Lasintus Manalu Task 3: Fill in The Story Elements of "The Unfortunate Lebai" in The Table Below

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Task 3

Fill in the story elements of “The Unfortunate Lebai” in the table below.

Setting Character Plot/events Problem Solution

two big villages, Lebai Malang, Lebai Malang He wanted to He rowed
a river, way to the His Dog, was coming to a come to two ritual downstrea m and
feast, Imams feast ritual day. meals. upstream twice.
feast day, He went down He got no meals. He fished
closing time in the the river rowing in His chili was He got nothing
ritual, a sampan. thrown away and and still hungry
in the daylight. When he has his dog ate his rice
rowed a certain
downstream he
Rowing upstream
for a certain
distance, he
remembered the
He did so twice or
three times, and
then he rowed
In arriving, the
Imam (leader) of
the ritual He
wanted to come
to two ritual
meals. He got no
meals. His chili
was thrown away
and his dog ate
his rice He rowed
downstrea m and
upstream twice.
He fished He got
nothing and still
hungry meals was
already reciting
the prayer.
Then he rowed
downstream. On
arriving at the
village, the Imam
was also already
reciting the
He rowed back to
fetch the fishing
line and some
cold rice.
When the fishing
line was in the
water, he felt
hungry Suddenly,
the chili was
thrown out into
the water.
His dog jumped at
the rice and ate it.
He lost all

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