ISO partitions on HD-WO media (storage systems) is
described in “Backup for storage systems” on page 180.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 175

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery Backup of ISO media

There are different methods to back up an ISO medium: by the Write job or by one
of the backup jobs. Depending on the amount of archived data and the overall job
scheduling, you can decide for one method or combine these methods. The
following table shows the settings that are required for each method:

Pool Configuration (Servers tab, Edit Pool Job configura-

Number of Par- Number of Backup
titions Backups
Backup and n>1 Schedule Write
original media job
are written by
the Write job in
the same juke-
Backup media n>0 On Schedule
in all pools are select Backup Local_Backup
written by the Jukebox job
backup job, in
the same or
different juke-
Backup media n>0 Create and
in one pool are select Backup schedule
written by the Jukebox backup_pool
backup job, in job.
the same or Argument =
different juke- pool name

• The Local_Backup job considers all pools, for which the Backup option is
set. The backup_pool job considers only the pool for which it is created.
You can schedule additional backups of a pool by configuring both jobs, or
configure the pool backup separately.
• If problems occur, have a look in the protocol of the relevant job (see
“Checking the execution of jobs” on page 198). Recovery of ISO media

Keep the backup ISO media in a safe place. If the original or backup optical medium
is damaged and no additional backup exists, it is necessary to create a new backup
medium manually. This process is done by a utility. The Backup option has to be
activated for the ISO pool (see “Write configuration for ISO pools” on page 58.

176 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.2 Backup and recovery of optical media

1. Choose Eject to remove the defective ISO medium from the jukebox.
2. If the original medium is damaged, insert the backup copy in the jukebox using
Insert. It is now used as the original ISO medium without any further
3. Right-click this partition in the partition list and choose Utilities > Backup
The Backup Partition dialog box opens and the chosen partition name is
4. Click OK.
The utility starts and creates a backup medium in the same pool. Execution is
logged in a message box. Click Refresh to view the current messages.
5. For double-sided media, repeat steps 3 and 4 to backup the second side of the
6. Store the new backup in a secure place.

12.2.2 IXW media

As IXW media are written incrementally, backup and recovery slightly differ from
that of ISO media.
Unlike backup ISO media that can be removed from the jukebox immediately after
they have been created, backup IXW media must reside in the jukebox as long as
their original counterpart is being written, because the IXW backup is incrementally
synchronized with the original. As soon as the original has been filled completely
and its backup has been synchronized a last time and both media are finalized, the
backup can be removed and stored at a safe place (see “Handling storage media” on
page 129). Backup of IXW media

There are different ways to back up an IXW medium.
In contrast to ISO media, the IXW backup media have to be initialized before the
backup. This could be done either automatically or manually.

Automatic backup
Normally the backup of IXW media is done asynchronously by the Local_Backup
1. Click the Servers tab.
2. Right-click the IXW pool and choose Edit Pool.
The dialog Edit Pool Configuration opens.
3. Check the option Backup.
4. Check the option Auto Initialization for complete automatic backup.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 177

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

5. Set the value for Number of Backups to n>0 and choose the required Backup
6. Configure the Local_Backup job according to your needs (see “Job command
and scheduling” on page 72).
According to the scheduling, the Local_Backup job updates the oldest backup
media. The job writes only one backup partition per instance.
Note: If problems occur, have a look in the protocol of the Local_Backup
job (see “Checking the execution of jobs” on page 198).

Semi-automatic backup:
With this method, you initialize the original and backup partitions manually in
the corresponding jukebox devices. The backup partition must have the same
name as the original one. To initialize the media, proceed as described in
“Manual initialization and assignment” on page 130. The configuration
procedure is the same as for automatic backup except for steps 4 and 5 which
are here: No Auto Initialization, no Number of Backups and no Backup
Jukebox selection. The backup job finds the backup partitions by their names.

Manual backup of one partition

If the original or backup medium is damaged, it is necessary to create a new backup
medium manually. If the damaged medium is a double-sided one, initialize and
backup both sides of the medium.
1. Initialize the IXW medium for the backup manually:
a. Click the Servers tab.
b. In the Devices directory, select the jukebox where the IXW partition is
c. In the partition list, right-click a free partition (-blank- in the Name
column) and choose Init .
d. Select the Backup option and select the original in the upcoming partition
e. For double-sided media, initialize the second side of the medium in the
same way.
2. Right-click the partition you want to backup and choose Utilities > Backup
This causes the partition to be backed up locally. The execution is logged in a
message box. Click Refresh to view the current messages.
3. Check the backup status of the original partition:
a. In the Archives directory, select the pool of the original partition.
The partition list now contains a partition with the same name as the
original partition and the backup type.

178 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.2 Backup and recovery of optical media

b. Check the columns Unsaved (MB) and Last Backup/Replication:

The Unsaved (MB) column should now be blank, indicating that there is no
more data on the original partition that has not been backed up. The Last
Backup/Replication column shows the date and time of the last backup.
The Host column indicates the server where the backup resides.
c. For double-sided media, backup the second side of the medium. Recovery of IXW media

It is necessary to restore a partition whenever an IXW medium is defective. A defect
is normally noticed when data is written to the IXW medium. The job writing the
data to the IXW medium cannot run successfully. To detect such a problem in time,
you have to check the execution of the backup and write jobs every day (see
“Checking the execution of jobs” on page 198).
Note: There are additional recovery scenarios if you use a Remote Standby
Server (see “Remote Standby” on page 185).
Generally a defective IXW medium can still be read so we recommend trying to
complete the backup before performing the actual restore process.
Do the following if the original IXW medium is damaged:

1. In the partition list of the pool, right-click the partition that is to be backed up
and and choose Utilities > Backup Partition.
This causes the local backup partition to be updated. Execution is logged in a
message box. Click Refresh to view the current messages. If it is not possible to
back up the data, stop here and contact Open Text Customer Support.
2. If the second side of the original IXW medium has also been written, set the
status of the second side to W (write locked), start the utility again and enter the
partition name of the second side of the IXW medium.
3. In the Devices folder, right-click the defective IXW medium and choose Eject.
4. Remove the defective IXW medium from the jukebox and label it clearly as
5. Right-click the backup IXW partition and choose Restore.
This makes the backup partition available as original. If a partition has already
been written to the second side of the defective IXW medium, restore it in
exactly the same way.
6. Create a new backup partition (see “Manual backup of one partition” on page

Note: If an IXW backup partition is damaged, remove the medium with Eject
and create a new backup partition (see “Manual backup of one partition” on
page 178).

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 179

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

12.3 Backup for storage systems

Data is archived on a storage system if you use one of the following pools: Single
File (FS), Single File (GS), ISO (with media type HD-WO) and IFS. The backup and
recovery scenario depends on the storage system in use. The development of this
scenario is a complex and individual task, thus contact Open Text Global Services
for suppor, and refer to the documentation of your storage system in This chapter describes only the general
Basically you can backup archived data by means of the storage system or by means
of the Archive Administration (local backup, Remote Standby). Some scenarios can
be restricted to one of these ways. The backup medium should be the same type as
the original medium. In some scenarios, backup to optical media is also possible. For
detailed information, see the Hardware Release Notes

Backup of ISO partitions on HD-WO

These partitions are managed in virtual jukeboxes. The backup on Archive Server
side is similar to the backup of optical ISO media, see “Backup of ISO media” on
page 176. Unlike optical media, the storage media of a storage system cannot be
removed and stored on another place, so a backup system is required, and the
backup must be written by one of the backup jobs. The pool configuration for the
backup jobs is:

Number of Partitions 1
Number of Backups 1
Backup Jukebox Must be different from Original Jukebox
Backup On for Local_Backup job

12.4 Backup of the Storage Manager configuration

12.4.1 Configuration of the backup directories
The configuration files and the IXW file system information must be backed up at
regular intervals. To do this, use the Save_Storm_Files job. The job stops the
STORM shortly, thus no Write job must run at this time. The job copies the files to
one or more reserved backup directories which are configured in the file
<IXOS_ROOT>\config\storm\server.cfg, section Backup.

backup {
list { dest1 }
backuproot { dest1 }
dest1 { path { m:\backup1 } size { 1800 } }

180 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.4 Backup of the Storage Manager configuration

After a successful backup, you can save the backup files to another medium.
In the event of disk space problems or if the IXW file system information is
extended, the backup directories can also be spread over several hard disks, e.g.
backup {
list { dest1 dest2 dest3 }
backuproot { dest1 }
dest1 { path { m:\backup1 } size { 1350 } }
dest2 { path { n:\backup2 } size { 300 } }
dest3 { path { o:\backup3 } size { 300 } }

If you use this type of distribution, please note the following: The files are always
copied in their entirety to a backup directory; they are not split up. The job sorts the
files by size and searches automatically for a directory that will be big enough for
each file (starting with the largest file). The size of the directories must therefore be
chosen so that all the files can be accommodated.
Moreover, the backup directories must be chosen so that they are somewhat larger
than the files configured in ixworm section. One directory must be larger than the
inode file. Every backup file is approximately 1 MB larger than its original. If there is
not enough storage space available, the backup job is terminated with an error
message. The backed up files are given an automatically generated name. Files with
the same name from an earlier backup that is also held in the target directory are
overwritten. The backup files in the backup directory are not explicitly deleted prior
to the backup.
Note: The required directories must be created separately. Directories are not
automatically created.
The distribution of the files in the backup directories is written to a special file, which is created under backuproot. There can only be one

All files which are needed to get a consistent state of the JBD at a later time are
backed up:
inode, hashname, hashfile, hashdir files (IXW only)
dev files, toc files and status files of configured jukeboxes (in
destroyedVols (information on destroyed volumes)

Executable files, log files, journal files, vol_dirty file, devices save files, unused dev
files (not configured in server.cfg) and persistent ISO cache are not backed up.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 181

Chapter 12 Backups and recovery

Note: Where ISO media are used as the storage media, no file system
information has to be backed up. This means that the server.cfg file need not
contain an ixworm section. In this case, a backup directory of 100 to 200 MB is
generally sufficient.

12.4.2 Backup
The job Save_Storm_Files backs up the configuration of the Storage Manager. The
IXW file system requires the most space for the backup.
The job executes the following steps:
• Setting Storage Manager to online backup status,
• Checking for running write jobs,
• Copying configuration files to the backup directories;
• Setting back Storage Manager to normal operation status,
• Performing a consistency check of the backed up files. The consistency check can
take some time. Functioning of the archive is not affected by it.

A backup of the STORM configuration files using operating system means
or other tools may lead to inconsistencies during the restoration or even to
data loss. Therefore use only the SaveStormFiles job for the backup.

The SaveStormFiles job is configured as a standard job, but is disabled per default.
Note: While the configuration files are being copied to the backup directories,
no IXW write job can be executed.
The Save_Storm_Files job checks first whether any write jobs are running. If so, it
does not start and an error message is generated.
Any write jobs that are started during backup of the files are terminated with an
error message. When scheduling the jobs, make sure that the write jobs have been
completed by the start time for Save_Storm_Files, and that no write jobs are
started during the backup.
IXW backup jobs and Save_Storm_Files can run in parallel. But it must be pointed
out that the jukebox has enough drives inside to reply read requests, because JBD
delays imports of IXW media already started in a drive until the Storage Manager is
set back to normal operation.
During your regular checks of the job log you can see whether Save_Storm_Files
has been successfully completed, along with the consistency check. When this is the
case, you should save the backup directories to tape. We recommend planning a
backup cycle here and taking backups at regular intervals (once a week or once a
month, depending on the volume of data to be archived).

182 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

12.4 Backup of the Storage Manager configuration

12.4.3 Restoring the Storage Manager configuration

In the event that the Storage Manager configuration file data is lost, you can restore
this from the backup on tape or other media. A successful restore is only possible if
the current configuration agrees with the configuration at the time of the backup.
1. Stop the Archive Server in the Archive Administration: File > Spawner > Stop
Archive Processes.
2. Delete the content of the backup directories and the content of the directory
<IXOS_ROOT>\config\storm\saves. The directories themselves must not be
3. Import the backup from tape or other media. If required, you can perform
another consistency check using ixwfsck.
4. In the command line, enter
jbdrestore -configRoot=<config_root> -wrkDir=<backuproot>

Description of parameters:
<config_root>: path of the standard configuration files (e.g. server.cfg,
normally in <IXOS_ROOT>\config\storm)
<backuproot>: path that has been configured for the directory specified as

Example: jbdrestore -configRoot=c:\config\storm -wrkDir=m:\backup1

5. In the command line, enter checkWorms.
6. Start the Archive Server in the Archive Administration: File > Spawner > Start
Archive Processes, and check that the start-up procedure is running correctly.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 183

Chapter 13
Remote Standby
A Remote Standby Server is a duplicate of the real Archive Server. Remote Standby
Server and Archive Server are connected via LAN or WAN.

Figure 13-1: Remote Standby scenario

All new and modified documents are asynchronously transmitted to the Remote
Standby Server by the Synchronize_Replicates job. The job physically copies the
data on the storage media between these two servers. Therefore the Remote Standby
Server provides more data security than the local backup of media (see “Backup and
recovery of optical media” on page 175).
The Remote Standby Server has the following advantages:
• Increased availability of the archive, since the Remote Standby Server is accessed
when the original server in not available.
• Backup media are located in greater distance from the original Archive Server,
providing security in case of fire, earthquake, and other catastrophes.
Nevertheless there are also disadvantages:
• Only read access to the documents is possible; modifications to and archiving of
documents is not possible directly.
• A document may have been stored or modified on the original server, but not
yet transmitted to the Remote Standby Server.
• No minimization of downtime with regard to archive new documents, since only
read access to the Remote Standby Server is possible.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 185

Chapter 13 Remote Standby

Note: The usage of a Remote Standby Server depends on your backup strategy.
Contact the Open Text Global Services for the development of a backup
strategy that fits your needs.

13.1 Installation
The installation of a Remote Standby Server is a normal Archive Server installation
and is described in the installation guides of the Archive Server in the ESC
For complex installations contact Open Text Global Services.

13.2 Configuration
You have to perform several configuration steps on original server and Remote
Standby Server.

13.2.1 Configuration on the original server

Allow the remote standby server to replicate the original server
1. Connect to the original server and select the Servers tab.
2. Right-click the Known Servers folder and choose Add Server.
3. Enter the name of the Remote Standby Server and check the Allow Replication
Name of an existing Archive Server. This cannot be modified later.
Allow replication
This option specifies the known server as a remote standby server. In this
way, the logical archives on the administered server (original server) can be
replicated on the known server. This setting can also be deactivated here.
4. Click OK.

13.2.2 Configuration on the Remote Standby Server

1. Connect to the Remote Standby Server and select the Servers tab.
2. Add the original archive server to the known servers:
a. Right-click the Known Servers folder and choose Add Server.
b. Enter the name of the original server.
c. Click OK.
3. Replicate the logical archives:
Right-click the logical archive on the original server in the Known Servers
folder and choose Replicate.

186 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

13.2 Configuration

The replicated archive now appears also under the Remote Standby Server. You
are now asked to configure the pools of the replicated archive (see “Backups on
a Remote Standby Server” on page 188).
Note: If the original server does not appear in the server list, click the
Synchronize Servers button.
4. Set the server priorities for the replicated archive server:
a. In the Known Servers or in the Archives folder, right-click the replicated
archive and choose Server Priorities.
b. Specify the sequence used to search for documents in this archive.
The order should be: On the original archive server: first the original then
the remote standby server. On the remote standby server: first the remote
standby then the original server.
Details: “Server Priorities dialog box” on page 281
5. Repeat these two steps for each archive you want to replicate.
6. Replicate the disk buffer(s):
a. In the Known Servers folder, right-click the disk buffer you want to
replicate and choose Replicate.
The replicated disk buffer now appears also under the Remote Standby
b. Repeat this step for each disk buffer you want to replicate.
7. Set up the media for the replicated data:
For disk buffers and hard disk pools, you have to define which partition you
want to use for the replicated data.

These partitions have to be named the same way as the original
partition. The replicate partitions need at least the same amount of

a. Select the Servers tab and open the Devices folder.

b. Select the HardDisk device, right-click in the partition list and choose
The Create Hard Disk Partition dialog opens (see “Creating a hard disk
partition” on page 32).
c. Check the Create as replicated partition option and click Select Partition.
d. Select the replicated buffer or harddisk partition and click OK.
The name of the partition will be filled in automatically.
e. Enter the mount path to the local partition you want to use for the
replicated data and click OK.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 187

Chapter 13 Remote Standby

f. Repeat this for each hard disk pool and disk buffer you want to replicate.
8. Define the replication job:
Set the time and date for the replication job Synchronize Replicates in the
Jobs tab (see “Job command and scheduling” on page 72).
Note: On the original server, the old backup jobs can be disabled, if no
additional backup shall be written.
9. Connect to the original server and define the server priorities for the replicated
archives as described in 4.

13.3 Backups on a Remote Standby Server

The backup procedure depends on the used media type.

13.3.1 ISO partitions

The backup for ISO partitions on a Remote Standby Server – for optical media as
well as for ISO partitions on storage systems – is done asynchronously by the
Synchronize_Replicates job.

1. Connect to the Remote Standby Server and click theServers tab.

2. Right-click a replicated pool and choose Edit Pool.
3. Set the value for Number of Backups to n (n>0, for partitions on HD-WO: n=1)
and select the Backup Jukebox on the Remote Standby Server from the listbox.
Details: “Edit Replicate Pool” on page 297
4. Configure the Synchronize_Replicates job according to your needs (see “Job
command and scheduling” on page 72).
The Synchronize_Replicates job now backups the data of the original ISO
pool according to the scheduling.
Note: If problems occur, have a look the protocol of the
Synchronize_Replicates job (see “Checking the execution of jobs” on
page 198).

13.3.2 IXW media

The backup for IXW media on a Remote Standby Server is done asynchronous by
the Synchronize_Replicates job.

1. Connect to the Remote Standby Server and click theServers tab.

2. Right-click a replicated pool and choose Edit Pool.

188 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

13.4 Recovery of Backups on a Remote Standby Server

The dialog opens.

3. In the Edit Replicate Pool dialog box, check the option Auto Initialization.
4. Set the value for Number of Backups to n (n>0) and select the Backup Jukebox.
5. Configure the Synchronize_Replicates job according to your needs (see “Job
command and scheduling” on page 72).
According to the scheduling, the Synchronize_Replicates job performs a
backup of the new data on the original medium since the last backup to one
backup media.
Note: If problems occur, have a look the protocol of the
Synchronize_Replicates job (see “Checking the execution of jobs” on
page 198).

13.4 Recovery of Backups on a Remote Standby

The Remote Standby Server can simultaneously be the original server for other
archives. For this mode, it is necessary for the replicate IXW media on the Remote
Standby Server to also be known to the document service. Therefore a replicate IXW
medium cannot simply be removed from the jukebox but has to be exported in
addition, both from the archive database and from IXW file management. The
export process removes all entries of the IXW partition. Only then can a new IXW
partition be initialized with the same name.

