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Topic : Greek Architecture

Instructor : Arch. Paulo Canlas Pineda I

Group Leader : Garcia, Zedric V.
Group Members : Coderes, Caile Jhustine G.
Dela Cruz, Eughene C.
Lacson, Ian Gabriel D.
Padua, Ian Gabriel T.
Villanueva, Cloyd Loui C.

Topic Outline:

I. Influences of Greek Architecture

a. Geographical
b. Geological
c. Climate
d. Religion
e. Social and Political
f. Historical
II. Architectural Character
a. Pelasgic System of Construction
b. Greek Construction
III. Architecture in Greek Periods
i. The Mycenaean Period
ii. The Hellenic Period
IV. Orders in Ancient Greek Architecture
a. The Doric Order
b. The Ionic Order
c. The Corinthian Order
V. Other Examples of Greek Architecture
a. Greek Theaters
b. The Palaces and Domestic Buildings
c. Propylaea
d. Tombs
e. Agora
f. Public Buildings

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