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J Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 48-58 (2001)

Surgical Incisions — Their Anatomical Basis Part III - Lower Limb

Patnaik, V.V.G., 2Singla, Rajan, K., 3 Gupta, P.N.
Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Patiala1, Amritsar2, Department of Orthopedics Government Medical
College, Chandigarh3. INDIA

For Reprints, request the first author.

Abstract. The present paper is a continuation of the previous one by the same authors in the last issue. Here, we have made an
attempt to delineate various incisions for exposing different bones & joints of lower limb along with important anatomical landmarks to be
taken care while designing & executing these.
Key words : Surgical Incisions, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Femur, Tibia, Calcaneus, Toes.

Introduction : Attachments of gluteus medius & tensor fascia lata

Numerous new approaches to the different muscle are freed from iliac crest. Dissection is
regions of lower limb have been described during carried between tensor fascia lata laterally &
the past few years, most of which are based on sartorius & rectus femoris medially. Ascending
older approaches & are modified for a specific branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery lies 5 cm
surgical procedure. We will discuss the anatomical distal to hip joint which is clamped & ligated. Lateral
basis of the most widely used approaches. Various cutaneous nerve of thigh passes over sartorius 2.5
approaches in lower limb can be classified cm. distal to anterior superior iliac spine; it has to be
according to the site as follows : retracted medially. This exposes the capsule of hip
joint which can be incised along its attachment to
(A) Approaches to Hip Joint : acetabulum after cutting the origin of rectus femoris.
(i) Anterior approaches : Schaubel Modification (1980) : Schaubel found
1. Smith Peterson approach. reattachment of fascia lata to the fascia on iliac
- Schaubel Modification. crest difficult so instead of dividing the fascia lata at
iliac crest, he performed an osteotomy of iliac crest
2. Somerville Bikni Incision.
between attachments of external oblique muscle
(ii) Antero lateral approach (Smith Peterson, medially & fascia lata laterally. Tensor fascia lata,
Cave & Van Gorder) gluteus medius & gluteus minimus attachments
(iii) Lateral Approaches : were subperiostealy dissected distally to expose hip
joint capsule.
1. Watson Jones approach.
2. Somerville ‘Bikni’ Incision :—Somerville
2. Harris approach.
(1953) described an anterior approach using a
3. Mc Farland & Osborne approach. transverse ‘bikni’ incision for irreducible congenital
4. Hardinge approach. dislocation of hip joint in a young child.
5. Mc Lauchlan approach. A straight skin incision is made beginning
(iv) Postero Lateral Approaches : anteriorly, medial & inferior to anterior superior iliac
spine& coursing obliquely superiorly & posteriorly to
1. Gibson approach. middle of iliac crest. (Fig 1b). The abductor muscles
2. Marcy & Fletcher Modification. are reflected subperiosteally from iliac bone distally
(v) Posterior Approaches : to capsule of hip joint. Tensor fascia lata is
separated from sartorius for about 2.5 cm inferior to
1. Osborne Incision anterior superior iliac spine. Reflected head of
2. Moore Incision rectus femoris is separated from acetabulum &
(vi) Medial Approach (Ludloff) : capsule. For a wide exposure its straight head may
also be divided & reflected distally.
(vii) Antero Medial Approach (Zanepen &
Gamidov) : (ii) Antero lateral approach :—It is used for
open reduction & internal fixation of fracture femoral
(i) Anterior Approaches
neck. It retains the advantage of anterior ilio femoral
1. Smith Peterson :—It is also known as approach but exposes the trochanteric region
Anterior ilio femoral approach. Here, the incision is laterally. Since the superior retinacular vessels
begun at the middle of the iliac crest & carried which are major source of supply to the head of
anteriorly to the anterior superior iliac spine & then femur do not come in the way the chances of
distally & slightly laterally for 10-12 cm. (Fig 1a) . avascular necrosis of head of femur are less.
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Patnaik, V.V.G. et al 49

Fig. 1. Approaches to Hip Joint (a) Smith Peterson approach. (b) Somerville Bikni Incision. (c) Watson Jones lateral approach.
(d) Harris technique (e) Mc Farland Osborne technique. (f) Hardinge Modification (g) Mc Lauchlan Incision (h) Gibson’s
Postero Lateral approach. (i) Osborne’s posterior approach (j) Moore’s Southern approach (k) Ludloff’s Medial approach.