Restoring an original IXW partition

1. Establish the connection to the original server.
2. Set the status of the partition and of the partition on the second side of the
medium to W (write locked).
3. Establish the connection to the Remote Standby Server.
4. Update the replicated partition:
a. Click the Jobs tab.
b. Right-click the Synchronize_Replicates job and choose Now.
This starts the job, and the Remote Standby Server requests the data that has
not been backed up from the original server.
c. Check whether the job ran successfully (see “Checking the execution of
jobs” on page 198). If it was not possible to back up the data, break off here
and get in touch with our hotline.
5. Export and remove the replicated partition:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 189

Chapter 13 Remote Standby

a. Choose the Servers tab and select the replicated partition in the Device
b. Choose Utilities > Export Partition in the context-sensitive menu.
c. If both sides of the IXW medium were already initialized you must also
export and remove the second partition.
d. Select the replicated partition and choose Eject in the context-sensitive
6. Export also the IXW partition(s) from IXW file management. The procedure
depends on the operating system you are using.
a. In the command line, change to directory <IXOS_ROOT>\bin
b. Determine the ID of the IXW medium:
cdadm survey -n +uoi

c. Delete the entries in the file system information:

cdadm delete vID=<WORM_ID>

7. Insert and initialize a new IXW medium for a new replicate:

a. Insert the media in the jukebox and choose Insert in the context-sensitive
b. Select a free partition (-blank- in the name column) and choose Init from
the context-sensitive menu.
c. Select the Create as replicated partition option. Click Select Partition
and select the name of the original partition.
d. If necessary, initialize the second partition of the IXW medium too.
8. Establish the connection to the original server.
9. Remove the defective original IXW medium:
a. Choose the Servers tab and select the orginal IXW medium in the Device
b. Choose Eject in the context-sensitive menu.
c. Remove the medium from the jukebox and label it as defective.
10. Insert the replicate IXW medium and restore it as original:
a. Insert the replicated IXW medium in the jukebox and choose Insert in the
context-sensitive menu.
b. Select the medium (bak flag) and choose Restore in the context-sensitive
This makes the backup partition available as the original partition.
c. If the partition had already been written to the second side of the defective
IXW medium, proceed with that in exactly the same way.

190 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

13.4 Recovery of Backups on a Remote Standby Server

11. Clear the backup status of the replicated IXW medium.

a. Choose the Servers tab.
b. Select the replicated IXW medium in the Archives folder and choose Clear
Backup Status from the context-sensitive menu.
c. If necessary, do the same with the second side.
12. Connect to the Remote Standby Server.
13. Run the Synchronize_Replicates job:
a. Choose the Jobs tab.
b. Select the Synchronize_Replicates job and choose Now in the context-
sensitive menu.
This starts the job, and the Remote Standby Server requests the data that has
not been backed up from the original server.

Don't execute this job during office times, because this may lead to

14. Check whether the job ran successfully (see “Checking the execution of jobs” on
page 198).

Restoring a replicate of an IXW partition

If a replicate IXW medium is defective, the Synchronize job for the defective
partition cannot run successfully. The replicate is restored on the same principle as
the original partition. The only difference is that it is not necessary to insert an IXW
medium in another jukebox and declare it as the original.
1. Establish the connection to the Remote Standby Server.
2. Export and remove the replicated partition:
a. Choose the Servers tab and select the replicated partition in the Device
b. Choose Utilities > Export Partition in the context-sensitive menu.
c. Select the replicated partition and choose Eject in the context-sensitive
d. If both sides of the IXW medium were already initialized you must also
export and remove the second partition.
3. Export also the IXW partition(s) from IXW file management. The procedure
depends on the operating system you are using.
a. In the command line, change to directory <IXOS_ROOT>\bin

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 191

Chapter 13 Remote Standby

b. Determine the ID of the IXW medium:

cdadm survey -v +uoi

c. Delete the entries in the file system information:

cdadm delete vID=<WORM_ID>

4. Insert and initialize a new IXW medium for a new replicate:

a. Insert the media in the jukebox and choose Insert in the context-sensitive
b. Select the partition (-blank- in the name column) and choose Init from the
context-sensitive menu.
c. Select the Create as replicated partition option. Click Select Partition
and select the name of the original partition.
d. If necessary, initialize the second partition of the IXW medium too.
5. Run the Synchronize_Replicates job:
a. Click the Jobs tab.
b. Select the Synchronize_Replicates job and choose Now in the context-
sensitive menu.
This starts the job, and the Remote Standby Server requests the data that has
not been backed up from the original server.

Don't execute this job during office times, because this may lead to

192 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 14
As soon as available, you can find the description for volume migration in the ESC:

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 193

Part 4
Chapter 15
Everyday monitoring of the archive system
To monitor the archiving system, you use the Archive Administration Utilities:
Archive Web Monitor, Document Pipeline Info and Archive Administration. The
tools Document Pipeline Info and Archive Administration are installed on the
administrator's computer and can connect to different Archive Servers and
Document Pipeline hosts via the network. The Archive Web Monitor is installed on
the Archive Server, you can access it with an URL.
Here is a short summary of their use:
Archive Web Monitor
• monitor the processes on the Archive Server
• check space on file systems
• check space in database
• display warnings and error messages of the archive components
• check the Storage Manager, for example, the filling level of inodes or empty
media in jukeboxes
• check number of documents in error queues of Document Pipelines

Document Pipeline Info

• check correct document flow on the Archive Server
• check correct document flow in Document Pipelines
• locate problems

Archive Administration
• check the success of scheduled jobs, in particular of the Write and Backup
• check for notifications according to your configuration (e-mails, alerts,
execution of files, see “Simplify monitoring with notifications” on page 199)
• check free disk space

15.1 Monitoring system components and resources

You use the Archive Web Monitor to check the activities of the archive components
and the free storage space in the pools, database and the Document Pipeline. The
status icons help you to identify whether and where problems have occurred or
resources are becoming low.
1. Access the Archive Web Monitor and establish the connection to the Archive
Servers and Livelink Enterprise Scans you want to check.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 197

Chapter 15 Everyday monitoring of the archive system

2. Check the component groups of the hosts for error indications and warnings. If
an error or warning occurs, identify the component or components that have
caused it. For further details refer to “Using the Archive Web Monitor” on page

15.2 Checking the execution of jobs

Jobs are processes that are started automatically in accordance with a predefined
schedule, e.g. jobs for writing storage media or for performing backups. Many of
these jobs run at night when the Archive Server and network load is low. Every day,
you must check whether the jobs have run correctly.

1. In the Archive Administration, click the Jobs tab.

2. Right-click in the Jobs table and choose Protocol.
3. In the Job Protocol dialog box, search for protocol items with red bulbs. These
jobs are terminated with an error. A green icon identifies jobs that have run
Details: “Job protocol” on page 198
4. Right-click the protocol item with the red bulb and choose Messages.
You get detailed information about the problem of this job instance. The
window contains one message per line. Each message starts with a signal word
which indicates the importance of the message. The messages are updated at
specified intervals. Click Refresh to update the list manually.
5. Solve the problem.
6. Restart the job: In the Jobs tab, right-click the job and choose Now.
7. Check if the execution was successfully.

15.2.1 Job protocol

The Job Protocol dialog box displays a protocol for the jobs that have already run.
Newest protocol entries are listed at the top.
The entries in the job protocol are regularly deleted by the SYS_CLEANUP_PROTOCOL
job that usually runs weekly. You can modify the maximum age and number of
protocol entries in the Server Configuration under Administration Server (ADMS)
> Jobs and Alerts.
The table lists the jobs along with the following properties:

Time The date and time when the job was started.
Name The user-specific name of the job.
ID Identifies the execution of job instance. The number appears on job ini-
tialization and is repeated on job execution.

198 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications

Status INFO indicates that the job was completed successfully. ERROR indicates
that the job was terminated with an error.
Command The system command and arguments executed by the job.
Message The message generated by Archive Server. It provides more detailed
information about how the job was terminated in case of an error.

To sort the table according to one of these attributes, click on the column title. Use
the buttons to browse the protocol. You can also display the detailed messages for
job instances, and delete protocol entries.

15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications

By setting up a notification service you can reduce the amount of work associated
with monitoring of the archive system. A notification is sent when a certain
predefined event occurs. You can define both the events and the type and recipient
of the notification. You can also restrict the time slot in which particular notifications
are sent. For example, you can define notifications sent to the workstation during
working hours and by e-mail to the on-call service outside working hours. Thus you
ensure that responsible persons are addressed directly when a particular event
Setting up monitoring with notifications involves the following steps:
1. Define the events to which the system should respond, see “Defining events” on
page 199.
2. Configure the type and settings of the notifications and associate them with
specific events, see “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203.

15.3.1 Defining events

Defining an event means specifying the conditions that have to be met before a
notification is triggered. If a system event (e.g. an error or warning) occurs, the
system checks whether it complies one of the defined event conditions. If it does, the
assigned notification is sent. It contains the complete message, the origin and the
Some important event conditions are already predefined. You can change them and
define new events. Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Notifications tab.
2. Do one of the following:
• To define a new event, right-click in the Events list and choose Add.
• To modify an event, right-click it and choose Edit.
3. Enter the conditions for the event.
Details: “Event Specification” on page 200

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 199

Chapter 15 Everyday monitoring of the archive system

4. Click OK.

See also:
• “Examples of event definitions” on page 201
• “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203 Event Specification

In the Event Specification dialog box, you can define or edit an event.

A self-explaining name.
Specifies the importance. Possible entries:
• Fatal Error
• Error
• Warning
• Important
• Information
• (<any>): All severities are recorded.

Message class
Classifies and characterizes events.
• Database: Database event (not used in this version)
• Server: Events at servers
• Administration: Events which affect administration.
• (<any>): All classes are recorded.

Specifies the software component which issued the message. If nothing is
specified here, all components are recorded (<any>). The most important
components are:
• Administration Server: mainly monitors the execution of the jobs.

200 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications

• Monitor Server: reports changes in status of archive components, i.e.

whenever a status display changes in Archive Web Monitor.
• Document Service: monitors the read component (RC) which provides
archived documents and the write component (WC) which archives
• Storage Manager: Reports errors that occure when writing to storage media.
• Timestamp Server: Reports errors that occure when creating or
administering timestamps.
• High Availability: Reports errors associated with High Availability software
and the cluster software it uses.
Message code
Number from a message catalog. The code is used to filter out concrete events.
You can specify one code number or a range of numbers. One message catalog
always belongs to one component. The component installs the catalog under
<IXOS_ROOT>\config\msgcat\<COMPNAME>_<lang>.cat is the English message catalog for the Administration Server
component. The message catalogs for Administration Server (ADMS) and
Document Service (DS) can also be found in Server Configuration.

See also:
• “Defining events” on page 199
• “Examples of event definitions” on page 201
• “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203 Examples of event definitions

Preconfigured A number of preconfigured events are delivered with the installation of the Archive
events Server. To use them, configure the notifications and assign the appropriate
notifications to each event. You can use these events:
Any Fatal Error
Includes all events of the type Fatal Error of all currently recorded event
classes and components.
Any Message from Admin Server
Includes all events on the Administration Server.
Any Message from Document Service
Includes all events occurring in the Document Service.
Any Message from Monitor Server
Includes all status changes in the Archive Web Monitor.
Any Message from Storage Manager
Includes all status changes in the Storage Manager.
Any Non-Fatal Error
Includes all events of the type Error of all currently recorded event classes and

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 201

Chapter 15 Everyday monitoring of the archive system

HA reattach jukebox
Event occurs in case of an jukebox error when the system tries to find another
jukebox or SCSI device.
ISO partition has been written
The event occurs when an ISO partition has been written successfully.
IXW partition has been initialized
The event occurs when automatic initialization of an IXW partition has finished
Jukebox error: Jukebox detached
The event occurs when the STORM cannot access the jukebox.
More blank media required in jukebox
This event occurs when new optical media have to be inserted in a jukebox.
User-defined Additionally, you can define other events to get notifications if they occur. Userful
events events are:
Job Error
This event records errors that are listed in the job protocol and notifies you with
a particular message. Use this configuration:
Severity: Error
Message class: Server or <any>
Component: Administration Server
Message code: 1

Error from Monitor Server

This event tells you when an archive component indicates an error, for example,
when no more free storage space is available (red icon in the Archive Web
Monitor). Use this configuration:
Severity: Error
Message class: Server or <any>
Component: Monitor Server
Message code:

Warning from Monitor Server

This event tells you when an archive component issues a warning, for example
when the free storage space reaches a low level or when an attempt is made to
access an unavailable partition (yellow icon in Archive Web Monitor). Use this
Severity: Warning
Message class: Server or <any>
Component: Monitor Server
Message code:

See also:
• “Event Specification” on page 200
• “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203

202 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications

15.3.2 Configuring and assigning notifications

Having defined the event, you specify what type of notification should be
generated. You can choose from four types of notification. Send an e-mail and
Execute tcl script are active notification types: when the assigned event occurs, an
action is triggered. In contrast, Admin Client Alert and Write message to a file
have a passive character. The notifications are saved and must be called by the
Every notification must be linked with one or more events. There are two
• You can assign the notification to the selected event immediately after it is
created: use Create & Assign in the Assigned notifications list.
• You can configure the notification first (Create) and then assign it to one or more
events (Assign to Event, both in All available notifications list).
All notification parameters can be modified using Edit. The change is implemented
wherever this notification is assigned, even if Edit was selected in the Assigned
notifications list.

To create and edit a notification

1. Click the Notifications tab.
2. Do one of the following:
• To configure a new notification, right-click in the All available notifications
list and choose Create.
• To configure and immediately assign a new notification, select the event to
which the notification will belong. Then right-click in the Assigned
notifications list and choose Create & Assign.
• To modify an existing notification, right-click the notification in one of the
notification lists and choose Edit.
3. Enter the notification parameters.
Details: “Notification settings” on page 204
You can test your entries with Test. The notification is sent independently of an
4. Click OK.

See also:
• “Using variables in notifications” on page 206
• “Assigning notifications to events” on page 206

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 203

Chapter 15 Everyday monitoring of the archive system Notification settings

In the Notification dialog box, you can define which notification will be sent, to
whom and when.

The name should be unique and meaningful.
Type, Parameter
Select the type of notification and enter the specific parameters. The following
notification types and parameters are possible:
Admin Client Alert
Alerts are simple notifications. They are displayed in the Archive
Administration when clicking the Alerts button and are automatically
deleted after a specific period. The alerts refer to the connected Archive
Server. No parameters are required.

204 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications

Send an e-mail
E-mails can be sent to respond immediately to an event or in standby time. If
you want to send it via SMS, consider that the length of SMS text (includes
Subject and Additional text) is limited by most providers. Enter the following
• Mailhost: Name of the target mail server. The connection to the mail
server is produced using SMTP. The entry is mandatory.
• Sender address: E-mail address of the sender. It appears in the from field
in the inbox of the recipient. The entry is mandatory.
• Recipient address: E-mail address of the recipient. If you want to specify
more than one recipient, separate them by a semicolon. The entry is
• Subject of the mail, $-variables can be used. If not specified, the subject is

Execute tcl script

The parameter is a tcl program. It will be executed if the event occurs.
Write message to a file
The notification is written to a file. Enter the name of the target file (without
suffix), its format and maximum size in bytes.
SNMP trap
Provides an interface to an external monitoring system that supports the
SNMP protocol. Enter the information on the target system.
Active on
Weekdays and time of day at which the notification is to be sent.
Standard text
Only for e-mail messages: If selected, you get an introduction in the message:
“The following notification message was generated by the Archive Server
according to the configuration done in the Administration Client”. This
introduction is followed by the message text. If you send SMS messages, clear
this check box.
Max. length
Only for e-mail messages: Maximum number of characters in the e-mail body.
Use it if you send messages as SMS and enter a value according to the limitation
of your provider.
Additional text
Free text field with the maximum length of 255 characters. $-variables can be

See also:
• “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203
• “Using variables in notifications” on page 206
• “Assigning notifications to events” on page 206

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 205

Chapter 15 Everyday monitoring of the archive system Using variables in notifications

When configuring notifications, variables can be used as placeholders. The variables
are replaced with the current value when the notification is sent. For example, the
variable $HOST is replaced with the name of the host at which the event was
triggered. With variables, you can keep the Subject line and the body text of the e-
mail generic, for example, $SEVERITY message from $HOST.
The following variables can be used:
Message class, characterizes the event.
Component that has output the message.
Type of message, characterizes the importance.
Date and time when the message was output from the component (system time
of the computer on which the component is installed).
Name of the computer on which the reported event occurred. For server
processes, “daemon” is output.
Name of the user under which the processes run on the $HOST machine.
Message text from the message catalog. Important messages are listed first. If
there is no catalog message, the default text provided by the component is used.
Code number from the message catalog.

See also:
• “Notification settings” on page 204 Assigning notifications to events

A notification is sent only if it is linked to an event and this event occurs. You must
therefore assign a notification to one or more events. You can cancel the assignment
at any time.

To assign a notification
1. Click the Notifications tab.
2. In the Events list, select the event.
3. In the All available notifications list, right-click the notification and choose
Assign to Event.

206 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

15.3 Simplify monitoring with notifications

To cancel the assignment of a notification

1. Click the Notifications tab.
2. In the Events list, select the event.
3. Right-click the notification in the Assigned notifications list and choose
The entry in the Assigned notifications table is deleted but not the notification
itself. You can reassign it.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 207

Chapter 16
Using the Archive Web Monitor
Tasks You use Archive Web Monitor to monitor the availability of system resources and
the activities of individual archive components and scan workstations. The most
important of these are:
• the free storage space in the database and in the log directories,
• the free storage space in the Archive Server pools,
• the activities of the Document Service and access to unavailable partitions,
• DocTool activities and their correct operation,
• the activities of the Storage Manager.
The Archive Web Monitor is used solely to observe the global system and to identify
problem areas. The Monitor components gather information about the status of the
various archive system components at regular intervals.
The Monitor cannot be used to eliminate errors, modify the configuration or start
and stop processes. Viewer clients are not monitored.
The Archive Web Monitor can be started as a Web application from any host.
Warning and In the Archive Administration you can configure warning and error messages that
error messages are sent when the status of an Archive Server component changes. You can also use
external system management tools within the scope of special project solutions.
Security HTTPS can be used to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. External access
should be restricted by means of a firewall.

16.1 First steps and overview

16.1.1 Starting Archive Web Monitor
To start the Archive Web Monitor in your browser, go to the address

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 209

Chapter 16 Using the Archive Web Monitor

Variable Description Example

prot Protocol http or https
server Name of the administered Archive Server alpha
domain Domain at which the server is registered
port Port at which the web server receives requests http:4060 or
cmd Command index.html

Calling this URL opens the Server start page. Click on Archive Web Monitor to
open the client.
You can specify a number of parameters with the URL in order to customize
Archive Web Monitor to meet your requirements (see “Customizing the Archive
Web Monitor” on page 213).

16.1.2 Archive Web Monitor window

The program window is subdivided as follows:

Title bar
The title bar contains the name of the monitored Archive Server and also
specifies the Web browser you are using.

210 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

16.1 First steps and overview

Button bar
The button bar contains buttons to configure the Archive Web Monitor. All
settings here apply only to the current browser session. If you want to reuse your
settings, pass them as parameters when you start the program (see “Customizing
the Archive Web Monitor” on page 213).
Left column: Monitored servers
Here you find a list of the monitored Archive Servers. Click a name. The current
status of this Archive Server is displayed in the other two columns. If you click
on the name again, the status is checked at the Monitor Server and the display in
the Archive Web Monitor is updated if necessary.
Otherwise the status of the components is updated after the specified refresh
interval (see “Refresh interval” on page 212). If it is not possible to establish a
connection to a Web server then the icon is displayed in front of the server

Tip: If you want to compare the status of different servers, open Archive
Web Monitor for each of them and use the task bar to switch between the
different instances.
Middle column: Components
In a hierarchical structure, you see the groups of components that run on the
interrogated host. Below each component group, you see the associated
components. Click a component to display its current status in the third column.
Click the icon to display the status of the component group on the right. For
information on the components and the possible messages, refer to “Component
status display” on page 213.
The icon in front of the component group name represents a summary of the
individual statuses of the components in the group. If you move the mouse
pointer to an icon in front of a component, abbreviated status information is
displayed in a tooltip even if the detailed information is not displayed in the
third column. In this way you can compare the statuses of two components.
Right column: Detailed information and status
This column contains detailed status information on the selected components or
component groups. If the third column is too narrow to display the information,
move the mouse pointer to the icon to display the status information in a tooltip.
Status line
Provides information on the status of the initiated processes.
Status icons The icons identify the system status at a glance. To configure the icons, click the Icon
Type button. You can choose between bulbs, LEDs, faces, signs, and traffic lights.
The possible statuses are:
• Available without restriction.
• Warning, storage space problems are imminent. You can continue working for
the present but the problem must be resolved soon.
• Error, component not available.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 211

Chapter 16 Using the Archive Web Monitor

In the above figure, faces were used as Monitor symbols.

