Effects of Social Media in The Academic Performance of Maritime Students in Palompon Institute of Technology

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“Effects of Social media in the academic performance of Maritime students in

Palompon Institute of Technology”

Palompon Institute of Technology



Abrantes, Jasper P.

Submitted to:

Mrs. Anastacia Solamo



First, the researcher would like to express sincere gratitude to Mrs. Solamo as the

instructor for this study for the continuous support of the study and related research for

her patience and immense knowledge. To the guard who gave access to the hallway and

other rooms that researcher uses to make the research paper. Without his precious support

it would not be possible to conduct this research.

The researcher is also thankful with each other for the stimulating discussion, for

the sleepless nights and days of working together and for all the fun researcher had for

the upcoming deadline.

Last but not the least researcher would like to thank its family and parents for

fully support and spiritually throughout writing thesis.



TITLE: Effects of Social Media in the Academic

Performance of Maritime students in

Palompon Institute of Technology

(November 2018)



SCHOOL: Palompon Institute of Technology



Social media sites continue to grow in popularity. They introduce substantial and

pervasive changes to communication between business, organizations, communities, and

individual, it is our premise that Social media is a vital part in today’s students learning

and progress. This study is to evaluate the Effects of Social media in the academic

performance using the quantitative type of research. In methodology, the researcher

administered the survey to a random sample of 50 students in Maritime education, the


survey questionnaire is consisted of 15 questions. Data were collected from a random

sample of students in Palompon Institute of Technology during the 1st semester of 2018.

The researcher used an evaluation research design to assess the effect of social media in

the academic performance of students in PIT.

50% of students has a social media account and 80% of them already used it as early as

10-15 years old and the remaining 20% used social media when they aged 16-18 years

old. 68% of the students admitted that they spend so much time in Social media than

academic performance and the remaining 32% said that they spend their time in

Academics. The study reveals that 96% of students said that Social media is a big help to

their academic performance and the remaining 6% said that Social media can’t help also,

68% of students said that they can survive the day without using social media and the

remaining 32% of students said that they can’t. 54% of students said that social media is

a distraction to their academic performance and the remaining 45% that it’s not.

The results showed that majority of the students have a negative reaction towards the

Effects of Social media to their Academic performance.


Table of Contents
TITLE PAGE _____________________________________________________ 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_____________________________________________ 2
ABSTRACT________________________________________________________ 3-4
TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________________________ 5-6
1. The problem and its background
1.0 Introduction__________________________________________________ 8-12
1.1 Statement of the problem________________________________________ 13
1.2 Theoretical frame work_________________________________________ 14
1.3 Conceptual frame work_________________________________________ 15
1.4 Scope and delamination_________________________________________ 16-17
1.5 Definition of terms_____________________________________________ 18
2. Review Related Literature and Study
2.0 Local________________________________________________________ 17-21
2.1 Foreign_______________________________________________________ 22-25
3. Methods and Procedure
3.0 Survey questionnaire______________________________________________ 26-28
3.1 Research local___________________________________________________ 28
3.2 Research design__________________________________________________ 28
3.3 Sampling and respondents__________________________________________ 29
3.4 Research instruments______________________________________________ 29
3.5 Procedure_______________________________________________________ 30
3.6 Data gathering____________________________________________________ 30
3.7 Data analysis_____________________________________________________ 31
4. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data______________________ 32-44
5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary_____________________________________________________ 45
5.2 Conclusion____________________________________________________ 46
5.3 Recommendation_______________________________________________ 47
References_________________________________________________________ 48-51

Chapter I

The Problem and its Back ground

1.0 Introduction

Academic achievement or (academic) performance is the extent to which a

student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

Cumulative GPA and completion of educational degrees such as High School and

bachelor's degrees represent academic achievement. Academic achievement is commonly

measured through examinations or continuous assessment but there is no general

agreement on how it is best evaluated or which aspects are most important procedural

knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge such as facts. Furthermore, there are

inconclusive results over which individual factors successfully predict academic

performance, elements such as test anxiety, environment, motivation, and emotions

require consideration when developing models of school achievement.