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50 Surgical Incisions Lower Limb

The incision is made along anterior third of modification of Mc Farland & Osborne (1954)
iliac crest & then along anterior border of tensor technique based on the observation that gluteus
fascia lata, curving posteriorly across the insertion medius inserts on the greater trochanter by a strong,
of this muscle into iliotibial tract in the sub- mobile tendon that curves around the apex of
trochanteric region (usually 8 to 10 cm below the trochanter. In this a posteriorly directed lazy ‘J’
base of greater trochanter) & end there. Lateral incision is made centred over the greater trochanter
cutaneous nerve of thigh is saved & retracted (Fig. 1f). Fascia lata is incised in line with skin
medially as in anterior ilio femoral approach. incision. Tensor fascia lata is retracted anteriorly &
Abductor muscles are reflected as in Somerville gluteus maximus posteriorly to expose origin of
Incision above & capsule is exposed. vastus lateralis & insertion of gluteus medius. These
(iii) Lateral Approaches : are partially divided to reach the anterior aspect of
capsule which can be incised as desired. This
1. Watson Jones Technique (1935) :—This is approach is used for hip replacement surgery.
the most commonly used approach among the
lateral approaches. The incision is begun 2.5 cm 5. Mc Lauchlan Incision (1984) :—It is a lateral
longitudinal skin incision centered midway between
distal & lateral to the anterior superior iliac spine &
anterior & posterior borders of greater trchanter &
curved distally & posteriorly over the lateral aspect
extending an equal distance proximal & distal to the
of greater trochanter & lateral surface of femoral tip of greater trochanter (Fig. 1g). Tensor fascia lata
shaft to a point 5 cm distal to the base of trochanter is incised in line with skin incision & greater
(Fig. 1c). The interval between Gluteus medius & trochanter is exposed with gluteus medius attached
tensor fascia lata is often difficult to delineate. proximally & vastus lateralis attached distally. The
However, Brackett (1912) pointed out that it can be muscles are split in line of their fibres & greater
done more easily by beginning the separation trochanter is cut in form of 2 rectangular slices (with
midway between anterior superior iliac spine & osteotome) having gluteus medius attached
greater trochanter before tensor fascia lata blends proximally & vastus lateralis attached distally on
with its fascial insertion. The capsule can be both of these. One is retracted anteriorly & one
approached through this interval. This approach is posteriorly to expose hip joint.
used commonly for open reduction of fracture neck (iv) Postero lateral approach (Gibson, 1953) :—
of femur & for joint replacement surgery. In this, the proximal limb of incision is begun at
2. Harris Technique :—Harris (1973) a point 6-8 cm anterior to posterior superior iliac
recommended this approach for an extensive spine & just distal to iliac crest overlying the anterior
exposure of hip. In this, a U shaped incision is made border of gluteus maximus muscle. It is extended
distally to anterior border of greater trochanter &
with its base at posterior border of greater
further distally in line of femur for 15-18 cm. (Fig.
trochanter. It is begun 5 cm posterior & slightly 1h) Iliotibial tract is incised in line with direction of its
proximal to anterior superior iliac spine, curved fibres. Next, gluteus minimus et medius are divided
distally & posteriorly to posterior superior corner of at their insertion to expose the capsule.
greater trochanter & then extended longitudinally for
(v) Posterior approaches
8 cm. Finally it is curved anteriorly & distally making
2 limbs of U symmetrical (Fig. 1d). The approach In posterior approaches to the hip the joint is
permits dislocation of femoral head both anteriorly & exposed by cutting the posterior aspect of capsule.
These approaches are commonly used for hip
posteriorly but requires an osteotomy of the greater
replacement surgery but less popular for open
trochanter with the resulting risk of non union or reduction & internal fixation of fracture neck of the
trochanteric bursitics. Also, as reported by Testa & femur as the superior retinacular vessels & the
Mazus (1988), incidence of significant or disabling ascending branch of medial circumflex femoral
hetrotropic ossification is increased by this method. artery is in jeopardy thereby leading to avascular
3. Mc Farland Osborne Technique (1954) :—In necrosis of the head of femur.
this, a midlateral skin incision is made centred over 1. Osborne approach (1931) :—The incision is
the greater trochanter, its length depending upon begun 4-5 cm distal & lateral to posterior superior
amount of sub cutaneous fat (Fig. 1e) Gluteal fascia iliac spine & continued laterally & distally remaining
& iliotibial tract are divided in line with skin incision. parallel to fibres of gluteus maximus to posterior
This technique considers the gluteus medius & superior angle of greater trochanter & then distally
vastus lateralis muscles to be in direct functional along posterior border of greater trochanter for 5 cm
(Fig 1i). Gluteus maximus fibres are separated
continuity through thick periosteum covering greater
parallel to skin incision. Since branches of superior
trochanter. gluteal artery are in proximal half of the muscle &
4. Hardinge Modification (1982) :—This is a those of inferior gluteal artery are in distal half of
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Patnaik, V.V.G. et al 51

