Bharathi Vidhyaa Kendhra: Answer All Questions

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Name:_____________________________ Date: ___________________


TEST NUMBER 1______________________________

PART I (20 Marks)

Answer all questions
QUESTION 1: [6x1=6]
Short answer questions in one word or one line:
a) What was the immediate cause for the First World War?
b) Who all were the members of Triple Alliance?
c) Which treaty brought the First World War to an end?
d) Name the policy of annexation introduced by Dalhousie.
e) What does the general service enlistment act say?
f) To whom does the Speaker submit his resignation to?

QUESTION 2: [7x2=14]
Answer Briefly:
a) Mention any 4 conditions for disqualification of a member of any house of parliament.
b) Mention the three sessions of the Parliament and their duration.
c) Define ‘Doctrine of lapse’?
d) What was the immediate cause for 1857-Sepoy mutiny/First war of independence?
e) Who was Rani Lakshmi Bhai?
f) Explain the purpose of the policy ‘Divide and Rule’ introduced by the british.
g) Which were the two places returned to France by Germany post the war?

PART II (30 Marks)

Answer all questions.
“ The main events of 1857 Sepoy mutiny.”
a) When and Where did the great uprising start from? Who was it initiated by? [3]
b) Mention all the places where the revolt had spread. [3]
c) Who led the great uprising at Kanpur, Lucknow , Delhi, Bihar, Benares and Allahabad? [4]
“Union legislature and Parliament”
a) Mention and briefly explain the 3 constituents of the Parliament. [3]
b) Explain the 3 wings legislature, Executive and Judiciary. [3]
c) Mention the Federal Features of Our constitution. [4]
“Causes for the First World war”
a) What is aggressive nationalism? [3]
b) Explain what “Armament Race’ in Europe was about. [3]
c) Mention and explain the immediate cause for the First World War. [4]

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