The Error and Warning status is also displayed for the higher-level component group
and for the host, that is to say the problem is graphically escalated to a higher level.
In this way, you can identify problems even if the particular branch of the hierarchy
is closed.
Configuration file The configuration of the Archive Web Monitor is saved in the *.monitor files that
are located in the directory <IXOS_ROOT>\config\monitor.

16.1.3 Refresh interval

1. In the Archive Web Monitor, click the Refresh Interval button.
2. Define the period (in seconds) between two requests to the host. Short periods
increase the network load.

Note: To refresh the display of the host status manually, click on the name of
the host in the left column. In the Internet Explorer, you can also refresh the
display with F5 or CRTL+R.

16.1.4 Add and remove hosts

To add a host
1. Click the Add Hosts button.
2. Enter the name of the Archive Server in the form
<hostname>.<domainname>. By default, the port number is 4060 or 4061 for

The selected Archive Server is entered in the list of hosts.

To remove a host
1. Click the Remove Hosts button.
2. Select one or more Archive Servers that you no longer want to monitor and click

212 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

16.2 Component status display

The selected Archive Server is removed from the host list.

16.1.5 Customizing the Archive Web Monitor

All toolbar settings can also be passed directly as parameters in the URL when you
call the program.
The syntax for passing parameters corresponds to standard HTTP syntax:

Thus the URL
starts the Archive Web Monitor for the Archive Server alpha with icon type Faces,
refresh interval 10 seconds and the additional hosts beta and gamma. First, the start
page opens. Click Archive Web Monitor to start the program with the defined
Save this URL as a bookmark. So you can always start your personal configuration.
If you do not pass any parameters with the URL, Archive Web Monitor starts with
the default settings: LEDs, refresh interval 120 seconds and no additional hosts.
However, these defaults are dependent on the default settings for the Web server.

16.2 Component status display

Detailed information on each component is displayed on the right side of the
window. The Status of each component is displayed and further details concerning
this status can be viewed under Details . The status Can't call this server
means that the Monitor is unable to access the corresponding component and that
no information is available.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 213

Chapter 16 Using the Archive Web Monitor

16.2.1 DP space
Monitors the storage space for the Document Pipelines that are used for the
temporary storage of documents during the archiving process. A special directory
on the hard disk is reserved for the Document Pipelines. You can find its location in
the Server Configuration, under General Archive Server settings (COMMON) >
DP settings.
During archiving, the documents are temporarily copied to this directory and are
then deleted once they have been successfully saved. The directory must be large
enough to accommodate the largest documents, e.g. print lists generated by SAP.
The possible status displays are Ok,Warning and Error. In Details you can see the
free storage space in MB, the total storage space in MB and the proportion of free
storage space in percent. The values refer to the hard disk partition in which the
DPDIR directory was installed.
A warning or error message is issued if insufficient free storage space is available.
Possible causes are:
Error during the processing of documents in the Document Pipeline
Normally the documents are processed rapidly and deleted immediately. If
problems occur, the documents may remain in the pipeline and storage space
may become scarce. Check the status of the DocTools (group DP Tools in the
Monitor) and the status of the Document Pipelines in Document Pipeline Info.
Document is larger than the available storage space
If no separate partition is reserved for the Document Pipeline, the storage space
may be occupied by other data and processes. In this case, the partition should
be cleaned up to create space for the pipeline. To avoid this problem, reconfigure
the Document Pipeline and locate it in a separate partition. The partition must be
larger than the largest document that is to be archived.

16.2.2 Storage Manager

Monitors the Storage Manager (STORM) which administers the jukeboxes and
media: the status of the STORM process jbd is displayed together with the fill level
of the inode files and an overview of the partitions in the connected jukebox(es).
Physical and virtual are shown in the same way.
Displays the status of the Storage Manager. The status is Active, if the server is
running. A status of either Can't call server, Can't connect to server or Not
active indicates that the server is either not reachable or not running. Check the
jbd.log log file for errors. If necessary, solve the problem and start the Storage
Manager again.
Displays how full the inode files are. Either the status OK or Error is displayed.
Under Details, you can see what percent is full as well as the number of
configured and used inodes. If an error is displayed, the storage space for the file
system information must be increased.

214 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

16.2 Component status display

Provides an overview of the partitions for each attached jukebox. The possible
status specifications are Ok, Warning or Error. Warning means that there are no
writeable partitions or no empty slots in the jukebox. Error is displayed if at
least one corrupt medium is found in a jukebox (display -bad- under Devices in
Archive Administration).
The following information is displayed under Details:

Empty Number of empty slots

Bad Number of faulty (unreadable) partitions.
Blank DVD: Number of empty slots
IXW: number of non-initialized partitions.
Written Number of written partitions.

16.2.3 DocService (Document Service)

The Document Service is the Archive Server component that archives documents
and delivers them for display. The DocService component monitors the read
component rc, the write component wc, the administration server admsrv, the
backup server bksrvr , whether the document processes have been started, and the
component unavail that indicates whether a user has tried to access unavailable
The status of rc, wc, admsrv and bksrvr is Active or Error. Error means that the
component cannot be executed and must be restarted.
The status of the unavail component is OK or Warning. Warning means that a
document has been requested from an unavailable partition. The number of
unavailable partitions is displayed under Details. To find out the names of these
partitions, choose the Devices directory followed by the Unavailable command in
Archive Administration.

16.2.4 DS pools
The Monitor checks the free storage space which is available to the pools (and
therefore the logical archives). The pools and buffers are listed. The availability of
the components depends on two factors. Partitions must be assigned and there must
be sufficient free storage space in the individual partitions.
• The status Ok specifies that partitions are present and sufficient storage space is
• The status Error together with the message No volumes present means that a
partition (WORM or hard disk) needs to be linked to this buffer or pool (see
“Attaching an additional partition to a disk buffer or pool” on page 149 and
“Manual initialization and assignment” on page 130).

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 215

Chapter 16 Using the Archive Web Monitor

• The status Error with the message No writable partitions refers to WORM
partitions and means that the available partitions are full or write-protected.
Initialize and assign a new partition (see “Manual initialization and assignment”
on page 130) or remove the write-protection.
• The status Full refers to disk buffers or hard disk pools and means that there is
no free storage space on the partition. In the case of a hard disk pool, create a
new partition and assign it to this pool (see “Attaching an additional partition to
a disk buffer or pool” on page 149).
In the case of a disk buffer, check whether the job Purge_Buffer has been
processed successfully and whether the parameters for this job are set correctly.

16.2.5 DBORA Server DB <SID> (Oracle only)

AlertErr shows the status of the Oracle alert file. An error is displayed if the file
contains messages with “ORA-<no>” in the text.
ArcLog shows the free space on the partition for the archived redo log files. An error
is displayed if there is too little space in the partition. To avoid problems, delete the
log files regularly, see “Backing up and deleting the archived redo log files” on page

16.2.6 Server DB Tablespaces

The Monitor checks the free storage space of the data, index and system
tablespaces in the Archive Server database (Oracle and MS SQL Server). There
must be a minimum amount of free storage space in the database (in general, 10% of
resources). If sufficient storage space is not available, then no further archiving is
possible. The proportions of database space occupied by data and indexes are
displayed separately.
The possible status specifications are Ok, Warning or Error. Under Details you
can see the total reserved storage space in MB together with the free storage space in
MB and percent. In the event of a warning or error message, the corresponding
tablespace must be increased directly in the database as soon as possible.
Note on MS SQL Server index and data tablespaces:
Usually the free space for these tablespaces is extended automatically with the
MS SQL option Grow file automatically. The status display in the Archive
Web Monitor is always green and the free space shown with 100%. Use the
Enterprise Manager to check the database. Check also the free space on the file
system to ensure that the tablespaces can be extended.

16.2.7 DS DP Tools, DS DP Queues, DS DP Error Queues

Monitors the special Document Pipeline of the Document Service, in particular the
availability of DocTools and the status of the queues and error queues. The results
are displayed in three component groups.

216 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

16.2 Component status display

DS DP Tools
The availability of each DocTool in the DS DP is displayed. Under normal
circumstances, the DocTools are started by the spawner when the archive is
started and continue to run for the entire archive session. The status is
Registered if the DocTool has been started. Under Details you can see
whether the DocTool is processing documents (active) or whether it is
unoccupied (lazy).
DS DP Queues
Monitors the Document Service DocTools queues and specifies the number of
documents in each of them. Normally the documents are processed very quickly
and the queues are empty.
DS DP Error Queues
Monitors the Document Service DocTools error queues and specifies the number
of documents in each of them.

16.2.8 Log Diskspace

The component ixos_log checks the free storage space in the directory for the
Archive Server log files (<IXOS_ROOT>\var\log).
The status is Ok,Warning or Error. In Details you can see the free storage space in
MB, the total storage space in MB and the proportion of free storage space in
percent. The values refer to the hard disk partition in which the log directory was
A warning or error message is issued if insufficient free storage space is available.
Delete all log files that are no longer needed. To avoid problems, delete log files
regularly (see “Deleting log files” on page 246).

16.2.9 DP Tools, DP Queues, DP Error Queues

Monitors the Document Pipelines which are used to archive documents. In
particular it monitors the availability of the DocTools, the status of the
corresponding queues and the number of documents present in them. For each
queue there is also an associated error queue that contains documents that could not
be processed because of an error.

DP Tools
The Monitor checks the availability of the DocTools. The status is Registered if the
DocTool has been started. Various messages may appear under Details for the
The DocTool is unoccupied. There are no documents available for processing.
The DocTool is processing documents.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 217

Chapter 16 Using the Archive Web Monitor

The DocTool has been locked. To check this status, start Document Pipeline Info.
Here all the queues that are associated with a locked DocTool are identified by
the locked symbol. In general, a DocTool is only locked if an error has occurred.
Once the problem has been analyzed and eliminated, restart the DocTool in
Document Pipeline Info.
Not registered
The DocTool has not been started.

DP Queues
Monitors all queues of the Document Pipelines and specifies the number of
documents in each queue. Precisely one DocTool is assigned to each queue. One
DocTool may be assigned to multiple queues. You can find the same queues in
Document Pipeline Info but with different names.
Usually the documents are processed very quickly by the associated DocTool and
the queues are empty. The status Empty is specified. If there are documents in the
queue, the status is set to Not empty. Under Details, you find the number of
documents in the queue. To analyze this situation, check the availability of the
DocTool under DP Tools and use the functions provided in Document Pipeline Info.

DP error queues
Monitors the error queues and specifies the number of documents in each queue.
There is an error queue for each ordinary queue. Documents in error queues cannot
be processed because of an error. The processing DocTool is specified for each
queue. You can find the corresponding queues in Document Pipeline Info but with
different names.
The error queues are usually Empty. If a DocTool cannot process a document, the
document is moved to the error queue. The status is set to Not empty. Under
Details you can see the number of unprocessed documents. If the same error
occurs for all the documents in this pipeline, then all the documents are gathered in
the error queue. The documents cannot be processed until the error has been
eliminated and the documents have been transferred for processing again with
Restart in Document Pipeline Info.

Error processing for DocTools

The following overview should provide you with guidelines on error processing.
Here, only the DocTools are listed. However, the comments apply to all queues that
use the corresponding DocTool.
A page of the scanned document could not be rotated.

218 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

16.2 Component status display

The Archive Server could not supply a document to the SAP host.
• In the DocService component group, check the rc component. If error is
displayed, the Archive Server is not available and must be restarted.
• The network connection to the SAP host has been interrupted.
• Check that there is sufficient free storage space in the exchange directory.
A document could not be copied from the SAP host to Archive Server.
• Check the component group DP Space to determine whether there is
sufficient free space available for the document pipeline. Consider one of the
explanations above.
• The network connection to the SAP host has been lost.
• Problems with the exchange directory (shared file transfer directory that
must be available before the SAP host can be accessed).
A collective document (outgoing document, OTF) could not be subdivided into
single documents. Check the component group DP Space to determine whether
there is sufficient free space available for the pipeline. Consider one of the
explanations above.
One or more documents could not be archived.
• In the DocService component group, check the wc component. If error is
displayed, the Archive Server is not available and must be restarted.
• Check the DS Pools component group. If warning or error is displayed for
the logical archive in which the document is to be archived or for the
corresponding disk buffer, there is no storage space available for archiving.
Please note the comments on DS Pools above.
...wfcfbc and ...notify
These DocTools are used to subdivide collective documents into single
documents. It is unusual for errors to occur here.
The response could not be sent to the SAP system.
• The connection to the SAP system could not be established. Check the log file
cbfx.log for information on the possible error causes.

• The configuration parameters for setting up the connection are incorrect.

Check the configuration of the SAP system and the archive in the Servers tab
in Archive Administration.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 219

Chapter 16 Using the Archive Web Monitor

The temporary data in the pipeline could not be deleted following the correct
execution of all the preceding DocTools. Start Document Pipeline Info and
remove the documents in the corresponding error queue. You require special
access rights to do this.

16.2.10 Timestamp Service

The component monitors the working status of the Open Text/IXOS Timestamp
Service and some external Timestamp Servers. The monitoring must be configured
in Server Configuration, under Timestamp Server (TSTP)/Script for the Archive
Web Monitor. Otherwise the message “not being checked” is shown.

220 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 17
Using the Document Pipeline Info
Document Pipeline Info is a utility to monitor archiving processes using Document
Pipelines. Thus you make sure that documents have been correctly archived. If an
error occurs, you can quickly locate the problem. If necessary, you may deactivate
individual processing queues and activate them again.
To see the working status of the Document Pipelines, you can also use the Archive
Web Monitor; see “Using the Archive Web Monitor” on page 209. It monitors all
resources of the Archive Server.

17.1 First steps and overview

17.1.1 Starting Document Pipeline Info
Start the Document Pipeline Info utility and connect to the host, i.e. to an Archive
Server or to an Enterprise Scan workstation:

1. Windows: From the Start menu, choose All Programs > Livelink ECM -
Archive Server > Livelink ECM - Document Pipeline Info.
UNIX: From the shell, change the directory to <IXOS_ROOT>/bin and enter

2. In the Document Pipeline Info window, select the Document Pipeline host, e.g.
the Archive Server or Enterprise Scan workstation, from the Host Name list. If
the host is not in the list, enter its name directly in the field.
3. To create the connection:
• click the Connect button, or
• click Connect on the Host menu.

To connect to the current host the next time you start Document Pipeline Info,
select Preferences from the Options menu. Select Connect when started.
You may connect to only one host at a time. To connect to a different host, select the
host from the Host Name list or enter the host name directly in the field, and click

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 221

Chapter 17 Using the Document Pipeline Info

the Connect button. The previous connection is discontinued and the new
connection established. To monitor multiple hosts simultaneously, start as many
instances as required of the Document Pipeline Info and connect them to different

17.1.2 Document Pipeline Info window

After you start Document Pipeline Info and connect to a host, the Document
Pipelines running on that host and their processing queues are displayed.

Figure 17-1: The Document Pipeline Info window

Document The list in the Document Pipeline Info window contains the following elements:

Document Pipelines column

In this column, the visible Document Pipelines are listed. Under each pipeline,
the corresponding processing queues are shown.
Input column
This column displays the number of documents in the queue waiting to be
processed by the associated DocTool. Processing time is extremely short and

222 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

17.1 First steps and overview

documents flow through the pipeline rapidly. For that reason, the numbers in
this column are usually zero.
Error column
This column displays the number of documents in the error queue. These are
documents that could not be processed by the associated DocTool. The archiving
process for the pipeline is not interrupted because faulty documents are removed
from the pipeline and placed here.

<Document Pipeline>
The top level of the hierarchy displays the Document Pipelines, e.g. Store
scanned documents with barcode into SAP(R3SC). Each Document Pipeline
corresponds to a different archiving scenario. A pipeline is made up of
processing queues. They are listed in the order in which the documents are
processed. Each queue is associated with its corresponding DocTool. A DocTool
is a program that performs a particular processing step.

Removed documents
This is a special Document Pipeline. Documents to be permanently deleted are
deposited here. As a rule, these are documents that could not be processed due
to, for example, a customizing error. To move a document to the recycle bin, a
special access right is required.

Queue is enabled
When a queue is enabled, it passes the documents sequentially to the associated
DocTool for processing. A processing queue contains the documents that are
waiting to be processed by the associated DocTool.

Queue is disabled
When a queue is disabled, it does not pass the documents to the associated
DocTool for processing. A queue is disabled if the associated DocTool is
disabled. As several queues can use the same DocTool, all these queues are
disabled if the DocTool is disabled.

Queue is blocked, state unknown

When a queue is blocked, it cannot function. The cause is usually a serious error
on the host where the Document Pipeline is running.

(blue) - Incoming document

An incoming document is waiting to be processed by the DocTool of this queue.
Incoming documents are visible only when a queue has been disabled, or when
processing takes a while and documents accumulate in the queue. An x appears
in the Input column. Expand the list to see the documents. The document name
is the name of the document directory, which is a subdirectory of the pipeline
directory on the host (DPDIR), and contains all components of that document. To
disable a queue, the user must have the appropriate access right.

(red) - Faulty document

If documents cannot be processed by a DocTool, the number of unprocessed
documents appears in the Error column. Faulty documents are visible only when
a queue has been disabled. To disable a queue, the user must have the

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 223

Chapter 17 Using the Document Pipeline Info

appropriate access right. Expand the list to see the documents. The document
name is the name of the document directory, which is a subdirectory of the
pipeline directory on the host (DPDIR), and contains all components of that
Status line
The status line appears in the lower border of the window. When a queue is
selected, the status line displays the technical name of the corresponding
DocTool. If some Document Pipelines are hidden, the message Hidden Pipelines
appears in the lower right of the status line.
If an error occurs, a small red dot will appear on the Document Pipeline symbol. The
queue where the error has occurred will be marked with a small red arrow. The
documents affected will be deposited in the associated error queue.
Menus and Above the main display of Document Pipelines, you find the toolbar and menus.
toolbar They contain the following functions:

Menu Toolbar Description

Host > Connect... Hostname Select or enter an Archive Server or Enterprise
Scan workstation.
See also “Starting Document Pipeline Info” on
page 221
Host > Connect > Connect to the selected host. The name of the
Connect... connected host is displayed in the title bar.
See also “Starting Document Pipeline Info” on
page 221
Host > Disconnect Disconnects from the connected host.

Host > Refresh Updates the information for the selected queue.
All information in the Document Pipeline Info
window is also updated at regular intervals.
Host > Statistics... Displays a window containing general statistics
for the Document Pipelines running on the host,
See also “Statistics” on page 227
Host > Restart all Resubmits all documents in error queues to the
queues from which they were removed due to
errors. In other words, it restarts the processing
of documents at the point where processing was
Host > Pipelines Opens the dialog for showing and hiding the
view... Document Pipelines.
See also “Pipelines view ” on page 227
Host > Print report... Prints information displayed in the Document
Pipeline Info window. You can also print to a
file. Thus you can log the current status of the
Document Pipelines.
See also “Print report” on page 228

224 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

17.1 First steps and overview

Menu Toolbar Description

Host > Exit Ends the current Document Pipeline Info session.
Options > Prefer- Lets you define the basic settings.
ences... See also: “Preferences” on page 225
Help Displays the first page of Document Pipeline Info
Help Topics Displays the table of contents for help documen-
About Document Displays Document Pipeline Info version infor-
Pipeline Info... mation.

