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Running Head: AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System for SHS and College

AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System

for SHS and College

Introduction to Software Engineering


March 27, 2019

Prepared by: Mariesher B. Zapico

AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System for SHS and College

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION AND ITS BACKGROUND.......................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

1.2 PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................................8

1.2.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................8

1.2.2 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

1.2.3 FUTURE CONTINGENCIES ................................................................................................................................................. 9

1.3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ......................................................................................................................................... 10

1.4 POINTS OF CONTACT ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

1.5 PROJECT REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................... 10

1.6 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13

2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................ 14

2.1 SYSTEM HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................................................... 15

2.2 SYSTEM SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................................ 16

2.3 INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................ 17

3 FILE AND DATABASE DESIGN ....................................................................................... 18

3.1 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FILES ................................................................................................................. 20

3.2 NON-DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FILES ...................................................................................................... 24

4 HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE .................................................................................... 25

4.1 INPUTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 26

4.2 Outputs ............................................................................................................................ 27

5 DETAILED DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 27

5.1 HARDWARE DETAILED DESIGN ................................................................................................................................... 28

5.2 SOFTWARE DEATAILED DESIGN .................................................................................................................................. 29

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5.3 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION DETAILED DESIGN.................................................................................................... 29

6 EXTERNAL INTERFACES .........................................................................................31

6.1 INTERFACE ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................................................................................... 32

6.2 INTERFACE DETAOLED DESIGN ................................................................................................................................... 36

7 SYSTEM INTEGRITY CONTROLS .................................................................................. 46

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AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System for SHS and College


Background of the Study

Technological advancement has paved its way to a whole new world. Modernization

allows organizations to achieve greater levels of productivity, efficiency and service delivery.

Overly simplified and uncomplicated jobs and business nowadays have become achievable.

Many fields are using automation to stay competitive, they create new products and services

to make life easier and innovative. Indeed, technology is such a great help in our society for

it discovers a lot of new knowledge, tools, materials and systems.

The modern times has various kinds of systems that affect everyday life. Some

examples include transaction processing systems, decision support systems, knowledge

management systems, learning management systems, database management systems and

office information systems. To add to this long list is automated electoral voting systems.

In relation to this, election is an event that occurs occasionally in almost every part of

the world. It is a formal decision-making process which represents democracy where its

main purpose is to allow the voters to express their political views by making choices -

between parties and/or candidates. Electoral voting system has been a game-changing

innovation because of a long history of fraud and flaws in elections prior to the computer


In life there is no greater pursuit than having the right to be heard. This gives the

citizens the opportunity to voice out their needs and provide the new guidelines for future

government action. Past elections had been done the traditional way, that is, in the form of

paper ballots. It is considered convenient because of the use of familiar types of writing

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AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System for SHS and College

implement, either by pen or pencil. On the other hand, it also has many disadvantages

including but not limited to susceptibility to fraud, lengthy procedures, computing errors,

and intensive use of human and material resources. New technology for elections poses

several advantages. First, it encourages more voters to participate and exercise their rights.

It also speeds up the election process closing the windows of opportunity for unscrupulous

people to alter results to favor their own candidates. Furthermore, it enables the electorate

to monitor ongoing results until the very last vote is cast. Real-time result is just a click away.

The new technology may not be perfect, but it is a continuing effort for innovation.

Thus, the researchers proposed a “Voting System for AMA Computer College

Batangas” to answer the school’s need for a reliable, advanced, accurate and secured system

and resolve stressful issues brought about by the elections. The automated voting system is

an attempt to prevent delayed results, eliminate human error, save resources and keep track

of records among other things.

Current Situation

As of today, AMA Computer College Batangas elections is considered to be flawed, due

to the manual and unorganized way of voting.

The process has been exhausting resulting to dissatisfied students and stressed

personnel in-charge. There are several issues encountered by the school during the electoral

process. First is the issue of time management. Due to the manual process, it takes a lot of

time for students to cast their votes causing the delay of announcing the results. Moreover,

the tabulation itself is stressful as it is time-consuming because ballots are counted manually.

This, in turn, can lead to miscalculation due to human error. The school also wants to

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eliminate using too much resources. Traditionally, paper, ballot boxes and ink pads etc. are

needed. Misuse of materials is inevitable because some students tend to make mistakes while

writing on the ballot. Lastly, there are times that ballots are even altered because of the lack

of security. With these in mind, the researchers decided to conduct this study and develop a

Voting System for AMA Computer College Batangas using PHP and MySQL.


