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Col-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment 1st Edition AIAG 2a insight. Expertise. Results. Seton AIAG 2a Speci Paces Cort Sate Asst The Gates Merson f lsued 10/2018 ABOUT AIAG Purpose Statement Founded in 1982, AIAG is = globally recognized organization where OEMs and suppliers unite to eddress: and resolve iscuss affecting the worldwide automstwe supply chain. AIAG's goals are to raduoa cast and complexity through ealisberation; improve product quality, health, safety end the environment, and optimize speed 16 market throughout the supply chain. AIAG Organization AIAG is made up of 3 board of directors, an executive director, executives on loan from member companies, associate directors, a full-ime staff. and volunteers serving on project teams. Directors, department managers, and program managers plan, direct and caordinate the association's activities under the ditection of the executive director. AIAG Projects ‘Volunteer committees focus en business processes or supporting technologies and methadolagies. They conduct research and develop, publish, and provide training on standards, conventions, standard business practices, white papers, and guidelines in the reas ef automatic identifcation, CAD/CAM, ED electronic commeree, continuous quality improvement, hesith focus, materials and project management, cecupationsl hesith & safety, retumable containers and packaging systems, transportetion/oustoms and truck & heavy equipment. “IEG PUBLICATIONS ‘An AIAG punicatan reflects a consensus oF hase substantally concemed wits scope and pronSiONs. An ‘ALSG pubicaton is rgended as gue f9 ald ie MaruSciurer, Pe consumer and the general pu, Te fexisfence ofan AIRG publesion does notin ary respect preclude anyone fom manufacturing, marketing, urnasing, o using Breau, processes, a paceaures not canfoming fo tre pubicaton. CAUTIONARY NOTICE sons are subject peice review and users are caufned fo obtain De latest eattons MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE FResogniang mat ms AIRS pupiestan may notcover Bi craymetances AIAG has estsnished = mamtenance procedure: lease reer tothe Ir the back ofS Oocurmard fe Submits USS! Pupitsnea oy: Auremoave nduszy Accon Group 128200 Lahser Road, Sule 200 ‘Sunhfialo, lohigan 48093 Bron: (248) 956-3570 » Fax: (240) 950-3259 APPROVAL STATUS. | Me avig quaity Steecng Communes anc-cesignatea stakehalvers approved ts worument fer pupicston 27 | cxooer 2015 | | | | | | | | | AIAG COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK NOTICE: ‘The cantents ofl pubishec' materia ae copyrighted by the Automotive Industy Acton Grovp uniess otherwise ndlcaled Sgpyantis oot cae as area afar eye Won recsedy 2 Se govern cfce! oy angles cs ser arte Beans oMGa) auees Al nan are preserved by AIAG, and contend may nat be eteied or ASSeMMnaed DUMSTEM C” PEARED In partafsucn content ‘Me infemation is nett be soln pavtar wale i atycre wenn your rganlzaton oF fo ancirer comzany: Copyright intingement is #vitson of deal aw sunject i crimal ard vl penalties. ISG and the Auda mest Acton (Group are regiterco sevice marks oftne Automadve Mausty Actan Greup, © 2015 Automate hasty Acton Group ISBN OF 7 OO8s¥ 387 0 cQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment Version 1, Issued 10015 FOREWORD Automotive Industry Action Group (ALAG) conumnittess are made up of volunteers frem mansber companies in the automotive industry. The work of preparing process audits is done by AIAG technical committees. This edition is 2 collaborative work of OEM, Tier I suppliers, and Casting suppliers. The main task of technical committees is to prepare Automotive Standards and System Requirements. Draft documents adopted by the technical committees are eizeulated to the Steering Committee and industry experts for review and consensus approval, Publication of the documents requires approval by ‘the Quality Steering Committee ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Quality Stesrinz Committee would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals and their companies whe have contributed time and effort to the development of this document. Yulong Zhu Dana Holding Comporation Matt Otte Eaton Corporation Lin Zhang, FCA USLLC Brad Guthrie Ford Motor Company Jim Loeffler Ford Motor Company Tom Boone ‘Gensral Motors Company Devin Hess ‘Gensral Motors Company Yiwu Xu ‘General Motors Company Jairo Santana Volo Karen Whitmore AIAG AIAG 2 SpovlProces Cath Systm Ascer Tre Gaabyt ‘Verclon f, issued 102018 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT AIAG. FOREWORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ‘TABLE OF CONTENT! INTRODUCTION .. Genera... - ssc vesceinnnn - PROCESS APPROACH, camgsieren assevern Goat ASSESEAIRNT PROCES. ne sets [ASSESSOR QUALIRCATIONS . — oe : (Ores RecuneMenTs, Score. Lica... SL2ApeUEATION.. 2 THE CASTING SYSTEM ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE. 2. INSTAUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE COVER SHEET Coven SHEE. on 2.2INETRUETON FoR COMPLET 1 CASTING SYSTEM ASSESSMENT ssc APPENDIX A.