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Molecular Weight NST a 6.1 MOLECULAR WEIGHT (RELATIVE MOLECULAR MASS) Molecular mass of a substance is the average relative ‘mass of one molecule of it as compared to the mass of an atom of carbon ('"C stable isotope) taken as 12 amu. For example, the molecular weight of nitrogen is 28. It means that one molecule of nitrogen is 28 times heavier than one- twelfth of an atom of carbon isotope, “ZC. It is also defined as the sum total of the relative atomic weights (masses) of all the component atoms in the molecule. For example, the relative molecular weight (mass) of sulphur dioxide (SO,) is: 1 xat. wt. of sulphur +2 xat. wt. of oxygen =324 (2x16) = 64amu, where amu represents atomic mass unit. ‘Lamu = 1.66 x 10 g. Note. Mol. wt. = Atomicity x at. wi Mol. wt. of N =2x 14 = 28 g mol” 6.2 GRAM MOLECULAR WEIGHT (G.M.W) OR GRAM MOLECULAR MASS OR GRAM MOLAR MASS. ‘The molecular weight of an element (e.g, noble gases, He Ne, Arete) ora compound expressed in gramsiscalled gram molecular weight (G.M.W) or gram mole or male Gram molecular weight (G.M.W) of a substance = Sum total of. at. et. of all the component atoms in the molecule of te substance. Where gat. wt. of an atom is the weight of Avogadro number (= 6.023 x 10") of atoms of the element in gram and eB At. wt ofa element in gram = wt. of one atom of an element in amu x 1.66 x 10g x Avogadro number (= 6.023 x 10”, 66 x 10 g, Also: Tamu = —_ 6.3 ATOMIC MASS Mass of an atom of an el Ta mae ofan atom of xbon = 12) 6.4 NO. OF GRAM ATOMS Mass of the element in gram/g, atomic mass of element. Exanpte 1. Calculate the gram molecular weight of carbon dioxide if atomic weight of carbon and oxygen are 12 amu and 16 amu respectively SouuTIon. 1.66310" 8. atomic weight of C= 12 amu x “9* > —B x 6023 x10" = 12g oxygen 1.66107 g Tama gat. wt of wt. of O 12g +(2x 16)g =44g mol” Ans. 6.5 MOLECULAR MASS OF ORGANIC ACIDS- SILVER SALT METHOD Following method is used to determine the molecular mass (or mol. wt.) of organic acids. Silver salt method for organic acids. In this method, aqueous solution of known weight of organic acid, RCOOH is treated with excess ammonia solution and ‘excess ammonia is boiled off. Excess of AgNO, solution is then added to this neutral solution and purified white precipitate of silver salt of acid (RCOOAg) is dried and ‘weighed. This sat is ignited to get pure silver. We know that whof A = 16amu x 6.023 x 10 = 16 g g- mol. wt. of CO, Eq.wt of Ag-salt, RCOOAg Eq, wi. of Ag (= 108) 86 _ NUMERICAL CHEMISTRY FOR COMPETITIONS wtof Agsal 1g. wt of Ag-alt, RCOOAg = NESFABSAI 19g we oF Ag But Eq, wt of organic acd, RCOOH Tq wt of Ag-salt, KCOOAg, = [Aig we of Ag + Eq. wt of . (# of Ag-salt = \WwhofAg . (# of Ag-salt = \Whof Ag se) 10 1) 107 Hence, Mol. wt. of organic acid, RCOOH [Eq. wt. of organic acid, RCOOH] ~ x[Basicity of acid] Or Mol. wt. of organic acid, RCOOH = [Cast sr esi, where m= 1, = 2, n = 3 ete. for monobasic, dibasic and tribasic ete organic acids respectively. REACTIONS. RCOOH —“#2, RCOONH, 25 RCOOAR He ag Exanris 2. When heated cautiously ina crucible, 0.759 ofa stor sal ofa dase aid gree 0.463 ¢of metal silver Cotewat the