Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: K. Tajdu S

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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403

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Analysis of horizontal displacement distribution caused by single

advancing longwall panel excavation
K. Tajdus*
Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper presents an analysis of the horizontal displacement of surfaces induced by exploitation in a
Received 2 January 2015 longwall panel. The panel under discussion is No. 698 of Prosper Haniel coal mine, Germany. The author
Received in revised form discusses both the distribution of displacement vectors, according to the theory assuming surface point
16 March 2015
displacement towards the center of gravitation (COG) zone of a selected deposit element, and the
Accepted 17 March 2015
Available online 8 May 2015
analysis of horizontal displacement measurements, based on the assumption that the value of horizontal
displacement is proportional to the slope of the subsidence trough. Finally, the value of horizontal
displacement coefficient B is estimated for particular longitudinal and transverse measurement section
Horizontal displacements/movements
of the analyzed longwall No. 698.
Surface deformations Ó 2015 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Mining exploitation Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Horizontal displacement coefficient
Center of gravitation (COG) zone

1. Introduction Knothe (1953), NCB (1975), etc., estimations of the values and
distribution of horizontal movement are still unclear.
Underground longwall excavation creates deformations inside This paper presents the monitoring and analysis of horizontal
the rock mass which can appear on the surface. One indicator of movements caused by a single longwall panel excavation, No. 698.
such a deformation is the vector of rock mass movement, which can Analysis was carried out based on two the most popular hypotheses
be easily divided into two components: vertical and horizontal of horizontal movements:
movements. In the past, many scientists have dealt with the
problem of vertical movement (subsidence) determination. Due to (1) Theories assuming the displacement of surface points towards
the subsidence of rock mass caused by underground mining, such the center of gravitation (COG) of a selected element of deposit,
operations have been observed and quantified since early 20th e.g. the theories of: Keinhorst (1925), Bals (1931/1932),
century. Work on subsidence calculation methods was started by Lehmann et al. (1942), Sann, Beyer (Lehmann et al., 1942),
Schmitz (Lehmann et al., 1942). Later, Awierszyn (1947) proposed a etc., and
methodology assuming the kinetics of the rock displacement pro- (2) Theories assuming that the value of horizontal displacement
cess in analytical solutions, which allowed for the introduction of u(x, y) is proportional to the slope of subsidence trough profile
universal theoretical descriptions of rock mass movement. The T(x, y) (Awierszyn, 1947), e.g. Knothe’s method and Ruhrkohle
above proposal gave rise to the intensive development of calcula- method.
tion methods, especially methods based on the normal distribution
of mining influence, like Knothe’s method (Knothe, 1953, 1984; To sum up, both the COG theory and the hypothesis of
Sroka et al., 2011) and Ruhrkohle method (Sroka, 2010; Sroka Awierszyn (1947) indicate the proportionality between the vector
et al., 2011). of horizontal displacement and the vector of subsidence trough
But in spite of the many theories and methods used to calculate profile slope.
surface deformations above underground operations, inter alia,
Keinhorst (1925), Sann (Lehmann et al., 1942), Bals (1931/1932), 2. Examples of the Gauss distribution method used to
calculate mining-induced surface deformations

* Tel.: þ48 126376200 (55). Most theories used for surface deformation calculations are
E-mail address: based on the Gauss distribution function. And from it, two methods
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chi- were commonly used in Europe, China and the United States. These
nese Academy of Sciences.
1674-7755 Ó 2015 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sci-
are: Knothe’s method (Knothe, 1953, 1984; Sroka et al., 2011) and
ences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Ruhrkohle method (Sroka, 2010; Sroka et al., 2011). In a strictly mathematical sense, both the above-mentioned methods are
396 K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403

ZZ " #
ag ðx  xA Þ2 þ ðy  yA Þ2
wðxA ; yA Þ ¼ c 2 exp  pc dP (2)
r r2

rK ¼ H cot b or rR ¼ H cot g (3)