— PROCESS TABLES PROCESS TABLE A: DUCTILEIRON PROCESS TABLE E: GREYIRON PROCESS TABLE C: CENTRIFUGAL UNERS... PAGCESS TABLE 0: ALUMINUM SEML-PERNMIANENT MOLD PROCESS TABLE ALUMINUM SEMRL-PERMANENT MOLD CYLINOER HEADS PROCESS TABLE F: ALUMINUM GREEN SAND... PROCESS TAGLE G: INVESTMENT CASTING IRON/STEEL.onm-- PROCESS TABLE H: ALUMINUM HIGH PRESSURE THE CAST. ae - - PROCESS TABLE I: MAGNESIUM HIGH PRESSURE DIECAST... PROCESS TABLE J: ALUMINUM PERMANENT MOLD... on rs PROCESS TABLE K: ALUMINUM PISTON ncn vc : vn BB PROCESS TABLE L ZINCHIGH PRESSURE DIECAST scenic : a) PROCESS TABLE M: COMPACTED GRAPHITE IRON, a7 HERR a BEEBE Sper Poser csi syctan Asecement AIAG ‘essan 1, Issued 102015 tas INTRODUCTION General ‘The work of preparing CQI-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment was carried out through the AIAG Casting Work Group. These casting requirements are complementary to customer and product standards, ‘The Castine System Assessment can be used to assess an organization’ ability to meet the requirements in this as it, a8 well.as customer, regulatory, and the organization's own requirements. The Casting ‘System Assessment can also be used between an organization and its suppliers Process Approach ‘The Casting System Assessment supports the automotive process approach 2: daseribad in ISO/TS 16548. Casting System Assessment Goals ‘The goal of the Casting System Assessment is the development ofa zobuat casting process by eliminating ‘common root causes of casting defects The Castine System Assessment, coupled with an intermaticnally recognized quality manazement system. and applicable customer-specfic requirements, defines the fundamental requirements for casting recesses. ‘The Casting System Assessment is intended to provide a common audit for automotive casting suppliers. Assessment Process ‘Ongoing assessmants shall be conducted ammually, unless otherwise specified by the customer, to reexamune the contimuing compliance with the Casting System Assessment. Each assessment shall include a review of the organization's systems using the Casting System Assessment. The assessment shall use ‘the process approach to auditing assessing 2s identified by the requirements of ISO/TS 16949, AIAG 2» Speast roees:Castng Systn Aunt The Catatt ‘Vereon 1, seve 102015 Assessor Qualifications Assessor(s) should have the following specific experience to conduct the Casting System a 1. Bean experienced quality management system (QMS) internal auditor (for example, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001). 2. Assessor should possess casting process knowledge. Evidence shall include a minimum of $ years! experience:in casting processes. 3. Assessor should possess knowledge of and be familiar with the application of automotive quality concepts including statistieal process control, measurement systems analysis, part approval, failure mode and effects analysis, and advanced quality planning. sment: NOTE: — Tfmore than one assessor is required to meet the shove qualifications, the lead assessor shall be the person meeting the requiements in #1 Other Requirements The organization shall keep records 2: evidanea of complianca to the raquiremonts identified in the Casting System Assessment, as well a all appropriate action plans to address any unsatisfactory ratings. These records shall be readily available for review by any customer requiring compliance to the requirements within this document Spe Pree: Cat Syne Ansesnet AIAG ‘erin 1, eeued 102015 etalk 41 SCOPE 1.1 General This document specifies process requirements for casting suppliers, whe need to: * damonstrate ability to consistently provide product that meats customer and applicable regulstary requirements, and © enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for coutimual improvement of the system. The Casting System Assessmant is applicable to sites where customer-specified parts for production cice are processed throughout the automotive supply chain. lication All requirements of tho Casting System Assessment are ganarie and are intended to be applicable to all organizations performing the casting operations addressed in this document regardless of type, size, and product, Thirtean Process Tablas have bean developed and the appropriate tuble(s) isto be referenced during the assasemant. The Process Tables are spetific to casting processes.2s noted below © Process Table A ~ Ductile Iron © Procass Table B - Grey Iron © Process Table C ~ Centrifugal Liners © Process Table D ~ Alumizum Seni-Permanent Mold © Process Table E - Aluminum Semi-Permanent Mold Cylinder Heads © Process Table F — Aluminum Green Sand © Process Table G Investment Casting (Iron /Steel) © Process Table H — Aluminum Hizh Pressure Die Cast, © Brocass Table 1- Maznesfum High Prossure Die Cast, © Process Table J— Aluminum Permanent Mold © Procass Table K — Aluminum Piston © Process Table L ~ Zine High Pressure Die Cast, © Process Table M— Compacted Graphite Iron AIAG Speci Proce: Cat Sten Arora Tre catty Vetson 1, fssued 102015 2 THE CASTING SYSTEM ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE 2.1 Instructions for Completing the Cover Sheet 1. Facility Name: Name of the foundry being assessed. The foundry may have several ‘buildings or physical locations in the same general area. The description must be clear about exactly which physical locations are being assessed 2 Address: The complete address of the foundry being assessed. Phoue Number: The phens number of the foundry, including Country Code. [there is mo common phone number for the foundry, the phone mumber of the Operations Manazer, Quality Manager, or Sales Manager shall be used, Website: The intemet website of the foundry. Number of Employees at this Foundry: The number of employees, salaried and hourly, associated with the casting operation at this foundry. 6 Date of Assessment: Enter the date(s) of the assessment Use 2 format which will avoid confusion. Example: May 3-4, 2016. Date of Previous Assessment: List the date of the previous Special Process: Casting System Assessment of this foundry 8. Type(s) of Casting at this Foundry: Place a checkmark te designate all casting process performed at this foundry. This information determines the appropriate Process Table that shall be used during the 2ssessment. Processes not listed om the cover sheet are not part of the Casting System Assessment. 9. Current Quality Certification(s): The foundry shall list their current quality certifications, for example, ISO/TS 16948, ISO $001. Certifications may be from 3nd party sources or customer quality certifications. [fcustomer quality certification is given, then the year of the last assessment by the customer shall also be given. 