Purpose of the study

The study aims to help the students exercise their rights to elect the student council

officials in an efficient manner, to significantly reduce the time and effort spent in counting

votes, and to secure election results. Objectives of the Study The objectives are divided into

general and specific as listed below:

General Objective

The main objective of the study is to promote the integrity of AMA Computer College

by designing a Voting System to ensure efficient and accurate results of the student council


Specific Objectives

By the end of the research project, the proponents should be able to:

To create a fully-functional voting system that also provides a standardized

registration of students and candidates.

To ensure accurate tallies of votes and other election-related information.

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To incorporate a user-friendly interface for ease of use and accessibility.

To ensure an efficient progression of the election process and produce

reliable election results.

To ensure data integrity and prevent election fraud by way of tampering

results, casting multiple votes, etc.

Scope and Limitation of the Study


Generally, the study focuses on the development of an automated voting system for

the student council election by the college and senior high school students of AMA Computer

College Batangas. It is designed to be deployed via a local area network. The system allows

only the admin to register students using their USN. This task which involves a large number

of student data is made easier by the use of CSV. The admin will then provide a unique

password to each of the student-voters.

The admin can create teacher admins to help hasten the registration/activation of

student accounts. Without the activation from the admin/s, the students will not be able to

access the system. This is an added security enabled by the system to prevent students from

using USN other than his or hers. Only after activation users can cast their votes. A student

can vote only once with the system. Any succeeding attempts to vote using his or her USN

will result to an error message informing the user that the voting token has already been

used up for that account. The admin also manages, edits, deletes and updates all the

candidates and students. The system has high security features to reduce false votes.

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This system is designed for the AMACC Batangas branch only. It does not support

open forums.


This section provides a description of the AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System

for SHS and College from a management perspective and an overview of the framework

within which the conceptual system design was prepared. If appropriate, include the

information discussed in the subsequent sections in the summary.

1.2.1 System Overview

The proposed system was implemented using several languages including: HTML

(Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascaded Style Sheet) to create the registration

forms and to build the website layouts. The other languages used were PHP and MYSQL,

which allowed the creation of the system databases and enabled data to be stored, edited

and retrieved from the databases.

The voting system designed was based on open list voting; where voters can choose

to give their votes to a specific political group or to a specific candidate.

In the navigation bar of the website there is a small description about the client which

is AMA, the developers and the voting system. The voting system can be logged on to three

different user accounts: as Administrator, College and Senior High. The Administrator

accesses the system using a given user-name and password. All system databases are

protected by a password which is known only by the system administrator. The

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administrator is responsible for manipulating the voters’ and candidates’ information. In the

registration process, the main admin can make multiple teacher admin in order to fasten the

registration/activation of the students. All student voters and candidates should be

registered in the database before the election date

On the day of the election, The Administrator will generate a unique password for

each batch of student. These passwords will be used by the students along with their USN to

access their account.

The student voters are allowed to vote only once. When the voter selects a specific

candidate and clicks the Vote command button, the vote will be added successfully. If the

students tried to access or vote twice it will only appear as error. The proposed voting system

efficiently counts the total number of votes for each candidate. With this automation, the

results and the reports can be easily viewed by the admin in a span of time.

1.2. 2 Design Constraints

Design can be divided into architectural (preliminary) design and detailed design. In

the architectural design phase, the overall design for the software was developed, allocating

all the requirements to software components. In detailed design, the architectural design

was expanded to the unit level. Constraints and system resource limits were re-estimated

and analyzed, and staffing and test resources were validated.

1.2.3 Future Contingencies

In this paper, the proposed system basically focuses on voting system that will prove

handy in the future. As the numbers of smart-phone users are rising exponentially, most of

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the world population will own a smart phone. So, there’s a possibility that a system will work

on smart phones using the finger print scanning functionality embedded in the voters. In this

system, a user can create their own unique voting ballot.


The voting system designed was based on open list voting; where voters can choose

to give their votes to a specific political group or to a specific candidate.


AMACC Batangas will provide a person or team that handles all request for a

particular SC voting facilitator, service desk, and location.

SC facilitator

SC facilitator will facilitate the voting event of AMACC Batangas and assess the voters

for smooth voting process.