molar mass of he ei Souumon. Massof Ag = 0463 g; mass of silver sl Basicity of acid, 108 Molar mass = 108 «0.759 = 2 (25227 107) = 2(177~107) = 140g mol” Ans. Exams 3. Silver salt ofa dibasic acid contains 67.5% sitver. Calculate the molar mass ofthe acid SotuTion. Mass of silver salt = 100 g ; mass of Ag = 67.58; at. wt of Ag = 108. Basicity of acid, =2 675 g Agis present in silver salt = 00 8, : 100 1068 g Ags presentin siversalt= 220 108 108 «100 Molar mass of acid = Basicity (see - 107) =2 (160-107) = 106 g mol” Ans. 6.6 CHLOROPLATINATE SALT METHOD FOR ORGANIC BASES A known weight of organic base (amines) is dissolved in dil. HCl and treated with chloroplatinic acid (H,PtCl,) to get crystals of chloroplatinate (BH,PICI). A known weight of these dried crystals is ignited to get Pt metal. From the weight of Pt and that of B,H,PICl,, the molar mass of organic base is calculated. Let _wt.of BH,PICl, taken = m, g; wt of Pt Molar mass of H,PICl,= (2% 1) +195 + (6353) =410. ‘m, g Ptis available from B,H,PtCl, = m, ¢ 195 g Ptis available from ByH,PtCl, my x195 = Molar mass of BH,PtCI, salt For polyacid base chloroplatinate salt B,(H,PtCI,), ; mem, 195 (), Molar mass of chloroplatinate = "~*~"? (i) Molar mass of (H,PtCI,), = x410 ‘Molar mass of base, B 2[Molcmagsof, Mole naatof 2 chloroplatinate ~ (H,PICI,), [195 nm, [_ nf 195, Pan Ee Exampe 4, When heated cautiously 0.49 g of the chloroplatinate of a diacid base gave 0.195 g of platinum on ignition, Calculate the molecular weight ofthe base. SotuTion. We of chloroplatinate, B,H,PtCL., m, =0.49 g wt of platinum, m, = 0.195 g; Acidity of base = n= 2. We know that : Mol. wt. of base, B 1 [eee mass of Molar mass *] plehioroplatinate ~ (HAUICh), 195m, 4 3: s0| [em,g Pts m, g BAH,PICl, ogre 2 orci 2/ 195x049 =e so] =490-410= 80 g mol” Ans. Exampts 5. Chloroplatinate of a monoacid organic base contains 39%platinum. Calculate the molar mass ofthe base. SoLuTION. Mass of chloroplatinate, m, = 100 g ; mass of platinum, m = 39 g ; Acidity of base = 1 = 1. We know that : Molar mass of base n[ 195m, [Ro] 195%100 -{" 5 -s0| = 600-110) 245g mot Ans 6.7 VOLUMETRIC METHOD TO CALCULATE MOL. WT. OF ACIDS AS WELL AS BASES 1. Mol. wt. of acids. A known weight (W g) of the acid is dissolved in a suitable solvent (eg., water) and the solution is titrated against standard alkali using phenolphthalein as indicator. Let V ml of N, alkali neutralize a 1000 ml of 1 N alkali neutralize acid eg. wt of acid % 1000 g Eq. wt. of acid ue WN, iq. wt. x basicity F000} «basi. 09. wt. of alkali. Examce 6, 0.115 g of a dibasic acid required 25 ml of 0.1 N NaOH solution for complete neutralisation, Find the molar ‘mass of the acid. ‘SouuTion. 25 mlof 0.1 NNaOH neutralize acid = 0.115 g ; 0.115 1000 ++ 1000mlof NaOH neutralise acid= “287 46 g = g. eq. wt. of acid. Basicity of acid =2 (given) + Mol. wt. of acid = Eq. wt. x basicity = 46 g x2 12 g mol” Ans. 2. Mol. wt. of bases. A known weight (We) of the base is dissolved in a suitable solvent (usually water) and the solution is titrated with standard acid using phenolphthalein as indicator. Let. V ml of N, acid neutralise base = W g 1000 ml of 1N acid neutralise base = g.eq. wt. of base, w Uy «10008 Eq. wt. of base Mol. wt. of base = Eq. wt, xacidity = (erm) cacy. Note. 1000:nl of N acid = eq. wt of the acid. Exanpus 7. A diacid base weighing 0.2 ¢ required 25 ml of decinormal H,SO, for complete neutralisation, Find the ‘molecular mass of the base. Soturion. 