Social media forms of electronic communication (such as website of social networking

and micro-blogging) through which users create online communication to share

information, ideas, personal messages and other content. Social media are computer-

mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career

interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. Users

typically access social media services via web-based technologies on desktop, computers,

and laptops, or download services that offer social media functionality to their mobile

devices (e.g., smartphones and tablet computers). When engaging with these services,

users can create highly interactive platforms through which individuals, communities and

organizations can share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content or pre-

made content posted online. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to

communication between businesses, organizations, communities and individuals.

Cause and effects of using social media

Social Media is some websites and applications that support people to

communicate or to participate in social networking. That is, any website that allows

social interaction is considered as social media. We are familiar with almost social media

networking sites such as Facebook, twitter etc. It makes us easy to communicate with the

social world. We feel we are instantly connecting with people around us that we may not

have spoken to in many years. Social networking is an extremely useful invention, but the

most frequent users of social networking are the youth of the world.

Social media offers a trendy way to keep in touch with new friends. It becomes a

dangerous medium capable of great damage if we handled it carelessly. Young people are

incapable of identifying such troubles. But the impact of the Internet or social media is an

important issue that we are facing now. Social media changes the way individuals and

large organizations communicate.


Advantage and Disadvantages

Every technology may have some pros and a cons. Social networking site also has

its own. It affects our lives in many ways. New technology and social media increases the

amount of free speech platform. Unlike other countries, the people here can speak and

comment against the government. Some companies started investigating their employees

through social networks.

The two advantages being that it enables people the convenience of being able to

connect with others all over the world without having to step a foot out of their homes

and also the rare cases that crimes are sometimes solved through the help of a social

media site. People needed to aware the risks of using social networking sites. There are

many victims around us having such dangerous situations. Sharing one’s personal

Information with the wrong crowd is one of the main issues. We have to privatize our

social networking accounts.

Social media can enable students to easily contact each other with regards to

school projects and assignments. It is also possible for them to work on group

assignments from the comfort of their own homes. Students that use social media can

also participate more in class. When social media is used in pedagogy, students who have

difficulty in expressing their thoughts in their classrooms can get involved in the learning

process. It will help build these children’s confidence level as well. Social media is also

useful for students when doing homework. Any doubts can be cleared by posting a

message through social media. Any questions that they may have can be asked on a

message board and other students can also benefit from the feedback given by the

teacher. Teachers have many options to share useful links and this benefits the student.

Students, teachers and parents can be on the same page with the help of social media.

Sites like Face book help teachers to stay in touch with parents and let them know about

the progress of their children.

Along with the advantages social media also has several disadvantages. Social

media can be a distraction for some students. Students may be distracted from their

school work and the teachers will have no option of knowing which student pays

attention. There is always a possibility that the students will not use social media for

educational purposes. They may use social media for their personal communication.

The main disadvantages of social networking is lack of emotional connection,

lack of face to face communication, inauthentic expression of feelings, facilitates

laziness, reduces family closeness etc. Such disadvantages strike at the heart of healthy

youth development. Bad people use social media as well as good people. So we need to

protect ourselves from the latter. Students that use social media regularly may lose their

ability to engage in face to face communication. Even if the world is turning to

technology, students must know how to communicate in the real world. Social media

websites are becoming notorious for cyber bullying. This has become an alarming trend.

Students may write hurtful messages about other students and this could scar students for

life. Yet another problem with social media is that it is impossible to know whether

students will use the medium in a constructive manner. Students may post inappropriate

content like pornography on social media. This will defeat the purpose of the medium

altogether. Social media is a rather effective way for students to make friends and also to

get their education. At the same time there are certain disadvantages as well. The true

challenge lies in overcoming the disadvantages and ensuring that the advantages create

the desired impact.

The reason of the researcher for choosing the topic is because most of the students

are using social media during these days, and also to give awareness to the students who

do not know the effects of social media in the academic performance, so that the students

will immediately do some action regarding this matter.

The purpose of this study is to help the students to become more responsible of

using social media and to give knowledge and awareness. Also aiming to resolve the

negative effects of social l media in the academic performance.

The importance of this study is for the students, researchers, future researchers

and readers will garner more knowledge on what will be the effects or advantage and

Disadvantages of social media in the academic performance and can apply this research

in the daily lives.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

This study is for the students, researchers, future researchers to garner more

knowledge, to give awareness, and aiming to resolve the negative effects of Social media

in the academic performance.



