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The firm whose staff are all autistic

By Jane WakefieldTechnology reporter

Peter, Evan and Brian work at a small technology firm based by the beach in
Santa Monica, testing software and fixing bugs.

On first inspection it seems like any other Los Angeles-based company, with tasteful art
on the white walls and calm-inducing diffusers dotted about.

Peter describes the working atmosphere as "quiet, but fun", and especially likes the fact
that there is no pressure to socialise, while Evan says of his employers that they are
"very accommodating and understanding". Brian describes his office as "unique".

Auticon is one of only a handful of companies that cater exclusively for employees who
are on the autistic spectrum.

Formerly known as MindSpark before being acquired by German-based Auticon, the

firm was founded by Gray Benoist who, as the father of two autistic sons, saw few
options in the workplace that could cater for their needs.

"Both are incredibly capable and smart and deserve an opportunity to be able to
express that," he told the BBC on a recent visit to the company.

"I felt that the gap had to be filled and there was no other way to fill it than by taking
action myself."

He started the firm in 2013 and it has now grown to more than 150 employees. His
oldest son, also called Gray, now works in the finance team.

"Our mission is about enabling a group who have been disenfranchised. There are
many segments of society that are under-utilised and people on the autistic spectrum
are one of them," he said.

Peter had worked in "normal" offices before but they did not seem very normal to him. In
fact he compared his previous working life to an episode of Survivors, a BBC series
depicting the lives of a group of people in the aftermath of a flu outbreak that has wiped
out most of the human race.

"It was all very tricky to navigate and understand. I failed to make social connections,"
he told the BBC.

Evan describes how at previous jobs he would "just sit and listen to a podcast by myself
while I ate lunch".
Autism affects more than one in 100 people according to the UK's National Autistic
Society, but fewer than a quarter of these will go on to full-time employment.

Many fall at the first hurdle because anxiety, which can often be heightened for those on
the autistic spectrum, makes even the prospect of a job interview very intimidating.

"People tend to hire people who are like themselves, and autistic people are not like
you, they are like themselves," said Steve Silberman, author of Neurotribes, a book
which looks at the evolution of autism.

"The list of things you are not supposed to do in an interview is practically a definition of
autism. Don't look away, look the employer in the eye, sell yourself. All of these are very
difficult for autistic people."

Brian desperately wanted to utilise his computing skills in the workplace but felt put off
applying for jobs in the competitive tech world.

"There is a lot of pressure. You have to compete against other people," he said.

Clearly overwhelmed by the prospect, he worked in some menial jobs instead -

including in a grocery shop and washing cars - neither of which was utilising his talents
and were, in his own words, "not going anywhere".

Some firms have found ways around the traditional interview process. German software
firm SAP, which also employs those on the autistic spectrum, offers candidates the
chance to build Lego robots instead of a formal interview.

"That shows problem-solving skills and commitment to a task," said Mr Silberman.

And SAP obviously thinks it is worth it, pointing out that employing autistic people is not
done out of "charity" but because it "boosts our bottom line".

As well as having heightened anxiety, autistic people often struggle with social

So, at Auticon, if employees want headphones because of noise sensitivity they can
have them. They also have the option to work in a dark room if they prefer, they don't
have to take lunch breaks if they do not want them and if they do not feel able to
communicate verbally with their team-mates, they can use messaging apps instead.

If things get too much for someone, they are entitled to "anxiety days off".

"Sensitivity to our employees' issues is our first priority," said Mr Benoist, "but that
means putting the processes behind that to ensure you still deliver the highest quality to
your client, which requires thought about how projects are put together and how
resources are assigned."
And when it comes to the dreaded employee review, there is an emphasis on not being

"It is all about good human resources principles, it is something that other firms could
easily replicate," he added.

Mr Silberman is not convinced that segregated offices are a good idea because he
thinks that both autistic employees and their more neuro-typical co-workers can learn a
lot from working together.

"By learning how to manage neuro-diverse employees, employers also learn how to
help every employee," he said.

"Look at Bill Gates, who definitely had autistic traits. He has grown socially and is now a
great philanthropist."

There is a four-week training schedule at Auticon which decides whether candidates are
suitable for longer-term employment.

Some do not make the grade, especially those who are pushed by their parents to apply
for a job despite having no passion for coding, and it is important to point out that there
are lots of autistic people whose interests lie elsewhere.

For those who are successful at Auticon, the team appear to be hugely supportive of
each other even if they don't all go out for lunch together.

When new office space was designed recently, employees asked for it to be open-plan
rather than closed cubicles.

"It's great. Easy-going, patient and really accepting," said Peter. "And everyone is very

Brian and Evan both now enjoy lunch breaks with their co-workers, although Peter still
finds it "hard to pull myself away from work".

But, perhaps tellingly, all three regard Auticon as a job for life.

That is a lesson that other companies should take note of, thinks Mr Silberman.

"For many autistic people, if they find a place where they feel supported and feel their
skills can thrive they became very devoted and loyal and don't move on. And that saves
companies money because they don't have to retrain people."

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