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Meet the Experts

Promo.com’s video creation department and user acquisition team put Promo.com has helped more than 1
their heads together to uncover the secret formula behind effective million brands navigate the world of
Facebook video advertising. The result is this two-part workbook video marketing. From international
with everything you need to become your own advertising expert. online companies to local brick
and mortars. Business owners and
Why video and why Facebook? marketers alike trust Promo.com as

• 83% of marketers say that video content gives them a strong ROI. the #1 video creation platform.

• 87% of consumers would like to see more videos from brands.

So, grab your mouse and keyboard.
• 8 Billion videos are viewed on Facebook every day.
We’re going to share everything
So, with stats this strong, we figured it’s high time everyone takes we know about running successful
advantage of this marketing phenomenon. Facebook video campaigns and
how you can start seeing significant
In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to create winning results.
videos and use them to run your own successful Facebook campaigns
that will grow your audience and, ultimately, your business. Once you complete the course, you’ll
even be able to identify, diagnose,
For the first time, we are sharing industry secrets on how to create and fix any challenges all by yourself,
successful marketing videos and grow year over year through using our free Facebook Video
well-run Facebook video advertising. We effectively map all the Campaign Trouble Shooter.
ins and outs of both video creation and campaign setup, along
with helpful exercises and practical pro-tips.

Let’s get started!

L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

A Step-By-Step Guide
to Scroll-Stopping Videos

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Our Class Syllabus

CHAPTER Creating Killer Video Content

\01 (No Artistic Experience Required)
8 Intro: Why Video Marketing?

12 Your Video Strategy

Setting Goals for Your Videos
Promote anything with Promo
Defining Your Audience
Get access to 15+ Million HD videos, Crafting Your Message
pre-made professional templates,
and much more at Promo.com! 26 Getting Creative
Video Types & Templates
Best Practices for Awesome Videos
Visit Promo.com
Design Do’s, Don’ts, & Inspiration

48 Making your Videos Facebook- Ready

Technical Specifications
Accessibilit y, Sounds, and Titles
Optimizing Calls to Action

54 Your Video Creation Checklist

6 7
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Why Video Marketing?
We’ll give it to you straight.

Class is
Video marketing is here to stay. If you’ve started this crash
course, you already get it - video is taking over marketing in
almost every format, channel, and strategy.

in Session... All of the data and trends point to the

rising popularit y and effectiveness of video
marketing compared to written content, links,
images, and all other t ypes of marketing you
can imagine, combined.

Already a Video Genius?

Maybe it’s the dwindling
If you’ve already mastered the art attention span of the average
consumer or just that video
of creating amazing video content Of People
makes for such easy-to- Watch
and want to learn more about how
consume content that’s more 5+ Videos
to promote them with Facebook engaging and more fun Every Day
campaigns, skip ahead. than other formats.

A Step-By-Step Guide to But facts are facts.

a Successful Campaign
We all love video. For you as a marketer (or a business owner
wearing a marketing hat), video is also the most effective
content to drive engagement, traffic, and sales.

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Videos Make Good Business Sense

(and Cents)

Video content generates

1,200% more shares
than other social content.

Branded video boosts

purchase intent by up to 97%.

Businesses that use video

marketing record 49% faster
year-over-year revenue growth.

This means that now is the time for you

to seize the opportunit y. Put video at the
center of your marketing strategy to help
grow your company this year, and beyond.

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Your Video
Think before you create

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Now, you’re probably thinking that you

Setting Goals for Your Video l
ia o
want to jump right into the part where
o e you start actually making videos. (That’s
Here’s a little story. it m V i d
s s why you’re here, right?) But, running a
Te a l e
It’s about a small business that tried to use video marketing. Facebook video campaign is more like a
They got really excited to create awesome videos and they jumped marathon than a sprint.
right into the creative process with a head full of fun and quirky ideas.

Next thing they knew, they were neck-deep in half-finished videos, Before you start the race, you need to
trying to sift through footage and piece together something decent. Me t stretch. Before you can make amazing
videos (and you will do just that!), you’ll
They ended up with a mess. need to spend some time figuring out the
eo strategy and the messaging for what you
No one was happy, the videos didn’t Vid
V i ra l
gi ng want to achieve.
make any sense, and the ones that

E nga

they did manage to finish Let’s do some exercises together
completely flopped. that will help you fine-tune your
strategy and hit the ground
John Dowe (or so we’ll call him to
a l running when you’re ready to
respect his privacy), our business owner, on
is not alone. We see this happen to u ca create your video campaign!
d o
a l E ide
companies all the time - they start out
c tic V
with the best intentions and simply not
enough strategic training! The Video Planning & Creation Process
What happens when you start creating
video without a specific goal in mind?
You end up with a Frankenstein video. Promo tip:
That’s right. It’s part viral meme, part Avoid the Frankenstein
sales pitch. And that makes it 100% video by setting a clear goal
for every video you create! Goal Audience Message Format Creative Promotion
14 15
E chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Exercise: Rate These Objectives by Importance Promo tip:

Remember, your video marketing Each video should have a goal but not
Instructions: Start by rating the importance of each of these business strategy should include a variety every video should have the same goal.
goals on a scale from 1 to 10. If you find a clear objective, then begin of videos that help you accomplish So if you’re unsure of which goal to start
multiple goals over time, such as with, just pick one and run with it!
creating your first video with that goal in mind.
social reach, generating brand
awareness, driving sales, and more.
Objective Outcome Importance (1-10)

Boost social following,

Social Engagement maintain engagement with
existing customer or follower base.

Generate interest and awareness

Brand Awareness
for product, service, or brand.

Drive awareness or signups

Learn more about
Event Promotion
for a specific event. your video marketing mix
In Chapter 2, we’ll discuss
how you can use a variety of videos
Attract top talent and showcase to accomplish multiple goals.
Recruitment company culture, benefits,
and career opportunities.

Direct Sales / Increase sales or conversions

Conversions attributed to social media marketing.

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Matching Your Message

to Your Audience
A bunch of wise old marketers once You might want to say that
said, “the market is the message.” they make great fake telephones
This means that the audience or that you can wear the peels
determines the message. like a funny hat.

Let’s take this example: In either case, it’s the same product
Say you run a banana stand. but the audience is different, and
the two messages are apples
If you’re trying to sell your bananas and oranges (or bananas).
to parents (that makes them the
audience), then you might put up Before you decide what the message
a sign that says they’re a great, of your video should be, you want
healthy snack for kids. You might to think about the audience you’re
talk about vitamins and minerals. trying to reach. You’ll want to
All of that boring, important stuff consider what they care about and
that parents care about. then craft a message that will get
their attention.
But, if you want to sell your bananas
directly to kids , then it’s a completely The worksheet on the next
different game. They don’t want to page will help you define
hear about how bananas are a great your audience and then use
source of potassium (but they are!). it to define your message.
They just think they’re fun and
taste good.

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Exercise: Who Are You Talking to?

Goal: All Goal: Brand Awareness

Give your persona a name!

Which other brands do they like?
(Extra credit for creativit y)

What elements of the brand’s

In the most basic terms -
identit y seem to be most attractive
who are they?
to them?

What makes them unique

How do they express their affinit y
from other potential customers,
for specific brands?
attendees, or employees?

Goal: Social Engagement Goal: Event Promotion

Why will they enjoy attending

What kinds of content do they share?
your event?