25 ml of 0.1 NH,SO, neutralise base = 0.2, 1000 ml of 1 N H,SO, neutralise base MOLECULAR WEIGHT 87 Er i eee) = g.€q, wt of base = 80g © Molecular mass of base = Eq. wt. of base acidity = 80g x2= 160g mol” Ans. 6.8 GRAM MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF A COMPOUND Type. g. mol. wt. of a compound (= 1g. molecule or 1 mole,)= wt. of one molecule of compound in ama x 1.66 x10 g x Avogadro no. (= 6.023 x 10") ‘g-mol. wt. of a compound is the weight of Avogadro no. (= 6.023 x 10”) of molecules of a compound in gram. Exaweue 8. Calculate the gram molecular weight of N, ‘molecule if weight of its one moiecule is 28 amu. ‘Sotution. Wt of 1 amu = 1.66 x 10 g, ‘wt of one nitrogen molecule = 28 amu = 28x 1.66 107" g wt of Avogadro no. (= 6.023 x 10%) of Nz molecules 8 x 1.66 x 10° gx 6.023 x 10” = 28 g, mol. wt. of N,= 28g. Ans. Exameue 9, g. mol. vt. of O, is 32 g. one molecule of O, weighs 32 amu, calculate the ealue of Avogadro's number. So.uTiON. g. mol. wt. of O,=wt.of one molecule of 0, in amu x 1.66 10™g x Avogadto's no 32.g =32%1.66x 10g x Avogadro’sno. 32, ~ Avogadro's number = ———8___ 321.6% 10 g = 6024 x10 Ans. Exawpue 10. A metal iodide M I, (wt. = 2.1 g, ap. heat = 0.14 eal ¢) on heating with HCl (g) converted completely to 0.747 g MCI, Calculate the molecular weight of M 1, (at. wt 1=127, C1=35.5). ‘Soturion. Reaction: M I,.+2HCI—> MCI, + xHI; wt of Ml,= 2.18; vet of MCI, = 0.747 g. We know that : () Equivalent of MI, = Equivalent of MCI, wt ofMI, __Eq.wtof Ml, 1 WLofMCl, ~ Eq.wtof MCI, -@ Eq.wt.of Mi,= E+ 22 = £4127; {Leteq. wt. of M=E} eq. wt. of MC, Where valency of I= Substituting the valuesin equation (1), we get: 2a _ E17 7 ~ E4355 * 88 _ NUMERICAL CHEMISTRY FOR COMPETITIONS. 21 E + (2.1355) = 0.747 E + (127 x 0.747) Or 2.1 E+ 74.55 = 0.747 E + 94.869 ; 1.353 E = 20319 20319 = De 10 64 _ 64 Approx. Atwe= Seat "pag 757 _ Approxatwt. 457 Gi) Bxact Valency = isa (io) Exactat. wt. = Eq. wt. Valency = 15.01 x3 = 45.03 () Mol. wt. of MI,= At. wt. of M+ x at. wt.of I = 45,03 + (3x 127) =45.03 +381 = 426.03 g mol” Ans. 6.9 MOLAR VOLUME OR GRAM MOLECULAR VOLUME (G.M.V.) The volume occupied by one gram mole or one mole of a gas at N.TP. (or STP) is called molar volume or gram molecular volume (G.M.V.). AtN.TP.,one gram mole of a {gaseous substance occupies 22.4 L or 22.4 din’ or 22400 mL. ‘or 22400 cin’ volume. For example : 2 g of H, (g. mol. wt. of H, = 2g) 32 g 0, (g. mol. wt. of O, = 32g) etc occupy 2.4L (or dm’) volume at N.L.P. Here, 2 g of H, and 32 g of O, represent 1 mole of H, and 1 mol of ©, respectively. 6.10 DIFFERENT METHODS TO DETERMINE, THE MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF SUBSTANCES 1. Gram Molecular volume (G.M.V.) method. g. mol. rt. ofall gases at NTP or STP occupy volume = 224 Lor 224 dm’ or 22400 mL or 22400 cm’, (i) 22400 mL of a gas weighs equal to its gram molecular weight. Exawpue 11, 2 dm? of a gas weighs 4.12 g at $.T-P. Calculate the molecular weight ofthe gas. and K, 2010) SotuTion. We know that g. mol. wt. of a gas occupies volume at STP =’. 