muscle so little bleeding occurs. Insertion of gluteus circumflex femoral artery is encountered when
maximus to fascia lata is divided for 5 cm exposing proximal fourth of femur & superior lateral
corresponding to long limb of incision. Piriformis & genicular artery in distal fourth. These can cause
gamelli are detached near their insertion & retracted troublesome bleeding so should be isolated &
medially. These protect the sciatic nerve & the ligated. With this method, though entire femoral
capsule is now exposed. shaft can be exposed but it can lead to scarring of
2. Moore’s approach (1959) :—It is also known vastus lateralis to prevent which postero lateral
as “Southern Exposure”. The incision is started 10 approach is used where the muscle is erased from
cm distal to posterior superior iliac spine & extended its origin on the linea aspra.
distally & laterally parallel to fibres of gluteus (iii) Postero Lateral Approach :—Here
maximus to posterior margin of greater trochanter. incision is made from base of greater trochanter to
Then it is directed distally for 10-12 cm parallel to lateral condyle (Fig. 2c). Dissection is carried out
femoral shaft (Fig. 1j). Rest of exposure is almost
posterior to vastus lateralis to reach linea aspra.
same as in osborne’s technique.
There, this muscle along with vastus intermedius
(vi) Medial Approach :—(Ludloff, 1908) It was can be erased subperiosteally. In middle third of
developed to permit surgery on a congenitally thigh, 2nd perforating branch of profunda femoris
dislocated hip. The incision is placed on medial artery has to be ligated & divided. Damage to sciatic
aspect of thigh beginning 2.5 cm distal to pubic nerve & profunda femoris vessel can be prevented
tubercle & over the interval between gracilis & by not separating long & short heads of biceps.
adductor longus muscle. (Fig 1k). A plane is
(iv) Posterior Approach :—This approach is
developed between adductor longus et brevis
rarely used. The skin is incised longitudinally in the
anteriorly & gracilis & adductor magnus posteriorly.
middle of posterior aspect of thigh from just distal to
Posterior branch of obturator nerve & neurovascular
bundle to gracilis is exposed & protected. Capsule is gluteal fold to proximal margin of popliteal fossa.
located in the floor of wound. (Fig 2d). Dissection is carried out along lateral
border of lateral head of biceps, in proximal part
(vii) Antero Medial Approach :—(Zazepan & retracting it medially, while in distal part, dissection
Gamidov, 1972) In this, a longitudinal incision is is done between this head & semitendinosis,
made 15-20 cm long, 2-3 cm medial to femoral retracting lateral head of biceps along with schiatic
artery & 2 cm distal to inguinal ligament. Pectineus
& adductor longus are exposed. Next external
pudendal & medial circumflex femoral vessels are
identified & retracted laterally. Muscles are
separated by sharp dissection & lesser trochanter is
exposed. Iliopsoas tendon is freed & capsule is
(B) Approaches to Femur :
(i) Antero Lateral Approach :—The skin
incision is placed over the middle third of femur in a
line between anterior superior spine & lateral margin
of patella (Fig. 2a) Dissection is carried in the
interval between rectus femoris & vastus lateralis.
Vastus intermedius is divided in line with its fibres &
femur is exposed.
This approach is suitable for only middle third
of femur. In proximal third, injury to lateral
circumflex femoral artery & nerve to vastus lateralis
can occur, while in distal third supra patellar pouch
is encountered which if cut can lead to knee
stiffness by formation of adhesions.
(ii) Lateral Approach :—The skin incision of
desired length is made over the lateral aspect of
Fig. 2. Approaches to Femur. (a) Antero lateral (b) Lateral (c)
thigh along a line from greater trochanter to the Postero lateral (d) Posterior (e) & (f) Lateral & Medial
lateral femoral condyle (Fig. 2b) Vastus lateralis et approaches to posterior surface of lower third of
intermedius are divided in line with direction of femur (g) Lateral approach to proximal shaft &
trochanteric region.
fibres to expose the shaft. A branch of lateral
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52 Surgical Incisions Lower Limb

