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First Periodical Examination in MATH 7 (A,B,C)

Name: ___________________________________________ Yr. & Sec.: ______________ Score: _____________

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is true, if it is false write MATH on the space provided.
__________1. All integers are rational numbers.
__________2. The integers decrease in value from left to right.
__________3. The largest counting number is 1.
__________4. Zero is neither positive nor negative.
__________5. There is no negative natural numbers.
__________6. Some rational numbers less than 1 are negative integers.
__________7. The smallest positive integer is 2.
__________8. The least or largest valued integer can be determined.
__________9. All irrational numbers are real numbers.
__________10. All negative integers are greater than zero.
II. Use the symbol < , > or = to make a correct statement.
1. 79 - 79 6. – 𝑒 −2.71
2. -41 41 7. 0.0001 0
3. 0 𝜋 8. 25 −25
4. √81 9 9. 2
4 3
5. 𝜋 3.12 10. 3 4
III. Plot the points corresponding to the elements of the given set. Then, rearrange the elements in ascending
and descending order.
1. {8, −4 , 0, 5, −8} 2. {−2, −5, 3, −7, 5}

3. {2.25, 4.25, 5.50, 6.75} 4. {√3, 4√12, 5, √26}

IV. Identify the property illustrated in each mathematics sentence.

1. 51 + 62 = 62 + 51 ____________________________________
2. 74 + ( - 74 ) = 0 ____________________________________
3. ( 9 ) ( 1 ) = 9 ____________________________________
4. ( - 83 + 61) + 3 = - 83 + (61 + 3 ) ____________________________________
5. (√5 ) ( 0 ) = 0 __________________________________
6. 100 + 20 = 120 __________________________________
7 4
7. 4
.7 = 1 _________________________________
8. 69. 36 = 36 . 69 _________________________________
9. 3 (57 + 21) = 3(57) + 3(21) __________________________________
10. 9 . 8 = 72 __________________________________

V. Give the opposite of each number.

1. −49 = ________________ 6. −ǀ 23 + 41 ǀ = ________________
2. ǁ − 74 ǀ . ǀ 3 ǁ = ________________ 7. − ǀ − 679 ǀ = ________________
3. 169 = _______________ 8. ǁ 33 ǀ + ǀ − 33ǁ = ________________
4. −ǀ 856 ǀ = _______________ 9. −ǀ − 2 ǀ = ________________
5. ǀ 60 − 43 ǀ = ______________ 10 . ǁǀ − 21ǁ − ǀ 21 ǀ = ________________
VI. Put a heart as many appropriate cells applicable .
Positive Negative Counting Whole Rational Irrational Real Nonnegative Non-
Integer Integer Number Number Number Number Number Integer Integer
2. 0
3. 75

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