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A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek


Theoretical background

In this part, the previous project is needed to be a reference in the

execution of this final project. Due to there is no previous work founded, here is

one similar project that have been done formerly. This project was created by Irva

Aini (2014) entitled “The Process in Making Dual Language Brochure about

Tourism in Tanah Datar”. However this project use translation method precisely,

since the Source Language (SL) already exists then transferred into the Target

Language (TL). Different from that concept, this final projet will focus on writing

brochure. So, here is some steps to be done before getting a well tourism

brochure. Those steps are Writing which has definition, process, type and aspect

that should be passed. There will be explanation for brochure itself too.

Definition of Writing. According to Nunan (2003:88), Writing is the

mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and

organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader. In

addition, Peha (2006:71) states that Writing is the communication of content for a

purpose to an audience. Then, Brown (2007) also emphasized that writing is an

ability that cannot produced naturally. Writing is often viewed as a result of the

thinking, drafting, and revising process that requires particular skills.

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

Therefore in writing, we need to think first, how to express and

communicate our idea into a paragraph or statement, so that well organize to a

reader or audience.

Writing Process. According to Harmer (2004), there are 4 steps which are

needed in the process of writing.

The first step is Planning, start to plan something to write. Then, making

detailed notes or jotted a few words for all the things that which have planned.

There are 3 main issues raised in the planning stage. The first place is to consider

the Purpose of writing since this will influence; Type of the text, the language

used, and the information chosen to include. Secondly, think about the target

Audience of writing since this will influence; The shape of the writing, choice of

language whether it is formal or informal in tone. Thirdly, consider the Content

Structure, how to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments which have decided to


The second step is Drafting. In this step, the first version of a piece of

writing can be used as a draft and will be amended later. Also a number of drafts

may be produced on the way to the final version, since the writing process

proceeds into editing.

The third step is Editing. In this step, the draft that have written is going to

read to see where it works and where it doesn’t. Perhaps the order of the

information is not clear, ambiguous or confusing. The writer may then move

paragraph around or use a different form of words for a particular sentence.

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

The fourth step is Final Draft, where a number of drafts have edited and

making changes to be necessary, then the final version produced.

Types of Writing. According to Callella (2001) There are five main types

of writing: Expository, Descriptive, Narrative, Persuasive, and Creative.

First, Expository writing is where the author intends to inform, explain,

describe or define their subject to you. This is the most common type of writing

you will find in the text books and online. As the author is mostly trying to tell

you all about the subject, their opinions are left out leaving you with facts and

figures instead of trying to defend or support an example of expository

writing is “How-to” articles, where the author explaining how to build or do

something yourself.

Second, Descriptive writing uses a lot of great visual words to help you

see the person, place or thing they are writing about. The writing can be poetic at

times, and explain things in great detail. When you are reading descriptive writing

you feel as if you are there or can actually picture in your mind what they are

describing, metaphors, similes, and symbols are often used in descriptive writing.

Third, Narrative writing is very common in novels, poetry and

biographies. The author put themselves in their characters and write as if they

were that person. They tell life stories and involve plots and storylines. Narrative

is fun to read because you can replace the author with yourself and it will seem as

if the story is happening to you.

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

Fourth, Persuasive writing takes on the opinion of the writer or issue the

writer is writing for. This is considered biased material and is most often found in


Fifth, Creative writing is perhaps the most fun type of writing. Anything

you think up in your head can be turned into creative writing. Creative writing is

often thought provoking, entertaining and more interesting to read than persuasive

writing. Short stories, poetry, novels and plays often fall into the creative writing

category. It doesn’t necessarily need to follow any line of facts, just as long as it’s

interesting to read.

In short, writing has many types based on the purpose and when it

commonly used. Therefore in writing brochure, Persuasive writing is an

appropriate step to engage and persuade reader to see the material available. Due

to the brochure will be in an informal form, the combination between Persuasive

and Creative writing is needed to produce a fun-readable content.

Aspect of Writing. There are five aspects of writing that stated by Jacob

et al (1981:90). Those aspect are: Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language

use, and Mechanic.

First, Content, it refers to substance of writing, the experience of the main

idea unity), i.e., groups of related statements that a writer presents as unit in

developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of conveying ideas rather

than fulfilling special function of transition, restatement, and emphasis.

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

Second, Organization, it refers to the logical organization of the content

(coherence). It contains sentences that are logically arranged and flow smoothly.