1. Are the students paying more attention on social media than academic performance?

2. How social media affect the academic performance?

3. What are the negative effects of social media that the students should be aware of?

1.2 Theoretical Framework

“Social Cognitive theory of “Uses and gratifications theory”

mass communication” by: Thomas E. Ruggiero

by:Albert Bandura

-Analize the -Assert the emergence -Evaluate why people

determinants and use this friendly net
psychosocial mecha- of computer-mediated working sites, charac-
nism through which teristics of the typical
symbolic communica- communication college user,what uses
tion influences human and gratification are
met by using these sites.
thought,affect and action –Speculate on the future
-Analyzes social diffu- directions of mass co-
sion of new styles of mmunication theory
behavior in terms of must seriously include
the psychosocial fac- the uses and gratification
tors governing their approach.
acquisifion and adap- -Results are discussed in
tion and the social light of the impact that
networks through friend networking sites
which they spread and have on communication
are supported and social needs of
college students.

1.3 Conceptual Framework


-Are students paying too -Google - The purpose of this study

much attention on social is to help the students to
-Survey questionnaire become more responsible of
media than academics?
-Books using social media and to
- How social media affect give knowledge and
the academic performance? -Dictionary awareness. Also aims to
resolve the negative effects
- What are the negative -Observation
of social media in the
effects of social media that
academic performance.
the students should be
aware of?

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research is 50 Maritime students random students in Palompon

Institute of Technology on the Effects of Social media in the academic performance

during the first semester.



The researcher is delimited with the other data such as the other courses of college

students in Palompon Institute of Technology.

1.5 Definition of terms

Cater- To supply what is required or desired.

Emergence- Newly created or noticed or growing in strength or popularity.

Gratifications- A source of satisfaction or pleasure.

Lurking- To read messages written by other people on the internet in a news group, chat

room etc., without writing any messages yourself.

Notorious- Well-known or famous especially for something bad.

Pedagogy- The art, science, or profession of teaching.

Pervasive- Existing in every part of something: spreading to all parts of something.

Psychosocial- Relating social conditions to mental health.

Privy- Relating to a person in one’s individual rather than official capacity.

Substantial- Large in amount, size, or number.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Study

2.0 Local

“How do Social Networking Sites Affect Students?”

Most of the time, students spend their time hanging around the web with

the popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and twitter every day

more and more people are getting attached to Social media because most of the students

need to use it to gain some information related to Academic Performance and also know

the information that happen to society. Social Media as it is now moving in as one of

the primary means of communication of people. Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are

only a few of the tons of the sites out there that cater the needs of people.

Get the latest status and messages of your friends through the news feed

obviously, social sites have a lot of uses for people with their exceptional functionalities.

Even without meeting in person, people can now interact with each other and make a

productive gathering. However, despite the fact that Social Media are extremely helpful,

it is still not perfect because there are still some negative points we can encounter while

using it like there are some cases that students become addicted of over-used of social


Through Social Media, people have the chance to combine work and relaxation.

Because nowadays other employee use social media to communicate their workers and a

few employees send Paper works thru Social Media then, relaxation is when the students

bored, they use Social Media as a past time. However, did you ever encounter the

question? What are the benefits can get by using Social Networking Sites? Here are some


 Get in touch with your loved ones, relatives, and friends

 Get to know the latest news and issues

 Participate in online discussions

 Communicate with your classmates

 Be reminded of assignments, projects, and quizzes

 Conduct group meetings for group projects and announcements



According to Mr. Junco 2,000 of college students who self-reported details of

their Facebook use: not just total time spent on the social networking site, but specific

actions taken such as commenting, chatting, uploading photos or seeing what others are

doing — “lurking,” as Mr. Junco calls it. The study then stacked its subjects’ overall

G.P.A.’s against that Facebook activity. Students’ high school G.P.A.’s powerful

predictors of college grades were included in the study as control variables, to establish

subjects’ baseline academic ability and ensure no dramatic swings in G.P.A. occurred

that might belie other factors at play.


The results of the experiment will soon be published in the journal

Computers in Human Behavior, but The Choice were privy to an early look at the


While overall time spent on Facebook negatively affected G.P.A., the results were

not clear-cut. As it turned out, those who frequently shared links on Facebook or checked

the site to see what friends were up to tended to have higher grades. Those students

who posted status updates tended to have lower grades Mr. Junco found a direct

relationship between site use and out-of-class sociability: the more time a student spent

on Facebook, the more likely that student was to be involved with extracurricular

activities Meanwhile contradicting the zero-sum logic of some who might believe that a

minute spent social networking is a minute spent not attending to schoolwork the study

found no substantive link between time spent on Facebook and time spent studying.