10. Date of Re-assessment (if necessary): [f“Fail” findings were observed from the original assessment, then the foundry shall address each item with implementation of the comresponding corrective action(s). The date of the re-assessment shall be given here, and the appropriate item(s) from the Process Tables, in the original assessment, shall be modified to reflect that the evidence, relating to the implementation of the corrective action(s), has been observed. Also, the number of “Eail" findings shall be modified as appropriate. LL Personmel Contacted: List the name(s), title(s), phone mumiber(s), and email address(es), if available, of the principal participants fiom the foundry's organization. 12. Auditors/Assessors: List the nama(s), Company(ie:), phone number(s) and email address(es), ifavailable, of the auditor(s), 15, Number of “Fail” Findings: Enter the number of Fail” findings observed during the assesment. 14 Number of Process Table items identified as failed in Observations/Comments column: Enter fhe number of failed findings observed in the completed process tables. Coner a Special! 5 ed Drie Ae neemrert ‘version 1, sued 1005 Cover Sheet [Special Process: Casting = ara a ra Ps IN Pa ST AIAG Spec Peco: Contin Stem hap Tee Catt Vorsion 1, tscbad 102015 2.2 Instructions for Completing the Casting System Assessment The assessor shall assess the Foundry’s compliance to all applicable Process Tables by comparing the ecidance presented by the foundry to the requirements listed in the “Minimum Requirement” columns. 1. Complete the Casting System Assessment, including all applicable Process Tables to determine the level of compliance 2. Address each “Fail” item and determine corrective action, including root eause analysis and inmplemntation of the corresponding corrective action(s). The correstive action(s) should be completed within 90 days. Records of the comective action, including verification, shall be maintained. Number of Process Table items identified as failed in Comments/Observation column to be repartad. 4, Assessments shall be conducted ammually. NOTE 1: Inthe Process Tables, the word “shall” indicates a requirement and the term “such a2 indicates that any suggestions given are for guidance only. “Should” indicates strongly recommanded NOTE 2: Han item is not applicable to the foundry, then the assessor shall write “M/A” in the “Pass/Fail Not Applicable” eclumn, and write 2 brief reason why itis uot applicable in the “Observations Comments about Actual Condition” column. Uf the observed evidence is in compliance to the item, the shall note the evidence in the “Observations/Comments about Actual Condition” column and write “Pass” in the “Pass/Fail/Not Applicable” cohm. If the observed evidence is not in compliance to the item, then the assessor shall note the non-compliance in the “Observations Comments zbout J.ctual Condition” columm and vutite “Fail” in the “Pass Fail Not Applicable” column, Ifthe assessor is not able to answer a question 2t the time of the audit, the assessor shall note the auissing information i the “Observations/Comments about Actual Condition” column and write“Fal” in the “Pass/Fail Not Applicable” column. CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment Version 1, tue 10015 APPENDIX A- PROCESS TABLES AIAG = cQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warsi 1, issued 192015 PROCESS TABLE A: DUCTILE IRON (BROOESS TABLE A= Dusiie kon festettrafeccstarstyaommnen menses henremm noencovmeegtecameneetnewrin tem wants ten en an denny ead Fivotorenmencte se a peas ace Arent aan hala Rope ey aT Tate nay apc oa a Ap mn Oa [onsite he capo sue: em | ColegoryPracens Sip Mima guint Sena aneat cones” | at ogseath| Cateye an sesegi omer tate oo ws cose SRSA ema etree oe despre gegnuninbe Be ee ae He name ono stm Sng Pays Sm amet Renae a ‘vec sew tr Bsxaersoiee semen foes soe fl ae CQl-27 Special Pracess: Casting System Assessment ‘Wein 1, eva 102015, ‘PROGESS TABLEA- Duele on pater tn ann tener nto yma enc a anu etre ure Fe age UH Ren noe epe ‘Oberst Camm | Pama: tram | cregeyProcens simp ‘bau: Acum Consmom | Nat Agee =e fey | Servis yy Seertnaran tres etetrurgte aru ee 0 eo ss | Maecientn ener ererestes rss a senaingraaererees 894 ret ee ‘Sabeereeuanwatre eveand ec ay ctuinrasew bere tna caQL27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment tesuen TOO [emrraeaienresmemroaectsr ss rer ae earn he ms nt Met frat ow epremowey te aah) Tri henay? Aspte pods te? pcp anter? amr? tex | CarsnoryPmcees step ‘Steervations‘Gomeonis | Pama Fai | ‘See can! Conaon” | Not Appi i Sa = oe LEE ene 2 | anc aint enero meee 7) le SS cal-27 Spact Pocs Cacng Stan Aataamint AIAG ines The etapa Cos Parrarce” PROGESS TABLEA: fuctielos femeseceen erry erento eye eee ene ys matey ene mee aegis penta ig apa [Fret antennae rome ier ari a whan [ane nape cary Bt] Torry andy? A me AI Aapwct pr manBart Cer [Deete the eget [ ces uensenciecetsasmereeatione mere | Rreetm were worm rim CQl-27 Special Process: Gasting System Assessment [cin cas corey bm a These anc Apwaicpeaue lin? Aust manee? meh lesen ep ‘mon | eategeryPveceas Step ‘tna Restamart arn ie Tevares este onary Oey ali e-ey aed pt “a Sie PSR eT ns vet ais Shi rts sey spans AIAG ‘Mersin 1, eevee 1022015 he ntalya rn: Pr PROCESS TARLEA- Ductielron [per tacebv nie eaten [eben nicereus ve ha Snseenieanrg meester cater [ae sony eve is aT] Tewe ana? Awe pada? Aeoee et nunter? OB sou etal onanon | Hor Ageeabta wey emma [ereteninae aom psa one oo anita te pening ops we | Meena Repti we Sete oe Bt larceny ane ag we ten Tipteers mp ntetend cent state ("Sime secs. coum mse ar AIAG De cette e CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warsi 1, eeuad 102015 PROGESS TABLE A= Duct on fesetaraen cr crmnssamnmere cemetery ety acre neem tenn emehg stare te es [ivantemqasacinoe Son Pre siserre nen jay a nm [rare ecpecovoy i a Fi tre buneTy? AMSAT FOMt wh Kepeetl FoR a? Car leserme me wpe! a sn ‘ner Rogumare ‘Observes / Comments | Pass Fa sour Bel Corton” | Mov Agta tam | catgoryrecen ep = eae | tenet Reclame geeareeer - CQl-27 Speciaf Process: Casting System Assessment Version lesued 202015 PROCESS TABLE B: GREY IRON [arent pana aU Te wen ney Api PP Ample OT