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Heidegger’s Concept of Technology

The advent of human civilization depends on the growing forth of the technologies.
People create the technologies to make their life good. However, because of chasing
the good life by the technology, people may destroy the excellence of nature in the

Hiedegger states that technology is a mode of revealing. By the use of these

technologies, we can manipulate things, we can control the nature, and it serves
protection to us. But as Heidegger states in his article, nature must not be put in a box
and control it but let the nature shows itself and we must interact with it. Heidegger also
mentioned about aletheia and poiesis. Aletheia means unhiddenes. Through technology,
everything in nature was revealed. Typhoons are predicted to come and people are
warned to be ready. In this case it is said to be a useful thing for protection. It is
mentioned also the poiesis, that defined as bringing forth. It is the bringing of new
modern technologies to the future. Heidegger also explained the human person
swallowed by technology. He states that humans do not really call the shots on this
Earth. If we allow ourselves to get swallowed by modern technologies, we lose the
essence of who we are as beings in this world. Heidegger has a point, we should not
get attached to these modern technologies because it would remove the essence in us
as a human being in this world.

Heidegger’s concept about technology is such a meaningful article for every reader.
This is to enlighten our minds about the effects of these technologies to a human
person. We don’t actually need these technologies. We need to appreciate the nature at
its best.

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