nerve laterally. A branch of sciatic nerve, supplying carried out between vastus medialis & medial border
to short head of biceps may be saved or divided, of quadriceps tendon to reach the capsule.
depending upon requirement of incision, because it Abbot & Carpentor (1945) pointed out that wide
doesn’t compose the entire nerve supply of this part access to joint can be attained in following ways :—
of muscle.
(a) Extending incision proximally (b)
The approach may damage the sciatic nerve Extending proximal past of incision
because of rough handling & prolonged or strenous obliquely medially (c) Dividing medial alar
retraction causing disturbing symptoms after surgery fold longitudinally (d) mobilising medial
or even a permanent disability in the leg so this part of insertion of patellar tendon
approach is rarely used. subperiosteally.
(v) Lateral approach to posterior surface of If contracture of quadriceps prevents sufficient
lower 1/3rd of femur :—(Henry 1927) With knee exposure. the tibial tuberosity may be detached &
slightly flexed, the incision is made for 15 cm along reattached later with a screw (Fernandes, 1988).
posterior margin of iliotibial tract following the angle
of knee to the head of fibula (Fig. 2e) Popliteal fossa During any of anterior medial approaches, infra
is reached between posterior border of iliotibial tract patellar branch of saphenous nerve should be
& short head of biceps. Branches of perforating protected. Saphenous nerve courses posterior to
vessels are ligated & divided, while popliteal vessels sartorius, pierces fascia lata between this muscle &
& tibial nerve are retracted posteriorly to expose gracilis to become subcutaneus. It gives a large
posterior surface of femur. infra patellar branch to supply, skin over anterior
medial aspect of knee. Kummel & Zazanis (1974) &
(vi) Medial approach to posterior surface of Chambers (1972) noted several variations in its
lower 1/3rd of femur :—(Henry 1927) With the location & distribution so no single incision can
knee slightly flexed, the incision is begun 15 cm avoid it for certain. So blunt dissection is adviced
proximal to adductor tubercle & continued distally between skin & joint capsule to locate & save its
along adductor tendon following the angle of knee to branches. Chambers (1972) reported several
5 cm distal to tubercle (Fig 2f) Dissection is carried incidences of unsuccessful surgeries on knee
posterior to sartorius and avoiding damage to because of neuromas in scar.
synovial membrane, saphenous nerve lying
posterior to sartorius & adductor tendon, retracting (ii) Antero lateral approach (Kochar, 1911)
large vessels & nerves posteriorly ligating & dividing :—Usually this approach is not as satisfactory as
small vessels. Tabial & lateral peroneal nerve lie antero medial because (i) it is more difficult to
latero posterior so are not encountered. displace patella medially than laterally (ii) it requires
a longer incision (iii) often pateller tendon must be
(vii) Lateral approach to proximal shaft & partly freed subperiosteally.
trochanteric region :—This is the excellent
approach for reduction & internal fixation of Incision is begun 7.5 cm proximal to patella at
trochanteric fractures or for subtrochanteric insertion of vastus lateralis into quadriceps tendon,
osteotomy. The skin incision is placed 5 cm continuing distally along lateral border of this
proximal & anterior to greater trochanter & curved tendon, patella & patellar tendon to end 2.5 cm
distally & posteriorly over postero lateral aspect of distal to tibial tuberosity. (Fig. 3b)
trochanter & then distally over lateral surface of (iii) Postero lateral approach :—(Henderson
thigh parllel to femur for 10cm. (Fig. 2g) Fascia lata 1921) :—With the knee flexed at 90°, a curved
is divided longitudinally posterior to tensor fascia incision is made on lateral side of knee just anterior
lata to avoid splitting this muscls. Vastus lateralis to biceps femoris tendon & head of fibula (Fig. 3c)
thus exposed can be erased subperiosteally from its thus avoiding common peroneal nerve passing over
origin or divided. Care should be exercised to ligate lateral aspect of neck of fibula. The popliteus tendon
& cut perforating arteries before these retract lies in between biceps tendon & fibular collateral
beyond linea aspra. ligament. It is retracted posteriorly to expose postero
(C) Approaches to Knee Joint :— lateral aspect of joint capsule.
(iv) Postero Medial approach :—With knee
(i) Antero Medial Approach :—It was Ist
flexed 90°, a curved incision is made, slightly
described by Langhen beck (1874). The incision is
convex anteriorly & approximately 7.5 cm long
begun at medial border of quadriceps tendon 7–10
along the course of tibial collateral ligament anterior
cm proximal to patella, curved around the medial
to relaxed tendons of semimembranosus,
border of patella back towards midline to end it at or
semitendinosus, gracills & sartorius (Fig. (3d))
distal to tibial tuberosity (Fig. 3a). Deep dissection is
J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 48-58 (2001)
Patnaik, V.V.G. et al 53

