How I Am A Job-Fit at National Australia Bank (NAB)

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How I am a Job-fit at

National Australia Bank (NAB)

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Executive Summary
This report is an analysis of a given situation that if I would be hire in National Australia
Bank (NAB) then how I can be an appropriate hire for the organization. It also analyses that
how bank would be appropriate with my personality for a long-term career development
within the organization. This report includes different aspects of NAB so the overall culture
of Organization could be analysed to know that how I can be a job-fit in that culture. First of
all purpose, Mission and Profit allocation and locations are discussed. Like all other
industries, banking sector has also influence of external factors so general environment of
NAB has also affected its operations and performance in this year. Specific environment of
organization is explained where NAB has been facing issues regarding their online banking
system and some major issues created by their financial advisors. Further the corporate social
responsibility structure of bank has provided an overview of their overall purpose and main
considerations to develop their organizational culture and contribute in the national welfare.
This all analysis provided an insight of the overall culture of organization and the similarities
of their values with my personality so I would be able to work there for long-term. A long-
term relationship with a reputed organization that is a best fit for my personality would be
very helpful in my career growth and development.

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
National Bank of Australia ........................................................................................................ 4
Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 4
Mission ................................................................................................................................... 4
Profit Orientation and Location.............................................................................................. 5
NAB’s General Environment and its Impact ............................................................................. 5
Decrease in Trust of Corporate and Consumer for Credit ..................................................... 5
NAB’s Specific Environment .................................................................................................... 6
Online Banking Service ......................................................................................................... 7
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of NAB ....................................................................... 7
How I am a Job-fit at NAB? ...................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 10
References List......................................................................................................................... 10

The basic purpose to write this report is to conduct a critical analysis of NAB as an
organization to start my career from with consideration of their internal environment and my
personality. The bank has been the great contributor of industry from last 150 years, where,
they had made continues growth of organization and development of industry. Now, it is the
Australian largest business bank by considering the needs of all customers including
individual and businesses. They are funding for the welfare of community like social
developments i.e. schools, hospitals and roads. This all growth and development has been
possible because of a strong organizational culture and that is the reason why I selected this
institution to work with.

National Bank of Australia

The main purpose behind the business operations of CBA is to earn for all investments of
their shareholders within the shortest period of time. This would have been done by
leveraging the purpose of earning by creating long-term and world class relationships with
their customers. Engagement of their people is the basic reason to achieve this goal and
mitigate the risk and identifying the best business opportunities in the world to enhance
business and good will. They believe this as the main contributor for sustainable and
satisfactory returns on the investments of their shareholders (Meldrum & Chloe, 2016).

The mission statement of NAB includes almost all aspects of a best business mission
statement those are mandatory for the success of business and to achieve the vision of
organization (Robbins et al., 2013). Mission of NAB is to provide specific banking and
financial solution in the best way for existing and future customers with consideration of their
requirements. They will have a long-term and strong relationship with their customers with a
high quality philosophy. They will put a positive contribution in the development of society
and environment with the help of the competitive advantage of great people working with
them. There will be working environment and organizational culture that will give confidence
to employees to be proud of being an important part of a well-reputed organization. This all
will help to recognize the importance of long-term success with high return and profitability
(NAB, 2016).

Profit Orientation and Location
As mentioned earlier that the basic purpose for business of NAB is to earn the profit on
shareholders’ investment in the minimum period. So the purpose itself depicts that NAB is a
profit oriented company. They have presence in all regions of Australia, New Zealand and
some other part of the world. Their branches are in all over the country with more than 800
locations. It includes both within the country of origin and other host countries. They have
provided facility to their customers to find the nearest located branch and ATM online.
Internationally their presence is in New Zealand, UK, and USA and across Asia (National
Australia Bank , 2016). They are serving in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan to provide
financial advisory and different range of financial services. They are providing financial
service to migrant or who want to transfer their money from home country to Australia for
investment purposes. There are services for international businesses too those have business
relations with Australia.

NAB’s General Environment and its Impact

Banking Industry of any country is always a great contributor of economic developments and
at the same time highly affected by the fluctuations in national and global economy. Banks
are part of macroeconomics of an economy. So it is always conquered by the instability and
uncertainty of global markets and economy. The greatest example these days is the Brexit
and on other hand the slowdown in Chinese economy has created uncertainty for US and
European Union that has effect on the economy of Australia. Here, discussion is about the
banking industry of Australia and which factors of industry has affected the operations and
performance of NAB.

