Optimal Time To Consume Carbohydrates: Before or After Workout?

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Dietary Carbohydrates are best to be consumed 3hrs before workout or immediately

after workout, otherwise the carbohydrates can decrease your muscle stamina/performance.
Carbs trigger the muscles to rebuild after a workout but if eaten within an hour before, the
carbs will cause a stamina hindering effect.

“The role of dietary carbohydrates (CHO) in the resynthesis of muscle and liver glycogen

after prolonged, exhaustive exercise has been clearly demonstrated. The mechanisms

responsible for optimal glycogen storage are linked to the activation of glycogen synthetase by

depletion of glycogen and the subsequent intake of CHO. Although diets rich in CHO may

increase the muscle glycogen stores and enhance endurance exercise performance when

consumed in the days before the activity, they also increase the rate of CHO oxidation and the

use of muscle glycogen. When consumed in the last hour before exercise, the insulin

stimulated-uptake of glucose from blood often results in hypoglycemia, greater dependence on

muscle glycogen, and an earlier onset of exhaustion than when no CHO is fed. Ingesting CHO

during exercise appears to be of minimal value to performance except in events lasting 2 h or

longer. The form of CHO (i.e., glucose, fructose, sucrose) ingested may produce different blood

glucose and insulin responses, but the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis is about the same

regardless of the structure.”


Carbs should not be eaten within two hours of rigorous exercise and should be

consumed immediately after an intense workout.

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