Fig. 3. Approaches to knee joint. (a) Antero medial (b) Antero

lateral (c) Postero lateral (d) Postero medial (e) Medial
(f) & (g) Lateral [f-Bruser; g-Hoppenfield & Deboer] (h)
Extensile anterior (Fernandes) (i) & (j) Posterior [i-
Brackett & Osgood; j-Minkoff et al.] (k, l, m) Extensile
(Mc Connel) (n) Cave’s approach for medial meniscus.

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54 Surgical Incisions Lower Limb

oblique part of tibial collateral ligament is incised to mechanism are carefully separated from medial 1/2
expose the capsule. of patella. Patella is dislocated laterally, & medial 1/
(v) Medial approach (Hoppen field & Deboer, 2 of qudriceps tendon retracted medially to expose
1984) :—Incision is begun 2 cm proximal to anterior surface of joint capsule.
adductor tubercle of femur, curved antero inferiorly (b) Extensile anterior approach (Fernands
about 3cm medial to medial border of patella & (1988) :—A lateral parapatellar incision is begun 10
ended 6 cm distal to joint line on anterior medial cm proximal to lateral joint line continued distally
aspect of tibia. (Fig. (3e)) Saphenous nerve & its along lateral border of patella, pateller tendon &
infra patellar branch are saved. Next 3 muscles of tibial tuberosity to end it 15 cm distal to lateral joint
pes anserinus are retracted posteriorly & tibial line. (Fig. 3h).This approach allows easy access to
collateral ligament is exposed. Joint may be opened both medial & lateral condyles by : (i) Extensive
anterior or posterior to it depending upon the need. osteotomy of tibial tuberosity allowing proximal
(vi) Lateral approach :—Lateral approaches reflection of patella & patellar tendon. (ii) transecting
permit good exposure for complete excision of anterior horn & anterior portion of coronary ligament
lateral meniscus. These don’t require division or of medial or lateral meniscus or both as required.
release of fibular collateral ligament. (viii) Posterior approaches :—
(a) Bruser Technique — (1960) :—Knee is These involve the structures, those if damaged
flexed fully so that foot rests on table. The incision is produce a proximal serious disability so a thorough
begun anteriorly where patellar tendon crosses the knowledge of anatomy of popliteal space is
lateral joint line, continued posteriorly along joint line mendatory. (Putti, 1974; Abbot & Carpenter, 1945)
ended at an imaginary line extending from proximal
1. Brackelt & Osgood (1911) technique :—In
end of fibula to lateral femoral condyle (Fig. 3f) Next
this a curvilinear incision, 10-15 cm long is
iliotabial tract is splitted in line of its fibres. Fibular
centered over popliteal space. Its proximal
collateral ligament is relaxed & lying posteriorly.
limb follows tendon of semi tendinosus
Joint capsule is reached anterior to it.
distally to level of joint, it is then curved
(b) Brown et al (1975) Modification :—It is laterally across posterior aspect of joint for
done for lateral menisectomy where in addition to 5 cm & then distally over lateral head of
Bruser approach a varus strain in created to open gastrocnemius (Fig. 3i) Posterior nerve of
the lateral joint space. calf is identified in popliteal fossa Ist of all
(c) Pogrund technique (1976) :—The skin which is a guide to further dissection.
incision is begun near infero lateral aspect of patella Lateral to it the short saphenous vein
& curved gently distally & posteriorly for 4-5cm. pierces deep fascia to drain into popliteal
Capsule is exposed anterior to iliotibial tract. vein. Nerve is traced proximally to its
(d) Hoppen field & Deboer technique (1984) origin from tibial nerve which further helps
:—Incision is begun 3 cm. lateral to middle of rests of dissection as popliteal artery &
patella, extended distally over Gardy’s tubercle on vein lie deep to it. Later are retracted
tibia to end it 4-5 cm distal to joint line. Incision is gentally to approach posterior surface of
completed proximally by curving it along the line of knee joint.
femur. (Fig. (3g) Further dissection is done between 2. Minkoff et al (1987) technique :—Skin
iliotibial tract anteriorly & biceps tendon with incision is begun 1-2cm below the popliteal
common peroneal nerve posteriorly to expose crease slightly medial to midline of knee. It
fibular collateral ligament. is carried transversally & then curving
(vii) Anterior approaches : distally just medial & parallel to head of
fibula, ending 5-6cm distal to it (Fig 3j).
(a) Split Patellar approach (Insall, 1984) :—In Lateral cutaneus nerve of calf, sural nerve
this a lateral parapatellar skin incision is made. Next & common peroneal nerve are to be saved
quadriceps tenden is split in its middle begining 8 in this dissection. This approach gives a
cm proximal to patella extending distally over good exposure of posterior aspect of
middle of patella through patellar tendon to tibial lateral tibial plateau & proximal tibiofibular
tuberosity. Longitudinal fibres of extensor joint.
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(ix) Extensile approach to knee : (McConnel, of nutrition for the bone.