Ger Jose mesoepe tne aa ‘DiwervtinneCememnis | Pane Fad tiem | amngey Proce amp sam Regret pape pel wv | fama — LSESTESRRSAERS CE nc eet an at AIAG 2 shonin ii ngage The ext or Be Pare paeeesanet | ree = —_ Hy aes arena ean a ies nO Baas eee ra Ta LS aa TT caQL27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Wersin 1 lesuea 209015, AIAG 2a The Grae i on: Parone ‘FROOESS TABLED Guy won [Wraiemesreceoveen oy aaa The sus fonay” Apo gORIaine” hapeakpet eure” Oe [ovr mesure math tam | Camgoryrecens then sary Fagus aient end Soe [snr giarne Seren agora ovrsramcalomon nwt [reed Usteieionnedertivcwrantaetd ewe. ce | wemam RRSP ate eee eet em ee 5 I Pn Il we | wmane Pesessrammms eeetmgces amen | fro | tava Rem tnceeneree ete coe | | nearest ietiasnton angst ated jase Pencarian rote AIAG pacino a ae [he Gata or Pent Prine” ‘Werslen 1, issued 102015 ln aronom ps natn vnsonan erase fre ore Sa Tete tures? pec heme? Aegeche jet owe? [ei te expe at ‘Obsertine Conmmats | ase Fal ‘bout Actual Conan | ot apcleable tivm | Category Paseo Sip =| pee eel ner | osowanen PA gmiepenaia eter ene Faron tenant wearin at ee ‘ies Thetone state amgetoe omegyrsn rete le eres ete eevee nd fesse et say | pe mrrmenta nary nthe mene neni = Ceocmey fie viegianmatgee eg Toy eee mat ate = Bete [epee penta alte ee wor | crarerruan [itvoctapeats cece go. sene Gora ovens ate ercine afar tary es ate me oa ae Ccal-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Mersin 1, ssued 1022015 Neth pe coeet bye mt he reeayt hepa bel ameter ole? tam | Saepeteeen ep rere Le ern greeenpro Sry nee [sere Bett teen Tpee ee ee hat pene ed ener ate a we ey CQl-27 AIAG.» spapissaecoany sunsanencet The Cael al ‘erin ead OOTS ‘PROGEES TABLES: Green scteaterenty ears ay pen iy se nt Fane mre rr et Prat ec a ah atom tm pene Pi aT ane? pes peat Wu) Aapeste pr me? Ow te one atom [cmgnracee se a [Seer cae Tr aT fog ath manage owe mee | es eae nae ntcors eon —aeereeeerees omcni Beene eemeermoneey Sera eememeenais ee nen terete as srant un eure antares ness ar ter | “Weeten teeny Process: ‘Wein 1, tue 30015, i uta Sect recess Cong Syaton sessment AIAG PROCESS TABLE C: CENTRIFUGAL LINERS. [ata ave eapecoend erm He wity loot? Aepclogad int Awetcinree? Om ‘Ginerratacs: Eomense | Paes all tem | GatepenPrcen Sep bout ictolGonainon | ot plea Tara raat errs ie a SS AIAG 2m Speci Proces: Casting Sytem Arecemet The Catt ft arn” ‘Version I, sebed 1001S PROCESS TABLES Gentian! Lnnss cae eee Pe a a Fee ene earch [esas pe rdiyDmBt Tr eta? Rea pontir Aapeseet et Ort Eewertronrtrma | ie Gamma | es Fal) Sent boxiealestamed [Se Se tt ee =] baer eam ic mresreeeeermecet )| a Ee Senna ae ts net nae Fimeanutarurs rartra oyomesce ne maemges ry we | eames Recreate ecm aaa 2 | ite Ee arcane rome Ea =| ae 26. CQI-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version 1, lssued 102015 AIAG 2» he Catalan Fak Peper [varie apc tna Thewane eng? pects Fl Ap ee Ce Joscrite tevonge of the au: Caageryroceas Sap Rese ‘eum Raguinrant Bescon pcnc tenia nc at em “Obeerntons “Comments out Actual Candin een Fa Het repeat | sete seg nn ote sree neateehie rere [ch awmratearsisceprens me [Peseeraronsinenty seen min ieee nea mend Tome [pestetrmtas ree encnrtsncy mre [rs woprenteecceeren newer peepee mete io irenee Js geo eee alan teste aera oo Tene [peers remnant Saat [Resets pew bare ineechientic mended =a freseipeasiebaattowcee bovais [esieract srnurensn rn nrowane ov ge AIAG = The tata Peat Pe CQI-27 Special Proceés: Casting System Assesement ‘Wesel f, leeved 102015 PROCESS TABLE C Cantus Liners nore ersten cash oy save netted wpa lahat ay he [enare meant ae The mtn? A pede rears? Apacer oe? ‘Gesereaions/Commsnie | Pree’ Fall? tam | eaageryraceas Sip Main Rag arent aa eee oe teste fo Teter [Wei nti ci war Parana nepea creas neni eae ate reenact ea oa ages Saas aS SESE ae CQl-27 Special Process: Casting Syctam Assecsment ‘Vein f,lesued #02015, AIAG 2 Coat ‘ROGERS TABLE G. Ceatnual Liners peers ne ogee rast Palen fara) weet seen ue seeing nae tere ares Pansat [pedapavtisari naan satetnccee Firetree raping cual ete [atop coved Hon? Tm wk Karey? Aged padil Wn? Asgaale pa ranbae? Oa? Devs th supe ofthe wot, tum | Category Process Stan ‘Mdirumum Requirement evencniccamme licnoeseee eno Trosctr es wessam i eaue ceva mand era) sigan erate Fete! apts preetewemy seca one cs Te SS ceesinee gran cee en] thane tin aaa rer cerca ama Se = Semetere, —_Frerarews rouiy ay tre uans rere Foie on amauyiscam — [eaten ante ecmarstan seateriprnsy weayoee arte pre ie acorn CaQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warsi 9 issbe0 102015 [nee es orape conway ea There ny? Ade pool Im) Ape mer? OFT [ssn ac ot ma ee ‘aig Proeees Biep ‘Oberatoon | Commnens | PaseFal ancarasareaaa ‘abut tual Concton | Wt Bolcabie ese ee ang [preven erro euntnmonuae reat ote acowcaoeet oP inn bein li ob ‘cee oo Co ane nce cee ngroe Ge | nea Bene rpepeagen Pmeonemene siapeaiceli hastings caQl-27 ‘Speofal Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Wisin 1, letved 102015 AIAG 2a Trial PROCESS TABLE D: ALUMINUM SEMI-PERMANENT MOLD [pnts taige costo as8 Deemer? mete me tsoe en AIAG SpesrProces: Casing Sten Ascent Ine cata fon Porm ‘Warsi feed 102015 [Resta sumeurtemlpemersmttls Sercrarara auf -tentnamnen abso sevens {Petee pone ort San prey moe a wear acge on eel alt Te ebony? A wrth peaked ne? Amc paneer? Ober? Desc eee tw ma mam | Catogorybrocens ip Wry Ragnar ciotegratink. sesso rs pre teeth eee Se tren ara Ae ores Lk one Val eens ocean! lw ae Ca nea dat naar erm | perme tom san aga nec ctnay ac ane caQl-27 ‘Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘essa 1 tssued tO2015 AIAG a ton caugery enn ne ue een sree aoe | Det 25 | soem thee iene nay a b Rnsatsunnc wcatns son powvenos Tosepwsryaceuon otincseo of aace afeoesen a ere ata recto | aes ae eT ww | eunmanen = teeeetiedens nieces we | are AIAG» CaQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Acsecement Tre Catan iy Font Petre ‘Versi 1, lseued 102015 PROCESS TABLE D - Aurninurn