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The Water Cycle

Open your Chromebook and type in the following web address. You may also click on a link
provided in Google Classroom.

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Use complete sentences for this activity.

Start by putting the mouse over the word “Sun”

1. How does the sun influence the water cycle?

The heat from the sun is what causes the water to evaporate, which is a big part in the water

Next, put your mouse over the word “Atmosphere”.

2. What happens to water in the atmosphere?

Once the water is in the atmosphere it becomes a cloud. The atmosphere transport water all over

Next, put your mouse over the word “Evaporation”.

3. What is evaporation?
Evaporation is the process when water liquid or frozen turns into a gas and rises up into the

4. What causes evaporation?

The sun’s heat causes evaporation. The heat from the sun’s heat breaks down the water liquid
Next, put your mouse over the word “Condensation”.

5. How are clouds made?

The water vapor goes up but the more you go the colder it is.Its harder for cold air to keep water
vapor so it turns into clouds.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Precipitation”.

6. What is precipitation?
Precipitation is when water in the clouds combine and get heavier it starts to rain.

Next, put your mouse over the words “Ice and Snow”.

7. What changes how much ice there is on Earth over time?

The earth's climate is what changes how much ice there is.

8. What percent of the world’s freshwater is in frozen water (ice, snow, glaciers)?

About 68 percent of the freshwater is frozen water.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Snowmelt”.

9. How does snowmelt affect rivers?

Snowmelt makes the rivers rise but it will take warm weather to melt into water.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Runoff”.

10. What is runoff?

Runoff is water that didn't go into the ground and flows in the land until it reaches a river,lake, or

11. What happens to runoff over time?

Over time they go to a river,lake, or ocean.

Next, put your mouse over the words “Fog and Dew”.
12. What is fog?

A fog is a cloud closer to land.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Rivers”.

13. What causes rivers to be formed?

Rivers are formed when there is a runoff water.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Seepage”.

14. What causes seepage?

Seepage is caused by water getting absorbed in to the ground.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Groundwater”.

15. What effects how much groundwater there is in the ground?

Some things that affect how much water there is underground is how hot it is and how solid the
rocks are.

Next, put your mouse over the words “Plant Uptake”.

16. How do plants take in water?

Plants take up water from their roots,trunk,branches, and leaves.

Next, put your mouse over the word “Transpiration”.

17. What is transpiration?

Its when a plant breathes they release water from tiny holes.

Next, put your mouse over the words “Groundwater Flow”.

18. What causes more water to be added to the groundwater in the ground?
Storms causes more water to be added into the ground.
Next, put your mouse over the words “Oceans”.

19. What percent of the world’s water is in the ocean?

More than 96 percent of the world's water is in the oceans.

20. Why is the ocean important to the formation of clouds?

It's important because the majority of evaporated water comes from the oceans.

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