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This experiment was conducted to study the accuracy of level measurement in

open and closed tank, as well as to identify the effect of temperature on the level
measurement in open and closed tank. The conclusion of this experiment is where
tank T1 as closed tank and heater on has the highest reading difference between the
level indicator of the front panel (LI) which is the direct measurement with the sight
glass with millimeter scale (LG) which is indirect measurement. The deviations
(Deviation = |B-C|) (mm) for all four experiments were calculated using the formula
stated. The results from table 1, 2, 3 and 4 shown that the average deviation for the
Closed tank, Heater off was 10, 7.35, 10 and 11 mm for run I, II, III, IV and V
respectively. For the Open tank, Heater off the deviations was 12.65, 11.8, 14.25, 11,
5.75 mm for run I, II, III, IV and V respectively. For the Closed tank, Heater on the
deviations was 13.75, 12.9, 12, 10.85 and 10.65 mm for run I, II, III, IV and V
respectively. As for the Closed tank, Heater on the deviations was 11.4, 3.7, 10.8, and
11 mm for run I, II, III, IV and V respectively. Based on these results, the accuracy of
the measurement is accurate as the deviations is ± 2.


There are a few recommendations that needed to be applied to get a better

result for this experiment which are the sight glass level indicator should calibrate
regularly to avoid huge difference between sight glass and level indicator in the front
panel. The air pressure regulator has to check frequently so that the pressure will not
fluctuate and affect the reading. Besides that, every experiment should be done in 3
times and record all the reading before calculating the average reading. Next,
consultation is compulsory in order to make sure the experiment is conducted properly.
Besides, to make sure that the machine in good conditions and the experiment are
been doing wrong, students have to understand the general start up and general shut

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