Somy-Punmanent Mola [censors gree teav os percnrnoneamenaepcte miter, [lesrpesnteatnn cae) mt meemen raat nd ely sneer eenartemt resign ne Pe peer ter range unt PE pc pete any eptine [vias ie supe carondiy is sult? the eve Win? Razoo prabaline? Aap paras? Ohal® ‘servations | Comms | Pans Fal fee [Secrreyes toe about Artal cenatien | Not Applzabie or | tee char = enone TE cestmattye aan ae nieateg Into tenatn cae era yerrd ing treat ari ar | Mevheteiettiteed Poemaentr siti alraatestnit dernier oe | semen erent oto ats Fes esting Pave co Sete ecm ang Sytem Asesmet AIAG 2» ‘Mersin 1, lecued 102015 i Gata br Pea Ferrer” PROCESS TABLED Aime ni Le eee ame Freee re a reac [na erase corte? Wana wet pak wal Avge pattie Oo? foes tm snp th ‘Obsarvaore |Ganwnents |Past Fall shout Actual Condon | Het Apllcable LL — feces Setter sind cs ie fete owerhomn Get! [anonnmme rer urine “ela atpanienod reine kotieloente neces = == oer Te sna earechveale erode T T CcQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘were lssbed 1207S [ta be nsem ety ema Theisen! Ape pcm? Angee pati? Ober? tm | SteerPcnne ap pa | ttre Se =| = Rn f ses Etter anunanee ee ee ceed Pe ani || eee aan nen 3. CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Mersin 1, Issued 102015 [pesiSre toeatenseteassteanrens eens eat ien nea tte [anise cepa cor ty sara Tsar ain? Aes pase in Apu petereh Ger [mace te scope ct rm t= om | stacey Procaaa ep Minton Regula ‘abou deal Contin Ha A pial = ceimeren Rican bsmcigeuercanscem rs femrentt eee Jat nape marae eaten oe ox | Merwminnen RIMGRINSSSY niece sage erntys eat Sa AIAG.» spect Proce: Cntng Sten Arete (a ‘Wario seven 10201 [at rp Srey Ll ete Wm Ape pr eset he tape oltiranal ‘Obesvatons | Commaria | Pasa Fall) bout Actual Gonaton | ot pea one farsa catocuck mewn satsingh ewipocetatsgaes oe SER See a SRC, [feditintee FeStape Rarsanorartonsicings or vena ener snare isoenr ex umes eRe ean PO nn wipanencnie SEROTEC sateen [berry savanscoaaradewaae 3 CQI-27 ‘Speofal Process: Casting System Ascecsment ‘eseian tesuen O20 AIAG 2» Te ata ‘PRDSESS TAGLE 0 - Arnis Sonn: Parmnerd Mold ‘emerson tens sear nce arapers annem [ote pe con Fe IMT ROFOT! A WET OI AT ASCO ON THOT OPT (mein cp em tam | CategoriProvece Sep ‘Cevaratona | Commenis hawt hated Cora aoa Fall ot Reliable rae ra AIAG 2» sic reba cuks yin aren ssessment Tr cant "Version 9, Issued 102015 PROCESS TABLE E: ALUMINUM SEMI-PERMANENT MOLD CYLINDER HEADS [sna race vars uN? Ta anata? Rowcae Won Nc AabwSPL oma cn es ‘Tnserraone|Commmenis | Fass Fal tom | cateaequrcocees sep amu eur omnt | Sara” | Wet apple caQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version. lesved 102015 [saps nr ar ry van peta uoprramae [Betmesuuc ne av ars tonne a ay or nape cil eeertiena atest eonatin tag fone thnprtaetennedisenescor aoa ne Eta sre nay are a rgeceern ny ape freely npes alemtrnttpategsceer in wcrnte a aii Satis Doe meen foenairaveviets leurs epaonipe | Lasers mae ecs tan [ewnne nev ereiy rer AIAG a a er el ‘Werelon 1, lssued 102018 Spa punta nero re temcmete ra Haar ny may eaten [rare age omens fun) Tee any? Aspects os im? Amc a ftw ti nar | Category Proce Step Mire Bq eeeenccusen beiretebecheiretets ahetetine pan mater nea SST a = ee ‘Sateur nat mceanas rary con eer sean a panne a = SE even grieeeee geeres Le = sae Se | See eon enieoenne mi ee ae rama ote ihe Al AL CQI-27 Specie! Process: Casting System Assessment “Vession 1, lesved 302015 AlIAG_2a Theale ore Percoranea™ [arse nme ened byte Thm he banety® Aspe aan A poci gt rb? Ome loners metape of a | esteem na uvaeeme niger tne Fart arb rate ght ESSE SESE ee ctegere neeotes te or feweiie [scesramee, | Sate meton nm paperrnt enema es prio AIAG» Tre Gata ir Ora Poon Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version 1, sued 10Z015 (ROGERS TABLE Alam Sen snmanen ok Cvinde ia plea ee ew frome mney pinata ote Pn pg en yan jon prmxraoona opie autT Tere Sona? ASCEONE SHORT WT Ape pot EN OF [sein fe map mits mem | camgoryPracese sup ‘otperistons Conmrte ‘abeud Actual Conon a Fa ot Appia FS ese mi atengae ot core ie fat 3 Rotneirtmatcciiognc cme ican nlc teed pl ale tee ayer cername ete aver raneinn wena [ne ractmaes eenteneetictne sera es ean ce Serer ste ics AIAG 2 “esi 1, lesues 10015, sca Pam Parone ‘Srenmngunean at pon tapping mk whey aan tons [ais i csp one ye wae? Te were any? Aspee- Gals? Awe piftanb” Ober) [ace seg of mt ‘Oburunons ‘Commas | Pass Fal Nay | eategery rece Sip Wire Ragen etal Contes | Hot Apptenble = a = — [San rrartvareiecesepciatenacern ee ee ee 2 Le nhc gy aeby is mk? There uray? Aapwalcgenia at Aste piace? Gear? ome na scope ct enter ‘Gbreratons (Comments bout Aen Cana Pen Fal ot apatite eg anna cnn on Rea ab e oa ed ae CQI-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version 1, lssued 102015 AIAG 2» he Catan Fporere [enpemen gee pogrom ame wanere en poner nnn maptcwnsey Mane parasteteceia ba snucreea, ur pearayglarca cute keen nc oe oy bendy Mcatandeosues myer scaeeeprecormed Rerontrate fia cates weesatyir aut? humus tay? Ropu pau wt Keen pacanow? Gbat? he scope at thers. | Eategery Process Sip Moire Ragitemars ‘Pisa Fal bot Arica cg | DePran auerenen we, i Leer Toon ane eraT ae Ty sare at ecuaay tt eaves AIAG» spect Proce: Contin Scien Anca rt ‘Warsion f, lesbed 102015 [anes cml ya a? Th ks rey? si ee? Ags mati? OS foeerte ma ccops of ena: Sree i een sytarameu pram nee FES See wcey endear is = ae ~ Hiettes inte pone lihetgine momen mi Tees Henri uy m8 ie i eeaseranren Getta eee aee ee si ta gai a AIAG Speoial ‘Wesshan 1, lesued 102015, The tae Pea Pores” PROCESS TABLE F: ALUMINUM GREEN SAND ern gape cao ir Tw ny? AapeRE ORT” ASSEN: FTN Ce? ‘Specs comes | Fac Fa tom | CategerProsee Sie yee rag Pep a | armas SRE cecemgencesemeenmnme comme o Pipers eee eceertintantiaecnnty CQlL-27 Specie Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warcon 1, cue 102018 [aeons ceed ha mak? Teo an? Aor rORuH a? A PREPARE) Oar? ‘GhervslonaCommecse | Pana’ Fall ot Appiable ton | Catvgorp Process Stop aa Be | essen Larmmeanermrireem