2dm’ of the gas weighs = 4.12 g % iehs= 2128 2 224d’ of the gasweighs= ———% x 2.4dm. 2dm 1g Mol wt. of gas= 46.1 g mol” Ans. Exaupie 12. 1.96 ofthe carbonate of metal on ignition leave a residue of 1.40 ¢ and 315 cm’ ofa gas at 27° Cand 755 mim pressure. Calculate the molecular weight of the gas. ,Sotunion. Given conditions. P, = 755 mm, V; = 315 om’, 7, = 27 + 273 = 300 K. AUNTP: x315em? «273K 760mm x 300K wt of gas = 1.96 ~ 1a 284.8 cm’ of gas weighs = 0.56 g 0568 — 22400 em? 284.8em Mg Mol. wt. of gas = 44 g mol” Ans. Exaupce 13, 0.112 di’ of a gas weighs 0.146 g at 25 °C «and 750 mm pressure. Calculate the molecular weight ofthe gas. _Sowumion. Given conditions :P, = 750 mm, V, = 0.112 ddim’, T, = 25 +273 = 298 K AUNTP. P, = 760mm, V, =284.8cm’ 056g 22400 cm’ of gas weighs = 750 mm «0.112dm? «273K 298K x 760mm 0.101 dow? 0.101 di’ of gas weighs = 0.146 g 0.146 g A daordn® *224 dm Vy 22.4 din’ of gas weighs =324g . Mol. wt. of gas = 32.4 mol” Ans. 2. Regnault’s method. This method is used to determine the vapour density (V.D, ofa gas (or vapour) by direct weighing. In this method, two glass globes of exactly same size and capacity are evacuated and suspended to the two sides of the balance. Firstly, one of the globes is filled with the gas whose V.D. isto be determined. The difference in the weights of empty globe and gas filled globe gives the weight of gas. Similarly, weight of H, gas under similar conditions of temperature and pressure is found. Then. ‘Vapour density (V.D.) of gas wt.of known volume of the gas Eof same volume of H, gas under si conditions of temperature and pressure (eg, NTPorSTP)=(Vyrp of Him mL» 0.00009) Mol. wt. = 2x V.D. wt. of Lem’ or 1 mLH, gasat NTP or STP = 0.00009 g wt. of 1d’ or 1L H, gasat NTP or STP = 1000 x 0.00009 = 0.09 g. Exawece 14, The capacity ofa glass bulb is 45.1 cm’. 0.144 1g of the gas is filled in the bulb at 27°C and 740 mm pressure. Calculate the vapour density and molecular weight of the gas. lar SotuTion. Given conditions: P, =740 mm, V, =45.1 cm’, T,=27 + 273=300 K AENTP: P, = 760 mm, V, = ?, T, = 273 K. BY, ae (Gas law) 740 mm x 45.1 em? x273K SOK STeo am =39-96cm? =39.96 mL wl. of 1 ml H, at NTP = 0.00009 swt. of 39.96 ml H, at NTP = 0.00009 x 39.96 g, =36 x10" g wt.of 39.96 ml gasat NTP WD. = of 39.96 mH, gasat NTP vp, = 48-49 ans. 36x10" g Mol. wt. = 2x V.D=2x40=80 g mol” Ans. Exams 18. 0.246 g ofa gas is filled ina glass globe haciing ‘a capacity of 72 mL at 117°C and 0.987 atm pressure. Calculate the vapour density and molecular weight of the gas. (1 dim H, weighs 0.09 g) ‘SowunoN. Given conditions: P, =0.987 atm, V, L,T, = 117 +273 = 390K. AtNTP: P, A 000 Wt. of 1 dm’ H, at NTI ‘Wt of 0.0497 dm’ H, at NTP = 0.09 g x 0.0497 = 447x107 wt. of 0.0497 dm’ gasat NTP v. wt.of 0.0497 dm’ H, at NTP 02468 55 ans, 44710" +. Mol. w= 2xV.D.