Which emotions do they generally What other activities are competing

convey when sharing content? for their time or attention?

How do they feel about being

What questions will they have
explicitly asked to like, share,
about your event?
or comment?

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Goal: Recruitment

What qualities are they looking

for in an employer?

Which other companies are reaching

out to them about job opportunities?

Which aspects of a job or work culture Erin the

resonate most with them? (Purpose,
flexibilit y, responsibilit y, etc?)
Example Persona
She’s a millennial who’s in the
What questions will they have about
market for our new, amazing
working at your company?
beauty product.

Goal: Sales/Conversions

What problem will your product/

service solve for them?
25 -35
If they do buy from your company,
what is the goal they are trying
to accomplish? Location:
Major US city (NYC, San Francisco, LA, etc.)
How do they making
purchasing decisions?
Brands she likes:
What questions will they have Ulta, MAC, Clinique, Bobbi Brown, Bare Minerals
about your product or service?
Inspiring videos, beauty tutorials, funny memes

Goal: All

Based on the above, what would they

want to hear about your company,
product, or event?

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Exercise: Nailing Your Message Instructions: Start from the top Finally, work your way to the message
For those of you dozing off, here is where we bring it all in full circle by defining the objective of your in the middle - it’s the confluence of
and make it actionable. video. Then, jump to the bottom what you want to say and what your
and define your audience. audience wants to hear.

Your objective

What your What you want

What you Your
have to say Message them to know
wants to hear


What they want

to know
Take your objective and your In simple terms: What stuff do
audience, combine the two and find you need to say to your audience in
the area in the middle where they order to accomplish the objective that
overlap. This will tell you what the clear you set up for this video? Your audience
message of your video should be.

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Let’s have some fun!

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Choosing the Right Video Type




It’s time to create an awesome video!

Once you’ve established an objective,

you’ll want to create a video that fits the bill.
Let’s dig in to see exactly what that looks like.

We put together a list of 5 primary

marketing video objectives and the
important characteristics that each
should have.

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Brand Awareness

Objective | Characteristics Example Video • Bring your brand story to life

by telling it in a visual way.

• Attach your brand’s messaging and

Social Engagement logos, but don’t let it overshadow
the emotional element.
• Choose content that is relevant to
your followers (if you’re a restaurant • Make sure to use your own unique
- share food-related content). brand voice and personality.

• Make it interactive by asking a Recruitment

question or prompting to tag a
friend, leave a comment, or share. • Use the video to capture a potential
candidate’s attention and show off
• Focus on inspirational, emotional, your brand’s personality. Make sure
or entertaining messages that will it reflects on your company’s culture
resonate and grab people’s attention. and work environment.

• Put the bulk of the relevant text for the

Event / Holiday Promotion position in the video description so
you don’t clutter up the video itself.
• Match the footage that you
use to the theme of the event
• Keep the video simple and
that you’re promoting.
engaging. Remember that it’s the
first impression you will make on
• Align the holidays and events your next teammate!
that you promote with your
brand and company.
Direct Sales / Conversions
• Make sure to include your
• Start with a very clear message that
entire audience. Don’t alienate
you want to promote. It could be a
certain segments of your
deal, sale, or just a specific product
audience by only addressing
or service. Try to keep it focused.
certain holidays or events.
• Make sure your video is accurate
and doesn’t mislead consumers
Promo tip: or oversell your product.
Promo includes thousands of Explore
professionally curated video templates Promo.com • Combine your own footage or
and footage to fit your objective. photos of your products with video
templates and stock footage to
create unique promotions.
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Best Practices for

Creating Amazing Videos

1 Start with a hook

Most viewers decide within the first 3 seconds if
4 Focus on your audience
Knowing your audience and what t ype of
14 Tips to Create Effective Video Ads

they’ll keep watching. So, hook them with something

messages resonate with them is the most
funny, interesting, or unexpected right off the bat!
important part of creating an awesome video!

2 Keep it short
While it’s important to keep your videos varied, take
5 Stay positive
Stay away from negative messaging.
into account that viewers are demanding shorter,
Using positive messages can help keep
engaging, episodic content. Create some bite-sized
your brand and your audience focused
videos that will whet their appetite and keep them
on the good rather than the bad!
coming back.

3 Perfect your title

and description
6 Use subtitles
Many viewers will watch at work or on
Before the video itself, viewers are going to
public transit without sound, so make
immediately read your title and description.
sure that you include subtitles or captions.
Make sure it sells your video well.

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7 Put the CTA at the end

(or in the middle) 11 Format native video content
for each platform
Give viewers an action item by placing a CTA in the middle Your video can’t shine if it’s not formatted right for Facebook.

of your video or at the end. Whether it’s asking a question, Ensure that you get the specs and dimensions just right.

telling them to leave a comment, or directing them to your

website, just be sure to have a next step.

Keep the pace up

Don’t lose your audience with a sluggish video. Use music
Think mobile first
and other effects to keep the energy and engagement high.
The majorit y of Facebook viewers browse on their phone,

so make sure your video displays perfectly on mobile

devices as well.

13 Animations, transitions,
and motion

9 Put your branding front and center

Who created this video, anyway? Interesting content is
Use cuts, transitions, and animations to keep viewers

watching and make the video feel seamless and engaging.

important but make sure that your brand is present.

Don’t forget your brand name, logo, and website!

14 Cut the dead time

Edit out stutters, pauses, or other repetitive
Use emotion
content that can hurt your video’s flow.
Nothing evokes a response like using emotion. Tap into

that human part of your content to maximize real impact.

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The art and science
of amazing videos

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You don’t need to know anything about color

theory, composition, or even art in general
to create amazing videos. Of course, this is
a creative exercise, but even the most right-
brained, spreadsheet-obsessed amongst
us can create some awesome videos by
just following a few simple rules.

Create awesome
Already got a good video? videos like a pro.
Jump ahead to page 54 to and run With a video creation platform

it through our Ultimate Video Checklist like Promo, everyone can create

to see if it hits the mark! stunning, engaging, and buzz-

worthy video, even if you’ve never

Some of you analytic types are reading created a video before! Check

this and feeling your blood pressure rise. out Promo and start making

Maybe you don’t think think you have a single amazing video right away.

artistic bone in your whole body. But don’t

worry, have a seat - it’s going to be fine!
Visit Promo.com

To make things extra simple we’re going to

break down every bit of the video creative
process and tell you what to look for, what
to avoid, and how to get it just right.

Here’s our visual tutorial on creating

awesome videos that stand out from
the digital crowd.

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Whether you’re shooting your own video

or selecting from a library of pre-made
professional content like in the Promo.com
1. Start with great video footage premium library, there are some best practices
Include clear sound
The first (and most obvious) thing you need in order to create an you should keep in mind when evaluating that’s easy to hear
and understand
awesome video is good video footage. But remember, “good” is whether the footage is acceptable.
subjective. Different t ypes of video work for different platforms
and circumstances. For instance you can use in-the-moment
Use footage
footage for an Instagram story, but you might want to use pre-
Make sure it’s that’s clear and
shot professional footage for a paid video ad on Facebook. full HD (1080p in-focus



Avoid shaky or Choose video with
choppy video that good colors that


Check can be off-putting aren’t washed out


it out! for viewers or faded


LINK LINK LINK LINK Hold the potato, please
While not every piece of footage has to be
perfectly produced, there’s no excuse for
Promo tip: low-qualit y or low-resolution footage. Even
Think like a teenager. (Okay, well not exactly.) smartphones now capture 1080p, full-HD video.
If you need someone to judge your video
footage, have a teenager take a look. They If you try using an old camera or some other outdated device, your
look at professional and amateur video all
video will look like it was “shot by a potato,” as the kids say. This will
the time and they can tell you if your iPhone
video passes the sniff test. Plus, they have the make your video look amateurish and reflect poorly on your brand.
shortest attention span known to man, so if You can’t expect to charge a reasonable amount for your product
they watch until the end, you’re in good shape.
or services and not showcase yourself in a professional manner.

