Concept Paper English Language Learning

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English Language Learning – Barriers and their Probable Solutons

Studying our very own language is already difficult, more so other nation's languages.
Philippines is adapting the second language English in a way that it was the mandated means of
communication and teaching in the curriculum. Subjects such as Mathematics, Science, MAPEH,
TLE, and even History are being taught in the second language. It is nonetheless acknowledged
by many especially the students but some of them have had hard times learning things for the
reason that they do not really understand the language. This is because of so many barriers in
learning. First, the teacher-students factor. Second, the environment. And third, the language
The former barrier deals in the interaction between a teacher and his students. If the
teacher discusses the lessons innovatively, then the students will learn the language. If the
teacher interacts with them in the language being taught, then it will be much easier for the
students to adapt. If the teacher has patience in teaching the native students, then things will
work out for them. Students will learn and at the same time enjoy the language. They can freely
communicate without having thoughts about discrimination or so coming from their teachers.
Furthermore, teachers must update themselves with new approaches, methods, strategies and
techniques in teaching the English subject which can be done by attending seminars, trainings
and workshops related to language and literature teaching. Through this, they can bring out
innovations in their teaching and that the proficiency of the students in the English language
will be heightened (Lasaten and Racca, 2016). They should be creative in discussing lessons
especially grammar to the students. Some students of this generation find grammar boring and
tiring for there are so many rules to follow. So, as a teacher, one must be innovative to catch the
students attention.
Learning also takes place if the environment is conducive enough for the students.
Conducive in a sense that the students are comfortable inside the classroom and can learn
freely without any distractions. Environment does not just focus on the surroundings of the
students but also the people they are interacting with – the teachers, their classmates, etcetera.
Since language learning is difficult for non-native speakers, and a must to be learned in the
institution, the environment must make it possible that the students will learn in any way.
Everyone around the students must speak in the language for a practice. Communicating using
the second language will greatly help them learn best. John Dewey has stated that the best way
to learn is to experience it. It is not just the teachers who are always with the students but also
the staffs inside the school must speak in English in order for the students to be obliged, in a
good way, to speak in English. It does not necessarily mean that when they speak, they should
be fluent already. Grammar will not be a basis for the students at first because literally speaking,
they are just beginners. Communicative speaking through the means of the second language is
what the students need to be fluent. Also, the school must be interconnected with the parents
of the students. People in the students’ abode have greater impacts on their lives. If connected
properly (school and parents), students would surely learn.
Peers must be included in the environment the students are living. Since, school is the
second home of the students, teachers are their second parents while their classmates are their
second set of siblings. The students spent most of their time with their peers. As a result,
behaviors are being shared. Whatever one does is being done by the group also. Due to this
phenomenon, the teacher must engage his students to peer activities such as the common
‘Think Pair, Share’, ‘Pair Interview’, and many more which will increase their language speaking
ability. Doing activities like these regularly will result to a confident and fluent English non-
native speakers in the future.
Teacher-students interaction and the environment where students are breathing are also
linked with the third barrier – language itself. English language, based from the experiences I
have had, is still a conundrum. Unlike other subjects such as Mathematics and Science which
are constant in their set of rules and formulas unless another theory pops up to oppose the
older ones, English language like any other is a changing language. One good example from
Irvin, Hobbs, Odell, and Vacca’s Elements of Language: Second Course (2001) is the change of
meaning of a certain English word. Say, the word silly meant happy in Old English. Then in
Middle English, it meant harmless. Later on evolved into meaning foolish which is the case up
until now. Not just the meaning development but also its pronunciation and spelling are hard to
comprehend for the beginner non-native speakers. With these, language itself is the also a
There are also rules in this language which make students ’ minds bafing. In cases like
the rules in Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA), some exceptions are visible. For example, the very
first rule ‘If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular in form. If the subject is plural, then
the verb is also plural in form’ has already an exception with the subjects/pronouns I and You. I
and You are singular in form but it will take plural form of verb. This exemption to the rule might
already confuse the English as a Second Language (ESL) students. Many of my junior high school
students asked for an explanation to the exemption in the rule and I just answered them that
this exemption was made because there will be irregularity in stating statements such as ‘You
was…’ and ‘I takes’. I will ask them back ‘Did these sound okay?’ and then they will stop
Cases like these make language difficult for the beginners. However, it is a must to learn
especially if the country needs to adapt in the fast changing world. To be a globally competitive
citizen of the world, one must speak English as it is the universal language. Consequently,
students must be engaged in a real-world communication scenario wherein they will speak in
the second language like a usual thing to do in their everyday life. Teachers noticed these
already and likewise making efforts to be innovative so that students will learn in the most
conducive way even though the language itself is really difficult.
As an educator majoring in English language, knowing these barriers will help me create
a diverse strategy which my students will enjoy while learning. Hence, knowing the root of all
problems lead to probable solutions. And since 21 st century learners are diverse in nature, we,
as teachers, need to adapt and be more diverse and innovative facilitators of learning.

Written by:
Ehlie Rose G. Baguinaon

Lasaten, Ronald Candy S. and Racca, Robelle Millie Ann B. (June 2016). English Language Proficiency and Academic Performance
of Philippine Science High School Students. International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2.

Irvin, Hobbs, Odell, and Vacca (2001). Elements of Language: Second Course. Texas: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

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