crema [ Soepredtctnnrahvoear om nen nese noth emer sew | coving Echaerat nn argent ~ ES 49. CQI-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment Merson , Issued 1072015 | ere roti acre sem ester omceioets tne [aie ite emzmios Te varet aru tem 2a ms oe re ues tee aranasasase rstesan ies Worse ease Haase PRIS in nhs oe ates cee So eee AIAG 2» SpeciProcee: Cony Syne Asceney cat io baat Dt ‘Warsi 1, eebad T2018 ‘ROGERS TARLEF Aluminum Garon ond boaeenaronshee ec, [cata era a2 ccs meno reine or crag ote eannereetetsnmr gente Sa Herne noe of Po no PRGA ey a [airs erscy cori ere Toews ese? Pace pet a? Pages pe ener Ober? epee Pecans ee Lee tron eit Twantend =| era “ ‘muon atenwateemerennenpreaed ne a hee ewan mecca eee oo Tay eran anager nie swoon (ppaseiitgass inst nasormarsastenaw aoe mane paiamigstinerticcmgers semen [oposeeectetcpoay ners seconsearsereanin ah Speahl Precees:Cntng Syl Ansse mnt AIAG 2a ‘version 1, sewed 102015 he Extalya or: Pere rar wt sae er din rs Tt ely) Aaptievaravan? Rupr sana? Ota oud Acid Condon | Not Aenea nom | exmgonyereceen sip sepa ert nacre mens KE met ae peter PES a Teen Feeders rl topatntepmet set renin fect iechees - 1a _| ava ewes ae 4 leenecbernte ttl Special Process: Casting System A: ‘CQl-27 if ‘version f,leeved 402015 rar nine cpr covmen A mu The esis) Anal pwert On? Arpt pe matmr Cee? foetrte mesecpe etme nite ‘nam | cotagary resins top See haut Conon ass Fa Het oye ios gerne Sete esi Cathy Syston Assesment AIAG ‘Versi 1, seve 107075 i Calpe ra) Pasar ‘BROGESS TABLE. Akaminum Gro Sang eine nites nets Hr rs SeHV Rao Fee eee [er sp mele Th we ar Asp rele A mec mt? ale [oer the eop of ew “Deserve Comeenia | _Pean’Fa tiem | ColgoryPracean Sep inseam Peqatment ire pees Se ee tonnes Sockanaayypema maitre 7 ie < Tetsersreme nacre rte geerg renee 3h AIAG = arma ni an SE Tb Catt jon 9, seve 102015 PROCESS TABLE G: INVESTMENT CASTING (IRON/STEEL) wi! | mene Seer 38 Sach reise saci AIAG» ‘Version 1, eevee 102015 The Catan ro: Prk OSES FamLE G—vanimans Gann (nancial |ecnarsrerateteta’Seeranarverns reer erty ory # ered AePEr iar teh #Pe POH Extn et Met race Fare op roares caen mat tyne, [anaes coweatbyav mtg buy Kaba padi ad Aasails uO? Cha ee fas Fal nt. AIAG Tee Gatti Ba Pe caQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Ascescment ‘Warsi 1, eued 102015 (PRGEESS TARLEG -laresimend Gani nie leiep tena penises asemrn mare Seed ine ae \eeameepsececnta et Hoamaypoiagranen semana [nt wenape mews rita ant) oewinylansir! Amwre nanra¥we? Anes pean Gee ‘Ghosrvations | Cemmmenia | Pass Fal’ ttm | catperyoenee stp ae ai Te Le a AIAG 2» “Verwon |, Issued 102013 hs Cat Ses Pacer” ‘PROHEES TABLE O--Ineesimest Canina oneal) (RSS BE SASS eNO CaSan a annem abn eh hd hob ee [er He vied ye lt Tw eee Ascari PARE Hw? Os ie sani Te | Seen Bp cin Reet ‘pena Gemma | Pans Fal saa wo Coins aeeramansiare coeaerarg Saaw wusncuons * \ssifoomisiy _ [SSpmuncine anor m tie tevvurenser uma: a | nate CcQl-27 Specie! Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version, sued 10201 ‘SRDESES TAULE G -Ineeeined Canina fionStea) [riata as acce cn ma aa Tei au” Avene neal haceatsata ie? Ot “Observation: ‘Comments | Pape Fall tar | Easgeryresess Sp ae ee abu! Actual Cendilsn [Not agieable = =a any | Serer ite Sento [nermermeniy nerd ear ee need ieee apiece Became cere anes reas = ce tonnmer fet agretttersens cams brenty ar fara peeme Sarch tere warner nasty mnie eessiee eh CaQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘esi 1, leeued 20208 ‘PROSE TALE G-ineemrena Carina canine, [Fitircecnteet st nt pasmespemay wt tae lesete masacpect tanum Hequtremert ‘sboun AstunlSonaien Pana Fa Net App [setae ica ns msecatcnaeasy ert i Sleceet eeepc eee ray sa IVE ee [=i irewoms ees eaci— R Jesraauntschnsa fay nostous'wuscceors ces AIAG 1 aaa ir at Pra” ‘Special Process: Casting System ‘Versin CQl-27 Assessment 4 teguad 102015 PROCESS TABLE H: ALUMINUM HIGH PRESSURE DIE CAST ea at Reaa [erasers CQl-27 Specis! Process: Casting System Assessment “Vesslon 1, lesued 102078 PROSESG-TABLEH.Alvninwm inh Freon Die Gaal reetamony te EE erry farm ae Pt hardy ancy rion tearere enabg ah pretest ereenaneiste renee Tice rests Sie Bande ese emit ett rae Sara sve Hp Tha ee Re)) Amo raat ra) AONE ERT ber? nae tam | cage Prccen Sip Meru Rea hyena! Eommenis fs ek ne a arg any mnrmin She suas | tains [Serta tren me Tevermme — [ESeatictane cova mpanah pone suegenere poke nor | compraaauy — [EtEen aprons mnie song asst rare pas [SS asteemeamemyereratmneneunrmene AUoeeaieaeediecetin eka sient soonest Eng schecreseeee vor | vsomome — Precires sree aiedetsemyeaty at CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment "Warsi 1, sebed 1201S m == hin ret am eerapeeret ca en ake ae eee [arate ce 5 Ths weaviovet Aupctesroaa in? Aupetcpun oon? Ste) pres nsec ornrt Case) corseusntomnan “ ceysesiesnter hfe teneoe eo oe aa sia entastencoris ts et Re RRC eee isha = Sane Sale casey snes nsiencet AIAG 2a ‘Version 1 esued 102015 im ata em eco SERINE AEA ETS IE, eg nme ty hentai Fimscevsconvens Tica neon nities hay etaien [vats be nce sovoeiy Ms alt The we uh Asomaic ail Wa AxeuTeauTaata Oa" tran | cargoryProcens Sap st appiatte uw ye caQl-27 ‘Specfal Process: Casting System Assessment "Warsi 9, issue0 10-2015 PROCESS TABLEM. Aluminum Wig Proseure Dia Gt Phstpecrergics tu iW cng ioenonerom mcbereaeecoylonay fpetaereecieeegering FFrcinar anaes roar me heer eng merpy cone ii a pin initrd eee, Teer baat istapint on Aerank emanate? Oh ‘Senervaons) Comsvants | Fava) Tall es | Cagney racers ayinenece a Manors Bese bout det! Sortton | Mot Ag patie sass | ingtinarer ot erin fae me tnetivve tren tc eansamtt dy Merle serene Se ee Shi rts sey spans AIAG ‘version 1, sewed 102015 he atye Prati mops araieiny ta tat) Praca tay? Ramla pl a Aaa curb? Oe es “Grevesan Coremeris | Poon! Fal nem | eaegonrP rocco Sep Mma Reslrmeet Tiettonal rad” |setventae \urton Seraaieeerenietectoss Season enemas toe Foren corer ianetennan orang he coer wee | ommevmnoyn RRL eae sltee SRR