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2. Give your viewers time to read 3. Mind the screen space

As a viewer, there is nothing more frustrating than There’s only so much real estate in your video. You
watching a video and not having enough time to read need to be careful how you use the screen space
the text or the subtitles. Data shows that 85% of video to convey your message by walking the fine line
on Facebook is watched without sound, and the more between captions and footage. Be careful with
often video is consumed on mobile and in transit, the your caption placement in order not to block
less often people view video with sound. This means important elements of the video itself. After all,
that even if there is a worthwhile voice-over or any that’s what makes the content special, right?
other sound effects, most viewers will rely on captions
in order to understand the content. It’s your job to give
them enough information without audio and consider
the sound as an extra perk in the storytelling process. Promo tip:
If your captions take up more
than 10-20% of the screen,
Promo tip: consider rewriting it to make
The average person reads around it shorter or breaking it into
2-4 words per second. Use that to separate bits of copy. This
calculate how long you need to is essential for Facebook
leave the text on the screen. advertisements which don’t run
with over 20% text on an image.

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4. Make sure text is legible 6. Make the video seamless

White text on a bright background is the visual When it comes to creating awesome
equivalent to nails on a chalkboard. Make sure videos, it’s not as easy as just slapping
that your text is clear and legible, easy to read, together a bunch of clips. You don’t
and strategically placed. need an art degree, but you do need
to take some time to make the video
flow and feel coherent. The most
Promo tip: important aspect of this is choosing
White text works great video footage of the same quality.
on darker backgrounds.
But if the background is In most videos, you’ll find that you
lighter colored, consider
black or dark gray text. end up using different pieces of
footage and piecing them together to
make a single story or message. But
no one wants to watch a video that
color palette
5. Stay consistent
has a mix of great video and grainy
An important element of good brand design Promo tip:
footage. Be sure that your clips are
# f fca 0 c

#0 0 ac f f


#0 0 0 0 0 0

Pay attention to the



is consistency. You want to strike a balance consistent in both qualit y and st yle. coloration of the video
between a good dose of variety while also clips that you’re using. Are
headlines remaining constant. For instance, you can mix Secondly, be sure to add smooth they cool (shades of blue
Utopia Black 12pt
up video lengths and content, but try to define transitions and edits. You can cover and green) or warm (shades
of red and orange)? If you
body copy a color palette and a small collection of fonts up minor mistakes and even some find that the your footage
Proxima Nova 10 pt
that you’ll use throughout your video making. inconsistencies with good editing, just isn’t the right color, you
animations, and transitions. This can use Promo.com’s Color
Filter to hit the exact tone.
Promo tip: will help you stitch together different
A strong color palette can have 3-4 colors: 1 primary clips while maintaining the flow
Check it out
color, 1 secondary color, and 1-2 accent colors. Oh and
throughout the video.
2 fonts will be perfect! Trust us, we’re Promo-fessionals.

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7. Choose your music wisely

No matter how hard you try to craft the perfect
video, if you have the wrong music, it will hinder the
entire message. Music determines the mood of your
ad. That’s a lot of power, so choose wisely. Your
choice should, of course, depend on the message
and target audience.

Think about the message and the emotion that

you’re trying to create for the viewer. Sad? Exciting?
Funny? Make sure that the music you use fits the
overall tone. You can also play with contrast to
create a funny or unique feeling. Epic music over a
funny clip? That’s attention-grabbing and engaging.

If all else fails, just choose music that will get people
dancing in their chairs. Remember that your first
goal is to get their attention, and if they’re grooving
along, then they’ll probably pay attention to the rest
of what you have to say!

Promo tip:
Start by identifying the emotion of your video’s
main message. Is it sad? Happy? Funny? Choose
music that fits that narrative - if you want your
viewers to be singing your praises, make sure
your video has just the right soundtrack!

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Your Videos
Optimizing for promotion

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Platform-Perfect Videos
for Facebook
Once upon a time, a long time ago, actually opt in to watch video
if a marketing video was created, content from brands and companies
the only way for it to be seen was as long as it’s interesting, engaging,
to be put on T V. This phenomenon and correctly formatted.
used to be called “commercials”
and the people of the world hated While great for viewers, this change

them. People were held hostage and has raised the bar for brands. If

forced against their will to watch done poorly, these video ads can

long mundane commercials that still sometimes feel like disruptive

interrupted their favorite shows. commercials. So companies need

to invest in the content of their video
In recent years, something instead of just a time slot in order
magical happened which changed for it to be seen from start to finish.
everything - we were given the In order to succeed with your online
gift of the internet. video campaign, you need to create
video content that’s purpose-built,
Today, the majorit y of people engaging, and optimized for the
watch way more video content chosen platform.
on YouTube and Facebook than
on T V or any other traditional video That’s why we made a quick cheat
format. Even more amazing is that sheet to help you create platform-
while no one is forced to sit through perfect videos for Facebook and
commercials any more (you can run attention-grabbing campaigns.
usually press skip), many people

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

The Anatomy of a Facebook-

Optimized Video
Crush it with captions
Short, clear sentences.

Stay on-brand.

Deliver a consistent message.

Don’t cover more than 20%

of screen space with text.

Get vertical Close with a CTA

Use Facebook-specific video Give your followers
dimensions (1:1, 4:5, 2:3, or 9:16). a next step - have a clear
call-to-action or question
to engage them.

Take advantage
Make some noise Nail the timing of templates
(or don’t)
Strategize the timing Consider using ready-made
of your video posting. video templates that are
Add sound.
formatted for Facebook.
Choose music that fits the tone. Target holidays or
other cultural events. Add your own touch with
your text and branding.
Make sure the video works
with sound on or off. Use a social calendar.

Get Promo Calendar

52 53
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ WO R KBO O K chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

The Ultimate Facebook Video Checklist Now, Let’s Turn

Instructions: Have a video that you think is ready for primetime? Well,
go ahead and take a gander at this handy checklist to see if your video
That Video into
is on the mark. a Real Campaign
Video has a defined goal Music fits the st yle and tone of the video

There’s a clear message Transitions and animations keep

for the viewer the viewer engaged

Hook within the first 3 seconds Video has a clear CTA in the middle
and/or at the end
Color and theme of the footage
all work together Video dimensions: 1:1 (FB/IG),
4:5 (FB/IG), 2:3 (FB only), 9:16 (FB only)
No more than 2 fonts used
throughout the video Length: Less than 240 minutes,
less than 2 minutes if targeting
Has captions or text that work Instagram
even if there’s no sound
Resolution: 1080p or full-HD
Text and captions don’t block
important footage File size: Less than 4 GB

All text is easily visible and legible

If you’ve checked all the boxes,

you’re now officially ready to move onto campaign creation.

54 55
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 01 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to Scroll -Stopping Videos

Well done.