=2%55 =110 g mol” Ans. 3. [eal Gas law According to this law = wer PV Where P, V,n, W, M, Rand T represent pressure, volume, 0. of mol, wy mol- wt, gas constantand absolute temperature respectively. R= 0821 Latm K mol Examete 16, 72 cm° of a gas weighing 0.118 g has a pressure of 650 mim at 25°C. Caltuate the molecular weight of the gas PV= oR w RT: latm _ 69 ‘SowuTIOn. P = 690 mmx Fey = 5g atm; a, IL em? x —* = 0072 1000 cm T =25 +273 =298 K; wt. of gas 118 g MOLECULAR WEIGHT 69 Let mol. wt. of gas= M. w WRT We know that : PV=nRT= 47 RT; M =p 0.118 ¢ «0.0821 Latm K" mol” 298K x76 _ 44, 69atmx0.072L, = Mol. wt. of gas = 48:16 g mol” Ans. Exauets 17. Determine the formula sveight ofa gas if 20 g ofthe gas occupies volume of 6 litre at a pressure of 2 atmosphere and a temperature of 27°C. Express your result in gram per mole. (R = 0.0821 litre atm deg’ mot). SC, 1982) ‘Soution. atm, V =6L, R=0.0821 Latm K mol’, ater aOe molwt.M ~ M ~ 20gxRT —w T=27+273=300K,n vietoow tat: ovannt= Yar 20gxRT PV 20g 0.0821 Latm K~ mol” 300K — Qatmx6L 41.05 g mol” Ans. ExanpLe 18. The weight of one litre sample of ozonised axygen at NTP was found to be 1.5 g. When 100 mL of this mixture at NTP were treated with turpentine oil, the volume twas reduced fo 90 ml. Calculate the mol. wt. of zone. (UPSEAT, 1996) Soturion. Wt. of 1 L (= 1000 ml) ozonised oxygen = 15g ;R = 0.0821 Latm K mol, T =273K,P=1atm,V=1L. Since turpentine oil absorbs ozone only, so. Volume of ozone = 10 ml ; Volume of O, M wt ‘Mol. wt. wtxRT = SEAR Mol. wt. of ozonised oxygen 1.58 0.0821 Latm K” mol” x273K Tatm x1 =33.62.g mol” (ii) To find mol. wt. of zone. Volume or mole ratio of O, and ozone = 900 : 100. AL wt. of oxygen = 16 ; mol. wt. of O, = 2x 16 =32g mol. Mol. wt. of ozone = m (say). Hence, @ PV= XRT; Mol. wt. of ozonised oxygen “ (900%32)+(100%m) Mol. wt. of ozonised oxygen = COI TRA" 28800 +100 m 38.62 = —Foqq (3362 x 1000) - 28800 = 100 m 100 m = 4820 ; m = 48.2 Mol. wt. of ozone = 48.2g mol” Ans. 60__ NUMERICAL CHEMISTRY FOR COMPETITIONS 4. Graham's law of diffusion (See Chapter 8) 5. Victor Meyer’s method. The molecular weight of the organic liquid is calculated with the help of following, relation : Mol. wt. w he Tony * 11200 where W = wt, of volatile liquid, Vigrp = volume of air displaced at NTP in mL or em’, 22400 mL or 22400 cm’ is the volume occupied by gram molecular weight of the volatile liquid. [Note. For gases only: Mol. wt. =2* V.D. Exaweuz 19. An organic compound contains 54.54 percent ‘ofcarbon, 9.10 percent ofhydrogen and 36.36 percent of oxygen, 0.11 g of the same compound on vaporisation displaced 20 mL ofair at STP. Find the molecular weight and molecular formula of the compound. asc, 1978) Souumion. Volume of air displaced at STP = 20 mL wt of compound = 0.11 g 20 mL air weighs = 0.11 g 11g x 22400 mL 20m £22400 mL air weighs = Mol. wt. To find empirical formula 132g mol [Element] % age [At wt] Relative wo. | Simple | Whole of atoms ratio. |uo. ratio] =% agelat. wt c |suss | 12 2 sass/12—a.5a5| 25 =4545l 307 a Pe © |3636 | 16 H,0B. F.wt. of CHO =(2x 12) +(4x 1) +16 =44 Molecular formula =n x E. F. Mol.wt _ 1232 ERwt 44— M.F, =3 x GjH,O=C,H,,0, Ans. Exapre 20. na Victor Meyer experiment, 0.062 g of a substance displaced 21.0 mi. of moist air at 27°C and 736.7 mm pressure. Calculate the vapour density and molecular weight of the substance. (wt. of 1 mil Hy at STP = 0.00008 g ; aqueous tension at 27°C = 26.7 mm. 28=3 P= 736.7 -26.7 710 mm, V,=210mL, T, =27+273=300K; P, =760mm, V2 We know that at NTP: 710mm x21mL «273K ‘300K 760mm wt of 17.8 mL of substance VD. = vt of 178 mL of Hy 00628 * 778%.0.00009 ~ 587 Ans. Mol. wt. =2x V.D.