1976 Technique) (ii) Medial approach :—It is used for inserting
McConnell described an extensile approach to a bone graft in delayed union or non union. Here a
the knee that allows access to the anterior, posterior, longitudinal incision is made along postero medial
medial and lateral sides of the knee through a single border of the tibia. Periosteum is reflected from
incision. In addition to excellent exposure, it leaves posterior surface (Phemister, 1947).
an unobrusive scar. The incision has the anterier (iii) Postero lateral approach :—This
cosmesis of a typical tansverse incision; it is hidden approach is valuable in exposure of middle 2/3rd of
by the skin creases and is less prone to hypertrophy tibia when anterior & antero medial aspects are
than a longitudinal incision. The medial extension is badly scarred. The incision is placed along lateral
partially hidden by the contralateral extremity and border of gastrocnemius on the postero lateral
the lateral extension is less noticeable because it aspect of ligament. A plane is developed between
lies in the skin depression along the posterior border gastrocnemius, soleus & flexor hallucis longus
of the iliotibial band. posteriorly & peronei anteriorly. The approach
With the knee in acute flexion, the transverse provides a complete exposure of flat posterior
anterior part of incision is made between 3 points- surface of tibia except its proximal fourth which lies
i.e. medial flexion crease, lower pole of patella & in close relation to popliteus muscle, proximal parts
lateral flexion crease (Fig. 3k) Its lateral extension is of posterior tibial vessels & nerve. (Harmon, 1945).
made proximally along posterior margin of iliotibial (iv) Posterior approach to superomedial
tract while medial is made postero medially in a region :—(Bank & Laufman, 1953) With patient
distal direction from apex of medial flexion crease prone, the transverse segment of hockey stick
for 9-10 cm. (Fig 31 & m respectively) incision is begun at lateral end of flexion crease of
(x) Exposure of Medial Meniscus : knee & extended across the popliteal space. Then it
(i) Transverse approach :—The advantage of is turned distal wards along medial side of calf for 7-
this approach is that (a) scar has no contact with 10 cm (Fig 4) Deep fascia is incised in the line with
femoral articular surface. (b) Convalescense is more skin incision. Upper 1/4th of posterior surface of
rapid after menisectomy through this than through tibia can be exposed by this incision.
other incisions (Charmley 1948).
A 5 cm long transverse incision is made at the
level of articular surface of tibia extending laterally
from medial border of patellar tendon to anterior
border of tibial collateral ligament. Capsule is Fig. 4. Posterior approach to
incised along the same line to reach the meniscus. superomedial region of
(ii) Cave’s approach :—If posterior horn of
medial meniscus can’t be excised by transverse
approach, then this approach is useful as it allows
exposure of both anterior & posterior ends. With
knee flexed to right angle, the incision is begun 1
cm posterior to & at level with medial femoral
epicondyle. i.e. approximately 1 cm proximal to joint
line. It is carried distally anterior to a point 0.5 cm E. Exposure of Fibula :—
distal to joint line & then anteriorly to border of It can be exposed by a postero lateral
patellar tendon (Fig 3n) approach devised by Henry (1927). The incision is
D. Exposure of Tibia : begun 13 cm proximal to lateral malleolus & then
(i) Anterior approach :—The tibia is a carried proximally along posterior border of fibula to
superficial bone and can be easily exposed posterior margin of its head & then further
anteriorly without damaging any important structure proximally for 10 cm along posterior border of
except the tendons of the tibialis anterior and biceps femoris, Common peroneal nerve has to be
extensor hallucis longus muscles, which cross the isolated & saved in the proximal part of the incision
tibia anteriorly in its lower one fourth. near the upper end.
A curved incision is made on either side of F. Approaches to Ankle joint & tarsus :—
anterior border of bone. Periosteum is stripped as (i) Anterolateral approach :—gives excellent
little as possible because its circulation is a source access to the ankle joint, the talus, and most other
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56 Surgical Incisions Lower Limb