You are halfway to a successful Facebook

video campaign! We’ve covered a lot of

ground and if you’ve been following along
with the workbook, you’re well on your way.

Where Chapter 1 ends, Chapter 2 begins.

Let’s Turn In Chapter 2, we’ll cover all of the things

you need to know in order to take your shiny

That Video new video(s) you just made, and turn them
into a real-life Facebook ad campaign.
You’ll learn how to recognize your

Into a Real campaign objective, select your audience,

set a budget, and accomplish your goals.

See you in Chapter 2!

-The Promo Team

Create your
masterpiece today.

Visit Promo.com

56 57
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

A Step-By-Step Guide
to a Successful Campaign

58 59
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Ready to Create
a Facebook Campaign? Our Class Syllabus

CHAPTER Ready to create a

We have a lot of new material \02 Facebook campaign?
Promo tip: to cover in Chapter 2 and we are 62 Facebook Advertising Glossary
If you don’t know how excited to help you discover how
to create amazing 66 Video + Facebook
fun and effective Facebook ad
video content, check out
Chapter 1 of this course: campaigns can be.
68 Setting Your Goals
A Step-By-Step Guide to
Scroll-Stopping Videos. In Chapter 1 of our crash course, Matching Your Video Goal to Your Campaign Goal

we took a deep dive into the An Introduction to Facebook Campaigns

Check it Out Campaign Requirements at a Glance
creative side of Facebook
campaigns. We covered Your Campaign Strategy & Creative Checklist
everything you need to know about creating awesome videos, getting
84 Building Your Campaign
the st yle right, and nailing your message.
Setting Up Your Facebook Business Manager
Today’s lesson is a bit different. It’s time to explore the technical side Creating Your Facebook Ad Campaign
of publishing videos online. We’ll go through everything you need to Finding Your Audience
know to take your promotional video and share it with your audience. Setting Your Placements
This can seem a bit intimidating at the beginning, but it’ll be a piece Budget, Schedule, & Optimization
of cake (or pie, if that’s your thing). Creating Your Creative Assets

You didn’t need to be a creative artist to create amazing videos, right? 122 After the Launch
Well, you’ll soon discover that to create Facebook campaigns, you After the Launch: What Now?
don’t need to be a super computer hacker, either. This guide is here The Art & Zen of Campaign Optimization
to help users of any level create a successful campaign. It’s chock full
of screenshots and tactical steps to get you 100% comfortable.
60 61
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Your Facebook
Advertising Glossary
Ad, ad set, campaign signing up for an email list, completing a CPM (Cost Per Mille or Cost Reach/Impressions
When you run ads on Facebook, you purchase, or scheduling an appointment. Per Thousand) Reach is the number of unique people
first create a high-level campaign that Conversion rate is the number of The average cost to generate 1,000 who saw your ad. Impressions are the
determines your overall marketing goal. conversions divided by the total number impressions on your ad or promotion. total number of your message was
Within that campaign, you can create of visitors within a given time period. An impression is anytime that your ad shown to people in aggregate. So, if
multiple ad sets with different targeting is seen by your target audience (even 100 people saw your Facebook post 2
or bidding. Within each ad set, you 3 Conversions / 200 Visits = if it’s shown to the same person more times each, then you generated 200
can create multiple ads (content that is 1.5% Conversion Rate than once.) impressions and 100 reach.
actually shown to users).
CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) CTR (Click-through Rate) ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
Attribution The average cost to acquire a new How likely your audience is to click on This is a bottom-line metric: For every
How you assign the value of conversions customer or a single conversion. The your ad. It is calculated by dividing the $1 you spend on ads, how much do
that are generated from your marketing lower the CPA, the more conversions you’ll total number of clicks that your ad has you generate in revenue? The formula
efforts. If someone clicks on a link generate for the same amount of money. received by the number of times it’s is simple:
from Facebook and then signs up on been seen (impressions).
CPC (Cost Per Click) Revenue from Ads / Cost of Ads = ROAS
your website, you would attribute that
The average cost to generate one click. 5 clicks / 100 impressions = 5% CTR (as a percentage of spend).
conversion to Facebook.
The lower the CPC, the more traffic or
Channel clicks that you’ll generate for the same Engagement/Engagement Rate ROI (Return on Investment)
Marketing channels are the different amount of money. Engagement is a broad term that The more-generic cousin of ROAS is
platforms on which you reach your can mean a lot of different things. In return on investment (ROI). This is a
CPL (Cost Per Lead) the world of social media marketing, standard measure of how much you
audience. Facebook, Twitter, email, and
The average cost to generate one lead. engagement is generally measured get out versus how much you put in.
Google would all be separate channels.
The lower the CPL, the more leads you’ll as likes, shares, and comments. The
Conversion/Conversion Rate generate for the same amount of money. engagement rate is calculated by dividing Calculate it simply:
Conversions are the actions that you the total number of engagements by the Return / Investment = ROI
want a person to take. It may be total number of impressions.
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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Class is
in Session...

64 65
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Video + Facebook:
As jaw-dropping as these numbers may be, that’s only
It’s a No-Brainer half of the story. If you take into account that video
content is taking over on Facebook and social media as
So, what’s so great about these Facebook campaigns everyone
a whole, you have yourself the perfect recipe of popularit y
is talking about, anyway? Well, let’s take a look at the MANY
and effectiveness that is Facebook video ad campaigns.
reasons that Facebook advertising, in general, and video
campaigns, in particular, are becoming so popular among
Here’s what we know about Facebook video ads:
businesses of every size.

The first reason that Facebook advertising is so incredibly

powerful is that its users comprise just about every imaginable Brand
demographic. As a business, Facebook ad campaigns allow awareness gets a
you to target and communicate with almost any audience your
heart desires. So whether you’re a travel agent or a turtle-sitter,
Facebook 67% lift Facebook
video ads have from mobile users generate
you can find the people you want to reach on Facebook.
10x higher video ads 8 billion
Here’s Facebook’s reach by the numbers: reach-vs-spend video views
than T V ads per day

Of marketers,
More than

2.25 over 93% So, with all that said, let’s start creating Facebook video campaigns!

use Facebook
billion Americans spend ads regularly
worldwide users
58 Create awesome videos like a pro

minutes With a video creation platform like Promo, everyone

per day on can create stunning, engaging, and buzz-worthy video, Visit Promo.com

Facebook even if you’ve never created a video before! Check out

Promo and start making amazing video right away.

66 67
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Your Goals
Dial in your
campaign strategy

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Matching Your Video Goal

to Your Campaign Goal
First thing’s first.

Before you start spending money on Facebook ads, you need to ask
yourself one, crucial question: What are you trying to accomplish?

Facebook offers a variet y of campaign t ypes to match your company’s

specific goals. Once you know what you want to accomplish, you can
decide which of the many campaign t ypes will best serve your purpose.
When you set up your Facebook ads, you will begin by creating a
Campaign and choosing an overall marketing goal. Within the Campaign,
you will create Ad Groups that specify the targeting and delivery. Lastly,
you’ll create individual Ads (creative) within each Ad Group.

Whether you’re trying to find new customers, build brand awareness,

grow your social presence, or upsell and cross-sell to existing
customers, Facebook has the tools to help you make it happen.

When it comes time to plugging your video into a real-life Facebook

campaign, there can be a very, very real sense of FOBSC
(that’s Fear of Being Super Confused).