where w(xA, yA) is the subsidence of any point A (mm); a is the

subsidence coefficient depending upon exploitation system, which
is generally a relation of expected subsidence trough volume to a
selected volume; g is the thickness of mined-out deposit (m); rK, rR
are the radii of main influences’ range (m) for Knothe’s method and
Ruhrkohle method, respectively; H is the depth of exploitation (m);
c is the parameter depending on chosen theory, c ¼ 1 for Knothe’s
method, c¼k/p for Ruhrkohle method; dP is the surface of infini-
tesimally small element of mined-out deposit, and dP ¼ dxdy; P is
the surface of mined-out space of deposit.
From the differentiation of Eq. (2), further formulae can be ob-
tained, which may in turn help to determine the values of such
surface deformation indices as: slope of subsidence trough profile
at any point (Tx, Ty) (Eq. (4)) or curvature of subsidence trough
profile (Kxx, Kyy, Kxy) (Eq. (5)). Also horizontal displacement (ux, uy)
Fig. 1. Situation of exploitation fronts when the deformation measurement was (Eq. (6)) and horizontal deformation (εx, εy) (Eq. (7) and (8) e
maximum and minimum horizontal deformations) can be deter-
mined if a proper coefficient is assumed.
similar. They differ, however, only in their definitions of angles qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
vwðx; yÞ vwðx; yÞ
limiting the horizontal range of subsidence trough, which are Tx ¼ ; Ty ¼ ; Tmax ¼ T 2x þ T 2y (4)
defined by means of the following relation: vx vy

vTx vTy 1 vTx vTy
p tan b ¼ k tan g
2 2
(1) Kxx ¼ ; Kyy ¼ ; Kxy ¼ þ (5)
vx vy 2 vy vx
where b is the angle of main influences’ range according to Knothe’s qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
theory, g is the limit angle of the Ruhrkohle method, and k is the vwðx; yÞ vwðx; yÞ
ux ¼ B ; uy ¼ B ; umax ðx; yÞ ¼ u2x þ u2y
coefficient which is equal to ln0.001. vx vy
These classic theories suggest that mining-induced surface (6)
displacement can be described by means of the function of in-
fluences, and in the case of a three-dimensional (3D) problem,  
vux vuy 1 vux vuy
exploitation of any field results in the subsidence of point A on a εxx ¼ ; εyy ¼ ; εxy ¼ þ (7)
vx vy 2 vy vx
terrain surface, which can be illustrated with the following

Fig. 2. Survey measurements contour lines along with measurements points of: (a) horizontal displacement in x direction (mm), (b) horizontal displacement in y direction (mm).
K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403 397

It also should be noted that some measurements suggest that

the coefficient B is not constant, but depends upon the position of
the measurement point in the formed subsidence trough (Tajdus,
2013, 2014). The presented range of the coefficient B varies
widely due to the fact that disturbance depends upon the following
factors: number and thickness of mined-out seams, dimensions of
mined-out fields in each seam, methods of void liquidation, mining
rate, geological and hydro-geological structure of overburden,
tectonics, strength and strain parameters of strata.
Below, the author presents the analysis of horizontal move-
ments for a single advancing longwall panel excavation taking into
consideration the COG and T to u proportion theories.

3. Horizontal displacement analysis for the sample mine of

Prosper Haniel

Analysis of horizontal displacements of the terrain surface was

carried out for the sample area of the BW Prosper Haniel coal mine
where the single longwall panel was excavated (DMT, 2001).
In 1999, the coal mine started exploitation of the wall No. 698 in
the seam O/N at an average depth of 960 m. The width of mined-out
Fig. 3. Surface subsidence measurements contour line (mm) along with measurement wall was 270 m, its panel run was 970 m, whereas its height ranged
from 3.6 m to 4.3 m. Excavation of the longwall was initiated on 10
May 1999 and terminated on 23 November 1999. After the
completion of mining in the longwall No. 698, nevertheless still
during the measurements of subsidence and horizontal movement

εmax εxx þ εyy 1  2 of measurement points, the exploitation of the longwall No. 682
¼  εxx  εyy þ 4ε2xy (8)
εmin 2 2 with the thickness of 1.6 m commenced in the seam P1 at the depth
H ¼ 920 m. The situation is presented in Fig. 1.
where B is the displacement coefficient (or horizontal deformation On the surface, above the Prosper Haniel coal mine, a mea-
coefficient). This coefficient is then used to calculate horizontal surement network system consisting of dispersed geodesic points
movements and strains, assuming proportions between the slope was set up. Measurements were taken with the use of GPS, which is
of subsidence trough profile and horizontal movements. The hith- characterized by the accuracy of below 5 mm (Sroka, 2000). The
erto determined empirical values of coefficient B, for varied mea- first measurement was carried out on 1 April 1999 for the points
surement bases and varied mining or geological conditions, can be numbered from 1 to 48. The distribution of measurement points is
defined in the following ranges (Tajdus, 2013, 2014): presented in Fig. 1.
The results of geodesic measurements taken in the period be-
(1) For coal mines: from 0.15r to 0.7r, tween the date of exploitation commencement of the wall No. 698
(2) For sulfur mines: from 0.15r to 0.26r, and the date of 11 January 2000 indicate that the maximum sub-
(3) For copper mines: from 0.23r to 0.77r. sidence measured in the central part of the trough reached the