17.1.3 Preferences
To specify the basic settings for Document Pipeline Info, open the Options menu
and click Preferences.
In the General tab you find the following settings:

Supported languages
Select the language of the Document Pipeline Info window. Your selection will
be effective after you restart Document Pipeline Info.
Network timeout in seconds
Specify how long the Document Pipeline Info will wait for a response from the
host after it has sent a query.
Connect when started
Select this option to enable Document Pipeline Info to reconnect to the host to
which it was last connected.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 225

Chapter 17 Using the Document Pipeline Info

Default size when started

Select this option to enable Document Pipeline Info to open always in default
size. Otherwise the program window opens in the same size that it was when
The Hosts tab shows the location of the configuration file used to determine the
Document Pipelines for each host.

The entries in the columns contain the following information:

Host Name
The column contains all hosts with which Document Pipeline Info has been
connected at least once.
Configuration file
Path and name of the configuration file used when a connection is established to
that host. The entry <Remote> appears automatically if Document Pipeline Info
connects to a remote host and is able to read the configuration file there. In this
case, you need not specify a configuration file. If the configuration file cannot be
accessed, an error message appears and a dialog box asks you to specify a
configuration file.
You can extend or shorten this list of host names and configuration files. Entries can
also be modified. The following actions are possible:
Inserts a blank line at the end of the list. To specify a host in that line, type the
name of the host, and the path and name of the configuration file. You can also
use the Browse button to navigate to the configuration file. The host appears in
the Host Name list in the Document Pipeline Info window.
Deletes the marked line from the list.

226 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

17.2 Statistics

17.1.4 Displaying Document Pipelines

If you are connected to a host, the Document Pipeline Info displays the pipelines
that are configured on that host. You may hide pipelines. If you do, the message
Hidden Pipelines appears in the status line. Information about hidden pipelines is
not updated, which lightens the network load. There are two ways to hide
Document Pipelines and display them again:
• In the Document Pipeline Info window – Right-click a pipeline and choose
Hide, Pipelines view, or Show all hidden.
• In the Pipelines view dialog box – see “Pipelines view ” on page 227.

17.1.5 Pipelines view

On the Host menu, click Pipelines view, or right-click a Document Pipeline and
choose Pipelines view.

The dialog box displays all Document Pipelines configured for the connected host.
Hidden pipelines are marked with a small red 'X' on their symbols. To hide or show
pipelines, right-click the pipeline and choose the appropriate option.Your choices
become active as soon as you click OK.

17.2 Statistics
The Statistics option in the Host menu displays general statistical information about
the pipelines on the connected host since the session began. Date and time of the
session start are given, followed by the number of documents processed, the
number of documents currently being processed, and the number of changes that
were made manually to the processes.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 227

Chapter 17 Using the Document Pipeline Info

In both the toolbar of the protocol window and the File menu, you find the
following options:
Save as
Saves the file in HTML format. Enter a name and the path for the file.
Updates the information.
Prints the statistics.
Closes the dialog box.

17.3 Print report

The status of the Document Pipelines can be printed or saved to file. You choose the
pipelines and the data that you want to print. These reports are helpful for

17.3.1 Print report settings

On the Host menu, click Print report, or click the Print report button in the toolbar.
Define what you want to print:

No documents
The report does not include the names of documents located in the queues.
All documents
The report includes the names of all documents located in each queue. Special
access rights and logon are required; see “Data security and access rights” on
page 229.
Only visible documents
The report includes only the names of documents currently visible in the
Document Pipeline Info window. To display documents in the window, use
Documents - Show; see “Options for queues” on page 230.

228 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

17.4 Documents in Document Pipelines

Hidden pipelines
The report includes information on hidden pipelines. These pipelines are not
visible in the Document Pipeline Info window.
Collapsed pipelines
The report includes information on collapsed pipelines. These pipelines are
marked with a plus sign in front of the pipeline symbol.
The report includes technical information about the DocTools of each queue.
This information corresponds to the detailed information given in the status line.
If you want to save the report in a file, click Preview and save the file.

17.3.2 Print preview

If you click the Preview button in the Print report dialog box, you can check the
report before you print it. You can print and save the report.

17.4 Documents in Document Pipelines

If documents are on their way through a Document Pipeline, you can capture them
in a queue for test purposes. To do this, disable the DocTool of the corresponding
queue. You may display detailed information about the documents in the queue.
Use the same command to show the documents in the error queue. Thus you can
investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and resubmit the documents to the
processing queue from which they were removed. You can also delete documents
that cannot be processed. For this kind of work, you require a good grasp of the
software and the processes involved in archiving documents, and appropriate
Tip: To display the number of documents successfully processed by a
particular pipeline, you can disable its last queue Remove document from
document pipeline. The associated DocTool docrm removes a document from
the Document Pipeline when processing on it is completed. When you disable
the queue to this DocTool, the documents accumulate in the queue and the
number that appears in the Input column corresponds to the number of
documents that were successfully processed.
Afterwards, restart the queue with Enable, or double-click the queue.
Otherwise, the documents will accumulate, making resources and memory

17.4.1 Data security and access rights

You require access rights to execute commands on document processing. These
commands can lead to loss of data. The access rights are managed in the Archive
Administration, in the Users tab.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 229

Chapter 17 Using the Document Pipeline Info

All users, no access rights required

All users can view the Document Pipelines and their queues. They may also
resubmit documents to the processing queue from the error queue for continued
User assigned the policy DPInfoDocToolAdministration
In addition to the above rights, this user may disable and enable queues, display
documents in a queue, and view the protocol for individual documents. Users
who are members of the default group dpusers can perform these tasks.
User assigned the policy ALL_DPINFO
In addition to the above two sets of rights, this user has rights to perform all
actions, including removing documents from a queue. Users that are members of
the default group dpadmin can perform these tasks.

17.4.2 Logon
Document Pipeline Info asks you to log on the first time you invoke a rights-
protected command. Once you log on, you will not be asked to log on again for the
remainder of the session with that host.
To log on, the following entries are required:
An user name registered on the Administration Server. Depending on the task,
the default user is dpuser or dpadmin.
The password registered on the Administration Server for the specified user.
If the logon operation succeeds, a message informs you about granted rights.

17.4.3 Options for queues

When you right-click a queue (not a Document Pipeline), the following options
appear. For most of these options, you need special access rights; see “Data security
and access rights” on page 229.
Resubmits the documents in the error queue to the processing queue.
Enables the DocTool that processes the documents in the selected queue. All
queues that use this DocTool are enabled. The documents in these queues can
now continue to be processed. For this action, a special access right is required.
Disables the DocTool that processes documents in the selected queue. All queues
that use this DocTool are disabled. No documents sent to any of these queues
will be processed until the DocTool is enabled again. For this action, a special
access right is required.

230 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

17.4 Documents in Document Pipelines

Displays a submenu with options that affect all documents in the processing
queue or in the error queue. Executing these options requires special access

The Remove options permanently delete the documents. The action is
irreversible. Before you select this option, make sure that the documents
involved are in fact irreparable. It is strongly recommended that you
contact Open Text Customer Support before you use this option.

Disables the queue and displays a list of the documents currently in the
processing queue and in the associated error queue. The name displayed for a
document is the name of the directory in which all components of an
individual document are stored during processing. The document directories
reside on the host in a directory specified by the variable DPDIR. If you select
a document, the full path is displayed in the status bar.
Remove all (documents) on input
This option removes the documents from the normal queue (the Input
column displays how many there are) and deposits them in the Removed
documents pipeline. From this pipeline, the documents will be permanently
deleted. Use this option only when those documents are not to be processed
Remove all (documents) in error
This option removes the documents from the error queue (the Error column
displays how many are there) and deposits them in the Removed documents
pipeline. From this pipeline, the documents will be permanently deleted. Use
this option only when the documents cannot be further processed due to their
faulty condition.

17.4.4 Options for documents

To list the documents in a queue, right-click that queue and choose Documents >
Show. Note that all options pertaining to documents require special access rights;
see “Data security and access rights” on page 229.
Displays the history of the processing that was performed on the selected
document; see “Protocol” on page 232.
This option moves the selected document to the Removed documents pipeline.
From there, the document will be permanently deleted. Use this option only
when the document cannot be further processed due to its faulty condition.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 231

Chapter 17 Using the Document Pipeline Info

Remove permanently deletes the selected document. The action is
irreversible. Before you select this option, make sure the document
involved is in fact irreparable. It is strongly recommended that you
contact Open Text Customer Support before you use this option.

17.4.5 Protocol
Users with the right to disable queues may also show documents and display their
protocol. This protocol is a history of the processing performed on an individual
document by the DocTools.
In both the toolbar of the protocol window and the File menu, you find the
following options:
Prints the protocol.
Save as
Saves the file in HTML format. Enter a name and the path for the file.
Updates the protocol with the latest processing information.

232 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 18
Auditing, accounting and statistics

18.1 Auditing
The auditing feature of the Archive Server traces events of two aspects:
• It records the document lifecycle, or history of a document - when the document
was created, modified, migrated, deleted etc. These are the events of the
Document Service.
• It records administrative activities - who changed the configuration of the system
and when by using the Archive Administration and the Server Configuration.

Administrative changes are only recorded if they are done with the Archive
Server administration utilities. To get complete audit trails, make sure that
other configuration ways cannot be used, for example, editing the Registry
or files directly. At least, such activities must be logged by other means.

The auditing data is collected in a separate database tables and can be extracted
from there with the exportAudit command to files, which can be evaluated in
different ways.

18.1.1 Configuring auditing

The administrative auditing is permanently active. You cannot switch it off.
To audit the document lifecycle of the documents, enable the Use compliance mode
option of the archive. As the compliance mode is related to logical archives, enable it
for each archive that is subject to auditing.
The compliance mode also restricts the deletion of documents. If you want to audit
the activities on documents but retention and compliance are not relevant, enable
the compliance mode and set the retention period to No retention.
For details, see “Editing retention settings” on page 52.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 233

Chapter 18 Auditing, accounting and statistics

18.1.2 Accessing auditing information

The auditing information is stored in the database, in two specific tables - one for the
document related information, the other for administration activities. From there,
you can extract the data into files and then evaluate the files. The files are stored in
the directory <IXOS_ROOT>/var/audit.
Note: If you need database reports adapted to your requirements, contact
Open Text Global Services.
To extract the data of a given timeframe to files, use the command
exportAudit [-s date] [-e date] [-A|-S] [-a] [-x] [-o ext] [-h] [-c sepchar]

You can define the timeframe for data extraction. Without these dates, you get all
audit data until the current date and time.

-s date start date and time of the timeframe, date has the format
-e date end date and time of the timeframe, date has the format
-S Extracts the document information. Without any other options, you get two
files in SAP printlist format, containing all information on documents that
have been deleted in the given timeframe. The filename is STR-<begin
date>-<end date>-DEL.<ext>, where the extensions are .prt and .idx.
The extracted data remains in the database.
-A Extracts the audit information of administration activities. The resulting file
is ADM-<begin date>-<end date>.txt in csv format, and the data is sepa-
rated by semicolons if no other options are set.

With further optional options, you can adapt the output to your needs.

-a Only relevant for document lifecycle information (-S is set). Extracts data
about all document related activities on the given timeframe. The generated
file name reflects this option with the ALL indicator: STR-<begin date>-
<end date>-ALL.<ext>.

-x Deletes data from the database after successful extraction. This option is not
supported if -a is set, so only information on deleted documents can be re-
moved from the database after extraction.
-o ext Defines the file format. For example, with -o csv you get a .csv file for
evaluation in Excel, independently of the extracted data.
-h Adds a header line with column descriptions to the output file.
-c sepchar Defines the separator character directly (e.g. -c , ) or as ASCII number in
0x<val> syntax (e.g. -c 0x7c ). The default separator is the semicolon. Con-
sider changing the separator if it does not fit your Excel settings.

234 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

18.2 Accounting

Example 18-1: Excel output of document audit information

The result of an extraction of document related audit information in Excel may
look like shown in the graphic. The options -S -o csv -a -h were set, which
results in a filename like this: STR-2005_07_04_12_00_00-


Administrative audit information is always written into the database. If you
never want to evaluate it, you can delete it from the database with the job
SYS_CLEANUP_ADMAUDIT (command Audit_Sweeper). The job is
normally deactivated and deletes data that is older than the number of days
configured in the Server Configuration under Administration Server
(ADMS) > Auditing > Time to keep audit records in database. Do not
activate the job if you use the auditing feature!

18.2 Accounting
For smaller firms it may be more profitable to lease an archive from a service
provider rather than to buy it. The provider must be able to list and analyze all data
concerning the costs of using the archive in order to create a precise invoice.
Providing these data is the purpose of the accounting functionality.
Accounting is performed in the following steps:

1. Enable the Accounting option and configure accounting in the Server

Configuration, see “Settings for accounting” on page 235
The Document Service writes the accounting information into accounting files.
2. Evaluate the accounting data, see “Evaluating accounting data” on page 236.
3. Schedule the Organize_Accounting_Data job in the Jobs tab to remove the old
accounting data.

18.2.1 Settings for accounting

The settings for accounting and for the Organize_Accounting_Data job are defined
in the in the Server Configuration under Document Service (DS) > Accounting and

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 235

Chapter 18 Auditing, accounting and statistics

Enable Accounting
Activates the logging of accounting data in accounting files.
Path to accounting data files
Defines the directory in the file system where the accounting data will be stored.
Since the accounting data is updated frequently during runtime, you should
define a fast local partition with sufficient capacity.
Accounting library
Displays the employed library. You cannot edit this field.
Separator for columns in accounting files
Defines the separator between the columns in the accounting files. The default
separator is the tab. You cannot edit this field.
Pool for the accounting data
If you want to archive old accounting data, you need a pool where the data is
stored. This pool is defined here. Enter the pool name in this syntax:
<Archive>_<Pool>, for example, DD_HD for the HD pool in the DD archive. If the
field is not displayed, select View > Display undefined values in the Server
Configuration. Then right-click the field and choose Define value. Now you can
enter the pool name.
Days until organizing accounting files
Defines the number of days after which the old data is archived or deleted. You
should only delete or archive the old data after you have evaluated it. The job
processes only data which is older than this number of days.
Method to organize old accounting files
Defines the behavior of the Organize_Accounting_Data job:
let them stay in the file system
The old data is kept in the file system, nothing happens.
archive into given pool
The accounting job archives the old data in the pool you specified in the field
Pool for the accounting data.
delete them
The old data is deleted irretrievably. Make sure that you evaluated it before.
Expiration time of cookies (in ASCII format)
Defines the expiration time of the cookies that were set.

18.2.2 Evaluating accounting data

Accounting files are csv files, the data columns are separated by tabs. You can
evaluate small files directly in Excel. Normally, you import the data from the files
into a database like MS Access and use reports for evaluation. Make sure that you
configure and schedule the Organize_Accounting_Data job in a way that only
evaluated data is deleted or archived.

236 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

18.2 Accounting

Table 18-1: Fields in accounting files

Name Description Example

TimeStamp Time of the request 10/08/2001 10:15:14
JobNumber Internal request number 24 (see table below)
RequestTime Time to complete the execution of 422
the request in 1/1000 sec.
Client Address IP address of the client (or proxy
ContentServer ID of the logical archive DD
UserId Actual or automatically generated <User name>
user ID or something like
ApplicationId ID of the application that sent the dsh
DocumentId ID of the document that was af- E429B8ED8FA6D511A0630050
fected by the request DA78D510
NumComponents Number of components involved in 2
the request
ComponentId Component ID of one of the compo- data
nents involved in this request
ContentLength Data size of the request in bytes

Table 18-2: Job numbers and names of requests

Job name Job number Job name Job number


AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 237

Chapter 18 Auditing, accounting and statistics


If you archive the old accounting data, you can also access the archived files. The
Organize_Accounting_Data job writes the DocIDs of the archived accounting files
into the ACC_STORE.CNT file which is located in the accounting directory (defined in
Path to accounting data files).
To restore archived accounting files, you can use the command
dsAccTool -r -f <target directory>

The tool saves the files in the <target directory> where you can use them as usual.

18.3 Storage Manager statistics

For planning the sizing of jukeboxes efficiently, information about processes on a
jukebox are collected (physical access to volumes, changes of media and so on). The
statistics are reset on every server startup. You can evaluate the statistical data by
parsing it. As an example, the file <IXOS_ROOT>/config/scripts/ is
delivered that shows one way of parsing these statistics.

18.3.1 Configuration
The configuration parameters for the STORM statistics are defined in the Server
Configuration under Storage Manager (STORM) > Parameters for STORM
Statistics. You can define the following settings:
Path to files containing the statistics information
Insert the path of directory where the statistics files should be created. The
default value is <IXOS_ROOT>\var\stats.
Enable Statistics
Check this option to enable STORM statistics.
Additional values could be set in server.cfg section 'statistics'. Reasonable
default values guarantee the statistics feature is available even if this section is
The following additional keys could be set:

Parame- Description Default

Preserve Keep previous versions of statistics. TRUE

Name Filename of Statistics file (without suffix) jbd_stat

Periodic collect statistics every n seconds 600

238 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

18.3 Storage Manager statistics

18.3.2 Statistic file format

The statistic files have a special format, for example:
[ box ]
id = DVDsim
changer = 72595 0 0 0 0
drv_0 = 72596 0 0
drv_1 = 72596 0 0
drv_2 = 72596 0 0
drv_3 = 72595 0 0
[ endsection box ]

[ box ]
id = CDsim
changer = 72596 1 0 0 0
drv_0 = 72597 9 18
drv_1 = 72597 0 0
drv_2 = 72597 0 0
drv_3 = 72596 0 0
[ endsection box ]

[ box ]
id = WORMsim
changer = 72595 3 0 0 0
drv_0 = 72598 9 11
drv_1 = 72598 0 0
drv_2 = 72597 0 0
drv_3 = 72597 0 0
[ endsection box ]

[ volumes ]
d0 = "IXOS_A1_cd_0004B" 3 1034927362 72596 0 0 0 0
e338d009 = "IXOS_A1_cd_0005A" 4 1034927844 72596 0 0 0 0

a623 = "IXOS_A2_mig_0003A" 5 1034928002 72595 0 0 0 0

ea209bb1 = "IXOS_A1_cd_0006A" 6 1035464989 70147 1 190 0 9
f4d440c4 = "IXOS_A2_worm_0015" 7 1035532069 3066 2 61 7 8
d1a225 = "IXOS_A2_worm_0016" 8 1035532091 3044 1 15 1 1
[ endsection volumes ]

[ general ]
build = IXOS-eCONserver STORM 5.5A (Revision 5.5.2002.1023)

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 239

Chapter 18 Auditing, accounting and statistics

uptime = 72601
[ endsection general ]

[ statistics ]
version = 1
period = 600
path = "D:\IXOS-eCON/var/stats\jbd_stat"
created = 1035535135
intermediate = TRUE
[ endsection statistics ]

The variables have the following meaning:

General section
build Name of the STORM server.
uptime timestamp when these statistics were created

Statistics section
version identifier describing layout version for parsing clients
period interval at which statistics are collected
created timestamp when these statistics were created
path absolute path to statistics file
intermediate written by DPC (in comparison with shutdown)

Volumes section
Crc32ofUVI "HS-name" vid creationTime onlineTime to_medium_requests
in_medium_requests I/O_to I/O_from

The single variables have the following meanings:

• "HS-name": High Sierra name of volume
• vid: volume index
• creationTime: creation time of volume in volume database
• onlineTime: online time of medium in seconds
• to_medium_requests: Requests to medium where medium is not
available on drive
• in_medium_requests: Requests to medium where medium is
available on drive
• I/O_to: I/O transfer to medium in MB.
• I/O_from: I/O transfer from medium in MB.