This guide will break it down and make it simple and straightforward.

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Your Video Goal Facebook Campaign Goal

Social Engagement Engagement

When you open the Facebook Ads Manager and start
to run a campaign, you’ll first be asked to select the Brand Awareness Engagement - Recommended (This
goal for your campaign. campaign offers brands awareness
while also generating engagement)
There are a lot of options to choose from and it can
feel overwhelming. For now, let’s narrow it down to the Brand Awareness
main campaign t ypes that are used by most marketers
on a routine basis. We end up utilizing the following Event Promotion Engagement - Recommended

campaigns for about 90% of our work on any given day: (This campaign offers a specific
event-boosting option)
1. Engagement 3. Conversions
Conversions (If the event details
2. Traffic 4. Messages or are only on your website)
Lead Generation
Traffic (If the event details are

These four campaign t ypes cover the vast majorit y only on your website)

of digital marketing goals.

Recruitment Messages/Lead Generation

Now, if you read through Chapter 1 of this course,

Traffic (If the application is on
you’ve likely already defined the goal for your video
your website)
and that’s a great place to start! Depending on
the goal that you set for your video, try to identify Conversions (If the application
the matching goal for your Facebook campaign. is on your website)

Direct Sales or Conversions Conversions

Lead Generation Messages/Lead Generation

72 73
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

An Introduction
to Facebook Campaigns
Let’s get started by understanding the four primary campaign goals.

Campaign 1: Engagement campaigns are what Campaign 2: Traffic campaigns are a great way to take
Engagement most people think when they think of Traffic people from Facebook to your external website.
(beginner) Facebook ads. We’ve all seen those (beginner)
bright blue “boost post” buttons at This is the perfect tool to promote a page on

the bottom of our posts. your site, drive people to a specific product, or
grow awareness by sending people to your website.
What a lot of people don’t know is that Rather than focusing on likes, comments, and
this has essentially the same objective as shares, this focuses on people clicking your link.
an engagement campaign and that by
utilizing it in the Ads Manager (instead By using this campaign, you will only be able to

of just clicking “boost”), you can get measure how many people visited your website,
Promo tip:
a lot more control over your campaign. but you will not be able to measure the conversions
If your goal is brand
or any other activit y on your site.
awareness, you’ll probably
The purpose of the engagement
be tempted to select the
campaign is, as you probably guessed,
“Brand Awareness” campaign
generating engagement (engagement
in the Ads Manager. But, we
is likes, comments, views, and shares).
recommend the Engagement
campaign because it has This is a great tool to use if you’re
the same potential to trying to grow your audience, gain more
gain awareness while also awareness for your brand, or test out
generating engagement. creative messaging to see if it resonates.

74 75
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Campaign 3: This is probably the most utilized t ype Campaign 4: Another advanced campaign goal is to
Conversions of Facebook campaign. Messages or drive sales leads. The Lead Generation
(advanced) Lead Generation campaign allows users to fill out an
A conversion campaign is similar to a traffic campaign
(advanced) informational form directly on
in that the goal is to send someone to a destination Facebook to receive a free download,
away from Facebook. However, conversion campaigns offer, or request a follow-up. If your
are not only about getting someone to click a link business relies on direct sales, this could
but also to respond to your call-to - action (like be an important part of your strategy.
filling out a form or making a purchase). In order
to run a conversion campaign you need to install Message campaigns are similar to Lead
a Facebook Pixel on your website, so you can track Generation. But, instead of completing
the impact of your campaign once the user leaves a form, these users become leads by
Facebook. The Facebook Pixel is a special piece of sending a message to your company
code that tells Facebook when someone goes to via Facebook or the Messenger app.
your site and completes an action. This is a newer Facebook campaign,
but it’s rapidly growing in popularit y.

Promo tip:
Before you decide on the objective for your campaign, take stock
of both what it is you want to accomplish and what you have at your
disposal. Check out the flowchart on the next page to help you decide.
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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ WO R KBO O K chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Choosing Your Campaign Goals
Instructions: Follow the diagram to choose the Facebook campaign goal
that’s right for you.
Does your site have
a clear conversion like
a submission form or
product checkout page?
Start Here

Do you have
a website?

Campaign Type

Yes Yes Facebook
No Do you have the Facebook
Pixel installed on your site? Lead


Is your goal to No, I just want to reach

generate sales leads? potential customers.

78 79
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Campaign Requirements
at a Glance
Here’s our cheat sheet of prerequisites needed for each t ype
of Facebook campaign.

Goal Engagement Generation Traffic Conversions

Facebook page

Business manager
or ad account

Payment method

Ad content


Facebook pixel

80 81
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ WO R KBO O K chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Your Campaign Strategy

& Creative Checklist
Before we get into the in’s and out’s of Facebook campaign
creation, let’s take a look at this checklist of all the creative
Promo tip:
assets you need to set up and run your campaign.
Keep your copy
short. Lead with a
Keep in mind that having
question or direct
Feelin’ a bit confused? the right creative asset is
If you’re feeling like maybe you the bedrock of a successful 2 call-to-action.
Squeeze in all of
missed the boat on this “creative” the relevant details
Facebook ad campaign.
thing and need to figure out to make it easy for
how to create a video for your Make sure you have your audience.
campaign, jump back to Chapter 1 everything ready before you
of this course for a breakdown of
dig into the setup process.
building awesome video content.
Chapter 1

1. Post text

2. Your video (make it a good one!)

3. Link (for Traffic/Conversion campaigns)

4. Headline (for Traffic/Conversion campaigns)

Start with videos optimized perfectly for Facebook ads

5. News Feed Link Description (only appears on desktop) Promo.com offers a massive library of pre-recorded video

footage for every business, industry, and ad campaign!

6. Campaign goal:
Visit Promo.com

82 83
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Building Your
Navigating the Facebook
ads process

84 85
DIY VIDEO M ARKETING \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Step 1 Start by creating your Business Manager page

Assuming that you already have a Facebook page created for your business,

let’s take the next step and create a Business Manager page. This lets you

create the ad account that you’ll use to run the actual ads.

Setting Up Your First: Go to Business.Facebook.com

Facebook Business Manager

Now’s the moment you’ve been waiting for.

The part where we bring it all together and take everything

we’ve covered in both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 to create
an actual Facebook video ad campaign!

If you’re already a user, you should be directed to your account. If you aren’t,

click “Create Account” and you’ll go through a quick signup flow. It should only
Skip these pre -reqs take a second - all you need is a business name and a few other quick details.

Already have your Business Manager

and ad account setup? Go ahead All done? Congrats!
and skip ahead to page 92!
You’ve just taken the first big step toward setting up your campaign and

becoming a Facebook advertising ninja. Now there are just two more quick

steps to go through before we get to the campaign creation.

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Step 2 Add your Facebook Business Page Step 3 Add or create your Ad Account
Once you’ve created an account, you’re going to be faced The last part of this Business Manager setup is to create an Ad Account

with a few different options. The first thing you need to do (or to add it, if you already have one). This is the part of Facebook that

is to add your Business Facebook Page (not your personal lets you actually create, run, and manage all of your ad campaigns.

Facebook Profile) to your Business Manager account.

You can do this by just clicking “Add Page” and selecting

which page you want to add to this account.

Just like with adding your page, all you have to do here is click

“Add Ad Account” to start the process. It will ask you to create

an account and also have you input your details for billing.

