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Tas-heelul Aqaa-id Aqaa-Id made Easy es ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The syllabus committee expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all those who have assisted in any way to make this book possible. We are indebted to all the Deeni institutions and organizations as we have consulted all books currently available when drawing up these. If there are any errors or suggestions please write to: THE SYLLABI COMMITTEE JAMIATUL ULAMA TAALIMI BOARD P.O. BOX 929 LENASIA. 1820 We make dua that Allah Ta’ala reward all those who have made this possible. JAZAKUMULLAH SHABAAN 1417 Draft Edition CONTENTS PA LESSON. ONE wincccvctnvstervvetnnetnetnettnntnnatnneentne 3 THE CREATOR (AL-KHALIQ), LESSON TWO. THE PROVIDER (AR-RAZAAK). LESSON THREE..............csccsscccssssscsssesssesseesasensaseresessaseessnanessseens 5 THE HELPER (AN-NAASIR) LESSON FOUR. stessesnsvsetnsettsesnetnsetnninnetnsnsenee 6 THE PROTECTOR (AL-HAFIZ). LESSON FIV! RASOOLULLAH (SALLALLAHU ALAVHI WA SALLAM), LESSON SIX cisccsersnenstnsieneintniettiienntnneinnnereeees9 THE AMBIVAA (PROPHETS)... LESSON SEVEN... ANGELS (MALAIKAH LESSON EIGHT ALLAH'S BOOKS (KUTUB) THE CREATOR OF THE WORLDB..... QUESTIONS. THE BIG FISH QUESTIONS... ~... YOUR HELP ALONE CAN SAVE US"... 1 OY QUESTIONS....csssssetinnentestntenstintntniianssseses 18 sm ALLAH IS WITH U: QUESTIONS .sccscscsssecssctnssseos MUHAMMED (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM THE LAST NABI QUESTIONS NABI MOOSA (AS). QUESTIONS... sessessene END OF THE WORLD QUESTIONS... cecsssesssticsetinesnsnes THE RESPECT OF THE QURAAN..... sa QUESTIONS enanteeen eae: eemetaveniteened rata Petre CdEe naa 28 NOTE TO USTAAD: LESSON ONE The Creator. (Al-khalig) keywords: all things created sun moon Jinn stars earth mountains | sky fish sea trees man angels insect Jannat Jahannam 1. Allah is the creator of all things. 2. Allah created the sun, moon, the stars, the earth, and the sky. 3. Allah created, the mountains, sea, trees, man, animals, fish, birds and insects. 4. Allah created the Angels, the Jinn, Jannat and Jahannam. Al-kialig The Creator LESSON TWO The Provider _(Ar-razzaaq) keywords: provides food drink sight speech hearing health wealth beauty sickness everything 1. Allah alone provides for his creation. 2. Allah provides food, drink, sight, speech and hearing. 3. Allah provides health, wealth, beauty and sickness. 4, Allah is the provider of everything. ArpRaZZ0G0l8 The Provicler LESSON THREE The Helper (An-naasir) keywords: alone helper servants everybody need only seek help | anybody’s 1. Allah alone is the helper. 2. Allah Ta‘ala helps his servants at all times. 3. Everybody is in need of Allah’s help at all times. 4. | must only seek help from Allah Ta‘ala. 5. Allah Ta‘ala does not need anybody’s help to help you. A\MeNEGSIC The helper LESSON FOU! The Protector (Al-hafiz) keywords: protector need evil and harm daily 1, Allah alone is the true protector. 2. The whole creation is in need of Allah’s protection. 3. We must seek Allah's protection from evil and harm daily. 4, If Allah wishes to protect us no one can harm us. Mehotiz The Provrector LESSON’ FIVE Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) keywords: final Nabi Qur'aan tevealed miracles power love | respect command 1. There will be no Nabi after our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). 2. The Qur'aan was revealed to our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) 3. Our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed many mira- cles with the power and command of Allah. 4. We love and respect our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). more than anyone. Rosoolullalh scllaiiahy dlaylhi we scllem Nalot LESSON SIX The _Ambiyaa (prophets) keywords: believe ambiyaa knows has sent different times were human beings free from sin guide mankind pious servants 1. We believe in all the Ambiyaa of Allah. 2. Only Allah knows the number of Ambiyaa he has sent. 3. Allah has sent Ambiyaa to different people at different times to guide mankind. 4. The Ambiyaa are free from sin. 5. All Ambiyaa were human beings 6. The Ambiyaa are the most pious servants of Allah. 7. Names of some Ambiyaa are: Nabi Adam (AS). Nabi Nooh (AS), Nabi Ibrahim (AS). Nabi Moosa (AS), Nabi Eesa (AS), Nabi (sallaliahu alayhi wa sallam) The ambivae DrOPNETS LESSON SEVEN Angels _(Mala‘ikah) keywords: see commands knows exact number 1. We believe that Allah has created the angels from noor (light). 2. We cannot see the angels. 3. They obey the commands of Allah. 4. Only Allah knows the exact number of angels. 