Logical arrangement refers to the order of the sentences and idea.

Third, Vocabulary, it refers to the selection of words those are suitable

with the content. It begins with the assumption that the writer want to express the

ideas clearly and directly as he can. As a general rule, clarity should be his prime

objective. Choosing words that express his meaning is precisely rather than skew

it or blur it.

Fourth, Language use, it refers to the use of the correct grammatical and

syntactic pattern on separating, combining, and grouping ideas in word, phrases,

clauses and sentences to bring out logical relationships in paragraph writing.

Fifth, Mechanic, it refers to use graphic conventional of the language, i.e.,

the steps of arranging letter, words sentences, paragraphs by using knowledge of

structure and some others related to one other.

Harris (1979:68-69) also emphasized that writing contains five

components but with a thin different kinds, namely: Content, Form, Grammar,

Style and Mechanics.

First, Content, it is the substance of writing; the expression of the main

idea (unity). Second, Form, it is related to the logical organization of the content

(coherence). Third, Grammar, it is related to the usage of the correct grammatical

form and syntactic patterns. Fourth, Style, it is related to the choice of structure
A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

and lexical items to give a particular tone or flavor to the writing. Fifth,

Mechanics, it is concerned with the use of graphic convention of the language.

In short, there are several aspects to be paid attention in writing. So, the

concepts stated by Jacob et al are prefered due to can compose a perfect writing

and more completed.

Definition of Brochure, According to Molina and Esteban (2006) define a

brochure as a form of printed promotional material designed to communicate with

existing or potential tourists. Hsieh and O’Leary (1993) also found brochures to

be the third most commonly used information source by travelers following two

forms of interpersonal communication.

In short, Brochure is one of the media that used for promotion and or

providing information for tourists in communicating their needs of travel, as well

as for other fields.

Types of Brochure, According to Hartsook (2010:1) there are 2 types of

Basic Brochure Design which are Advertoria and Informational brochure.

First, Advertoria Brochure, this brochure attracts attention and plays on

the emotions of the customers. It compels people to pick it up and read it. It has an

attention getting tagline or headline. It contains lots of white space and short

bullets or points, rather than long paragraphs. Included is a call to action that asks

the customer to make an order, a phone call, come on down, clip a coupon, mail a

reply card or some other action that puts you and the customer in contact. This

brochure is the appetizer of your business.

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

Second, Informational Brochure, this brochure is the main course. This

is for the customer who learned of your company and has requested more

information. Unlike advertorial brochures, informational brochures can be

crammed with information.

So, for the business itself, if you can only afford to do one style at this

point to promote your product or service, it is recommended to use an advertorial

brochure that will attract the attention of customers compared to informational

brochures that contain a mountain of information that will not read by the

potential customer. In short, Informational brochures aimed at the things that are

detail and describe the product, service, or institution clearly defined, in the

purpose to provide understanding to the reader or customer.

Steps of Making Brochure, In this section there are 5 steps in terms of

making brochures.

First, Concepting (Outline), According to Newsom and Haynes (2008) an

effective concept is one that helps you to organize words, visuals, color and space

so they work well together to tell your story in a way that gets and holds the

attention of your readers. Firstly, you need a simple message statement that

become a basis for a creative concept. The concept has to include some

symbolism for conveying the message. Then you need a headline that

encapsulates the message. A good concept are easy to attract the attention,

complete and urge the reader to send or to call for further information. Friedmann

(2006) also emphasized that the first formal document you create in scriptwriting
A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

process is called a concept or an outline. It is primarily an idea in a nutshell from

which script in all its detail will grow.

Second, Background Research and Investigation, According to

Friedmann (2006), part of process of writing brochure often involves background

research or investigation of the subject. Sometimes it is the beginning of the

creative thinking process. Sometimes it is in the middle. You might have to

research background information in order to devise your content. There are two

things included in terms of research or material collecting which are Interviewing

and Location Research. Interviewing is the important thing in doing research,

because some people are another source of information and experts in their field.

Sometimes, you need to interview someone who represents a certain class of

people. An interview can be conducted by telephone and internet, as well as in

person. Whatever the method, it is also critical to record the interview accurately

with an audio or video recording device. Location Research, in making brochure,

location research is very important. Rather than write and create locations

searches, it often makes sense to research the locations first because they give you

ideas for visuals.