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Let’s Sum Up What We Covered So Far Account
Here’s a visual representation of how it all works. Basically, you
(as a person) have a personal Facebook profile. By going through
this process, you are creating a separate “Business Manager”
account, which is connected to your Business Page and
Ad Account.

The reason it works like this is so that more than one person can
manage your Facebook Business Page or ads without having Ad Business
them access the same personal account. Account Page

Don’t worry, your Business Manager account won’t change

anything about your personal Facebook profile. Ad

Ad Set Ad Set

Ad Ad Ad Ad

Turn Facebook into your #1 marketing channel

Brands large and small, from all around the globe,
Visit Promo.com
use Promo to create incredible video content.

Don’t wait. Get started today.

90 91
L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Creating Your Facebook

Ad Campaign Step 2 Choose your campaign goal
Remember earlier when we went through that flowchart and talked
Now that we have everything we need, let’s create an actual campaign.
all about campaign goals? Now’s when it gets put to use.
Here’s where things get really exciting, so stick with us.

When you click “Create”, Facebook is going to give you a whole bunch
First, you’ll create an Ad Campaign. This is where you set your high-level
of options for what kind of campaign you want to run.
marketing goal.

Select the one you decided back on page 73 or 78.

Within your campaign, you can create multiple Ad Sets, each with their own
targeting and scheduling. Finally, within each Ad Set, you can create multiple
Ads, which is the creative that actually gets shown to users.

Step 1 Click that bright green button that says “Create”

Now, try to resist the temptation to pick one of the advanced campaign

options for the first couple times. Yes, there is a lot to explore and test

out. But, especially if you’re new to Facebook advertising, we recommend

starting simple and working your way up to the more complex advertising

options like app installs, video views, or catalog sales.

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Figuring Out Your Audience

A solid Facebook Ad Campaign only works if it reaches the people that will
want to know more. Before you create your target audience on Facebook,
let’s take a second to think about who those people are. Use the worksheet
below to go through the important questions you need to answer to target
your audience effectively.

What language(s) does

Exercise: Defining Your Audience your audience primarily

Who do you want to

reach? Start with a What hobbies or
general description. activities are they likely
to be interested in?

Do you want to reach

people anywhere
in the world or only What other brands or
in specific locations? companies might they
like or purchase from?

What age is your Does your audience

target audience? need to meet any
specific criteria, such
as education, income,
political affiliation.

Is your audience men,

women, or both?

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L E A R N FA C E B O O K V I D E O A D V E R T I S I N G F R O M T H E E X P E R T S \ CRASH COURSE chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Creating Your Target Audience

When we create an “Audience” on Facebook, what we’re really doing
is telling them that out of all of the people using Facebook, we want to
target the ones who fit specific criteria. You can accomplish this by
using a Lookalike Audience, creating your own audience from scratch, Step 1 Choose the location
or a combination of the two. The most basic criteria is the location of the people you want

to reach. Depending on your product or service, you may

We are going to begin by defining some basic information about
want to reach people around the world or only users in your
your audience.
town. If you’re selecting multiple cities, states, or countries,

you can add them each to your list individually.

Let’s say you run a local yoga studio. If that’s the case, then

you probably only want to target people who live in your cit y

and maybe some surrounding areas. So, let’s start there.

Targeting is absolutely critical to success especially for small

businesses. You will want to spend some time thinking about

how to best reach your ideal customers or audience.

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Step 2 Select age and gender Step 3 Set the language

Next up, select the age range and gender you want to reach. This one is fairly straightforward - select the language of
Again, this will depend entirely on what you are marketing. the target audience. Facebook will show your ad to people

who have their language settings in this language or have

If you are marketing chocolate covered happiness, it might
the language listed in their profile. So, for instance, if you
be relevant to people of all ages, but chances are you want
are targeting Facebook users in France with an ad in English,
to target potential customers that fall within a specific age
the users who say they speak English could still see it, even
range. Keep in mind that right now you’re creating a single ad
if they browse Facebook primarily in French.
set but you can create an unlimited number of ad sets in the

future. So, if you have more than one demographic, start by In our yoga example, we’ll go ahead and target English speakers.
just choosing the one that aligns with the video(s) you created
in Chapter 1 and keep in mind that you can create new videos

and targeted campaigns for the other audiences later on!

Returning to our yoga studio example, you probably know

that most of your customers fit a certain profile. Maybe it’s

women, ages 22 to 45. You can use that to narrow down your

audience and target those who are most likely to respond

to your ads.

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Get to know your audience!

Step 4 Interests, behaviors, and demographics
Back in Chapter 1 on page 22, If you have a certain targeting option in
Now is when things get really interesting. Other than the cut and dry
we answered a lot of questions mind, then try t yping it in the box. You may
criteria above, Facebook offers advertisers all sorts of ways to target users.
about your target persona. be surprised to see that Facebook allows you
There are three primary categories that fall under “Detailed Targeting”:
Use those to help you identify to target the exact t ype of viewers you’re

1. Interests targeting based on your potential hoping to reach. Or, if you’re looking for some
customers’ demographics, inspiration, try the “Browse” option to comb
2. Behaviors
behaviors, and interests! through all of the available targeting options.
3. Demographics

This section is really the bread and butter of finding your ideal audience.

You can target things like education level, income, favorite sports teams,

political affiliations, and even online shopping habits.

For our yoga studio, we can find the people who are most likely to become

customers by targeting people based on their interest in yoga, specifically.

We can expand out from there by targeting people who like other brands

and companies associated with yoga classes, like Beyond Yoga, Athleta,

or Manduka.

Remember that, by default, in order for However, if you want to only target people

someone to see your ad, they only have who check all the boxes (both college grads

to match one criteria. For example, if and Volkswagen fans), simply click “Narrow

you target college graduates and fans audience” before adding your second

of Volkswagen, you are actually targeting criteria. You can click “Narrow further”

anyone who is either a college graduate to continue to add more targeting options,

or Volkswagen fan (not necessarily both). each one a subset of the last.
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Step 5 Choose your connection to the audience

Lastly, you can choose to only target people who you already have

some kind of connection to. For instance, you can target people

who are a fan of your business page. If you already have a large

audience and you want to reach them directly, try this option. In

this case, it may not make sense to narrow down your audience

any further by using the targeting options above.

This is especially helpful if you have a special sale or event that’s

happening. Posting organically on Facebook will only reach a

small portion of your existing audience, so you can run an ad

campaign to make sure that you get in front of all of your existing

fans. You’ll likely have stronger campaign performance if you

target an audience that already knows and likes your brand.

You can also use this setting to exclude certain people from seeing your ad.

Like, if you want to show your ad only to new potential customers and not
ones who already like your page.

But, if you want to reach anyone on Facebook who meets the other criteria

you defined, then go ahead and leave this section alone and move on to

the next page!

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Using Lookalike Audiences Step 1 Install the Facebook Pixel

The first step to make this work is to install the Facebook Pixel
One of the most powerful features of Facebook’s ad
on your website. This is just a tiny snippet of code that you
platform is what’s called a Lookalike Audience. Now,
put on your site which helps Facebook to identif y the people
I’m not going to say that this feature is “magic”, but
who visit and perform different actions.
it’s prett y dang close.

