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MC180403001 Muhammad ali akbar

Assignment# 1

Question #1
Calculate the Effective Address and Physical Address for the following set of values.

Segment: 0xFFFF

Offset =0x0800

Base: 0x0111



Effective Address= Base off set + index

Physical Address = Segment + Effective Address
Effective Address
Effective Address = Base + off set + index
Offset = 0x0800
Base: 0x0111
Index = 0x0001
Effective Address = 0x0111 + 0x0800 + 0x0001
= 0x0912
Physical Address = Segment + Effective Address

Question# 2
Calculate the Segment Address for the given set of Physical and Effective addresses.
MC180403001 Muhammad ali akbar

Physical address = 0x119B, Effective address = 0x10AB

Physical address = 0xFF9B, Effective address = 0x10FF



Segment Address = Physical Address – Effective Address

= 0x119B -0x10AB

= 0x0F0


Segment Address = Physical Address – Effective Address

=0xFF9B – 0x10FF

= 0x10911

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