He said in an e-mail that he was surprised by the fact that the number of times a

student checked Facebook each day was only weakly related to academic performance.

“This tells that spending an in ordinate amount of time on Facebook is related to negative

outcomes, while just checking Facebook for a few minutes each time is not,”



(Social Networking does not Harm Student Performance: By Lucy Belnora)

This study provides that the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.

can play a vital role to increase the engagement of students and increase the desired

grades which can be helpful in future. This study provides the evidence that students and

teachers members were highly related to increase the learning process through

communication and connection. It helps to share the new ideas between the students and

Teachers who gives the different suggestions on how to develop the new ideas. So this

study gives the evidence that social networking sites have the positive effects on students.

It helps for active learning, co-ordination among students, emphasizing on task and

respecting diversity.



This study determine the Facebook addiction of Filipino students. Facebook has

been a big trend to Filipinos especially to students. Facebook has already made a huge

impact to people, it is now the leading social network site in terms of popularity active

users. After conducted a survey that found out the one student in La salle College

Antipolo which is Marjorie, she’s taking-up AB MASS communication, major in Tv

Journalism 4th year student who's addicted of using Facebook. Marjorie started using

Facebook since March 2008. She almost using it for two years and five months. She open

her account according to their schedule. Between 1pm to 11pm. Marjorie consume 17

hours when using Facebook account. But she says that the social media doesn't affect her

social relationships because she know the limit and discipline to use it. This proves that

even if Facebook has been a very well-known site to Filipino student, it doesn't mean that

it will already serve as our social interaction among people. Facebook is still just internet

operated and personal interaction and real relationship are way better than network


Social networks gave a big help to everyone, especially those student have a

business and other members of society. Social networks have different features that the

people enjoy in all over the world. What the problem is, people loses their self-control in

using them. Facebook is the most popular social networking site, feeling free in sharing

their thoughts on any issue posting video and have in conversation in everyone. Facebook

has been a big trend to anyone especially to student. Social network may help them in

giving knowledge in thesis and journals but still negative effects of this still overweight

especially about losing of self-control Social networks is not always good for us because

other people use it inappropriate way wherein some people are posting pornographies site

and nude photos that frequently student may see.


2.1 Foreign

“Social networking: Teachers blame Facebook and twitter for pupils grades “

Social networking sites are one of the factors that are most likely and vague to the

students, especially Facebook and Twitter. Many researchers are working to explore the

correlation between social networking sites and academic performances. It gives

disappointments for most of the teachers because at the increase of the number of

students who spend their time using Facebook and twitter, it affects harder to concentrate

in class and have shorter span of attention in classroom. The report concludes that the

children with the poorest grades at school are the ones who spent most of the time on

social networking. Obviously that if children spending hours at night on social media

than school lessons or activities it will see the negative results of poor concentration and

not right functions of the brain.







“Facebook has a negative impact on the concentration of students”

Students nowadays more likely to explore new patterns of information and

perform multitasking. Though, this multitasking has to affect the focus of attention on

same particular things and distribution in both positive and negative ways. One

significant effect of social media to the students is unproductive time spent between their

studies and social media. In conducting research, it determines that Facebook is the most

popular social network most likely used of the students. For just three months it’s enough

to make a conclusion and result to identify what was the effect of using social network

such as Facebook to their studies. Months passed by, it was noticed slight deterioration of

grades, but what is even more important is lack of concentration and poor knowledge

acceptance. It was confirmed that it has a big effect to the students. The first two months

to Facebook was denied and the third month access to Facebook was allowed. The

problem does not occur only in case when students were actually logged on to Facebook

and didn’t pay attention to what does teachers say. Also current event on Facebook divert

students in the time when they are connected to it. The students do not concentrate on

their studies because their concentration is divided into study and Facebook both. It only

showed that the use of social networking sites when in school has a negative impact on

their grades and studies.