Service Desk

An IT department offers a service desk that can handle any service support request.

IT inquiries, problems, administrative requests or security concerns about voting.


AMACC Batangas offers a laboratory room for the voting event.


Articles, Journals, Periodicals, Speeches, etc.

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AMACC Batangas Student Council Voting System for SHS and College

1. Daud, Mohammad and Ihtiram Raza Khan. Issues & Vulnerabilities Related to _ Online

Voting and Its Mitigation. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer

Science Udaipur Vol. 8 Iss. 5. May 2017

2. Lagman, Gus. Let’s design an automated election system together. Article in Manila

Times. Philippines. October 2016

3. Makabenta, Yen. 2016: Time of the new generations. Article in Manila Times.

Philippines. July 2015

4. Rura, Lauretha Issac, Biju and Haldar, Manas Kumar. Implementation and _

Evaluation of Steganography Based Online Voting System. International Journal of

Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 12(3). 2016

5. Nair Ajay and Gupta Gulabchand K. Multipurpose online voting system using _

smartphone. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET).

October 2016

6. Pandey Swastika, Sinha Sourav, Shrivastava Komal S, Pandey Anil Kumar, Pandey

Prateek. Secured Online Voting System Using Unique Identification _ (UID) Number.

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. (IRJET). August 2016

Electronic Documents

1. Schneier, Bruce. Securing Election. May 2017


2. Pammett, Jon H.and Goodman Nicole.Consultation and evaluation prctices in the _

implementation of internet voting in Canada and Europe. November 2013

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3. Beroggi, Giampiero E.G. Internet Voting: An Empirical Evaluation. April 2014


4. Azougaghe Ali, Hedabou Mustapha, Zaid Kartit, Mostafa Benmiloud, Mohamed

Marraki and Belkasmi Mostafa. An electronic voting system based on _ homomorphic

encryption and prime numbers December 2015


5. Agojo Jewell L., Simon Ronalyn, Palustre Shiren Mae, Malabayabas Cristina and

Matining Joepeth Computerized Voting System using Barcode of Supreme _ Student

Council for Marinduque State College (Boac Campus)

January 2015

6. Riza Mysty F. Monroy, Frederick Tan, Ivan Isaiah C. Nido, Irvin Yshmael C. Nido,

Sydney Baluyot and Jp Morales Student Council Voting System for Liceo de Calamba

January 2015

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7. Bermudez Raymond S and Hernandez Donnabel S., Autovote: An Automated _ Voting

System for Student Elections of MSEUF 2015


The terms listed below are defined operationally and conceptually to give further

information about the study:

CSS. Stands for Cascading Style Sheets, it is designed primarily to enable the

separation of presentation and content. It is most often used to set the visual style of web

pages and user interfaces. CSS was used by the developers to separate layouts, colors, and

fonts as well as to categorize the commands.

CSV. It is a comma-separated values file which allows data to be saved in a table

structured format. CSVs look like a garden-variety spreadsheet but with a .csv extension. It

was used in the system to add or edit large amount of data.

Database. It is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily

accessed, managed and updated. Database was used to store large amount of data needed by

the system.

HTML. Short for Hypertext Markup Language, it is a language used for the

specification for structural mark up. HTML was used by the developers to create forms in the

server-side for entering, updating and viewing the system in a user-friendly environment.

Java Script. It is a programming language used, in context of web sites, to implement behavior

function to a page on client side. It was used by the developers to make the website dynamic,

interactive and user- friendly.

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LAN-based system. It is a group of computers and associated devices that share a

common communications line or wireless link to a server. LAN is used to link different

computers in one room and make it only limited to the client.

MySQL. It is an open source relational database management system. It runs as a

server and allows multiple users to manage and create numerous databases. MySQL was

used by the developers in creating and managing the files or databases and manipulating the

information of the system.7

PHP. It is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was designed for

web development to produce dynamic web pages. PHP was used by the developers because

it is easy to manage and can be mixed into HTML files.

XAMPP. It is a simple, lightweight Apache distribution that makes it extremely easy

for developers to create a local web server for testing and deployment purposes. XAMPP is

used as our local server while developing PHP sites.


In this section, describe the system and/or subsystem(s) architecture for the AMACC

Batangas Student Council Voting System for SHS and College.

