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A Quantitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Pagalanggang, Dinalupihan, Bataan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Aguilar, Kyla C.
Capulong, Sarvia R.
Malit, Junnita Ann A.
Nicolas, Alecks M.
Payumo, Jessica B.
Yalung, Ronnel L.

Grade 12- HUMSS

Misty B. Dela Cruz

Research Adviser

January 09, 2019


With deepest gratitude and apprecia

.tion, we humbly give thanks to the people who helped us in the completion of this thesis.

First and foremost, the researchers would like to offer their sincerest gratitude to Ms. Heidi

Liza F. De Mesa for her guidance and motivation throughout the study,

To our family Capulong, Aguilar, Malit, Nicolas and Yalung Family for their unending

love and support for providing all our needs financially and morally, for their patience and

understanding during our tiring days .

To all our advisers, Ms. Rodylie C. Calimlim, Ms. Misty B. Dela Cruz, and Ms. Melanie

Cortez for their guidance and support throughout the study. We thank them for their time in helping

us during this research.

To all our friends and classmates who never get tired of reminding us that we can do it and

encourage us to finish our work as well as for helping us in making this thesis a possible one.

To the Senior High School Students of Pagalanggang National High School for giving their

time and effort to answer the questionnaire for this study as the respondents.

Above all, to our Lord God Almighty, for His unconditional love and for the blessings He

is showering upon us each day. We thank Him for guiding us during our thesis days and for making

everything possible for all of us. For the provision and wisdom, He bestowed upon us. By His

grace, we were able to finish this research paper.



We dedicate this research to our Lord God Almighty. Our creator, provider and source of

wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We also dedicate this research to our parents, relatives,

friends, teachers and our classmates. Also, we dedicate this research to our Alma Mater,

Pagalanggang National High School. Lastly we dedicate this research to our very own section, 12-




Self- esteem by definition is an important component of emotional health. It encompasses

both self- confidence and self- acceptance. It is the way individuals perceive themselves and their

self-value. Self- esteem is shaped by what they think and feel about themselves and a leading

emotion of feeling for approximating their “Ideal Self”, the self they would like to be. Teenagers

who have a high self- esteem can balance handling conflicts, resisting negative pressures, and

making friends. They laugh and smile more even the situation is worst. They have optimistic view

of the world and the life. (Marmot 2003)

According to Jacobs (2009), individuals who has a low emotional intelligence have a low

self-esteem. They have difficult in dealing with problems, overly self-critical and can become

passive withdrawn and depressed. Some teenagers with self-esteem might levitate to try new thing,

might speak negatively about themselves, easily frustrated and often see temporary problem as

permanent conditions. They are pessimistic about themselves and their life.

In this situation, self-esteem acted an important role in building oneself. A lot of factors

can affect the self-esteem of individuals. Two of this are the personal related factors and school

related factors. School can influence their student’s self-esteem through the attitudes they foster

competition, cultural diversity and their recognition of achievement in academic performance or

even in sport and arts. According to Votta (2003), the studies shown that most of the teenagers are

spending more times with their friends than spend doing homework, watching television and

playing alone with gadgets. Similarly to Erikson’s theory of Psychosocial Development stated that
in the fifth stage of development it is considered as adolescence which is 13 to 18 years old

develops Identity vs. Role Confusion. This is the time for their curiosity and exploration in

choosing what they want. Also Erikson claims that adolescents may feel uncomfortable about their

self for a while until they can adapt and grow into changes.

In addition, both boys and girls expend inordinate amounts of time and energy on personal

grooming, spending long period of time in the bathroom, trying to achieve a certain kind of lock.

Fitting with their peers becomes more important than ever to their self esteem. Peer acceptance,

especially friendships provides a wide range of learning and development opportunities. This

includes companionship, recreation, social skills, and participating in group problem solving.

Teenager’s self-esteem is often affected by the physical and hormonal changes they experience,

especially during puberty. They usually extremely concerned about how they look and how they

are perceived and accepted their peers.