Box section
id unique name of jukebox.

240 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

18.3 Storage Manager statistics

changer onlineTime moves recoveredMoves Imports Exports

The single variables have the following meanings:

• onlineTime: onlinetime of jukebox in seconds
• moves: number of moves
• recoveredMoves: number of moves that has failed but could be
recovered by JBD
• Imports: number of imports to jukebox
• Exports: number of imports from jukebox

drv_i onlineTime I/O_to I/O_from

The single variables have the following meanings:

• onlineTime: online time of jukebox in seconds
• I/O_to: written data in MB
• I/O_from: read data in MB

18.3.3 Compression of statistic files

A job called compress_storm_statistics calls a perl script (config/scripts/- which compresses the last written statistics files. The statistic
files are located in the directory <IXOS_ROOT>\var\stats.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 241

Part 5
Chapter 19
This part is written as an introduction to troubleshooting and error analysis. It presents
tools and methods which can help you to find out the cause of a problem. It does not
explain solutions for a single problem or error. This kind of information and a lot of
useful hints and tips can be found in the ESC, the Expert Service Center of Open

19.1 Avoiding Problems

It is still the better strategy to avoid problems than to solve them. Therefore you
should consider these hints in your daily work.
• Backup the storage media, the database, and the STORM configuration files
• Use the Archive Web Monitor to monitor the Archive Server. So you can react
quickly if a problem occurs.
• Check the job protocol in the Archive Administration.
• Make sure that there is enough space available (storage media, disk buffers,
database, exchange directory...)
• Configure notifications that will be sent in case of problems (see “Simplify
monitoring with notifications” on page 199)
• Follow the major upgrades of the software.
• Train your archive administrators and users.
• Take care for regularly maintanance of your hardware. Hardware service
contracts can help.
This documentation provides detailed instructions for configuration, maintenance
and monitoring. If you maintain and administer your archive system in the
described way, you can avoid many problems or recognize occuring problems at the

19.2 Monitoring and administration tools

To monitor the archive system and to recognize problems, you use the Archive
Administration Utilities and tools delivered with the operation system.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 245

Chapter 19 Basics

Archive The Archive Administration Utilities are the Archive Web Monitor, the Document
Administration Pipeline Info and the Archive Administration. All three programs are explained in
detail in this documentation. You can find a short summary of their use in
“Everyday monitoring of the archive system” on page 197.
System tools The most important error messages are also displayed in the Windows Event
Viewer or in the UNIX syslog. This information is a subset of the information
generated in the log files. Use these tools to see the error messages for all
components at one place.
You can prevent the transfer of error messages to the system tools in general or for
single componenents with the setting Write error messages to Event Log / syslog,
see “Log settings for the Archive Server components (except STORM)” on page 257.
To start the Windows Event Viewer, click
Start > Control Planel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.
The syslog file for UNIX is configured in the file /etc/syslog.conf.

19.3 Deleting log files

Archive Server log files
Log files record the activities of the archive components. The number of log entries
and thus the size of the log files depend on the log level that has been set. Check the
size of the log files regularly and delete larger files. They will be automatically
recreated when the Archive Server is started.
The log files for the Archive Server can be found in the directory

Stop the Spawner before you delete the log files!

On client workstations, other log files are used. For more information, refer to the
Livelink Imaging documentation.

Oracle database log files

The Oracle database also generates log and trace files for diagnostic purposes. As
administrator, you should regularly check the size of the following files and delete
them from time to time:
<ORACLE_HOME>\network\log\listener.log (log file)
<ORACLE_HOME>\network\trace\* (trace file)

246 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

19.3 Deleting log files

$ORACLE_HOME/network/log/listener.log (log file)
$ORACLE_HOME/network/trace (trace file)
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log/*.trc/* (trace files)

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 247

Chapter 20
Starting and stopping the Archive Server
The Archive Server and the database are automatically started by the operating
system when the hardware is started. However, there are situations in which you
have to start or stop the Archive Server components manually without shutting
down the hardware, e.g. when you back up the system data or when you perform
system administration tasks that require a manual stop of the Archive Server
components. A restart can also help to figure out the reason of a problem.
After the restart, read the log file spawner.log in the directory <IXOS_ROOT>\var\-
log. You can see whether all the processes have started correctly (see also “Spawner
log file” on page 253).
You can simply use the Archive Administration to start and stop the Archive Server
components. If the tool is not available, you can use the Windows Services, or
command line calls. Note that the order in which the components are started or
stopped is important. Call the commands in the given order.
Note: The following commands are not valid for installations in cluster

20.1 Start and stop by using Archive Administration

You can start and stop the Archive Server in the start window and in the
administration window of the Archive Administration. In the start window, the
commands are related to the server that is selected in the list. In the administration
window, the commands access the connected server.

1. On the File menu, choose Spawner.

2. Choose one of the following commands:
Start Archive Processes
Restarts the Spawner after Stop Archive Processes.
Stop Archive Processes
Stops all archive services except for the HTTP server and the database.
Stops the Spawner processes, but not the database. You must restart the
Spawner as described in “Starting” on page 250 (Windows) and “Starting”
on page 251 (UNIX).

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 249

Chapter 20 Starting and stopping the Archive Server

20.2 Direct start and stop under Windows

Under Windows, you can use the Services window or the command line to the start
and stop the components of the Archive Server.

Windows To start Archive Server using the Windows Services, proceed as follows:

1. To open the Windows Services, do one of the following:

• On the desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Manage.
Then open the Services and Applications directory and click Services.
• Open the Control Panel, choose Administrative Tools and then Services.
2. Right-click the following entries in the given order and choose Start:
• OracleServiceDS or MSSQLSERVER... (Oracle or MSSQL database)
• Oracle<ORA_HOME>TNSListener (only Oracle database)
• IXOS Spawner (archive components)
Command line To start Archive Server from the command line, enter the following commands in
this order:
net start OracleServiceDS (Oracle database) or net start mssqlserver (MS
SQL database)
net start Oracle<ORA_HOME>TNSListener (Oracle database)
net start spawner (archive components)

Windows To stop the Archive Server components using the Windows Services, proceed as
Services follows:
1. On the desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and choose Manage.
The Computer Management window now opens.
2. Open the Services and Applications directory and click Services.
3. Right-click the following entries in the given order and choose Stop:
• IXOS Spawner (archive components)
• Oracle<ORA_HOME>TNSListener (Oracle database)
• OracleServiceDS (Oracle database) or MSSQLSERVER (MS SQL database)
Command line To stop the Archive Server components from the command line, enter the following
commands in this order:

250 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

20.3 Direct start and stop under UNIX

net stop spawner (archive components)

net stop Oracle<ORA_HOME>TNSListener (Oracle database)
net stop OracleServiceDS (Oracle database) or net stop mssqlserver (MS SQL

20.3 Direct start and stop under UNIX

The commands used to start and stop the Archive Server differ slightly depending
on the UNIX platform. You call a special script, that calls component-specific scripts
contained in the <IXOS_ROOT>/rc directory, for example:
S15MORA_ECR start (Oracle database, as user root)
S18BASE start (Archive Server, as user root)

You can also subsequently start or shut down individual components with these
specific scripts. <IXOS_ROOT> is the Archive Server installation directory. Under
UNIX, this directory can also be accessed with the soft link /usr/ixos-archive.

Use the commands listed below to restart the Archive Server after the archive
system has been stopped without shutting down the hardware.

1. Log on as root.
2. Start the archive system including the corresponding database instance with:
HP-UX /sbin/rc3.d/S910ixos start

AIX /etc/rc.ixos start

Solaris /etc/rc3.d/S910ixos start

LINUX /etc/init.d/ixos start

Enter the commands below to terminate the Archive Server manually.

1. Log on as root.
2. Terminate the archive system and the database instance with:
HP-UX /sbin/rc3.d/S910ixos stop

AIX /etc/rc.ixos stop

Solaris /etc/rc3.d/S910ixos stop

LINUX /etc/init.d/ixos stop

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 251

Chapter 20 Starting and stopping the Archive Server

Automatically terminating the Archive Server on reboot or shutdown

Under Linux, HP-UX and SOLARIS, symbolic links to the startup scripts ensure that
the archive system is automatically terminated when the host is shut down or
Under AIX, insert the line sh /etc/rc.ixos stop into the /etc/rc.shutdown script
to ensure automatic termination. After a new installation of AIX this script does not
exist; the system administrator must create it.

20.4 Starting and stopping single services with

Sometimes it can be helpful to to start and stop only a single archive server process.
1. Under UNIX, load the IXOS environment first: /usr/ixos-archive/config/-

2. Check the status of the process with spawncmd status (see “Analysing
processes with spawncmd” on page 253).
3. Enter the command:
spawncmd {start|stop} <process>

Description of parameters:
To start or stop the specified process.
The process you want to start or stop. The name appears in the first column of
the output generated by spawncmd status.

You cannot simply restart a process if it was stopped, regardless of the
reason. This is especially true for Document Service, since its processes must
be started in a defined sequence. If a Document Service process was
stopped, it is best to stop all the processes and then restart them in the
defined sequence. Inconsistencies may also occur when you start and stop
the monitor program or the Document Pipeliner this way.

Example 20-1: Start the Notification Server

spawncmd start notifSrvr

252 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 21
Analizing problems
Note: The following commands and pathes for log files are not valid for
installations in cluster environments.

21.1 Spawner log file

The Spawner log file spawner.log provides an overview of all processes running on
the Archive Server. It is recreated at every spawner start. After a restart, check this
file to make sure all the processes were started correctly. You can review this
information also in the Archive Web Monitor, but under certain conditions you have
faster access to the information in the log file. There is no specific log level for this
log file.

21.2 Analysing processes with spawncmd

The Spawner starts all archive processes including the Storage Manager. By the
same token, when the Spawner is shut down, the archive processes are shut down.
You can also query the status of the archive processes, and stop and restart
individual processes. This can be useful when you are performing diagnostic
analysis of the archive processes.
Note: The spawner must be running on the machine for these commands to
take effect.
Command Under UNIX, load the IXOS environment first: /usr/ixos-archive/config/-
setup/profile. Under all environments, open a command line and move to the
directory where the spawner resides:
%IXOS_ARCHIVE_ROOT%/bin for Windows and

To display a list of all spawner commands, enter the command spawncmd

The commands include:
• exit
• reread
• start <service>
• status
• stop <service>
• startall

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 253

Chapter 21 Analizing problems

• stopall

You can execute the commands startall, stopall, exit and status in the
Archive Administration, with the corresponding commands in the File > Spawner
Process status To check the status of the processes, do one of the following:
• In the Archive Administration, on the File menu, choose Spawner > Status.
• Enter spawncmd status in the command line.
A brief description of some processes is listed here:

Clnt_dp Client to monitor the Document Pipeliner

Clnt_ds Client to monitor the Document Service
admsrv Administration Server
dscache<1...4> Document Service cache for a read component. There may be up to four
of them running.
dsrc Document Service read component.
dswc Document Service write component
ixmonsvc Monitor server process
notifSrvr Notification server process
dp Document Pipeliner
jbd STORM daemon
tomcat Web Server
timestamp Timestamp Server
purgefiles removes log files of Tomcat
doctods, various DocTools

You get a result list with the following content:

• process name, for example, Clnt_dp
• process status:
• R means the process is running. All processes should have the this status with
the exception of chkw (checkWorms), stockist and dsstockist; and under
Windows, additionally db and testport.

254 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

21.3 Working with log files

• T means the process was terminated. This is the normal status of the
processes chkw (check worms), stockist, and dsstockist; and under
Windows, additionally db and testport. If any other process has the status
T, it indicates a possible problem.

The processes chkw, testport, and db are validation processes; stockist

and dsstockist are initializing processes. They are terminated automatically
as soon as they finished their task.
• S means the process is sleeping, i.e., running but not currently active

• process ID, start and stop time

The information provided by this command is similar to that displayed by the
Archive Web Monitor. Invoking the information with this command may be faster,
depending on your work environment. Although the Monitor displays more
information about the objects, its information is not always completely up-to-date.
On the other hand, the spawner does not have detailed information about the
started processes, but its information about whether the processes are running or
not is always up-to-date.
Information about the DocTools you can find in the Document Pipeline Info. This
interface allows you to start and stop single DocTools and to resubmit documents
for processing.

21.3 Working with log files

Log files are generated by the different components of Archive Server to report on
their operations. Log files are also generated for each DocTool as well as for the read
and write components of the Document Service. The result is a wealth of diagnostic

21.3.1 About log files

Location All log files of the Archive Server components - including the STORM - are located
in the same directory:
• Windows %IXOS_ARCHIVE_ROOT%\var\log.
The log file names indicate the processes.
If you have a If a problem arises, carry out the following steps:

1. Check in the Archive Web Monitor in which component of the Archive Server
the problem has occurred.
2. Locate the corresponding log file in Explorer. The protocol is written
chronologically and the last messages are at the end of the file.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 255

Chapter 21 Analizing problems

Note: The system might write several log files for a single component, or
several components are affected by a problem. To make sure you have the
most recent log files, sort them by the date.
Log file analysis When analizing log files, consider the following:
• The message class - that is the error type - is shown at the beginning of a log
• The latest messages are at the end of the file.
Note: In jbd.log, old messages are overwritten if the file size limit is
reached. In this case, check the date and time to find the latest messages.
• Messages with identical time label normally belong to the same incident.
• The final error message denotes which action has failed. The messages before
often show the reason of the failore.
• A system component may fail due to a previous failure of another component.
Check all log files that have been changed at the same or similar time. The time
labels of the messages help you to track the causal relationship.

21.3.2 Setting log levels

Where? To set log levels, start the Server Configuration: in the Archive Administration, open
the File menu and choose Server Configuration. You have two ways to find the log
level settings:
• For each component, there is a Log file configuration folder, for the STORM
components, it is Logging trace levels.
• The Log file configuration folder on the highest folder level contains subfolders
with the log level settings for all components.
How? Log levels can be set statically (persistant) and dynamically. You can combine both
methods. The table below shows the differences:

Static (persistant) Dynamic

Appliciable for all components Appliciable for Document Service (for rc,
wc, backupsvr only),
ADMS, jbd (you get a question when saving
the settings)
Stored as configuration parameter Command to a running process
Becomes effective when the related process Becomes effective immediately
is restarted
Is retained at process or server restart Is lost when the process restarts
Must be set back to original value explicitly Should be set back to original value after
after troubleshooting troubleshooting if system operation shall
not be interrupted

256 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

21.3 Working with log files

Static (persistant) Dynamic

Useful for longer running system behaviour Useful for instant observations of specific
observation operations

21.3.3 Log settings for the Archive Server components (except

General settings Two log settings are relevant for all Archive Server components and can be set
centrally in the Server Configuration under
Log file configuration / Log levels for BASE package.
Additionally, these settings can be changed for the individual components. The
individual values are undefined by default. You must define it before you can set it.
Individual settings have priority over the global settings. The global settings are:
Write error messages to Event Log / syslog
Default: on
Fatal errors, important messages, security violations and errors are written to the
system log of the operating system. See also: “System tools” on page 246.
Maximum size of a log file
Default: 1000000 bytes
If the log file exceeds this size, it is renamed to <filename>.old and a new log
file is created. If there is an old <filename>.old, it is dropped.
Log level The Archive Server components have log levels of different relevance:

• permanent log levels that cannot be changed; messages are always loggend,
• log levels for troubleshooting,
• log levels for internal development.
These levels are not described in this documentation.
Permanent log The following incidents are always written to the log files, and usually also to the
levels Event Viewer or Syslog. You cannot switch off the corresponding log levels.
• Fatal errors indicate fatal application errors that mostly lead to server crashes
(message type FTL).
• Important errors (message type IMP).
• Security errors indicate security violations such as invalid signatures (message
type SEC ).
• Errors indicate serious application errors (message type ERR). This level can be
switched off for the BASE package.
• Warnings indicate potential problem causes (message type WRN). This level can
be switched off for the BASE package and the Document Service.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 257

Chapter 21 Analizing problems

Log levels for The following log levels are relevant for troubleshooting. You can change them in
troubleshooting the Server Configuration, see “Setting log levels” on page 256.

Higher log levels can generate a large amount of data and even can slow
down the archive system. Reset the log levels to the default values as soon as
you have solved the problem. Delete the log files only after you have
stopped the spawner.

Setting in Server Configu- Default Description Message

ration type
Log Info Messages off read configuration entries and INF
received commands. Most use-
ful for troubleshooting and
detection configuration faults.
Log Database Debug mes- off all activities concerning the DB
sages database
Caution: High amount of log-
ging information, huge log
files, performance loss!
Log HTTP Data off Traces data transmitted via no type, no
only for Document Service HTTP time label
Log Error Messages on serious application errors ERR
only for BASE package Do not switch off!
Log Warning Messages on conditions that could cause WRN
only for BASE package and problems
Document Service (persis- Do not switch off!

Time setting Additionally to the log levels, you can define the time label in the log file for each
component. Normally, the time is given in hours:minutes:seconds. If you select
Log using relative time, the time elapsed between one log entry and the next is
given in milliseconds instaed of the date, additionally to the normal time label. This
is used for debugging and fine tuning.

21.3.4 Log levels and log files for the STORM

The logging of the STORM differs from the logging of other archive components. It
uses other log file systematics and other log levels.

258 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

21.3 Working with log files

Log files By default, the following log files are written:

This file logs the activities of the STORM (jbd module) and the devices managed
by STORM. It contains fatal errors, important messages, errors and warnings.
The log level cannot be changed.
jbd_trace.log and back_jbd_trace.log
These files contain more detailed information than the standard log files jbd.log
and back_jbd.log. The trace level can be changed.
jbdlwords.log and back_jbdlwords.log
These files contain the latest log messages from the corresponding log files (last
words). The limited file size is 64 kB. If the file is full, the newest message
overwrites the oldest message. The file is helpful for crash debugging.
This file logs the activities of the jbdbackup process which backups the
configuration of the storage manager and the WORM file system information.
This file logs hardware errors. This file is not deleted, and contains all messages
(no overwriting).
New log files are created at every STORM startup (except for hw_errors.log). The
old log file is saved under the name filename.000. This way, a history of log files is
created: <filename>.log <filename>.000 <filename>.001
<filename>.004 ... You can define the number of logfiles, see “General settings”
on page 259.
General settings You can change the number of log files and the maximum size of the log and trace
files in the Server Configuration. In exceptional cases, you can also change the the
log file name and location.
Storage Manager (STORM) / Configuration STORM (file server.cfg) / Parameters
Logging Filenames/Dirs/Limits
Log levels You can adjust the trace level in general and additionally for the individual
components of the STORM in the Server Configuration. When you are saving the
settings, the systems asks whether you want to change it persistent or dynamically.
The general trace level is under
Storage Manager (STORM) / Configuration STORM (file server.cfg) / Logging
Trace Levels / Defaults logging trace levels
Log file configuration / Defaults logging trace levels
The component trace levels are under:
Storage Manager (STORM) / Configuration STORM (file server.cfg) / Logging
Trace Levels / Logging trace levels STORM internal components
Log file configuration / Logging trace levels STORM internal components

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 259

Chapter 21 Analizing problems

The STORM uses the trace levels 0 to 4. 0 means no logging, level 4 is the highest
one. Level 1 is the default trace level for most components. Level 4 is default for the
last words log files. Contact the Open Text Customer Support before you change
any trace level!

21.3.5 Important log files

The most important log files and their relevance are listed below. Depending on the
problem, you should analize also other log files.