Fig. 4. 3D analyzed mining situation along with the position of surface measurement points (at the level of þ60 m).
398 K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403

3.1. Analysis of displacement vectors e searching COG inside the


In the first analysis of displacement vectors of measurement

points, the author tried to find the area where the direction of the
vectors of displacements met. To fulfill this task, the analysis of
measurement points situated in the vicinity of longwall No. 698
was used for a further study. Position changes of measurement
points were analyzed and “virtual vectors” symbolizing the
displacement of initial points (presented in Fig. 4) towards the
center of rock mass were marked on the basis of GPS satellite data
(spatial coordinates (x, y, z) of each point).
The author made the analysis for (mining and measurements)
situations where only part of longwall panel was excavated (Fig. 4).
Such selected situations allow for the analysis of vector displace-
ments of surface points with only a small disturbance from created
goaf (in Fig. 4, the part of excavated deposit was marked with a
white field with the dimensions of 294 m  270 m). Data from a
total of 48 points were available; however, the analysis did not take
Fig. 5. A spatial representation of the courses of all vector directions. the points numbered as 1, 7, 21, 47 and 48 into consideration, since
the results obtained in those points could not be treated as reliable
steady state. Only in the area of exploitation end of the wall No. 698, due to the occurrence of some anomalies in the values of
the points indicated their transient state. In addition, it should be displacement. It had been assumed that the points, whose values of
noted that the layer of hard sandstone, with the thickness of measured subsidence were lower than twice the measuring error
approximately 90 m, occurring above the seam O/N, as well as the (<5 mm), would be neglected in the study. Therefore, a total of 43
small dimensions of the excavated longwall No. 698, caused the points were actually subject to analysis. A sample study of
occurrence of partial subsidence trough on the surface. The trough displacement direction of each measurement point was carried out
was characterized by values of deformation indices lower by 50% in on the basis of the analysis of the results of initial measurement and
comparison to the values obtained during the prognosis carried out the measurement after 50 days from the commencement of
for that exploitation (Stocks and Sroka, 2000). exploitation (i.e. the fifth measurement taken on 29 June 1999). It
Figs. 2 and 3 present the final values of deformation indices corresponded to the mining situation with the wall advance of
obtained from geodesic measurements. For survey measurements 294 m and with the exploitation panel opening approximate to a
contour lines, matching was achieved according to the Kriging square (Fig. 4). Fig. 5 illustrates the course of all directions of
method, which attributes particular weighing, called Kriging co- displacement vectors, which appeared after matching the spatial
efficients (weighing), to the samples inside the estimation field coordinates (x, y, z) for the fifth measurement. Since the lines
(sample search area) in order to minimize the mean square pre- overlapped, which failed to produce a clear picture, it was decided
diction error (Kriging variance). The author used the linear vario- that the same data should be presented by means of projecting the
gram with no nugget effect. vectors into the yz plane, which is illustrated in Fig. 6. For the sake

Fig. 6. Graphic representation of the course of all vector directions in the yz plane.
K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403 399

of better clarity and accuracy of the illustrations, the vectors of cut through the horizontal plane at the depth of 250 m, it can be
horizontal displacements were crossed with the xy planes at the clearly seen that, for the considerable number of measurement
depths of 100 m, 150 m, 200 m, 250 m, 300 m, 350 m, 400 m, 500 m, points, their displacement vectors run within the field positioned
600 m, 700 m, 800 m and 900 m, respectively, thus creating regular above the exploitation void.
sections between the planes. Generally, the observations and analyses indicated that the
The character of the course of the majority of vectors seems to vectors of displacements marked for the measurement points, as
clearly indicate that the measurement points on the surface tend to well as their directions, approach a particular zone with a shape of
displace towards the exploitation void, which appeared as a result ellipsoid, which is positioned above the exploitation void. The zone
of the excavation of the field marked with a white rectangle. Such a can be referred to as “the COG zone”. Fig. 8 presents three ellipsoids
situation is even more evident in the horizontal xy cross-sections simulating the COG zone with the areas of 7667 m2 for ellipse P1,
made at various depths (Fig. 7). For example, if we study Fig. 7b 28,203 m2 for ellipse P2, and 70,418 m2 for ellipse P3. These ellipses
more carefully, presenting the displacement vectors from the initial were drawn for three different cross-sections at the depths of
position of measurement points to their position for the fifth 200 m, 250 m and 300 m, respectively. It was observed that at the
measurement and the direction of those vectors to the point they depth of 250 m, the ellipse P1 embraces 13 points crossing between

