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M1: Hi! Good morning.

M2: Hi! How are you. Welcome to Royal Fly. Can you help?
M1: Thank you. I would like to know the fiften year travel packages.
M2: Yes! Of course. In this brochue you will find all the information.
M1: Oh! Excellent
M2: I will explain. This packages cost 4’900.000.
Plan with air tickets Manizalez-Cancun-Pereira, connection through Bogota via
Avianca, 6 days 7 nights from 4’900.000
M1: And transport?
M2: The transport: Air tickets, takes or contribution, thay are taxed such as: Vat,
airoport taxes and other charges. The land trasfers Pereira-Manizales.
Trasfers from Cancun airport-Hotel-Cancun-Airoport
M1: Ok, and the girls in wich hotel will be staying.
M2: In the Moon Palace Hotel, for 6 nights, multiple accommodation up to 3 people
per room.
M1: And feeding?
M2: Food in Cancun: Breakfast, lunch and dinner bufet mid afternoon snacks
(Schedules established bu the hotel)
Unlimited refreshements
M1: What activities does this package offer?
M2: We have 9 scheduled activities.
1: Visit to chichen itza (Incluides: transportation, the lunch, tickets and guide)
2: Visit to isla Mujeres
3: Visit the blue Xenote
4: Swimming with dolphins
5: Activities and special services: Towels for beach and pool
Recreation in the pool and wáter sport.
Shopping tour in the mall La Isla and in the fifth Avenue of playa del Carmen.
A farewell night of integration in Mr Frogs (disco)
Medical assistance card during the stay.
M1: Excellent what are the means of payment?
M2: The means of payment one: Credit/Debit Cash, Note(s),Coin(s),Cheque.
M1: I would like to pay with a credit card.
M2: Of course, give me your date.


M1: I’d like to book a single room ffor three nights from Monday 5 may at Wednesday
M2: How many people is the booking for?
M1: It’s for four people.
M2: How would you like to pay?
M1: Can i pay by Credit card/cash?
M2: Can you give your Credit card number and expiry date?
M1: Yes it’s 1-3-7-3-5-6-3-0-9
M2: Can you spell your surname?
M1: Sure, it’s R-A-M-I-R-E-Z.
M2: What time do you want to arrive?
M1: I’d like to arrive a Madrid 8pm
I need an air conditioner room with bath, ducha, jacuzzi
M2: Of course Sir
M1: Do you have wi-fi in the hotel?
M2: Yes.
M1: Is breakfast included?
M2: Yes.
M1: You can confirmmy reservation?
M2: Yes, the number of your reservation is 4537.
M1: Thank you very much, happy nigth.
M2: With pleasure, happy nigth.


M1: Good afternoon Sir.

M2: Good afternoon miss
M1: May i help you?
M2: Yes, i need information about flights to Switzerland.
M1: Are you going in a pleasure a business trip?
M1: I will meet my sister there
M2: When are you planning to travel?
M1: On May 21st
M2: Well, today is your lucky day. We have a special Price with Atenas.
M1: How much is the ticket?
M1: Do you want a round trip ticket?
M2: yes
M1: That will be 360.000

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