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(University of the City of Manila)

Intramuros, Manila



PCM 0006 Purposive Communication (3 Units )

Name of Faculty : _____________________________ Schedule : ____________________________________

A. Course Description :

Purposive communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes. It is a three-unit course that develops students’ communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them with opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience
in both local and global contexts. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance
of conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines, and their
future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual, and/or web-based outputs for various purposes.

B. Course Objectives
The course aims to:

1. describe the nature, elements, and functions of verbal and nonverbal communication in various and multicultural contexts;
2. explain how cultural and global issues affect communication;
3. determine the use of culturally appropriate terms, expressions, and images;
4. evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive listening, reading, and viewing skills;
5. summarize the principles of academic text structure.

1. convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and/or web-based presentations for different target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate registers;
2. create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials;
3. present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial expressions, and gestures;
4. write and present academic papers using appropriate tone, style, conventions, and reference styles.

1. adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity strategies in communicating ideas;
2. appreciate the difference of varieties of spoken and written languages;
3. adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas;
4. appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world.
Name of Faculty : _____________________________ Schedule : ___________________________________________________________

Learning Outcome Topic/s Methodology Resources Assessment/s Output

Discuss the course content, Course Orientation Presentation and discussion of the LCD projector Graded Recitation
One - paragraph reaction on the course
requirements, grading course syllabus content and requirements
system, and the VMO Vision
of the – Mission / Objectives of CHASS / paper and pen
College and University University Discussion of the grading system
and course requirements white board / marker


Describe the nature , elements and Communication processes, Lecture / Class discussion LCD projector Quizzes / Seat works Group output
functions of verbal and principles and ethics
paper and pen
nonverbal communication in Group Presentation
(Audio-visual presentation on
various and multicultural Elements and types of white board / marker
contexts communication Games the importance of
Audio /video clips of various media (e.g. TV communication derived from
commercials, movies, newscasts, etc.)
Elements of communication in the topics discussed)
various texts
Texts from newspaper , magazines , journals

Web resources :
1. Communication in the Real
World: An Introduction to
Communication Studies

2. Verbal Communication Styles and


Reflective Journal Entry No.

Explain how cultural and Communication and globalization Class discussion LCD projector Reflective Journal 1 (Blog-form)
global issues affect Entry No. 1 (Blog-
paper and pen
communication Blog Article: Communication Changes the form)
World white board / marker
Appreciate the impact Videos :
Article : Communication Changes the World
of communication on society
Connected but alone
and the world How Social Media can make history
Wiring a web for global good
Videos : TED talk
Determine culturally Local and global communication in Lecture and LCD projector Quiz Research and report on various cultural
appropriate terms , multicultural settings class discussion and intercultural modes of
paper and pen
expressions , and images ● Films or videos showing Answering exercises communication ( e.g.
(sensitivity to gender , race , different speakers from white board / marker words/gestures used in a
class etc. ) various regions Interview session particular region or country
(invited speakers / students) Invited multilingual speakers
communicating in multi to show respect ) and/.or
lingual setting Films or videos showing different speakers in a various issues in
Adopt a cultural and ● Invitation of multi lingual multilingual setting communication ( e.g. use of
intercultural awareness and speakers politically correct words in
sensitivity in communication Web resources : today’s world; gender
of ideas Varieties and registers of spoken TED talk “Pop culture in the sensitivity through language
and written language Arab world”

Reflective Journal Entry no. 2

press .com

http://www.really –learn – –


which-variety-english-should –you- speak

Evaluate multimodal texts

Evaluating messages and /or images of Lecture and class discussion on LCD projector Answering exercises
Invitation of people to join cause-
critically to enhance different types of texts reflecting critical reading and listening on analyzing content oriented events using
receptive (listening, reading, different cultures (regional, Asian, paper and pen of various texts various media such as email
viewing) skills Western, etc.) , social media , print and
1. What is the message ? Analyzing content of various white board / marker /or electronic
2. What is the purpose of the texts advertisements
Convey ideas through oral , message ? Authentic texts about cultural sensitivity from
audio-visual , and /or web - 3. How is the message various media : text message , email messages ,
based presentations for conveyed by the text and/or social media messages , newspaper, magazine and
different target audiences in image ? journal articles , print and electronic advertisements
local and global settings Web resources :
using appropriate registers 4. Who is the target audience of the
5. What other ways of
Adopt awareness of audience presenting the message are
and context in presenting there? cultural -services/articles/cultural -sensitivity.html

Convey ideas through oral

, aids and strategies using Lecture / LCD projector
audio-visual , and /or web - tools of technology Class discussion Informational/ Campaign Video
based presentations for ● Audio –visual and web- paper and pen Group presentation presentation
different target audiences in based presentations
local and global settings Group work white board marker
using appropriate registers
Work-based activities Texts , video /audio clips from various sources

