A New Friend

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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at


Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: GOT7
Relationship: Mark Tuan/Jackson Wang
Character: Mark Tuan, Jackson Wang, Kim Yugyeom, Park Jinyoung | Jr., Choi
Additional Tags: Jackson is a puppy, Spin off of That Strange Cat, Slow Build,
complicated feelings, Mark's friend's aren't helpful, Eventual
Romance, Friends to Lovers
Series: Part 2 of Hybrids
Stats: Published: 2017-01-24 Chapters: 1/? Words: 1490

A New Friend
by ohhhkenneth, PandaxoxoDragon


Mark Tuan is your every day normal twenty-three year old. He goes to work every day
and hangs out with his friends when he can. Except for one fact. He's a little lonely. And
his friends happen to feel the need to help him. Which is why they have him go to a
adoption center for hybrids. And that's where he meets Jackson.


See the end of the work for notes

Mark stared up at the building he was currently standing in front of, hesitating as he thought about
backing out. The thought about having a hybrid terrified him a little due to the fact that he would
have to be taking care of a half human half animal while he could barely even take care of

But he knew that he had to do this, one reason is the fact that he was rather curious, and another
reason being that his friends would most probably disown him if he showed up without a hybrid

Mark groaned softly and lifted his head up from his bed, blinking up at the three figures standing
over top of him. Youngjae, Jinyoung and Yugyeom were giving him similar glares as they waited
for him to arise from his blanket cave.

"What?" Mark grumbled, sitting up and ruffling his hair as he yawned.

"Get up. You're going to the adoption center today. And you're not backing out like last time,
hyung. You need to have someone else in your life so you're not wasting away." Jinyoung stated,
dropping a card of the adoption center's address on it in his hand.

Taking a deep breath, Mark finally forced himself to walk up the stairs and into the building.
Looking around, Mark realized that it was a lot different than it looked from the outside. It was
like a five star hotel with the way it looked in the building.

"Hello! Welcome to Paradise Adoption Center. I'm Park Jimin, how may I assist you?" An orange
haired male asked as he approached Mark, an eye smile appearing.

"Um, I'm new to the whole hybrid thing. So, could you walk me through everything?" Mark
asked, feeling a little stupid for not really having any knowledge on the whole thing.

Jimin smiled again, nodding his head as he grabbed a binder from the desk that was to the right to
them, motioning for Mark to follow him as he started walking.

"We have a variety of hybrids. We have cats, dogs, rabbits, tigers, and foxes. I myself prefer the
rabbits. You for instance look like a dog person. So would you like to see the dog hyrbids?" Jimin
looked at him, motioning towards the dog hybrid area.

Not knowing what to say to the information, Mark could only nod and follow Jimin over to where
they held the hybrids. Looking around, Mark noticed that they had different themes based on
which hybrid they had.

Upon entering the room of the dog hybrids, Mark was immediately hit with excited yells from a
certain area. He didn't know which area it was coming from, but he figured he would find out

"Alright, so we have Hyungwon and Hoseok over there. They're an excited bunch. Ricky over
here. He's a bit on the quieter side." Jimin's voice seemed to fade out as Mark looked towards the
end of the room, noticing a dog hybrid that was looking at him with the biggest eyes.

Blinking, Mark moved toward the hybrid, which Jimin seemed to notice as he followed Mark to
where the hybrid was.

"That's Jackson. He was dropped off here a couple weeks ago, having been rescued from a shady
adoption center back in Hong Kong. We haven't really been able to get him to interact much, but
I'm sure he's got an exciting personality." Jimin explained, a small smile on his face.

Mark nodded at the explanation, only to really tune Jimin out again as he made eye contact with
Jackson. There was an almost playful yet obvious hesitation hint to his eyes. His ears flicking back
and forth for a couple seconds before laying flat against his head, almost as if he wasn't too sure
about Mark.

"I'll take him." Mark announced at last, a smile appearing as Jackson tilted his head curiously.