Decrease in Trust of Corporate and Consumer for Credit

The economy of Australia is among the strong economies of world but its banking sector is
facing distrust from consumer side including both corporate and individual customers in
recent year 2016. This level of distrust is created by some internal factors of some key
players including CBA, ANZ and NAB itself (Beech, 2016). It was started when financial
advisors of these financial institutions misguided people to invest in projects those were
against their investment priorities. Now this distrust is an external factor that is affecting
almost player of industry in the country. This is the factor that has completely controlled the
consumption or reaction way of all corporate and individual customers where they have even
a small option to go for any other mean. Here, it’s caused by organizations so they are trying
their best to prevent them from future distress so creating internal strengths by NAB can
prevent them from further business loss (Jovanovic, 2015). NAB has strengthened the
balance sheets of their customers. They have planned a business strategy for conservative
investors to secure their intrusts and trust for organization in future. This conservative
business strategy includes strong provisions, high liquidity level and strong capital. This
strategy has helped the NAB to build a good reputation among the banking customers as
there were high costs for retail deposits and wholesales in this year of 2016.

This external threat of market has been a strategic risk for business of NAB that was because
of change in business environment that was led by the macroeconomic situations like risk of
loss of economy. It was high this year because other competitive forces like technology,
social or regulatory and work trends are changing on a high pace. It has been agreed by
almost researchers and theorists that external environment is out of control for organizations
these external factors are from the industry and other economic factors of an economy (Gaile,
2013). It is not just difficult to respond these challenges but some time it becomes impossible
to accept economic situation or survive in new economic conditions. No doubt Australia is
enriched with natural and human resource but like all other regions there is possibilities for
sudden natural and economical changes so NAB needs to develop strategies for that. These
strategies and policies will help them in future to deal with other issues and to build a good
will that will help to deal with such external factors.

NAB’s Specific Environment

Specific or internal environment of an organization comprises of their Employees, Suppliers,
Customers, Competitors, Strategic Partners, Interest Groups and Regulators it means the all
stakeholders of an organization (Robbins et al., 2013). The culture of an organization is
strongly developed that is favourable for success when the internal factors of its environment
are accepted by their employees. It will become an ability to deal with the issues those
created by the external uncontrollable factors (Szymańska & Walecka, 2016). Internal
environment of a single firm can impact the whole industry like the market leader sets trends
for other to follow. But if the internal factors are weak then it can give opportunities to
competitors to compete and grab the competitive advantage away from the business.

Online Banking Service
During the year 2016 the online banking system of NAB has been failed for various time as it
has been reported that a third system outage their system in a week (News Corp Australia
Network, 2016). Customer could not access to their online bank accounts and could not use
the online mode of transactions. During these incidents ATMs, online payments, mobile
banking services have been failed to access by customers. This was the failure of bank’ IT
system that can harm the reputation of organization in future as it has made frustrated for
customers that they could not use their money at the time of need. For last incidents, Bank
has apology but this would not be acceptable in future as a statement of apology or even a
statement like “NAB Services are back online” would not be acceptable. Online feedback of
customers has been getting worse as these incidents are happening again and again. The
major competitor of bank that is CBA has a well-developed and implemented online banking
system so any future miss-happen in future can give them an opportunity to grab individual
customer away.

Miss-advisory by Financial Advisors

There has been another important issue in the internal environment of NAB and that is
because of the most important facto of internal environment that is people. There were some
advisors who did not provide appropriate financial advisers to their clients like they advise a
conservative client to invest in the risk investment plan. It leads to not only loss of those
particular clients but also a huge impact on the reputation of bank. To tackle this issue head
of bank not just apologize but also paid compensations and remove those all advisors from
bank (Beech, 2016).

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of NAB

The Corporate Social Responsibility includes different aspects including all stakeholders like
economy of state, culture of the region, ethics and people of society (Carroll & Shabana,
2010). Almost all industry started developing strategies for CSR but banking sector has been
quite late to respond to this phenomenon. The most important thing to consider for
developing CSR strategies are environment and social issues. There is a misconception that
banking sector has a very little impact on environment but in reality it has impact but most of
the time indirectly. Idowu (2009) has described that banks have direct social responsibility
like they must investigate the identity of borrower and investor. So the role of banks in
environment and social perspective is of a mediator that can prevent from damages in
environment. In this regard CBA is playing an important role in the development of
Australian society.