“Excessive use of Social Media”

Social media is a popular method for communications amongst university

students in Saudi Arabia. However, excessive social media use can raise questions about

whether academic performance is affected. This research explores this question by

conducting a survey on university students in Saudi Arabia in regards to social media

usage and their academic performance. The survey also explored which social network in

the most popular amongst Saudi students, what student thought about their social media

usage which negatively affect academic performance. The survey received 100 responses

and descriptive statistics including normality test i.e scatter plot were used to examine the

relationship between the average number of hours student spent of social media a week

and GPA scores of the students the results demonstrated that there was no linear

relationship between social media usage in a week and GPA scores. Students highlighted

that besides social media use time management is a factor which affects student’s studies



“Generation, Academic and social media outcomes of electronic media use among

university students” (Wadi C. Jacobsen, Serata Forste Published 19 May 2015)

Little is known about the influence of electronic media use and the academic and

social lives of students. Using a survey data, the researcher explores the use of various

types of electronic media among first year students. Robust regression result indicates a

negative relationship between the use of various type of electronic media and first

semester grades. In addition, the researchers find a positive association between social

networking sites use a cellular phone communication and face to face social interaction.


Chapter 3

Methods and Procedure


1. Do you know what Social Media is?

Yes No

2. How old are you when you start using Social Media?

10-15 years old 16-18 years old 20 and above

3. What is the first Social Networking site that you used?

Facebook Google others: Please Specify

Twitter YouTube

4. How many hours do you spend when you’re surfing Social Media?

30-45 minutes 1-3 hours 4 above

5. Do you think Social Media affect your academic performance positively?

Yes No

6. Do you think Social Media affect you’re your academic performance negatively?

Yes No

7. Do you know what are the effects of using Social Media are?

Yes No

8. Is Social Media can help in your Academic Performance?

Yes No

9. Do you know that using too much Social Media can lead to addiction?

Yes No

10. Where are you interested the most?

Social Media Academic Performance

11. What is the easiest way to find information?

Social Media Asking friends

Books others: Please Specify

12. What is the common negative effect of too much using Social Media?

Headache Skip meal others: Please Specify

Weak eye Slow function of memory

13. Do you think Social Media is distraction in your Academic Performance?

Yes No

14. Where do you spend too much time?

Social Media Academic Performance

15. Can you survive the day without using Social Media?

Yes No


Research locale is a term that refers to a specified area and/or subject that is being

studied in a research project. This study was conducted in a state college which is the

Palompon Institute of Technology that is located in Evangelista St., Palompon, Leyte.


The researcher used a quantitative type of research. This study also used an

evaluation survey design used to assess the demographic profile and determine the

Effects of social media in academic performance of the Maritime students of Palompon

Institute of Technology.


A sample design is made up of two elements. Sampling method. Sampling method

refers to the rules and procedures by which some elements of the population are included

in the sample. Some common sampling methods are simple random sampling, stratified

sampling, and cluster sampling.

Simple Random sampling was made in this research.


The researcher made 15 questions regarding the topic and gave the questionnaire

to the respondents which is 50 Maritime random students in Palompon Institute of

Technology. The result of the survey will determine the effects of Social media in the

academic performance.

The purpose of this study is to help the students to become more responsible of

using social media and to give knowledge and awareness. Also aims to resolve the

negative effects of social media in the academic performance.

Phase1: Brain storming for choosing a topic and its title.

Phase2: approved of the title of the research

Phase3: conducting research for building up the chapter 1

Phase4: approved the statement of the problems.



Phase1: Brain storming for choosing a topic and its title.

Phase2: approved of the title of the research

Phase3: conducting research for building up the chapter 1

Phase4: approved the statement of the problems.

Phase5: Construct questions for survey questionnaire and it approved

Phase 6: Conducted survey to the Maritime students in ABE International Business

College- Fairview Branch

Phase 7: Compact and tally the results of the survey.

Phase 8: Do the chapter 3 of the research.

Phase 9: Make a table and graph for all the questions in the survey questionnaire.

Phase 10: Complete the summary, conclusion and recommendation.

Phase 11: Finalized the entire Chapter 1-5

Phase 12: Do the book binding of the research.


For this research, survey where used whose aim is to identify participants on

student’s knowledge about the effects of social media in academic performance. Among

the different methods of data gathering for research purposes, this survey method is

preferred by many researchers due to its strength. Survey was conducted for the Maritime

students that’s why the result of the effects of social media was known, surveys allows

respondents on student to answer with more can did and valid answers. To get the most

accurate data, you need respondent to be as open and honest as possible with their

answer. The researcher conducted a survey anonymously to provide an avenue for more

honest and unambiguous response than other type of research methodologies, especially

if it is clearly stated that survey answer will remain completely confidential.