Fig. 7. Displacement vectors of measurement points for characteristic cross-sections at the depths of: (a) 200 m, (b) 250 m, (c) 300 m, and (d) 350 m, respectively.
400 K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403

Fig. 8. Ellipses of “COG zones” (P1 ¼ 1, P2 ¼ 2, P3 ¼ 3) for various cross-sections.

the section and the directions of measured vectors of displace- horizontal displacement u(x, y) is proportional to the slope of
ments; ellipse P2 embraces 7 such points, whereas ellipse P3 em- subsidence trough profile T(x, y). But to properly calculate hori-
braces 11 points. zontal deformations, the value of displacement coefficient B should
For the 40 analyzed measurement points and the sample be estimated.
exploitation panel of 270 m  294 m, such a zone occurs at the In order to analyze the distribution of coefficient B values for the
depth of approximately 250 m. In its vicinity, there appears to be a exploitation area of the longwall panel No. 698 of the Prosper
large concentration of vector directions marked on the basis of the Haniel coal mine, as many as a dozen measurement cross-sections
measurements of 3D displacements of the given points (example in perpendicular to the panel length were made (Fig. 10).
Fig. 9). Only the displacement vectors of several points (i.e. 16, 20, For the above-mentioned cross-sections, a diagram presenting
32, 33 and 36) and marking their directions have a dissimilar the values of horizontal displacement (movements) in the direction
course, which may be caused by numerous geological factors or by of the cross-section u(a) in the function of slope value in the same
a measurement error. cross-section T(a) was made. Fig. 11a and b show the sample dia-
grams of horizontal displacement in the direction u(a) in the slope
function T(a) for the cross-sections Nos. 7(a) and 12(b), respectively.
3.2. Analysis of displacement coefficient B variations
For the cross-sections presented above, function correlations
between horizontal displacements and slopes were determined
Different approaches to the analysis of horizontal surface
movements are based on the assumption that the value of using linear regression method (cf. Table 1). In the formulae

Fig. 9. Graphic representation of selected vectors projected on the yz plane crossing the horizontal xy plane at the depth of approximately 250 m.
K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403 401

Table 1
Matching formulae for linear regression for the cross-sections perpendicular to the
longwall panel No. 698.

Number of cross-section Formula of linear regression R2

1 u(a)¼255.9Tþ80.1 0.684
2 u(a)¼305.1Tþ99 0.877
3 u(a)¼323.2Tþ113.1 0.919
4 u(a)¼300.2Tþ110.9 0.917
5 u(a)¼267.6Tþ92.6 0.912
6 u(a)¼223.7Tþ37.8 0.943
7 u(a)¼190.8T4.6 0.965
8 u(a)¼151.2T38.7 0.875
9 u(a)¼162.2T17.4 0.916
10 u(a)¼177.8T4 0.948
11 u(a)¼188.5Tþ1.2 0.97
12 u(a)¼209.2Tþ3 0.982