They believe to provide the basic financial service and opportunities to all Australians. For
this reason they are offering loans and other funds for people who are not part of mainstream
of finance. The people of NAB are always helping their customers to make the process of
repayment easy by working with agencies to overcome the root causes of financial distress.
They are providing customers and community supports to those who are impacted by crises
and natural disasters to make those people able to stand on their own feet. Events, meeting,
work space and opportunities for learning are provided to businesses and non-profit
customers (NAB, 2016). They are working with the aim to make a lasting positive impact on
the lives of people, communities, customers, environment and shareholders for whom they
work. This is important because without helping the people in surrounding it would not be
possible for them to be the most respected bank in Australia and New Zealand (NAB, 2016).
Their approach is to create value for people, society and environment. They are providing
money to their customers and for that there are financial hardship team to help people to do
things for themselves by themselves. They have developed a unique co-worker space named
as The Village to small business customers that has helped them to learn, work, connect and
network together.

NAB has faced different issues including political scrutiny that was the calls for a Royal
Commission for the financial services sector in 2016. They are transparent so they were
accountable to their customers and build up the community confidence in banks. With this all
consideration the employee engagement and alignment is also included in the CRS strategies
and policies. There is surveys internal perception of NAB’s Whistle blower Program
Retention of high-performing employees Code of Conduct breaches. Their employee
engagement and retention is increased in previous two consecutive years. They have
developed a performance management framework for equally reward and appreciation of
employees’ efforts. The trust level of their employees is increase from 82% to 84% during
2016. NAB has progressed the pay packages of banking industry in Australia that increased
the standards of banking sectors by high employee trust, integrity and ethics.

How I am a Job-fit at NAB?
I’m an enthusiastic person and I’m always ready to learn new things, skills and grab new set
of knowledge by gaining new experiences. That’s why I selected an organization where I’ll
have an opportunity to learn more about professionalism and banking industry as I will have
an opportunity to interact with colleagues. I’ll be a new comer so I’ve to learn more about
Organizational culture and how would it impact on my personality. Already I’ve made my
decision to choose NAB as the first place to do job and start my professional career and
above analysis showed that I would be a perfect job-fit as the organizational culture suits to
my personality (Robbins et al., 2013). This bank is not only working in the regions of
Australia but also in the other part of world so in future I can get an opportunity to get
international working exposure. They are providing different financial services and
opportunities so I would have an opportunity to learn about the financial services and how it
does have impact on the lives of people and surviving of businesses. A CSR with all
consideration of society, culture, environment, customers, people and employees has
encouraged me to work with them as I would be appreciated on my hard work as there is a
fair performance measurement and appraisal system. They also faced some issues during this
year and in past where most of them were because of external issues but there were internal
too. I would be happy to work for a reputed firm even when there are bad situations. I would
not be able to do things settled alone but I’ll learn how to tackle issues as they have always
been succeeded to do it.

It’s start of my professional career where I can learn to grow and develop my career and
personality for future success. A newcomer has an opportunity to set an image of his
personality as a smart worker, hard worker and as the best fit of organization (Gibbons &
Waldman, 2006). A newcomer is open to learn because it is in his mind that he does not
know all so he has to learn. And being a loyal employee of an organization it is worthy for
the employee and organization to work together in critical situations to eliminate the issues as
soon as possible. I selected to work with NAB because I’m ready to work with sense of
responsibility so I could be with them in problematic situations too. Working with sense of
responsibility for the first job plays a vital role in the growth of overall career. I agree that
there is not 100% similarities between my personality and my chosen organization but most
are same but I’m positive towards learning more so it would be long-term professional
relationship (Briscoe & Kellogg, 2011).

This assessment task has enabled me to analyse things before actually going to dig-in. It is
more important to realize by a candidate that is I a job-fit for organization or not. I did choose
NAB to work with because I’ve an idea that how do they work because banking sector is a
day to day used service by almost everyone. It was easy for me to go in an organization that I
at least know what and how they do. So it would be a job-fit and organizational-fit as this
analysis told me that there are similarities in my personal values and organizational values of
NAB. They provide me an opportunity to openly interact with colleagues so I would be able
to learn from them. In this analysis I come to know about the organizational culture of NAB
and some problems that they have faced in the general and specific environment of the
company. It has encourages me to work for them even in situation of problems. This will not
only depicts the loyalty but also a way to learn about the problem solving skills, handling
pressure and knowing the root causes of problems those can be avoided in future.

References List
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Gaile, A 2013, 'Developing culture of learning through corporate values of organization', In
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Szymańska, K. & Walecka, A 2016, 'Culture openness as an element of positive potential of
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