Data Analysis

In order to conduct the results of data, in getting the sample size, the researcher

used the frequency distribution and it used to interpret every item in each questionnaire.

The frequency or F stands for the number of the students who participate for answering

the survey questionnaire that who agreed or disagreed about the given topics. While the

CF or cumulative frequency used to determine the sum of all previous frequencies up to

the current point. Then the relative frequency or RF is the proportion of all given values

in an interval, the frequency of the value divided by the total number of the data points.

And P which is getting the percentage of the results of each item in the questionnaire of

the researcher.

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data
Data Analysis


Age Frequency CF RF Percentage%

18 38 38 0.76 76%

19 10 48 0.2 20%

20+ 2 50 0.04 4%

Total 50 100%

Age of Respondents



In the 50 respondents of Maritime students, 38 of students are 18 years old,

10 over 50 students are 19 years of age and the remaining 2 students are 20 and above.

Gender Orientation

Gender Orientation Frequency CF RF Percentage%

Male 11 11 0.22 22%
Female 37 48 0.74 74%
LGBT 2 50 0.04 4%
Total 50 100%



There are 11 males and 37 females of Maritime students and the remaining 2
belong in LGBT.

Living with: Frequency CF RF Percentage%

Parent 43 43 0.86 86%
Mother 4 47 0.08 8%
Father 0 47 0 0%
Alone 3 50 0.06 6%
Relatives 0 47 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Living with:


The 43 students is living with their parents, 4 students is living with their mother
and the remaining 3 students are living with their relatives.


1. Do you know what social media is?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 50 50 1 100%
No 0 50 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Question 1


The 50 students has an idea about social media.


2. How old are you when you start using social media?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
10-15 y/old 40 40 0.8 80%
16-18 y/old 10 50 0.2 20%
20 and above 0 50 0 0%
Total 50 100%

10-15 y/old
16-18 y/old
20 above

40 of the students used social media when they are 10-15 years old, and the

remaining 10 students used social media when they are 16-18 years old.

3. What is the first Social Networking site that you used?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Facebook 36 36 0.72 72%
Twitter 0 36 0 0%
Google 9 45 0.18 18%
YouTube 4 49 0.08 8%
Others 1 50 0.02 2%
Total 50 100%


The first social networking site that 36 students used was facebook, 9

students used Google, 4 students used Youtube, 1 student used Friendster and no one in

50 students used twitter.

4. How many hours do you spend when you’re surfing Social Media?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
30-45 minutes 6 6 0.12 12%
1-3 hours 30 36 0.6 60%
4 hours above 14 50 0.28 28%
Total 50 100%

30-45 minutes
1-3 hours
4 hours

6 of the students surfing on social media 30-45 minutes, 30 of the students spend
1-3 hours on social media and the remaining 14 students spend their time on social media
for 4 hours and above.

5. Do you think social media affect your academic performance positively?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 37 37 0.74 74%
No 13 50 0.26 26%
Total 50 100%


37 of the students said that Social Media affect their academic performance

positively and the remaining 13 students said that Social media do not affect their

academic performance positively.


6. Do you think Social Media affect your Academic performance negatively?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 29 29 0.58 58%
No 21 50 0.42 42%
Total 50 100%


29 students said that Social Media affect their Academic performance

negatively and the remaining 21 students said that Social Media don’t affect their

Academic performance negatively.

7. Do you know any effects of using Social media?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 44 44 0.88 88%
No 6 50 0.12 12%
Total 50 100%


44 students said that they know the effects of using social media and the

remaining 6 students said that they don’t know the effects of using Social media.

8. Is Social media can help in your Academic performance?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 48 48 0.96 96%
No 2 50 0.04 4%
Total 50 100%


48 students said that Social media can help in their Academic performance and the

remaining 2 students said that social media cannot help in their Academic performance.

9. Do you know that using too much Social media can lead to addiction?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 46 46 0.92 92%
No 4 50 0.08 8%


46 students said they know that using too much Social media can lead

to addiction and the remaining 4 students said that they don’t know that Social media can

lead to addiction.