NE, + Epaa prt reton owsecinemats fw trv ecs wean in si (Ghar teaner boner aie span ees arok [ener CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment "Waraion 3, ssbe0 102015. PAGES TADLEH Alumina Hh Poaaure Die Gant leeeregaevts ws hanes reteare eter er fe nena cage ete etry sy rn emer mr een teeta era Rade crane eet fa ppg) vied ram fv te ao i Pam Tanta ace Apc un a A pa ater? Ce [omer in ocop fh m= ba | Caegery aches og muss Sona” | wor spree is | sate Tonee * cent SES eam ete | z = [nto ero ener sne mn hwy ta [Se caeeeats Senate cmap areas [rcaes tapas Spent roan Cann Sy Ace AIAG 2a ‘eon |, Issued 100015 1 Gata ou PROCESS TABLE I: MAGNESIUM HIGH PRESSURE DIE CAST tc ea ein a ar an RANA” AGSIESTIL a) AOS [otservasans Commence] Pass! Fal mer | Soreeirreeeme ‘about Actual Candee [at Applabl See * oe eat Jor ert erin apr tt AIAG tae fr Pest Performance” cQl27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warsi 9, eeved 1072018 Caoparyrrecate tap Mee quiesmae ‘bout Actial Sonata ees Fai [ot Apnea} [onsaster en seuotnerueanaczecn set naatah Ce een Ree ean aeceneer’ =a Depp ree hereto cena Mate fri caetcoiaitgcnay canyon em CQL27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Westin 1, tue 102018 AIAG 2» the Crap sr [at te cope covey Haul” Ti wkend? Aspectcprodsln? Asp px parce? Ot tom | Gaepory#iscess ip ‘hservatons /Commani| bout hens! Condon Pass | Fall! not ppcane a fu ot cer nmuran gaan Para nen carr ape nar ae rmaae ee my w cone [feskaceretun3t freee insafoypumt Ravorercemceaymar te eae eee Pemercens eeerngec eeminet AIAG 2» ‘Specis/ Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Versa I, sabe 102015 ti a ee Sermon eto apoeneet seinen pa seo eso yl nn TRE Metre Pressures; ate sce eed ait? The ome ean? Rasraie Oa! Aras prune? Ob? Deer ti cape Ccmagery recone Sep Caruso «Conmae | Pass Fal about Aztual Comal | [Met appease a cae ahaa eueeatemntmetent en a naa = Ses a oe a haat ecco Te CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘erslon 4, Issued 102015 gr inpereer gene pe Plimentcscpreers ara fone cin =n pay anal een [mn te seb n at? Thesealoiey? Apache? Asem ee? eh [serve tne st ewe Minimum Rocrement ‘Cbservitons Commwnts| Pass Fad ‘abot Aetual Comsiton Mot Appeal] = Sec nat aha 0s ne ay | [eativaee venseisoem rire mom onan ae ersnive mower tan spe nr rae nen ‘Wenmattecous masts stornesers serosa See amen 2 [eatyetietpetiere teatro tea at forebi uncom inertia cieamiee age sree gee etree teat mn mamma | Fs ae RETREAT frrssn titres 8 esmpand tm qptin mT atest fe cage Hs intsner ans Satan ome a epee teecunae cetees nant nee ae pee ee ease ante mae [ teoningsceises arte ares need retested i eRe sae a Une RIAN KT ERAEN ES siceen at nerape asa cnn eae = Peer te arapeebeal epee er eer a é wa Ripsorintag(itatona tfc Saas an apa 7 ee caQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version 1, sued 10Z015 -PADGERS TABLE -Moanesium Hah Peoosume Die Gant fier edans Oy cemny neers Sms yay erg sit ta ach heh jac ceri iT Forti any? Apap Pm? Amt pa main Cet? [Observations | Comments | Pasa Fall tnam_| camgoryracens sep | Sc ancicomes betes Persndisiutemacamueso ters ‘porenriar | facvec tecarrervaa tei soocecapenea eneance ated Tenetcitie caller ar giaggearns Sulivtaaacegted tetas emeueeas oe on easter tpn tase ng ers resis SASSI TESS ee caret TR Ae caQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Verein 1, fesued 102015 ara sxp covery tat The rece A epi prin ne? Amc paub Cary ac tench ma ‘tm | strane ine nda Remarc Caseretora Comte Inara peaneennimate nce camer argv me a opens a | stains troom Sacco Era Te sa hoe tert Horr ae facie see apes aay aa coeenare fest sams nm nape “ena wget AIAG Speci rocene Conn Sater Aron Tee Catt ‘Warsi 1, issued 1021S PROCESS TABLE J: ALUMINUM PERMANENT MOLD PROCESS TABLE.) Auminum PamansniMoid [isironeenangeos we terran sree un anemet fictreeatgtacmnws tose ay ny monty tsabenmen aber met nom wi [foots rattan ever rac Poser wferey mete nated [ats i sep cod by tn ll? Tin wir bana A pwede wnat? Repel priaes? Ober? Josttane ms scaps rts cuane mem | catogorsacena tap ‘wnuram Request ress eames | fs aa Me tmmetitere fe Earp aotat tna psn saeryeca nponrotsr a rantiectareer at theranace 1 esas lease some ereenyea eee eens, ua eee [risterreanmtnrecaisre cat sare eanergesaty | sivwstcpeartmvensts aesomen onan nba sessment as 16. CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Westin 1, eevee 102018 a icp mil tT Th wet Aap stb Apeth pat met? Ow ea ep a ad Taneemene ea pen oaeapees [ eempeaenete mites rach suman a winamp aes ha act Sa ee eee CQl-27 Special Pracess: Casting System Assessment ‘Wersion 1, sued 172015 [whale cps oaredty MERU Moreton AWK Woes A WR per aba OFS [psn ne ccpe ot ne a | Sgueiei ena ean ‘gee Cooma | Pa Fa oe [Renew mart nirysolia erent ower ee aT Te fresh Poca: int pte Astrmint AIAG 2 Mersion 4, lsu 1072095 ie [ ‘EAOGESS TABLE Auunimumummapent el hsp ny net ey a7 NOFA Wetter east an Pee eal en ec permet se foci rato pty aad eae ia fe on ne The ry RSW? Aspe rndlew Appt ews? Face iy’ aaeatoemione: ‘ees Some | Pane FA =e a ren iigesn sateen ssieerapista ctr pasion ieee ee = moe Paar ST re Sumer rn sory anee AE | tee felnate ickartemin roces eal a | tone eemeniricaiaiineae” AIAG.» CQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warcin 9, eebad 102018 (PROGESS TAGLE J. Aluminum Permanent told ee ETAT eT asenetenane apn nantes nomteinaataegne Foes et he eee ee ars pe covey saul Te envoy A appa Acc aia ORS? loeacnte neaecpestinent tiem equremet ‘Sineretions Commons Fann Fo et nope ay eee a mies reek erred be SS Sacer ii Ca la Ma AIAG a ‘Version f.lesued 102018 he aa fos Ferrara” [pencaneens ee trans sraraeae cme ate agree cong Gary tema ah anh ye er aera Se gt [at x cnc yea Tow hoary? Ange pila A a pu ety? OF? mencope ot me a ‘lnecvaions| Comments | Pass Fall” nut anal Contr | Not appseabie [samara =) a “ C7 rec sy ayonretn ts acre 3 Soh gees ee emmirenaes Roce tga ces seer ries cores pons orntomre pean Tce aan gn aac cnn ene ae ee Rarer mremses cu open