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Tas-heelul Aqaa-id Aqaa-id made Easy ee L_ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The syllabus committee expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all those who have assisted in any way to make this book possible We are indebted to all the Deni institutions and organizations as we have consulted all books currently available when drawing up these If there are any errors or suggestigns please write to: THE SYLLABI COMMITTEE JAMIATUL ULAMA TAALIME BOARD P.O. BOX 929 LENASIA. 1820 We make dua that Allah Ta’ala reward all those who have made this possible JAZAKUMULLAH SHABAAN 1417 Draft Edition TAUHID ONENESS OF ALLAH 0000s oe bese) LESSON TWO. ALLAH IS ALL-KNOWING (AL-ALEEM)............ ste 5 LESSON THREE ALLAH TA’ALA IS ALL - SEEING - (AL BASEER) : 6 LESSON FOUR ALLAH TA’ALA IS ALL HEARING (AS SAMEE’) cece T LESSON FIVE.... ALLAH TA’ALA IS ALL LOVING (AL WADOOD)... 8 LESSON SIX... 8 ALLAH TA’ALA IS KIND -- (AR RAHMAAN) cD LESSON SEVEN.. SAYYIDINA MUHAMMAD (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALAM) OURVN ADI ses eeee seen eeeneees : 10 QUESTIONS.. THE LOVE FOR ONE ALLAH alk} QUESTIONS. HOW CAN WE HIDE FROM ALLAH... eee ww AS QUESTIONS THE FAVOURITE DISCIPLE. ......-..:0::sssseeesreeeesseeeeseee 17 Ql IONS A PRAYER ANSWERED ees 7 seen 21 QUESTIONS. TWO YOUNG PIGEONS. ......... 21 QUESTIONS... THE BLIND SNAKE . : 23 QUESTION THE CAVE OF HIRA.... a 25 NOTE TO USTAAD. LESSON ONE Tauhid - Oneness of Allah Ta‘ala keywords: [ believe no children] need | notmade | forever | worship , parents partner Allah alone 1 ~ one 1. | believe in one Allah, 2. Allah Ta’ala has no children. 3. Allah Ta’ala has no parents. 4, Allah Ta’ala has no partner. 5. We need Allah Ta’ala. 6. Allah Ta’ala was not made. 7. Allah Ta’ala has been forever and will remain forever. 8. He alone do we worship. SEUNEeC) ONENESS or Allah TWAIE LESSON TWO Allah Ta‘ala is All-Knowing (Al-Aleem) keywords: | everything wedo —_| what we think | in our hearts everywhere tomorrow 1. Allah Ta‘ala knows everything. 2. Allah Ta’ala knows what we do. 3. Allah Ta’ala knows what we think. 4. Allah Ta’ala knows what is in our hearts. 5. Allah Ta’ala knows what happens everywhere. 6. Allah Ta’ala knows what will happen tomorrow. N-oleem Alleknow tng LESSON THREE Allah Ta‘ala is All - Seeing - (Al Baseer) keywords: sees | good bad evil | everything ] cannotsee | 1. Allah Ta’ala sees everything. 2. AllaK Ta‘ala sees everything we do. 3. Allah Ta’ala sees the good we do. 4. Allan Ta’ala sees the bad (evil) we do. 5. Allan Ta’ala sees us but we cannot see Him. [\I-lo@Seer (\lleseating LESSON FOUR Allah Ta‘ala is All Hearing (As Samee’) keywords: [everything | hears lie [swear | speak jood 1. Allah Ta’‘ala hears everything. 2. Allah Ta’ala hears what we say. 3. Allah Ta‘ala hears when we swear. 4. Allah Ta’ala hears the truth we speak. 5. Allah Ta‘ala hears when we lie. 6. Allah Ta’‘ala hears the good we speak. [\S-SOMEE (MI-hearing LESSON FIVE Allah Ta’ala is All Loving (Al Wadood) key words: creation | do good clean and pure truthful { kind | loves poor and the rich | helpful 1, Allah Ta’ ala loves all His creation. 2. Allah Ta’ala loves those who do good. 3. Allah Ta’ala loves those who are clean and pure. 4, Allah Ta’ala loves those who are truthful. 5, Allah Ta’ala loves those who are kind. 6. Allah Ta’ala loves those who are helpful. 7, Allah Ta’ala loves the poor and the rich. A\l-wadood Ailoving LESSON SIX Allah Ta’ala is kind -- (Ar rahmaan) keywords: | kind | merciful | helps | protects guides | pity | forgives | heat rain plants fruit grow health 1. Allah Ta‘ala is kind and merciful. 2. He helps us. 3. Allah Ta’ala protects us. 4. He guides us. 5. He takes pity and forgives, 6. Allah Ta’ala gives us heat and rain 7. He makes plants and fruit grow. 8. Allah gives us health. MPoPOhmMacn Most kine LESSON SEVEN Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) Our Nabi keywords: last | free from sins | position | believe | highest messenger servant | ambiyaa . our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is the messenger and servant of Allah Ta’ala. 2. all Muslims believe our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is the last messenger of Allah Ta‘ala. 3. our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is free from sins. 4. Allah Ta’ala gave our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) the highest position amongst the Ambiyaa of Allah Ta‘ala. s, our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) came as a Prophet for all. Our Nels Muhammad (Sollallohw dlayhi wa salam) QUESTIONS Lesson 1 Tauhid of Allah |. In whom do | believe? 