Read our guide to the Facebook Pixel for full details on how
Facebook can take a list of customers from you and then
to get it setup.
comb through all of their users to identify the ones who
are most likely to visit your site or complete a transaction. Keep in mind that in order to create a Lookalike
Audience, you will need an existing audience of at least
Without going into too much detail about the technology
100 people to start with, and 1,000 people is ideal.
that makes this possible, just know that Facebook uses
the data from the Facebook Pixel to find other people on
their platform who share similar characteristics to those
who have already visited your site.

You don’t have to use the Facebook Pixel or create

a Lookalike Audience to run a successful campaign.
But, if you can, we’d definitely recommend giving it a shot.

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Step 2 Select the criteria for your Lookalike Audience Step 3 Define your audience location and size
Next up, you’ll want to select the criteria for the audience Lastly, you can select the location of the audience that you want to
that you want to target. create and the audience size. All audience sizes are relative to the

population of the location you select. So, if you target the US and
To do this, go to your Facebook Ads Manager page. Then, click “Audiences”,
choose a 1% audience, then Facebook’s algorithm will target the 1%
“Create Audience”, and “Lookalike Audience” from the drop-down.
of all US users who look most similar to the

users in your pixel audience.

Promo tip:
Then, click “Create” and you’re done! Make this part
simple by just
selecting the
It will usually take a bit of time for Facebook
countries you want
to “populate” the audience before you can to target and
use it. But, the audience will be ready in choosing the 1%
audience option.
about 20 -30 minutes, usually.

Step 4 Select your Lookalike

Audience in audience targeting
To apply your Lookalike Audience to your targeting,

simply select it as a custom audience from the ad set

targeting options page.

Here, you can define the audience that you want to target.

For instance, you can choose to target everyone who visited your

site or only people who completed a certain action or visited a

certain page. For instance, you may want to create an audience

of people who are similar to those who completed a purchase

in the past. This could help you quickly zoom in on those who

are more likely to purchase from you in the future.

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Setting Your Placements

In this next section, you’re going to select your placements. Simply put,
this is where (and in what context) you want your ads to appear.

If you want to get a bit more control, you can choose “Manual
Placements” where you actually get to choose where your ads
will appear. Assuming that you’re using a video that fits the
dimensions and specs for all available video placements, then
you could choose specifically those that fit your audience. You’ll
see that there are many placements to choose from, but our
suggestion is to choose the following five:

1. Facebook feeds 4. Instagram feeds

2. Facebook In-stream video 5. Instagram stories

3. Facebook stories

Ultimately, it’s up to you. This is something you can test and tweak
as you become more comfortable with running ad campaigns.
At this stage, you basically have 2 options. The first one is to accept the
“Automatic” placements, which means Facebook will just show your ads
Promo tip:
anywhere and everywhere they fit. This is the easiest way to get started,
Promo.com allows you to create
but you’ll have less control over where your ad appears.
perfectly-optimized videos for all Visit Promo.com
video placement options.
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E chapter 02 \ A Step - By-Step Guide to a Successful Campaign

Spending Money to Make Money

Without a budget strategy, many fall into a trap of throwing money to the
wind and not achieving results. Is it all worth it? Use the worksheet below
to see if investing in your Facebook Ad Campaign makes sense with your
expected results.

Exercise: Setting Your Calculate how

Facebook Campaign Budget many events (clicks,
conversions, etc)
you can generate Budget Bid Total Events

How much are you

willing to spend overall?

This is your campaign budget. Calculate your return

on ad spend (ROAS)
Profit Per Event Bid ROAS
How much are you willing
to spend per event
(click, conversion, etc)?
This is your bid.

How much profit does

one event generate?

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Budget, Schedule, & Optimization

Moving right along, we have arrived at the section where we decide the
budget, scheduling, and optimization settings for the campaign. This part
can be fairly simple, but there are, of course, some important decisions
to be made. This is all up to you and your

budget. But, here are our two

Step 1 Set your budget type cents: Give yourself an amount

Before you actually choose a budget amount, you’ll need to of money that you are 100%

choose a budget t ype. You have two options here: comfortable spending and

know that no matter what, your

1. Daily budget campaign will never go over that
2. Lifetime budget amount. This is an easy way to

test the waters.

If you choose a daily budget, then Facebook will spend up

to the amount that you enter every single day during the
In general, we recommend using a daily One thing to note here: If you need to run
scheduled time period. On the other hand, if you choose
budget. If you want to be careful about your ads only at certain times of the day
a lifetime budget, they will spend up to that cap over the
how much you end up spending, then choose a lifetime budget. Like, say you’re
lifespan of the whole campaign in total.
you can set a start and end date for your a restaurant that specializes in late-night

campaign. Lifetime budgets may be a bit food delivery or you’re a company that’s

less predictable on a day-to-day basis. only open during normal business hours

and don’t want to generate leads at night.

A lifetime budget will allow you to do

what’s called “dayparting” or choosing

which parts of the day your ads run.

(More on this in a bit).

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Step 2 Set up your bid and budget

Now comes the big one. How much are you actually going to spend Based on your bid, Facebook’s algorithm will adjust your spend and impressions to try
on your campaign? Of course, we can’t tell you an exact dollar figure to make sure that you never pay more than your maximum bid. But, keep in mind that
because it’s going to come down to your company’s overall budget this calculation is done as an average over time, so it may not be calibrated perfectly
and how much you feel comfortable dedicating toward Facebook ads. right away.

First, you want to set your overall budget for your campaign. This We can’t tell you exactly how much you want to spend, but here are some tips on
is the maximum that you want to spend in total on your advertising setting your budget and bid:
(either per day or lifetime).
1. Don’t spend more than you’re 3. Break your budget down into

comfortable losing (it may take some different goals (brand awareness,

trial and error to get things right!) conversions, engagement, etc).

2. Set a budget of at least 4 -5x what 4. While you can fine-tune your bid

you would be willing to pay for a strategy, you should probably start

single click, like, or conversion (e.g., with automatic bidding. Learn as you

if you’d be comfortable paying $2 per go and then improve your performance

conversion, then your budget should over time.

be $8 -10 per day, minimum).

Keep in mind that if you choose a lifetime budget, your budget will be

divided up over the entire term of the campaign (we’ll set the schedule in the

Secondly, you can adjust the bid on your campaign. This is slightly different next step). But, if you choose a daily budget, then Facebook will spend that

from your budget because it’s the maximum amount that you’re willing to much every day, either until you tell it to stop or your scheduled end date.

pay for each individual action that you’re trying to generate. For example,

if you’re running a Conversions Campaign, then your bid would be the

maximum amount that you’re willing to pay for each conversion generated.

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Step 3 Scheduling your ads Step 4 Fine -tune everything

Next up, you can decide when you want your campaign to run. Finally, you can optimize the way your ads are delivered as you

Again, you have two basic options. learn from your running campaigns. Keep in mind that Facebook’s

system will already do a lot of optimizing automatically to try

1. Run the campaign continuously. to find you the most clicks at the lowest prices, based on your
2. Set a start and end date. targeting and creative assets.

If you set a lifetime budget, then you’ll have to define a start and The one element we really recommend fine-tuning at this stage
end date so that Facebook can divide up your spend evenly until is the ad scheduling feature. If you are running a lifetime budget
your campaign is over. If you’re running the campaign daily, then and want your ads to show up only during certain times of the day,
you can let it run indefinitely or set an end date. We recommend here’s your shot.
that you always set an end date for peace of mind.