eceenane pions eee oone ae Figo aunt nist outer aye i ae at en is ae Bec ween atten fenact Grea ear vse susan paua Urcanawean Sasa sae se [ens fergie dates pemtege imate cat Sona sae aa ete eee cae Fogg eerenerteteereeetierto T | | Tgpeeesintees ales armored AIAG > CQl-27 Specie! Process: Casting System Assessment Tre Gate fir Pent Pl ‘Warsionf, lasued 192015 ‘PROCESS TABLE J. Aluminum Permanant Mold Lempert ci an fat porarcne a Coeapamnegese Cobo a Fy A at ar ang amma at ign amet ia ean eb poeta oa ar an poneaputy emer ont [nets pe ues eat? marten Ange pee Ap at rer? Oe Pane Fed ot Appice Tabane al sti abe ae atoms fused sey mace gee b Panna aon et iopinee Swart artes peo 110! | aera teasenet —f Iivaeal tate ron phreats wevsarci tice Nepean ebccraee tte etgwar acs ctr ts vot | seomoie fectrnirty camry sarong sae" ale CQl-27 Special Process: ‘Version f, Issued 10015 : Casting System Assessment PROCESS TABLE K: ALUMINUM PISTON jisanthsepcceesby a ml” be hnsnep) Aap moana im” Appa Oa? ose na ssp nate eee aera cat eet ee AIAG 2» CaQl-27 Special Proeecs: Casting System Assessment ‘Vain 9, eu 0201 PROCESS TABLE KAurinure Pian Jiralsrerer> Ca Cosy aneaupoce haiti ery aay near tonne reese sth toe ered at ner eg [Pisce stfaenasee no nvon poroane yy onet¢ mpairyesan croton [espe ana? These hay? apa kl WA Anil fa Rav Oe? Jonsete therapeu rom | cungeryProcces 2p ‘ear Act Conan || Mot App [iattim wiencan wpsced neni noe | Mpmperae [naira faa a ftmnedanesn ts ase arnwretals Ce] | [-smgsot rm emer ner [stinger mater nee a Sper Prete: Casta Stem Ascot AIAG 2» ‘Version 1 Issued 03015 The Catalyse Pe Foccrrarce” [RRS TABLE Atamimam Fite [aeetnearene tects fy emir ameneae at tet aaa wae MASON ARATE emer CMe Aaa mca A patentee egentiogee [Pavsclymtievour er ne Saver opmnes cea tient Par ape nore by in a Themes A pasts oa? A ypute pau? Che? doa aecpeo heh ae 7. or ‘Deasratins ‘Commas | Passat Seeverneen oe ner "sou tet Conamen | Nt Aegon = ercany fees mete pt pes rt nm con | oregon ee ate AIAG Th Gates cQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Verein f, fesued 102018 arn nomena amo estore ot [sean Sarason artery mentary [ieee hornet nee tegen reseed eens a a lower cape ota ‘Obearvatiens Commarea | Panel Ban | Sanenvtromen ne. our otal Cndeion | Wot Aepieable aw | ropnmucrmenee ae ST — sti| inten, PRR ewes, = ma| veana oo rs a = ee ee me | emcee fame iieyaineancn talgeagmips oa a ear eek nt 86 cal-27 Specie! Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version fesued 102015 AIAG 2a he taba Da Resor ‘PROCESS TABLE i Alum Pion lat were py sna rai al we fearGee [evieciemccnennn einem He een et asec, [neste apm covery aude Thacetratounin” Aamsifcpraic We? ArpooRe pa wna? Oe? Jet pet re tnrac te LL Sheen comme | ree | esones Rectan oicisiormeenneeat a wo | ase Re ace vot | ete peter rensereereressamses fsiromenrc wo) ee) Etter eee jain ngs barn sont ee Fe fapeeeeneiesentatinm ee hee Sara - me Seems arora ul alon Bs oul ees epi spree dt areata a ee fSSaanonisaae Se eed eas NT AT RNA Ra CcQl-27 Speoiet Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Warsion 1, issued 192015 he scope ovary foe mde™ Th eae uray? A mpc prod bon” A ype icpan curber? a? = marn_| CategoryProcene Step ‘Oberst | Comeants tbeud Actual Corin ase Pal? Hot Aoplicable [isms ol latent yw [argc syprsce oer rr nce mao o eenasam | Abn ie eye mite a ence PES se sheng i Mo APA I pabestaptlae tl Sa ean es | cane omen a 38 CQ|-27 ‘Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Wesion 4 losued 10015 AIAG» ‘PROCESS TABLE K - Aluminum Biston [ed ashes mene eta from prscrarray eat ever mney heemen tra ey marr seetengPu rata rhea ekg ae pent Senn Parte [iat te nce ose Fyn) Toe whe any? 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Canton | Mot Applet 7) Se, La Sees oe | tans | eters wo) coc, Reunions -10l- -lo2- St cy at it AIAG 2a ‘Vere 1, Issued 102015 = at be lancmasrendeccore cinag sonar soot may tare Orterseg mee mp RAEN TNE EDN CPt ee [arate ape inwndiy fe ait? Tarn tain? AngR pant Aap mana? Oe [Descrbetheseope ote aude: Sd mia eget neers Commer | fame Ta ceacatsnttet aera attra Si) siggy RS eo sear cet en SSS SS oo ves | tadeg ae cure feces rape ems AIAG 2a The Cataget he ah Pr caQl-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Version i, sued 192015 ‘PROCESS TABLE Compasted Granite ran [ther arrest C9097 camry feces re nesbur vl eety om irycearengtetaures tuba satay camns| pce Card Peachy Isso mai ra weston [atta te aopa woreda ut Tema UY? Rpt io eT Awa pu RAE? Oe [ene apm he ms CmmgoryProcees Step em Racers ‘Pase all” Net diab frie pcs nfverenan nssrnrat see apne es 4 ‘es sme et pomse rer penta oe frsea geen ylnuy fauent arcracnea tyranny apenatroncte fepse eres antec on Sem Se wn [iraater nap arn etiam ten ie | aeieecpergnt a pe nanemecveme Agere mse aetunertem tna nes tna Minscowcnnmencame a SIE ESTEE Tastes bet toe pn ben tirerinrant fy ue vec bunstn nee ad Nurofen "rts wont ane tenes onan Ret ‘Taser eaten ne snes acne stated ee fies rants eapiots winaaa Spi ran F em Fisetnesersic samaritan Ln eaten ae | sms onmat ene te eran ne rt ve [lecy Ses touspiwese uaa Sonecatemnsuvmnratine sce tmeamn en serunemer eer Fe ect sen eRe cramrn smi wirmtenin Festina aca ae oars hs wccinem merwarer naan anime ha nr aren mnis remem npn aeons ee -103- CcQl-27 Sport special Process: Casting System Assessment “Wen 4, levee 10/2098 AIAG he Catala rs cQl-27 ‘Special Process: Casting System Assessment ‘Werson 9 sabe MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM Name of Submitter: Date: Company: Company Address: Phone Fax: E-mail: eres sss Page Number of Change: Document Currently Reads: Recommended Changes/Should Read: Reason for Change (Use additional sheets if necessary): ‘Signature of Submitter: Peed eke) Manager's Recommendation: Final Dispo sition: Comments: fe Industry Action Group » 28200 Lahser Road Telephone: (242) 259-2570 + Fax: (248) 258-2283, eMail: quality@aiag.org Web: wwew.aiag.org -108.

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