2.1 System Hardware Architecture

Specification. The system requirements for the LAN-based voting system, classified into

hardware and software requirements, are specified below to ensure that the system will

function correctly. The system requires an Internet browser to run the system. The hardware

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requirement is a laptop or equivalent machine with the used and recommended

specifications shown in Table 2.1.1.

Table 2.1.1 Hardware Specification

Quantity Hardware Used Recommended

Intel Core i5 Intel Dual Core or

1 Processor
1.7GHz higher

4 GB DDR3 1 GB DDR3 or
Memory higher

1 Hard Drive 1 GB 500 Mb or higher

1 Monitor resolution or

2.2 System Software Architecture

The used and recommended software requirements are also specified in Table 2.2.1.

Table 1.2.1 Software Specification

Quantity Software Used Recommended

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1 Internet Browser Google Chrome Google Chrome

MySQL ver. MySQL ver.

1 Database Mysqlnd 5.0.12- Mysqlnd 5.0.12-

dev 20150407 dev 20150407

Operating Winhdiogwhesr7
1 Windows 8
System or

Apache Apache
1 Web Server
ver.2.4.23 ver.2.4.23

1 XAMPP V7.0.13 V7.0.13 or higher

FRD data flow diagrams

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2.3 Internal Communications Architecture

PHP and MySQL were used to develop the front end and back end applications

respectively. The system operates using XAMPP server platform which supports

components for the following packages used in the system: Apache, MySQL and PHP. The

Apache web-server operates the full software. PHP is a scripting language that can

manipulate information stored in the database and generate dynamic web pages against it.

The system networks will be isolated to ensure voters are not able to access to

internal services, and segment most critical AMACC voting components in different

networks. By this way:

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1) Voters are only able to connect to the Front-End, which will be managing the

voter’s requests to the Authentication Service and the Vote Collector Server.

2) Return Code Generators will not be connected to the Public Network Domain,

and they are only connected to the AMACC voting Collection Domain through a specific VPN

to the Vote Collector Servers.

3) Each one of the components from the AMACC voting isolated Domain

(cleansing, mixing, and counting) shall be isolated from any other components from any



The MySQL database manager uses PhpMyAdmin for its graphical interface and is an

open-source database which stores files requested by the browser.

The database design is one of the delicate activities of the development of software.

In brief, this database was designed using MySQL with the help of relational model approach.

The following Entity Relationship Diagram were designed to store the respective values as


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3.1 Database Management System Files

The database design is one of the delicate activities of the development of software. Hence

it occurs in two steps. We began by developing a logical database model which describes

data using a notation that corresponds to the data organization. In brief, this database was

designed using MySQL ver. Mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev 20150407 with the help of relational model

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approach. The following relational tables were designed to store the respective values as


1. ci_sessions.sql

This table created for data storage of session where data was use for session handle

every page.

2. College/senior_part_list.sql

This relational table is responsible for storing of all the college and senior high party

list created by the admin as per the request of the vendors.

3. College/senior_candidates.sql

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This relational table is responsible for storing of all the list of college and senior high

candidates created by the admin user.

4. College/senior_position.sql

This relational table is responsible for storing candidates position and also storing

the collated results of all the elections cast, and then allow the system to retrieve them on


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5. voting_event.sql

This relational table is responsible for handling votes of students in order to compute

the results of SC voting events in AMACC Batangas.

5. users.sql and password.sql

User Master table contains the lists of all user accounts ever created in the system. It also

serves as a data source for authenticating user credentials.

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3.2 Non-Database Management System Files

This is the AMACC Batangas SC voting system for SHS and College main file that

encompasses the entire database.


A table is a collection of data related to a single topic and a database is a collection of

tables. Like AMACC SC voting database may comprise a no. of tables such as users,

candidates, party list, position, voting event, and results.


AMACC Batangas SC voting system record is the information related to one entity. A

table is made up of a no. of rows or records. Each record or row of SC candidates’ details

table would contain data of a specific party list.


Field is the individual sub component of one record. Each database table of AMACC voting

is partitioned into one or more fields. Fields are different categories within a table.

The FIELD NAME is a program variable associated with this field. This name should be

meaningful and a single token(no blanks).

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Human-machine interface of AMACC Batangas SC voting system provide a graphic

depiction among the elements of a system. It is a methodology used in system analysis to

identify, clarify, and organize system requirement.