For beginners, we suggest, again, that you start off slow. Run your

campaign for just a few days at first. See how it goes. You can

always extend it and increase your budget if things are rockin’

and rollin’.

Promo tip:
Advanced marketers will use the “Conversion window” setting to
dial in how conversions are tracked and attributed. This setting
tells Facebook how far into the future they should attribute
a conversion to a specific click or view. For example, if your
conversion window is set to 7 days and someone clicks your ad,
then returns 5 days later to make a purchase, that would count
as a conversion for that specific ad. But if they came back 8 days
later, it wouldn’t be included. Setting a reasonable conversion
window for your product (how long is the buyer’s consideration
stage?) will allow Facebook to better target and optimize your ads.
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Step 1 Choose “Single Video”

Creating Your Creative Assets

Right off the bat, you’ll see that you can choose from a range of different

t ypes of ads. We already know we’re doing a video campaign, so select

“Single Video”.
Your campaign is all set up to start running. You’ve selected your target
audience, set your budget, and decided where and when you want
your ads to appear. But, what ads do you want to show?

Hopefully, you completed Chapter 1 of this course and you already

have a video and all of the creative assets that you need to launch your
campaign. Now, all you have to do is drop it into the Ads Manager.

Create awesome
videos like a pro.
With a video creation platform

like Promo, everyone can create

stunning, engaging, and buzz-

worthy video, even if you’ve never

created a video before! Check

out Promo and start making

Step 2 Upload Video
Next up, click “Upload video”, find your video, and upload it to Facebook.
amazing video right away.

Visit Promo.com Promo tip:

Even if you have more than one video, start
with this. You can add more “Creatives” or
ad variations with different videos later on.

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Step 3 Choose your thumbnail

Once your video is uploaded, you can select a thumbnail,

which will appear before the user begins playing the video.

Try to choose something interesting and intriguing, but keep in

mind that if there is text, it needs to take up less than 20% of

the image or Facebook won’t show it as frequently as other ads.

Step 4 Add your links and copy

Houston, we are almost done. The last

step in this whole process is to add the

copy and links to your ad. Depending

on which campaign objective you

selected, you may be asked to include

a link, headline, and your post copy.

Once you’ve copied and pasted this part

into the ad, you’ll be ready to share this

thing with the world. Just click “Confirm”.

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After the
Measuring, testing, and
optimizing your campaign

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After the Launch:

What Now?
You did it. You wrote, created, in and look at the results. But,
configured, and launched your very remember that a watched pot never
own Facebook video ad campaign boils. Give your campaign time to
from scratch! That’s an amazing feat run, collect data for at least 24-48
and you really should take a second hours before evaluating and making
to pat yourself on the back. any decisions about its success. It
may start out slow, but it could most
Now, after you’ve launched the definitely pick up!
campaign itself, you’ll probably
be wondering what comes next. You’ll be able to track the progress
This dashboard will show you which your campaigns as effective and
and see data about the campaign at
You should know that it may take a campaigns are running and all of the efficient as possible. We could write
any time. To do this, all you need to
few hours for the ad campaign itself data and statistics. You can see how an entirely new course on that topic
do is navigate back to your Facebook
to actually start running. Facebook many people it’s reaching and what (and maybe we will someday). But,
Business Account and open up your
needs to review new campaign ads impact it’s having out in the world. instead, we created a free Facebook
Ads Manager (make sure you’re
so it can take a bit of time. It’s prett y awesome and can be Campaign Troubleshooter that will
looking at the right dates!)
totally addicting to watch and track. help you diagnose any challenges
Once your campaign starts running, that might come your way.
it will be tempting to jump right With data, of course, you’ll come
to the next logical question, which Before we get to that, we’ll leave
is, “could these numbers be you with a short, final lesson on
better?” That, my friend, is called optimization best practices.
optimization. It’s the art of making

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The Art & Zen of Campaign

Alright, Dorothy, you’re not in ad you created is the best possible
Kansas anymore. If you’ve made version? If you don’t test, you’ll never
it this far into the course, you have know! That’s both the beaut y and
basically just climbed your own the challenge of optimization.
version of Mt. Everest and that’s
prett y amazing. But if you’re thinking Luckily, Facebook makes it prett y

about optimization already (and you simple to test, tweak, and optimize

will, trust me), then you’re already your video campaigns. All you have

in deep and on your way to really to do is go into your Ads Manager,

mastering Facebook ads. open up your campaign, and click on

the ad set. You’ll see the ad that you
If you’re on the fence about the value just created and with two clicks you
of optimization, just ask yourself this can literally duplicate this ad and
question: How do you know that the create a copy.

More videos = better results

Learn which messages resonate best to generate

more clicks, leads, or sales! Create and test new Visit Promo.com
videos quickly and easily with Promo, the

world’s #1 video creation platform.

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Once you’ve created a copy of the the best. Slowly, over time, Facebook
ad, you can edit this version to make will start showing the better-
it different from the original. First: performing ad more often than the
Start with your video. It’s likely to other one and your campaign will
have 80% of the impact on your be automatically optimized for you. Next, You’ll Become a
overall success, so try creating a Facebook Ads Master
bunch of different videos and testing The most important thing is to
keep testing. A lot of moving You’ve launched your campaign.
them to see what works best. Now it’s time to tweak, test, and optimize.
pieces means there is a of room to
Then, move onto other tests. Try new experiment and improve. Especially We created a Facebook Ad Campaign
headlines, tweak your advertising when it comes to video content, Troubleshooter that will help you diagnose
problems and improve campaign performance.
copy, and change the call to action. creating different videos will give
Never settle and keep trying new things. You’re
Will it perform better or worse than you more and more opportunities just one test away from your best campaign yet.
the original? Try to change one to find the perfect ad and strategy
variable at a time to find out what’s for your business. Also, keep in mind
Become a
really the game changer. that you want to test different videos
Facebook Ads Master
over time. You can’t run the same
Because of the way Facebook’s ad forever or people will get bored
algorithm and advertising system every time they see your ad. Even
works, it will automatically test these the best video will eventually run
two ads against one another and its course.
figure out which one is performing

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Here’s Your Homework Class Dismissed

Check out these amazing resources to learn even more about social media marketing,

Facebook advertising, and video campaigns!

Well, friend, it would seem that even the best
things in life must eventually come to an end.
1. Social Media Marketing 101
It’s been a pleasure working together to learn
This primer teaches you the basics of successful social media marketing.
the ins and outs of creating and running a
2. Video Marketing 101 Facebook video campaign.
Learn everything you need to know about how to use video as part of your
Of course, there’s always more to learn and we
marketing stategy.
hope you’ll keep reading and testing yourself to
3. How to Fight Ad Fatigue and Breathe New Life into Your Content expand your marketing horizons.
Don’t wear your video campaign too thin. Learn how to switch it up and keep
Just don’t forget your friends at Promo when
your audience engaged.
you become a Facebook video ads guru. Come
4. Small Business Marketing Budget: A Visual Guide to Planning Your Promotion Dollars back to this course every now and again and
Allocate your marketing spend wisely! remember where your expertise all started.

5. How (and WHY) to Use the Facebook Pixel on Your Site Now, go forth and promote anything!
Get the most out of your Facebook advertising with the Facebook Pixel. Next up, you

can decide when you want your campaign to run. Again, you have two basic options.
-The Promo Team

Create your masterpiece today.

Visit Promo.com

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