2. has no children. 3. Has Allah Ta’ala any children? 4. has no partner. 5. Who needs Allah Ta’ala? 6. Allah Ta‘ala was by anyone. 7. |s Allah Ta’ ala forever? 8. Who do we worship? STORY ONE LESSON ONE THE LOVE FOR ONE ALLAH GIVE UP_ISLAM OR DIE! Hazrat Bilal (RA) was the slave of Umayyah. Umayyah believed in many gods. When Hazrat Bilal (RA) became a Muslim, Umayyah did not like it. He told Hazrat Bilal (RA) to leave Islan and to worship idols. Hazrat Bilal (RA) refused. His master became angry. Umayyah made him lie on the burning sand in the hot sun. He placed a heavy stone on his chest and said, “Give up Islam or die!” Hazrat Bilal (RA) suffered much pain but he did not give up Islam. He would only say, “(Allah is) One! (Allah is) One!” Umayyah and others took turns to whip ;him. He was left in the sun to suffer. Hazrat Bilal (RA) would only utter, “(Allah is) One! (Allah is) One!” They would also drag him in the streets. Again the same words were heard: “(Allah is) One! (Allah is) One!” Hazrat Bilal (RA) never gave up Islam. At last Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) bought Hazrat Bilal (RA) from Umayyah and set him free. Hazrat Bilal (RA), was the first Muezzin of Islam. He was a close friend of Hazrat Muhammad ( sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ). QUESTIONS Lesson 2 Allah is All-Knowing (Al-aleem) 1, knows everything. 2. Allah Ta‘ala what we think. 3. Allah Ta’ala knows what is in our 4. Allah Ta’ala know what happens 5. Allah Ta’ala knows what will happen. STORY TWO LESSON TWO HOW CAN WE HIDE FROM ALLAH Hazrat Umar (radhi allahu anhu) was the leader of the Muslims. One night he was walking in the streets of Madinah. As he passed a certain house, he heard voices coming from the inside. Two persons were talking. A woman was saying to her daughter: “Let us mix some water with the milk. We can make more money. We are poor. We need the money. Nobody will know what we did.” “No,” said the daughter. “It is wrong to mix water with the milk and then to sell the milk. It is against Hazrat Umar's. It is dishonest!” The mother said, “Hazrat Umar is not here. He does not know what we are doing.” “We must obey Hazrat Umar, even if he is not here,” said the daughter “Besides, he may not know, but how can we hide from Allah? He sees everything and He knows alll.” Hazrat Umar (radhi allahu anhu) walked off silently. He was very pleased with the girl. QUESTIONS Lesson 3 Allah Ta‘ala is All-Seeing (Al baseer) 1. What does Allah Ta’ala see? 2. Does Allah Ta’ala see the good we do? 3. Does Allah Ta’ala see the bad we do? _ 4. Does Allah Ta’‘ala see us? 5. Can we see Allah Ta’ala? STORY THREE LESSON THREE THE FAVOURITE FOLLOWER Hazrat Junayd (rahmatullahi alayhi) lived in Baghdad. He was a saint. He had many follower. One follower was his favourite. He noticed that some of his followers were jealous of the favourite one. One day, he called all the followers. He said to them, “Each one of you take a chicken and slaughter it where no one can see you. Bring the meat to me. | want to have a special dish prepared for you.” Each follower slaughtered his chicken in a place where he thought nobody could see him. All the followers returned with the meat except the favourite one. His chicken was still alive! The saint asked him, “Why did you not slaughter the chicken?” The follower replied, “I could not find such a place where no one could see. No matter where | went, Allah could still see me!” The saint then turned to the other followers and said, “Now, do you see why | like him so much?” QUESTIONS Lesson 4 Allah Ta’ala is All-Hearing (As samee’) 1,_____ hears everything. 2. Allah Ta‘ala___ what we say. 3. Allah Ta‘ala hears when we | 4 Allah Ta‘ala hears who speaks 5. Allah Ta’ala hears when we STORY FOUR LESSON FOUR A PRAYER ANSWERED Hazrat Rabiah Basriah (rahmatullahi alayha) was a famous lady saint. Once, she was going to Makkah Mukaramah to perform Hajj. She used an old donkey to carry her luggage. On the way, the donkey fell down an died. Rabiah’s companions offered to carry her goods but she refused. The caravan moved on. Rabiah (rahmatullahi alayha) was left alone. She then prayed to Allah Ta‘ala: “O Master of the Worlds! | am alone, weak and poor. You invited me to Your house and now You have killed my donkey leaving me alone in the wilderness.’ Allah Ta’ala heard her dua. At once the donkey became alive. She put her goods on it and continued her journey. QUESTIONS Lesson 5 Allah Ta‘ala is All-Loving (Al wadood) 1, Who loves all His creation? 2. Allah Ta’ala loves those who 3. ______ those who are clean and pure. 4, Those who are truthful are loved by 5, Who loves those who are kind? 6 ______. Those who are helpful. 