Archiving in DS wc.log

Writing ISO and IFS images dsCD.log


Writing IXW media dsWORM.log


Wrinting single files (GS) dsGs.log

Writing to hard disk (using buffer) dsHdsk.log

Purging disk buffer dsHdskRm.log


Backing up IXW media bkupDS.log


Finalizing IXW media dsFinalize.log


Retrieving documents IXClient.log (on Imaging client)


Administration jobs admSrv.log

Notification Server activities notifSrvr.log

Archive Cache Server activities cacheSrvr.log

Document Pipelines DP.log

Note: Log levels are located in the BASE provide.log
package stockist.log

260 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Part 6
Reference: Archive Administration
Chapter 22
First steps
Livelink ECM - Archive Administration (short form: Archive Administration) is the
tool with which you perform most of your administrative work:
• creating logical archives and media pools
• planning periodic jobs
• administering disk drives and media
• configuring server connections (to SAP products, to other Archive Servers etc.)
• defining buffers
• configuring messages
• defining the settings for archive modes
• administering users and access for administrators and users.
The structure of this documentation part corresponds to the structure of the
program. If you need to find information quickly concerning a particular dialog box,
press F1 to open the associated context online help.

22.1 Start window

The method of starting Archive Administration depends on the platform of the
administration workstation:

Windows Click Start > Programs > Livelink ECM - Archive Server > Livelink
ECM - Archive Administration.
UNIX In the shell, go to the directory $<IXOS_ROOT>/bin and issue the
command startIxadm. Condition: The X-Terminal must be available,
the environment variable DISPLAY must be set and the IXOS profile
must be active.

There is no logon window for the start window, you log on later when you connect
to a server.
The Archive Administration start window opens.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 263

Chapter 22 First steps

In this window, you add the Archive Servers for administration. To structure the list
for a better organization, you can create meaningful groups.
Usage Most of the commands in the Archive Administration are available on context
menus (shortcut menus). Some commands are also available on menus in the menu
bar, via buttons or via access keys. The shortcut menu is the preferred method to
access commands.
Context menu The following context menu items are available in the start window:
To extend the servers list:
Adds an Archive Server to the selection
Adds a server group to simplify your administration tasks.
You can change the name of the group or the server and the associated
description, depending on which item you selected.
Copies the specifications of the selected server or group to the clipboard.
Inserts the specifications of the server or group from the clipboard at the cursor
Deletes the selected server or group.
Establishes the connection to the selected Archive Server.

264 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

22.1 Start window

22.1.1 Adding and editing groups

You can create or edit a server group in order to keep the structure of the start
window simple when you have a large number of servers to administer. The dialog
box is the same for add and edit.

1. Right-click the Default group, or the groups to which the new group will
belong to, and choose Add > Group.
2. Enter:
Name of the group. Recommendation: maximum length of 32 characters, no
Description of the group. Recommendation: maximum length of 64
characters, no umlauts.

1. Right-click the group, and choose Edit.

2. Change the description and/or the name of the group.

22.1.2 Adding and editing servers

Before you can connect to an Archive Server, you must add it to one of the groups.
The dialog box is the same for add and edit.

To add a server
1. Right-click the group and choose Add > Host.
2. Enter:
Exact name of an existing Archive Server. The name is resolved with DNS,
you can also use the IP address or fully-qualified host name.
Description of this server, for example, what it is used for, or where it is
located. Recommendation: maximum length of 64 characters, no umlauts.

1. Right-click the server and choose Edit.

2. Change the description and/or the name of the server.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 265

Chapter 22 First steps

22.1.3 Connecting to a server

To administer an Archive Server, you establish a connection and log in. If the server
is not in the start window, you must add it before, see “Adding and editing servers”
on page 265.

1. Do one of the following:

• Right-click the server and choose Connect.
• Double-click the server.
2. Enter:
Log in to
Displays the URL that is used for the connection to the server. The Archive
Server always uses port 4060.
User name
User name under which you perform system administration. The default
administration user is dsadmin.
Enter the password for this user.

22.2 Administration window

After connecting to an Archive Server, you see its configuration in the
administration window. The tabs with the configuration settings, the menu and the
buttons are described below.

266 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

22.2 Administration window

Menus The following menus are available in the administration window:

File menu
Server Configuration
Starts the Server Configuration program where you can edit the
configuration parameters. For more information, see IXOS® ECR Server -
Configuration Parameters (AR-RCP).
Reread scripts
Includes new TCL scripts without restarting the Archive Server.
Provides access to the Spawner processes of the connected Archive Server.
The commands are described in “Start and stop by using Archive
Administration” on page 249.
Contains the general settings for the Archive Administration (see “Defining
general settings” on page 269).
Print report
Prints the current Archive Administration configuration, or saves it to a file,
(see “Printing the configuration settings” on page 76).
Closes the connection to the server and the Archive Administration.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 267

Chapter 22 First steps

Utilities menu
Contains the utilities defined for the administered Archive Server, see “Utilities”
on page 305.
Help menu
Opens the help and shows the version information.
Buttons These buttons are available in the administration window:

Connect Establishes the connection to the selected Archive

Disconnect Interrupts the connection to the Archive Server.

Refresh Updates the information on the connected server.

Server Info Displays information on the administered Archive

Server: server name, software version, operating sys-
tem, date and time of the installation and the last
boot operation. This information is also displayed in
the detail area if you click the server name in the
Servers tab.
Synchronize Servers Updates and synchronizes the information on the
known Archive Servers in the Servers tab (see
“Known Servers directory” on page 296).
Set runlevel This icon displays and toggles the operating mode of
the Archive Server. An open lock indicates that there
are no restrictions on Archive Server operation. Click
to switch to maintenance mode which is represented
by a closed lock.
Alerts Displays notifications of the type Admin Client
Alert. To receive alerts, configure the notification in
the Notifications tab and assign it to an event (see
“Configuring and assigning notifications” on page
Print Report Prints the current Archive Administration configura-
tion. You can select the tabs that are to be printed. It
is also possible to print to a file (see “Printing the
configuration settings” on page 76).
Configuration Opens the Server Configuration window. This pro-
vides a graphical user interface in which you can
edit the settings stored in the registry (Windows) or
in the configuration files quickly and easily. For
more information, see IXOS® ECR Server - Configura-
tion Parameters (AR-RCP).

Login To the right of the buttons, you see the name and operating system of the
information administered Archive Server and the current user's name.

268 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

22.2 Administration window

Tabs Each tab contains a group of administration tasks:

Servers Configure the administered Archive Server (logical archive, buffers,

caches, devices, SAP connection) and the known Archive Servers (see
“Servers tab” on page 275).

Jobs Configuration and monitoring of periodic processes which run

automatically (see “Jobs tab” on page 299).

Notifications Configuration of the message service. Here you define events (e.g.
errors, warnings) and message types (e.g. e-mail) and specify which
message is to be sent when a specific event occurs (see “Notifications
tab” on page 301).

Archive Configuration of archiving scenarios with Livelink Enterprise Scan,

Modes see “Archive Modes tab” on page 302.

Users Administration of users, user groups and rights (see “Users tab” on
page 302).

Security Management of access rights and certificates (Timestamp Servers

and Archive Server), if the HTTP interface is used. In addition, you
can generate and administer keys for document encryption here (see
“Security tab” on page 303).

Status bar Displays the status of the current task and the system time at the administration
client. The system time is primarily used for job planning (see “Job protocol” on
page 198). You can define the system time in different ways (see “Defining general
settings” on page 269).

22.2.1 Defining general settings

The Preferences dialog box contains the general settings for the Archive

1. On the File menu, choose Preferences.

2. Enter the common settings.
Details: “Common tab” on page 270
3. Enter the network connection settings.
Details: “Connection tab” on page 271

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 269

Chapter 22 First steps Common tab

In the Common tab of the Preferences dialog box , you can specify the basic settings
for Archive Administration:

Autorefresh rate in seconds

Interval at which current information is called from an Archive Server. The
shorter this period is, the more recent the information is. There is, however, an
associated increase in network load.
Time Zone
This time zone is used for the time in the job log and the received alert messages.
Job scheduling uses the system time of the Archive Server. Under UNIX, the
system time is derived from the environment variable TZ. Under Windows,
Archive Administration uses the system time from the control panel.
Usually, the time zone set in Archive Administration is the same as the Archive
Server system time: option Use System TimeZone.
A modification is possible, for example, if the computer with the Archive
Administration client and the Archive Server are located in different time zones,
and the job log must display the local time of the Archive Administration host.
The current time of the computer with the Archive Administration client is
displayed at the bottom right of the administration window. After connecting to
a server the configured timezone is used and the displayed time changes to that
time zone.

270 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

22.2 Administration window

Show warnings
Select this check box to display the warning Long time consuming task. The
warning appears when you print job protocols or policies. You can disable this
warning directly in the message with the option Don't show this dialog in the
Save GUI settings
Select this check box to save the settings of the graphical user interface of the
Archive Administration.
Use vaults on eject
Select this option if you want to enter the vault information immediately when
you eject an optical medium.
Job protocol page size
Specify the number of entries in the job protocol that you consider important.
Each page of the job protocol displays this number of entries. This only affects
the number of entries displayed, not the total number of entries in the protocol. Connection tab

In the Connection tab of the Preferences dialog box, you define the settings for the
connection between Archive Administration and the administered Archive Server.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 271

Chapter 22 First steps

Network timeout in seconds

Time which Archive Administration waits for a response from the
Administration Server after sending a command. If the server does not respond
within this time, an error message is displayed. The value for this timeout
depends on the speed of the network.
Use the HTTPS protocol for communications between the Archive Server and
Archive Administration. Communication is now encrypted, but is therefore also
Use an HTTP proxy server. Activate the option Use Proxy, enter the address and
the port of the proxy server, and also the system user name and password.

22.2.2 Setting the runlevel

You can restrict the access to the Archive Server. These restriction are defined in the
Runlevel Configuration dialog box.
Click the Set runlevel button .

No maintenance mode
No restrictions to access the server.
Documents cannot be deleted,...
Deletion is prohibited for all archives, no matter what is defined for the archive
access, and...
errors are returned
a message informs about deletion requests.

272 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

22.2 Administration window

no errors are returned

no information about deletion requests is given.
Use full maintenance mode
Clients cannot access the Archive Server, and thus not display and archive
documents. Only local administration and access from the Archive Administra-
tion is possible.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 273

Chapter 23
Servers tab
The Servers tab contains the entire configuration of the administered Archive Server
and information on interaction with other servers in the network: known Archive
Servers, the SAP systems and SAP gateways and the cache servers.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 275

Chapter 23 Servers tab

left pane: All functions that are important for configuration operations and
Directory information purposes are located below the name of the administered
area server.

Logical archives as well as the media pools and assigned hard disk
buffers and jobs for each archive.

Cache Partitions
Cache partitions of the Document Service cache.

Disk buffers for all pools except for HDSK pool.

Storage devices used by Archive Server: physical jukeboxes, virtual
jukeboxes of storage systems, hard disks.

R/3 Systems
Connection to the SAP systems.

R/3 Gateways
Subnet gateway addresses via which the Archive Server accesses the SAP

Physical storage locations of a media which has been removed from the

Known Servers
Other Archive Servers which are known to the administered Archive
Server and whose documents can also be accessed.

right pane: Detailed information for the directory or item that is selected in the direc-
Detail area tory area.

23.1 Archives directory

In this directory, you can create and configure new archives and assign partitions to
the pools. Here you also create the jobs for writing to optical media as well as the
jobs for purging the disk buffers.

276 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.1 Archives directory

If you expand the Archives directory in the directory area you see the following

1 Logical archive Logical archives permit the structured storage of

documents on the basis of their content, retention
period or archiving or cache strategy together with
many other possible criteria. (see “Selected archive”
on page 279).
2 Pool A pool contains media which are described in the
same way (see “Selected pool” on page 283):
HDSK pool (Write thru)
Single File FS pool
Single File VI pool

ISO pool (Write At-Once)

IFS pool (Write Incremental)
IXW pool (Write Incremental)

3 Application type Refers to the document component that is archived

in the pool. Application types can be assigned to a
pool (see “Add application types to a pool” on page
285) or deleted from a pool (see “Selected pool” on
page 283).
4 Buffer Hard disk buffers in which documents are stored
temporarily while waiting to be written to storage
media (see “Selected buffer” on page 288).
5 Purge Buffer job Automatic job which deletes documents which are
written to storage media from the hard disk buffer.
You can either create the job with a pool or create
and edit it separately (see “Purge Buffer settings” on
page 34).
6 Write job Automatic job which writes the documents from the
hard disk buffer to storage media on the basis of cer-
tain criteria. You can either create the job with a pool
or create and edit it separately.

Depending on what you have selected in the directory area,

• you see the corresponding information in the detail area, and
• different context menu commands are available.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 277

Chapter 23 Servers tab

Context menu

Create Archive Creates a new logical archive.

Delete Archive Deletes the selected archive. Before the archive is deleted, all the
pools it contains must also be deleted.
Update Replicate This command is only required if you are working with a remote
standby server. It updates the structure of an archive replicate so that
the archive structure on the remote standby server is identical to that
of the original server. If pools have been added to or removed from
the original server, then Update Replicate also performs these
changes at the standby server. The partitions for replicated pools
must be assigned separately.
Delete Replicate Deletes the replicate archive from the Remote Standby Server.
Server Priorities Specifies the sequence in which the Archive Servers are addressed on
access to the selected archive (see “Server Priorities dialog box” on
page 281).
Create Pool Creates a new pool consisting of buffers, hard disk partitions and
jobs (see “Create Pool settings” on page 57).
Delete Pool Deletes the selected pool.
Edit Pool Modifies the configuration of the selected pool. Here you can
perform the following operations:
• change the disk buffer
• define the cache strategy
• make the settings for data backups and media handling
• configure the scheduling of the associated write job

For more detailed information, refer to “Modifying the configuration

of Write jobs” on page 75.
Add App.Type Adds a document component type to the selected pool (see “Add
application types to a pool” on page 285).
Delete App.Type Deletes a document component type from the selected pool. Compo-
nents of the deleted type are then archived in the pool with the
document component type Default.
Edit Buffer Modifies the parameters and scheduling of the Purge_Buffer job
which is used to purge the selected disk buffer (see “Purge Buffer
settings” on page 34). This command is also available in the Buffers

278 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.1 Archives directory

Jobs The commands relating to the selected job are displayed in a context
menu. These commands can also be found in the Jobs tab.

Modifies the scheduling, see “Job command and scheduling” on
page 72.

Activates a deactivated job. The job is then executed as scheduled.

Deactivates an activated job. The job is not executed.

Run Now
Starts the selected job immediately irrespectively of whether it is
activated or deactivated.

Displays the log messages for the selected job.

Utilities Choose Analyze Security Settings to display the security settings for
the selected archive, see “Analyze Security Settings” on page 95.

23.1.1 Selected archive

The detail area displays the settings of the selected logical archive.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 279

Chapter 23 Servers tab

Detailed specification of the selected archive. Click Edit to modify the
Security settings for the selected archive. Click Edit to modify the configuration.
See also: “Defining access to the archive” on page 47
Document Service configuration of the selected archive. Click Edit to modify the
See also:“Editing the archive configuration” on page 49.

280 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.1 Archives directory

Retention settings and handling of deleted documents. Click Edit to modify the
See also: “Editing retention settings” on page 52
Assigned certificates for authentication
These certificates are used for leading applications and components sending
URLs to the Archive Server. For secure communication you can use signed
URLs: SecKeys. To verify the SecKey, a certificate with a public key is required.
These certificates are sent from the leading application or imported, stored in the
key store and displayed in this table. You can enable, disable, delete, and view
the certificates.
See also: “SecKeys / Signed URLs” on page 79.
Assigned cache path

Cache servers
Indicates the cache servers that the selected archive can work with. The Archive
Cache Server stores archived documents on its local disk and forwards these to
the client on request. The table columns are explained in the description of the
Add Cache Server dialog box (see “Connection to a cache server” on page 282).
R/3 system config.
Indicates the SAP systems for which the Archive Server is configured (see “SAP
system configuration” on page 98). Server Priorities dialog box

In the Server Priorities dialog box, you specify the sequence used to search for
documents in the selected archive, on the original server or on the remote standby

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 281

Chapter 23 Servers tab

The name of the selected archive.
Original server
Archive Server containing the original archive.
Use servers in this order
The server at the top of this list is accessed first when a document is requested. If
access is refused, the request is routed to the second server in the list. The list
must contain at least one server. The original server must be present in this list.
You can specify that a server first searches in its own replicated archives before
searching in the original archive on the original server.
Other avail. servers
The servers that have also been configured as remote standby servers have
replicate archives on the selected server. If they are not selected in this list then
they are not selected when documents are requested from this archive. Connection to a cache server

In the Add/Edit Cache Server dialog box, you define the connection to a cache

282 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.1 Archives directory

Subnet mask
Specifies the sections of the IP address that are evaluated. Thus you can restrict
this evaluation to individual bits of the corresponding address section.
Subnet address
Specifies the complete subnet address where the cache server is located.
Cache server
Name of the Archive Cache Server which is to be accessed.

23.1.2 Selected pool

The partitions associated with each pool are displayed in the detail area.

The following properties are displayed for each partition:

Name Name of the partition.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 283

Chapter 23 Servers tab

Type Usage of the partition:

Original partition

Backup of an original partition

Replicate partition on a remote standby server

Replicate partition for a replicated archive is missing and must be ini-

Priority Displays the sequence in which partitions are to be written. Only rele-
vant for IXW and hard disk pools.
Status Displays the current status of the partition: The individual statuses can
also be combined.
• M (Modified): This is set automatically if documents have been written
to the partition since the last status change.
• L (Locked): The partition is read and write-protected. The
administrator sets this status in the context menu with Change Status.
• W (Write-locked): The partition is write-protected. The flag is set
automatically when the partition is full. The administrator can set this
status with Change Status.
• O (Offline): This is set automatically if the partition is not currently
available in the archive.
• F (Full): This is automatically set if the partition is full.

Capacity (MB) Size of the partition in MB.

Free (MB) Free storage space in the partition in MB.
Unsaved (MB) In the case of IXW partitions for which there is a backup or replicate par-
tition, this specifies the data volume in MB that has been stored on the
original partition since the last backup. In the case of a malfunction in
the original IXW, this data would be lost if the data was no longer pre-
sent in the disk buffer or cache.
Last Date and time of the last backup.
Host Archive Server from which the replicated partition is to be administered.
Only displayed if you are working with a remote standby server.

To sort the partition list on any column in ascending or descending order, click the
corresponding column title. A small arrow displayed next to the column name
indicates whether the list is sorted in ascending or descending order.

284 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.1 Archives directory

The following commands are available in this table:

Attach Partition • Assigns an existing hard disk partition to an HDSK or FS pool or a

disk buffer.
• Assigns an IXW partition to an IXW pool. The IXW partition must be
initialized and known to the Archive Server.
• Assigns an imported ISO partition to an ISO pool.
• Assigns an IFS or VI partition to the corresponding pool.