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4.1 Inputs

The inputs include all the resources and technical knowledge to develop the system.

One of the inputs identified were published and unpublished works from different sources

such as books, past studies of undergraduate students and the Internet. A questionnaire

served as a guide when identifying the requirements of the proposed system. Evaluation

form was also essential to evaluate the software product.

The proponents also applied development tools that are free and opensource. Since

the website contains dynamic pages, it is necessary to use PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

(PHP) which is embedded into HTML. In addition, MySQL was used for the back-end


The researchers used the Iterative model to convert the requirements

into a final working system. This is explained full in figure 4.1.1.

Conceptual Framework of AMACC Voting System

Figure 4.1.1

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4.2 Outputs

Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The DFD captures the main components of the information

system and represents the flow of data between them. More specifically, it is a graphical

technique that depicts the flow of information and the processes involved in transforming

inputs to outputs. It is conceptual rather than technical in the level of abstraction

components are presented. This is explained full in figure 4.2.1.

Data Flow Diagram of AMACC Voting System

Figure 4.2.1


These sections provide the information needed for an AMACC Batangas SC voting

system development team to actually build and integrate the hardware components, code

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and integrate the software modules, and interconnect the hardware and software segments

into a functional product. Additionally, this section addresses the detailed procedures for

combining separate COTS packages into a single system. Every detailed requirement should

map back to the FRD, and the mapping should be presented in an update to the RTM and

include the RTM as an appendix to this design document.

5.1 Hardware Detailed Design

System Hardware Specification - Detailed specifications of the non-COTS hardware

components of the system, including hardware characteristics, design, and construction.

Precise identification of all COTS hardware that is included. This is explained full in figure


Hardware Detailed Design of AMACC Voting System

Figure 5.1.1

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5.2Software Detailed Design

Identification of all COTS hardware and software products and communications

services used in the development and/or operation of the voting system, identifying the

name, manufacturer, and version used for each such component, including:

 Operating systems


 MySQL Database

 Web Server

 Internet Browser

This is explained full in figure 5.2.1.

Software Detailed Design of AMACC Voting System

Figure 5.2.1

5.3 Internal Communications Detailed Design

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AMACC SC voting interfaces among internal components, and interfaces with external

systems. For components that interface with other components for which multiple products

may be used, the TDP shall provide an identification of:

 File specifications, data objects, or other means used for information exchange

 The public standard used for such file specifications, data objects, or other means

This is explained full in figure 5.3.1.

Internal Communications Detailed Design of AMACC Voting System

Figure 5.3.1

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Based to the LAN-based voting system as shown in Figure 6.1, there are two

interfaces, the admin and the student. According to this theory, the system provides a

convenient interface and environment for the election administrator and the students for

the improvement of the voting process and data keeping.

External Interface of AMACC Voting System

Figure 6.1

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6.1 Interface Architecture

Program Flowchart. A flowchart is a diagram that depicts a process, system or

computer algorithm. They are widely used in multiple fields to document, study, plan,

improve and communicate often complex processes in clear, easy-to-understand

diagrams. Flowcharts use different shapes to define the type of step, long wit

connecting arrows to define flow and sequence.

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6.2 Interface Detailed Design

The following are the sample screens of the individual interfaces that comprise the

web application.

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Integration Testing. It is a logical extension of unit testing. In its simplest form, two

units that have been previously tested are combined into a component and the interface

between them is tested. A component, in this sense, refers to an integrated aggregate of more

than one unit. In a realistic scenario, many units are combined into components, which in

turn aggregate into even larger parts of the program.

During the integration testing, the developers were able to examine the different

aspects of the system working as a whole: user interface, data entry, logic, validation,

architecture, and database. To carry out the software product’s integration testing, the full

working system was tested against its database in a simulated service-oriented architecture.

The application was accessed from different laptops with preinstalled XAMPP server. All the

links in the system correctly directed the user to the target windows, the design and layout

remained consistent throughout the system and the codes were functioning properly as well.

Data entry was performed by submitting forms that have been filled with data to check the

consistency between the data entries and the resulting state of the database. By testing

through data entry, the developers were able to confirm that the back-end application

successfully received and processed inputs and returned the precise result of computation

and data manipulation to the client application. In conclusion, information flowed correctly

from one module to another.

The system ensures data integrity and prevents election fraud by way of tampering

results, casting multiple votes by a single user, etc.

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