5. The four famous angels are: Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS) Hazrat Israfeel (AS) Hazrat Mika’eel (AS) Hazrat Israel (AS) (‘\ngels Malatkalh LESSON EIGHT Allah's books (kutub) keywords: believe book of Allah | revealed commands | found 1. We believe in all the books of Allah Ta’ala. 2. Allah revealed his books to the Ambiyaa. 3, Allah Ta’ala commands are found in his books. 4, We Muslim’s follow the final book of Allah, the Qur'aan. The four famous books are: ‘ Zaboor, Torah, Injeel, Qur'aan. lah’s looks kuruls | STORY ONE LESSON ONE THE CREATOR OF THE WORLDS Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) said to his father and his people, “What do you worship?” They said, “We worship idols.” He said, “Do they listen to you when you call on them? Do they do you any good or harm?” They said, “No, but we found our fathers doing so.” He said, “The things that you worship are my enemies. | worship the Creator of the Worlds. He created me and He guides me. He gives me food and drink. And when | am ill, it is He who cures me. He will cause me to die and then to live again, and, who will, hope, forgive me my faults on the Day of Judgment.” QUESTIONS Lesson 1 1. Who created alll things? 2. created the sun, the stars, the earth and the 3. Allah created the mountains fish, birds and 4, created the angels, the Jannat and — RSS ES STORY 2 LESSON 2 THE BIG FISH Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) sent a party of three-hundred men towards the sea-shore on a mission. He gave each person a bag-full of dates. After fifteen days the men ran short of food. The Amir collected all the dates that were left with each person and stored them in one bag. He gave one date to each man as his daily ration. Finally all the dates were eaten up. The men were very hungry and they wet dry leaves and ate them. During all this hardship they made Sabr. Allah Ta‘ala had mercy on them. They were near the sea, A big fish known as ‘Ambar’ was thrown out of the sea. It was so big that they lived on it for eighteen days. They also filled their bags with the remaining por- tion which lasted them until they reached Madinah. When the event was related to Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) he said, “The fish was provided for you by Allah Ta‘ala.” QUESTIONS Lesson 2 1. Who alone provides for the creation? 2. Allah provides food, ee SION, and 3. provides health beauty and 4, Who is the provider of everything? STORY THREE LESSON THREE * sass YOUR HELP ALONE CAN SAVE US“ The Quraysh atmy who were the enemies of the Muslims had about one thousand men. They came to fight the Muslims. They were fully armed. The Muslims only had about three-hundred men. They had two horses only. Most of them had swords but only a few men had armour. The armies met a place called Badr. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) prayed to Allah Ta’ala, “O Allah! We need your help! If this small group of ours is killed, there would be none left to wor- ship you. Neither our number nor our strength is of any use. Your help alone can save us!” Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) urged the Muslims to fight, and said. Those who died fighting the enemy, would get Jannah. The Muslims fought very bravely although they were all on foot and three-hundred of the enemy was on horseback. Allah sent angels to help the Muslims. The Muslims lost fourteen men. The enemies lost seventy men and seventy were taken as prisoners. The Muslims won with the help of Allah Ta’ala! 0 QUESTIONS Lesson 3 1. Who alone is the helper? 2. Who helps His servants at all times? 3. Everybody is in need of Allah’s at 4. | must only seek from 5. Does Allah Ta’ala need anybody's help to help you? STORY FOUR LESSON FOUR “we ALLAH IS WITH US.” When the people of Makkah planned to kill Sayyidina Muham- mad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) he left Makkah to go to Madi- nah. Men were sent in all directions to look for him. A reward of one hundred camels was offered to anyone who captured Rasoolullah (sallaliahu alayhi wa sallam) . Rasoolullah (sallaliahu alayhi wa sallam) and Sayyidina Abu Bakr (tadhi allahu anhu) hid in a cave in Mount Thour. One search party reached the mouth of the Cave. They were so close to the cave that those inside the cave could hear their voices. Sayy- idina Abu Bakr (RA) was concerned. He said, “O Messenger of Allah! The enemy will see us!” Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was calm. He replied, “Don’t be afraid! Surely, Allah Ta‘ala is with us.” A voice was then heard from the outside saying, “Nobody has entered the cave. Look at the spider's web over the mouth of the cave!” The search party left the cave and went away. Nabi Muham- mad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and his companion, Sayyidina Abu Bakr (RA) were protected by Allah! 19 QUESTIONS Lesson 4 1. Who alone is the true protector? 