Third, Writing the content. As mentioned before, the content refers to the

writing process according to Harmer (2004). There are 4 steps needed in the

process of writing the content which are : Planning, Drafting, Editing and Final

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

Fourth, Designing the brochure. In this stage to pour the content that was

written before, it is needed to using design application such as Adobe Photoshop,

Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and etc. Moreover, there are several strategies and

things that must be considered to produce a good brochure. According to

Kristianto (2008) there are two contents of strategy in designing a brochure. They

are Visual Strategic as Verbal and Visual Strategic as Non verbal.

Visual Strategy as Verbal covers Headline, Body Copy, Slogan and

Closing words. First, Headline, Pujiriyanto (2005:38) states that Headline is the

title that can attract attention. The headline must be expressive, emphatic, concise,

and clear. The function is to attract the people to read more about the content.

Second, Body Copy, Pujiriyanto (2005:39) states that Body copy is sentences that

explain in detail about the content of message, serves to direct the reader to take a

stand, think and action. Body copy must be made creatively and communicative

that shows the facts and pictures. Third, Slogan, According to Kristianto

(2008:34) Slogan is the main point of message which want to delivered.

Widyatama (2011:117) also states that slogan is phrase or motto used as the

expression of idea or purpose that contain special meaning and also easy to

remember. Basically, the slogan must be communicative with simple and light

words, so that the message delivered clearly to the reader. Fourth, Closing

Words, Pujiriyanto (2005:41) states that closing words is a short, simple, clear

and honest sentence that purpose to give the readers direction to make a decision.

Moreover, Kristianto (2008:35 states that closing words or baseline is usually

contain brand name and company contact (contact details).

A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

Visual strategic as Non verbal covers Format of Design, Illustration,

Layout, Logo, Typography and Color. First, According to Pujiriyanto (2005:99)

states that Format of design used in the brochure includes several things which

are Four pages, Four pages roll, Six pages accordion, Eight folds roll, Eight

accordion folds, Eight map folds, Eight pages door folds, Eight pages parallel

folds, Twelve pages fold printed in both of side, Sixteen pages widen printed in

both of side, Sixteen pages booklet that bounded in sewing, Twenty four pages

booklet that bounded in sewing, and Thirty two pages booklet full bound.

Furthermore, he also argued that the brochure usually uses text paper that

is available in some textures and colors. The size is 62,5 x 9,5 cm. Based on Aart

Design (2013), A brochures is generally a standard-size sheet of paper that has

been folded lengthwise two times to create four panels (bi-fold) or folded three

times to create six panels (tri-fold). A brochure can be printed on either A4 or A5


There are many formats in creating brochure design, So, the type and size

of paper can be adjusted based on the content that will be contained in the

brochure itself.

Second, Illustration, Pujiriyanto (2005:42) states that illustration can be

an image, photo, and so on. Illustration can be produced through hand drawing

and photography. Third, Layout, Pujiriyanto (2005:71) states that layout is a

preliminary sketches design to illustrate the organization of graphic

communication elements that will be included. Then, there are roles of design to
A Writing Project of Making Tourism Brochure of Nagari Pandai Sikek

make a layout: Balance, Proportion and Unity. Fourth, Logo, Pujiriyanto

(2005:40) states that Logo is an identity of company or institution or a product

that made as simply and communicative. It is also use letter and picture. Fifth,

Typography, Kristianto (2008:35) states that the design of typoghraphy is based

on consideration of the design style, function and also the character of fonts that

used. Sixth, Color, Kristianto (2010:38) states that color is important thing in

promoting the media. The color has its own characteristics, which would give the

impression and certain philosophy to a product.

Fifth, Distribution. After doing the designing process the last stage is

Distribution. According to Newsom and Haynes (2008) the way you distribute a

brochure may influence its overall design. Of course, if your brochure will be

distributed from racks, as in waiting room, travel agent and more public place,

your concerns is that the size will fit readily into such display racks. Then, if your

brochure will be in digital form or loaded onto a website or distributed via email,

converting your brochure into digital images is an additional option.

The Principles to Design a Brochure, According to Hartsook (2010)

there are several things that must be considered in designing a brochure, which

are: Do not use more than nine or ten lines of type per paragraph, Do not average

more than two or three sentences per paragraph, Do not indent paragraphs that

have a space between them, do not start sentences with numbers, Do not put two

spaces after periods if using a computer, Do not use underline or all capitals as a

way to stress a point. Use bold or italics instead and all capitals sparingly as they

are hard for people to read.

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