Award 06071998

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CovaRNIENT OF INSTA (Bi? Sac) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RL HANTAAD AYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No.86/safety-1/24/35 New Delhi, dated 6 #.1998, General Managers & OsDs, All Indian Railways. Suh: award to Reiivay staff for Accident-froe service. Reft Railway Ministry's lettem nunber B(G)82aii~12 dated 26.3.87, 19,6.88, 7412489, 12.2.98, 22.3,90 and 7.10.91, Board in supersession of all the previous issued on the subject has decided to further change the scheme of Accident-free service award to tne eligible categories.of safety staf€ only at the tine of xetirement in. the following manner and conditionse Xt is now decided that: the entire length of service Of the staff should he viewed in totality fox the purpose oF Ylenting of this award. The quantum ef award will vary, Gependiag on the total length of service in all the eigible categories combined, he quantum Of award as also the minimum gual! fying Service is proposed to be revised as followsr AL Bee Retvero/Mecormes PH: fe ae fone of Sezvies ior av upto 7 wars service upto 15 years service Upto 23 years service above 23 years service B. For ASMs/sés/Pointsmen/ Sabtnnen/ sui upto 7 years: service +15 days upto 15 years service 30 cays upto 23 years service 45 days Beyond 23 years service 60 days 4+ No change in the existing categories of staff eligible for award. 24 Length of Service will bo counted while working in Safety gategory only. The scheme shall be implemented fom 1,1.1998, rs 34 If the staff has been promoted from oue 2licihie Category to another eligible category then tbe toe his service apan in all such eligible catogories conbin 4s to be counted. 4s While assessing suitability of staff for grant of award any staff who has been punished with a major penalty elther in an accident case or in a case related to violoation of safety rules and safety norms will be debarred permanently. 5. the underlying principle is that a generally carcless, negligent, indisciplined or recalcitrant worker should not be considered for an award even if he has an accident-greé record. (a) any stafg who has been punished with a major penalty in’connection with any other case also will not be eligible for the award, (») any staf£ who has been punished with a mfnor penalty either in an accident case or in a case relating to viloation of safety rules and safety norms, will be given the award at a reduced scale as follows: Punishment Percontege avard anount ‘$o_be reduced For uue minor penalty 30% For two minor penalty "70% For three or more minor No award penalty ‘this has the approval of Finance Directorate of Board's Office. Please acknowledge the receip! (andes “Ghbsn) Bxecutive Director (Safvty) Railway Board, No.A6/Safetyat/24/35 New Delhi, dated —_¢59.98 copy to ADAI (Railways, New Delhi for information with 40 spares. Gopy to all the Principal Directors, Audit, all Indian natiwaye : 2 Faw gt, For nachal GosetseCner/tays. No .86/Safety-i/24/35 New Delhi, dated 6-98 copy to ell ALCAOS AL} Indian patlways. ‘ jst (Iddxa Ghosh) Executive Director (safety) Railway Board, 3/ )VERNMENT OF INDIA IRY OF RAILWAYS, ¥ RAILWAY BOARD. No.B6iSafety-172435, New Dethi, dated 22-05-2007. General Managers, All Indian Railways. Sub: Counting of service towards grant of Accident free Service Award. Ref: Board's letter No. 86/Safety-1/24/35 dated 06.07.1998 regarding Award to Railway Staff for Accident-free se Ansing out of a PNM item of NFIR (1/2003) the issue of counting service rendered in Asstt, PilovShunter grade towards grant of Accident Free Service Award has been examined afresh by Board and it has been decided thatthe service rendered in Asstt. Pilot /Shunter prade ‘may be included in the qualifying service for granting Accident Free Service Award to Drivers/Motormen subject tothe following conditions = ‘The time spent on ‘foot plate” duty may only be inchuded while the time epent on stationary and other non-driving duties may be excluded at the time of sanctioning Award ‘These instructions will come into effect prospectively From the date of issue of tis letter. Other conditions referred in Board’s letter of even number dated 06.07.1998 will remain unchanged, ‘This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Board’s office, \ “Adviser Safety, Railway Board. Please acknowledge the receipt No.B6(Safety-124035, New Delhi, dated 7-05-2007, Copy forwarded for information to: J. All the Principal Directors, Audit, All Indian Railways, 2. The Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General af India ( Railways) Room No. 224, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (with 46 spares). 3. FAW CAOs All Indian Railways Blo, For Financial Commisioner/Railway GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD. No.B6/Safety-1724/35, ‘New Delhi, dated j) -9-2007. General Mansgere, All Indian Railways. Sub: Award to Railway Staff for Accident-free service. In partial modification of instructions issued vide Board's letter of even number dated 06.07.1998, Board have decided to grant accident five service award in favour of widow ‘spouse or legal heir of the employee in case of his dealt while in service and also the salt who have taken voluntary retirement in addition to superannuation, This issues withthe concurrence of Finance Directorate of Board's office. Please acknowledge the receipt. Pat (Girish Ciaadi ‘Adviser Safety, Railway Board. No.B6/Safety-1724/35, ‘New Delhi, dated || -09-2007, " (Copy forwarded for information to: 1, ‘The Principal Directors, Ault, All Indian 2. The Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India ( Railways) Room No. 224, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (with 46 spares). 3. FA& CAOs All Indian Railways. Sion _, For Financial Commissioner/Raifrays No.86/Safety-124/35, New Delhi, dated }) -09-2007. ‘Copy forwarded for information to: |. Metro Raitway/Kolkata (This disposes of their letter No, Metro/Div JO&M/T. 315/8(AFSA), Dated 03.07.2007) 2. All Members, Departmental Council and National Council and Secretary Staff Side National Council, 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi 3. The General Secretary, NFIR, 3 Chelmsford Road, New Delhi,

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