sections No. 1 to No. 6 and No. 7 to No. 12 is a relatively short period

of measurement duration. The completion of exploitation of the
Fig. 10. Measurement cross-sections perpendicular to the longwall panel No. 698. longwall panel No. 698 took place on 23 November 1999 and nearly
two months later (i.e. 11 January 2000) these measurements were
completed. Such a short measurement period for the points posi-
presented in the table, the values of horizontal displacements were tioned in the vicinity of the ultimate phase of exploitation meant
given in millimeters, whereas the slope was given in mm/m, which that in those points, the final stationary values of deformation
means that the value of parameter B is expressed in meters. indices were not obtained. In German mines, it is assumed that the
On the basis of the analysis of the matching formulae for linear minimum period necessary for reaching a final stationary value of
regression for twelve cross-sections (Table 1), it can be observed deformation is approximately 3e6 months (Sroka, 2010), depend-
that the results for cross-section No. 1 seem barely satisfactory, ing on rock mass quality and exploitation depth.
whereas for the remaining cross-sections it is far more accurate, For all the summary cross-sections, i.e. No. 1 to No. 12, the
especially for all the sections from No. 7. Those conclusions were following formula was obtained: u(a)¼211.3Tþ31.9, with match-
verified by analyzing the summary values for the sections No. 1 to ing R2 ¼ 0.806.
No. 6 (Fig. 12a) to the middle of panel length, as well as for the Subsequently, the analysis of the distribution of the coefficient B
sections No. 7 to No. 12 (Fig. 12b). values was carried out for the cross-section perpendicular to the
For the above-mentioned summary cross-sections, the longwall panel No. 698, crossing the middle of the longwall. The
following matching was obtained: following formula for linear regression was obtained: u(a)¼
190.4Tþ40.6, with matching R2 ¼ 0.854.
(1) For the sections No. 1 to No. 6: u(a)¼264.3Tþ85.1, with The comparison of coefficient B for the cross-section parallel to
matching R2 ¼ 0.883; the panel length with that for the cross-section perpendicular to
(2) For the sections No. 7 to No. 12: u(a)¼170.5Tþ10.3, with the panel length indicates that the coefficient B for the parallel
matching R2 ¼ 0.91. section is approximately 10% lower than that for the perpendicular
The most likely reason for such significant disproportions in The above-mentioned formulae for matching the regression
matching the regression lines between summary matching for lines to the measurement results differ from the assumed

Fig. 11. Horizontal displacement diagram in the cross-section direction u(a) in the slope function T(a) for the cross-sections No. 7(a) and No. 12(b).
402 K. Tajdus / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (2015) 395e403

Fig. 12. Matching formula of linear regression for the summary values of parameter B for the cross-sections: (a) No. 1 to No. 6, and (b) No. 7 to No. 12.

hypothesis of Awierszyn (1947) by the value of the intercept. In The study also specified that the average displacement coeffi-
order to approximate those values for the solution presented by cient for cross-sections perpendicular to the advance of the mining
Awierszyn (1947), it was assumed that the linear regression lines front equals B ¼ 205 m (B ¼ 0.21H, or B ¼ 0.47r for tanb ¼ 2.2). It
cross exactly in the origin. The results of such a matching were should be noted that, according to numerous studies on the influ-
presented for several sample summary cross-sections: ence of time on the distribution of measured deformations hitherto
carried out in German mines, a minimum period necessary for
(1) For the summary cross-sections No. 1 to No. 6: u(a)¼237.4T, achieving a stabilized (stationary) subsidence trough ranges be-
where R2 ¼ 0.755; tween 3 and 6 months. This means that analyses for the initial
(2) For the summary cross-sections No. 7 to No. 12: u(a)¼170.8T, cross-sections numbered as 1 and 2 were actually carried out for
where R2 ¼ 0.905; non-stationary deformations. The determined value of coefficient B
(3) For the summary cross-sections No. 1 to No. 12: u(a)¼205.7T, for the sections numbered from 3 to 12 was B ¼ 204 m (B ¼ 0.21H,
where R2 ¼ 0.779. or B ¼ 0.47r for tanb ¼ 2.2).
In summary, optimal matching was obtained for the sections
For the estimated values of the horizontal deformation coeffi- crossing the middle of exploitation field (No. 7), as well as for
cient B, the value of standard deviation of S ¼ 59 m was determined, sections outside the contour of the wall (Nos. 11 and 12).
which means that a single value of coefficient B was determined
with the accuracy of 26%.
Conflict of interest

4. Conclusions The author wishes to confirm that there are no known conflicts
of interest associated with this publication and there has been no
The prognostic values of horizontal surface displacements above significant financial support for this work that could have influ-
a mining exploitation area still pose numerous doubts regarding enced its outcome.
their validity. Studies and observations carried out in situ seem to
indicate that the following factors, inter alia, influence the distri-
bution of horizontal displacement: the position of a given point in Acknowledgments
relation to exploitation, rock mass properties, hydrogeological
conditions, tectonics, depth of exploitation, thickness of excavated The project was financed by the National Science Center of
deposit, method of exploitation or speed of mining performance. Poland granted on the grounds of decision No. DEC e 2011/01/D/
The analysis of the course of horizontal displacement vectors ST8/07280.
after excavation of wall No. 698 proved logical and expected senses
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Deutscher Markscheider-Verein e.V, Mitteilungen aus dem Markscheidewesen; Krzysztof Tajdus graduated as a Mining Engineer (2003)
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