10. Where are you interested the most?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Social Media 28 28 0.56 56%
Academic Performance 22 50 0.44 44%
Total 50 100%

Social Media

28 students said that they are more interested in Social media and the remaining

22 students said that they are more interested in Academic performance.

11. What is the easiest way to find information?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Social Media 43 43 0.86 88%
Books 4 47 0.08 8%
Asking Friends 3 50 0.06 6%
Total 50 100%


Social Media
Asking Friends

43 students said that the easiest way to find information is in Social media, 4

students said that the easiest way to find information is in book and the remaining 3

students said that the easiest way to find information is to ask.


12. What is the common negative effect of too much using Social media?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Headache 13 13 0.26 26%
Weak Eye 23 36 0.46 46%
Skip meal 9 45 0.18 18%
Slow function of 5 50 0.1 10%
Total 50 100%

Head ache
Weak Eye
Skip Meal
Slow Function Of Memory

23 students said that the common negative effect of too much using Social media

is weak eye, 13 students said it’s head ache, 9 students said that it’s skip meal and the

remaining 5 said that it’s slow function of memory.

13. Do you think Social media is distraction in your Academic performance?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 27 27 0.54 54%
No 23 50 0.46 46%
Total 50 100%



27 students said that Social media is distraction in their Academic

performance and the remaining 23 students said that Social media is not a distraction in

their Academic performance.

14. Where do you spend too much time?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Social Media 34 34 0.68 68%
Academic 16 50 0.32 32%
Total 50 100%


Social Media
Academic Performance

34 students said that they spend more time in Social media and the remaining 16

students said that they spend more time in Academic performance.

15. Can you survive the day without using Social media?

Frequency CF RF Percentage%
Yes 34 34 0.68 68%
No 16 50 0.32 32%
Total 50 100%



34 students said that they can survive the day without using Social media and the

remaining 16 students said that they cannot survive the day without using social media

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of social media in academic

performance of Maritime students in Palompon Institute of Technology. The researcher

started the study October to November 2018 during the 1st semester on Palompon

Institute of Technology. In methodology, the researcher uses a quantitative type of

research and evaluation method in research design. The data for this study were collected

using the survey questionnaire, the group made 15 questions related from the topic and

the respondents would answer it based on their experience regarding the effects of social

media in the academic performance in ABE International Business college Fairview

branch. The questionnaires were distributed to the sample of 50 Maritime students

randomly, the identities of the respondents was kept for its confidentiality. The

respondents were given enough time to answer the survey questionnaire before the

researcher collected it. The researcher used frequency distribution to interpret every

question in questionnaire. F is for the number of respondents, RF is for relative

frequency, to get it the frequency is divided by the total number of respondents, CF is


cumulative frequency it is use to get to the data if how many students answered the given

option and last is P for percentage, to get the percentage of every question, the results of

RF will multiply to 100.


From the findings of this study showed all the students were involved of using

social media majority is Facebook. The researcher conclude before the study ends is most

of the students are paying more attention in social media than academic performance, and

most of the students find social media as a distraction to their academic performance and

social media can help as well.

The result showed the same thing, 96% of students said that Social media can

help in their academic performance and the remaining 4% said that it couldn’t help, 68%

of students spend more time in using social media and the remaining 32% students said

that they spend more time in academics, the 56% of students are more interested in using

social media than actively participate in academic performance and the remaining 44%

are more interested in academic performance. The 54% of students said that social media

is a distraction to their academic performance and the remaining 46% said that it’s not,

lastly is the 92% of students know that using too much social media can lead to addiction.


The researcher will recommend to the students to be educated on the influence of

social media because most of the students now a days can easily get information about

their academic performance thru social media, find useful information that you can use

and apply in daily lives and use social media as a tool to widen your knowledge. The

researcher will also recommend for the students to focus on their academic performance

than surfing on social media. Students have to be more responsible for using social media

sites and used it in a good way, students better manage or lessen their time in using social

media to prevent distraction that can be the cause of lower grades, changes in attitude and

behavior. Teachers should use Social media as a tool for students learning and progress

by restricting Facebook and other social networking sites that is not needed in school, if

the students are not in school they can send the lesson in Facebook message for the

students to be advance on the upcoming quizzes. Parents should monitor students on how

they use these sites, because social media has a lot of positive effect as well as negative.


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