= 238.7 = 14g mol" Ans. 0.062.g x 22400 mL 178mL x 22400 = = 78.02 mol” Ans. 7892 _ 39.01 Ans. 2 6.11 AIEEE PATTERN EXAMPLES. Exampte 21, 2 dm’ ofa gas at STP weighs 2.88 g. If 1 dm of H, gas weighs 0.08 g at NTP, the mol. wt. of the gas would be (a) 4g mor (6) 8g mor” (©) 32 mol” (a) 64 g mor Sowumion. 1 dm’ of H, at NTP or STP weighs = 0.09 g,’ of H, at NIP weighs = 0.09 x 2=0.18 g wtof2dm’ gasat NTP V.D. of gas = eo SR BSN wtof2dm’ H, gasatNTP 2.888 018g =" Mol. wt. of gas = 2x V.D. = 2x 16 =32.g mol. So the correct answer is (c) Exampte 22. 5 din’ ofa gas at 14°C and 729 mm pressure weighs 8.96 g. The mol. wt. of the gas is (a) 87 (b) 440 (o) 21.75 @ 17 SoLuTION. Given conditions: P; =729 mm, V,=5dm', 7, = 14 +273 = 287 K AUNTP: — P, = 760mm, V,=?, T, = 273K. = BM BM =P igs The Gaslaw) 729mm x5dm* x273K ° 2 = 987 Kx760mm = 454m 4.56 dm’ of gas at NTP weighs = 8.96 g 896g 4.56dm 440g *. Mol. wt. of gas = 44.0 g mol” Ans. So, the correct answer is (0). Exanpce 23. If atomic weights of zinc and oxygen are 65 ‘amu and 16 amu respectively, the molecular weight of zinc oxide ing mol willbe 22.4 dm’ of gas at NTP weighs x224dm (@) 81g mol (b) 18g mor (0) 81g mol” (a) none of these 1.66%10* g ‘Souron. InZnO: At.wt.ofZn=65amux Tamu x 6.023 x 10 = 65 g (Lamu = 1.66 « 10g) 1.6610 At. wt. of oxygen, O =16amux “~~ 6.023 x10" = 168 2: Mol. wt. of ZnO= At. wt. of Zn + at. Wt of O=65 + 16 = 81g mol ‘Thus the correct answer is (c). Examee 24, The molecular weight of a gascous substance is 80. The volume of the one gram of the gas at 0°C and 720 mm of mercury pressure will be: (a) 295.7 mL. 0.2L (0 03L (a) 397 mL atm SowTion. Volume, = 720. * 555mm 2 = Fe atm; R= 0.0821 L atm K" mol’, T= 0 + 273 = 273K. We know that wrt. w PY =nRT= RT; V= tg 00821LatmK” mol" 9273K 76 ~ §0g mor 72atm or V = 02957 = 02957 x 20M 3957 mL So, the correct answer is (a) Exanee 25. The weight of sulphur dioxide contained in the same volume as that which contains 7.0 ¢ nitrogen is (a) 8g () 16g (©) 32g (a) 643 Soturion. (i) Mol. wt. of Ny = 2x 14 = 28g mol” 28 gN, at NTP occupy volume = 22400 mL 22400mL 28g 5600 mL 5600 mL; mol. wt. of SO, =32-+ (2x 16) =64 g mol 7g Nz at NTP occupy volume x78 Volume of SO, 22400 mL SO, weigh= 64 g 64 5600 mL SO, weigh as x 5600 mL = 16g. So, the correct answer is (6) Examee 26. 1.25 g of the carbonate of a metal on ignition leave a residue of 0.7 g and a gas evolved occupying 312 cm’ at 27°C and 755 mm. The molecular weight of the gas would be (a) 2178 (®) 43.69¢ (©) 87.28¢ (a) 0559. MOLECULAR WEIGHT Souunon. General condition: 27 +273 = 300K. 760 mm, V,=?,7, AM AENTP: P, AM, _ A t qT 755mm x312em* x273K = 300K 760mm — = 22m -of carbonate of metal -wt. of residue 125 g-07 g = 055g 282 mL of gas weigh = 0.55 g 22400 of as weigh = 2 x 22400 = 43.69 g. So, the correct answer is(). Exampce 27. 