Advice On Writing Essays PDF

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You are advised to read the document “Guidelines for Academic Writing” (posted in
our virtual course), bearing in mind that high-scoring answers share the following
qualities: excellent analysis of the literary texts; personal interpretation supported by
relevant evidence drawn from the texts; knowledge of theoretical concepts and technical
terms; overall persuasiveness; superb command of language; stylistic economy and
succinctness; correct inclusion of quotations and formatting; flawless syntax, spelling
and punctuation.

Many papers begin with the presentation of a thesis (or central idea) that makes a
specific point about a narrowly defined topic rather than introducing a broad subject.
The opening sentence may also be a provocative question or a striking quotation that
arouses interest. You should attract your readers’ attention and help them understand
your position from the start. Your thesis statement can be placed at the end of the
introductory paragraph.

All evidence should be clearly connected to the main thesis formulated in response to
the question asked. Long quotes should be avoided in short essays. Textual references
can be provided by means of brief quotations blended into context sentences, that is,
mixed with paraphrase. Secondary sources must be properly acknowledged, because
plagiarism (presenting other people’s work as one’s own) is a serious academic offense.

Essays should end with a clear conclusion that does not introduce new material, but
gives a synthesized view of the key ideas by summarizing them without simply
repeating them. A good concluding paragraph should convey a sense of closure.

Polish your writing: check that every sentence is complete, all words are spelled
correctly, and no punctuation signs are misplaced or missing. Always revise your rough
draft with a critical eye, and edit it carefully and thoroughly in order to improve your
final version before submitting it, and to ensure that the paper you hand in is well-
organized and free from errors.

Tutors are expected to provide a complete and accurate feedback to each student.

Teresa Gibert

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