2. The whole creation is in of Allah’s 3. From whom must we seek protection from evil and harm daily? 4. If Allah wishes to protect us can us. MUHAMMED (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM) THE LAST NABI Before and after Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) passed away, many people claimed to be prophets. Their names were Musailamah, Tuliaha and Saja. They were liars and false proph- ets. Muhammed (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is the final Nabi of Allah and no Nabi will come after him. a QUESTIONS Lesson 5 1. Will there be any Ambiyaa after our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) ? 2. Who who was the Qur'aan revealed to? with the power and of Allah. 3. Our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed many | | | 4. Who do we love and respect more than anyone? | erence A LE A STORY SIX LESSON SIX NABI MOOSA (AS) Nabi Moosa (Alaihis salaam) married the daughter of Nabi Shuaib (Alaihis salaam), who lived in a place called Maydan. Nabi Moosa (Alaihis salaam) and Nabi Haroon (Alaihis salaam) were commanded by Allah Ta‘ala to invite Firoun to accept the one- ness of Allah Ta’ala. Firoun refused and rejected the message of Moosa (Alaihis salaam) and Haroon (Alaihis salaam). Allah Ta‘ala saved those who accepted, obeyed and followed Moosa (Alaihis salaam). Firound and his people who rejected Imaan, were drowned and thus destroyed. 2B QUESTIONS Lesson 6 1, We in all the Ambiyaa of 2. Who knows how many Ambiyaa were sent? 3. Why were Ambiyaas sent to different people at different times? 4. The Ambiyaa are from sin. 5. Were Ambiyaa human beings? 6. The Ambiyaa were the servants of 7, Name some of the Ambiyaas: STORY SEVEN LESSON SEVEN END OF THE WORLD This world will come to an end one day. Allah will order the angel, Israfeel (AS) to blow the trumpet when there is not a single Muslim left in the world. The sound of this trumpet will cause everything in this world to be destroyed. Human beings and animals will die. Homes and buildings will be destroyed by the order of Allah Ta‘ala. This will be the end of the world. 25 QUESTIONS Lesson 7 1. From what did Allah Ta’ala create the angels? 2. Can we see angels? 3. They the commands of Allah. 5. Name the four famous angels. 4. What are the exact numbers of angels? | STORY EIGHT LESSON EIGHT THE RESPECT OF THE QURAAN Once there was a man who was not a good Muslim, but he had great respect for the Quraan, and its pages. While walking he found a page of the Quraan on the floor. He picked it up kissed it, dusted the sand off and placed it on a high shelf with lots of respect. Allah Ta‘ala loved this action and thus Allah Ta‘ala for- gave him. QUESTIONS Lesson 8 1, We in all the books of 2. On whom were books revealed? 3. Allah Ta‘ala’s are found in His 4, Which book do the Muslims follow? 5. Name the four famous books. NOTE TO USTAAD: This book comes with eight sets of flash cards and the suggestions for the teaching of one lesson. Period 1: Before beginning the New Year's work revise the previous years attributes of Allah that were learnt. Now go on to teach the first lesson, te The Creator (Al-Khalig) by posing questions to the chil- dren. The ustaad should bring along:a fruit/s and a vegetable (ie things children are familiar with) and ask them some questions like « Who made this apple/ orange. e Who made alll the fruit? « Who made all the vegetables? « Who made alll the milk we drink? « Can you make any of these things? « Can anyone else make these things? « Who do you think made all these? All the questions should provide us with the answer that Allah Ta’ala is the Creator of all things. Period two: Revision of the previous periods work. Extend the lesson by now asking the children about the earth, sun moon, stars, sky. « Who made the earth? * Who made the sky?etc. Familarize the children with the words of nature such as moun- tains, river, oceans, trees, animals and human being themselves. Familarize them with the creator of alll this. Introduce the flash cards as the lesson progress. Now go on to the story of Ebrahim (AS), The stories are told to the children to emphasize the attributes being taught and to help the children fully understand this attrib- ute. Period 3: Repeat the story of Ebrahim (AS) and now question the pupils to bring home the following: Allah and Allah alone made alll things. Allah is very kind to us. Allah is the creator of all things Thus Allah is called “Al-khalig, the creator. PUPIL ACTIVITY: Colour in the words: Al-ilrallig The Creator During the period one or two ask the children to bring different leaves, flowers etc to the class to show and discuss with the others. The ustaad should point out how wonderfully these are made. These are examples of the beauty of Allah's creation.

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