The researchers choose this topic not because it is common nowadays, but because the

students should know the relationship of self-esteem towards academic performance of the

students and for parents to become more concerned about the self-esteem of their children. The

future researchers who will also have the same research can use this as their basis for information.

It will also help the school to implement programs and counseling based on its result. And lastly,

the main target of this study is to enlighten the minds of the students to their current situation

which is very common today and is being experienced at this age by the specific age group

addressed in this study.

Background of the Study

According to Trzesniew et. al., (2006) self-esteem is based on how we feel when we look

in the mirror or talk about ourselves. Self-esteem is knowing we are worthy of love, respect and

accepting ones limitations or boundaries. Self- esteem is individual’s feelings and achievements.

Healthy self-esteem is important because it gives people the courage to try new things and to

manipulate the mind. It also leads to respecting each other’s ideas, beliefs, and thoughts. Healthy

self-esteem helps human make awesome decision and choices about their current situation.

However, this study wants to know the relationship of self-esteem towards academic

performance of the students at Pagalanggang National High School.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the ‘’RELATIONSHIP OF SELF-



2019’’ the study aims to seek the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents to be describe in terms of;


1.2Se: and

1.3 Grade and Strand

2. What is the General Weighted Average of Senior High School student at Pagalanggang

National High School during the 1st semester of the current academic year?

3. How self-esteem relates towards academic performance of Senior High School Students


3.1 Physical Self-Esteem;

3.2 Social Self-Esteem;

3.3 Emotional Self-Esteem; and

4. What are the implications of the study?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

Students. The results will provide the students additional knowledge and understanding

about the relationship of self-esteem towards academic performance. It will give the students a

realization that having a self-esteem is important. This study will also help the students to evaluate


Teachers. This study will help the teachers on how to deal with their students. It can also

help motivate them.

Parents. This study will benefit the parents by having an information about their children

and be concerned about the self-esteem of their children in order to avoid criticism.

School Administration. The result will be great basis about the relationship of self-esteem

towards academic performance of the student. It can also help them in creating and implementing

rules, programs and counseling sessions about self-esteem based on the results of this study.

Department of Education. DepEd can inform the students and give better program on

awareness about the relationship of self-esteem towards academic performance of students.

Future Researchers. They can use the findings of this research for their own studies as a


Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study is focused in the “Relationship of Self-Esteem towards Academic Performance

of Senior High School Students at Pagalanggang National High School, School Year 2018-2019”
The senior high school students from grade 11 to grade 12 were selected as respondents to have

a concise and detailed presentation of the data needed to make a comprehensive and relevant data.

The study will employ mixed method to know other dimension of the student’s perspective.

This research will use universal sampling method in determining the total population of

respondents. The researchers conducted the study during the second semester of Senior High

School Students in the current academic year. The study will cover the profile of the respondents

such as sex and age. The study will be conducted at Pagalanggang National High School. The

students from other schoosl in Dinalupihan, Bataan are not included.

Notes in Chapter I

Erikson, E.H (1968). Identity. Youth and Crisis. New York: Norton

Leary, M. R., Haupt, A. L., Strausser, K. S., &Chokel, J. T ( 1998).

Calibrating the sociometer: The Relationship between interpersonal appraisals and the state self-

esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1290-1299

Leary, M. R., Cottrell, C. A., &Philips, M. (2001) Deconfounding the effects of dominace and

social acceptance on self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,81,898-909.

Leary,M. R., Gallagher, B., Fors, E., Buttermore, N., Baldwin, E., Kennedy, K., & Mills, A.

(2003). The invalidity of the effects of social feedback on self-esteem and Personality And

Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 623-636.

Marmot, Michael, “ Self-esteem and Health: Autonomy, Self-esteem, and health are linked

together.”British medical journal 327( September 13, 2003). 574-575

Votta, Elizabeth, and Ian G. Manion“ Factors in the Psychological Adjustment of homeless

adolescent males: The Role of Coping style.” 42 (July 2003) “ Childhood Education

(Midsummer 2004) 269-291

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