tarsal bones and joints, and it avoids all important of the talus, curve the incision 2.5 cm inferior to the
vessels and nerves, since so many reconstructive tip of the lateral malleolus, then posteriorly and
operations and other procedures involve the proximally, and end it 2.5 cm posterior to the fibula
structures exposed, it may well be called the and 5cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus.
“universal incision” for the foot and ankle. It permits (Fig. 5a)
excision of the entire talus. The only tarsal joints The disadvantage of this procedure is that the
that it cannot reach are those between the navicular skin may slough about the margins of the incision,
and the second and first cuneiforms. especially if dislocation of the ankle has been
The incision is begun over antero lateral necessary, as in a talectomy. Further, the peroneal
aspect of ankle medial to fibula & 5 cm proximal to tendons must usually be divided.
ankle joint. It is carried distally over the joint, antero (iv) Ollier Approach (1892) :— This is
lateral aspect of body of talus & calceneo cuboid excellent for triple orthodesis. The skin incision is
joint; to end at base of 4th metatarsal bone. begun over dorso lateral aspect of talo-navicular
Superior & Inferior extensor retinaculae are incised joint, extending it obliquely infero posteriorly &
down to the periosteum of tibia, & capsule of ankle ending 2.5 cm below lateral malleolus. (Fig 5b)
joint. The dissection usually divides antero lateral Inferior extensor retinaculum is divided in line with
malleolar & lateral tarsal arteries while superficial & skin incision & dissection is extended to expose
deep peroneal nerves are saved. subtalar, calcaneo cuboid & talonavicular joints.
(ii) Anterior approach :— It is considered (v) Postero lateral approach :— (Gatellier &
better than antero lateral approach if both malleoli Chastang, 1924) Incision is begun 12 cm proximal
are to be exposed. Usually the approach is to tip of lateral malleolus extending distally along
developed between extensor hallucis longus & posterior margin of fibula to tip of malleolus. Then it
extensor digitorum longus but Nicola (1945) advises is curved anteriorly for 2.5 cm in line of peroneal
developing it between tabialis anterior & extensor tendons. (Fig. 5c). Peroneal retinaculae are incised
hallucis longus. to displace the tendons anteriorly. Lateral aspect of
The incision is begun on anterior aspect of leg the joint is exposed dividing the fibula 10 cm
7.4-10 cm proximal to ankle joint & extended distally proximal to tip of lateral malleolus. Great care
to about 5 cm distal to joint. Periosteum, capsule should be used in children to avoid creating a
&synovium are incised in line with skin incision. fracture through distal fibular epiphysis, when
(iii) Kocher Approach (1911) :— It gives reflecting fibula.
excellent exposure of midtarsal, subtalar & ankle (vi) Posterior approach :— With patient
joints. From a point just lateral and distal to the head prone a 12 cm incision is made along postero lateral
border of tendo achillis down to its insertion on
calcaneus. The tendon is lengthened by Z plasty or
retracted to expose the ankle joint from posterior
(vii) Medial approach :— It was given by
Koening & Schaefer (1929) but not a popular
method because despite utmost care it is possible to
injure tibial vessels & nerve. The other unimportant
approaches are those by Broomhead (1932) &
Colonna & Ralston (1951). For details of these, the
readers are advised to consult original articles.
G. Approaches to Calcaneus :—
(i) Medial approach :—Incision is begun 2.5
cm anterior & 4cm inferior to medial malleolus. It is
carried posteriorly along medial surface of foot to
tendo calcaneus. Abductor hallucis is retracted
dorsal wards to reach medial & inferomedial aspects
of calcaneus. Its inferior surface can be exposed
sub periosteally avoiding medial calcaneal nerve &
nerve to abductor digiti minimi.
Fig. 5. Approachjes to ankle joint. (a) Kocher’s (b) Ollier
(c) Postero lateral (ii) Lateral Approach :— Incision is begun on
J. Anat. Soc. India 50(1) 48-58 (2001)
Patnaik, V.V.G. et al 57

