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The blazing hot fires filled my line of sight; the boiling hot gases stimulating my nerves.

As far as I can see, everything is in a state of purgatory.

Finding nothing in me to care about the smoke and dust that could cause one to
asphyxiate around me, I leaned onto a charred piece of wood and took in big gulps of air.
I absentmindedly shook my head, and with only one glance, I can make out many
familiar and yet strange objects spread around in the wreckage.
A burst gun1 with a shattered handle, a red glove that is destroyed and dirty……
Countless scenes flashed in my mind; there’s fresh blood, there are crazy ravings; as suddenly as
they appeared, these flashes disappeared just as quickly too. it’s all hallucinations and not real
at all. But the unending pain on my body constantly reminded me about the reality of all of
these scattered memories.

“Is there anyone there—-”

Taking a staggering step forward, I pushed myself and gathered all the energy I could to
shout out loud.

“Is ……. ​cough cough cough​…..damn it!”

​燧发枪, directly translated to “flintlock mechanism"
“……where….are you……all……”

The crackling of the fires and the wind that’s blowing by my ear faded in and out, as if
this entire world is going further away……

“​—-Wake up! Wake up! “​

A familiar figure suddenly appeared before me, it seemed to be both real and not real,
keeping my consciousness alive.

“Oh, it’s……it’s you……I see you’re alright…….that’s……wonderful……”

Who is your, unfinished wish?

Who is your unfinished wish?


Translation done by ​ff-translations,​ thank you!

New World : Rice’s Route : [ ​Master Attendant! Master Attendant!​... ]

New World : Peking Duck’s Route : [ ​His hand held on to mine until it ached…​ ]

New World : B-52’s Route : [ ​While I was still floating in and out of consciousness…​ ]

New World : SteakWineGinger’s Route : [​ ​I was roughly shaken by a pair hands…​ ]​

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