Adopt awareness of audience Web resources :

and context in presenting
ideas http://creatingmultimodaltetxs .com

“The world’s worst research presentation “

Key software applications


Convey ideas through oral , Communication for Various Lecture /Discussion LCD projector Analysis of sample texts
audio-visual , and /or web - Purposes Text Analysis
based presentations for Paper and pen
Attendance in a Scientific Forum
different target audiences in ● Informative, persuasive
local and global settings and argumentative White board marker Reflective Journal entry no. 3
using appropriate registers communication
● Types of Speeches and Sample texts (laboratory reports, conference paper,
reate clear, coherent , and effective Public Speaking project proposals)
communication materials ( Read , Memorized , Impromptu
and Extemporaneous ) Web resources :
● Inquiry letter, interview ,
resent ideas persuasively using response to queries ,
appropriate language, tone , incident reports
facial expressions and
gestures effective communication
Adopt awareness of audience
and context in presenting
Video :
“The most important cannot be said”
By : Eddie Calasanz at

reate clear , coherent , and effective Communication for work purposes Lecture LCD projector Writing samples of
Laboratory/ Technical Reports
communication materials ● Effective communication workplace documents
Paper and pen
and oral presentations in Group reporting Project Proposal
resent ideas persuasively using the workplace White board marker
appropriate language , tone , ● Different communication Analysis of different Peer Review
facial expressions and materials in the workplace communication materials Video : “Giving presentations worth listening to “
gestures A. Business letters by Gordon Kangas at TED talk ( you tube )
B. Memorandum
C. Business/technical Sample communication materials in the workplace
Adopt awareness of audience reports /proposals
Web resources :
and context in presenting D. Minutes of the
ideas Meeting /files/
E. Electronic SampleMeetingMinutes.pdf.
portal/Media Workplace _communication

Write and present Communication for academic Lecture / Class discussion LCD projector Quiz Writing a mock conference paper
academic papers using purposes
Group work ( for research paper and pen
appropriate tone , style , ● Styles , tones, Oral presentation of the mock
proposal )
conventions and reference conventions in writing white board / marker conference paper
styles academic papers Individual work ( for writing
● Presenting an analysis paper )
Web resources :
Convey ideas through oral , research proposal
audio-visual , and /or web -
● Writing analysis and
based presentations for
technical papers
different target audiences in
local and global settings ( Literary analysis ,
using appropriate registers political paper analysis
and/or Technical papers
– for journal or
Adopt awareness of audience magazine article )
and context in presenting
D. Suggested Readings and References

Adler, R., Elmhorst, J. M., & Lucas, K. (2012). Communicating at work : Strategies for success in business and the professions. NY: McGraw Hill.

Baraceros , E. (2012) . Business correspondence. 2nd ed. Manila: Rex.

Biber, D. & Conrad, S. (2009). Register, genre, and style. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Bouing, R. (2006). Effective business communication. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore.

Chase, R., & Shamo, S. (2013). Elements of effective communication. 4th ed. Washington, Utah: Plain and Precious Publishing.

Dainton, M. & Zelley, E. (2015). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. 3rd ed. Sage. (incomplete info)

Dones, M. (2011). Research, technical, and business communication. Manila: Mindshapers, Inc.

Egipto, J. L. (2011). Writing business letters. Manila: Rex.

Iyer, P. (2013, July 17). Where is home? TED Talks. Retrieved from

Jackson, J. (2014). Introducing language and intercultural communication. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Kenna, P. & Lacy, S. (2003). Communication styles: United States and Taiwan. In M. Connelly (Ed.), The Sundance Reader (3rd ed., pp. 272-273). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Lucas, S. (2011). The art of public speaking. NY: McGraw Hill.

Madrunio M. & Martin I. (2018). Purposive communication using English in multilingual contexts. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Martin, J. N. & Nakayama, T. K. (2014). Experiencing intercultural communication: An introduction (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Mazon, C. (2002). Effective writing in business. Manila: St. Augustine Publication.

Meenfriedchickencurry. (2014, February 16). Indian headshakes: What do they mean? [Video file]. Retrieved from

Mooney, A., Peccei, J.S., La Belle, S., et. al. (2010). Language, society and power : An introduction. 3rd ed. London: Routledge.

Munalim, L. O. (2014). Business is business. Mandaluyong: Books, Atbp.

National Communication Association (NCA). (1999). NCA credo for ethical communication.

Nuval, E. (2014). Competence in oral communication and public speaking. Rev. ed. Mandaluyong: Books, Atbp.

Ramadurai, C. (2018, July). Cracking India’s mystifying ‘nod code’. BBC Travel. Retrieved from

Searles, G. (2014). Workplace Communication: The Basics. 6th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Uychoco, M.T, & Santos, M.L. (2016). Communication for society: Purposive Communication. Manila: Rex. (Textbook)
Verderber, R. (2013). Communicate. Manila, Philippines : Hiyas Press Inc

Verderber, K. S., Verderber, R. F. & Sellnow, D. D. (2013). Communicate! (14th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Williams, I. (2007). English for science and engineering. Boston, MA: Thomson ELT.

E. Course Requirements

Students will be graded according to the following components:

Midterm examination 20%

Final examination 20%

Class standing (quizzes, long test, recitation, group work, etc) 60%
F. Grading System: Zero-based

% Scale Rating Numerical Rating Remarks

98-100 1.00 Excellent
95-97 1.25 Excellent
92-94 1.50 Very Good
89-91 1.75 Very Good
86-88 2.00 Good
83-85 2.25 Good
80-82 2.50 Satisfactory
77-79 2.75 Satisfactory
75-76 3.00 Passed
Below 75 5.00 Failed
INC Incomplete
DO Dropped Officially
DU ( 5.00 ) Dropped Unofficially

G. Classroom Policies. (To be discussed by faculty)

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