Detach Partition Removes a partition from the pool or disk buffer. This is used if a dif-
ferent partition is to be used for a disk buffer. Any data present is not
lost when the detach operation is performed. Instead, it remains avail-
able for processing until it is stored on an optical medium.
Change Status Changes the access status of partitions. The current status is displayed
in the Status column.
Clear Backup Deletes the entry for the selected replicated or backup partition on the
Status original server. The command is used if the partition was defective on
the remote standby server and has been removed from the jukebox.
The entry reappears in the list if a new backup partition is successfully
written with the next backup job.
Filter Filters on partition names. You can use wildcards (* and ?) when speci-
fying the name. The filter mechanism distinguishes between uppercase
and lowercase.
Utilities Various utilities are available depending on the selected pool type. Add application types to a pool

You can store document components (= application types) in different pools and
thus archive on different media. When you create a pool, you always define an
application type for it. If you want to store several application types in one pool,
proceed as follows:

1. In the Servers tab, open the Archives directory.

2. Right-click the pool and choose Add App. Type.
3. Select one or more application types and click OK. The list displays only the
document component types which have not yet been assigned to a pool in the
selected archive.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 285

Chapter 23 Servers tab

contains all document components which are not assigned explicitly.
Common annotations. Annotations are the only document components
which the client user can delete from the archive at any time if he has the
required rights.
Annotations that are appended via OLE 2 applications
For migration of documents within one archive. Attach partition to pool

In the Attach Partition to Pool dialog box, you can assign a new partition to a pool.
This command is available for all pool types and is relevant after manual
initialization, import and detach of a jukebox.

286 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.1 Archives directory

Available partitions
List of unassigned partitions.
Shows the next assignable priority. If you select more than one partition, they are
automatically assigned priorities in sequence. The priority of the partitions
specifies the sequence in which they are written to. A partition with priority 1 is
written first. When this is full, a partition with priority 2 is written and so on. Do
not assign successive priorities to the two sides of a single IXW medium.
Documents might still be accessed from the full partition for reading while other
documents have to be written to the other side. The IXW medium must be
physically turned and this increases the access times. Changing the partition status

In the Partition Status dialog box, you can lock a partition of a pool or buffer against

1. In the Servers tab, select the pool or buffer.

2. Right-click the partition in the partition table and choose Change Status.
3. Check and change the status:

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 287

Chapter 23 Servers tab

Prevents write access to the partition. Use it if you suspect a defective
medium to prevent further writing to it.
Prevents both read and write access to the partition.

23.1.3 Selected buffer

If you select a buffer in the directory area, the following information is displayed in
the detail area.

288 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.2 Cache Paths directory

Buffer name and Properties

Name of the selected buffer and the configuration of its Purge Buffer job.
List of the partitions associated with the selected buffer. The table columns and
context menu commands are identical with those available for a pool partition
table (see “Selected pool” on page 283).
Used in
List of the archives and pools in which the selected buffer is used.

23.2 Cache Paths directory

In the Cache Paths directoy, you configure the local caches: the default cache
partitions as well as cache pathes that can be assigned to dedicated archives. (see
“Local cache” on page 36).

Cache Partitions
List of the default cache partitions.
Cache Paths
List of the cache pathes.
Note: Any changes to this list render the current cache contents invalid, i.e. the
cached files are no longer retrievable. The changes take effect on the next
Archive Server restart.

See also:
• “Local cache” on page 36

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 289

Chapter 23 Servers tab

• “Adding a default cache partition” on page 39

• “Configuring a cache path” on page 38
• “Assigning a cache path” on page 54

23.3 Buffers directory

Here you can see an overview of all the disk buffers for the pools. The existing
buffers are listed in the directory area. When you right-click a buffer in the directory
area, the following commands are available:

Create Buffer Creates a new disk buffer. A disk buffer can also be created directly
when a pool is set up (see “Purge Buffer settings” on page 34).
Edit Buffer Modifies the parameters and scheduling of the Purge_Buffer job which
is used to purge the selected disk buffer (see “Purge Buffer settings” on
page 34). This command is also available in the Archives directory.
Delete Buffer Deletes the selected disk buffer.

If you select a buffer, the buffer partitions are listed in the detail area. The table
columns and the context menu are identical with those available for a pool partition
table (see “Selected pool” on page 283).

23.4 Devices directory

Here you find a list of all storage devices connected to Archive Server. There are
several device types: local disk partitions, hard disk partitions on storage systems,
physical jukeboxes for optical media and virtual jukeboxes for storage systems.
When you right-click a storage device in the directory area, the following commands
are available.

Attach Activates a new or deactivated jukebox (see the section on acti-

vating or deactivating jukeboxes). A new jukebox must previ-
ously have been configured by means of automatic device recog-
nition (see section on automatic jukebox detection).
Detach Deactivates the selected jukebox for maintenance purposes. It is
no longer possible to access the partitions on this jukebox and the
corresponding jobs cannot be executed. You can switch off the
deactivated device.
Insert Inserts a new optical medium in the jukebox and tests it.
See: “Inserting a single medium” on page 152
Insert without import Inserts new optical media in the jukebox without testing them.
The advantage of this is that multiple media can be quickly in-
serted one after the other and then imported together.
See: “Offline import” on page 153

290 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.4 Devices directory

Unavailable Lists the partitions which were not available when a user tried to
access them.
See: “Re-establishing document access” on page 157
Configure SCSI con- If you want to connect a new jukebox or add additional slots to
trolled / fibre channel an existing jukebox, reconfigure the connection to the Storage
connected jukeboxes Manager. Choose the option that corresponds to your hardware.
For a detailed description of automatic jukebox detection, refer to
“Automatic detection of physical jukeboxes” on page 40.
Start / Stop STORM Starts or stops the Storage Manager.
Properties Displays information on the selected jukebox, such as device
type, number of slots and used slots, jukebox status, STORM
server name and run level (mode).
Utilities The following utilities are available for jukeboxes containing
optical media:
• Import not tested media, see “Offline import” on page 153
• Test Slots in Jukebox, see “Testing jukebox slots” on page 153

23.4.1 Hard disk partitions

If you select the HardDisk device in the directory area, you can see all hard disk
partitions that are used for buffers, for local HDSK pools and for pools for single file
archiving on storage systems.

If you right-click a partition in the detail area, the following commands are

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 291

Chapter 23 Servers tab

Create Creates a new hard disk partition in the archive system, i.e. a partition
which has already been set up at operating system level is declared to the
Archive Server. Once created, a hard disk partition can be assigned to a hard
disk pool or disk buffer.
See: “Creating a hard disk partition” on page 32

A hard disk partition can also be created when a pool is created. In this case,
the pool is automatically assigned to the pool or disk buffer.
Rename Renames a partition. The new name has no effect on documents that are
stored on this partition. This option is used if you wanr to import a repli-
cated partition.
See: “Rename HD Partition” on page 294
Filter Filters on partition names. You can use wildcards (* and ?) when specifying
the name. The filter mechanism distinguishes between uppercase and low-
Utilities You can select the utilities relevant for the selected partition.

23.4.2 Jukeboxes
Physical jukeboxes for optical media and virtual jukeboxes for storage systems are
handled in the same way. Look at the Media column to indicate the jukebox type.

The partitions are listed with the following properties:

Slot Number of the slot in which the partition is located. The slots are
numbered differently depending on the manufacturer. In general
the slot number is encoded in the jukebox hardware.
Media The media format is indicated here. HD-WO indicates a virtual
jukebox of a storage system.

292 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.4 Devices directory

Name Name given to the partition during initialization (IXW) or when it

was written (ISO).
See: “Initialize Jukebox Partition settings” on page 130
Status Displays the status of the partition. ok indicates, that everything is
correct, but -RawBad- points at a serious problem. For security rea-
sons this medium can't be written anymore. In this case, copy the
still readable data to a new medium and do not insert the old me-
dium again. Data that couldn't be assigned clearly is collected in
the directory lost+found.
The status -notst- indicates a medium that is imported with In-
sert without import. Before this medium can be used, the utility
Import not tested media has to be started.
Side Relevant only for double-sided optical media. Each side of those
media contains a partition. An asterisk next to the number indi-
cates that this partition is currently in a drive.
Filesystem This indicates the file system that is currently in use, i.e. iso or ixw.
Type Here you can see whether you are dealing with an original, a
backup or a replicate partition.
Data(MB) The amount of storage space already utilized in MB.
Free(MB) The storage space still available on the partition in MB.
Last Written Date and time of the last write access to the partition.
Final status Finalization status of an IXW partition:
• - : partition is writable.
• not_fin: partition is full but not yet finalized
• fin: partition is finalized
• fin_err: finalization of the partition failed several times and the
error status was set manually.
Barcode Barcode provided from the storage system (if it has an internal
barcode reader)
Supported FS Supported file systems for the media

If you have to manage many partitions, you can use the filter options by clicking
Define Filter, see “Defining the filter” on page 294. If you have more partitions than
shown on one page, use the Browse buttons below the list to navigate between
The following commands are available for partitions:

Eject Ejects the selected medium from the jukebox.

See: “Removing optical media from jukebox” on page 155
Init Initializes an IXW partition manually.
See: “Initialize Jukebox Partition settings” on page 130 and
“Initializing storage media” on page 129

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 293

Chapter 23 Servers tab

Add Enters an initialized IXW partition or a partition belonging to a dif-

ferent Archive Server in the database. Data may already be present
on this partition, i.e. it does not must be a new partition. Usually this
operation is not necessary.
Restore Restores an IXW backup partition of type Backup as an original par-
tition. You use this function if the original partition is defective or
can no longer be read. Before restoring the backup, you must remove
the defective original. After restoring you should create a new
backup of the restored original.
High Sierra name If the partition list contains two partitions with identical names, for
example the original and backup DVD), you can display the High-
Sierra name of the currently selected partition in order to distinguish
between them.
Utilities You can select the utilities relevant for the selected partition.

23.4.3 Defining the filter

For jukebox devices, you can filter the list of partitions, and define, how many
partitions you want to see on one list page. To do so, click Define Filter above the
partitions table.
Partition list size
Define how many partitions you want to see on one list page.
Only partitions with status -blank- are shown.
Blank media
Relevant only for double-sided media: Only partitions with status -blank- on
both sides of the medium are shown (uninitialized medium).
Enter a filter criteria. Only partition names fulfilling the criteria are shown. You
can use wildcards (* and ?) when specifying the name. The filter mechanism
distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase.

23.4.4 Rename HD Partition

This function is important if you want to import a replication onto an Archive
Server. The original and replicate partitions must have the same name. If there is
already a partition with this name on the Archive Server for replication then this
must be renamed before replication can be performed.
Buffer and pool assignments are retained under the new name. If the renamed
partition is a replicate or backup partition then the rename operation makes the
replication or backup invalid.
New partition name
Enter the new name for the hard disk partition.

294 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.5 Vaults directory

23.4.5 Select Replicated Partition dialog box

Servers tab > Devices directory > right-click in hard disk partition table > Create >
enable Create as replicated partition > Select Partition button.

Here you select a replicate partition.

• The Remote Standby Server has permission to replicate. To grant permission, the
original server must be attached as an administered server. The standby server is
a known server. The Edit command on the context menu contains the Allow
Replication option. This must be enabled.
• The structure of the original archive or the original disk buffer must be
duplicated on the remote standby server. This requires that the remote standby
server is attached as an administered server. In this case, the original server is a
known server. To perform a duplication, use the Replicate command in the
Servers tab.

23.5 Vaults directory

When removing optical media from jukeboxes and storing them outside, you can
administer them in vaults for easier access.
If you select a vault in the directory area, you can see the partitions that are assigned
to the selected vault.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 295

Chapter 23 Servers tab

You can either store the partitions in a vault automatically when a medium is
removed from the jukebox or assign the partitions manually with Add partition, see
“Assigning partitions to a vault” on page 156.

23.6 Known Servers directory

A known server is an archive server in the network whose archives and documents
must be accessible from the administered server. If the archive server is unknown
then its archives are also unknown and the documents in these archives cannot be
found. The archives and buffers for each known server are listed. If an archive is
selected then the associated archive configuration is displayed in the detail area.
Except for cache server assignment, none of the other settings can be modified.
Cache server access can be set individually for each combination of administered
and known servers and is entered directly here for each archive. An archive name
must be unique, i.e. it can only be assigned once on the administered server or the
known server.
The cache server and the configuration of each logical archive are displayed in the
detail area. Replicates of archives and buffers are identified by a small arrow. The
name of the Archive Server on which the original archive or original buffer is
located is displayed in brackets. Here you also configure replications on a remote
standby server.
The information about the structure of the logical archives and the buffers as well as
the configuration is retrieved from the known Archive Servers using the job
SYS_REFRESH_ARCHIVE. By default, this job runs once a day although it can be
started at any time by clicking the Synchronize Servers button.
The context menu for logical archives and disk buffers contains commands for
remote standby configuration:

296 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

23.6 Known Servers directory

Replicate This command is only required if you are working with a remote
standby server. It duplicates an archive or a disk buffer from the
original server to the remote standby server. (but as yet not the
data they contain). Here the original server is the known server and
the remote standby server is the administered server. The buffer or
the archive and its associated pools are copied to the administered
server. When this is done, an identical structure is created. The par-
titions must be assigned separately on the administered remote
standby server. After this, the Synchronize_Replicates job is
used to transfer the contents of the archives and buffers.
Delete Replicate Removes the selected replicate of a disk buffer or archive from a
remote standby server. When an archive is deleted, so too are its
pools. Partitions which were assigned to these pools are separated
from the pools but are not deleted. They can be attached to a differ-
ent pool.
Server Priorities In a remote standby configuration, documents can be requested by
both the original server and the remote standby servers. You use
this command to define the sequence in which the servers are ac-
cessed for each replicated archive. It is usually quickest and most
efficient to access the next located server.
It is not important on which server you specify the server access
sequence. The setting affects all the entered servers.

23.6.1 Edit Replicate Pool

Servers tab > Archives directory > right-click replicated pool > Edit Pool
In the Edit Replicate Pool dialog box, you configure the pool for the replicated
archive. The settings are identical to those displayed when you create a pool:
“Write configuration for ISO pools” on page 58
“Write configuration for IXW pools” on page 61
“Write configuration for IFS pools” on page 63
“Write configuration for Single File (FS) pools” on page 67
“Write configuration for Single File (VI) pools” on page 66

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 297

Chapter 23 Servers tab

23.6.2 Replicate buffer dialog box

Servers tab > Known Servers directory > right-click buffer > Replicate
You replicate the buffer structure to the currently connected server. Only an
identical structure is created. The partitions must be assigned separately on the
administered remote standby server.
Name of buffer replicate
Enter a name for the replicated buffer structure which will be generated on the
currently connected server.

298 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 24
Other tabs

24.1 Jobs tab

A summary of overall job scheduling for an Archive Server is contained in the Jobs
Here you can monitor and configure all the automatic tasks that are executed
periodically - namely, the jobs. Some jobs are set up during installation.

Jobs table
The list presents the name, the associated command, the scheduling and the runtime
limitations of each job. The icon at the start of the line indicates a job's Scheduler
status. The overall status of the scheduler is displayed above the job table (running
or stopped).

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 299

Chapter 24 Other tabs

The current status is displayed by means of different icons:

Job instance running.

The job instance is waiting for a resource that is currently being used by an-
other job instance and for which no (additional) parallel accesses are possible.
This icon is displayed when you have chosen Stop Archive Processes from
the menu. The server itself determines the time in which a controlled termina-
tion of the job is possible.

You can add, edit and delete jobs. Additionally, the following context menu
commands are available:

Enable Activates a deactivated job. An enabled job is executed according to its

schedule or start conditions.
Disable Deactivates the selected job. It will no longer be executed. If you deactivate a
job while it is running, it will not be aborted but will instead be terminated
normally. If several instances of a job are running, a selection window ap-
pears listing the various instances' starting times.
Messages Displays the log file messages relating to the last execution of the selected
job or to the job instance of the selected job that is currently running. If sev-
eral instances of a job are running, a selection window appears listing the
various instances' starting times. To view messages relating to earlier execu-
tions of the same job, choose Protocol > Messages.
Now Starts the job immediately, irrespective of its scheduling parameters and of
whether it has been set to be active or inactive.
Stop Stops the selected job at the next possible opportunity. The job itself
determines the time at which a controlled termination is possible. Until then,
the Waiting icon is displayed in the job table.

Some jobs cannot be interrupted, and the menu command is not available:
• backup
• backup_pool
• synchronize
• Write_CD

Protocol Displays the log messages for all jobs, see “Job protocol” on page 198
Stop/Start Deactivates or activates the Scheduler, i.e. the component which performs
Scheduler job scheduling. If the scheduler is active, all active jobs are executed as

Job dependencies table

This table lists the dependencies of jobs that are defined with start conditions.

300 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

24.2 Notifications tab

24.2 Notifications tab

In the Notifications tab, you configure the messages which are sent when an event
occurs, for example, if a DVD has been burnt or an error has occurred at the Archive
Server. In this way, you can configure a notification system and reduce monitoring

The tab consists of three tables:

In the Events table, you define the events that can trigger a notification. This
does not affect the display of information in other monitoring tools and in log
files. The table lists all predefined and user-defined events. The columns are
explained in “Event Specification” on page 200. You can add, edit and delete
Assigned notifications
If you select an event in the Events table, the notifications assigned to this event
are displayed in the Assigned notifications table. The columns are described in
“Notification settings” on page 204. You can create and assign notifications, and
edit, and cancel the assignment.
All available notifications
This table lists all notifications that are defined, without any relation to the
events. The columns are described in “Notification settings” on page 204. You
can create, edit and delete notifications, and assign a selected notification to an

See also:
• “Simplify monitoring with notifications” on page 199
• “Defining events” on page 199
• “Configuring and assigning notifications” on page 203

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 301

Chapter 24 Other tabs

24.3 Archive Modes tab

In the Archive Modes tab, you define the settings for archiving scenarios in which
the Livelink Enterprise Scan workstation requests the scan job.

The left-hand table displays the scan workstations with the associated archiving
modes. The right-hand table displays the existing archiving modes together with the
archive where the documents are stored.

See also:
• “Configuring archiving for Enterprise Scan” on page 103
• “Creating an archive mode” on page 103
• “Archive mode settings” on page 104
• “Assigning an archive mode to an Enterprise Scan workstation” on page 109
• “Scan host assignments” on page 109

24.4 Users tab

In the Users tab, you manage internal users and user rights for the Archive Server.

302 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

24.5 Security tab

In the left-hand table you see the user groups, and in the right-hand table the users.
The user-to-group assignment is not directly visible in the list.

See also:
• “Concept” on page 111
• “Creating and checking policies” on page 112
• “Adding users” on page 115
• “Setting up user groups” on page 117

24.5 Security tab

In the Security tab, you manage certificates and keys that are used for different
security aspects. You can find an overview of all implemented security methods in
“Configuring security settings” on page 79.

Timestamp Server Certificates

Timestamps make sure that document components can no longer be modified
unnoticed after the time of archiving. For this method you must have a
Timestamp server installed. The Archive Server fetches the certificates from the
Timestamp server automatically (IXOS timestamps and Timeproof), or you
import the certificate (AuthentiDate), or the certificate was replicated by the
Synchronize Replicates job. The certificates are stored in the key store and
displayed in this table. They are enabled by default. If you disable them,
timestamps can no longer be verified.
See also: “Timestamps” on page 87

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 303

Chapter 24 Other tabs

Archive Server Certificates

These certificates are used to encrypt data for transport between different
Archive Servers, in particular in Remote Standby scenarios. Certificates are
displayed here when they are fetched from a known server by the Synchronize
Replicates job.

System keys for document encryption

Here the system keys for document encryption are listed.
See also: “Encrypted document storage” on page 85
In the Assigned certificates for authentication, Timestamp Server Certificates and
Archive Server Certificates tables, the certificates are listed with their ID, status,
timestamps and fingerprints. If you right-click on a certificate in these tables, you

Enable Activates the selected certificate. The authenticity of the certificate must
be checked with the help of the fingerprint before activating it.
Disable Locks the selected certificate, e.g. when it has been revoked.
Delete Deletes the selected certificate. Do not delete any certificate, except for
those that were imported by mistake.
View Opens a dialog with a detailed description of the certificate (see “View
Certificate” on page 93).
Utilities You can you can import existing certificates for different purposes, see
“Set Encryption Keys” on page 92 and “Importing certificate for authen-
tication” on page 83.