2.24 cm’ of a gas is produced at NTP by the action of 8.24 mg of alcohol (ROH) on methy! magnesium bromide, The molar mass of alcohol is (a) 92.298 (©) 18458 (0) 369.16 ¢ (d) 249 So.uTion. Reaction : ROH +CH,MgBr— CH, 1+ Mg (OH)Br. 24 000 ® Wt. of ROH (alcohol) = 8.24 mg. . 824 2.24 em’ of CH, is produced from alcohol = Fo & +. 22400 em’ CH, is produced from alcohol 824 = Tap * 22400= 184. 58 g = Molar mass of alcohol So, the correct answer is (b). ExaMPLe28. A compound on analysis rns found to contain £8% sulphur by mass. The least molar mass of that compound will be (a) 32amu (©) 256 amu (©) 400am.0 (@) amu SoLUTION. 8% sulphur in a compound means that : 8 g sulphur is present in a compound = 100 g _ a gelphorispresentina compound = 2042 =400g (~ at. wt. of S=32) Thus, the least molar mass, a compound containing, only one sulphur atom will be 400 a.m.u. So, the correct answer is(c). Exanrte 29. 0.40 g ofchloroplatinate of monoacid base on ignition gave 0.125 g of platinum. The molar mass of the base is (upcpstr, 2010) (a) 214 ¢ mol” (6) 107g mol (©) 214g mol” (a) 12g mol (a. wt. Pt = 195) Soturion. wt. of chloroplatinate = 0.40 g ; wt. of Pt = 0.125 g; Acidity (1) of base 62__ NUMERICAL CHEMISTRY FOR COMPETITIONS. 0.125 g Ptis obtained from chloroplatinate = 0.4 g o4g ons 195gPtisobtained from chloroplatinate: 195g 24 ++ Molar mass of base = 5 [624-410] = 5 x 214 =107 g mol” So, the correct answer is (b). Exante 30, Silver salt ofa dibasic acid weighing 1.8 g _gove 1.08 g of silver. The molar mass of the acid is (a) 166 g mot” () 1.66 g mol (0) 146 g mol” (4) 292 g mol Souution. Basicity (n) of acid = 2; wt of silver salt wt of silver = 1.08 gat wt. of Ag 108 g Agiis present in silver salt= 1.8 g 18 1005 prema insver it= 728-085 - Mole mast acd = Basiy [085-107] =2(180-107)2273= M6 pmo So, the correct answer is (c). Exampte 31.0.45 ¢ ofa diacid base were dissolved in water ‘and the solution zoas made up to 250 mL. 20 mL of this diluted acid required 15 ml of N/25 HCI for complete neutralisation. ‘The molecular weight of the base is (a) 120 ¢ mot () 60 mot (©) 180 ¢ mot (a) none of these Souumion. N,V; (dilute base) = N,V, (HC) 15__ 15 Nxm= txt5 N= pee 250 mL of 35, N solution contains base = 045 g See eee ae 0.45. 500 = 350 “15 * 1000 = 608 g-€q. wt. of base. Mol. wt. of base = Eq. wt. x acidity = 60x 2= 120g mor. So, the correct answer is (a). Exaweue 32. One molecule ofa substance contains 6 carbon ‘atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 1.5936 x 10 g of the third component. The molecular weight of the substance is? (a) 84g mol (b) 180 g mor (0) 84.g mol” (@) 85,5936 x 10 g mol SoLuTiON. The molecule of the substance contains C, H and the third component. Thus : WE of 6 C- atoms = 6x 12=72a.m.u. wt. of 12H-atoms= 12x 1=12amu Since 1 amu = 1.66 x 10 g So, 1.66 x 10™ g of third component 1.5936 x 10 g of third component = 1.5986 x 10° . Total wt. of one molecule of substance 12amu + 96amu Mol. wt. of substance = 180 g mol. Exawpte 33. A plant virus is found to consist of uniform cylindrical particles of 150 A® in diameter and 5000 A long. The specific volume of the virus is 0.75 em’ g°. Ifthe virus is considered to be a simple particle, the molecular weight of the virus will be (a) 108 g mot” (©) 7.095 x 107 g mol” (b) 1.234% 107 g