7. Allah Ta’ala loves the and the STORY FIVE LESSON FIVE TWO YOUNG PIGEONS. Nabi Muhammad (sallaliahu alayhi wa sallam) was sitting and talking to his companions (radhi allahu anhum). A man came up to them and said, “A wonderful thing happened. | was passing by a bush and heard a chirping noise. | peeped in and saw two young pigeons. | picked them up in my wrapper and walked on. By this time the mother came and saw the empty nest. She began flying above us. | opened my wrapper and how strange! The mother pigeon came down into my wrapper and sat over the young ones. See! They are still in my wrapper.” The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) saw the birds and said to the man, “Go at once and put them back in their nest. A mother has so much love. How full of worry is the heart of this mother pigeon for her young ones. However, my companions, Allah Ta‘ala has far more love and concern for His creation.” QUESTIONS Lesson Allah Ta‘ala is Kind (Ar-rahman) 1. Allah Ta’ ala is and merciful. 2. Who helps us? 3. Allah Ta‘ala us. 4. Who guides us? 5. He takes and 6. Who gives us heat and rain? 7, He makes and fruit 8, Who gives us health? __ STORY SIX LESSON _SIX THE BLIND SNAKE A gang of robbers was on its way to rob. They stopped at a place where there were three date trees. Two of the trees were green and bearing fruit. The third one was dry. One member of the gang saw a bird flying with fruit from the green tree to the dry tree. This was repeated several times. The robber became curious. He wanted to know what the bird was doing with the fruit. So, he climbed up the tree. He saw a snake at the top of tree. The snake was blind and its mouth was open. The bird was putting dates into its mouth. The robber was surprised and began to weep. He said, “O Allah! You have caused this bird to provide the snake with food and | am busy robbing others.” The robbers saw the kindness of Allah Ta’ala’s. The robber broke his sword and begged Allah to forgive him. He told his friends what he saw. They all broke their swords and decided to give up their evil ways. QUESTIONS Lesson 7 Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) Our Nabi 1. Who is the servant and messenger of Allah Ta‘ala? 2. Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) 3. Who is free from sins? 4. What is the position of our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) 5, Did our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) come as a prophet for all? m4 STORY SEVEN LESSON SEVEN THE CAVE OF HIRA Our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) often visited the cave of Hira. He even took his food with him. He used to sit all alone in this cave to ponder and remember Allah Ta’ala till one day Allah Ta’ala sent Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) with revelation. Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) told Muhammed (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) that Allah Ta’ala made him the last Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) for all mankind. Our Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallarn) was chosen by Allah Ta’ala to be His messenger. 1. Seven sets of flash words. 2. Stories for each lesson. 3. Suggested development of lessons to cover the first section of the syllabus. FLASH WORDS The children will not be able to read these words without help but if they are displayed and discussed, it will help them to recognise these words. In this manner children will have seen the words they now find in their kitaabs. Many may be able to match the words and this will boost their confidence. Remember the flash cards are written in the same typeface as those in the kitaab. Remember that the children are only learning to read and write thus all questioning must be done orally. PERIOD * Children love stories so begin with the story of Hazrat Bilal (radhi allahu anhu) keeping in mind its relevance fo the topic i.e. Oneness of Allah. (Stress the Oneness of Allah), PUPIL ACTIVITY: Colour in the words - Tauheed, Oneness of Allah. Tavheed, Oneness of Allah PERIOD 2: * Revision « Always do revision before proceeding with new work. TEACH POINT: * 2&3 introduce flash cards with relevant words. PERIOD 3: « Revision + Teach point 5 & 6 «Introduce relevant flash words PERIOD 4: « Revision « Teach point 7 & 8 * Remember to clarify any difficult words that you think the child may have. PERIOD 5: + Revision « Read the story again and ask children questions. E.g. Who do we believe in Allah is Does Allah have any parents etc. Colour in Activity: Tauheed

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