304 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

Chapter 25
Utilities are unscheduled jobs which are started interactively by the administrator.
You can start the utilities either via the Utilities menu or using the Utilities
command in the context menu. Starting utilities from the context menu has the
advantage that the values of most of the variables are already known from the
context and that many of the dialog boxes are completed automatically.

Table 25-1: Overview of utilities

Menu Submenu Link

Base64 Encod- “Base64 Encoding/Decoding” on
ing/Decoding page 306
VolMig Cancel Migration Job “Migration” on page 193
Migrate Components “Migration” on page 193
On Volume
Migrate Remote Vol- “Migration” on page 193
Renew Migration Job “Migration” on page 193
Status “Migration” on page 193
Import Certificate For Authen- “Importing certificate for authenti-
tication cation” on page 83
Certificate For Time- “Import certificate for timestamp
stamp Verification verification” on page 89
Not Tested Media “Offline import” on page 153
ISO Partition(s) “Importing ISO and IFS partitions”
on page 140
GS Partition “Importing GS partition for Single
File (VI) pool” on page 144
HD Partition “Importing hard disk partition” on
page 143
IFS Partition(s) “Importing ISO and IFS partitions”
on page 140

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 305

Chapter 25 Utilities

Menu Submenu Link

IXW or finalized Parti- “Importing finalized and non-
tion(s) finalized IXW partitions” on page
List Empty Parti- “When the retention period has ex-
tions/Images pired” on page 135
Images On An IFS Par-
Set Encryption Keys “Set Encryption Keys” on page 92
Finalization Status “Setting the finalization status” on
page 134
Check Database Against Parti- “Checking database against parti-
tion tion” on page 145
Document “Checking a document” on page 147
Partition “Checking a partition” on page 149
Partition Against Data- “Checking partition against data-
base base” on page 147
Finalize Pool “Manually finalizing a pool” on
page 132
Partition “Manually finalizing a partition” on
page 132
Analyze Security Set- “Analyze Security Settings” on page
tings 95
Backup Partition “Recovery of ISO media” on page
Compare Backup “Comparing backup and original
WORMs IXW media” on page 149
Count Docu- “Counting documents and compo-
ments/Components nents in a partition” on page 148
Export Partition(s) “Exporting partitions” on page 138
View Installed Archive “View Installed Archive Server
Server Patches Patches” on page 307
Test Slots In Jukebox “Testing jukebox slots” on page 153

25.1 Base64 Encoding/Decoding

Utilities > Base64 Encoding/Decoding menu

306 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN

25.2 View Installed Archive Server Patches

This utility can help to solve problems in scan scenarios with Livelink ECM - BPM
Server where a workflow is defined in the archive mode (see “Workflow” on page
Enter the workflow name in UTF-8 and press Encode.
The name is converted to Base64 format. Use this feature if you want to
manipulate the COMMANDS file or if you are looking for entries in the log files.
Base64 encoded
Enter the Base64 encoded workflow name and press Decode.
The name is converted to UTF-8 format.

25.2 View Installed Archive Server Patches

Utilities menu > View Installed Archive Server Patches
This utility lists all the patches installed on Archive Server. If you are searching for a
specific patch, the utility can be restricted to individual Archive Server software
This list isuseful when you contact the Open Text Customer Support.
View patches for packages
Here you can enter the package whose patches you want to list.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 307

See: Archive Administration (ADMC)

Administration Server (ADMS)

Process (running on the archive server machine) which maintains archive system
configuration data, such as logical archives, pools, jobs, internal users.

See: Administration Server (ADMS)

The set of all graphical additions assigned to individual pages of an archived
document (e.g. coloured marking). These annotations can be removed again.
They simulate hand-written comments on paper documents. There are two
groups of annotations: simple annotations (lines, arrows, highlighting etc.) and
OLE annotations (documents or parts of documents which can be copied from
other applications via the clipboard).
See also: Notes.

Archive Administration (ADMC)

Administration tool for setup and maintenance of servers, logical archives,
devices, pools, disk buffers, archive modes and security settings.
Frontend interface for customizing and administering the Archive Server.

Archive ID
Unique name of the logical archive.

Archive mode
Specifies the different scenarios for the scan client (such as late archiving with
barcode, preindexing).

Archive Web Monitor

Web based administration tool for monitoring the state of the processes, storage
areas, Document Pipeline and database space of the archive server.

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 309


The interface between SAP system and the archive system.

Also known as “disk buffer”. It is an area on hard disk where archived
documents are temporarily stored until they are written to the the final storage

Burn buffer
A special burn buffer is required for ISO and IFS poosl in addition to a disk
buffer. The burn buffer is required to physically write an ISO image. When the
specified amount of data has accumulated in the disk buffer, the data is prepared
and transferred to the burn buffer in the special format of an ISO image. From
the burn buffer, the image is transferred to the storage medium in a single,
continuous, uninterruptible process referred to "burning" an ISO image. The
burn buffer is transparent for the administration.

Memory area which buffers frequently accessed documents.
The archive server stores frequently accessed documents in a hard disk partition
called the Document Service cache. The client stores frequently accessed
documents in the local cache on the hard disk of the client.

Cache Server
Separate machine, on which documents are stored temporarily. That way the
network traffic in WAN will be reduced.

Short term for storage device in the Archive Server environment. A device is a
physical unit that contains at least storage media, but can also contain additional
software and/or hardware to manage the storage media. Devices are:
• local hard disks
• jukeboxes for optical media
• virtual jukeboxes for storage systems
• storage systems as a whole

Digital Signature
Digital signature means an electronic signature based upon cryptographic
methods of originator authentication, computed by using a set of rules and a set
of parameters such that the identity of the signer and the integrity of the data can
be verified. (21 CFR Part 11)

Disk buffer
See: Buffer

310 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


See: Document ID (DocID)

Programs that perform single, discrete actions on the documents within a
Document Pipeline.

Document ID (DocID)
Unique string assigned to each document with which the archive system can
identify it and trace its location.

Document Pipeline (DP)

Mechanism that controls the transfer of documents to the Document Service at a
high security level.

Document Pipeline Info

Graphical user interface for monitoring the Document Pipeline.

Document Service (DS)

The kernel of the archive system. It receives and processes documents to be
archived and provides them at the client's request and controls writing processes
to storage media.
It consists of a read component (RC) and a write component (WC) which archives

See: Document Pipeline (DP)

The directory in which the documents are stored that are being currently
processed by a document pipeline.

See: Document Service (DS)

Enterprise Scan
Workstation for high volume scanning on which the Enterprise Scan client is
installed and to which a scanner is connected. Incoming documents are scanned
here and then transferred to the Archive Server.

Hard disk partition

Used as an archive medium, it supports incremental writing as well as deletion
of documents with a strictly limited lifetime, such as paperwork of applicants
not taken on by a company. Hard disk partitions must be created and assigned a

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 311


mount path on the operating system level before they can be referred to in the
Archive Administration.

Hot Standby
High-availability Archive Server setup, comprising two identical Archive
Servers tightly connected to each other and holding the same data. Whenever the
first server becomes out of order, the second one immediately takes over, thus
enabling (nearly) uninterrupted archive system operation.

ISO image
An ISO image is a container file containing documents and their file system
structure according to ISO 9660. It is written at once and fills one partition.

A job is an administrative task that you schedule in the Archive Administration
to run automatically at regular intervals. It has a unique name and starts
command which executes along with any argument required by the command.

Known server
A known server is an Archive Server whose archives and disk buffers are known
to another Archive Server. Making servers known to each other provides access
to all documents archived in all known servers. Read-write access is provided to
other known servers. Read-only access is provided to replicate archives. When a
request is made to view a document that is archived on another server and the
server is known, the inquired Archive Server is capable of displaying the
requested document.

Livelink Archive Windows Viewer

See: Windows Viewer

Livelink ECM - Archive Administration

See: Archive Administration (ADMC)

Livelink ECM - Archive Web Monitor

See: Archive Web Monitor

Livelink ECM - Document Pipeline Info

See: Document Pipeline Info

Livelink Enterprise Scan

See: Enterprise Scan

Log file
Files generated by the different components of the Archive Server to report on
their operations providing diagnostic information.

312 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


Log level
Adjustable diagnostic level of detail on which the log files are generated.

Logical archive
Logical area on the Archive Server in which documents are stored. The Archive
Server may contain many logical archives. Each logical archive may be
configured to represent a different archiving strategy appropriate to the types of
documents archived exclusively there. An archive can consist of one or more
pools. Each pool is assigned its own exclusive set of partitions which make up
the actual storage capacity of that archive.

Short term for “long term storage media” in the Archive Server environment. A
media is a physical object: optical storage media (CD, DVD, WORM, UDO), hard
disks and hard disk storage systems with or without WORM feature. Optical
storage media are single-sided or double-sided. Each side of an optical media
contains a partition.

Monitor Server (MONS)

Obtains status information about archives, pools, hard disk and database space
on the archive server. MONS is the configuration parameter name for the
Monitor Server.

See: Monitor Server (MONS)

The list of all notes (textual additions) assigned to a document. An individual
item of this list should be designated as "note". A note is a text that is stored
together with the document. This text has the same function as a note clipped to
a paper document.

A partition is a memory area of a storage media that contains documents.
Depending on the device type, a device can contain many partitions (e.g. real
and virtual jukeboxes), or is treated as one partition (e.g. storage systems w/o
virtual jukeboxes). Partitions are attached - or better, assigned or linked -
logically to pools.

A pool is a logical unit, a set of partitions of the same type that are written in the
same way, using the same storage concept. Pools are assigned to logical archives.

See: Read Component (RC)

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 313


Read Component (RC)

Part of the Document Service that provides documents by reading them from the

Remote Standby
Archive Server setup scenario including two (ore more) associated Archive
Servers. Archived data is replicated periodically from one server to the other in
order to increase security against data loss. Moreover, network load due to
document display actions can be reduced since replicated data can be accessed
directly on the replication server.

Refers to the duplication of an archive or buffer resident on an original server on
a remote standby server. Replication is enabled when you add a known server to
the connected server and indicate that replication is to be allowed. That means,
the known server is permitted to pull data from the original server for the
purpose of replication.

Servtab files
Configuration files of the spawner which specify which processes to start.

In physical jukeboxes with optical media, a slot is a socket inside the jukebox
where the media are located. In virtual jukeboxes of storage systems, a slot is
virtually assigned to a partition.

Service program which starts and terminates the processes of the archive system.

Storage Manager
Component that controls jukeboxes and manages storage subsystems.

Storage space in the database. If there is not sufficient free storage space
available, no further archiving is possible.

Timestamp Server
A timestamp server signs documents by adding the time and signing the
cryptographic checksum of the document. To ensure evidence of documents, use
an external timestamp server like Timeproof or AuthentiDate. The IXOS
Timestamp Server is a software that generates timestamps.

Timestamp Server Administration

Configuration tool for the IXOS Timestamp Server.

314 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


Volume is a technical collective term with different meaning in STORM and
Document Service (DS). A DS volume is a virtual container of partitions with
identical documents (after the complete backup is written). A STORM volume is
a virtual container of all identical copies of a partition. For ISO partitions, there is
no difference between DS and STORM volumes. Regarding WORM (IXW)
partitions, the STORM differenciates between original and backup, they are
different volumes, while DS considers original and backup together as one

See: Write Component (WC)

Windows Viewer
Component for displaying, occasional scanning with Twain scanners and
archiving documents. The Windows Viewer can attach annotations and notes to
the documents.

WORM means Write Once Read Multiple. An optical WORM disk has two
partitions. A WORM disk supports incremental writing. On storage systems, a
WORM flag is set to prevent changes in documents. UDO media are handled like
optical WORMs.

Write Component (WC)

Component of the Document Service carries out all possible modifications. It is
used to archive incoming documents (store them in the buffer), modify and
delete existing documents, set, modify, and delete attributes, and manage pools
and volumes.

Write job
Scheduled administrative task which regularly writes the documents stored in a
disk buffer to appropriate storage media.

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 315

Stopping (Manually) 249
Archive Server components
Log files (except STORM) 260
Log levels (except STORM) 257
A Log settings (except STORM) 257
Accounting 235 Processes 254
ADMC 309 Archive Web Monitor 221
Administration Server 21 Add host 212
Administration window 266 Customizing 213
ADMS 309 Program window 210
Alerts 204 Purpose 197
Application type 58 Refresh view 212
Application types 28 Starting 209
ArchiSig Archives
Configuration 90 See “Logical archives”
Job 91 Access restriction 47
Migrating document timestamps 91 Configuration settings 49
Renewing timestamps 91 Retention settings 52
ArchiSig timestamps 87
Archive B
Setting security settings 81 Backups 159
Archive Access 47 Data on storage system 180
Archive Administration Database 160
Administration window 266 IXW media 177
Purpose 197 MS SQL Server 168
Start window 263 Optical media 185
Archive database 21 Oracle 161
MS SQL Server (Backup) 168 Storage Manager configuration 180
Oracle 161 Base64 306
Archive mode 103 Blobs 50
Assigning to a workstation 302 Buffer 27
Creating 302 Deleting documents 75
Remove 110
Scan host assignment 109
Scenarios 106
Caches 28
Settings 104
Certificate For Authentication 305
Archive Server 19
Architecture 20
Enable 81
Connection to SAP 97
Starting (Manually) 249

AR0906-ACN-EN Livelink ECM - Archive Server 317


Importing certificate for authentication Documents

305 Encryption 304
Importing certificate for Timestamp Incoming 223
Verification 305 DP 311
Key store, export and import 94 DP error queues 217
Re-encrypt key store 92 DP Queues 217
Verifying 304 DP space 214
Checksums 92 DP Tools 217
Commands DS 311
spawncmd 253 DS DP Error Queues 216
Component type DS DP Queues 216
See “Application type” DS DP Tools 216
Components 28 DS pools 215
Conditions in archive mode 105 dsHashTree 91
Configuration dsReSign 91
Printing settings 268
Container file storage 25 E
Conventions E-mail notification 204
Conventions in this documentation 13 Edit Configuration 49
Encryption 304
D Enterprise Scan
Data compression 50 Assigning archive mode 302
Database Configuring 302
Backups 160 Creating archive mode 302
Change password 161 Error queues 217
Database tablespace ESC 13
Monitor display 216 Events 301
Disk buffer 33 Examples 201
DocID 311 Settings 301
DocService Exporting
See “Document Service” Partitions 306
DocTools 223
Disabling 230 F
Enabling 230 Feedback 13
Document Pipeline 21 Finalization
Processing documents 229 Automatic 133
Document Pipeline Info 221 Error 306
Access rights 231 Partition, manually 306
Overview 222 FS partition
Pipelines view 227 Write job configuration 67
Preferences 225 FS pool 26
Purpose 197 Creating 56
Queue 223
Remove documents 231 G
Show documents 231 generate_certificate 82
Starting 224 GS 26
Statistics 227
Document protection level 80
Document Service 215, 20

318 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


H Jukeboxes
Hard disk partition Activating 125
Attaching 216 Automatic detection 291
Creating 292 Parallell import 125
HDSK pool 26
Creating 57 L
Leading application 19
I Retrieval clients 20
IFS partition Livelink ECM - BPM Server
Write job configuration 63 Troubleshooting 306
IFS pool 26 Livelink Imaging Clients 19
IFSpool Log files
Creating 56 Location 255
Implicit user 118 Most important files 260
Import Certificate for Timestamp STORM 259
Verification 305 Log levels
Importing Archive Server except STORM 257
Damaged media 143 STORM 259
Partitions 140 Where and how 256
Installation directory 15 Log settings
Intializing Archive Server except STORM 257
Automatic 151 STORM 259
Manual 216 Logical archive 25
ISO media Logical archives 43
Backups 180 Naming conventions 58
Recovery 306 Lost&Found 143
ISO partition
Write job configuration 58 M
ISO pool 25 Monitor Server 21
Creating 56 Monitoring
IXOS Support Center 13 Accounting 235
IXOS_ROOT 15 Configuring notifications 301
ixoscert.pem 84 Document Service 215
IXW file system information 124 Resources 197
IXW media MONS 313
Backups 177
Recovery 179 N
IXW partition Naming conventions 58
Write job configuration 61 Notification Server 21
IXW pool 26 Notifications 301
Creating 56 Assigning 206
Cancel assignment 206
J Configuring 301
Jobs 91 Event examples 201
Changing scheduling 138 Event specification 301
Modifying Write jobs 278 Events 301
Purge_Buffer 75 Tab 301
Typs 69 Types and settings 204

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 319


Variables 206 Remote Standby Server 185

Removing from jukebox
O Managing 155
Offline import 305 Restoring
Optical media See “Recovery”
Backups 185 Retention settings 52
Removing from jukebox 155 RSS
See “Remote Standby Server”
Partitions S
Finalization 152 SAP as leading application
Password Configuring connection 97
Database 161 Scan
Policy 111 Configure archiving 302
Configuring 114 Scenarios 106
Creating and checking 112 SecKeys 79
Overview 113 Activate 81
Pool 25 Enable certificate 81
Types 55 From other applications 82
Pool types From SAP 81
HDSK 26 Importing certificates 82
IFS 26 Security 303
ISO 25 Analyzing settings 95
IXW 26 Checksums 92
Single file (FS) 26 Encryption 304
Single file (VI) 26 Importing certificate for Timestamp
Problem analysis 255 Verification 305
Processes Importing certificate for authentication
Important processes 254 305
Start and stop 252 Key store encryption 92
Status 254 SecKeys 281
Protection levels 80 SSL 84
Purge Buffer job 27 Tab overview 303
Purge_Buffer Timestamps 303
Modifying 75 Verifying certificate 304
putcert 83 Set Encryption Keys 92
Signature renewal
Q Configuring 91
Queues Single file (FS) 26
Monitor display 217 Single file (VI) 26
Single file storage 25
Single instance 50
R spawncmd 253
RC 313 Spawner
recIO 94 Commands 253
Recovery 159 SSL 84
ISO media 306 Standard users 112
IXW media 179 Starting
Storage Manager configuration 183 Archive Server (GUI) 267

320 Livelink ECM - Archive Server AR0906-ACN-EN


Archive Server (UNIX) 251 Users 111

Archive Server (Windows) 250 Adding 303
Statistics Assign to group 119
Storage Manager 238 Setting up groups 303
Stopping Settings 116
Archive Server (GUI) 267 Standard 112
Archive Server (UNIX) 251 Utilities
Archive Server (Windows) 250 Import Certificate for Timestamp
Storage Manager 22 Verification 305
Backing up configuration 182 Importing Certificate for Authentication
Backup directories 180 305
Configuration 123 Overview 305
IXW file system information 124 Set Encryption Keys 92
Limitation of jobs 125
Monitor display 214 V
Restoring configuration 183 Variables
Scheduling 125 In notifications 206
Storage media Vaults 155
Checking 145 VI partition
Offline import 305 Write job configuration 66
Storage system VI pool 26
Dependency on pool type 25 Creating 56
Storage systems Virus protection 79
Backups 180
Storage type 25 W
Log files 259 Web Server 21
Log levels 259 WebMonitor
Log settings 259 See “Archive Web Monitor”
Support 13 Workflow
System key 304 Troubleshooting 306
Workflow in archive mode 307
Timestamp renewal 88 Damaged 143
Timestamp verification settings 51 Write at once 25
Timestamps 303 Write files incrementally 26
Trace levels for STORM 259 Write images incrementally 26
Troubleshooting Write job 27
Avoid problems 245 Write jobs
Important log files 260 Modifying 278
Problem analysis 255 Write thru 26
Workflow 306
Typography 13

User groups 111
Assigned policies 118
Setting up 303

AR0906-ACN-EN Administration Guide 321

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