lateral margin of tendo calcaneus near its insertion Medial approach :— A 5cm long curved
& passed distally to a point 4 cm inferior & 2.5 cm incision is made on medial aspect of joint (Fig 7a). It
anterior to lateral malleolus. Peroneal tendons may is begun just proximal to proximal interphalangeal
be divided by Z plasty if needed. joint, curved over dorsum of metatarsophalangeal
(iii) U approach:— This is used to access the joint medial to extensor hallucis longus tendon
entire planter surface of calcaneus. With patient ended on medial aspect of 1st metatarsus proximal
prone, the 2 approaches described above are joined to the joint. 1st dorsal metatarsal artery & branch of
to form a large U shaped incision around the superficial peroneal nerve are retracted laterally as
posterior four fifth of the bone. (Fig. 6a). these supply medial side of great toe. This exposes
the bunion over medial aspect of matatarsal head.
Then a curved incision is made through bursa &
capsule of joint. (Fig 7b) It is begun over the
dorsomedial aspect of joint, continued proximally


Fig. 6. Approaches to Calcaneus (a) U approach (b) Curved L

(iv) Split heel approach is seldom used 7b

except for osteomyelitis of calcaneus. In this, a
midline incision is given on plantar surface of heel.
Its advantage is that the scar retracts inside so there Fig. 7. Medial Approach for great toe.
is no problem in weight bearing. (a) Skin Incision (b) Line of Incision through bursa &
(v) Kocher approach (Curved L) :—It is capsule of Joint.
suitable for complete excision of calcaneus. The
skin is incised over medial border of tendo dorsal to the metatarsal head & then planter wards &
calcaneus from a point 7.5 cm proximal to calcaneal distalwards around the joint & ended distally on
tuberosity to its postero inferior aspect. Then the medio planter aspect of matatarso phalangeal joint.
incision is continued transversely around the The incision forms an elliptical, racquiet shaped flap
posterior aspect of calcaneus, then distally along attached to base of proximal phalanx. Although the
lateral surface of the foot to tuberosity of 5th distal reflection of flap exposes the 1st metatarso
metatarsal. (Fig 6b) phalangeal joint, yet healing of the flap may be
delayed so dorso medial approach is prefered.
H. Approaches for Toes.
Dorsomedial approach :— The incision is
(i) Interphalangeal joints:—For interphal- begun just proximal to joint continued proximally for
angeal joint of great toe, a 2.5 cm long 5 cm parallel & medial to extensor hallucis longus
incision is made on medial aspect of the tendon. Further dissection can be carried in plane of
toe & for interphalangeal joint of 5th toe, skin incision or as in medial approach.
a similar incision is made on lateral
aspect of 5th toe. The interphalangeal (b) M. P. joint of 2nd to 5th toe :— All these
joints of other 3 toes can be approached are reached by dorso lateral incisions
through incisions made just lateral to parallel to the corresponding extensor
corresponding extensor tendons. Care tendons.
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