mor (4) 50,000 g mor’ (Modified 117.1999) SovuTion. Volume of virus =m 7 x I; radius 150° _150%10% cm a rr = 75% 10 cm ;length, 5000 « 10% em ; 175 em’ gr. Thus : specific volume of Volumeotviruse 2 575» 10%enj!5000<10%em = 8.839 x10" cm? 8839x107 em? 075em" g "wt. of one virus = 1.178%10"%g, Since g, mol wt. of virus contains virus particles equal to Avogadro's number (= 6.023 x 10"), so we have Mol. wt. of virus = 1.178 x 10° g x 6.023 x 10 = 70950 095 x 107 g mol So, the correct answer is (0). Exanpte 34, An organic compound made of C, H and N, contains 20% nitrogen. Its molecular weight is: (@ 70 (140 (©) 100 (65 (West Bengal JEE, 2009) Souunon, Mol. wtofN, =2x M4=28 g mol” Fororganic compound containing 20% N,: 100 120. 28 =140 20 co Minimum mol. wt of compoui mol’. So, the correct answer is (b). Exaneue 35. 4 bialent metal has an equivalent mass of 32, The molecular mass of the metal nitrate is (a) 168 () 192 (©) 188 (a) 182 (Karnataka CET, 2009) Soturion. Valency of metal = 2; Eq. mas At. mass = Eq. mass x Valency; At. mass = Mol. massof M(NO;),= At. mass of M + 2(At. mass of N) +2. x At. mass of O) = 64 + (2 x 14) +2 (3 x 16) = 188, So, the correct answer is (c). MOLECULAR WEIGHT 63 Exanpue 36. The equivalent mass ofa certain bivalent metal is. 20. The molecular mass ofits anhydrous chloride wil be: (@ 91 om (0) 555 @ 755 (Karnataka, CET, 2012) SotuTion. Let metal = M, Valency =2.o, its anhydrous metal chloride = M Cl. At. wt. of metal = Eq. wt. x Valency = 20 2-= 40. Molecular mass of M Cl, = 40 + (2 « 355) = 111 g mol” So, the correct answer is (i). PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE 1. Chloroplatinate of a monoacid organic base contains 33.4% of Pt Calculate the mol. wt. of the base. (Ans. 86.9 g mol”) 2. 08 g of a silver salt of a dibasic acid gave 0.51 g of ‘metallic silver. Find the molar mass of acid. (Ans. 1248 g mor) 3. 0.24 g of adibasic acid required 30 mL of 0.1 N NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the molar mass of the acid. (Ans. 160 g mol) 4. A diacid base weighing 0.12 g required 10 mL of seminormal HCI for complete neutralisation. Find the molar mass of base. (Ans. 24g mol). 5. 1300 mL of a gas weighs 0.368 g at NTP, what will be its mol. wt.? (and K-CET, 2010) @z75¢ (0) 300g (310g (1758 (Ans. (@)) 6, 0.056 dm’ of a gas weighs 0.073 g at 25°C and 750 mm. pressure. Find the molar mass of the gas. (Ans. 32.7 g mor) 7. The capacity of a glass bulb is 36 cm’ at 107°C and 1.1 atmospheric pressure. If weight of gas filled is 0.123 g, calculate the vapour density and molecular weight of the gas. (1 dm’ of H, weighs 0.09 g) (Ans. 36,72.g mo) 8, 36.0 mL of a gas weighing 0.059 g has a pressure of 350 mm at 25° C. Calculate the molecular weight of the gas. (Ans. 43.5 g mol) 9.0.4 L of a gas weighs 0.57 g at N-TP. Calculate the| mol. wt. of gas. (Ans. 31.92 g mol) 10. In a Victor Meyer experiment, 0.054 g of a substance| displaced 20.8 mL of moist air at 27°C and 7557 mm| pressure. Calculate the vapour density and molecular| ‘weight of the substance. (wt. of 1 mL H, at NTP, £00009 g; aqueous tension at 27°C = 267 mm). (Ans. 66.0 g mol)

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