"Okay. I'll have one of the other employee's get him ready while you do some paperwork." Jimin
smiled and motioned for Mark to follow him again.

Mark gave Jackson a smile again before following Jimin from the room, walking towards an
office area behind the reception desk in the lobby. Wringing his hands slightly, he sat down in one
of the chair's and waited for Jimin to do something else, feeling like a lost kid almost.

"Okay. All you have to do is fill out this information and also include if you're okay with a house
check every few months just to make sure you're taking good care of Jackson." Jimin said, putting
a form down on the table in front of Mark.

With a nod, Mark picked up a pen and filled out the information as needed, signing it when he
was finished.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, are hybrids allowed to do what we normally do?" Mark asked
curiously, looking at Jimin.

"Yes. We've worked hard to get the government to allow hybrids to have civil rights just like the
rest of us. And if they want to, the hybrids can get jobs. But most don't because they're afraid of
what people will do to them." Jimin explained.

Mark nodded, and as he was about to ask another question, he was interrupted by the door
opening. Turning his head, he noticed another employee come into the room with Jackson in tow.

"He's ready to go. And this is his favorite blanket by the way. He insisted on taking it." The man
announced, handing Mark the blanket with a smile.

"Thank you." Mark smiled his thanks and stood up, standing next to Jackson.

"Before you go, here's my number. Just call if you need any more help." Jimin chuckled, giving
Mark a piece of paper with his number on it.

Mark nodded in thanks again and looked at Jackson, smiling awkwardly at him before walking
out of the office, the hybrid in tow. The two left the building and upon getting to the car, Mark
stopped when he noticed Jackson staring at the car.

"Oh. Sorry." Mark apologized, wondering if Jackson was even familiar with things like this.

Opening the passenger side door of the car, he motioned for the hybrid to get in and Jackson did
so obediently, looking around with wide, wonderous eyes.

'Cute.' Mark thought to himself with a smile before he got into the driver's side and started the car,
driving away from the building.

"My name is Mark, so you can call me that if you want. I don't really have much at my house, but
I figured that I'd take you shopping tomorrow." Mark announced, glancing at Jackson out of the
corner of his eye.

When the hybrid didn't say anything, Mark took to the silence naturally, knowing that Jackson
probably wasn't too comfortable enough to open up to Mark right away.

Arriving at the house a couple minutes later, Mark was relieved that his friend's cars weren't
parked in the driveway. He wasn't ready for them to bombard him about the adoption, and he was
sure Jackson really wouldn't want to be ambushed right now as well.

Mark got out of the car and went around to open the passenger door for Jackson, smiling as he
climbed out. He motioned for the hybrid to follow him and he walked up to the door, unlocking it
before pushing it open and walking inside.

"Well, this is your new home now. Feel free to do whatever, just don't break anything. That's the
kitchen, feel free to get anything when you're hungry or thirsty." Mark introduced the house as he
walked through.

"That's my room, and over here is the guest room, which is now your room." Mark added,
motioning to both rooms with a smile.

He opened the door to Jackson's room and allowed him to go in and look around, chuckling softly
at the obvious curiosity. He really was adorable.

"I guess that's it for now. So you can go ahead and do your own thing if you want." Mark
mumbled, biting his lip as the awkwardness of having a new person in the house settled in his

Before he could leave the room though, Jackson turned around and grabbed hold of Mark's wrist,
looking at him with big eyes.

"Can I just be with you for now?" Jackson questioned, speaking for the first time.

Mark chuckled softly and nodded, reaching forward to ruffle his hair gently as he turned to go to
the office area at the back hall.

"Sure, I don't mind that at all." He said over his shoulder, glancing behind him to see a hint of a
smile appear on Jackson's face.

Mark knew that it would a lot taking care of someone else other than himself, especially a hybrid,
but the more he was around Jackson, the more he found him interesting. So he was extremely
happy that his friend's told him to go to the adoption center.

End Notes

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